888Hz Abundance Gate, Remove All Negative Blockages, 888 Hz Infinite Abundance, Love & Wealth

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 8 тис.

  • @relaxandrejuvenate
    @relaxandrejuvenate  4 роки тому +923

    ❤️ Subscribe for more beautiful videos 🙏 ua-cam.com/channels/nj31fpPRsSJLchEKMEChrw.html
    You might also resonate with this video
    - ua-cam.com/video/tMtdtIdWkWA/v-deo.html ✨

  • @chilledpurplecow
    @chilledpurplecow 3 роки тому +5780

    Hey you. Yes you random person that i will never meet.I truly hope that you will find happiness in life. Today is going to be a great day. 🙏

    • @sonyadukett3012
      @sonyadukett3012 3 роки тому +68

      Thank you my friend. I pray GODs love and light covers you always

    • @melissakemp5463
      @melissakemp5463 3 роки тому +55

      May you have a fantastic day

    • @stacilee2558
      @stacilee2558 3 роки тому +50

      111 likes on your comment now 🙏🏼

    • @chilledpurplecow
      @chilledpurplecow 3 роки тому +33

      @@stacilee2558 🤗 Yes! But the most important is bring happiness for the our community! 😊

    • @missalexisrai
      @missalexisrai 3 роки тому +35

      This made me smile - thank you! I truly hope that you will find/have found happiness in life also. Today IS a great day!

  • @elainechastain5911
    @elainechastain5911 Рік тому +1549

    You didn't come across this comment by accident.
    You have all the power you need within you, let yourself shine!
    Affirm it. ❤

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому +24

      It heartens me to receive responses like yours, Elaine Chastain. Much love. 💫☁️🤍💛🕊🌟

    • @Наталья-ж8к8й
      @Наталья-ж8к8й Рік тому +13

      У меня есть вся необходимая сила, я позволяю себе сиять!

    • @Наталья-ж8к8й
      @Наталья-ж8к8й Рік тому +10

      Будьте благословенны, кто читает моë послание💜

    • @josergjf
      @josergjf Рік тому +7

      Blessed be all

    • @SamTheAlchemist
      @SamTheAlchemist Рік тому +3

      ❤Amun Ra❤

  • @Kristinajusttalks
    @Kristinajusttalks 6 місяців тому +318

    I am abundant. I’m a money magnet. The things I want gravitate towards me. Money works for me. My time is valuable. And so it is. May whoever reads this have positive things come their way as well.

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  6 місяців тому +12

      That’s a powerful affirmation! Embrace that positive energy. Wishing abundance and positivity to everyone who reads this. - Team Jason

    • @sakshik4659
      @sakshik4659 4 місяці тому +2


    • @48954
      @48954 4 місяці тому +4

      I am connected to an unlimited source of abundance.... Thank you universe 🙏🙏🙏 888 lions gate spirit

    • @محمدعليشويعر
      @محمدعليشويعر 2 місяці тому


    • @Logicalmindds
      @Logicalmindds Місяць тому

      Bless you ❤

  • @meditationrelaxingmusic4k
    @meditationrelaxingmusic4k Рік тому +959

    Everyone reading this: Everything will be okay, even if things are a little dark. Your sun will return. Don’t let any negativity disturb the universe inside of you. Much love. ❤☀

    • @liyahStarlight1122
      @liyahStarlight1122 Рік тому +4

      🤍🤍 Same to you ✨

    • @turquoiseblue6832
      @turquoiseblue6832 Рік тому +3

      That's beautiful!!! Love and light to all!🙏🙌😇💙

    • @casandrakat3274
      @casandrakat3274 Рік тому +1

    • @donyahome
      @donyahome Рік тому +1


    • @TruthTea77636
      @TruthTea77636 Рік тому +4

      Everything that happens to us is a chance to make it better. No matter how good or bad, you're able to trust in yourself & the Universe to be healed. Learn the lessons of the universe, so you don't have to repeat them. Always be a student of life. You are healed

  • @iamallmy1
    @iamallmy1 2 роки тому +540

    You who are reading this...YES, You are a Lottery Jackpot Big Winner! Be happy and *claim your millions and millions of money* now! Congratulations!
    You deserve to keep it and it is your right to have infinite abundance in life.
    You are healed now! I am so happy and grateful for you! Thank you! 💚

  • @RelaxationTherapyMusic19
    @RelaxationTherapyMusic19 Рік тому +602

    If ever you feel lonely, just remember that there are trillions of cells inside you, that literally can't live without you ❤

  • @saraskogli4122
    @saraskogli4122 9 місяців тому +97

    Wow this comment section is making me cry, to anybody reading, may u have a blessed and wonderfull life. It gets better and it always happens for a reason🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️ love u all

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  9 місяців тому +1

      It's amazing how words can bridge distances and touch hearts, just as yours have done. Sending back all the love and positive vibes to you. - Team Jason

  • @dianelaura1033
    @dianelaura1033 2 роки тому +711

    This comment section is so beautiful, it made me tear up! To anyone reading this, don't give up, your time is now! Keep shining and spreading your light and love. Let go and let the abundance flow. The world needs you more than you'll ever know!

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  2 роки тому +10

      Thank you for sharing your experience with the meditation with me. From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely wish you peace and gratitude. Namaste.

    • @JMTofficialmusicYT
      @JMTofficialmusicYT Рік тому +5

      Thank you very much I don’t know you but whoever you are your words hit my soul and made my night thank you so much one love from and within the universe respectfully and positively peacefully.

    • @Mr.yil7
      @Mr.yil7 Рік тому

      Q Ojos hermosos

    • @equalizinggg
      @equalizinggg Рік тому +1


    • @turquoiseblue6832
      @turquoiseblue6832 Рік тому +4

      Your words are so beautiful!!🙏🙌😇💙

  • @williebahrain
    @williebahrain 11 місяців тому +123

    Please everyone reading this, kindly pray for me. I'm in a deep trouble in life. Thank you and God Bless.

    • @louisehogan8192
      @louisehogan8192 11 місяців тому +1


    • @salliemiller7730
      @salliemiller7730 10 місяців тому +7

      I just read your post. I hope your troubles are lessening. Dear heavenly father, hear your child's cry for help. We all need you in so many ways. Whatever the trouble is, we ask for divine intervention in the name of Jesus. Amen!!!!!

