Ray Comfort: 'Noah' Movie Disrespectful, Not Biblically Accurate

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,7 тис.

  • @DarkMatter2525
    @DarkMatter2525 10 років тому +64

    Why does he think crucifying Christ was the wrong thing to do if that was supposed to be the very purpose of Christ's life according to "God's plan"? Wouldn't he be hellbound otherwise?

    • @christonvarner-halback700
      @christonvarner-halback700 10 років тому +6

      That same point ran through my mind. It was supposedly "pre-destined" to happen by his God. Wait... is he saying his "God" was wrong for planning the death of... (arguably) himself to himself? Does that actually mean that Ray Comfort is morally independent from his God? :O!

    • @surrealkitten9670
      @surrealkitten9670 10 років тому +1

      Christon Varner-Halback Maybe his logic is so knotted up because he thinks in that manner...

    • @Chipwhitley274
      @Chipwhitley274 10 років тому +2

      What I believe he means, is that the people's reasoning for his conviction was wrong, their logic, their thought process was wrong. They basically said he is a criminal so should be crucified, but he wasn't a criminal, and them claiming he was didn't make it true.

    • @wjmackenzie955
      @wjmackenzie955 10 років тому +3

      He doesn't do logic. He contradicts himself several times, and he uses emotional pleas to promote his favorite religious fantasy and hopefully in such a way he can make some money out of the con in the process.

    • @Nachtopus
      @Nachtopus 10 років тому +4

      DarkMatter2525 Your videos are the best.

  • @FrankLightheart
    @FrankLightheart 10 років тому +14

    I keep hearing Ray complain about how Noah is depicted as a drunk in the movie... and I know that's just one of a number of things he has a problem with... but IN THE BIBLE Noah is described as a drunkard.
    That part, at least, is not a special liberty the director took with the story.

    • @Mrcookiemonster515
      @Mrcookiemonster515 6 місяців тому

      yes that is true but the at only happen After the flood ended.

  • @pjsmith5975
    @pjsmith5975 10 років тому +10

    If you’re going to make a movie about an event that took place in the Holy Bible and call the movie biblical then you might want to follow the actually context that is in the bible. I would be like making a historical movie of the founding of the United States and calling it historical and they show that it was colonized by an alien race of insect creatures and George Washington was a AI robot that malfunctioned and started the war. So basically this movie trashes the bible story and accounting of Noah but calls itself biblical in order to line their pockets with $$$$ by calling it biblical. I don't know about you but if a used car salesman sales you a car that is a complete lemon and promised you a good car you get the picture.
    What does one expect from Hollywood concerning their warped viewpoint on anything Christian? They should have called this movie save the planet or go green or sea monkeys at sea.
    Fallen angles made out of rock build the arch really? Noah takes after Jake Nicolson in the shinning but without the AX? I guess they forgot to bring those on the boat when the flood it. Instead of pairs of animals getting on the arch every animal on the planet gets on the boat. They must have some kind of Dr. sinister shrinking ray they left on the cutting room floor. They also forgot that everyone on the boat with Noah actually where paired up. Kind of sucked for all the men on the boat who where complaining about the lake of woman on board. They even left out the fact that God was punishing man because of his wickedness and sin and not because the animals where having a hard time with humans. The icing on the cake has to be when the director did an interview on CNN and said that he made a movie that was the most none biblically biblical movie he could make? What the hell does that mean? That is like getting an answer from a politician that says yes and no to the same question. It is not like the biblical story of Noah was that in-depth in the bible. They could have done a 1000 things to develop the story around the actually context they had in the bible but like most Hollywood types it pays more $$$ to trash the bible and subvert it then to present something that inspires people. Save your $ and go watch Captain America. It has a ton of eye candy CGI and you can enjoy it for entertainment without having to point out how bad they trash the original story.

  • @Desertphile
    @Desertphile 10 років тому +11

    The Captain America movie was disrespectful and not accurate either. Did Rev Comfort complain?

    • @JadeMRE
      @JadeMRE 10 років тому +3

      Hey Desertphile.
      A few differences there. Captain America is fiction, as we know. The Bible is fact. People may not see it as fact, but it is. Just research it and you'll see. C.S Lewis was an atheist who set out to prove The Bible and Christianity as false. But he instead saw the truth. Look in to it.

    • @Desertphile
      @Desertphile 10 років тому +5

      Ghillieshot No.

    • @EUROPAMusicOfficialChannel
      @EUROPAMusicOfficialChannel 10 років тому +2

      Ghillieshot You are so so wrong. You're SO wrong that it HURTS.

    • @sightminer7
      @sightminer7 10 років тому +1

      ***** And your basis for this assertion?

    • @GT-Oldschool
      @GT-Oldschool 10 років тому +1

      wow.. that totally just went over your heads didnt it..?
      yea i dont hold that against you. atheists are not exactly known for being too smart.
      and the only argument all you nerds can reply is 'no, youre wrong.. evolution is fact'.. lol.
      evodelusion.. the religion of dweebs.

  • @Cathrynne
    @Cathrynne 10 років тому +10

    I haven't watched the Holywood version, however, one thing I wanna say to those who happen to read my comment - I am sure most of you have heard/watched countless debates about whether God exists and that there is only one true God and that is Jesus Christ. I personally believe that Jesus Christ is the Lord, God that came to the world as a man with one purpose, to redeem the world. Now, for those of you who do not believe that God exists and there is only one true God(Jesus Christ) all I can say is that the Word has REACHED you and it is up to you whether to believe or not.
    Christianity has succumbed to countless subjugation, prejudice, torture and other horrific things and we still prevail. Let's see who is right when the time comes...
    Shalom and God bless

    • @Kimmy_95
      @Kimmy_95 10 років тому +1

      Very well said.

    • @ovrthinker5957
      @ovrthinker5957 5 років тому

      Very well said.

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 4 роки тому

      redeaming the world didn't work though. he died for our sins - but we're still considered sinners, whether someone immortal can die is debateable for a start, but dying and us still being consideredf sinners was a real waste of time eh? still, i can repent at the last moment, hee, hee. that get out of jail free has killed so many people.

  • @jackiecarrasco3734
    @jackiecarrasco3734 10 років тому +4

    Bravo Ray, God bless. Well said. Being religious is the worst thing you can do. Repent and turn to Jesus. The name above all name.

  • @MajinWeabuu
    @MajinWeabuu 10 років тому +12

    "Their bottom line is to make money"
    That's the most ironic fucking thing I have ever heard.

  • @notsafeforchurch
    @notsafeforchurch 10 років тому +16

    I agree, I want to see an acurate Noah movie.
    The movie stops right when the flood raises the ark off the land and it splits open because its a 450ft boat made only of wood and there's too much flex in the hull.
    Or it could end when the flood waters reach their peak some 4 miles up, because everyone froze to death due to the friggid temperatures or died from lack of oxygen.
    Or it could have ended sometime after that, when everything onboard the ark starved because there wasn't enough room for food (there wasn't enough room for all the species of animal).

    • @TheComputec
      @TheComputec 10 років тому +6

      you've just spoiled the film for me... I was hoping to renew my faith (lost it with my first milk tooth) BTW I asked a christian how marsupials ended up in Australia after the flood and she replied, "well, Noah had plenty of time to drop the animals off in the right places seeing as they were at see for forty days"... christians are funny

    • @perspectivedetective
      @perspectivedetective 10 років тому +2

      TheComputec "well, Noah had plenty of time to drop the animals off in the right places seeing as they were at see for forty days"
      You actually heard somebody say that? LOL
      Makes total sense. The marsupials probably just treaded water until the flood waters went down.

    • @MegaBitchkitty
      @MegaBitchkitty 10 років тому +1

      perspectivedetective according to the creation museum they floated on rafts to get to all the continents ...... i'm serious here, they actually have that in there. It makes the response above look saner doesn't it ..... and they wonder why we laugh at them.

    • @perspectivedetective
      @perspectivedetective 10 років тому

      Kitty Possum I really have to try to get to one of those creation museums some time. They sound hilarious. XD
      Do they say whether Noah and his kids ferried all the animals to their destinations, or whether the animals rafted there themselves? Because I gotta say, the image of kangaroos and wallabies voyaging across the ocean to Australia is pretty glorious.

    • @mikebrunet54
      @mikebrunet54 10 років тому

      Kitty Possum that's not the creation museum...you just ramble don't ya...you sound like nails on a chalkboard....you sound like someone trying to be cool in L.A...

  • @jjsam5375
    @jjsam5375 10 років тому +30

    I agree with Ray Comfort, I won't be watching the movie, and I think David Parkman just wants someone to argue with.

    • @jjsam5375
      @jjsam5375 10 років тому +1

      ***** Like I care what you think. I was not directing my comment straight at you.

    • @jjsam5375
      @jjsam5375 10 років тому +3

      ***** You're being...um...um...ah shoot......rude....no freaking aggressive....freaking cold and Bossy....You're being Bossy ! And you're a boy not a Girl.. LOL....Go to bed, does your mama know you're up this late ?

  • @NicolaMacLeod
    @NicolaMacLeod 10 років тому +7

    So Ray is upset Hollywood doesn't use makeup and CGI to make Russel Crow look 600 years old?

    • @wjmackenzie955
      @wjmackenzie955 10 років тому +2

      And that they made him want to kill his grandkid instead of condemn his grandkid and all the grandkids descendants into righteous biblical slavery.

  • @JEvrist
    @JEvrist 10 років тому +9

    Ray Comfort is right. David, twisted logic which is from Greek thought causes so many tangles in one's belief system. Learn the ancient Hebrew letters to see the thought process of God. Ray is right... David you are asserting wrong beliefs.

  • @lisamariewwangel8032
    @lisamariewwangel8032 10 років тому +21

    Christians are in an uproar over the movie Noah, claiming too much of the plot is made up. Apparently the fictitious movie about a fictitious story from a fictitious book isn't historically accurate.

    • @mikebrunet54
      @mikebrunet54 10 років тому +3

      goofy christians may be in an uproar but we are not easily offended we been listening to your weak arguements since the beginning of time...The Lords followers have always been a minority in comparison to the worlds populous and the Lord has always been faithful by giving obvious signs and His Absolute Written Truths so all men are accountable...If many refuse His Way...we do not lose sleep or force liberal thinking to be abolished...You serve the Lord or the Devil there's nothing in between....The evidence of the flood is under your nose and you refuse to look...Lisa you have a lot to learn you have already ignored much of what is obvious around you....nothing impressive about you rebuttal....We know it to be very accurate...so as others you move towards the human hybrid highway and the mark awaits you soon......

    • @MegaBitchkitty
      @MegaBitchkitty 10 років тому +2

      Hey Mike - I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a smarter statement than that.
      Too stupid to understand science : try religion.

    • @PETERJOHN101
      @PETERJOHN101 10 років тому

      Really? Then how is the Earth, which began as a rock in space and has a molten core, made up of 70% water?

