I checked it out for everyone and I found a suspicious website and an AI generated image of 'Zara'. My only question is how much do you have to pay for this many comment likes
When you read this comment, remember that your light is an integral part of this universe. You are not alone and you are important. Hope this comment brings you joy. Wishing you good health, full of love and success in life.
Started reading the comments as this was playing on my headphones and my eyes started tearing up. In today’s world it’s so comforting to see even the smallest bit of positivity anywhere. I wish everyone happiness. Thank you all
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life 💕💗💓
I don't want much, I just want the person reading this to be healthy, happy and loved. Have a good day Please drop a like if you want to wish me back ❤❤❤
Прочитав комментарии я прослезилась узнав что я не одна так много добрых позитивных людей хоть я вас не знаю но желаю всем людям любящим Землю и все живущее на ней добра и мира Благодарю тебя добрый человек за то что ты есть будь счастлив
Only Jesus can heal you. Jesus is coming soon. Heaven and hell exist. Repent, receive His forgiveness and ask Him to take His rightful place in your life as your Savior and Lord. Jesus died the painful death our sins deserve. John 3:17 says, “God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” By sacrificing himself for us on the cross, he took the punishment for all of our sins at once. Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Luke 13:24 Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. 1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. Matthew 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
we don't know each other here. maybe some of u come from Europe, come from asia.. etc.. we are from different country.. different race.. but now we are here together to find peace. No matter where are you from, what your race. we are here for one reason. find peace.. let's pray together no more wars in this world, and this pandemic ends. The world is more beautiful if we live together with peace.
If someone reads this message... I'm just telling you... Music is one of the best medicines in the world... It doesn't matter where you are or what language you speak, it's universal and what better than this kind of music... Enjoy it the way you do... Happy day.. Enjoy this life...
El poder de la música es realmente fuerte, una vez caí en un estado de depresión, soledad y falta de rumbo. He practicado la meditación, desde entonces mi energía ha sido abundante, he atraído la buena suerte. Espero que los que están en una situación como yo la superen. Deseándole una vida de paz, tranquilidad, salud y felicidad.
You may be scrolling through the comments, like me, reading all these motivating and good vibes comments. If you are reading this at night, you should get some sleep and not stress about everything that is going on in the world or what you are going through. Don't dwell on things from the past, don't stress about your future. Just live your life, because you only have one. If you have an emotional problem that inside you feel like you can't handle it and it overwhelms you (seek help). Do what makes you happy, not what others want from you. For me, I'm going to wake up tomorrow morning, get some exercise, and appreciate life for what an incredible blessing it is. (Because somehow you and I crossed paths). Perhaps it was for you to read this message to yourself. I hope you do the same too and have an amazing day! 🥰
And what do we do if we live (with an adult daughter who does not move out, although financially possible)who complains, speaks evil of others, acuses you and others falsely to you and to others, makes herself the victim. and believes it herself, talks and complains the whole day, slams the doors, kicks at things, yells at people, the dog and cat, complaints about everybody, doesn’t keep quiet ever, although she does some jobs, it is complaining and accusing others? What can be done?
Gracias por esta maravillosa frecuencia, leer los comentarios me recuerda que somos muchos los que anhelamos la paz y el amor de todos, que el amor infinito invada los corazones de todos los seres sintientes ❤
Only Jesus can heal you. Jesus is coming soon. Heaven and hell exist. Repent, receive His forgiveness and ask Him to take His rightful place in your life as your Savior and Lord. Jesus died the painful death our sins deserve. John 3:17 says, “God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” By sacrificing himself for us on the cross, he took the punishment for all of our sins at once. Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Luke 13:24 Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. 1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. Matthew 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Gracias gracias gracias, universo por la extraordinaria abundancia infinita que llega aquí y ahora a mi vida en mi área espiritual, financiera, físico, mental, laboral y familiar, para compartir con todas los seres que me rodean.
If you are reading this I wish you and your loved ones all the very best in life. Keep your head up and smile. You are loved and you matter. Lots of Love.
Minha primeira vez escutando esses sons Tibetanos, me trouxeram um acalanto tão grande. Li várias mensagens de carinho, afeto e gratidão, me sinto privilegiada em ter feito parte dessa corrente linda de amor. Desejo paz, luz, amor, energias positivas ao nosso planeta, que todos tenham a chance desse despertar maravilhoso....Gratidão universo
Que hermoso momento en el que tantos seres humanos nos unimos para desearnos el bienestar y la paz. En este preciso momento somos uno nos abrazamos y dejamos ir todo ese peso físico o mental que estaba dentro.Me liberó, te libero para juntos expandamos Amor hacia cada ser en este mundo. Les deseo paz y armonía que su Luz brille más y si sienten oscuridad que la luz de todos les ilumine el camino. Bendiciones, Salud y Amor para cada ser 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Кто читает это сообщение , знай , что ты самый здоровый , успешный, счастливый человек! Так как по другому и быть не может ! Всем здоровья и больше добра!
Слушаю эту музыку и другие успокаивающие и исцеляющие и бодроствующие всякие другие итого у меня в душе нуль движение никакое реакция.Мне кажется не всем действуеть или у меня вобше изолированный эмоция какая то толстая не пробивная стена в уме.