    • @jomoon9391
      @jomoon9391 9 місяців тому

      ​@@salliemiller7730amen 🙏

    • @DaGhost53-
      @DaGhost53- 7 місяців тому +1

      God bless and loves you ❤

    • @bchindotana1
      @bchindotana1 6 місяців тому +1

      It is well

  • @Fabianstarr22
    @Fabianstarr22 3 роки тому +818

    If you're reading this right about now, it's too late. I have sent you love and abundance energy for you and your families in their past and their future, all your dreams are coming true right this very second. And there is nothing you can do about it!

  • @prakpanhavatey4226
    @prakpanhavatey4226 4 місяці тому +42

    I am sharing all my positive energy, luck, abundance to all people who see this comment

  • @seanpaul031
    @seanpaul031 2 роки тому +534

    If you are reading this, I am from the past. By the time you read this, I will already have listened to this music all will be gone to something else. You are witnessing the explosion of a star from long ago and its light rays are just catching your eyes right now as you read this. You are safe and you are loved by the infinite beauty of the universe.

  • @purepandemonium6769
    @purepandemonium6769 4 місяці тому +74

    I claim infinite abundance and prosperity 🙏❤ not only for me but for those who stumble upon this video ✨

  • @cheemschaalbaaz9395
    @cheemschaalbaaz9395 4 місяці тому +25

    Whoever beautiful person reading this kindly keep yourself healthy and happy and pray for me also I'm going through tough situations 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @deeprollingriver52
    @deeprollingriver52 Рік тому +37

    To all of you: this comment section made me cry with tears of gratitude

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому

      Your tears of gratitude reflect the beautiful connection we all share here, a testament to the power of shared empathy and love. 🥰

  • @rodrigo83juanpa
    @rodrigo83juanpa 3 роки тому +1845

    I don’t know who needs to hear this right now but remember,
    You did everything you could in that situation, it’s not your fault, stop stressing about it and blaming yourself, I promise it will get better and you will find a beautiful future ahead of you. You are beautiful and don’t let others ever make you doubt it, I love you sweet stranger💕

    • @itszizo8022
      @itszizo8022 3 роки тому +22

      Thankyou sweetest stranger

    • @shirinfakhar2734
      @shirinfakhar2734 3 роки тому +22

      i really need this message,thank you🥺❤

    • @Mi-29
      @Mi-29 3 роки тому +16

      Thank you so much 😊 I really needed hear something like that thank you 🙏🏼

    • @luvjonesz
      @luvjonesz 3 роки тому +21

      I love you too. 💓 Run bravely toward your dreams.

    • @lightandlovetoall7359
      @lightandlovetoall7359 3 роки тому +18

      Thank you, sending Love back to you 💖 Connecting with my Soul Family like you keeps my Light Shining! ✨💫💫
      Blessings 🙏💕🙏💕🙏

  • @nancymonroy6475
    @nancymonroy6475 3 роки тому +2294

    Hi. This message is for you. Everything you want, you'll get it. Do not forget to share with those in need. Hugs and my best wishes.

  • @redredmane5544
    @redredmane5544 3 роки тому +301

    This is definitely magical!!! It’s geared not only financial abundance, it’s geared towards spiritual abundance AS WELL!!! Don’t “underestimate it!!!

    • @mettejuhlin5810
      @mettejuhlin5810 Рік тому +5

      I don t. I can feel it in my stomach area. And I can feel a quiet stream of light - of life - floating through my body, it feels like it is holding me up.

    • @DaleNorman-te5hr
      @DaleNorman-te5hr 8 місяців тому

      Nn mm.

    • @ALAY774
      @ALAY774 4 місяці тому


    • @sherylzaiko1356
      @sherylzaiko1356 4 місяці тому


    • @محمدعليشويعر
      @محمدعليشويعر 2 місяці тому


  • @neltff1
    @neltff1 Рік тому +192

    This is the frequency the whole world needs to be on right now. Innerstanding that everything starts from within ❤

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому +18

      You've captured it beautifully. True harmony and change truly start from within, and when we tap into these powerful frequencies, we align ourselves with the universe's rhythm. Sending you vibrations of love, unity, and deep gratitude.

    • @demauriewebster4997
      @demauriewebster4997 Рік тому +4

      Facts. Namaste

    • @GratefulJ
      @GratefulJ Рік тому +7

      "Innerstanding", I love that. The hardest thing that we will ever have to do, in this life, is face your self every moment. Especially in the present.

    • @Jessytalksofficial
      @Jessytalksofficial 11 місяців тому +3

  • @laracosta5381
    @laracosta5381 2 роки тому +622

    oi pessoa aleatoria que vai ler isso, te desejo abundância em todas as areas da tua vida e que todos os seus planos se concretizem, ja deu certo! esta la e é seu. gratidão ✨🙏🏻

  • @meditationmusic7705
    @meditationmusic7705 3 роки тому +1444

    A pessoa que está lendo este comentário, desejo muito sucesso, saúde, amor e felicidade!

  • @bonsaunders5615
    @bonsaunders5615 7 місяців тому +22

    I fell asleep last night listening to this I woke up this morning looking for change and found $30 in my closet I am greatful for anything that comes thank you universe

  • @mannahkeyblessing
    @mannahkeyblessing 12 днів тому +4

    May every person who sees this comment be infinitely blessed in all the ways that feel really really good 😘

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  11 днів тому +1

      What a beautiful blessing to share! May those same infinite blessings flow right back to you. - Team Jason

  • @suzettemalcolm339
    @suzettemalcolm339 Рік тому +113

    I pray for everyone one listening to this music to have abundant love, peace health and great wealth. I speak Prosperity in our lives. In mighty name of Jesus!

  • @golesytribuna
    @golesytribuna 3 роки тому +105


  • @pianoinstrumental8001
    @pianoinstrumental8001 3 роки тому +907

    Deseo y decreto que todas las personas que lean este mensaje sean felices y prósperas en todo sentido! Amén 🙏

  • @WendyMorales-o7x
    @WendyMorales-o7x 7 місяців тому +12

    To whoever reading this right now. You are a Lottery Mega Millions Jackpot winner. Your Time is now. You are Now and forever Blessed. Claim it while you Sustain it. Congratulations on your new Abundant lifestyle. You deserve this and many more infinite blessings and Beyond.

  • @michaelmunoz6611
    @michaelmunoz6611 9 місяців тому +23

    Everybody that see's this i hope you find true hapiness and feel whole. God is good.

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  9 місяців тому

      What a beautiful wish! Wishing you and everyone abundant blessings and joy on your journey. - Team Jason

    • @RubyRoo-jf4sj
      @RubyRoo-jf4sj 6 місяців тому

      God is BETTER than good. He's GREAT!😅

  • @ChuckGibbs
    @ChuckGibbs 2 роки тому +58

    To whomever is reading this, Don't EVER GIVE UP!!

