It's funny that we operate our search based off of the assumption that all other life in the universe needs liquid water to survive and not some other substance unique to the evolution of life on their particular planet.
Asia Cannon water is the only liquid that is adhesive and cohesive... and holds its temperature well.... and floats when it freezes. freeze any liquid and it sinks. water floats.. allows fish to swim underneath frozen lake....etc
Dave Lospinoso but that is the point exactly. It is the only substance that WE know about. If you think that we have seen or know about all the elements in the universe then you are sorely mistaken.
Even more funny is how nearly everywhere and everybody describes alien creatures like some who have a head, two legs and two arms. Just like us. With the only difference in color, face and other minor things. Wake up, men! Even on Earth live includes much more variety than that!
"It is the only substance that WE know about" Only substance that we know about? I'm pretty sure water is not the only substance we know :) Other than that, every substance stable enough and present in our galaxy would also be present on Earth. Earth is not an isolated system. Matter from our entire galaxy is constantly bombarding Earth in the form of dust and little rocks. When large enough comet hits a planet, some of the matter of that planet is ejected into space. There's not a substance in our galaxy that hasn't been shared across its entirety. Every planet contains some trace amount of matter from every other planet in our galaxy. Is that like a news flash for you or what?
@Clout Lord That would only make sense if we were 'alone' in the universe. My statement was based on the presumption that we are not alone, meaning that God does exist and is either good or bad. I have reason to believe He is good. Though I do agree that the concept of God not existing would be quite terrifying, which is certainly something that kept me up at night as a child.
@Clout Lord As I said, my statement was on the presumption that we are not alone in the universe. If you want to base an argument on the opposite assumption then that is your affair. I do not believe personally that it is possible to have no God, but my belief itself is not enough to remove impossibility. It is either impossible or not regardless of me. Good and bad are only human concepts in the subjective sense, meaning that we as humans, with often clouded judgement, change our minds out of convenience, needs, and wants, as to what is good or bad. Someone will justify murder to themselves if it benefits them and suddenly it is a good - or even on a societal level. However, good and bad in the objective sense is certainly not a human construct because it goes beyond our blindness. Objective morality has only come to us by means of religion, which the religious believe to be sent by God himself. Considering how self-denying all of God's laws are, if we are talking about the Christian faith, it would seem unlikely to me to be a human construct. No one in the right mind would deny themselves pleasure (if on a surface level seems to harm no one) unless they were told it was wrong by something beyond themselves, and unless they thought there were consequences not only in this life but in the next. An example of this would be fasting. Many religious have fasted rigorously, not for health benefits, but to deny their own flesh in order to become holy. There is no way that humans, who love pleasure, would ever come up with such a thing unless necessary for health reasons (other than a small percentage of crazies). And the argument that all religious are insane does not quite work either for obvious reasons that I hope need not be explained. Maybe He's in another galaxy? You clearly no nothing of the concept of God, who is beyond time and the material universe. Why do skeptics always mock faith? That is a rhetorical question by the way. If you wish not to believe then that is your choice. But there is no need to mock me with such a ridiculous premise of God. If God were inside space and time then He would not be God obviously, at least not the Christian one.
For a tutorial on interstellar travel see on utube Zohar-Stargate T.V. investigates Pleadian contactee Billy Meiers material with a narrative by Randolf Winters.
Any intelligent being that has developed the technology to travel the immense distances between habitable bodies in space--and nonliving drones with the ability to interact with and learn about interstellar or intergalactic space during the voyage would probably be what is traveling those distances--would most likely not be impressed with the human race. Humans might be given about as much respect as humans do to bacteria.
And every time about half the comments are the following .... "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." - Arthur C. Clarke
"Innumeranble suns exist, innumerable earths revolve around these suns in a manner similar to the way the seven planets revolve around our sun. Living beings inhabit these worlds." -Giordano Bruno 1584
And they burnt him alive, for saying so! Compare their science, to ours, its very similar, Religion then, Science is like a cult religion now. Dont dare say something that isnt mainstream, watch this.. UFOs are real
@T Meek Hilarious, getting lit on fire by people that say they follow Christ, for saying the truth. But they didnt believe that. Same as science today. Like a cult they have their beliefs and if some evidence doesnt match up they ignore it, fire people, ridicule them. See Hueyatlaco. See Nampa Figurine. See see see see see........
I have a feeling he was not talking to a room packed with astrophysicists and chemists. Even then dumbed down as it is, there's an awful lot of bewildered faces and arm folding going one there. Real lucky he gauged it well, could you imagine if he pulled out probability charts and spectroscopy images of other stars during planetary transit. Their little head would have melted into their necks.
julittok: Yes he said it 40 years ago. But, that was 40 years ago. It needed to be said again because the population under 40 years old has not yet heard it and they outnumber the rest of us!
"It needed to be said again." True. Also, 40 years ago the chorus was 'give us the technology and we will find the evidence.' Well, we are developing the technology, so it is valid to ask 'where is the evidence?' Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but maybe it hints at it.
like exactly they could be made of phsyically superior biology than us humans, might not need to eat, or breathe, I know it sounds science fictiony and unbeilievable but its not as crazy as trying to imagine before the big bang to the beginning and then going back even further than that. Basically these aliens could possibly be superhuman in biology to the point where they could just wipe earth out. Yeah lets give them an invitation before we even figure out how to work together as a species.
Well assuming we know all of the most common elements of the universe. WE can pretty much guess, that the solution for life. Could very well be the same, everywhere in the universe. When we look at earth. All of life needs water. Water is really common. Water is the key, for more than just life. You need water to have a sustainable atmosphere. Unless, life can begin in just blank space.
We also drink Mountain Dew and buy lottery tickets. Which I consider a guilty pleasure…I hope the Aliens engage in similar behavior on their planet(s).
The simple way to get a mental scale as to the immense distances for interstellar travel is this: The earth's circumference is just under 28000km, so light can travel around the planets circumference more than six times in a single second. It takes approximately 8 minutes to get to the sun at that speed, but at that speed it would take 3 YEARS to reach the very nearest star, Alpha Centauri. Some of the most distant galaxies that we can possibly see are between 60 to 150 MILLION YEARS AWAY AT THAT SPEED, ON TOP OF WHICH IF THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE THEORY IS CORRECT IT'S GETTING BIGGER EVERY SECOND. The human brain simply doesn't have the capacity to fully appreciate exactly how big the universe(s) is/are, especially seeing how the latest science supports multiple universe/dimension theory. The fact that D-wave quantum computers actually exist and work right now basically prove that theory correct.
