To people who's having confusion with this person and why are they so shocked.........he's name is huh gong, huh gak's brother.... Huh gak's won the super star k so he become really famous.....they are twins so people recognize them very well that's why they are shocked when they turn around
I think the judge don't know that is huh gak twin and when they hear it's sound almost the same, they afraid to turn. they maybe thought that this person only copy huh gak style. that's why they turn a bit later.
Baek Ji Young & Shin Seung Hoon reactions was epic they probably thought Huh Gak was messing up with their heads...WOW Huh Gong is so good i want to see him perform on stage with his brother, i was deeply moved with his performance, he brought tears to my eyes
허각과 음색은 거의 비슷하지만 실력적으로 격차가 큰건 사실..성량이나 감정처리 호흡 발성부터가 허각이 월등하죠..쌍둥이이기 때문에 비교가 안될수 없는것도 사실이고..같은 음색인 이형제의 노래 듣고 싶을때 허공보다 허각 노래를 듣습니다 대부분의 사람들이..허공이 5년째 성공을 못하는 이유인거죠..세상에서 가장 가까운 반쪽이 자신의 가장 큰 걸림돌이네요..안타깝지만 현실이 그렇다고 봅니다..
This seems to be like the show "the voice" here in america with adam levine, ceelo, christina aguilera, and the other guy blake shelton? Lol however the point im guessing based on the show "the voice" that when they press the button and there chairs around its because they think that person can sing very well and want them to join there team..and whoever does not press there button means that the person singing is just not for them {even if they think they can sing}.. Hopefully i explained well?
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 돌고 표정 개웃기네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
🌸니가 왜 거기서 나와🌸
변한건없니 할때 시원시원해서 좋다
진짜 허각이랑 음색비슷하다 심지어 노래에 심취하면 땀흘리는거 마저ㄷㄷ
쌍둥이 ㅇ
고음에서 ㅈㄴ시원시원 하고 진정성 있는 보이스다 플랫되는부분도 많고 쿠세도 있는데 허각처럼 목소리가 진짜 심금을 울리는 뭔가 있네
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 백지영 신승훈 놀래는거봨ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
허공 얼굴볼때 코치표정ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ멍~~~~
형제는 닮는다더니 목소리도 똑같네 백지영언니놀라는표정에 관객들 호응이허공한테로관심이집중되네요
정소영 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ뭔ㅋㅋㅋ너무웃기네 이분 형제가닮는게 아니라 쌍둥이라 dna가 완전 유사 거의 일치 해서 목소리도 똑같은거에요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
허공 응원합니다 휼륭한 가수가 되실겁니다
허각이100프로면 허공은2프로모자라다 그래서가수가된허각
뭐가 부족하죠??
파워가 딸림 음역대도
파워 문제가 아님. 흔히 땜핑이라고 말하는 고음에서의 성대접촉은 허각이나 허공 둘다 훌륭함. 쌍둥이라서 그런지 음색도 비슷. 대신 허각에게 있는 그 절절한 감성이 부족함.
그런가? 그냥 허각이먼저 넘 잘떠서 허공이 못뜬거같음
둘다 뛰어나지만 파워는 허각이 더 좋음 허공이 더 부드러운 느낌이고 허각은 더 빨리 떴으니 더 잘하지
1:33 소리끄고보면 파워레인저 등장장면
쌍둥이라그런가 목소리톤까지 닮았네
ㅇㅉ ㅋㅋ
gak's voice is powerful gong's voice is sweet^^ both of them are talented
1:49 승훈이형 리액션 개혜자네
역쉬 쌍둥이형제는노래도 멋지게부름 허공vs허각 멋져요 팬으로 사랑해요
역시 허공 최고예요
허공씨 노래잘들었어요 힘내요 꼬기 정상에 서길
Huhgak and Huhgong have a great voice!!! :D
쇼츠 보고 온 사람
쌍둥이 맞네
둘 다 육수쏟네 ㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷㄷ
나는 허공씨 목소리 참 좋은데, 동생이 먼저 떠서 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
진짜ㅈㄴ똑같이생겨서 헉했을듯ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
baek ji young was practically stunned 4 like 20 secs wif her hands in a very weird position... lolz...
형제가 다 노랠 잘하네잉 ㅋㅋ
허각 언급할때마다 자기 점수 깎아먹어가는듯.. 개인적으로 허각 때문인지 쉽게 목소리가 질린다.
how do I like this?!!!
omg even though i know they're twings, i still find it crazy tht they look exactly the same!
지금도 이거 보는사람 손
To people who's having confusion with this person and why are they so shocked.........he's name is huh gong, huh gak's brother.... Huh gak's won the super star k so he become really famous.....they are twins so people recognize them very well that's why they are shocked when they turn around
♥ beautiful
omg they look exactly the same
two brother both have good voice !!
Huh Kong>>>>> Fighting !!!!! 100%
역시 쌍둥이 아닐까봐... 똑 닮았네!!
They are identical... O.o
thank you ^^
Omo..they sound the same and amazing!!!
they are surprised that Hu-Gong came out whose identical brother named Hu-Gak won another Korean vocal audition program.