To anyone who may stumble across this comment -- I just want to say thank you for getting through what you have survived. I am honored to be on this planet with you. Sending you prayers of healing, success, abundance, and freedom.
If you are reading this and listening to this, I sincerely pray that whatever is causing you pain or stress will pass. May your negative thoughts, excessive worries, and doubts disappear and be replaced by clarity and understanding. May your life be filled with peace, tranquility and love. I wish you success, health, love and happiness!
I listen to these peaceful frequencies mostly when I work. I am a Psychologist, and these beautiful vibrations help me to keep me in balance while I help people to heal their inner world. Thank you for broadcasting this precious instrument, it is supportive and compassionate.
As a psychologist u should know better that this sound does nothing😲 these are simply athmospheric pads made with a digital software, and isnt only just 639 hz.
There is still a debate what causes depression. A change of chemicals inside the brain or external factors that cause the brain chemicals to change. It is a medical fact, proven in studies, that negative emotions can make people sick. So, conclusion for you my friend and anyone sceptical, avoid negative people, places, emaitions, circumstances; surround yourself with beautiful, kind, peaceful, healthy things to maintain your optimal health. This music is beautiful and peaceful, it dirs not matter how many herts the frequincy is, it puts mind and body at peace and relaxation.
good to hear, i think i need your help,i had a car accidnt and i have been going through severe headache and nothing mis been done about it,some friends makes feel that i may be down someday because they think is blood in my brain
Güzel yorumlarınız için çok teşekkür ediyorum bana iyi geldi bu yorumu okuyan kişi bütün sıkıntıların gitsin karanlığın aydınlansın içinde kuruyan herşey çiçek açsın sen buna değersin❤
Acordar em verdes campos e sentir o calor da alma do mundo. Esse vibrar quente, precisa tanto do frio para existir. Esse calor chama até seu último pulsar.
Благодарю 🙏❤️, за прекрасное звучание и успокаивающе звуки течения воды. Всем здравия, любви, счастья, мира и благости. 🙏❤️и мне принимаю с благодарностью 🙏❤️
Si lees esto, debes saber que nunca estas solo y todo irá bien al final de cada situación difícil que estés pasando, y si no va bien aun, no es el final. Te deseo paz, salud, abundancia y mucho amor en ti y alrededor tuya. Todo ira bien
To all the beautiful souls who dropped a comment, I thank you for your kind words keep spreading love and positive energy to those of us who need to hear it , may love , success, abundance continue to present itself in all of your lives.
Tu vida mejorará, no importa la situación en la que te encuentres o que estés pasando, la paz el amor entrara en ti. Te deseo felicidad, riqueza, salud y amor.
@@elcompamanuel936 Namaste Customary Hindu greeting Namaste, sometimes called namaskār and namaskāram, is a customary Hindu manner of respectfully greeting and honouring a person or group, used at any time of day. It is used in the Indian subcontinent, and among the Indian and Nepalese diaspora. Wikipedia
Hi there! Just imagine, in the bustling world of cyberspace, where every little keystroke is like a whisper among a crowd, my comment might seem like just a quick flicker. But hey, if it has managed to catch your eye, please know that it comes with a meaningful intention. Remember to stay strong when times get tough, okay? Because you've got all the strength you need to make it through any storm.
Hello,yes,I read your message and thank you for your words of support. I am from Ukraine,my country is in trouble and suffering, but our people do not lose faith and hope.We do not want someone else`s, we only want to live in peace, develop and rase our children.We know that God is on our side and this gives us strength. Thank you for yur kindness!
To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.😍🥰
Esta música de luz y tantos comentarios de energía positiva, entran en lo más profundo de mi. Gracias, gracias, gracias. Que a todos se les multiplique setenta veces siete su hermosa energía.
To all the beautiful souls reading this, I want to send you a message of love, hope, and support. No matter what you're going through, remember that you are not alone in your struggles. I wish for healing and relief from anything that is causing you pain or stress.
Quizás no entendamos el por qué de las cosas que suceden en todo el mundo , donde el mal se cree vencedor. Estoy segura que hay muchas semillas de luz por todo el mundo y lo único que deben de hacer es tener fe en sí mismas y pedir por el resto de personas que están sumergidas en la oscuridad. Todo acto de amor tiene su repercusión al igual que toda benevolencia que podamos ofrecer. La fe de un mundo mejor es posible , siempre con mente positiva y lleno nuestro ser de amor y luz. Estos deseos se harán realidad si lo proyectamos como un futuro a alcanzar y siempre con fe de que es posible. No estamos solos porque el universo es creación y no destrucción. Os mando todo mi amor y pido protección para todos nosotros. Seamos un rayo de luz y esperanza . Cuidaros mucho. Abrazos
Наша внутренняя , вечная борьба , это даже и жизнь мира 😊 это и есть борьба действительно со злом , то есть сегодня ты жив, завтра не справился. Не позвольте раковым клеткам сожрать нас изнутри. Дьявол хитёр и лукавый и порой в утробе господствует. Но раз мы выжили , если жизнь в нас , её надо сохранить всеми возможными и не совсем возможными именно действиями. Наши души должны восстать против уничтожения , мы сейчас на грани , но каждый способен легко себя вытащить и каждую клеточку в себе . Выбор за вами. И никакая миссия вас не спасёт. Ведь выбор не за миссией ,которая якобы спасет мир , а именно за вами. Мы все взаимосвязаны и нам придется остановить весь этот хаос в разрешении. Победы не будет ни для кого , в организме одном этой планеты ,как и в каждом , победа в разрушении и с ней надо бороться . Не бойтесь , боритесь . Возможно вы справитесь , но без борьбы вас поглотит.