No, we won't. If we send a signal out today it would take 4 years to get to the nearest outside planet and another 4 to get back as received. That's 8 years of your 10 to 20 schedule and we don't even know what to listen for.
We are NOT alone, the nearest star with habitable planets is 137,000 years away with current tech. If we all evolved at a similar rate as other planets in our galaxy then no one has travelled to another planet, have we????? No one has the tech developed to travel that distance yet.
Narrow band of time to develop technologically from Stone Age to where we find ourselves today. So Stone Age lasted 3m years until 4000 years ago when we started working with metal. Electricity hasn’t been around for very long. Flying has only been around for 100 years and 60 years after it was invented, we were walking in the moon. It’s exponential. We also exponentially develop weapons to use against each other. One exponential curve will negate the other. If good tech wins, our technological development will accelerate. If the bad technology wins, our civilisation will become the myths carved into stone for future civilisations to discover. Other worlds would have a similar path. They’d only need to be 300 years further along the good exponential curve to be so far advanced we’d call them aliens.
If we all evolved at a similar rate as other planets in our galaxy then we'd have detected the radio waves from someone only 137,000 years away with current tech. Thats the point.
There will be millions of planets out there with intelligent life. The same ingredients that brought about life on earth are everywhere in the cosmos. But the reason we will never meet any is really very simple. incomprehensible distances
There exist a number of mathematical formulas that describe the probability for life in the universe. And with the age (14++ billions, 200+ billion light-years across) etc there is no doubt (in my opinion) that there are plenty of life out there. Now, how much is advanced, simple, complex is then still very open. And who knows, maybe one day we will be able to find intelligent life in the universe...
This whole talk was about intelligent life. There probably is some form of life under the ice of one or more of Jupiter's moons right now but that doesn't count.
We now have confirmation that we have been visited from something not from this world, but the failure in his hypothesis is that his assumption that "others" will act like us and be dependent on the exact resources we are. The probability of this is so small.
He should start the lecture by saying he doesn't know where are the aliens instead of wasting my time to listen to his full clip. Otherwise half of what he said I knew and the other half I am not interested in.
Oh, so you thought he was going to tell you which planet in which galaxy all of the aliens have been chilling on all this time? You needed him to tell you upfront that he didn't know that information? I find that incredible that you couldn't figure that out yourself.
Gerry C after about 100, we (humans) are unable to really grasp a number. 1.8 million and 8 trillion all just comes across as a shitload. you're not special
I think if there is life out there it is very spread out. Because in the history of the earth (the best place we know of for life to have started) life started once in 5 billion years. It was nearly wiped out several times and life evolving beyond single celled organisms took a very long time to start. There may also be a great barrier. So I'm not to optimistic.
Life comes first. Matter later. Everything starts with a thought and the thoughts accumulate into a mind. This mind never dies, though a lot of its memories fade quickly away at the end of life in a body. The essential you remains, regardless of your own belief in that body.
The Universe is almost 14 billion years old, the Sun is 6 billion yrs, and our Earth is 4.5 billion yrs. That gives other stars and solar systems a few billion years head start. I think Earth and the human species, is very late to the game. “We are not alone. We have never been alone.”
Concerning Fermi paradox -and SETI > Please Bear with me, while I propose a hypothetical. Several 1000 years in the future. And we have discovered principals of physics that we had not been aware of. Several thousand more and we have learned how to manipulate (Take advantage of these principals) and in fact journey to another world. > We find intelligent beings, all be it quite primitive.Also these particular beings are gigantic and prone to extreme violence.(With both raw physical speed and strength, and armed with crude but deadly weapons.) > We of course would want to study them but it would be most responsible of us not to interfere with their world (Societies, metaphysical beliefs, religions, economics etc.) > So,What would be the prudent course of action to further our scientific study of these people? > I would suggest top priority : 1 We insure the safety of our Scientist. We could do this by implementing a protocol including confining our interactions with them on a- one subject at a time basis (No more than a few individuals at a time) Further we would want to quickly disable them (Employing A quick an effective way to physically paralyze them while not effecting their ability to think and respond to our request.) And 2 : To maintain our non interference policy ; We would want to use a drug or other method to blank out their memory of our interaction with them; as this would prevent any individual "Trauma" and further avoid A possibly negative interaction (Unpredictable consequences)with the society as a whole. > Would you have any other suggestions, on how we could best deal with this hypothetical Future Scientific study and interaction with alien beings and that alien world? [ In this scenario, it would be they who would be perplexed by the fermi paradox and we the answer.]
Well said, Jahi! In the description of this TEDx talk, Tim O'Brien says "there is no evidence that extra-terrestrials exist or that they have visited us." The fact is, there is a MOUNTAIN of evidence that extra-terrestrials exist and that they have visited us. But the so-called "experts" simply refuse to accept that this evidence has merit. So I'm shaking my head right along with Bob Lazar.
@@linguist2k You, me and the thousands of eye witness accounts from aviators, scientist and the list goes on. Reputable people with something to lose. I guess according to people like O'Brien, THEY ARE ALL JUST SIMPLY LYING.
I do worry about the propulsion systems on probes to go so deeply into space. If the probe has a difficulty and crashes onto one of these planets, the outcome for any life on this planet is grim, because of us.
Thank you for your information. I truly don't believe these "things" are interstellar travelers, but inter dimension travlers of both theirs and our time and space.
I wish your belief was more of an opinion. I wish more people required more hard evidence to form those beliefs. The fact that I want something to be true is not enough to believe that it is true.
@@nominus1138 You belive in an expanding univers like most people yet you never studied the phenomenon for yourself correct? You believed in a Theory called the BIG Bang with ever shifting information? Only to find James Web telescope is proving this theory false. How many "things" you actually believe in without any research yourself to prove a matter as fact? My proof is how YAHWEH changed the direction of my life for the better by the Blood of Yeshua in the Gospel truth Romans 10:9-10, 13. Not a fairlytale nor unproven to me. Research for yourself.
The Drake Equation only calculates how many civilisations we should be able to detect. I've seen and heard several figures thrown around, someone even suggested that even with the lowest possible "settings" the equation came out with around 10,000 civilisations out there in our Galaxy alone. With all that possible life you would think we would be able to hear something and yet our heavens are silent. So we are left with a few possibilities: A) We are indeed alone in the universe. B) We are the first civilisation to reach our current stage of development - A very scary thought! C) Other Civilisations have developed different methods or more direct ways of transmitting information. D) Other civilisations know something we don't and have adopted radio silence in an effort to hide their existence.