  • @alezzam3714
    @alezzam3714 2 роки тому +325

    Decreto aquí y ahora que toda persona que lea este mensaje tenga dicha, amor y prosperidad hoy y siempre. Gracias, gracias, gracias. Hecho está.

  • @rutholohirereadedji5545
    @rutholohirereadedji5545 6 місяців тому +41

    To Everyone reading this ,you will achieve that dream,path will be open ,people will favour you your destiny helpers will locate you to make things easier. Abundance is yours.❤❤❤❤❤

  • @endlessrelaxation4830
    @endlessrelaxation4830 2 роки тому +81

    I don't want much for my birthday. I just want the person reading this to be healthy, happy and loved. Wishing you a good day 💕💕

  • @ethelynjohnson1630
    @ethelynjohnson1630 3 роки тому +170

    Thank you for bringing me to the Universal Abundance Gate. I just walked through to receive my inheritance now. I pray that all who read this will receive theirs also. It belongs to you. Just Thank the Universe and always be grateful and Love one another.

  • @o.s4868
    @o.s4868 4 місяці тому +38

    On this special 888 I- Am manifesting money, love, abundance, health and prosperity… everything is working to bring me my own Now. 💫

  • @CirosMacka
    @CirosMacka 11 місяців тому +153

    I won 120 millions in lottery Euro Jackpot thank you God and Universe 🙏

  • @nickolajohnson3212
    @nickolajohnson3212 4 роки тому +799

    To anyone who reads this, May ur cup be filled till its overflowing, abundance of wealth health good fortune blessings over flow, and when ur blessings arive please share with those in need🙏

    • @TheWolfpawz4
      @TheWolfpawz4 3 роки тому +14

      The Universe gave me a message of "I am allowed" which means we are all allowed. Love to you.

    • @teeteeree3540
      @teeteeree3540 3 роки тому +5

      Thank you! I wish all the same for you

    • @christianwyatt3361
      @christianwyatt3361 3 роки тому

      But there is still much hostility against and towards all the wrong reasons and only tight knit grouping of hate against hate.

    • @alexandreatimms126
      @alexandreatimms126 3 роки тому +3

      Thank you same love & blessings to you as well 💜

    • @athindwalane4124
      @athindwalane4124 3 роки тому +1

      I will. Thank you

  • @io.parlo.italiano_
    @io.parlo.italiano_ 3 роки тому +328

    Se você está lendo minha mensagem te desejo prosperidade e saúde ! Lembre-se que com Deus todas as coisas serão acrescentadas

  • @KimberlyGagliardi
    @KimberlyGagliardi Рік тому +44

    Go to sleep every night to this music. It will change your life

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому +6

      Wishing you abundant peace and tranquility as you float into dreamland. Sweet dreams and peaceful nights! 🌌🌙😊

  • @raphaellarica3327
    @raphaellarica3327 Рік тому +103

    Você que está lendo este comentário, você vai viver dias incríveis na sua vida, com muita abundância de dinheiro, paz, equilíbrio, fartura, prosperidade e com a luz divina. Deus abençoe vc e toda a sua família. Gratidão Universo. 💐😘

    • @armandinaalves4015
      @armandinaalves4015 Рік тому +3

      Amém prosperidade para todos nós porque nós merecemos. Muita LUZ

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому +1

      Sending you love, light, and positive vibes for a wonderful day filled with joy, abundance, and blessings.

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому +1

      Thank you for your beautiful and uplifting comment. Wishing you continued blessings and a life filled with divine light. 💐

    • @BeatrizGarcia-ir1qu
      @BeatrizGarcia-ir1qu Рік тому +1


    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому


  • @echoimagery
    @echoimagery Рік тому +45

    My rent is paid
    My utilities are paid
    My debts are paid
    My student loans are to date
    My business continues to grow successful and abundantly
    I am grateful for all my past, present and future blessings
    Thank you and Amen🙏🏿📿

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому +2

      Thank you for your beautiful comment. I appreciate your kindness. Much love. 🌈

    • @ruthandia3775
      @ruthandia3775 2 місяці тому

      Universo mis servicios están pagados
      Gane la lotería 🎉
      Tengo mucho dinero
      Tengo salud
      Tengo amor
      Tengo a mi familia única y sobretodo tengo a DIOS en mi vida .
      Gracias por la abundancia 💖

  • @thedreameffects22
    @thedreameffects22 2 роки тому +81

    Repeat these affirmations every day:
    “I am grateful for the abundance of money coming my way from many different sources”
    “I trust the Universe to bring all that I desire to me and bring me to all that I desire. What I want, wants me”

  • @healingtreemusic8864
    @healingtreemusic8864 Рік тому +47

    To you reading this: I hope this day for you is completely filled with love and purpose!

    • @salliemiller7730
      @salliemiller7730 10 місяців тому

      What a lovely sentiment. Thank you for posting and sending you the same

    • @heruprasetya8564
      @heruprasetya8564 6 місяців тому

      Amen. Good Bless you ❤❤❤

  • @simplyhypnotic6730
    @simplyhypnotic6730 3 роки тому +358

    Hola. Nunca te conocí, probablemente nunca nos veremos. Pero has encontrado mi comentario, entre todos estos miles. Si está viendo este comentario, tómelo como una señal de que las cosas mejorarán, que las cosas estarán bien, que puede superar esto. Independientemente de los problemas que le traigan aquí, o si simplemente está aquí para relajarse, recuerde que usted es importante, válido y que tiene derecho a estar aquí. Eres más valiente y fuerte de lo que crees. Todavía estás aquí, tratando de mejorar las cosas y vivir una vida mejor. Entonces, lo que sea que te mantenga despierto por la noche, no es más fuerte que tú. Tú puedes superar esto. No te conozco, puedes descartar esto como las palabras sin sentido de un extraño, o puedes creerme. Lo que sea que elijas, creo en ti.

    • @veronicamenanteau2213
      @veronicamenanteau2213 2 роки тому +5

      Que genial eres , Dios te bendiga mucho 🙏🤗

    • @sinuhe2221
      @sinuhe2221 2 роки тому +4

      Gracias, todo va a mejorar hecho está.

    • @adryecm2169
      @adryecm2169 2 роки тому +5

      gracias gracias gracias
      hecho está.
      amén, bendiciones para ti

    • @charitotorres4968
      @charitotorres4968 2 роки тому +2

      Amén 🙏

    • @tosharogers2401
      @tosharogers2401 2 роки тому

      ❤ 💙 💜 💖 Whats your Zodiac Sign?