Yo lucho de forma pacífica, mi arma es el amor y llegando a los corazones quizás el efecto surja. Uno no puede cambiar el mundo pero si puede iniciar el cambio ye intentar que esto influya en sus alrededores y así empezar una onda expansiva . El ser no es perfecto y lo acepto pero lucho a mi manera para combatir su mal. Las palabras adecuadas y los hechos en su momento causan más efecto. También me he encontrado personas tan oscuras donde la mejor solución es apartarte y seguir de lejos ya que no es el momento. Gracias por contestarme y cuidate mucho.
Как же расслабляет эта музыка! Потрясающе! Ненавязчивая, спокойная и умиротворяющая.. Мой мозг отдыхает когда я ее слушаю. На стрессовой работе самое оно!!!
To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.
I am successful, I am healthy, I am loved, I am happy. I am so grateful to be successful, healthy, loved and happy. It feels so good to be successful, healthy, loved and happy.
I know my comment is easily lost here, but if you're reading this, it's no coincidence. Be sure, gain strength! Even if you are going through something very difficult in your life. Believe that everything will work out! This is just a phase, hang on! I know we don't know each other, but I believe in you! Rest assured that God is always on your side!
Gracias sonidos insuperables de paz y que todo sea para el alto bien hemos venido a este mundo a cumplir una mision Dios permita y/o el Universo nos de la oportunidad de llegar hecho esta gracias gracias gracias
May you feel the gentle healing presence of Divine Love flowing through your veins, your mind and soul. Let it fill your heart to overflowing. You are not alone
Que el ser humano consiga encontrar el equilibrio el respeto y la armonia con los animales y la naturaleza,sepa cuidar las riquezas que nos brinda la tierra. Todo debe estar conectado ,el ser humano,los animales y los bosques y rios,Cuidemoslo,estan ahí y deben seguir ahi.
Only Jesus can heal you. Jesus is coming soon. Heaven and hell exist. Repent, receive His forgiveness and ask Him to take His rightful place in your life as your Savior and Lord. Jesus died the painful death our sins deserve. John 3:17 says, “God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” By sacrificing himself for us on the cross, he took the punishment for all of our sins at once. Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Luke 13:24 Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able. 1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. Matthew 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Gracias gran Padre Creador por todo lo que me has dado! Hoy me presento ante ti, con amor y humildad, a pedirte que llenes mi vida de bendiciones; Hoy estoy pasando grandes necesidades, estoy desempleado, con muchas deudas y la comida escasea en mi mesa, esta discapacidad física que tengo, no ayuda en mi búsqueda de empleo y me siento contra la pared, sin opciones. Sé que esta es una prueba, pero ha sido muy difícil. Dame la fortaleza para salir adelante y poder brindarle a mi familia un techo, alimento y salir de deudas!! En tí confío Señor !!. Sana mi cuerpo, mi columna, mis riñones, quiero caminar, quita mis dolores físicos. Esta prueba lleva años, dame la paciencia y el valor para superarla, No me desampares, quiero vivir, dame tu Misericordia.
If you're reading this, know that you are deeply valued and cherished in this world. I pray that peace, love, and joy surround you and fill every corner of your life. May you find the strength to overcome any challenges you face, and may your path be blessed with light and guidance. Remember, you are never alone-God is always with you, watching over you, and guiding you towards brighter days. Stay strong, stay hopeful, and keep your faith alive. You are loved, and your presence matters. Keep shining you beautiful light!❤
Thank you dear, I never read a post in You tube , but I don't no why I just open yours. And it is exactly what I needed in this precise moment, I'm very gratefull !
I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for your words of inspiration filled with loving kindness and a message of hope. I receive every word spoken here because it resonate with my life circumstances currently. I will not give up and will stay hopeful in the mist of my storm. I realize that I am being tested and that I'm not alone that God has me in the palms of his hands.Your words are a gentle reminder that i must continue to pray and hold to to my FAITH which will give me the strength i need to carry on. Yes i know that i am a beacon of light and i will let nothing or no one to dim my light,that I am deeply valued and cherished by others
La música,el bosque,el arrullo del correr del rio,me acompañan,en esta soledad y me permiten acompañarme y abrazarme y recibir esa nueva energía que me brinda mi universo y agradece mi corazón y así mi mente descansará en regocijo.
Очень вам благодарна за прекрасную работу очень помогает в наше нелёгкое время желаю вам удачи и успехов во всех ваших начинаниях 🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊😊 Люся
no war
@@petrobiletskiy780no war for you too.
for everyone scrolling and listening to the video, go read forbidden manifestation by zara blackthorn. then come back to thank me
I got it, one of the best books ive ever read
finished reading it a few days ago. you can see why it was censored by just reading the first chapter. this industry is truly scary
I checked it out for everyone and I found a suspicious website and an AI generated image of 'Zara'. My only question is how much do you have to pay for this many comment likes
Ben erişim sağlayamadım ve gerçekten merak ediyorum bu kitabı
A sound that gives a feeling of lightness and harmony. Thanks to the makers, this work is beautiful!