I wonder if there were 6 Earth like twins that had our exact level of technology that all would pop up evenly around the Universe. For discussions sake, lets also assume they are in similar types of galaxies and locations within that arm of their galaxy and orbiting sun like stars like our own, etc. Most of them would likely be expanding away from us also as the universe itself expands. My question would be, how long would it take for us to detect a signal coming from their planet if we knew where exactly to look?
John, let me make one small yet very significant change to your first statement. The Drake Equation only calculates how many civilisations we should be able to detect if all the assumptions the terms represented are true and correct. As we learn more and more about our local solar system and our local view of the universe, we necessarily make changes to the values of the term and even the terms themselves. As we view more and more exoplanets, we will have to make changes to the equation. Right now, however, the equation does not represent our current evidence and observations. In other words, the equation says one thing and we have nothing. But we must keep looking because what we find will point to the truth; whatever that truth may be.
Our own human writers for star trek write into their stories about aliens what is know as the prime directive. If we can see that this prime directive makes sense why would aliens not actually feel that same way about us.
In this context "life" is an irrelevant topic because we cannot use Earthly "life" to define "life". Rather, we need to ask relevant questions like these: 1. Are there any detectable sources of information that do not originate from Earth? 2. Are there any detectable rational decisions being made that do not originate from Earth? 3. Are there any detectable structures traveling between heavenly bodies in violation of the laws of gravity (propulsion) or at speeds exceeding the average speed of light? 4. Given the distances at work here, and that no one on Earth who ever receives, records, deciphers, and then responds to an alien signal will live long enough to receive their reply to our response, what is the point of the exercise? I don't want any of my tax dollars being wasted on such fantastic hobbies of so few people. Maybe they need to try and actually get jobs producing things of value in the free market so the rest of us can choose whether or not to approve of their values. Meanwhile, some intelligent beings in the Betelgeuse System are watching the first episode of Oprah, and laughing at how lucky we are to be too far away to justify them conquering us. You're welcome.
If your a non-believer take your smartphone take 5 pictures turn them into negatives, and see what you get. You can distinguish between stars and something else giving off energy it's very simple people.
john- that is pretty much it, in a nutshell. they've never NOT been here and when earth can take it, they'll be all up in our grills. it just so happens that time is now.
+leloodallasmultipass please do not pester me with blithering brain diarrhea, as I said before ,when I'm ready to tell you ,I'LL TELL YOU ALL!!! now begone peasant ,back to the primordial swamp you just oozed out of
The problem with searching for extra-terrestrial life is that we are biased by living on earth. On earth, life is everywhere and nearly every when that you look for it. Life is easy to come by on earth. There's a bias that abiogenesis is inevitable because that's what happened on earth. In fact abiogenesis is so statistically unlikely that even this vast universe isn't nearly big enough for it to have beaten the odds for it happening twice in one universe.
"Where are they" is no question. The right question is: where are people who deserve their attention?. Excluding big ego cientists, generals and polititians. Better they stay away.
flavio chab Truth! Aliens more than likely made earth a no fly zone once the Chinese invented gun power way back when. I can see it now, "Oh no not again, why does this always happen"
You are speaking as if these once tribal A N I M A L S are morally better, incredibly good angel type beings. The truth is that all beings in this universe will act similar to us.
The fact is they can be perceived, take a look at some of the most famous UFO cases and documentaries like "I know what I saw" and the evidence is in your face. Most people are aware of their existence so perhaps that's why we perceive them. 🤔
There are literally billions of planets in the visible universe, so why do some people insist that conscious beings are restricted to this small planet ? Visions of grandeur perhaps, or even idiocy ?
Well will modern technology it is not possible to do it now with such precision or cut the granite without diamond cutting machines and transport it. We are a bit backward right now.
He continually references what WE are capable of now and then pulls out odds from who knows where to explain why this is (im)possible. if you are working from a database of the last 100 years and don't reference that our knowledge has increased geometrically, his arguments are extremely sound. WHOOPS
Where are the aliens? Well if scientists pull their heads out of their buttocks and start analyzing radar, infrared, sonar, and visual data from the U.S. Navy in two incidences, maybe they'll find the aliens: 1) Entire U.S.S. Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group encounter off the coast of San Diego, California in 2004 2) Entire U.S.S Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier strike group encounter in 2015 off the Coast of Florida
Doesn't this guy have an Internet connection at home? Jees, put your textbooks away and do some research! It's the 21st century buddy, and the Aliens are here! You even carry some of their genetic material. 😂
Think, McFly, think. Do you commonly joy-ride around in Watts or Detroit or south-side of Chi-Town? No, of course not. Why? Those are seedy, run-down neighborhoods. Don't you think that creatures advanced enough to out wit space-time would do so for the pleasure of cruising around in the galactic ghetto? Of course not.
This is so simple to work out? 1: The numbers of inhabited planets out there is so huge it is beyond our comprehension. It is into hundreds of quadrillions. 2: Given that humans in terms of design are just a logical response to environment, it is likely that every ‘Earth twin’ will follow a similar process and give rise to similar life forms and the same evolutionary pattern. So there are zillions of ‘human types’ out there. 3: Given that ‘human type’ or other ‘types’ are so common the numbers make it virtually impossible to visit each one? And why would anyone want to? When they are all pretty much the same? 4: distance is so great that even 100 quadrillion (15 zeros) advanced civilisations scattered across the universe would seem to each other ‘where is everyone’ 5: the percentage of advanced civilisations that have solved intergalactic travel is going to be so tiny compared to the number of inhabited planets, and with inhabited planets being pretty much the same in many cases, it’s going to be unlikely that anyone will ever be visited, and most inhabited planets are likely to be of little interest. 6: if you are a galaxy hopping advanced civilisation, then you are only going to be interested in species that are highly unusual or different, and as our planet isn’t particularly unusual, then it’s hardly goi g to give rise to any life forms that billions of similar planets have not also produced. Truth is, we don’t hear from anyone because we are not particularly special and we haven’t heard anyone else yet because we have only just started to listen. To us life seems rare, that’s because of the distances involved and the scale of the universe as well as our technology limitations. But to another species that has mastered travel life is going to be incredibly common because they can see the whole. So why would we imagine for a second that with access to everything that we would stand out in any way and be of interest as our civilisations is just one ant among trillions of ants. An advanced civilisation’s perspective is going to be completely different to ours. This is entirely my own theory. If we want to answer this question then we have to first consider whether we have the answer now (already being visited) , or.......we listen and look harder, or we make ourselves more interesting than the other trillions of unremarkable planets with bipeds walking around on them in different stages of development so widely scattered across our universe. Looking for Earth type planets and focussing on water and oxygen and habitable zones is entirely sensible as we know to some extent what life designs such planets produce through environmental response and evolution. If we were entirely an ocean planet for example we wouldn’t have legs, and we know that if something flies then it needs to follow the laws of symmetry and aerodynamics. Design is a universal principle, and at least we can predict what sort of life this sort of planet produces.