  • @ricardopachecoficial
    @ricardopachecoficial Рік тому +190


    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому +3

      Your words and message of gratitude mean the world. 🌎 I wanted to thank you so much for supporting the channel. 🎏

    • @cassiadaline768
      @cassiadaline768 Рік тому +5

      Que assim seja para todos nós!!!!!

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому +3

      Sending you love, light and good thoughts my friend.

    • @paulovasconcellos8163
      @paulovasconcellos8163 Рік тому +1

      You are blessed take your light and shine!

    • @artenegama6707
      @artenegama6707 Рік тому +1

      Amem gratidao obrigado ❤

  • @stephaniegoodlow7462
    @stephaniegoodlow7462 3 роки тому +172

    To any and everyone reading this: may you find peace and comfort in knowing that whatever storm you are experiencing will not last forever. Please take care. 💖

    • @mindymay3
      @mindymay3 2 роки тому +1

      Thank you. ❤

    • @luvluv1219
      @luvluv1219 7 місяців тому

      I agree wholeheartedly ur awesome blessing to u as well ..
      # GOD IS KING..
      # 👉 LOVELY TOPAZ!!

  • @DivineGudianceWithSunny
    @DivineGudianceWithSunny День тому +1

    Everything you desire desires you, you’re the source of abundance, of love, money joy peace and happiness may everything you wish for come into your awareness ❤❤you’re exactly where you are meant to be and nothing is remotely wrong ❤❤

  • @Stiffjab71
    @Stiffjab71 3 роки тому +437

    The untold secret of correct praying is feeling. Feeling you're already there will bring you exactly there. Unconditional love to you all from Italy

    • @divinekiwi2012
      @divinekiwi2012 3 роки тому +5


    • @AugMSM
      @AugMSM 3 роки тому +3

      Exactly. Amen. Thank you. God Bless.

    • @angelastanziano3553
      @angelastanziano3553 3 роки тому +2

      I love what you said...wish I could be in Italy right now 😪 the struggle is real

    • @Stiffjab71
      @Stiffjab71 3 роки тому +3

      @@angelastanziano3553 don't give up hope

    • @remingtonfrog3170
      @remingtonfrog3170 3 роки тому +3

      ☮️💙🍄From California!

  • @2893ferv
    @2893ferv 3 роки тому +1283

    A todas las personas que leen esto, les deseo salud, amor y mucha abundancia, si hay alguna situación en especial solo ten calma, todo saldrá adelante.

    • @Mar-vi8fi
      @Mar-vi8fi 3 роки тому +4

      Gracias gracias

    • @eduardorodriguez1806
      @eduardorodriguez1806 3 роки тому +4

      Gracias, gracias, gracias que tus deseos vuelvan a tí multiplicados

    • @fullrelax2514
      @fullrelax2514 3 роки тому


    • @nazaremedeiros8681
      @nazaremedeiros8681 3 роки тому +2

      Gratidão...tudo de melhor pra você e pra todos também...

    • @thalia209
      @thalia209 3 роки тому +1

      Amém gratidão Deus te abençoe .

  • @taneashashepherd5875
    @taneashashepherd5875 4 роки тому +1032

    I started playing this and burning my sage and got a call with a job offer after being unemployed for 3 months!

    • @melodieproper7877
      @melodieproper7877 4 роки тому +11

      Congratulations! :)

    • @patrickmettler4565
      @patrickmettler4565 4 роки тому +7

      Ich gratuliere auch 🤗
      Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz

    • @joeb5682
      @joeb5682 4 роки тому +4

      Bravo 👏👏🙌

    • @SatchelPage888
      @SatchelPage888 4 роки тому +4

      Satchel Paige
      Raisin the Vibration of the world one step at a time. Love You!

    • @marcogil6665
      @marcogil6665 4 роки тому +16

      I am waiting on the second job interview for a job I want, I will keep a positive attitude.

  • @Russell-cx9rq
    @Russell-cx9rq 9 місяців тому +15

    What an absolute blessing for me to pick this frequency to listen to tonight...I want to thank all of you that commented positive and selfless...You're truly remarkable. And to those that read the comments,may all of you learn to not stress yourselves out over things that are out of your control...

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  9 місяців тому

      Reading your message is a beautiful reminder of the power of community and positivity. We're thrilled that the meditation resonated so deeply with you. May you continue to find peace and blessings. - Team Jason

  • @anamachado5580
    @anamachado5580 4 роки тому +1336

    Entre mil e 100 comentários, vc achar meu comentário brasileiro; vc é sortudo 🍀🙏

  • @bronwynbentley4308
    @bronwynbentley4308 Рік тому +71

    I’m a natural empath and also introverted. I live around some negative people and energy right now. I’m a healer so I need time alone to recharge. I truly appreciate all of the wonderful comments on this page. Thank you and may the universe continue to bless you with happiness, health and abundance.

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому +5

      I'm grateful for your appreciation of the positive comments on this page. May the universe continue to shower you with happiness, health, and abundance as you navigate your healing journey. Remember to trust your intuition, practice self-care, and surround yourself with supportive and uplifting energy. Wishing you all the best on your path. 🌟🌻🙏

    • @deeprollingriver52
      @deeprollingriver52 Рік тому +3

      You are also very strong. The cloak of protection from the Universe surrounds you

    • @roserouge365
      @roserouge365 10 місяців тому +2

      Try psalm 91. I m an empathic also. Before I leave my house I pray for protection before I go to bed same and I send back any energy I may have picked up. I do not have weird dreams like I used to have.

    • @nikkibrown1920
      @nikkibrown1920 6 місяців тому


    • @verajones4395
      @verajones4395 3 місяці тому

      Know that your light shines bright like a beacon in darkness, trust that any and everything that comes within range of your light turns to light because you are sealed in the light of God. ❤🙏🏾💜🎊😊

  • @secretsoftheenlightenedmin5044
    @secretsoftheenlightenedmin5044 3 роки тому +421

    To the person that is reading this, you are special and capable of creating amazing things. I wish you lots of luck, wealth and success in life. 💗

    • @missalexisrai
      @missalexisrai 3 роки тому +7

      Thank you! This message gave me chills - that you for the authentic energy shared! I am sending the same to you in infinite abundance!