When you read this comment, remember that your light is an integral part of this universe. You are not alone and you are important. Hope this comment brings you joy. Wishing you good health, full of love and success in life.
thank you 🥹
sen ne güzel konuşuyorsun öyle :) azından bal damladı uşak
@@torijuers anlayabildinmiki ne dedimi tori :)
thank you 💗
Started reading the comments as this was playing on my headphones and my eyes started tearing up. In today’s world it’s so comforting to see even the smallest bit of positivity anywhere. I wish everyone happiness. Thank you all
This comment
Senti o mesmo que você. Neste momento me emociono por sentir tanto acolhimento, tantas mensagens de amor e paz 🙏🏻
Same thing happening here right now 🥹
Мирного неба Всем!❤❤❤Мира и любви!❤❤❤дуже гарно!Дякую!Благодаря!❤❤❤
Вам всех благ
To anybody reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind may clarity replace confusion. may peace and calmness fill your life 💕💗💓
you are wonderful, lots of good things for you🥰❤️
It's so true.im overtaking to much
I don't want much, I just want the person reading this to be healthy, happy and loved. Have a good day
Please drop a like if you want to wish me back ❤❤❤
@@ZbigniewStachowiak Thank you so much. 🥰🥰❤🙏🙏🙏
Thanks, may all love and light reach you
Everyone who reads this, we don't know each other and probably never will but I wish you all the best in life and all the luck in the world 🙏🙏🙏
Également 🙏
Merci à vous 🪷
Dankjewel (Thank you in Dutch)
Así sea para todos ,Amen❤
Прочитав комментарии я прослезилась узнав что я не одна так много добрых позитивных людей хоть я вас не знаю но желаю всем людям любящим Землю и все живущее на ней добра и мира Благодарю тебя добрый человек за то что ты есть будь счастлив
Perhaps Putin will hear you ... and stop to slaughter a country !
Moc si to krásně napsal. Jsem z České republiky
Herzerwärmend ! Danke❤
Frieden und das Gleichgewicht für die ganze Erde ist mein Herzenswunsch . Namastay
Und für dich ebenso.❤
Hacı dayım Namazda:)
Namaste heißt nix anderes als HALLO
@@kjwtr3100 ola.
Господи, помоги людям слушать и слышать друг друга! Гармония-это созвучие в душах людей!!!! Любите друг друга!!!!!
Only Jesus can heal you.
Jesus is coming soon.
Heaven and hell exist.
Repent, receive His forgiveness and ask Him to take His rightful place in your life as your Savior and Lord.
Jesus died the painful death our sins deserve. John 3:17 says, “God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” By sacrificing himself for us on the cross, he took the punishment for all of our sins at once.
Matthew 4:17
From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Luke 13:24
Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.
1 John 1:7
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
Matthew 10:28
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
we don't know each other here. maybe some of u come from Europe, come from asia.. etc.. we are from different country.. different race.. but now we are here together to find peace. No matter where are you from, what your race. we are here for one reason. find peace.. let's pray together no more wars in this world, and this pandemic ends. The world is more beautiful if we live together with peace.
There will be no wars if we stop paying taxes
Thanks you so much! 💖
If someone reads this message... I'm just telling you... Music is one of the best medicines in the world... It doesn't matter where you are or what language you speak, it's universal and what better than this kind of music... Enjoy it the way you do... Happy day.. Enjoy this life...
Thank you 🥰
en el espacio no hay atmosfera ni aire así que dudo que sea universal xd. Mundial si xd
Living for a beach side cafe and both enjoying this music 😊
El poder de la música es realmente fuerte, una vez caí en un estado de depresión, soledad y falta de rumbo. He practicado la meditación, desde entonces mi energía ha sido abundante, he atraído la buena suerte. Espero que los que están en una situación como yo la superen. Deseándole una vida de paz, tranquilidad, salud y felicidad.
Merci beaucoup
For you too 🌺
You may be scrolling through the comments, like me, reading all these motivating and good vibes comments. If you are reading this at night, you should get some sleep and not stress about everything that is going on in the world or what you are going through. Don't dwell on things from the past, don't stress about your future. Just live your life, because you only have one. If you have an emotional problem that inside you feel like you can't handle it and it overwhelms you (seek help). Do what makes you happy, not what others want from you. For me, I'm going to wake up tomorrow morning, get some exercise, and appreciate life for what an incredible blessing it is. (Because somehow you and I crossed paths). Perhaps it was for you to read this message to yourself. I hope you do the same too and have an amazing day! 🥰
Молодец за океанский, друг😊
And what do we do if we live (with an adult daughter who does not move out, although financially possible)who complains, speaks evil of others, acuses you and others falsely to you and to others, makes herself the victim. and believes it herself, talks and complains the whole day, slams the doors, kicks at things, yells at people, the dog and cat, complaints about everybody, doesn’t keep quiet ever, although she does some jobs, it is complaining and accusing others? What can be done?