If we were able to communicate with intelligent extraterrestrials then what would they say to us? . John 8:23 So he went on to say to them: “YOU are from the realms below; I am from the realms above. YOU are from this world; I am not from this world. . .
The best way to locate extraterrestrial life is through the location of exoplanets. I get the impression that with this method all they have achieved is waste of time and resources and nothing concrete has arrived.
There are hundreds of thousands of other beings in this universe each person alive has them assigned to us because you can not see them doesn't mean they are not there .I was climbing a large tree at night with light on my head 40ft.up over solid rocks. Lost my grip on the limb above me my light fall off my head and I fell backwards in total darkness. All at once I felt a hand in the center of my back pushing me back upright until I could feel the tree limb again. It took me ten minutes before I could move to reach for my light and start to get down.
It's funny that we operate our search based off of the assumption that all other life in the universe needs liquid water to survive and not some other substance unique to the evolution of life on their particular planet.
Yes one could label that tendency as being "terracentric"!
Asia Cannon water is the only liquid that is adhesive and cohesive... and holds its temperature well.... and floats when it freezes. freeze any liquid and it sinks. water floats.. allows fish to swim underneath frozen lake....etc
Dave Lospinoso but that is the point exactly. It is the only substance that WE know about. If you think that we have seen or know about all the elements in the universe then you are sorely mistaken.
Even more funny is how nearly everywhere and everybody describes alien creatures like some who have a head, two legs and two arms. Just like us. With the only difference in color, face and other minor things. Wake up, men! Even on Earth live includes much more variety than that!
"It is the only substance that WE know about"
Only substance that we know about? I'm pretty sure water is not the only substance we know :)
Other than that, every substance stable enough and present in our galaxy would also be present on Earth. Earth is not an isolated system. Matter from our entire galaxy is constantly bombarding Earth in the form of dust and little rocks. When large enough comet hits a planet, some of the matter of that planet is ejected into space. There's not a substance in our galaxy that hasn't been shared across its entirety. Every planet contains some trace amount of matter from every other planet in our galaxy.
Is that like a news flash for you or what?
Title of the talk: Where are all the aliens? Summary of the talk: "I don't know." -Tim O'Brien.
Shocking, eh? LOL
Not shocking. I could’ve answered that question and saved all those people some money. Hahahhahaa
@@semiauto3148 It gives them something to do. Keeps 'em out of trouble. LOL
Pethello All the Aliens are down south, trying to sneak across the border.
The aliens are us. Stop searching!!!
"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." - Arthur C. Clarke
If we are not alone in the universe it is only terrifying if that being, God, is not loving.
@Clout Lord That would only make sense if we were 'alone' in the universe. My statement was based on the presumption that we are not alone, meaning that God does exist and is either good or bad. I have reason to believe He is good. Though I do agree that the concept of God not existing would be quite terrifying, which is certainly something that kept me up at night as a child.
@Clout Lord As I said, my statement was on the presumption that we are not alone in the universe. If you want to base an argument on the opposite assumption then that is your affair. I do not believe personally that it is possible to have no God, but my belief itself is not enough to remove impossibility. It is either impossible or not regardless of me.
Good and bad are only human concepts in the subjective sense, meaning that we as humans, with often clouded judgement, change our minds out of convenience, needs, and wants, as to what is good or bad. Someone will justify murder to themselves if it benefits them and suddenly it is a good - or even on a societal level. However, good and bad in the objective sense is certainly not a human construct because it goes beyond our blindness. Objective morality has only come to us by means of religion, which the religious believe to be sent by God himself. Considering how self-denying all of God's laws are, if we are talking about the Christian faith, it would seem unlikely to me to be a human construct. No one in the right mind would deny themselves pleasure (if on a surface level seems to harm no one) unless they were told it was wrong by something beyond themselves, and unless they thought there were consequences not only in this life but in the next.
An example of this would be fasting. Many religious have fasted rigorously, not for health benefits, but to deny their own flesh in order to become holy. There is no way that humans, who love pleasure, would ever come up with such a thing unless necessary for health reasons (other than a small percentage of crazies). And the argument that all religious are insane does not quite work either for obvious reasons that I hope need not be explained.
Maybe He's in another galaxy? You clearly no nothing of the concept of God, who is beyond time and the material universe. Why do skeptics always mock faith? That is a rhetorical question by the way. If you wish not to believe then that is your choice. But there is no need to mock me with such a ridiculous premise of God. If God were inside space and time then He would not be God obviously, at least not the Christian one.
The universe is so large. Time is barrier that keeps us from finding life.
@@CatholicK5357Starting a hypothesis with presumptions and presuppositions, is about as biased as you can get...
I love that roughly 40 people are present at the actual presentation, yet on youtube it has over a million views.
Should’ve been titled “A short lesson on telescopes.”
foosgoalie lol brilliant
For a tutorial on interstellar travel see on utube Zohar-Stargate T.V. investigates Pleadian contactee Billy Meiers material with a narrative by Randolf Winters.
"The surest sign intelligent life exists is that none of it has tried to contact us." -Watterson
Very funny!!
@Donald Mackay What about all these reports of alien abductions there's your evedance.
Watch ancient aliens
Would you want to contact Earthlings if you are an alien from another system? I don't blame an alien species for not doing so.
Any intelligent being that has developed the technology to travel the immense distances between habitable bodies in space--and nonliving drones with the ability to interact with and learn about interstellar or intergalactic space during the voyage would probably be what is traveling those distances--would most likely not be impressed with the human race. Humans might be given about as much respect as humans do to bacteria.
to sum up the video: where are the aliens ? = we dont know
i just saved you 15 mins of your life
Gd LOP thank you I’ll go now
It's worth the watch though.
