Very nice video. Thanks for taking the time to make it. It's persuaded me to move from Eagle to Kicad since Autodesk destroyed Eagle (threw it away?). Want to hear a joke? They call that progress!
Can you help me to understand how Kicad recovers the schematic from the PCB file? When I do this on my project, no symbols are added to the schematic. I assume that's because none of the PCB components have any symbols that Kicad recognises assigned to them. How was it able to do this in your example? How was it able to produce a schematic with a sensible layout for all the components?
Ok I found out the problem I was having - in the video it shows you importing an Eagle .pcb file as a new project which would only import the PCB file and not the schematic. If however you choose to import the Eagle .sch file then KiCad will import both the PCB and schematic into the project.
Hi, I have not had an issue with KiCad bring in schematic with symbols from Eagle file as long as the .brd and .sch files are in the same folder and imported as a new project. If you just need the schematic, you can open KiCad Schematic Editor, click File, click Import non KiCad Schematic and pick the .sch file from your computer. If your still having issues feel free to link me the files and I will take a look.
Thank you for sharing. It was quite useful for me.
Very nice video. Thanks for taking the time to make it. It's persuaded me to move from Eagle to Kicad since Autodesk destroyed Eagle (threw it away?). Want to hear a joke? They call that progress!
Thank you
Can you help me to understand how Kicad recovers the schematic from the PCB file? When I do this on my project, no symbols are added to the schematic. I assume that's because none of the PCB components have any symbols that Kicad recognises assigned to them. How was it able to do this in your example? How was it able to produce a schematic with a sensible layout for all the components?
Ok I found out the problem I was having - in the video it shows you importing an Eagle .pcb file as a new project which would only import the PCB file and not the schematic. If however you choose to import the Eagle .sch file then KiCad will import both the PCB and schematic into the project.
Hi, I have not had an issue with KiCad bring in schematic with symbols from Eagle file as long as the .brd and .sch files are in the same folder and imported as a new project. If you just need the schematic, you can open KiCad Schematic Editor, click File, click Import non KiCad Schematic and pick the .sch file from your computer. If your still having issues feel free to link me the files and I will take a look.