Gracias por esta maravillosa frecuencia, leer los comentarios me recuerda que somos muchos los que anhelamos la paz y el amor de todos, que el amor infinito invada los corazones de todos los seres sintientes ❤
Thật hạnh phúc, khi sự yêu thương vô điều kiện vẫn luôn tồn tại xung quanh chúng ta
@@XuanNam0928 dung riu ban oi
Que todos os ditadores do mundo escutem essa melodia e encontre Paz na vida principalmente o Russo psicopata e o sadista do gordo coreano
Only Jesus can heal you.
Jesus is coming soon.
Heaven and hell exist.
Repent, receive His forgiveness and ask Him to take His rightful place in your life as your Savior and Lord.
Jesus died the painful death our sins deserve. John 3:17 says, “God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” By sacrificing himself for us on the cross, he took the punishment for all of our sins at once.
Matthew 4:17
From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Luke 13:24
Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.
1 John 1:7
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
Matthew 10:28
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Благодарю вас за прекрасную музыку!! Всем людям мира добра, любви❤❤❤!!
Gracias gracias gracias, universo por la extraordinaria abundancia infinita que llega aquí y ahora a mi vida en mi área espiritual, financiera, físico, mental, laboral y familiar, para compartir con todas los seres que me rodean.
Muy amable de tu parte. Que aproveches este día para reflejar lo Divino en ti para que otros lo vean y lo experimenten.
Si lees este comentario, espero que tengas un maravilloso día. Te deseo mucha felicidad, exito, amor y paz!
Благодарю за ваши пожелания, за вашу доброту. С любовью из России. Вам всех земных благ. ❤
Teşekkürler canım sana da iyi bir gün olsun 🥰
También te envío muchas bendiciones ,luz y amor 😍
Gracias igualmente para ti ❤
Obrigado. Amém.
Пусть каждый обретет то, что ищет. Пусть любовь наполнит сердца и в единомыслии соединит нас ко благому деянию.
Blagodarna Vam❤
Who ever reading this i wish you the best in life
Same 2 u
TE TRASPOTA .....A un LUGAR DE tranquilidad ❤❤❤
Любовь живёт в каждом из нас . Настоящая , необусловленная , осознанная и бесконечная ! Потому что звуки это мантра, а все мысли мудрость ...
Love this!
Благодарю. Всем добра ,мира и процветания.
If you are reading this I wish you and your loved ones all the very best in life. Keep your head up and smile. You are loved and you matter. Lots of Love.
Thank You ♥♥♥
Minha primeira vez escutando esses sons Tibetanos, me trouxeram um acalanto tão grande. Li várias mensagens de carinho, afeto e gratidão, me sinto privilegiada em ter feito parte dessa corrente linda de amor. Desejo paz, luz, amor, energias positivas ao nosso planeta, que todos tenham a chance desse despertar maravilhoso....Gratidão universo
Que hermoso momento en el que tantos seres humanos nos unimos para desearnos el bienestar y la paz.
En este preciso momento somos uno nos abrazamos y dejamos ir todo ese peso físico o mental que estaba dentro.Me liberó, te libero para juntos expandamos Amor hacia cada ser en este mundo. Les deseo paz y armonía que su Luz brille más y si sienten oscuridad que la luz de todos les ilumine el camino. Bendiciones, Salud y Amor para cada ser 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Мне очень нравится эта убаюкивающая мелодия,частота!
Так хочется мира,любви и осознания всего населения,нашей замечательной планеты!
Я люблю вас всех!
Кто читает это сообщение , знай , что ты самый здоровый , успешный, счастливый человек! Так как по другому и быть не может ! Всем здоровья и больше добра!
И вам прекрасны человек..всего того же ❤
Вам огромной любви ❤
Слушаю эту музыку и другие успокаивающие и исцеляющие и бодроствующие всякие другие итого у меня в душе нуль движение никакое реакция.Мне кажется не всем действуеть или у меня вобше изолированный эмоция какая то толстая не пробивная стена в уме.
Todos los que estamos aqui que el universo maravilloso nos llene de salud bendiciones exitos mucha salud y nos vuelva un iman de prosperidad y exito
To anyone who may stumble across this comment -- I just want to say thank you for getting through what you have survived. I am honored to be on this planet with you. Sending you prayers of healing, success, abundance, and freedom.
Eu recebo 🙌🏻 Desejo em dobro
💜 and I to you as well
También deseo lo mismo y más para ti y tu vida !!! Bendiciones
May the whole universe be safe and all the people in the whole world be healthy and happy! Please be kind to each other! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Everyone reading this ,,I wish you love and universal protection 💖🙏🏽
Thank you ❤love and light 💡
Your full of trillions of bacteria
There is no Me nore You.... We are all in together.... On a unique planet with unique creatures.... Thats Energy.... Love ❤❤❤
This one freaked me out, was staying in a haunted house, out the country, tried to convince myself otherwise,,
If you are reading this and listening to this, I sincerely pray that whatever is causing you pain or stress will pass. May your negative thoughts, excessive worries, and doubts disappear and be replaced by clarity and understanding. May your life be filled with peace, tranquility and love. I wish you success, health, love and happiness!
Thank you🙏🏻🪷❤️ needed this encouragement.
best wishes to you to thanks
Thanks budy
To you too❤
I listen to these peaceful frequencies mostly when I work. I am a Psychologist, and these beautiful vibrations help me to keep me in balance while I help people to heal their inner world. Thank you for broadcasting this precious instrument, it is supportive and compassionate.