Unlikely, as most people watch the video before reading the comments. You probably increased the time at this upload by about 30 seconds!
So true
David G. OKAY
Great presentation. Finally someone describing all that, what I've always thought but couldn't explain.
This talk has been done so many times
And every time about half the comments are the following ....
"Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying." - Arthur C. Clarke
True and we're learning more and more we may not be
@@SMaamri78 are alone until we see .
Lo e
Each other.
Maybe make your own tedtalk. And enlight us with some new stuff.
What could the alien look like if they came into contact with radio signals?
The light from this talk finally made it
"Innumeranble suns exist, innumerable earths revolve around these suns in a manner similar to the way the seven planets revolve around our sun. Living beings inhabit these worlds." -Giordano Bruno 1584
And they burnt him alive, for saying so! Compare their science, to ours, its very similar, Religion then, Science is like a cult religion now. Dont dare say something that isnt mainstream, watch this.. UFOs are real
@T Meek No the church did
@T Meek Hilarious, getting lit on fire by people that say they follow Christ, for saying the truth. But they didnt believe that. Same as science today. Like a cult they have their beliefs and if some evidence doesnt match up they ignore it, fire people, ridicule them. See Hueyatlaco. See Nampa Figurine. See see see see see........
Carl Sagan said all this things 40 years ago in the Cosmos series, I like this guy he is cool but come on I was expecting something more.
I have a feeling he was not talking to a room packed with astrophysicists and chemists. Even then dumbed down as it is, there's an awful lot of bewildered faces and arm folding going one there.
Real lucky he gauged it well, could you imagine if he pulled out probability charts and spectroscopy images of other stars during planetary transit. Their little head would have melted into their necks.
like you would understand it too conceited twerp
julittok: Yes he said it 40 years ago. But, that was 40 years ago. It needed to be said again because the population under 40 years old has not yet heard it and they outnumber the rest of us!
"It needed to be said again." True. Also, 40 years ago the chorus was 'give us the technology and we will find the evidence.' Well, we are developing the technology, so it is valid to ask 'where is the evidence?' Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, but maybe it hints at it.
julittok Most TED talks ultimately say nothing.
We are the aliens
Vax x thank you
one of many.
Vax x We are aliens to the aliens.
we are the aliens? don't have a dictionary, eh?
Vax x we are not aliens in regards to Earth. We evolved here. This is home.
Why must we assume that ' other ' intelligent extraterrestrial life need water to survive. We seem to base this research on our earthly needs.
like exactly they could be made of phsyically superior biology than us humans, might not need to eat, or breathe, I know it sounds science fictiony and unbeilievable but its not as crazy as trying to imagine before the big bang to the beginning and then going back even further than that. Basically these aliens could possibly be superhuman in biology to the point where they could just wipe earth out. Yeah lets give them an invitation before we even figure out how to work together as a species.
Water is one of the most abundant elements like silicon and carbon, thats way.
Well assuming we know all of the most common elements of the universe. WE can pretty much guess, that the solution for life. Could very well be the same, everywhere in the universe.
When we look at earth. All of life needs water. Water is really common. Water is the key, for more than just life.
You need water to have a sustainable atmosphere. Unless, life can begin in just blank space.
We also drink Mountain Dew and buy lottery tickets. Which I consider a guilty pleasure…I hope the Aliens engage in similar behavior on their planet(s).
Gotta work with what we know, I see what you are saying though.
The simple way to get a mental scale as to the immense distances for interstellar travel is this:
The earth's circumference is just under 28000km, so light can travel around the planets circumference more than six times in a single second. It takes approximately 8 minutes to get to the sun at that speed, but at that speed it would take 3 YEARS to reach the very nearest star, Alpha Centauri. Some of the most distant galaxies that we can possibly see are between 60 to 150 MILLION YEARS AWAY AT THAT SPEED, ON TOP OF WHICH IF THE EXPANDING UNIVERSE THEORY IS CORRECT IT'S GETTING BIGGER EVERY SECOND.
The human brain simply doesn't have the capacity to fully appreciate exactly how big the universe(s) is/are, especially seeing how the latest science supports multiple universe/dimension theory. The fact that D-wave quantum computers actually exist and work right now basically prove that theory correct.
I'll answer it for you - we are not alone!
I agree! In fact, I know one alien personally: Jesus Christ.
Yes you are!
David Watson which planet is he from.
@David Watson probably laughing at humanity's misery
Great job Tim. Really enjoyed your presentation. Think we’ll know of a few within the next ten to twenty years. 👍
No, we won't. If we send a signal out today it would take 4 years to get to the nearest outside planet and another 4 to get back as received. That's 8 years of your 10 to 20 schedule and we don't even know what to listen for.
We are NOT alone, the nearest star with habitable planets is 137,000 years away with current tech.
If we all evolved at a similar rate as other planets in our galaxy then no one has travelled to another planet, have we?????
No one has the tech developed to travel that distance yet.
Narrow band of time to develop technologically from Stone Age to where we find ourselves today. So Stone Age lasted 3m years until 4000 years ago when we started working with metal. Electricity hasn’t been around for very long. Flying has only been around for 100 years and 60 years after it was invented, we were walking in the moon. It’s exponential. We also exponentially develop weapons to use against each other. One exponential curve will negate the other. If good tech wins, our technological development will accelerate. If the bad technology wins, our civilisation will become the myths carved into stone for future civilisations to discover. Other worlds would have a similar path. They’d only need to be 300 years further along the good exponential curve to be so far advanced we’d call them aliens.
If we all evolved at a similar rate as other planets in our galaxy then we'd have detected the radio waves from someone only 137,000 years away with current tech. Thats the point.
No one? you sure?
@@DeputyNordburg Exactly
@@DeputyNordburg at 137,000 light years away radio signals would be undetectable against the background noise of the cosmos.....
“We Are Not Alone. We Have Never Been Alone.”
There will be millions of planets out there with intelligent life. The same ingredients that brought about life on earth are everywhere in the cosmos. But the reason we will never meet any is really very simple. incomprehensible distances
I've been thinking long and hard about this. I am a Alien. There it is.
I say after the us navy incidents, one needs to be mighty brave to say “no evidence”.
OnKeyboards ... for reals. It’s all crickets 🦗 from these cats.