    • @secretsoftheenlightenedmin5044
      @secretsoftheenlightenedmin5044 3 роки тому +4

      @@missalexisrai I'm happy that you can feel this positive energy 💓 Thank you very much, my dear! The best things will come to you 💛

    • @bryanthepunisherjett8518
      @bryanthepunisherjett8518 3 роки тому +2

      Thank you for all the positive energy

    • @secretsoftheenlightenedmin5044
      @secretsoftheenlightenedmin5044 3 роки тому +1

      @@bryanthepunisherjett8518 You are very welcome, dear! Wish you all the best 💗

    • @mhollo123
      @mhollo123 3 роки тому +2

      Thanks for the message

  • @SoothingStreams6886
    @SoothingStreams6886 11 місяців тому +24

    To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the darks thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. 🙏♥

  • @lucillem2639
    @lucillem2639 3 роки тому +368

    I send lots of love to everyone reading this tonight. May all your dreams come true.🙏

  • @ОксанаНовицкая-й1р
    @ОксанаНовицкая-й1р 3 роки тому +74

    Всем, кто читает, здоровья, любви, изобилия!!!! ❤️

  • @infinitespirit888
    @infinitespirit888 3 роки тому +118

    I’ve seen a lot of changes in my life since listening to this. 888 opening of the abundance field. I deserve my birthright abundance of wealth and longevity health.

    • @time_to_sleep12
      @time_to_sleep12 2 роки тому

      asking for only info purpose. what kind of changes? lottery smthng?

  • @mellowsoulmusic4878
    @mellowsoulmusic4878 4 роки тому +784

    *_Your next chapter is going to cause some people to wish they had treated you better. Stay patient._*

    • @amansandehye3papabienglish355
      @amansandehye3papabienglish355 4 роки тому +8


    • @aaaaaaa4821
      @aaaaaaa4821 4 роки тому +14

      All Glory Be To GOD✨💖🙏

    • @haliuncinnamon
      @haliuncinnamon 4 роки тому +14

      Wow thats crazy im just reading this, yesterday my ultimate bestfriend backstabbed me for the 3rd time i was very upset, i think i dont need a friend anymore

    • @cincity225
      @cincity225 4 роки тому +4

      I really needed to hear this. Thank you

    • @alienkawala8287
      @alienkawala8287 4 роки тому +8

      Sounds vindictive. You are lost, keep trying.

  • @dayenerodrigues8546
    @dayenerodrigues8546 2 роки тому +258

    Comecei a ouvir esse audio, estava muito desanimada devido há algumas questões financeiras. Mas mesmo assim, insisti em mudar meus pensamentos e comecei a fazer meu quadro dos sonhos para mudar a energia, quando chegou em 1h20 desse áudio, um cliente fez um pagamento que estava em atrasado há mais de 30 dias. Gratidão Universo. Eu sou amor, Eu sou abundância, Eu sou sucesso, Eu sou prosperidade. Que sua vida seja sempre de alegria e abundância.

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  2 роки тому +11

      This was wonderful to read, Dayene. It's lovely to know you had such a blessed day. It's lovely having you here, my friend. Much love your way.

    • @WJM_pg
      @WJM_pg 2 роки тому +8

      Eu amo esse tipo de comentário, me deixa com a fé muito Inabalável.. faz eu acreditar muito mais nesse áudio... Gratidão ☆

    • @Ecommer504
      @Ecommer504 Рік тому


    • @CristianoVilela-de3fw
      @CristianoVilela-de3fw Рік тому


    • @Darlingfocustv
      @Darlingfocustv Рік тому

      Buenas vibras!!!

  • @deeprollingriver52
    @deeprollingriver52 Рік тому +31

    To everyone reading this. You’re doing great. It may not seem like it but deep within you is a power beyond belief. Trust the process, trust the process. Your beautiful spirit is evolving every moment and is ready to bloom.

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому +1

      Blessings to you and deep gratitude for the words you've left here. They mean a lot. Thank you. 🎏

  • @AttractsAbundance
    @AttractsAbundance Рік тому +52

    To whoever is reading this take a deep breath :) sending you love and love from one human to another. Whatever you’re going through you got this, we are all one big reflection of each other!

  • @monamontes8838
    @monamontes8838 3 роки тому +752

    A ti que estas en cualquier lado del mundo. Te mando un Millon de Bendiciones. Prosperidad, Salud, Amor, Paz, Armonia en tu vida, Felicidad, Ten fe en Dios, el nunca nos abondona, Siempre saldras adelante con el favor de Dios, Recibe un Gran Abrazo de Luz donde quiera que estes.

  • @guidedmeditationforpositiv4121
    @guidedmeditationforpositiv4121 3 роки тому +556

    This brought me to tears. I have no idea how I even ended up here. Going through a lot in life right now and have been feeling overwhelmed. I
    dozed off and woke up to this and then went to the comment section and just cried. Thanks, everyone for looking out for one another. Stay blessed!

    • @smellymurphy
      @smellymurphy 3 роки тому +17

      Just know you’re not alone. HUgs to you.

    • @TubeYouInger
      @TubeYouInger 3 роки тому +19

      You were guided here.
      Hope you feel better everyday and feeling the sun shine in your heart and enjoy life more and more!
      Good luck.
      Lots of hugs and angels on your way🙏

    • @ItssJustZay
      @ItssJustZay 3 роки тому +2


      @SGOODYGANG 3 роки тому +10

      The universe saw you needed help and gave you guidance! You are a wonderful radiant being! We love you and you will be great! Stay happy! 🙏🏾❤

    • @gloriaharrison9849
      @gloriaharrison9849 3 роки тому +8

      Be thankful humble forgiveness is the key to happiness and God 🙏 is there with us

  • @Lana-lp8gd
    @Lana-lp8gd 3 роки тому +616

    Если ты читаешь это сообщение, твоё желание обязательно сбудется!🙏🏻Всем добра, любви и благополучия!❤️

  • @balarabz
    @balarabz 6 місяців тому +8

    The comment section is AMAZING! I needed you all today more than you could ever know. It hasnt been the easiest of times, but i feel hopeful, and to anyone watching who gets to read this comment, i want you to know that you are loved, and you are deserving. We've got this. Sending you love and light ❤️ 💛✨️

  • @yoan6911
    @yoan6911 4 роки тому +171

    To anyone that is reading this: I care for you and I love you. Abundance is ours. It is a natural right for all of us. We deserve love, health and abundance no matter who we are. Abundance is mine. But so is yours. We are divine beings. I am grateful for the universe. For the love and joy it brings, and all the rest that helps me grow. Not always easy. But always worth a try. I have hard times to live in this world and overcome the modern society. But now thanks to you all I feel a little more aligned with the universe. I am thankful. For you. And for everything. Much love.

    • @meierhsu8871
      @meierhsu8871 4 роки тому +7

      Your next chapter is going to cause some people to wish they had treated you better. Stay patient.