I think his version of this song is the best... suits his voice
and he came to win.
huh gong and huh gak
he has a twin?! omg =D
it'll be epic if he sang his brother's song, hello. who agree with me?
I think the judge don't know that is huh gak twin and when they hear it's sound almost the same, they afraid to turn. they maybe thought that this person only copy huh gak style. that's why they turn a bit later.
I listen to this everyday. And this never fail to make me have goosebumps
...ehhhh.........Ji Young's reaction is WIN,lol..xD....and wow they both sing that well and they're twins?..What are the chances of that??
1:21 응?
1:50 어?
they have the same voices. Oh my god!
I love her reaction lol
Baek Ji Young & Shin Seung Hoon reactions was epic they probably thought Huh Gak was messing up with their heads...WOW Huh Gong is so good i want to see him perform on stage with his brother, i was deeply moved with his performance, he brought tears to my eyes
wow goosebumps.
I love it!
만약 허공이 결승까지 진출하고 결승에서 허각이 대신 나와서 우승했다면 이라는 망상을 해본다
LOLLL their reaction. they must thinking why is huh gak on stage
i love those reactions!
Baek Ji Young froze! priceless!
:] amazing voice!~
They were like: "Is that Huh Gak?" x)
this twins are indeed talented,. :'(( i love them both!! heheheh
I wish we could see Kangta and Gil's reaction.
i wanna see what happen in the next 1min!
WAAAH! their expressions are epic!!
@DeutschIstToll He's twin brother of Huh Gak - the winner of SuperK star 3. His brother is doing really well in music industry now
hahaha~ Baek Ji young was really shocked~ I wish they have cut the video until they have talked to him~
Shin Seung Hoon's FACE is SOO PRICELESS too^^
I dont know but he is very cute :DD
외형은 이렇게나 똑같은데 노래 스타일은 확 다르네 ㅎㅎ
صوته حلو
they are twins in every way! such beautiful voices with emotion
huh kong huh kong huk kong....>
@MrPopoku Thank you!
여기서 끊어버리네 놀랐으면 왜 놀랐는지 보여줘야지
@ 1:48.. love the facial expression.
잘하시지만 역시 허각이 더
여전히 아름다운지
허각형은 달라도 달르군요ㅎ
I malaysia but i luv korea song especially leesang...daebak
허각과 음색은 거의 비슷하지만 실력적으로 격차가 큰건 사실..성량이나 감정처리 호흡 발성부터가 허각이 월등하죠..쌍둥이이기 때문에 비교가 안될수 없는것도 사실이고..같은 음색인 이형제의 노래 듣고 싶을때 허공보다 허각 노래를 듣습니다 대부분의 사람들이..허공이 5년째 성공을 못하는 이유인거죠..세상에서 가장 가까운 반쪽이 자신의 가장 큰 걸림돌이네요..안타깝지만 현실이 그렇다고 봅니다..
신씨티 월등하달 정도에 차이는 안느껴지는데... 왠만한 가수급은 되는 것 같에요
제 개인적인 생각
김민겸 지금 허공은 인정요 최근 노래한거 들어봤는데 실력 엄청나게 늘었네요
@@Delicious_Kingcrab 똑같이 발라드해봐야 허각 이기긴힘들듯
군사 제말이 그말이에요ㅎ
코카콜라가 있는데 굳이 펩시를?
This seems to be like the show "the voice" here in america with adam levine, ceelo, christina aguilera, and the other guy blake shelton? Lol however the point im guessing based on the show "the voice" that when they press the button and there chairs around its because they think that person can sing very well and want them to join there team..and whoever does not press there button means that the person singing is just not for them {even if they think they can sing}.. Hopefully i explained well?
he looks exactly like huk gak. is that him?
LKN92 They are twins
he gives me goosebumps! haha
LOL i can't wait for the full show!!!! all judges were like O___O xDDDD
아니 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 신승훈 좀만 너 놀라면 눈 빠질거같음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Baek Ji Young's REACTION is PRICELESS!!!!!!^^ hehehe^^
Aw really? well, one persons trash is another persons treasure. Both are gold for my ears :D.
He should of sang HELLO.. haha
허각 허공 둘이서 쌍둥이형제로 가수 똑같이 데뷔했으면 더 크게 성공했을수도...
그리고 몸관리도 좀 해서
살도 좀 빼고 했다면 정말 인기가 훨씬 더 많지 않았을까하는 생각이 든다
허각이랑 외모, 실력 여러가지로 똑같군요... 역시 피는 속이지 못하나 봅니다...^^
I hate Kpop but the competors of this show are so talentedddddd :x
Rofl the judges couldnt even move when they saw him xD They thought he was 허각 hahaha
lol he completely trolled the judges
lol why do they look so shocked?
I wanna watch Full version.ㅠㅠ
ㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋ 놀래는거 개웃기네
Could someone help me??? lol, what is the purpose of pressing the button and the chair turning around? thank you :) and also, THAT WAS AMAZING! :'D
어디 뮤뱅나갈때 대타나 이런거가능하냐ㅋㅋ
@AzureSteel check the comments... Toy's "Is it still beautiful"
it seems like everyone is going to Baek JI Young. lol