As a psychologist u should know better that this sound does nothing😲 these are simply athmospheric pads made with a digital software, and isnt only just 639 hz.
There is still a debate what causes depression. A change of chemicals inside the brain or external factors that cause the brain chemicals to change. It is a medical fact, proven in studies, that negative emotions can make people sick.
So, conclusion for you my friend and anyone sceptical, avoid negative people, places, emaitions, circumstances; surround yourself with beautiful, kind, peaceful, healthy things to maintain your optimal health.
This music is beautiful and peaceful, it dirs not matter how many herts the frequincy is, it puts mind and body at peace and relaxation.
@@goodperson5707 no, absolutely not it doesnt relax a single muscle or braincell.
good to hear, i think i need your help,i had a car accidnt and i have been going through severe headache and nothing mis been done about it,some friends makes feel that i may be down someday because they think is blood in my brain
❤❤❤ una sensación de paz
Super słoneczny poranek z cudownymi dżwiękami 🥰🥰
Que a HUMANIDADE possa viver
no AMOR, com o AMOR e para o AMOR ,
na LUZ, com a LUZ e para a LUZ ,
na PAZ , com a PAZ e para a PAZ..... gratidão
Güzel yorumlarınız için çok teşekkür ediyorum bana iyi geldi bu yorumu okuyan kişi bütün sıkıntıların gitsin karanlığın aydınlansın içinde kuruyan herşey çiçek açsın sen buna değersin❤
Same for you 🌺🌹
Acordar em verdes campos e sentir o calor da alma do mundo.
Esse vibrar quente, precisa tanto do frio para existir. Esse calor chama até seu último pulsar.
Благодарю 🙏❤️, за прекрасное звучание и успокаивающе звуки течения воды. Всем здравия, любви, счастья, мира и благости. 🙏❤️и мне принимаю с благодарностью 🙏❤️
Si lees esto, debes saber que nunca estas solo y todo irá bien al final de cada situación difícil que estés pasando, y si no va bien aun, no es el final. Te deseo paz, salud, abundancia y mucho amor en ti y alrededor tuya. Todo ira bien
Gracias y muchas bendiciones para vos y los tuyos
Благодарю ❤ Всё именно ТАК ... всё во благо 🙏
créeme leí este mensaje en el momento justo dios me ayude.
Esta meditación hace q tu cuerpo se tranquilice y se disponga a descansar toda la noche gracias
Людмила: Благодарю за чарующие музыкальные исцеляющие звуки!!! Благодарю за ВАШ ТРУД !!! ДОБРОГО ВАМ ЗДОРОВЬЯ!!!❤❤❤❤❤😂😂
To all the beautiful souls who dropped a comment, I thank you for your kind words keep spreading love and positive energy to those of us who need to hear it , may love , success, abundance continue to present itself in all of your lives.
Blessings to you in love and light 💫💙
Пусть будут свободны и счастливы 💜 все существа 🩷 во всех мирах 💚. Мир всем 🌷.
Thank you ....lovely❤
Tu vida mejorará, no importa la situación en la que te encuentres o que estés pasando, la paz el amor entrara en ti. Te deseo felicidad, riqueza, salud y amor.
🕊️🙏♥️ gratitude 🙏🧚🌹
@@suryaesluz no entendí su comentario
@@elcompamanuel936 Namaste
Customary Hindu greeting
Namaste, sometimes called namaskār and namaskāram, is a customary Hindu manner of respectfully greeting and honouring a person or group, used at any time of day. It is used in the Indian subcontinent, and among the Indian and Nepalese diaspora. Wikipedia
Hi there! Just imagine, in the bustling world of cyberspace, where every little keystroke is like a whisper among a crowd, my comment might seem like just a quick flicker. But hey, if it has managed to catch your eye, please know that it comes with a meaningful intention. Remember to stay strong when times get tough, okay? Because you've got all the strength you need to make it through any storm.
Hello,yes,I read your message and thank you for your words of support. I am from Ukraine,my country is in trouble and suffering, but our people do not lose faith and hope.We do not want someone else`s, we only want to live in peace, develop and rase our children.We know that God is on our side and this gives us strength.
Thank you for yur kindness!
To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine.
No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it!
You are strong and brave.😍🥰
Аминь! 🙏❤️
Да будет так Аминь🙏
merci infiniment 🎉🎉🎉
Much love to you sweet soul ❤Sat Nam🙏
This is a beautiful safe place with kind 💕 hearts..feeling relaxed. Thank you for holding a safe and peaceful place for us!
Esta música de luz y tantos comentarios de energía positiva, entran en lo más profundo de mi. Gracias, gracias, gracias. Que a todos se les multiplique setenta veces siete su hermosa energía.
Que la paz del creador y su amor le inude en sus corazones y qué tenga paz interior ❤❤❤❤chalon
To all the beautiful souls reading this, I want to send you a message of love, hope, and support. No matter what you're going through, remember that you are not alone in your struggles. I wish for healing and relief from anything that is causing you pain or stress.