    • @teishastackspaper
      @teishastackspaper 3 роки тому +2

      Thankful for you as well eye see you my reflection..🙏🏾🙌🏾💫

    • @arkyclown
      @arkyclown 3 роки тому +3

      Thankful for your blessed words!

    • @karenguben578
      @karenguben578 3 роки тому +4

      I love all.

    • @bettybellmartin3428
      @bettybellmartin3428 3 роки тому +3

      Thank you for the encouragement I am grateful for everyone that sharing their comments. It is very encouraging many blessings to you all lots of love and light s

  • @sucessoeconteudo
    @sucessoeconteudo 4 роки тому +95

    Gold, Gold, Gold FOR YOU ! ! !

  • @davo153
    @davo153 3 роки тому +133

    I listened to this 888hz frequency and manifested abundance and received random money unexpectedly. Works absolute wonders.
    Thank you beautiful universe 🖤

    • @nubiafelipe5061
      @nubiafelipe5061 2 роки тому +1

      Que maravilha mim apaixonei pro esse som que paz isso traiz amei 💯🤩🥰🥰🥰🎁🌟

    • @ibikongol4465
      @ibikongol4465 3 місяці тому

      You are the 2.one to tell that

  • @Clell97amore
    @Clell97amore 4 місяці тому +5

    It is time for me to receive a lot of money, I want abundance and prosperity. I feel that is coming, I claim it, I manifested. Thank you god, thank you the universe.

  • @TierraFeliz.
    @TierraFeliz. Рік тому +38

    A la persona que este leyendo esto que dios te cuide, te ilumine, y que dios te bendiga a ti y a tu familia toda la vida y eternidad

  • @shaquoyabennett
    @shaquoyabennett 2 роки тому +61

    God is actively turning things around in your life for your greatest good. Your blessing is on the horizon. Continue to show Gratitude, Love Yourself and Others, and Trust God's Will.

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  2 роки тому

      Blessings to you my friend.

    • @michellemenefee8359
      @michellemenefee8359 2 роки тому

      i doubt that!!

    • @verajones4395
      @verajones4395 3 місяці тому

      Our blessings are freely flowing into our lives from the horizon and each dawn new possibilities flourish all within our daily lives. We are the abundance, love, great health, and loving community that we seek. It is manifesting and we experience it every waking moment. We thank God for his love and light in our lives and the lives of our loved ones, both born into and chosen. In the name of Jesus Christ, and so it is, Amen!❤ 🎉🕉🙏🏾💜

  • @innerpeaceharmonies
    @innerpeaceharmonies Рік тому +16

    For all of you listening to this beautiful piece of art, take a moment and imagine this: you're going through tough times, and hope seems to be slipping away. Now, envision this scenario - you're offered a chance to enter paradise, but with one condition: you must let go of hope. What do you think that heavenly place would be like? Surprisingly, it might become a living hell. Our world can feel like hell without hope, but the moment hope is rekindled, it transforms into a heavenly place. So, if life feels like a challenge right now, hold onto hope even tighter, and don't let it slip away.

    @GODERAR Рік тому +12

    Imagination, when guided by trust in God's divine guidance, becomes a force that propels us towards the realization of our deepest desires. By visualizing our dreams and surrendering them to the divine, we set in motion a series of events that bring our desires into physical form.

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому

      Thank you for your beautiful comment. I appreciate your kindness. Much love. 🌈

  • @gustavojordao693
    @gustavojordao693 2 роки тому +136

    Se você leu essa mensagem , comece agradecer , porque sua vida vai ser prospera , daqui para frente essa frequencia vai te acompanhar no dia a dia. Gratidão

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  2 роки тому +3

      Blessings to you, my friend.

    • @vemcomacah8165
      @vemcomacah8165 2 роки тому +4

      Eu agradeço pela minha vida próspera e abundante . Pelo meu carro jeep pela minha casa . Pela vida profissional realizada.

    • @barbybenitez2409
      @barbybenitez2409 Рік тому +3

      Sean bendecidos. Desde Argentina un saludo cordial

    • @كيتفزاع
      @كيتفزاع Рік тому

      ممتنة لله والكون ولكلامكم الطيب أنا الافضل واستحق افضل مافي الكون من صحة وسعادة ووفرة وعشق متبادل وزواج سعيد وسفر

    • @Наталья-ж8к8й
      @Наталья-ж8к8й Рік тому +2

      Желаю всем жить в изобилии и процветании💜💜💜

  • @musicapara2596
    @musicapara2596 3 роки тому +1656

    Que todos alcancem a cura seja física, espiritual, emocional, psicológica, financeira, afetiva, material. Assim seja. Amém.🙏🙌📿

    • @elianavenancio2509
      @elianavenancio2509 3 роки тому +12

      Assim seja...

    • @victoriaabbs
      @victoriaabbs 3 роки тому +7

      BENDICIONES . AMÉN🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @alicelima2967
      @alicelima2967 3 роки тому +11

      Estou grávida 8 meses tenho uma filha de 4 anos estou passando por dificuldade financeira não tenho alimentação pra comer nem para minha filha que me pediu leite com Nescau eu não tenho
      Meu marido desempregado vivemos uma vida de escases sem dinheiro e sem alimentação adequada
      Estou aqui para pedir ajuda de vcs
      Qualquer valor já ajuda muito Deus a de abençoar quem me ajudar
      Vou deixar o pix do meu marido aqui 42768674877
      Gratidão a quem poder me ajudar nesse momento.

    • @elizabethcarmona7645
      @elizabethcarmona7645 3 роки тому +6

      Amen, igual para usted. Dios y el universo le bedigan.

    • @reginafortunato2123
      @reginafortunato2123 3 роки тому +4

      Assim e Amém

  • @spiritualliaison123llc
    @spiritualliaison123llc 3 роки тому +130

    I'm so grateful for all of my blessings. Everything and everyone who I already have in my life. I welcome my new blessings, prosperity and abundance with an open heart and gratitude. Praying that everyone who reads this is healing, happy and healthy. 🙏🏽💚💜💙

  • @ThatScienceGirlEl
    @ThatScienceGirlEl 8 місяців тому +27

    You’re not crazy. The frequency works. You’ll wake up filled with positive energy which is perfect for manifesting your desires. May love envelope you💗 and abundance be your mainstay.

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  8 місяців тому +3

      Thanks for sharing your positive experience and lovely wishes! May love and abundance continue to be a part of your journey as well. - Team Jason

    • @destinymckoy5937
      @destinymckoy5937 3 місяці тому +1

      This was meant for me to see. Ironically enough, I was scrolling through the comments while listening and just thought, “huh I feel really good, like I have everything I could ever want and need, like ultimate satisfaction. Is this supposed to make me feel like this?” then I saw your comment.