    • @notsafeforchurch
      @notsafeforchurch 10 років тому +1

      ***** So you're comparing stories in the Bible with other works of fiction? Hrm, can't say I disagree with you there...

    • @MegaBitchkitty
      @MegaBitchkitty 10 років тому +1

      ***** can't answer with a scientific response, just fall back to good old : because gawd
      and you wonder why we laugh at you and your religion

  • @GodlessGlen
    @GodlessGlen 10 років тому +9

    Did Ray just say that crucifying Jesus was the wrong thing to do? BLASPHEMY! lol. According to the Bible, that was God's plan all along, and without Jesus' shedding of blood and death then we can't be "saved". See, Christians often will use whatever argument best suits their case in a particular instance.

    • @JoseSanchez-xq6jx
      @JoseSanchez-xq6jx 10 років тому

      I asked Ray if he would stop the crucifixion of Jesus. I have a screen capture of Ray saying that he would not stop the crucifixion of Jesus. When he said that I asked how far he would go to make certain that Jesus died, if he would nail him to the cross, and that is when his handlers stepped in and stopped the conversation.

    • @GodlessGlen
      @GodlessGlen 10 років тому

      ***** Right. Just looking at the Bible, God premeditated and orchestrated the murder of his own son. A premeditated murder in which he set up the rules that a blood human sacrifice is what must pay the penalty for sin... things for which he determined was sin... rather than simply forgiving mankind. The whole thing is absurd.

    • @JoseSanchez-xq6jx
      @JoseSanchez-xq6jx 10 років тому

      I posed the same question to the JWs that came preaching at my door. This little old lady was flustered, and said that she would not stop the murder of Jesus. I asked her how far would she go to make certain that he died. Would she nail him to the cross? This little old lady, in a loud voice, said she would nail him to the cross if she had too.
      Why I ask this question is to point out how twisted this religion is and how it can make people into murderous beasts.

  • @Honestman400
    @Honestman400 10 років тому +10

    I respect a Christian's belief in the same way that I respect his opinion that his wife is the most beautiful woman in the world and his children are the smartest.

    • @zaksaturday1693
      @zaksaturday1693 10 років тому +1

      Says the balding man with a combover

    • @Honestman400
      @Honestman400 10 років тому +4

      ***** So. Typical of the Christian mind. No answer, just personal abuse. By the way, if I were you, I would see an optician. I'm not bald, I'm just white haired.

    • @antriksht
      @antriksht 10 років тому +2

      I'll make what you said here as my favourite statement of the day! or maybe the week! :)

    • @TheStockCarStig
      @TheStockCarStig 10 років тому +1

      But you can scientifically disprove that their children are not the smartest and some women are more virtuous than others.
      But you can't scientifically disprove God, or anything in the Bible for that matter.

    • @Honestman400
      @Honestman400 10 років тому +1

      TheStockCarStig Science means nothing to the religious mind. They assume that their opinions are fact.
      For them, evidence is something to be accepted when it agrees with them and dismissed out of hand when it doesn't.

  • @poidial
    @poidial 10 років тому +4

    Ray should read the bible, Noah was depicted as a drunkard. "He drank of the wine and became drunk, and uncovered himself inside his tent" Genesis 9:21
    Basically he got naked and went for a drunk masty but he got snapped by his son so he cursed him to slavery then praised God. And that children is where the Cannan Curse comes from, I'm surprised you didn't all learn this in Sunday School. It's very inspirational stuff. Praise be to God.

    • @poidial
      @poidial 10 років тому

      I did praise him. "Praise be to God" ~ poidial, 21 hours ago
      I realize this, hence all the praising. Praise God and his Glorious Massacre; may the billion screams of tortured souls please him. Praise Jesus for dying.
      Why do you need to highlight that I'm a sinner? Your moms a sinner.

  • @maximiliamandersen8626
    @maximiliamandersen8626 10 років тому +12

    Ray Comfort believes in the truth. Yeah right! ;) Joke of the year!

    • @vladzeppes34
      @vladzeppes34 10 років тому +1

      when he said that i nearly dropped my laptop from laughing so hard

  • @CAHOP2401
    @CAHOP2401 10 років тому +8

    I think Ray Comfort has a point. Whenever Hollywood or anyone wants to make a movie about a story in the bible, I think they SHOULD stay as accurate as possible to what the bible says. In fact, let's not just stop at all the popular stories, lets make movies about some of the less popular stories in the bible and stay as accurate as possible. The story about god sending bears to kill children would be a good one. Or the story of Jephthah, where god allowed him to kill his daughter for winning a war. What about the story of Job, where god screws up his life only to prove a point while him and the devil sit back and watch. Let's not leave out all of the quotes of wisdom from god that says we shouldn't eat shell fish, shouldn't work on the sabath (both of which are punishable by death) or killing your wife on her father's door step if she isn't a virgin when you married. Lets tell ALL OF IT with as much gory detail and biblical accuracy as possible....Maybe then people will start to realize that it's not a "good book" and it's filled with nothing more than myths and legends.

    • @aklimaron7398
      @aklimaron7398 10 років тому +3

      ye, i hated how bad they cast harry potter and how much they cut away from the books

    • @lucasboden
      @lucasboden 10 років тому

      CAHOP2401, the story of Noah is very short in the Bible. Anyone who makes a Noah movie would have to take artistic liberty. This is why Ray Comfort's Noah movie has nothing to do with the story of Noah. It was a lame attempt at interviewing people. I dare him to actually create a literal version of the story of Noah without taking artistic liberty.

    • @TheStockCarStig
      @TheStockCarStig 10 років тому +2

      I'm not even going to address your ignorance (inaccuracies) stated. But I will point this...
      The Holocaust was a gory story. Does that mean it wasn't true? Your logic is invalid. How do you declare a story fictional or not based on how gory it is or by how much you like it?

    • @MegaBitchkitty
      @MegaBitchkitty 10 років тому +1

      TheStockCarStig Godwins law hey - you just couldn't help yourself. You obviously have a few kangaroos loose in the top paddock so I'll state this as simply as I can ..... A story can be considered to be non-fiction when it has EVIDENCE to back it up .... there is plenty of EVIDENCE surrounding the holocaust. Do you understand what evidence is? ps directing someone to a fictional piece of work and saying "but the bible says" is not actually evidence.
      I'm still trying to work out what ignorance/inaccuracies you're trying to highlight - cahop2401 is just directing the reader to stories directly from The Bible - If I was going to base so much of my ideology on a book, I'd at least read it.

    • @Ma1q444
      @Ma1q444 Рік тому

      You know nothing about the Bible, all of what you said is blatantly just untrue and you get likes so your atheist buddies can circle jerk each other.

  • @okuradani
    @okuradani 10 років тому +7

    David did a good job of rebutting this one-track-mind clown without shouting him down or ridiculing him. Good work!

    • @LONEWOLF-1970
      @LONEWOLF-1970 2 роки тому +1

      Clown? Who are you calling a clown.

    • @JahElOfYHWH
      @JahElOfYHWH 2 роки тому

      @@LONEWOLF-1970 Exactly. AntiChrists all swear they’re so full of light and intelligence. Bunch of devil filled idiots who fall into holes 🕳 the scriptures already warned them about eons ago 😂

    • @jacki8211
      @jacki8211 Рік тому

      i think his name is Ray

  • @shocking5122
    @shocking5122 10 років тому +5

    Ha ha Ray Comfort "Truth Impresses me" LOL "It doesn't matter what I believe, If i get the whole world to agree with me, doesn't change reality" This guy is an absolute classic. He doesn't give a shit about Reality, all he cares about is popularity, fame and money in the name of God. He is doing nothing for the Creationist movement that an Athiest couldn't do. Well done Ray, well done. He is the Athiests Champion

    • @notsafeforchurch
      @notsafeforchurch 10 років тому

      Mike B "go to the Grand Canyon and also look into Mount Saint Helen and the immediate erosion and model that defies evolutionists theory on how long it takes for earth layers to form over millions of years"
      Hey, idiot... The Theory of Evolution doesn't say squat when it comes to particulars in geology. It's a series of facts observed in biology. You have issues with what current scientists believe about how long it takes for certain layers to be laid down - take it up with geologists. That has nothing to do with Evolution.

    • @mikebrunet54
      @mikebrunet54 10 років тому

      because you close your mind to the opposing evidence that indicates a benchmark timeline in the earth you are quick to calling me an idiot. The strata and the verification of flood evidence supports the Biblical timeline that the earth is closer to thousands of years old and not millions which evolutionists state.....Check out the ohter data that is compiled by ICR and it's not conspiratorial...by any means...The layers indicated liquefaction and a swift water flow such as the worldwide flood....You must first view the movie Expelled and read the book by LA Marzulli On the Trail of The Nephilim to understand American History and Archeoligical finds to see that the movie that Ben Stein did supports the fact that there are many cover ups...once you aware of that then you can truely understand there is a sprirtual battle to discard Gods truths and signs in the heavens and on the earth....He has written his design and verified His Word....His prophecies will not be mocked and His people have always been delivered from those that oppose His truths...People that can't reconcile the end of days prophecies because they love this dying world and hate those who tell of an eternal kingdom that will be exempt from sin ...ever think of that......know signs, no laws, no sorrow, no pain, no pride, no cussing, no fornication, no abortion, no marriage, no stealing, no rape, no murder, no fallen angels, no cancer, no dictators, no beheadings, no death , no destruction, no tattoos, no colored hair, no holier that thou, no disease.....that is all Jesus is return man to and it is a free gift.....all preachers that live in mulit million dollar mansions will have a short lived happiness here and very well may not enter the kingdom of heaven.....Don't hate the Savior He is real..and He is Creator...He is the only God that makes sense when you really think about it....but if you think it's nonsense fine...but try a little harder to investigate before you hate...no harm done either way ...I did not twist your arm neither did Jesus....He did say as He was dying Father forgive them for they know not what they do....I am whole in His Love and I have studied much ...I did not get here being a bastard or a fuck mouth......malicious ridicule never finds truth and there are a lot of lies...That is why they say the road to destruction is wide but truth is a narrow path.... creation.com/its-not-science also for a strata record....view this......creation.com/images/pdfs/cabook/chapter15.pdf www.icr.org/articles/view/5506/356/

    • @TheTwister821
      @TheTwister821 10 років тому

      Chris Hollier Watch NDT remake of the Cosmos..It has lot's interesting facts about the history of the Earth & how life began on it. There is absolutely nothing that can control or manipulate the laws of nature..Anyone that actually believes there is? Is "deluded"..

    • @notsafeforchurch
      @notsafeforchurch 10 років тому +1

      Mike B "The strata and the verification of flood evidence supports the Biblical timeline that the earth is closer to thousands of years old and not millions which evolutionists state."
      Sorry, not it doesn't. There is no way around this. This has been debunked so many times its not even funny. Most of the educated Christians have retreated from a global flood to just a local flood that seemed like a global flood from Noah's perspective.
      The more educated our population gets the less fundies there are like you.