Ty 🙏Namaste ❤you as well
Thank you❤
Благодарю от души ❤❤❤
Simplesmente sensacional, maravilhoso, lindo!! 😍
Koliko dobrih ljudi ima u svijetu Jahve Vas blagoslovio 💗💗💗💗
Много благодаря за релаксиращата и отпускаща мелодия! Желая ви всичко добро, любов и светлина! ❤❤❤
Never been much believer of these kind of things but I can’t deny how good this video makes me feel ❤
이렇게 행복한 에너지가 가득한 음악을 주셔서 감사합니다
Faleminderit. Fat te mire, paqe dhe begati per te gjithe Qiell i paqte per te gjithe!❤❤❤❤Paqe dhe dashuri❤❤❤❤shume bukur! Faleminderit ❤❤❤
Me dashuri dhe qetesi ❤❤❤
Exelente y muy acorde a la esencia de esta maravillosa y sanadora música , que se traduce en este orden LUZ AMOR Y PAZ ❤🎉
J'adore, je suis transportée dans un monde calme et apaisant ❤ merci
Very nice video calm and peaceful music. This is the best medicine to regain balance after a long, stressful day at work
have you tried weed?
Quizás no entendamos el por qué de las cosas que suceden en todo el mundo , donde el mal se cree vencedor. Estoy segura que hay muchas semillas de luz por todo el mundo y lo único que deben de hacer es tener fe en sí mismas y pedir por el resto de personas que están sumergidas en la oscuridad. Todo acto de amor tiene su repercusión al igual que toda benevolencia que podamos ofrecer. La fe de un mundo mejor es posible , siempre con mente positiva y lleno nuestro ser de amor y luz. Estos deseos se harán realidad si lo proyectamos como un futuro a alcanzar y siempre con fe de que es posible. No estamos solos porque el universo es creación y no destrucción. Os mando todo mi amor y pido protección para todos nosotros. Seamos un rayo de luz y esperanza . Cuidaros mucho. Abrazos
Наша внутренняя , вечная борьба , это даже и жизнь мира 😊 это и есть борьба действительно со злом , то есть сегодня ты жив, завтра не справился.
Не позвольте раковым клеткам сожрать нас изнутри. Дьявол хитёр и лукавый и порой в утробе господствует.
Но раз мы выжили , если жизнь в нас , её надо сохранить всеми возможными и не совсем возможными именно действиями.
Наши души должны восстать против уничтожения , мы сейчас на грани , но каждый способен легко себя вытащить и каждую клеточку в себе .
Выбор за вами.
И никакая миссия вас не спасёт. Ведь выбор не за миссией ,которая якобы спасет мир , а именно за вами.
Мы все взаимосвязаны и нам придется остановить весь этот хаос в разрешении.
Победы не будет ни для кого , в организме одном этой планеты ,как и в каждом , победа в разрушении и с ней надо бороться .
Не бойтесь , боритесь .
Возможно вы справитесь , но без борьбы вас поглотит.
Yo lucho de forma pacífica, mi arma es el amor y llegando a los corazones quizás el efecto surja. Uno no puede cambiar el mundo pero si puede iniciar el cambio ye intentar que esto influya en sus alrededores y así empezar una onda expansiva . El ser no es perfecto y lo acepto pero lucho a mi manera para combatir su mal. Las palabras adecuadas y los hechos en su momento causan más efecto. También me he encontrado personas tan oscuras donde la mejor solución es apartarte y seguir de lejos ya que no es el momento. Gracias por contestarme y cuidate mucho.
Ouvi hoje esse som. Seja ele tibetano ou não, isso não importa. Som leve que nos traz tranquilidade e devoção!❤ Gratidão ❤❤
Благодарю! ❤❤❤
Как же расслабляет эта музыка! Потрясающе! Ненавязчивая, спокойная и умиротворяющая.. Мой мозг отдыхает когда я ее слушаю. На стрессовой работе самое оно!!!
To the person reading this, Good Luck! Don't stress, everything will be fine. No matter what difficulty you are facing right now, you can overcome it! You are strong and brave.
¡Qué maravilloso video! Las vibraciones tibetanas son realmente poderosas para sanar el alma y atraer energía positiva.
If you come here because you need that little bit of peace, let me tell you please don't give up. You have to keep fighting. That stronger, faster, 💕
Vi är Alla Ett… Tack! 🙏💓🌟💓🙏
Merci pour cette belle musique qui m'a permis de me nettoyer et me débarrasser de tout ce qui ne m appartenait pas .❤❤❤
The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness !
I am successful, I am healthy, I am loved, I am happy. I am so grateful to be successful, healthy, loved and happy. It feels so good to be successful, healthy, loved and happy.
Thank you. And I wish all the same for you.
My the gods stand between you and harm...in all the empty places where you must walk.
I know my comment is easily lost here, but if you're reading this, it's no coincidence. Be sure, gain strength! Even if you are going through something very difficult in your life. Believe that everything will work out! This is just a phase, hang on! I know we don't know each other, but I believe in you! Rest assured that God is always on your side!
Oh that's great 🙏 thank you 🥰
muito obrigada!!!
Благодарю. Всего вам доброго за пожелания
Gratidão, suas palavras foram um balsamo para mim.
Namaste ❤
Was having a tough day but reading through these comments put a smile on my face, hope you all have the most beautiful, fufilling life💗
Gracias sonidos insuperables de paz y que todo sea para el alto bien hemos venido a este mundo a cumplir una mision Dios permita y/o el Universo nos de la oportunidad de llegar hecho esta gracias gracias gracias
Ontem eu estava triste, estressada e desesperançosa. Ouvi esse áudio e acordei tão leve. Recomendo demais.