There exist a number of mathematical formulas that describe the probability for life in the universe. And with the age (14++ billions, 200+ billion light-years across) etc there is no doubt (in my opinion) that there are plenty of life out there. Now, how much is advanced, simple, complex is then still very open.
And who knows, maybe one day we will be able to find intelligent life in the universe...
The Astrobiological Copernican Limit equation says there may be up to 44 advanced alien civilizations living in the Milky Way Galaxy.
This whole talk was about intelligent life. There probably is some form of life under the ice of one or more of Jupiter's moons right now but that doesn't count.
We now have confirmation that we have been visited from something not from this world, but the failure in his hypothesis is that his assumption that "others" will act like us and be dependent on the exact resources we are. The probability of this is so small.
What is this evidence you have seen that you call confirmation?
Joe: Mate, what you doin?
Mike: (giggles while tapping on microphone) They'll swear it was aliens.
He should start the lecture by saying he doesn't know where are the aliens instead of wasting my time to listen to his full clip. Otherwise half of what he said I knew and the other half I am not interested in.
Oh, so you thought he was going to tell you which planet in which galaxy all of the aliens have been chilling on all this time? You needed him to tell you upfront that he didn't know that information? I find that incredible that you couldn't figure that out yourself.
funny josh
Gerry C after about 100, we (humans) are unable to really grasp a number. 1.8 million and 8 trillion all just comes across as a shitload. you're not special
@Gerry C agreed! Is not difficulty to comprehend but to quantify, which is a very different thing.
I think if there is life out there it is very spread out. Because in the history of the earth (the best place we know of for life to have started) life started once in 5 billion years. It was nearly wiped out several times and life evolving beyond single celled organisms took a very long time to start. There may also be a great barrier. So I'm not to optimistic.
Life comes first. Matter later. Everything starts with a thought and the thoughts accumulate into a mind. This mind never dies, though a lot of its memories fade quickly away at the end of life in a body. The essential you remains, regardless of your own belief in that body.
The Universe is almost 14 billion years old, the Sun is 6 billion yrs, and our Earth is 4.5 billion yrs. That gives other stars and solar systems a few billion years head start. I think Earth and the human species, is very late to the game. “We are not alone. We have never been alone.”
Question: 'Where are the aliens?' Answer: 'we are way too unevolved at a personal level yet for them to even be interested in an encounter....'
There are no aliens. It's a spiritual universe.
Then again, we study bacteria.
In the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy they also asked the question what is the meaning of life and everything. The answer was 42.
Ah, yes. The year of menopause.
Concerning Fermi paradox -and SETI
> Please Bear with me, while I propose a hypothetical.
Several 1000 years in the future. And we have discovered principals of
physics that we had not been aware of. Several thousand more and we have
learned how to manipulate (Take advantage of these principals) and in
fact journey to another world.
> We find intelligent beings, all be it quite primitive.Also these
particular beings are gigantic and prone to extreme violence.(With both
raw physical speed and strength, and armed with crude but deadly
> We of course would want to study them but it would be most
responsible of us not to interfere with their world (Societies,
metaphysical beliefs, religions, economics etc.)
> So,What would be the prudent course of action to further our
scientific study of these people?
> I would suggest top priority : 1 We insure the safety of our
We could do this by implementing a protocol including confining our
interactions with them on a- one subject at a time basis (No more than a
few individuals at a time) Further we would want to quickly disable
them (Employing A quick an effective way to physically paralyze them
while not effecting their ability to think and respond to our request.)
And 2 : To maintain our non interference policy ; We would want to use a
drug or other method to blank out their memory of our interaction with
them; as this would prevent any individual "Trauma" and further avoid A
possibly negative interaction (Unpredictable consequences)with the
society as a whole.
> Would you have any other suggestions, on how we could best deal
with this hypothetical Future Scientific study and interaction with
alien beings and that alien world?
[ In this scenario, it would be they who would be perplexed by the fermi
paradox and we the answer.]
Somewhere, Bob Lazar sits shaking his head , quietly saying "I tried."
Well said, Jahi! In the description of this TEDx talk, Tim O'Brien says "there is no evidence that extra-terrestrials exist or that they have visited us." The fact is, there is a MOUNTAIN of evidence that extra-terrestrials exist and that they have visited us. But the so-called "experts" simply refuse to accept that this evidence has merit. So I'm shaking my head right along with Bob Lazar.
@@linguist2k You, me and the thousands of eye witness accounts from aviators, scientist and the list goes on. Reputable people with something to lose. I guess according to people like O'Brien, THEY ARE ALL JUST SIMPLY LYING.
how do you define it from false news?
Imagine some far off civilization being taken over by robots that we sent off
I do worry about the propulsion systems on probes to go so deeply into space. If the probe has a difficulty and crashes onto one of these planets, the outcome for any life on this planet is grim, because of us.
Thank you for your information. I truly don't believe these "things" are interstellar travelers, but inter dimension travlers of both theirs and our time and space.
Right..there home would be so far away that we would see them as they was billions of years ago they would have to travel like you said
I wish your belief was more of an opinion. I wish more people required more hard evidence to form those beliefs. The fact that I want something to be true is not enough to believe that it is true.
@@nominus1138 You belive in an expanding univers like most people yet you never studied the phenomenon for yourself correct? You believed in a Theory called the BIG Bang with ever shifting information? Only to find James Web telescope is proving this theory false. How many "things" you actually believe in without any research yourself to prove a matter as fact?
My proof is how YAHWEH changed the direction of my life for the better by the Blood of Yeshua in the Gospel truth Romans 10:9-10, 13. Not a fairlytale nor unproven to me. Research for yourself.
Why do we think anyone from another planet would even want to come here, when its obvious, that they are far more advanced than we are...
My theory - *All civilizations are blocked by laws of physics there are limitations which can never be exceeded*
You could just say Drake equation and save yourself 15 minutes here
Pop singer drake knows nothing about astronomy
The Drake Equation only calculates how many civilisations we should be able to detect. I've seen and heard several figures thrown around, someone even suggested that even with the lowest possible "settings" the equation came out with around 10,000 civilisations out there in our Galaxy alone.
With all that possible life you would think we would be able to hear something and yet our heavens are silent.
So we are left with a few possibilities:
A) We are indeed alone in the universe.
B) We are the first civilisation to reach our current stage of development - A very scary thought!
C) Other Civilisations have developed different methods or more direct ways of transmitting information.