    • @notsafeforchurch
      @notsafeforchurch 10 років тому

      ***** Perhaps you should re-read my entire post, also realize the first paragraph is a quote from "Shocking".

  • @garycrawford9800
    @garycrawford9800 10 років тому +9

    Great job Ray! Keep speaking the truth. David is listening. :-)

  • @curiousgeorge1940
    @curiousgeorge1940 10 років тому +6

    4:20 - Any movie that stays true to the scripture would have to be rated "X" for indiscriminate brutal violence and sex, including incest.

    • @mikebrunet54
      @mikebrunet54 10 років тому

      curious you are not curious but only sarcastic to Gods Word that does not condone sin in anyway...Since you misinterpret the text purposely does not instigate or negate any true debate or investigation of truth on your part or anyone else who uses this weak arguement...

    • @curiousgeorge1940
      @curiousgeorge1940 10 років тому +3

      Mike B Sorry to say that twisting & misinterpreting the texts is the job of the believers and the clergy. Tell me what the next 2 events are, after Moses returned with the 10 Commandments : including the one that says "Thou shall not kill"... How many does he kill in the next few chapters. 2000? 3000? That part wasn't shown in the movie version.
      What "weak argument" are you talking about? What blind eye have you turned towards a story of conquest by massacre of the innocents?

    • @mikebrunet54
      @mikebrunet54 10 років тому

      curiousgeorge1940 you call Gods judgement on unrepentant sinful men that would eventually go to hell when they die because of their denial for forgiveness..... innocents......So in your understanding everyone is innocent regardless of what they do in life....and a perfect God which is returning man to His perfect ways by dying for all mankind inconsistent with a loving God...I do not ...I refer to HIm as a perfect God that leaves nothing out of His testimony of Himself and His interventions by His Sovereignty and can choose to intervene by His choice to save those who truly follow Him in this world where the majority choose to lie and follow their own ways...Lucifer tried to kill Jesus several times while He was here and was not successful. You call it a myth and I don't....I know we live in a digital reality and plasma universe...You will eventually believe in the myth of Aliens creating us and will not believe in the malevolent fallen angels that have left their mark with abductions and cattle mutilations....so have fun explaining away the mark of the beast the rebuilt temple in Israel and the need for mankind to have a Saviour to enter the eternal dimension where the Creator dwells....by the way the Bibel also mentions the 4 dimensions way before the Enlightened Age happened when man started becoming wiser than God....

    • @notsafeforchurch
      @notsafeforchurch 10 років тому +3

      Mike B You worship a child killer, stop trying to justify the barbaric behaviors of your made up god in the Old Testament.

    • @mikebrunet54
      @mikebrunet54 10 років тому

      I don't change what it says you do....why don't you stop trying to act like you read Gods Word and understand it and point the finger at those who do.....You have been given modern day prophecies fullfilled and you deny it....you know the Bible is the only book that speaks of the NWO in the end of days and a false man of peace to come after Russia and Iran innitiate a nuclear exchange that will spill over to us....You are just hot air señor you have no way but to criticize that which slaps you in the face....
      You worship the child killer, I worship the giver of eternal life....because He stopped a generation of people passing their children through the fire and destroyed a generation that completely were given over to evil and the fallen contaminated their DNA so they no longer had free will. God will not allow those who follow truth to be overrun to only leave the wicked to rule the earth ...There will be one more attempt by Lucifer to initiate DNA contamination by nanotechnology and the Mark and I know quite a bit more on this subject while you call all this stuff a myth it will be upon you soon the Jason will make sure of that .....Satans pawns.....when you address your sinfull nature then will you know truth....

  • @podoau
    @podoau 10 років тому +6

    So the Bananaman is upset because this mythical story is different to his original mythical story
    The man is a fraud

    • @podoau
      @podoau 10 років тому +1

      Jarlaxle Daerthe This is true. I didn't wantto confuse the religious with facts. Facts are the enemy of religion

  • @MrTwister4Life
    @MrTwister4Life 10 років тому +6

    "their bottom line is to make money". Gee Ray, how terrible of them. People of such high caliber like yourself would never use the beliefs of people to make jingle jangle.

  • @I12Fly
    @I12Fly 10 років тому +5

    Ray Comfort at 7:03: "Pontias Pilate had a vote, "Should we crucify Him or not? And the majority said 'Crucify Christ. And it was the wrong thing to do."
    Wait a second...I thought God sent his only begotten Son to earth to die for our sins. So wouldn't voting to crucify Christ be the right thing to do? I mean, it was fulfilling God's wishes, right?
    Ray, you've proven once again that your logic and reason is neither logical nor reasonable.

    • @jeffm5991
      @jeffm5991 10 років тому

      God hates logic. It is abomination.

    • @Mortiis558
      @Mortiis558 10 років тому

      Jeff M Funny, god makes a lot of shit he hates....wonder why that is?

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 4 роки тому

      yep, commiting suicide by cross was a great plan, i bet universal wish they had a cross as their logo.

  • @MrNicMachiavelli
    @MrNicMachiavelli 10 років тому +4

    Pakman seems sort of like a nice guy. I am not a believer but I like that he handled Comfort well without resorting to disrespect.

  • @Danger_Noodle_Pliskin
    @Danger_Noodle_Pliskin 10 років тому +7

    So which book of the bible is the story of "Ben Hur?" Seriously Ray Comfort, what are you talking about?

    • @LibraBlue1962
      @LibraBlue1962 10 років тому +3

      Yes, they left out the part when god loads the cargo bay with "hand bananas" - didn't know that? Everyone (including all the animals) on that ship lived on a steady diet of bananas.

    • @Danger_Noodle_Pliskin
      @Danger_Noodle_Pliskin 10 років тому +1

      Camilo Rubinos LMFAO!

    • @AlanWil2
      @AlanWil2 10 років тому +1

      Not much in the bible is accurate to REALITY.

    • @RobertNugent
      @RobertNugent 10 років тому +5

      Shorter Ray: "Their fictional account doesn't match precisely with the fictional account in the bible, therefore, I've been dissed!"

    • @chrishu76
      @chrishu76 10 років тому +2

      Camilo Rubinos
      LOL that is Ray Comfort in a nutshell.

  • @RetroGamerVX
    @RetroGamerVX 10 років тому +5

    Problem is....the buybull was made up as they went along too!! :(

  • @Itstherantman
    @Itstherantman 10 років тому +4

    Scientifically, there's a creator???? Ray can push this BS all he wants, doesn't change the reality that the burden of proof on his part.

    • @TheAltoGamer
      @TheAltoGamer 5 років тому

      the proof is everything around us and how perfectly complicated it is. the atheistic belief is nothing made everything. the burden of proof should be on that side. how does that happen? the Bible explains everything perfectly, but humans just dont like rules. humans don’t like to be corrected so they push it off and come up with crazy theories, such as evolution

  • @ptango101
    @ptango101 10 років тому +11

    Oh Ray, maybe this movie is based on the epic of Gilgamesh? Like your myth is.

    • @pd003
      @pd003 3 роки тому

      Christian faith is real to Christians. It is not a myth.

    • @ptango101
      @ptango101 3 роки тому

      @@pd003 Would you say that about the Hindu religion?

  • @7mightyace
    @7mightyace 10 років тому +14

    ''Atheist express their rage against God although in their view he doesn't exist.''

    • @Blurdage
      @Blurdage 10 років тому +4

      No there is no rage against any god. the rage is against the idiots that ignore fact and believe based on nothing(the religious).
      There is no actual evidence for noah. so the movie is inaccurate of nothing.. so why be angry.

    • @7mightyace
      @7mightyace 10 років тому +1

      Matthew H www.theguardian.com/science/2000/sep/14/internationalnews.archaeology

    • @notsafeforchurch
      @notsafeforchurch 10 років тому +2

      7mightyace That's not a world wide flood... Did you even read the article?

    • @7mightyace
      @7mightyace 10 років тому

      Chris Hollier There is enough evidence, but it takes faith, because u can't go back to the world wide flood everything takes faith.

    • @Blurdage
      @Blurdage 10 років тому +4

      The article has 2 things that as creationists and bible literalists you really need to not be spouting.
      1. Nearly 100,000 square miles were inundated.
      2. The Black Sea was once a freshwater lake, well below sea level. About 7,000 years ago...
      Both deviate from your stupid book.. so.. sorry again proving your own faith as bullshit.

  • @LarryNMaggard
    @LarryNMaggard 10 років тому +6

    It's a movie NOT a History Channel Documentary.

    • @LarryNMaggard
      @LarryNMaggard 10 років тому

      The point is, which you obviously did NOT understand; it's a fucking movie, meant for entertainment. God damn it, what's wrong with people?

    • @feydrautha012
      @feydrautha012 10 років тому

      Boy it would be tricky to do this as a History Channel production. Would you fill in unknowns with a magic cloud being? Or with ancient alien visitations? Or would you "compromise" and pretend they are both the same?

    • @LarryNMaggard
      @LarryNMaggard 10 років тому

      Ockham's Razor

    • @aklimaron7398
      @aklimaron7398 10 років тому

      movies are more accurate then history channel

    • @LarryNMaggard
      @LarryNMaggard 10 років тому

      akli maron
      Good point!

  • @SomebodysGrandmother
    @SomebodysGrandmother 10 років тому +8

    Why even 'try' and discuss the facts as one knows them, especially when their masters language is 'a lie', give em the facts and keep movin.. shake the dust off your feet and give the the truth to the ones searching for it not those doing their best to shade it!

  • @larryhind2947
    @larryhind2947 10 років тому +9

    Ray Comfort the man who puts the sh#t in bullsh#t.

    • @alistaircurmudgeon6563
      @alistaircurmudgeon6563 10 років тому

      Ray Comfort. The man who put bananas where they shouldn't go!

    • @larryhind2947
      @larryhind2947 10 років тому

      Alistair Curmudgeon LOL, I know where I'd like to shove that banana, sideways.

  • @jgoemat
    @jgoemat 10 років тому +6

    7:06 - Killing Jesus was the wrong thing to do? Does Ray think salvation through Christ's death is a bad thing?

    • @Portabledexter
      @Portabledexter 10 років тому +2

      Yes, his morality accidentally slipped out there!

    • @TheDYAproductions
      @TheDYAproductions 10 років тому

      jgoemat but it was wrong for us to kill Christ because he was an innocent man who was of no sin. You have it confused because it is true that without Christ's death on the cross believers would not have salvation, but Him being persecuted to die on the cross was wrong in the sense that He was an innocent man.

  • @Bad6litch
    @Bad6litch 10 років тому +3

    David was constantly talking over Ray, and he wouldn't let him finish the things he was saying. You might learn more if you let the guy speak. What was the point of him being on your show if your not going to listen to what he has to say?