  • @fernandoriascos6796
    @fernandoriascos6796 2 роки тому +132

    Deseo y decreto que todas las personas que lean este mensaje tengan infinita felicidad y prosperidad en todo sentido. Así será, Así es, Hecho Está!!!!!!!

  • @louiserefanfan7139
    @louiserefanfan7139 3 роки тому +45

    I am sending love, good health and prosperity to all.

  • @cryptoyolo3180
    @cryptoyolo3180 3 роки тому +88

    May we all gain wealth so we can help others as giving leads to more wealth.

    • @antoniocarloshoskencruz7227
      @antoniocarloshoskencruz7227 2 роки тому +1

      Verdade verdadeira

    • @inspirationtoanotherlevel2374
      @inspirationtoanotherlevel2374 3 місяці тому

      Yes 🙌🏾 Amen I am not a giver and a receiver always sand forever never stepping on anyone toes to receive what I’ve earned thank you for it all the good the bad the lesson for blessings 🙌🏾🙏I learn my lesson over giving balance

  • @SoothingChristmasSounds
    @SoothingChristmasSounds Рік тому +91

    For anyone still using this sound, No matter what atmosphere you were in before curling up in bed with the sheets, just know that you matter. Whether you've had a tough day at work/school or anywhere. Remember you are amazing. And if you had a great day today, have an even better tomorrow! All I want you to do, if get a great and well-deserved sleep. Good night rock stars.

  • @mariopimpinella3963
    @mariopimpinella3963 2 роки тому +30

    Tu che stai leggendo questo commento, non disperare, arriveranno momenti migliori dove il sole tornerà a splendere dentro la tua anima, e la pace e la serenità faranno parte di te, ricordati sempre di essere benedetto dal universo, e che i tuoi sogni anche se con difficoltà si realizzeranno.♥️✨

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  2 роки тому +2

      Thank you for your beautiful comment. I appreciate your kindness. Much love. 🌈

    • @veronicasantos161
      @veronicasantos161 Рік тому +1


    • @jpringle4743
      @jpringle4743 Рік тому +1

      Such a beautiful message. It is with great gratitude that I thank you for your words. It is a blessing that you have taken the time to spread joy instead of negatively on you tube. Thank you!!😊

    • @empresshyqueenity415
      @empresshyqueenity415 Рік тому +1

      Thank you ☀️💖Same 2 u ☀️💖☀️💖☀️

  • @divinekiwi2012
    @divinekiwi2012 3 роки тому +39

    May we all be blessed..healthy minds..healthy bodies..healthy smiles love and laughter..Amen

  • @joinyb.7418
    @joinyb.7418 3 роки тому +500

    Sou milionária, cheia de todas as abundâncias terrenas e celestiais que o universo e o criador oferece, e desejo o múltiplo de todas essas coisas para voces todos aqui. Muitíssima Luz para voces.

    • @karloskidy2070
      @karloskidy2070 3 роки тому +2

      obrigado muito grato

    • @acdecarvalho
      @acdecarvalho 3 роки тому +3

      Gratidão 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @rogerioato3803
      @rogerioato3803 3 роки тому +6

      Muito obrigado. Estou començando ver a vida desse angulo e tudo faz sentido. É maravilhoso essa nova descoberta. Sou feliz, prospero.

    • @victoriaabbs
      @victoriaabbs 3 роки тому +4

      BENDICIONES . AMÉN🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • @MultiSolangesol
      @MultiSolangesol 3 роки тому +4

      Amem. gratidão

  • @Thee_Leo_Goddess_87
    @Thee_Leo_Goddess_87 Рік тому +76

    Thank you all for your positive comments I read some and I feel the positive vibes you put in them. I pray that the universe continues to bless you all. It’s a reminder that there’s still hope and there’s still positive people in the world.. things look grey in but I know it’s getting better as I type this. ❤❤❤❤

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому +2

      I'm so pleased to have you in the community, my friend.

  • @relaxationdream6557
    @relaxationdream6557 3 роки тому +92

    If you are reading this, I want to tell you that everything will be fine. You are incredible, you are unique, you can face anything in your life, you have the strength within yourself to overcome any obstacle, loss or situation. You are not alone, you are loved, you have the right to feel bad and good, you have the right to feel. Be blessed by these positive vibes and live your life to the fullest. I'm sending my love to the universe

    • @natasadimitrijevic1726
      @natasadimitrijevic1726 2 роки тому +1

      The universe,-love,God will resive my truly wishes to you and your families 🙏❤️beautiful soul, you are so unique, I know that is right naw come to you most unbelievable time of life, truly your friend 🙏❤️with much love and blessings

    • @janinefreeman1010
      @janinefreeman1010 2 роки тому +1

      Thk You Sending Prayers And Love Yr Way GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS AMEN 🙏

    • @antoniocarloshoskencruz7227
      @antoniocarloshoskencruz7227 2 роки тому

      Eu recebo

    • @michellemenefee8359
      @michellemenefee8359 2 роки тому

      what a joke!

    • @laurafeher9694
      @laurafeher9694 Рік тому

      I'm Grateful To Read Your Comforting Words

  • @Spork1114
    @Spork1114 3 роки тому +328

    The universe has unlimited abundance available to everyone. Shift your mind to be in sync with love and humility. Embrace and acknowledge your feelings. Be vulnerable, use empathy, and spread positive energy to inspire and co-create with the world. Resonate with this planet so we can heal it cooperatively.This is your birthright, collective. As always, with love.

    • @tonywalton2415
      @tonywalton2415 3 роки тому +7

      Thank you
      Perfect touching words

    • @masyaf897
      @masyaf897 3 роки тому +5


    • @bettybellmartin3428
      @bettybellmartin3428 3 роки тому +5

      Thank you to the universe feel our heart with peace today, help us to start our morning with confidence. And let all that is reading this do their best work this day and keep us always from any problems that comes our way. Please reveal opportunities for us to learn new skills, and fill us with new energy to complete our task.😍 love peace and happiness

    • @vickieviresrichie7622
      @vickieviresrichie7622 3 роки тому

      Yes, Amen 🙏🌎✝️💖🌿💐

    • @willybee684
      @willybee684 3 роки тому +1

      All well and good until I see the condition our condition is in which is not very good these days. Nice thoughts though in a better world.

  • @sidneyczar3008
    @sidneyczar3008 2 роки тому +116

    desejo a todos que estão lendo essa declaração é aos que ainda não tiveram essa bênção, que nosso pai criador realize todos os sonhos de riqueza saúde e muita paz.