D) Other civilisations know something we don't and have adopted radio silence in an effort to hide their existence.
I wonder if there were 6 Earth like twins that had our exact level of technology that all would pop up evenly around the Universe. For discussions sake, lets also assume they are in similar types of galaxies and locations within that arm of their galaxy and orbiting sun like stars like our own, etc. Most of them would likely be expanding away from us also as the universe itself expands. My question would be, how long would it take for us to detect a signal coming from their planet if we knew where exactly to look?
John, let me make one small yet very significant change to your first statement. The Drake Equation only calculates how many civilisations we should be able to detect if all the assumptions the terms represented are true and correct. As we learn more and more about our local solar system and our local view of the universe, we necessarily make changes to the values of the term and even the terms themselves. As we view more and more exoplanets, we will have to make changes to the equation.
Right now, however, the equation does not represent our current evidence and observations. In other words, the equation says one thing and we have nothing. But we must keep looking because what we find will point to the truth; whatever that truth may be.
Sky Train II one cell talking to the other
TEDx Talks but each time he says "hoondred", you gotta take a shot whiskey.
Miyazaki Namito “huuuundreeed years”
Our own human writers for star trek write into their stories about aliens what is know as the prime directive. If we can see that this prime directive makes sense why would aliens not actually feel that same way about us.
.....And He spoke it into existence!
In this context "life" is an irrelevant topic because we cannot use Earthly "life" to define "life". Rather, we need to ask relevant questions like these:
1. Are there any detectable sources of information that do not originate from Earth?
2. Are there any detectable rational decisions being made that do not originate from Earth?
3. Are there any detectable structures traveling between heavenly bodies in violation of the laws of gravity (propulsion) or at speeds exceeding the average speed of light?
4. Given the distances at work here, and that no one on Earth who ever receives, records, deciphers, and then responds to an alien signal will live long enough to receive their reply to our response, what is the point of the exercise?
I don't want any of my tax dollars being wasted on such fantastic hobbies of so few people. Maybe they need to try and actually get jobs producing things of value in the free market so the rest of us can choose whether or not to approve of their values.
Meanwhile, some intelligent beings in the Betelgeuse System are watching the first episode of Oprah, and laughing at how lucky we are to be too far away to justify them conquering us.
You're welcome.
i like how he simplifies big numbers into comments like 50 stars each per person on earth.
It seems that the question has now been answered, by of all things, the U.S. Navy.
No doubt they exist. Gov is hiding info
Join us... we are among you! We👽are, watching you.. we've been here before an will be there after.
@@vitali-opal-and-gem toned down version of god/ knowledge is hidden from us?
If your a non-believer take your smartphone take 5 pictures turn them into negatives, and see what you get. You can distinguish between stars and something else giving off energy it's very simple people.
Their already here. Get with the program, Hello!!!
Wanna find aliens? Point those things toward the ocean.
Agreed. We explored less than 5% of the oceans.
What if aliens have visited us, but in a form that we can't comprehend or understand (yet)?
Doom Wizard Talks like this focus our attention on the exterior, the Macro. What if aliens exist at the Plank scale?
we would appreciate it if you did not speak of such things.when we are ready you will all know at the same time.
john- that is pretty much it, in a nutshell. they've never NOT been here and when earth can take it, they'll be all up in our grills. it just so happens that time is now.
+leloodallasmultipass please do not pester me with blithering brain diarrhea, as I said before ,when I'm ready to tell you ,I'LL TELL YOU ALL!!! now begone peasant ,back to the primordial swamp you just oozed out of
there's nothing for me there now.
Where Are All The Aliens? They're trolling our Navy, that's where. This didn't age well.
The problem with searching for extra-terrestrial life is that we are biased by living on earth. On earth, life is everywhere and nearly every when that you look for it. Life is easy to come by on earth. There's a bias that abiogenesis is inevitable because that's what happened on earth. In fact abiogenesis is so statistically unlikely that even this vast universe isn't nearly big enough for it to have beaten the odds for it happening twice in one universe.
Aliens learned from what happened to Jesus.
_"Nah, were good up here."_
"beam me up, scotty"
An adventure in speed-speech mostly. Not much content packed in there,
I was smiling at my wall about a quarter of the way in
The only possible conclusive answer we will ever get is “No. We are NOT alone in the universe.” And we may never get that answer.
Aliens are busy doing actual important things while their kids are playing a MMORPG called "Life on Earth" 😉 😉 😉
No evidence? Watch The disclosure Project.
Good point
@David Watson Junk to a Junk intellect.
Its disinfo
There are also the declassified videos of the Tic-Tac UFO's. And, in my case, having been within 20 feet of a UFO in Ohio.
If you think the BBC and Fox News would tell 7 billion people aliens have come to earth, you need a Tin foil hat.
Yup sooo true!!! Wonder why they didn't air gram Hancocks speech ..
When they do tell us, it will be a staged alien invasion
"Where are they" is no question. The right question is: where are people who deserve their attention?. Excluding big ego cientists, generals and polititians. Better they stay away.
flavio chab Truth! Aliens more than likely made earth a no fly zone once the Chinese invented gun power way back when. I can see it now, "Oh no not again, why does this always happen"
You are speaking as if these once tribal A N I M A L S are morally better, incredibly good angel type beings. The truth is that all beings in this universe will act similar to us.
Aliens are just the future version of us as we are to our past.
It's crazy to think when u look up at a shining star that light could be years if not decades old that is beautiful to know
And in many cases, millions of years ago..
Most of the time the light is much older than that ...
What if aliens can't be perceived because of limits of our perception?
The fact is they can be perceived, take a look at some of the most famous UFO cases and documentaries like "I know what I saw" and the evidence is in your face.
Most people are aware of their existence so perhaps that's why we perceive them. 🤔
Gee, imagine that, aliens who have a way of thinking that is alien to humans.
The aliens are out there we just cant see them.
just look south of the boarder you will find what your looking for.
There are literally billions of planets in the visible universe, so why do some people insist that conscious beings are restricted to this small planet ?
Visions of grandeur perhaps, or even idiocy ?
They would need to apply for tourist visas. Stay permit is out of the question
Where are all the aliens ? well half of them are living next door and a bunch more are just up the street
Your government let them in
we could start by referring to them as our galactic family and not aliens.... just sayin' :)
Wine Geek , don't say that, families kill each other here on earth all the time!
You can't prosper with this kind of scientists, we need big, not small minds... like this one ...