  • @JoshuaGonzalez-sr7xy
    @JoshuaGonzalez-sr7xy 8 років тому +2

    Noah isn't a Christian story, it's from the old testament that was brought a long to the new one. So Jewish people aren't complaining, but the ones who they took it from are? Well that seems interesting.

  • @kiquito
    @kiquito 10 років тому +5

    This movie would be better if Noah could have flown, and meets up with Jesus and Santa Clause near the end... it's all bogus fiction anyway.

    • @kiquito
      @kiquito 10 років тому

      My bad, Saint Nick may be real... But as for a spirit, There's no sound evidence one exists....blind or not....

    • @randumpotato
      @randumpotato 10 років тому

      ***** The Bible isn't evidence. Anecdotes don't impress Atheists....

  • @theprogressivecynic2407
    @theprogressivecynic2407 10 років тому +4

    David Pakman If right wing pastors can retconn Jesus into a white, libertarian, gun lover (who will come back in blood spattered robes carrying an AR-15) while Comfort watches silently, then Hollywood can take a few liberties with the equally-ridiculous story of Noah without him having a hard time--that is, if he were intellectually honest.

    • @acurisur
      @acurisur 10 років тому

      What? Noah is not just being shown in America. The rest of the world does not have right-wing pastors, we just have pastors. Second, it is not Ray Comforts job to correct other pastors. That is a matter for that particular church to address.

    • @theprogressivecynic2407
      @theprogressivecynic2407 10 років тому

      acurisur I was referring to a specific brand of evangelical Christianity which is a largely American phenomenon. This is an American movie, produced by an American company, with American actors.

  • @PENGUlN124
    @PENGUlN124 10 років тому +18

    "how dare you take the story and change it after we already took it and changed it"
    - Christian logic

  • @pyramidhead138
    @pyramidhead138 10 років тому +4

    I don't believe Christianity is a religion at all.
    "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes unto the father except by me." John 14:6
    being religious wont get you into Heaven. Jesus obviously had an issue with religion, otherwise he never would've attacked the religious leaders calling them out on their phoniness

    • @Iteachu2beninja
      @Iteachu2beninja 10 років тому +4

      Religion: (noun) The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, esp. a personal God or gods.
      Dictionaries are wonderful, y'know.

    • @nnlh413
      @nnlh413 10 років тому

      Amen pyramidhead138 :) I'm not condemning religions, all religions are good. But that is it. There are all kinds of religions in this world, but none hold the key to heaven. It is only through the blood of Jesus Christ.

    • @pyramidhead138
      @pyramidhead138 10 років тому

      Iteachu2beninja God(s) = Idolatry

    • @pyramidhead138
      @pyramidhead138 10 років тому

      Aimee therefore, being religious is pointless

    • @newkingdomwarriornumberunk5313
      @newkingdomwarriornumberunk5313 10 років тому

      Aimee Madame what are you saying amen to? Those who hear The Lord's words and believe in Him have eternal life. I have not come on my own authority, but The Lord hast sent me. The words I speak come from Him who sent me. The Bread that The Lord gives is His flesh, which He gives so that the world may live. Ask The Lord Jesus to help you stop sinning once and for all so that you may have part in His kingdom of righteousness. Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted, and blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.

  • @chestypants78
    @chestypants78 10 років тому +8

    Ask him about bananas David. He knows so much about bananas that he IS bananas.

    • @TheVrevolution
      @TheVrevolution 10 років тому

      so hes an onision fan? well that explains alot

    • @moonunit1980
      @moonunit1980 10 років тому +1

      He probably doesn't even believe the shit he is selling. He is making a shitload of money off of morons.

  • @amydickerson152
    @amydickerson152 10 років тому +2

    This is the difference between spiritual children and spiritual adults. FAITH.

  • @inyourgenes
    @inyourgenes 10 років тому +4

    This is a joke! Arguing that a fantasy storyline has not been accurately portrayed?!?!?!? What is going on in America? How do you tolerate these idiots?

    • @rjones6801
      @rjones6801 10 років тому

      Whatever, that happens all the time. I mean in the Game of Thrones HBO series they cut out the entire battle between the White Walkers and the Men of the Night's Watch from that fantasy book, and I was pissed. It only makes sense they'd get a little agitated when their fantasy book isn't portrayed on the big screen accurately.

    • @peridoodle2644
      @peridoodle2644 10 років тому

      Because it's easier to ignore them and let them enjoy their freedom of speech than to do something and end up having to A. Argue with people who will only ever accept that they are right (it doesn't stop us from trying though) B. Try to find something to charge them with in a court of law and spend a shit ton of money (highly unlikely/ very expensive) or C. Deny them their rights to free speech and become a fascist asshole of a country (Over my dead body)

    • @inyourgenes
      @inyourgenes 10 років тому +1

      ***** "Let them enjoy their freedom of speech" even if it means creation theory is taught as fact in schools; children are brain-washed into believing the cult bullshit of their parents/pastor; even if it means practising genital mutilation; even if it means a fundamentalist, who welcomes the apocalypse, gets into political power and his finger on the nuclear button??? But I guess (long deep sigh) you are right.....

    • @rjones6801
      @rjones6801 10 років тому

      inyourgenes As long as they teach about Pastafarian Creation as well. No cutting corners and leaving out the beer volcanoes either. It's very important to my people.

    • @KalleLast
      @KalleLast 10 років тому

      I'd like if they'd include Egyptian creation story too with all the cumming in the mouth to spit out people.

  • @FogertyCosmo
    @FogertyCosmo 10 років тому +3

    Great Job Ray, I admire your street ministry and your web sight, I'll be praying for David that his eyes will be opened prior to the day he'll stand before God almighty and give an account for his doubts & deeds, like we all will do, give your life to Christ Jesus before it's too late.

  • @Ma1q444
    @Ma1q444 Рік тому +2

    Why do you cut ray off at every sentence what’s the point of having him on.

  • @johnedwards1968
    @johnedwards1968 10 років тому +4

    Holy Fuck. He actually stumped Comfort in the middle of his bullshit.

    • @mikebrunet54
      @mikebrunet54 10 років тому

      Didn't see that at all.....World Wide flood is fact and verified on the earth and ancient writings spanning the globe.....so how was that stumped...Ray was just patient not stumped...

    • @johnedwards1968
      @johnedwards1968 10 років тому

      Why is there NO evidence for this supposed world wide flood? Where did the water go?

    • @7mightyace
      @7mightyace 10 років тому

      John Edwards There is proof that the world wide flood happened. There were a bunch of fossils found from the flood, but they made the fossils as evolution that is false.

    • @7mightyace
      @7mightyace 10 років тому

      Chris Hollier Why can't u make sense arguments?

    • @notsafeforchurch
      @notsafeforchurch 10 років тому

      7mightyace I can't make chicken salad from chicken crap. Actually create a sentence that conveys a coherent idea and I'll actually respond to what you have to say.

  • @TheCackles68
    @TheCackles68 10 років тому +13

    from new Zealand we are sorry for this clown.

    • @eteline_music
      @eteline_music 10 років тому +2

      That's cool. New Zealand produced The Bats and The Verlaines, which are more than enough to compensate :)

    • @TheCackles68
      @TheCackles68 10 років тому +2

      thanks mate.

  • @pinketted
    @pinketted 10 років тому +2

    This guy named David is only trying to twist the words of Ray. Why is that? Ray is saying what he means and he means what he says. no need to twist the word to make Ray seem like a fool. I agree with Ray 100%.

  • @taylorn325
    @taylorn325 10 років тому +4

    Nothing but fairytales

  • @Mrtigersanders
    @Mrtigersanders 10 років тому +12

    I don't see the problem-the bible & the noah movie are both fictional stories,at least the noah movie is more entertaining.

    • @mikebrunet54
      @mikebrunet54 10 років тому

      replacing the word truth with fiction does not erase any truth that is right before you....Israel says hello...wear a hat the sun is frying your head....

    • @OPMario
      @OPMario 10 років тому

      Mike B When truth can not be proven then it can be dismissed as fiction.

  • @moseshoward7072
    @moseshoward7072 10 років тому +1

    Evangelicals could not prevent "Noah" from becoming a hit. It is just another fantasy film, not an advertisement for the Bible.

  • @lawrencewallace7133
    @lawrencewallace7133 8 років тому +4

    I'm a first time viewer and David was a turn off and very rude by constantly interrupting. Showing that pride and the ignorance of that pride, is the reason why David is lost...David knows he isn't TRULY happy and whatever happiness he has found, he can never hold on to it very long. To everyone who hears or agrees with Davids point of view, don't be deceived! I'm praying for u David

    • @slaen1500
      @slaen1500 8 років тому +2

      +Lawrence Wallace You seem lost. Using a flaw in someones character to justify your religion is pretty stupid. Ray's ignorance, bigotry, and lies are huge character flaws. Why don't you point that out? Oh right, you probably agree with him so that makes it okay. He has no proof of anything he speaks of, but he claims its a fact. That which makes him a liar. A liar is much worse than someone who interrupts a conversation.

    • @lawrencewallace7133
      @lawrencewallace7133 8 років тому

      Negative Positive That felt very demonic...SATAN GET BEHIND ME, IN JESUS NAME!

    • @slaen1500
      @slaen1500 8 років тому +1

      +Lawrence Wallace Shut up.. Moron.

    • @slaen1500
      @slaen1500 8 років тому

      +Lawrence Wallace A fictional persona huh? You call me immature but you're the one with the imaginary friend. Want to know what's worse than having a imaginary friend? Having a imaginary enemy.

    • @chrismankey8251
      @chrismankey8251 8 років тому

      +Lawrence Wallace
      Jesus fuck off in satans name!~

  • @michaelmadrid
    @michaelmadrid 10 років тому +10

    The story of Noah is about as real as the story of Star Wars.
    It would actually be more believeable to say that Darth Vadar collected one of every animal on earth was collected on an Imperial Battlecruiser (there's much more room).

    • @mikebrunet54
      @mikebrunet54 10 років тому

      is Israel fiction?

    • @michaelmadrid
      @michaelmadrid 10 років тому +1

      Mike B What difference does that make? The existence of Israel doesn't prove a single thing about the story of Noah, OR the Bible.

    • @mikebrunet54
      @mikebrunet54 10 років тому +2

      Michael Madrid That's a ridiculous statement....people say give me proof the Bible is the Word of God and you say what difference does it make...It makes no difference to those who remain wilfully ignorant and perish because they knew not God when He came to them....Israel is a miracle but you probably want more than a miracle you want God to personally take you out to your favorite restaurant and wine and dine you then tell you that you have a lot of potential to be a great person....He's done far more than that. Truth is there if you want it....follow the masses who really don't care for you.....you will be alone in eternity if that's where your headed...If you want to put your faith in mankind you will and you will be disappointed....

