Take your shoes off feel the Earth under your feet get grounded in a good way. As a kid getting grounded was a drag but as a adult it is important to stay grounded. Inflammation is dramatically reduced when your feet touch the Earth pains slip away. Try it everyday. I remember whole summers as a kid going barefoot carefree. Today more than ever in this fast paced world staying grounded is vital. Thanx for the work.
Thank You😊 Listenting to this while sleep, I had a dream about my Grandmother, who passed away. In the dream she had an aura that was bright yellowish, she was glowing, I was so happy to see her and tell her how much I love her. Thank you for sharing this💛
Midnight in Hanoi, Vietnam listening to this. A quiet fresh breeze after a thunderstorm blows on my balcony. Can't help but feel infinite possibility lies ahead
I was hurting beyond belief last night. I have Fibromyalgia. After my second hot epsom salts bath in about an hour, I tried this. The result was IMMEDIATELY noticeable and significant. I followed that up with a sleep meditation. I am recommending these videos to everyone. Thank you SO much!
Fibromyalgia as an illness does not exist. Despite me having it as a diagnosis, fibromyalgia and me and ms and many diseases if not the majority are energetic imbalances from toxicity accumulating in the body. I am healing my fibro through meditation and have had a few enlightenment experiences. I wouldn't of been able to do any of this if I didn't first clean the body massively. So it's most likely lymes disease or a host of parasitic nasties. So use colloidal silver or samento, Olive leaf extract. Oregano extract or buy frequency generators to nuke the buggers. Not cheap though but they gave me my life back with juicing organic fruit and veg daily. Magnesium malate, higher than usual dose of vit d3. Chorella and spirulina and selenium and lugols iodine to remove heavy metals. Coq10 and b12. Once I'm fully healed I'm going to be a health guide. The doctors may not know it but they are part of the problem. Coffee enemas too would help if u are willing to go that far. Lol.
Dear T Jones, did you know the body heals much easier on a whole food plant based diet? It might be worth a try so you won't have to endure all of the pain and discomfort that comes with fibromialgia. Sending you love ♡
Hi Dave Smith, have you experimented with healthy foods to help your healing process? A whole food plant based diet might just be what your body needs to heal. Sending love ♡
This treatment of the ~174 hZ mallet tone as the presumptive 3rd harmonic (2nd overtone) in the natural series is absolutely one of the best I have experienced. In fact, it put me right out and relieved a back spasm and stenosis that has had me in its grips for ten days. As an acoustician, orchestra and choir director for the better part of forty years, I have used 3rd harmonic tuning and awareness with my groups with uncanny success. With vocal ensembles, its a matter of vowel conforming and teaching IPA fundamentals as young as third grade through rap sequences (it works). With orchestras, it's all a matter of timbre. Strings are easy, double reeds are darn near impossible lacking redeeming talent. With subacoustic fundamentals, what we actually hear is the third harmonic, and thus the chord of nature, which affects the collective psyche from Spain to India to Turkey to Tibet, where Western musicians flock to feel inspiration. Anyway, I want to try some of this with some alternate tempraments on a synth. If anyone has some experience, I'd love to hear about it.
Loved reading about your experiences, I've some training in bioresonance and I use sine wave frequencies for testing and treating people. I often run these healing music videos while I do a treatment. Music, colours, crystals, plant life, living beings etc..all have their own unique frequencies and frequency spectrum...its wonderful...the other important aspect is frequency shape and polarity when harmonising for a treatment.
Wow 😳 I'm tryna pass a stone. I'm irritable and the pain is annoying. I have restless legs and pressure pain in my abdomen of course. Saw this I thought I'd give it a try and most of the pain is gone. I just feel a little of the pressure inside my urethra but Wow no pain! I'm going to try to sleep listening to this because I'm tired. Thank you meditative mind.❤❤❤❤❤
This is 100 percent legit! It works best for me played through my portable speaker, placed directly on the area in pain.. sounds like crazy talk all this resonance stuff I know... believe it. It's real. It works THANK YOU meditative mind 😎✌
It's been one week that I have been sleeping with a grounding pad. Words cannot adequately express the profound relief I feel. All anxiety stress sleepless nights gone. I feel alive again truly blessed. The answer is literally right under your feet. Modern shoes are a scourge to mankind a curse. We are bombarded with many different kinds of electrical electronic energies. Holding a I pad plugged in will raise your volts to about 20v. Get grounded go barefoot 20 mins feel mother earths energy her free electrons surge into your body. Get a grounding pad sleep like a baby again. A good nights sleep is essential for good health. When you reach deep levels of rest the body can heal itself you wake reborn.
In a thunderstorm after jiu jitsu training. Training was hell😂. Felt scared so went running through the storm. This music is calming me. Blessings to everyone reading this. Respect is earned not granted. Earn it.
I’d heard of certain mhz having health & mental benefits but never looked into it. I awoke with a headache ( and I rarely get them) & achy & stiff…. After just 10 minutes I feel noticably better & the headache is gone. Amazing.
Senhor abençoe quem está lendo essa mensagem e família com a tua infinita bondade torne-a plena de paz, de amor , saúde e harmonia, de tua infinita Graça, de luz, sabedoria e prosperidade, de tudo de melhor na vida. - Lord bless those who are reading this message and family with your infinite goodness, full of peace, love, health and harmony, your infinite Grace, light, wisdom and prosperity, all the best in life.
Over a 3 day trip the back of my shoulder has hurt very bad as if I was being stabbed and having the blade twisted around constantly. I got home, went to bed in pain and turned this on. This morning I woke up and it’s gone!
I dont know how you make these, hell, I dont want to know...I just hope they keep coming because these are so simple and yet so calming. Pure. Clean. Light. Refreshing. Thank you.