Waldorf : I wonder if there is life on another planet.
Stattler: Why, you don't have one on this one!
Every time I see a human being I see an alien cuz people treat each other like they're from another world
For God's sake stay away from this planet
aliens exist ask the alien
I believe aliens have visited this planet before they probably just went somewhere where no one lives and thought "Ok next planet."
And what makes you think that?
do the math.
its not possible that earth is the only planet that has life out of hundreds of billions of planets.
They don’t call it space for nothing
They are all around us, we just look into the wrong direction. Say: "Hello!" ^_^
Helllloooooo :)
Gut Instincts Podcast can you hear me
I think you meant to say "Say: Hola"
Didn’t they build the pyramids though?
Well will modern technology it is not possible to do it now with such precision or cut the granite without diamond cutting machines and transport it. We are a bit backward right now.
We are the aliens, haven't seen ancient history? Crop circles?
and now, moving lights in the sky.
and now, adding colour, a group of anonymous latin american meat packing glitterati.
The lack of skepticism in today's society (as evidenced by so many of the posts in this thread) is beyond frightening.
He continually references what WE are capable of now and then pulls out odds from who knows where to explain why this is (im)possible. if you are working from a database of the last 100 years and don't reference that our knowledge has increased geometrically, his arguments are extremely sound. WHOOPS
Where Are All The Aliens?
They are coming North in mass. The WALL must be built pronto !
Where are the aliens?
Well if scientists pull their heads out of their buttocks and start analyzing radar, infrared, sonar, and visual data from the U.S. Navy in two incidences, maybe they'll find the aliens:
1) Entire U.S.S. Nimitz aircraft carrier strike group encounter off the coast of San Diego, California in 2004
2) Entire U.S.S Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier strike group encounter in 2015 off the Coast of Florida
Doesn't this guy have an Internet connection at home?
Jees, put your textbooks away and do some research! It's the 21st century buddy, and the Aliens are here! You even carry some of their genetic material. 😂
We are annunaki
Goodness , I could give this presentation and I left school at 16 with 6 'O' Levels and a CSE in Motor Vehicle Studies.
Maybe plenty of aliens have observed us. Then they decided to move swiftly on. Can't blame them.
Think, McFly, think. Do you commonly joy-ride around in Watts or Detroit or south-side of Chi-Town? No, of course not. Why? Those are seedy, run-down neighborhoods. Don't you think that creatures advanced enough to out wit space-time would do so for the pleasure of cruising around in the galactic ghetto? Of course not.
Look in a mirror. Then simply say: Hi to a reflection of an alien. BTW...Hi
a real waste of time. everything been said a long time ago
We live in a time when informed opinion on this is developing very fast, in directions you won't have thought of.
Space is big, really BIG, humungustly BIG, ginormously BIG, fantasticall BIG, and I am feeling really really tired - MARVIN.
This is so simple to work out?
1: The numbers of inhabited planets out there is so huge it is beyond our comprehension. It is into hundreds of quadrillions.
2: Given that humans in terms of design are just a logical response to environment, it is likely that every ‘Earth twin’ will follow a similar process and give rise to similar life forms and the same evolutionary pattern. So there are zillions of ‘human types’ out there.
3: Given that ‘human type’ or other ‘types’ are so common the numbers make it virtually impossible to visit each one? And why would anyone want to? When they are all pretty much the same?
4: distance is so great that even 100 quadrillion (15 zeros) advanced civilisations scattered across the universe would seem to each other ‘where is everyone’
5: the percentage of advanced civilisations that have solved intergalactic travel is going to be so tiny compared to the number of inhabited planets, and with inhabited planets being pretty much the same in many cases, it’s going to be unlikely that anyone will ever be visited, and most inhabited planets are likely to be of little interest.
6: if you are a galaxy hopping advanced civilisation, then you are only going to be interested in species that are highly unusual or different, and as our planet isn’t particularly unusual, then it’s hardly goi g to give rise to any life forms that billions of similar planets have not also produced. Truth is, we don’t hear from anyone because we are not particularly special and we haven’t heard anyone else yet because we have only just started to listen.
To us life seems rare, that’s because of the distances involved and the scale of the universe as well as our technology limitations. But to another species that has mastered travel life is going to be incredibly common because they can see the whole. So why would we imagine for a second that with access to everything that we would stand out in any way and be of interest as our civilisations is just one ant among trillions of ants. An advanced civilisation’s perspective is going to be completely different to ours.
This is entirely my own theory. If we want to answer this question then we have to first consider whether we have the answer now (already being visited) , or.......we listen and look harder, or we make ourselves more interesting than the other trillions of unremarkable planets with bipeds walking around on them in different stages of development so widely scattered across our universe.
Looking for Earth type planets and focussing on water and oxygen and habitable zones is entirely sensible as we know to some extent what life designs such planets produce through environmental response and evolution. If we were entirely an ocean planet for example we wouldn’t have legs, and we know that if something flies then it needs to follow the laws of symmetry and aerodynamics. Design is a universal principle, and at least we can predict what sort of life this sort of planet produces.
Aliens are the only one who know whether they visited. But this guy does!... 😅😅😅😂😂
Where are all the aliens? Too far away to ever visit here.
The speed of light is not the fastest measurement of speed... the speed of thought is faster.
If we were able to communicate with intelligent extraterrestrials then what would they say to us?
John 8:23
So he went on to say to them: “YOU are from the realms below; I am from the realms above. YOU are from this world; I am not from this world.
With billions and billions planets, why would aliens pick our little planet to visit? We are insignificant.
The real question should be.....Why have the Aliens NOT introduced themselves to us ? .....we are a war planet.
What makes you think they haven't made contact? ....and what makes you think you would be privileged enough to be informed about it?
As long as the aliens are cool with fishing, we're cool.
The best way to locate extraterrestrial life is through the location of exoplanets. I get the impression that with this method all they have achieved is waste of time and resources and nothing concrete has arrived.
With this method where they located exoplanets?
There are hundreds of thousands of other beings in this universe each person alive has them assigned to us because you can not see them doesn't mean they are not there .I was climbing a large tree at night with light on my head 40ft.up over solid rocks. Lost my grip on the limb above me my light fall off my head and I fell backwards in total darkness. All at once I felt a hand in the center of my back pushing me back upright until I could feel the tree limb again. It took me ten minutes before I could move to reach for my light and start to get down.
i use scientists and ted talks to help me get off to sleep