    • @MegaBitchkitty
      @MegaBitchkitty 10 років тому +1

      Mike B same old shit, different post. Conspiracy theories, UFOs, Old Testament is literally true and anyone who doesn't swallow the same bucket load as you is "wilfully ignorant". Of course you also go on and on and on and on how no one else understands the bible, and that only you have this in depth knowledge that no one else could possible have. The truth is out there .... you're a wacko.
      There's no point responding to you - you just return with the same old, same old..... liberal blah blah sin blah blah you don't understand blah blah while you continue to comment on every post with random schizophrenic nonsense.
      You have fun there ignoring all the "nasties" in your book of hate. Keep up with the meds though.

    • @michaelmadrid
      @michaelmadrid 10 років тому

      Mike B So, how is Israel proof that the Bible is true? Then explain to me all the different sects of Christianity. If the Bible is actually God's word, why did He leave everything open to interpretation?
      You'd certainly think that an omnipotent being would be a better editor.

  • @jaredmccain7518
    @jaredmccain7518 2 роки тому +2

    Atheism has no ground to stand on. I hope the guy repents and trust Jesus Christ.

  • @godistheway5415
    @godistheway5415 5 років тому +12

    Keep speaking the truth brother ray this guy is amazing

  • @stlchucko
    @stlchucko 10 років тому +12

    Comfort- "Noah wasn't a drunken..."
    Let me stop you there. After they got off the ark, according to the bible, Noah grew grapes, made wine, and got so drunk he passed out naked. One of his sons saw him and the other two covered him up. Regardless if he wasn't the other things, the bible shows that Noah had a problem when alcohol was involved.
    Comfort- "I got a sequel for you..."
    Hold up... I got a sequel for you. Let's do a sequel to the 10 Commandments. We can call it: Moses - Vengeance on the Midianites. You might have heard the story in Numbers 31:1-50. It's the one where god tells Moses to attack the Midinites and kill everyone except the young virgin females; which become POW slaves. Since we're aiming for accuracy, let's be sure that this "virginity check" is accurate to the times; which would essentially be molestation by modern standards. They also take all the riches and livestock as spoils of war. Then Moses divides all the spoils, including the POW/slave virgins, between the leaders of his army... But not before offering god his cut/sacrifice. You know, because we all know how god like virgin sacrifices.
    Don't like that idea for a movie? Oh, I'm sorry. It's paraphrased directly from the bible. It's not a matter of liking it, but of what the book says. Personally, I don't like it; but I don't subscribe to such asinine beliefs.
    You can try to point out the inaccuracies, however don't be typical and try to assert that a young female virgin would go willingly as an argument to the POW/slaves... Before such an argument (which I've heard before), would you want to go with a group of soldiers that just murdered your entire family; including your innocent mother and young brothers? And just remember... It was all god approved.

    • @jammapcb
      @jammapcb 10 років тому

      I want to see a film about the 42 negative confessions (the commandments you think are from them just not so specialized) (egyptian) which predates the hebrews existence... I guess alot of christians dont know about that little... ahem.... kept secret..as few wish to admit.. that they influenced the backward tribes surrounding egypt in the hebrew times.... (they were war mongering shit heads even then).... egypt had law order and an empire to run... and it was always about defence not to conquer... and you wonder why the 10 general commandments were created??? ... they were uneducated, dumb and violent assholes.... egypts law and order and moral commandments helped... maintain some sense of order!

    • @HarryNicNicholas
      @HarryNicNicholas 4 роки тому

      well imagine how he felt, cutting all that wood, corraling all those animals, when god made the whole shebang in no time, god can be really lazy when he wants.

    • @KM-zn3lx
      @KM-zn3lx 2 роки тому +3

      So sad you don't realize Bible is true and not fiction. If it were fiction do you not know it wouldn't show the historical sins of all humanity, including those called by God? Only Jesus was humanity without sin and the son of God! So I bet you tell ppl not to judge. You just judged Christians!

    • @kimkaragiannis848
      @kimkaragiannis848 Рік тому +1

      @K M The hypocrisy of the secular world is that christians can be mocked and criticised, but other religions would be protected. But I agree with Ray, Salvation is a person not a religion, it is a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. 🙏✝️

    • @kimkaragiannis848
      @kimkaragiannis848 Рік тому

      @@KM-zn3lx I agree with you 💯!!!

  • @viskovandermerwe3947
    @viskovandermerwe3947 10 років тому +1

    Ray Comfort say that Muslims are feared. Ray also say that religion won't save you but only believing in one of his gods, "jesus" can you be saved. Then he say that Muslims and Christians are religions. Then Ray goes on to say blah blah blah. Hey Ray, what are you saying?

  • @188basstrom
    @188basstrom 10 років тому +10

    the whole thing is a fairy tale anyway so why does it matter?

    • @sketchartist1964
      @sketchartist1964 10 років тому

      Really? Who proved that? If you want a real fairy tale here's one: Unintelligent forces accidentally clashed and created intelligent life and all the necessary conditions for its continued survival.

    • @188basstrom
      @188basstrom 10 років тому +1

      sylmarmusic2012 Yes but not clashed but clumped complex hydrocarbons tend to do that. Plenty of posts on You-Tube can explain it better than me.

  • @almeggs3247
    @almeggs3247 10 років тому +3

    I will never see this garbage again

  • @MrJustSomeGuy87
    @MrJustSomeGuy87 10 років тому +2

    Ugh. If they stuck to the scripture then this would be basically be a silent movie. No one (other than God) even says anything until Noah gets off the Ark.

  • @nathanyt
    @nathanyt 10 років тому +4

    Every time I watch a video with Ray in it, all I can think of is: "Fuck you, Ray Comfort."

    • @labellecongolaise
      @labellecongolaise 10 років тому +1

      Well if you were to die today and found out that everything Ray has been warning you about is the truth then what would you think of. It will be too late to think then. Jesus is the only way and He hates sin, come to Him as you are before it's too late.

    • @nathanyt
      @nathanyt 10 років тому +1

      You ain't going to convert me by scaring me.

    • @labellecongolaise
      @labellecongolaise 10 років тому +1

      Nathaniel Egera Why are you feeling scared? That was not my intention at all. All I am saying is that if you were to die today and discover that everything they've been warning you about is actually true then it will be too late. I can't convince nor convert you only God can. I can only warn you just like Ray and the choice is yours.

    • @nathanyt
      @nathanyt 10 років тому

      If I was scared I'd be like you.

    • @labellecongolaise
      @labellecongolaise 10 років тому

      I am glad with the choice I made to follow Jesus Christ and I pray that many will make that choice. And it was not out of fear, it is by God's grace that I am saved. I thank Him for giving me a freewill and for warning me about sin and its consequences. I hope that you will one day make the amazing choice I made to follow Christ before time runs out. We are only here for a moment. Goodluck and the choice is yours.

  • @savageminstrel
    @savageminstrel 10 років тому +5

    I have to say this, but movies like this are just as "biblically accurate" as the KJV from greek texts is accurate when compared to the aramaic. (Jesus language btw). The recent movie "Son of God" took as many liberties with the story as this did. I just think it's moot what is "biblically accurate" and what isn't. And which "bible" you choose to believe in. Issues like this are non-issues if you ask me. Just my 2 cents worth.

    • @DavidDavisgabacho
      @DavidDavisgabacho 10 років тому

      Agreed. It's Hollywood anyway. It's like saying that "I am Legend" or "I, Robot" did not follow the book.

    • @KoolBreeze420
      @KoolBreeze420 10 років тому +1

      I haven't seen the movie so I don't know how far they went of track from the biblical story but this seems like a case of interpretation and Ray Cumfart just thinks there interpretation is wrong as usual Christians can't agree on their god!

    • @DavidDavisgabacho
      @DavidDavisgabacho 10 років тому +2

      ***** wtf arr you talking about?

    • @KoolBreeze420
      @KoolBreeze420 10 років тому

      David Davis
      I 2nd your comment I haven't a clue what he's talking about lol

  • @colprincess8579
    @colprincess8579 10 років тому +1

    I don't support Hollywood or any of their movies, whether they are secular or so called " christian ", it's all spiritualism.

  • @daniella145
    @daniella145 10 років тому +4


    • @notsafeforchurch
      @notsafeforchurch 10 років тому +5

      Many atheists were at one time religious, so if anything the opposite is true. They had to have given their position a lot of thought before changing their position.

    • @daniella145
      @daniella145 10 років тому +2

      Chris Hollier That doesn't mean they have to be rude and obnoxious. I'm not christian and neither am i an atheist. But what I have observed, the average atheist is rude while the average religious person shows more respect and care.

    • @notsafeforchurch
      @notsafeforchurch 10 років тому +6

      What's you're excuse for being rude and saying that atheists can't think for themselves?

    • @mikebrunet54
      @mikebrunet54 10 років тому

      THORSON UTALL amen brother....the funny things is they think we are so easily rattled...not true in my circles ...We have much evidence and are eager to learn, but still are humble in our knowledge...Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem on April 6th 32 AD...that is the Creator and Savior of the universe and the religious and pious and pompous have always missed out on His Love and guidance that is why they are brash...They Love His Creation and their sin more than Him and will always be blind because of that alone....

    • @johnedwards1968
      @johnedwards1968 10 років тому +4

      THORSON UTALL Yes, because it's very polite to assert that someone will go to hell for not believing what you do. Are you serious?

  • @Scottie_S
    @Scottie_S 10 років тому +6

    When movies like this come with an introduction saying "This is the truth and you must believe it" then people have a right to get their knickers in a knot. Until then....this is just a fricken movie.

  • @tabby956
    @tabby956 10 років тому +1

    The reason why Ray Comfort is disappointed in the movie, there wasn't a single banana seen anywhere.

  • @junk3996
    @junk3996 10 років тому +5

    by not being accurate to the biblical account of Noah, which is where the story comes from, its literally like making a movie after a book, lets say lord of the rings, but not being true to the book in the least. so now we got gandalf whos just a drunken fool that can't get anything right, and stryder whos actually just a coward whatever i dunno.
    how can anybody even suggest that you can take a tale, whether you believe its true or not, and adopt a misrepresented idea of it all in the name of entertainment? this is ridiculous.

    • @michaelsommers2356
      @michaelsommers2356 10 років тому +2

      Noah not only was a drunk, he apparently invented wine. Genesis 9:20-21: "Noah, a man of the soil, was the first to plant a vineyard. He drank some of the wine and became drunk, and the lay uncovered in his tent."

    • @junk3996
      @junk3996 10 років тому

      Michael Sommers first off, the passage and the greek in the septuagint does not say "was the first", and clearly he was not the first since in the new testament it talks a lot about the end days being like the coming of the Son of Man, where in they drink and marry etc. there was wine (strong drink) before the flood, Noah did not invent it.
      secondly, just because Noah GOT drunk doesn't he was A drunk. theres a big difference there. clearly Noah was not a drunk because Genesis 6:8-9.