Dear God❤, if you hear me - help me☀️
Dear Angelina, God bless you! Hugs from Brasil❤
@@angelinamichael1811 Hi Angelina, Hug and good wishes from rural Thailand. ♥️
Hi Angelina, God is with you always, peace be upon you❤.
May you feel the gentle healing presence of Divine Love flowing through your veins, your mind and soul. Let it fill your heart to overflowing. You are not alone
I hope you are fine. Stay safe and stay strong. Kindly regards. God bless you!
TEŞEKKÜRLER Allah razı olsun Âmin 🤲 Yüreğinize sağlık .
Thank you Universe and our Lord for your protection and support. I have faith in myself because of this beautiful energy ✨️ ❤🙏
Que el ser humano consiga encontrar el equilibrio el respeto y la armonia con los animales y la naturaleza,sepa cuidar las riquezas que nos brinda la tierra.
Todo debe estar conectado ,el ser humano,los animales y los bosques y rios,Cuidemoslo,estan ahí y deben seguir ahi.
치유하게 해주시고 좋은 에너지를 주셔서 감사합니다.
I hope everything gets better for u
Only Jesus can heal you.
Jesus is coming soon.
Heaven and hell exist.
Repent, receive His forgiveness and ask Him to take His rightful place in your life as your Savior and Lord.
Jesus died the painful death our sins deserve. John 3:17 says, “God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.” By sacrificing himself for us on the cross, he took the punishment for all of our sins at once.
Matthew 4:17
From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Luke 13:24
Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.
1 John 1:7
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
Matthew 10:28
Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Csodálatos, fantasztikus. Óriási élményekben részesültem meditáció alatt ezzel a zenével!!!😍🥰😘
Gracias gran Padre Creador por todo lo que me has dado! Hoy me presento ante ti, con amor y humildad, a pedirte que llenes mi vida de bendiciones; Hoy estoy pasando grandes necesidades, estoy desempleado, con muchas deudas y la comida escasea en mi mesa, esta discapacidad física que tengo, no ayuda en mi búsqueda de empleo y me siento contra la pared, sin opciones. Sé que esta es una prueba, pero ha sido muy difícil. Dame la fortaleza para salir adelante y poder brindarle a mi familia un techo, alimento y salir de deudas!! En tí confío Señor !!. Sana mi cuerpo, mi columna, mis riñones, quiero caminar, quita mis dolores físicos. Esta prueba lleva años, dame la paciencia y el valor para superarla, No me desampares, quiero vivir, dame tu Misericordia.
Tengo adicción por las frecuencias, me dan mucha tranquilidad ❤
MERCI !!! Un moment de paix dont nos coeurs et nos âmes ont grand besoin ! 💜🙏💜
Estos sonidos endulzan el alma
Merci pour tous ces commentaires de bienveillance ❤❤❤
Que l'Amour et la PAIX gagnent.
Mes sentiments les meilleurs à tous.
Muita luz para todos nós! 🙏💕
If you're reading this, know that you are deeply valued and cherished in this world. I pray that peace, love, and joy surround you and fill every corner of your life. May you find the strength to overcome any challenges you face, and may your path be blessed with light and guidance. Remember, you are never alone-God is always with you, watching over you, and guiding you towards brighter days. Stay strong, stay hopeful, and keep your faith alive. You are loved, and your presence matters. Keep shining you beautiful light!❤
Thank you dear, I never read a post in You tube , but I don't no why I just open yours. And it is exactly what I needed in this precise moment, I'm very gratefull !
Thanks babe
I wanted to take a moment and say thank you for your words of inspiration filled with loving kindness and a message of hope. I receive every word spoken here because it resonate with my life circumstances currently. I will not give up and will stay hopeful in the mist of my storm. I realize that I am being tested and that I'm not alone that God has me in the palms of his hands.Your words are a gentle reminder that i must continue to pray and hold to to my FAITH which will give me the strength i need to carry on. Yes i know that i am a beacon of light and i will let nothing or no one to dim my light,that I am deeply valued and cherished by others
Благодарю за проводника, через которого Господь исцеляет меня. ❤❤❤
La música,el bosque,el arrullo del correr del rio,me acompañan,en esta soledad y me permiten acompañarme y abrazarme y recibir esa nueva energía que me brinda mi universo y agradece mi corazón y así mi mente descansará en regocijo.
I 🎉
🎉 😂
Благодарю! Благодарю! Благодарю! ❤
Gracias por ésta maravillosa música para meditar. 🙏🏼🛐🧚🏼♀️💎💫🍀🦋🪷⭐🪽🫂♾️
Gratidão a Deus e a Jesus Cristo por tudo de maravilhoso que nos concedem a cada instante de nossas vidas! 🕊️🕊️🕊️🕊️✨
Jak cudownie jest wiedzieć ,że jest tylu pięknych , świadomych ludzi. Bądźcie szczęśliwi , radośni a wszelkie łaski niech płyną do Was w obfitości.
Heilung 🙏 Jetzt* in diesem Moment auf allen Ebenen meines Seins!
In Liebe und Dankbarkeit 💓