  • @Lunarfae13
    @Lunarfae13 5 місяців тому +4

    I'm soo happy and grateful for the the creator of this beautiful video!!!

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  5 місяців тому

      We're delighted that the meditation brought you so much happiness. Your support means the world to us! - Team Jason

  • @mahshidesmaili4005
    @mahshidesmaili4005 4 роки тому +410

    From here to all people out there, your are perfect and you can achieve everything you desire 🤩

    • @prophetpeaks
      @prophetpeaks 4 роки тому +9

      Thank you, I'm finding this plandemic extreemly distracting. Really weird energy, 6ft distancing, being hit once a day in my 3rd eye with a temp gun. Very disgrading and obtrucive. Interupting frequency. I feel like Chiron.

    • @donatelogalileo9884
      @donatelogalileo9884 4 роки тому +5

      Thank you mahshid

    • @GodsServant-ProphetessCP
      @GodsServant-ProphetessCP 4 роки тому +2

      Thank you and the same to you Queen!

    • @Reussir-en-beaute
      @Reussir-en-beaute 4 роки тому +2

      Thanks 🙏 This music is so inspiring. Useful to reconnect with our true self. I wish you the best too.

    • @KingdomElevationMinistry
      @KingdomElevationMinistry 4 роки тому +2

      Thank you sweetheart you are blessed ❤️💛💜🧡

  • @j.meireles472
    @j.meireles472 4 роки тому +162

    Senhor abençoe quem e família está lendo essa mensagem e com tua infinita bondade torne-a plena de paz, de amor, de sabedoria, força, energia, saúde, de tua graça, de luz e prosperidade, que tenha tudo de melhor na vida.
    Lord bless those who are reading this message and family with your infinite goodness, full of peace, love, health and harmony, your infinite Grace, light, wisdom and prosperity, all the best in life.

  • @innerlotusmusic
    @innerlotusmusic 4 роки тому +159

    May you receive good news on something you've been patiently waiting on. 🤗
    Now is your turn to get blessed. 🌟

    • @ЛюдаСавельева-м8л
      @ЛюдаСавельева-м8л 4 роки тому

      Сспасибо.ваша музыка спасант мир от дипоессий иодиночества. Она живая что то производит очень хорошее внутри человека.

    • @avrora556
      @avrora556 4 роки тому

      Let it be💚⭐✨
      also good news & energies 2u

    • @innerlotusmusic
      @innerlotusmusic 4 роки тому

      @@avrora556 Thank you so much ÅvrøRâ 💖🙏🏼🌟

    • @monicabiggs4080
      @monicabiggs4080 4 роки тому

      I agree believe and receive

  • @laurasuslova4345
    @laurasuslova4345 Рік тому +9

    Thank you so much!I wish you to be happy , to love and be loved,and to be wealthy !

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому

      You're very welcome! We wish the same happiness, love, and abundance for you as well. - Team Jason.

  • @lilteyflon1371
    @lilteyflon1371 Рік тому +42

    Para você que está lendo isso muita paz e abundância!!

  • @SB-sr6vm
    @SB-sr6vm 2 роки тому +90

    We are all beautiful and perfect as we are. Individually unique but connected as one. May we all find peace and love in our mind, body and soul. 💛

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  2 роки тому +3

      Thanks for your kind words. It's lovely to have you here. ❤️

    • @izlukomoriay111
      @izlukomoriay111 Рік тому

      Зз за зз зз з за з за зщ

    • @izlukomoriay111
      @izlukomoriay111 Рік тому

      @@relaxandrejuvenate не щщ з за зз зз за хзщ

    • @izlukomoriay111
      @izlukomoriay111 Рік тому

      Здравствуйте Щ знаеЗдравствуйте Щ знае

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  Рік тому


  • @GermaniaRacz
    @GermaniaRacz 9 місяців тому +6

    These kindnesses are healing us all. Thank you for all your contributions and compassion

    • @relaxandrejuvenate
      @relaxandrejuvenate  9 місяців тому

      Your words are deeply appreciated. Thanks for being a part of this journey to kindness and understanding. - Team Jason

  • @amiraclebrown9266
    @amiraclebrown9266 3 роки тому +67

    Good morning from New Zealand, Namesta, love, and light to all you beautiful souls out there on your journeys in life, may you all receive abundance in wealth, success, prosperity, health, a happy home; there is no place like home, enjoy life to the fullest like never before, each day is a new beginning of hope, love, happiness, sharing, etc... Blessed be

    • @josheves9022
      @josheves9022 3 роки тому

      New Zealand gang im from chch

    • @isabelrodriguez6023
      @isabelrodriguez6023 3 роки тому

      Good morning desde México

    • @isabelrodriguez6023
      @isabelrodriguez6023 3 роки тому


    • @arkyclown
      @arkyclown 3 роки тому


    • @danielamaria1535
      @danielamaria1535 3 роки тому

      Obrigado por isto que Yausha te abençoe grandemente valeu tenha um bom dia, te desejo o mesmo tá bom,.🤗😊🙋🏼‍♀️🙏🙏🙌❤

  • @clearrelaxation1361
    @clearrelaxation1361 4 роки тому +159

    I am 100% sure everyone listening to this will heal completely and will live an amazing life surrounded with happiness abundance and love

    • @EdsonCarvalhoful
      @EdsonCarvalhoful 4 роки тому +1

      Gostei, muito bom deixei meu like.
      Escute o meu também sempre que for dormir ua-cam.com/video/7oCo11ScDoU/v-deo.html chuva no telhado de zinco metal ,sono rápido tranquilo e profundo garantido🙂👍 E tem o código sagrado Agesta 199 para ganhar na loteria e o grabovoi 520 para dinheiro inesperado.🙏

    • @kuromi6088
      @kuromi6088 4 роки тому +2

      Thank you very much❤❤❤I wish you too😍

    • @dilenefernandesdealmeida5766
      @dilenefernandesdealmeida5766 3 роки тому +1

      Que maravilhos som, tenho certeza que irei realizar meu desejo de manifestação, irei conseguir pagar as despesas com meus gatinhos e pagar a cirugia do gatinho do olhinho doente, o nome dele é Vitão. Assim seja, assim é na minha da Caixa Economica, Agencia: 2778 Op 001 Conta Corrente: 20828-5 Amém e Amém!

    • @jamminnoble
      @jamminnoble 3 роки тому

      Thank you ♥️

  • @mindunwind1
    @mindunwind1 Рік тому +56

    I play this every night I do my meditation. I pray that everyone has a blessed night and a better day be safe and I pray happiness for all and a Financial blessing