    • @michaelsommers2356
      @michaelsommers2356 10 років тому

      It doesn't matter what the Septuagint says; what does the Hebrew say?
      It's true that getting drunk once does not make you a drunk, but what else was there to drink in the ancient world? Water was often unsafe, coffee and orange juice hadn't been invented yet. Pepsi?

    • @skywatcher6864
      @skywatcher6864 10 років тому

      Michael Sommers
      The Septuagint is an incorrect copy of the original manuscript and shouldn't be followed on any level!

    • @tropicalcatdetective
      @tropicalcatdetective 10 років тому

      Ridiculous is far too strong a statement, and yor choice of the Lord of the Rings films was a poor example for the point you were trying to make. Those films are also just an adaptation, they did not stick strictly to the books there either. Tom Bombadil doesn't appear in the film, they portrayed the character of Boromir in a far more relatable and sympathic light, Arwen does not turn up to save Frodo after he is stabbed by the Ringwraith in the book, arguably there isn't even a giant flaming eyeball on the top of a tower in the books, it is simply a poetic description to describe Sauron in the actual text. People adapt, interpret and alter stories all the time to create their movie scripts, there is nothing ridiculous about it.

  • @MultiKalwin
    @MultiKalwin 10 років тому +4

    I give Ray credit... He trying to point to a far off monument to a group of blind people.
    Keep up the good fight, Ray!

  • @martinarnold5239
    @martinarnold5239 10 років тому +1

    So Pontius Pilate was wrong to crucify Christ?
    You do realise that's the entire basis for the Christ myth? That he was killed as a sacrifice to 'save' men?
    And if he did 'save' us, why are you worried about sin?

  • @wildreams
    @wildreams 10 років тому +3

    Put it in atheistic language = replace "create" with "make".
    Thank you Ray, you blew my mind.

    • @PENGUlN124
      @PENGUlN124 10 років тому +1

      that still doesnt change anything. "create" implies purpose. it implies that there is a creator. by changing the word to "make" his is still implying those things.

  • @shineandre
    @shineandre 8 років тому +3

    Great interview. I heard many negative reviews on this movie but still went to see it. One thing is clear and no one can escape that God did judge the world and he is to be feared. Many prophets have been painted lunatics but it is certain that if God is on your side the flood wont kill you because you obeyed what God told you to do and you will be saved. God hates the wicked and is angry with their wickedness but He is also merciful and forgiving and to proof His love Jesus died a sinners death so sinners can become saints and children of God. Some say men wants to become gods but God became like man yet without sin so we can escape Gods judgement and get into the Ark. Will you come in or stay outside.? Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father except thru me. If it was not true Jesus would still be dead today. But after his ressurection he was seen alive by over 500 men. In the book of Revelations he says I am he who is alive and was dead. Jesus lives only believe. peace

    • @chad969
      @chad969 8 років тому

      Why did the children and animals deserve to be drowned?

    • @chad969
      @chad969 8 років тому +1

      Hello *****, thank you for the reply. Verse 5 mentioned the wickedness of man, but it didn't say anything about the wickedness of the infants, children and animals. So I'm left wondering why the infants, children and animals deserved to be drowned.

    • @shineandre
      @shineandre 8 років тому

      Jesus was preaching and kids came running up to him. Go away his disciples implied, but jesus said no let the children come to me.
      The LORD [is] longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing [the guilty], visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation].
      For the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth;
      Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; The rod of discipline will remove it far from him. If one curses his father or his mother, his lamp will be put out in utter darkness.
      Behold, children are a gift of the LORD. Look Chad what David said in Psalm 51.5 "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me". We all have sinned? How can we say children are guilty when they are so cute and innocent? Well I gues its because God is Holy in comparrison. BUt if children and adults decide to come to Jesus, Jesus said He will forgive and Jesus becomes our advocate. Its like wheat and tares growing up togethger. How can you tell which is the good seed and which is the bad seed? Only when they become adults, usely aged 12 you start to see the first fruits of the tree. Nevertheless it is because of Gods goodness that we are not consumed.
      Yes God does judge all without respect of persons but it is not God will even for men to perish in their sin.
      And God breathed into man and man became a living soul but God never breathed into animals. Their is no recarnation only death and thereafter judgement.
      In the New testament of the bible it says children are sanctified by their godly father or mother or both. But if parents refuse to humble themselves and fear God how will their kids know?
      Finally Chad. Jesus said it this way if you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children howmuch more will God not who is good give the Holy Spirit to him who ask.
      Parents leave their children an inheritance after they are gone which is a testament like the bible, but if we only leave our kids with earthly wealth and no knowledge of God we have robbed our kids from heaven and Gods love.

    • @chad969
      @chad969 7 років тому

      Andre Cronje +Andre Cronje Do you believe that children should be given more leniency than adults in court? Why or why not?
      "Surely I was sinful at birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me".
      If an infant who goes his entire life without sinning could qualify as sinful, what does it really mean to say that someone is sinful? You could argue that the 'sinful' label could still apply to infants because they all sin when they get older, but this rationale seems inconsistent with the way we normally apply descriptors to people. You wouldn't say that someone was happy before they were happy, or a felon before they committed a felony, or an oscar winner before they won an oscar.
      "How can we say children are guilty when they are so cute and innocent? Well I gues its because God is Holy in comparrison."
      Let's stick with infants since they can't even contemplate disobedience. It seems as though you're using the word "guilty" in a sense that I'm not familiar with. I thought that the 'guilty' label applied only to people who had committed a transgression, but infants are incapable of transgression. If by "guilty" you just mean that the infant is far less holy than god, then you're saying that an infant is guilty for having been created a certain way, which is kind of like saying that a child with cancer is guilty for having cancer. Could you clarify what you mean?

    • @shineandre
      @shineandre 7 років тому

      Chad, each culture has its own sets of laws and justice. When two kids ages 10 11 12 commit murder on a 8 year old etc youstart to question certain limitations. The fact is and i personally think the change in punishment under the law that demanded the death penalty whether for chld or adults started in the gospels of John chp 8. A woman was caught in the act of adultery - Moses demanded the death penalty but Christ who now faced the judges of his time turned the tables just before he himself would take her sins upon him being beaten and crucifie. Let him who has no sin cast the first stone. In the end even Jesus himself forgave her and said neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more. Will those kids kill again? Will an adulterer or fornicator stop their sexual immorality? With Gods help and faith in Jesus Christ it is possible to turn from darkness to light and walk in Gods holy ways. What must be done then to these kids: Let the people judge, let the courts judge for if God willing they should escape the death penalty once and not repent like many folks the Great Judge will judge them and He is no respecter of persons. For He knows the hearts of all men.

  • @jimmyc3238
    @jimmyc3238 10 років тому +1

    "Noah's ark - of all the scientifically absurd and morally reprehensible stories in the Bible, this one takes the cake. How a grown man, in this day and age, can profess to believe in such childish drivel is beyond me."

  • @stegokitty
    @stegokitty 10 років тому +4

    Newsflash, David -- The Biblical stories ARE historical accounts. If someone is going to make a movie about real people, and real historical events, they need to make them honestly, and not twist them. Would it be okay if someone made a story about Martin Luther King and made him into a Nazi? I'll go back to the Muslim bit -- you know good and well (unless you're entirely delusional and devoid of a knowledge of current events involved with the media, images of Mohammed, and Muslims) that if a film was made about Mohammed, and he was shown to be anything contrary to the myths surrounding him there would be (literally) heads rolling.

    • @sharper68
      @sharper68 10 років тому +1

      News flash, stegokitty -- They are not historical accounts especially when you talk about events like Noah's flood. The bible saying it is true is not enough to validate the story to anyone but those who reject reality and replace it bronze age nonsense.
      The movie about Mohamed is not made as it would cause more trouble than it would be worth for those who invest in making movies as a business. It has nothing to do with respect for Muslims and everything to do with costs and hassle vs payoff for making it. If you do not like the idea of this movie not mirroring the bible closely enough vote with your wallet and do not see it. Please know that will change nothing though as plenty of people in the bible centric US will still go.

    • @stegokitty
      @stegokitty 10 років тому

      sharper68 1) The Biblical accounts are historical accounts. Your disbelieving them doesn't make them not so.
      2) The Bible is quite possibly THE most used resource for historical discoveries. Check your facts before rattling.
      3) Your ignorance of the Scriptures, and of history, is rather glaring.
      4) I've no intention of seeing the film.
      5) Evidently, like your lack of historical and archaeological knowledge, your vocabulary suffers. The word "respect" also has to do with "fear". Movie makers are fearful of making a film concerning Mohammed, BECAUSE of the sort of insane backlash that would occur.
      6) The very notion that the United States is "bible centric" is completely idiotic. Most professing Christians aren't even "bible centric", as they wallow in as much ignorance and SELF-centeredness as do pagans like yourself.
      If someone is going to make a movie about a Biblical story, the least they could do is to try and make it accurate.

    • @sharper68
      @sharper68 10 років тому +2

      stegokitty 1) It is not a matter of belief because that is not what defines a historical account. Independent verification is the only thing that makes something historical. In the case of the flood, there is nothing that confirms a world wide flood let alone the huge list of painful inconsistencies with the story that make it more like a fairy tale than an account to be taken seriously.
      2) Flat out false unless you are talking about the time before we had actual archeologists. Before we used the scientific method we had theologians making wildly incorrect claims about the origin of sites based on the biblical musing and their innate cultural bias and not fact. Almost all of their "discoveries" have since been reclassified as false as we looked at evidence and not some dogmatic gut feeling. The bible is referenced primarily by a specific sub group of people and only on issues associated with a relatively small area in the middle east. Your assertion is fact free.
      3) Your ignorance of what I know of the bible makes your assessment meaningless.
      4) This does not surprise me, I will not be seeing it either for a whole other reason.
      5) Respect and fear are not should not be akin to each other in the mind of those who are not craven. I respect people and institutions who earn it but would NEVER respect anyone I fear. Making movies is about money for Hollywood and there is no reason to make a movie that would cost more in cash and hassle than it would make.
      6) That you are clueless about the nature of the religiosity in the united states is hilarious and not based on reality. The US has a huge and influential group of of dogmatic fundamentalist Christians who attempt to influence policy at every turn and we are counted as among the most conservative of the developed nations because of it.
      Your claims about bible the bibles veracity are simplistic fiction. People are free to do what the want to to any story in it. That it is sacred to you means you should be accurate in the movie you make but means nothing about what others choose to do.

    • @stegokitty
      @stegokitty 10 років тому

      sharper68 "It is not a matter of belief because that is not what defines a historical account."
      Firstly that's a straw man. I never said that my belief in something made it so. In fact I'd NEVER say such an idiotic thing. The Scriptures are true whether you or I or any other human being ever believes it.
      Independent of whom and of what?
      You believe in the existence of Julius Caesar do you not? (of course you do!)
      Do you doubt that which is written about him? (of course you don't!)
      Ever seen a photo? ;)
      Are you aware that only 10 copies of his story exist, and that NONE of them are verifiable? (gasp!)
      How about the writings of Plato -- Do you doubt that Plato existed? (of course not!) Do you doubt that he said what he is said to have said? (of course not!)
      Are you aware that only 7 copies exist of his writings?
      Are you equally aware that none of them are verifiable -- that is that the accuracy of those copies is nil? (gasp!)
      And yet, you'd find anyone to be the biggest fool on the planet to deny the existence and works of just these two men.
      You said "Making movies is about money for Hollywood and there is no reason to make a movie that would cost more in cash and hassle than it would make."
      Really? So a film about an important historical figure wouldn't make money?
      Did you even think before you responded? No.
      You said "That you are clueless about the nature of the religiosity in the united states is hilarious and not based on reality. The US has a huge and influential group of of dogmatic fundamentalist Christians who attempt to influence policy at every turn and we are counted as among the most conservative of the developed nations because of it."
      That's a far cry from the US being a "bible centered" country.
      And IF indeed there were such pull as you're suggesting in the fundamentalist wings of the body politic, there wouldn't be such things as "gay parades" abortion, etc.
      Once again, do try and think before opening your gob.
      But the piece de resistance:
      Concerning #2, you said: "Flat out false unless you are talking about the time before we had actual archeologists."
      Well, I made myself a promise on my birthday, that I wouldn't argue with stupid people. Now you've crossed that line. Truly you are an idiot. EVERY archaeologist KNOWS that the Bible is quite possibly THE most used collection of literature used in searches for antiquity in the near East.
      So long.
      I've no time for going back and forth with a 17-year old.

    • @sharper68
      @sharper68 10 років тому +1

      stegokitty You calling something a straw man does not makes it so. You called the bible a historical accurate document and the only way to do that independently verify the contents. To say otherwise is fact free. You asserted it was my "disbelief" that drives me and not the fact very little of it is independently verified. You asserting they are true is meaningless drivel that has no value except to someone who shares your delusion and willful ignorance.
      When I say independent I mean sources that are not the bible, you can not use the bible to verify itself. The existence of Caesar is verified by multiple sources and this spin does not validate your argument but does support mine. Addtionally Plato has been verifed as a real man by several independent sources and the survival of his writings, again this weak argument fails for the same reason as the last one.
      It would cause more far hassle than it would make money and that is why they would not green light it. It is simply not worth it.
      That we have a legal separation of church and state built into our constitution is the only reason the powerful church lobby has not extended their reach deeper than they have. Even as the bulk of the western world has legalized gay marriage we languish behind precisely because of this backward movement. That you imagine the US is progressive in the ranks of the 1st world marks you as clueless on the subject.
      You are the only moron in this conversion and you would be better to keep to your ingmorant bubble if you do not want to be called out on your pathetic rantings. I have forgotten more on every subject covered so far than you will ever know. Your assertions about archeologists are as fact free as the rest of your post. The bible is an interesting set of documents but it takes raw unvarnished faith to call it historically accurate when much of it can not be verified.
      Go ahead and leave, nice of you to wrap up on a consistent note and be wrong about me yet again.

  • @arcaneone
    @arcaneone 10 років тому +4

    @ 0:42 Ray Comfort references the 1956 Ten Commandments and Ben Hur, both which have several differences compared to the Bible. Ray Comfort fails again.

  • @Greenblood60
    @Greenblood60 10 років тому +2

    First of all, most movies ( if not all of them) based on the Bible are inaccurate because the characters are white ! In the Ten Commandments, all the Hebrews and Egyptians are white. Get The Fuck Outta Here !
    It's funny that Ray didn't have a problem with this major inaccuracy.
    Also, Pakman's statement that we don't know whether there was a creation or not is ridiculous. He's getting hung up on semantics. To create means to cause something to come into existence. We know that the universe came into existence because of the scientific evidence. So that leaves you with three choices: you can believe in an infinite number of past events, which is illogical and impossible. You can believe that nothing caused everything, which is also impossible, or you can believe that something caused everything, which is possible and logical.

    • @bbanksy1
      @bbanksy1 10 років тому

      I posted on another christian movie on how...Caucasian....the people were 2000 years ago in the Middle East thinking the same thing. But we all know its over exaggerated in every way coming from Hollywood. Its a big gimmick....

  • @legrancesare
    @legrancesare 10 років тому +4

    LoL, Ok, Christianity is a religion but believing in Christianity is not religious? Ray Comfort is stupid. My favorite christian clown.

    • @twocatsonmoon7526
      @twocatsonmoon7526 10 років тому +1

      RELIGION is more like a practice-going to church, certain traditions to follow, rules. a true Christian keeps God's law ,the 10 commandments and follows Jesus and not men, is in the world, but is not of it. is it clear enough ?

    • @legrancesare
      @legrancesare 10 років тому

      There aren't only ten commandments.

    • @twocatsonmoon7526
      @twocatsonmoon7526 10 років тому +1

      look for the truth yourself, I am not going to explain to you, you will say i am spreading propaganda, as you always do, the nonbelievers, God hating humans that are afraid to give up sin. Yes you are right, there aren't only the ten commandments, you are not aloud to watch porn and masturbate, you sure know that one...

    • @legrancesare
      @legrancesare 10 років тому

      I masturbate. Everyone does. You do too. If you don't, you are an unhealthy person. Masturbation is a biological necessity, like food. Nothing religious about it. If you don't masturbate, you will die. Period. And of course I watch porn. All the time. Everyone does--ok, almost everyone, some don't, especially those people without tvs or computers. But hell ya I watch porn with alacrity, and I masturbate to it if I don't got a girl, which sometimes happens. And no, I wouldn't think you're spreading propaganda. You'd just be preaching, and preaching is just talking, and talking is not showing. Anyone can put words together to say anything. And also there is no god. Sin does not exist. Sin wouldn't exist even if there were gods.

    • @twocatsonmoon7526
      @twocatsonmoon7526 10 років тому +1

      First, I am married. Second God does exist and you have to face Him on the judgment day whether you believe it or not. If you lied, stole something, blasphemed God... you are in big trouble and heading to hell. I bet you believe in evolution, the only thing that strips humanity of moral accountability_ Sin exists and one day you gonna have to give an account for every single word that came out of your mouth

  • @vladbcom
    @vladbcom 10 років тому +3

    5:15 since when do religious convictions require our respect? You believe in some superstitious woodoo magic and get offended when you are rightly laughed at than it's your own damn fault for being so gullible

    • @pd003
      @pd003 3 роки тому

      Christian faith is not voodoo magic. It is the faith that Jesus saves us from eternal damnation through His death on the cross.

  • @walterwhite7554
    @walterwhite7554 10 років тому +1

    The Bible is not very Biblically accurate either. It says the Earth is "immovable" set on pillars and foundations. Mr. Comfort makes me unComfortable.

  • @LokiJotunn
    @LokiJotunn 10 років тому +7

    Buwahahahaha did Ray Banana Comfort just say "Stay true to what the buy-bull says, don't make it up as you go along"? Why shouldn't they when the buy-bull does exactly the same thing lol

  • @soundmman1516
    @soundmman1516 10 років тому +5

    Keep Ray Comfort FAR away from Children!

  • @TheTrinitySaga
    @TheTrinitySaga 10 років тому +1

    Umm... His issue is that they portrayed that Noah got drunk and passed out naked? And that's not biblically accurate?
    Genesis 9:20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:
    21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. 22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. 23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father’s nakedness.
    24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. 25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. 26 And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
    27 God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
    So, Noah gets drunk, passes out naked, Ham sees him nude and so when he wakes up from his drunken stupor he punishes Ham's son Canaan instead. Noah was a dick. I'm sorry that Ray isn't as familiar with the book he defends so vehemently as he should be, but it's a fact.

  • @drvonnostrum2671
    @drvonnostrum2671 10 років тому +6

    Since the Bible isn't real, does it really matter?

  • @Baud2Bits
    @Baud2Bits 10 років тому +5

    I think this one needs a careful response. Great interview David.

  • @edithsmith4735
    @edithsmith4735 8 років тому +1

    I don't expect unsaved filmmakers to respect the Word of God at all. I expect them to twist it and make it what they want it to make. Jesus Himself says the world hates Him, God the Father, and Christians (John 15:18-23), therefore anything they promote as Biblical is not Biblical. I wouldn't waste my money watching it and it doesn't matter if the unsaved think it's fiction or not. Christianity is the only faith that the unsaved world will tell Christians to stop believing their Bible but would be petrified to tell Muslims to stop believing their Quran and make a movie mocking Mohammed. Yet I expect that. This is the reason Christians should just proclaim the gospel (John 3:16, Romans 1:16, 10:9-10, Ephesians 2:8-9) because we're dealing with spiritually lost sinners that need to repent and trust in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ or they will be judged.

  • @AtomicElectronCo
    @AtomicElectronCo 10 років тому +7

    Who says ANYONE deserves respect? It is a work of fiction....like the Bible. This is a BOOK and a lot of parents told their kids that it was real...so they believe it.

    • @mikebrunet54
      @mikebrunet54 10 років тому

      you ignore the fullfilled prophecies.

    • @notsafeforchurch
      @notsafeforchurch 10 років тому +3

      Mike B You also ignore the failed prophecies. As for the "fulfilled" ones, none are impressive. All are vague and about as impressive as the ones found in the Quran.
      Name your best one and I'll shoot it down.

    • @7mightyace
      @7mightyace 10 років тому

      Chris Hollier It doesn't matter what your opinions are on the prophecies, but they will come.

    • @notsafeforchurch
      @notsafeforchurch 10 років тому +2

      7mightyace Which ones, exactly?

    • @EltonJThe
      @EltonJThe 10 років тому

      Okay, Christian, you are a fiction.

  • @KateeAngel
    @KateeAngel 10 років тому +7

    What? Ray talks about creation without bananas? I am surprised

    • @mikebrunet54
      @mikebrunet54 10 років тому

      no your not

    • @notsafeforchurch
      @notsafeforchurch 10 років тому +1

      Mike B I think she genuinely is surprised, as am I. Creationists don't usually let go of bad ideas... Ray actually dropped the banana bit... There's hope!

    • @TheAltoGamer
      @TheAltoGamer 5 років тому

      haha so original

  • @WilhelmDrake
    @WilhelmDrake 10 років тому +1

    Someone should let Mr Comfort know that Ben-Hur is a modern work of fiction.

  • @4clockfarms
    @4clockfarms 10 років тому +4

    can't wait for noah 2 repopulation! it should be very sexy.

  • @GetYourShoeShineBox
    @GetYourShoeShineBox 10 років тому +8

    God's so forgiving he only drowns 99.9% of Humanity. that's love right there...

    • @jerryrh7
      @jerryrh7 10 років тому

      only 1% had a pure bloodline the 99% had contaminated dna from the fallen angels having sex with the daughters of men.

    • @GetYourShoeShineBox
      @GetYourShoeShineBox 10 років тому +4

      Sure bro....how are you using a computer keyboard with that 'straitjacket' on?

    • @jerryrh7
      @jerryrh7 10 років тому

      GetYourShoeShineBox thru the power of THE HOLY SPIRIT it is easy

    • @jerryrh7
      @jerryrh7 10 років тому

      jerryrh7 Here's Undisputed Proof of the Location of Noah's Ark!!

    • @GetYourShoeShineBox
      @GetYourShoeShineBox 10 років тому +2

      ok dude next time you take a shit be sure to take a photo so you can show the world what just came out of the location of your arse!

  • @Llllillilililililillll
    @Llllillilililililillll 10 років тому +2

    Ray presented himself very well.

  • @allmakescombined
    @allmakescombined 10 років тому +6

    Yeah.. Noah wasn't a drunk...
    "And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. " Genesis 9:20,21
    Read your bible, Ray! Idiot.

    • @internetsurfer777
      @internetsurfer777 10 років тому +1

      Got drunk = Be a drunk?

    • @Syrenbeybei
      @Syrenbeybei 10 років тому

      So because there was one account of Noah being drunk that automatically makes him a drunkard... is that your logic?

    • @allmakescombined
      @allmakescombined 10 років тому

      Sophia King - Archer It was notable enough to mention in the book of Genesis, is all I'm saying. I haven't seen the movie, but if he only gets drunk once in the movie, then that's one part in the story in which the movie DOES match the bible. Judging by the previews, he doesn't appear to be drunk throughout the movie. If he is drunk more than once in the movie, then why don't we just sue the producers for taking artistic license with a fictional story that is public domain for his fictional movie?

    • @allmakescombined
      @allmakescombined 10 років тому +1

      internetsurfer777 When you drink a lot of alcohol, you become drunk (adjective). If you are drunk, then you are a drunk (noun). Yes, that's generally how it works.
      Yeah, he planted an entire vineyard to get drunk one time.

    • @internetsurfer777
      @internetsurfer777 10 років тому +2

      allmakescombined Alright i hear ya. Nah, really. If we only go to the text we get the information that he planted a vineyard and got drunk. If the world has been flooded its important to make things grow again, and you might start to plant and tender gardens so you will be able to eat and drink. The water would have been mixed with salt and mud. It's likely that he felt it was safer to drink the wine that he made than to drink water. And he didnt know what effect that would have on him, to only drink wine. The text says he was the first to plant a vineyard. So of course he didn't know what the effect would be. It is less likely that Noah was a drunkard of course, since he stands as an example of a man who was righteouss and feared God. We abuse the text if we read things into it. Of course it's possible that he was a drunkard. But not likely. It is also possible that Peter denied Christ publicly 50 times in his life, but not likely, and we have no reason to believe it.

  • @formerevolutionist
    @formerevolutionist 10 років тому +6

    I like the book more than the movie...

    • @my-king
      @my-king 10 років тому

      You've seen the movie?

    • @formerevolutionist
      @formerevolutionist 10 років тому

      Conrad King Rule of thumb: the book is ALWAYS better than the movie.

    • @ethanjohnson9521
      @ethanjohnson9521 10 років тому

      formerevolutionist this is prob one of the rare exeptions !!!

    • @my-king
      @my-king 10 років тому +3

      formerevolutionist maybe so. But I don't think they'll be adding the incest, mass murder, rape and the unbelievable myths.

    • @my-king
      @my-king 10 років тому

      The reason I said this is you made a statement you can't back up. Yes you may be right... But you haven't seen it.
      But it's Ok. Religious people lie.

  • @JaggLion
    @JaggLion 10 років тому +2

    Who cares if it's not true to the bible? It's a fictional movie based on a fictional story. And honestly the only reason I'd even consider watching it is because the deviations that the movie has from the biblical story actually makes it look GOOD.
    When I saw the trailer I thought that it would be a creationist's wet dream (pun intended), but I guess not. Instead all they can do is whine.

  • @Seekarr
    @Seekarr 10 років тому +4

    I'm a strong Christian, but David Pakman's views are far more consistent with mine on the interpretation of Genesis; and even the earliest Jews and Christians. I do assert that Genesis is allegorical, and I think we have very good evidence to believe that was the intention of the text - since the book was written by theological scholars around the foundation of the Great Library of Alexandria at the dawn of the Hellenistic era - there is no evidence of a written version before hand - and the commentary we have on Genesis from the Hellenistic era is about the allegory and metaphors in the text. The literalist Judaism didn't come until the 2nd century AD until the era of Aquila and Marcion - and guess what? Marcion was considered a heretic on the Christian side, and the Jewish following of Aquila's literalist view ended in a violent revolt against the Romans, the destruction of Israel, the establishment of the state of Palestine, and tremendous loss of human life to violence and suffering. Even at the dawn of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism they thought literalists were misled.
    The whole "faith in Jesus is all you need" is and that's all you have to do. The gospels are explicitly clear that faith in Jesus means not just to believe in God, but to treat your neighbours with kindness, love and don't make idols of money and other things that cause greed/lust, and a big one was don't use scripture to judge others - Jesus was clear in the Gospel that the Pharisees that did this were abusing the scripture to appear more holy, but in reality they were becoming distant from God - and while it doesn't explicitly say it, it is strongly implied in the segments about hypocrisy that biblical passages can be made into idols as well - and no, Jesus clearly wasn't just speaking about food laws, circumcision, and the Sabbath - those were just examples of issues that were hot at the time.

    • @BooxoBoo
      @BooxoBoo 10 років тому

      And Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows quite clearly says Harry Potter killed Voldemort in the 2nd Wizarding War. Does that mean it's true? Does that mean it really happened just because it's written down? Why are creationists such gullible idiots? Mind you, they wouldn't be creationists if they weren't gullible idiots.

    • @4420ish
      @4420ish 10 років тому

      Why Jesus then said :" As in the days of Noah so it will be when the Son of Man returns" if Genesis were allegorical ? And is the arriving of the family of Jacob in Egypt an allegory too ?
      I aren't disturbed to accept the Creation and the Flood as true facts !

    • @paradisecityX0
      @paradisecityX0 10 років тому

      BooxoBoo How original:)

    • @BooxoBoo
      @BooxoBoo 10 років тому

      paradisecityX0 Almost as original as "god is real because the bible says so" :)

    • @paradisecityX0
      @paradisecityX0 10 років тому

      BooxoBoo That's not the reason

  • @darkashtar
    @darkashtar 10 років тому +6

    Noah was a drunk in the bible

    • @SimplyAnime101
      @SimplyAnime101 10 років тому

      Partially true, but taken out of context. Noah got drunk after he got off the boat.

    • @Phas3e
      @Phas3e 10 років тому +4

      SimplyAnime101 no doubt he needed the encouragement before all the incest began

    • @SimplyAnime101
      @SimplyAnime101 10 років тому

      Well with a total of eight people in existence what did you expect?

    • @Ancor3
      @Ancor3 10 років тому +1

      I would expect that god would order more than 8 people on the ship. But why speculate on something that didn't happen anyway?

    • @SimplyAnime101
      @SimplyAnime101 10 років тому

      Afro Samurai
      Then why are we even having this conversation?

  • @BenjaminIRABISOHOJE-ox6im
    @BenjaminIRABISOHOJE-ox6im Рік тому +1

    I am very much disappointed by the movie, I watched it last night and couldn’t watch it to the end because I’ve read the Bible and know the truth. When I woke up I came across this video. I AGREE WITH RAY.

  • @newt0n
    @newt0n 10 років тому +12

    Haha, what a joke! A complaint that a movie with a made up story about a made up story is not exactly like the made up story :D

    • @ggaggagga4
      @ggaggagga4 10 років тому +1

      The complaint is that HW could have made a killing by giving a segment of the population (Christians) what they want. Instead they intentionally disrespect that group - sort of like you - because they don't believe and they are secretly fearful that it just MIGHT be true. I don't really blame the HW culture - I just hope that Christians with $$$ will get together and make movies for other Christians. THAT is the way America is supposed to work - you have a god day :-)

    • @newt0n
      @newt0n 10 років тому

      Richard Mcneil DUDE! Its a story about a boat saving a billion animals cause a creature in the sky told a man to do so. Fuck, even the possibility that Star Wars or the Alien Movies are true is higher... Haha.

    • @ggaggagga4
      @ggaggagga4 10 років тому

      not so - you should at least try to analyze the words before you judge them. He was to take a pair "after their kind" So one pair of dogs, one of cats one of birds, one of cows...etc. It only adds up to a few thousand and could easily be done in a man made boat of that time. But the real issue is faith that there is a God at all. Can't help you with that one man. The way I look at it is that in an infinite universe, why NOT believe in a Creator God? There is no proof he doesn't exist. And if you study the old testament prophets in the bible you can actually get a heads up on what's coming in the next few years. For example - Damascus Syria is predicted to be made an uninhabitable heap of ruins - Isaiah 17. Egypt will be caught in a major civil war with horrific destruction Isaiah 19.
      Israel will be attacked by Russia, Iran, Turkey, Ethiopia and Libya. And Israel will win! IF you see those things happening - maybe you should get serious about the other things the bible says? If they don't happen then no problem, carry on with the laughing.

    • @newt0n
      @newt0n 10 років тому

      Yeah, sure. And Hogwarts will open its first class in 2015. Really, dude... You can't really be serious. No way.

    • @ggaggagga4
      @ggaggagga4 10 років тому

      quite serious. What's the problem? All I asked you to do is wait and watch...

  • @lilithclaws832
    @lilithclaws832 10 років тому +6

    Ray it's fiction and fantasy, you're a ding a ling!!!!

  • @chrisworth2102
    @chrisworth2102 10 років тому +1

    People who don't like people making fun of their beliefs should not have such ridiculously funny beliefs.

  • @jpfrssnv
    @jpfrssnv 10 років тому +4

    Ray Comfort is full of it....

    • @DanYuleo
      @DanYuleo 10 років тому

      What would prompt you to say that? Maybe the portion about Ray saying he has common sense. haha. Just got to that part.

    • @DanYuleo
      @DanYuleo 10 років тому

      Haha that's pretty good.

    • @JadeMRE
      @JadeMRE 10 років тому

      Full of the Spirit. He is a very Godly man and he is actually helping guide you weather you know it or not.

    • @DanYuleo
      @DanYuleo 10 років тому


    • @acurisur
      @acurisur 10 років тому

      Full of The Holy Spirit. Yes, Uncle Duke,he is.