I have facial neuralgia thought nothing besides strong pain killers would ease it,tried various music meditation websites then found this after half an hour or so i felt a kind of soothing feeling in my brain and the pain began slowly to ebb away then I fell asleep it may be temporary but thank you to to who made this x x x x
With the time that it takes to find relief, the cadence of time is kept with this. Moving into the suffering that you experience dissolves the awareness of self, and one's relationship to the experience of suffering. But suffering is necessary for the awareness of it's greater purpose. And nobody who is anybody ever escapes it. This is where purpose in living reside in loyalty and honor. And dying is a tragedy where one is lost in the sea of consequences.
Leicht wie ein Traum , in der Ferne , in einem weit entfernten Himmelskreis . Leicht , wie DU , MEIN GOTT , DU DER EINE , ALLZU FEINE , NAH UND FERNE . "HERR" wirst DU genannt , doch DU bist mehr , leichter als alles was es gibt !
Matthäus26 + 29 Ich sage euch aber: Ich werde von nun an bestimmt nicht mehr von diesem Erzeugnis des Weinstocks trinken bis zu jenem Tag, an dem ich es neu* mit euch trinke im Königreich meines Vaters.“+ 30 Nach Lobgesängen*+ gingen sie schließlich hinaus zum Ölberg.+ Römer11 25 Denn ich will nicht, Brüder, daß ihr über dieses heilige Geheimnis+ unwissend seid, damit ihr euch nicht in den eigenen Augen für verständig haltet: daß eine Abstumpfung des Empfindungsvermögens+ Israel zum Teil widerfahren ist, bis die Vollzahl*+ der Menschen aus den Nationen hereingekommen ist,+ 26 und auf diese Weise wird ganz Israel+ gerettet werden, so wie geschrieben steht: „Der Befreier wird aus Zion kommen+ und gottlose Handlungen von Jakob abwenden.+27 Und dies ist meinerseits der Bund mit ihnen,+ wenn ich ihre Sünden wegnehme.“+ 28 Allerdings sind sie hinsichtlich der guten Botschaft Feinde um euretwillen,+ doch hinsichtlich [Gottes] Auserwählung* sind sie Geliebte um ihrer Vorväter willen.+ 29 Denn die Gaben und die Berufung Gottes sind Dinge, die ihn nicht gereuen werden Anregung1: -AN DEM ICH ES NEU TRINKE IM KÖNIGREICH MEINES VATERS ! -BIS DIE VOLLZAHL DER MENSCHEN AUS DEN NATIONEN HEREINGEKOMMEN IST ! -DER BEFREIER WIRD AUS ZION KOMMEN ! Jeder Christ ist aufgefordert sich auf die Wiederkehr des Erlöser´ vorzubereiten ! Jeder Christ muss von der Existenz des Erlösers vollkommen überzeugt sein ! "Die grossen Dinge GOTTES sind etwas wundervolles !" Jeder ist gerufen , jeder kann DER LETZTE sein , Jeder oder Jede ! Dann beginnt eine neue Welt , erst dann ! Die Schriften sind echt , GOTT DEN SCHÖPFER , GIBT ES ! Dies muss viel mehr in den Herzen und im Bewusstsein der Menschen Wirklichkeit werden ! Zuerst in den Völkern , dann bei den Juden ! Nach und nach muss es geschehen ! Es müssen mehr werden ! Lernt die Wahrheit über Yeshua den Juden neu kennen ! Anregung2: Alle christlichen Schulen , auch die Grosskirche , haben auf den Erlöser gehofft und sich für iHn mit den Mitteln eingesetzt , die sich ihnen zur jeweiligen Zeit boten , alles Menschen Mögliche haben sie getan , damit DER HEILIGE GEIST , DER in Jesus wirkte , Wirklichkeit wurde , alle habe ihren Beitrag gegeben ! Sie tun es immer noch ! Dass es Schwierigkeiten in der Auslegung gab und gibt , liegt in der Komplexität GOTTES selbst begründet , in SEINER HEILIGEN GRÖSSE ! Es wird heute jedoch immer klarer , wer Yeshua wirklich war , wie Er dachte ,wie Er lebte , was seine Hoffnungen waren ! Das alte System ist eine Last , die Blutschuld ist eine Last , doch Er hatte es gewusst und auch vorausgesagt , dass seine Nachfolger bitter leiden werden , so wie Er ! Dies war der Preis für den heiligsten Menschen aller Zeiten , für die Liebe zu iHm , FÜR GOTT , UNSEREN HIMMLISCHEN VATERGEIST , DEN VATER ALLER SEELEN , DENN DER MENSCH IST EINE SEELE , DER KÖPER IST NUR STAUB , IN DEM EINE EWIGES PRINZIP LEBENDIG IST , DAS UNSTERBLICH IST , DAS MUSS WACHSEN , EIN NEUER MENSCH ! Nun kommt der Lohn , wenn die Dinge zum Ende kommen , jeder ist aufgefordert mitzumachen , damit die Zeit verkürzt wird ! Jeder und Jede ! Die Geburt des mächtigen Christusgeistes steht doch bevor , wenn alle kräftig seine Lehren ernst nehmen und in ihrem Alltag befolgen , damit DER GEIST PLATZ IN DEN HERZEN FINDET , ZUR BEFRUCHTUNG DES NEUEN , DES INNEREN MENSCHEN ! "Leicht wie ein Traum , in der Ferne , in einem weit entfernten Himmelskreis . Leicht , wie DU , MEIN GOTT , DU DER EINE , ALLZU FEINE , NAH UND FERNE . "HERR" wirst DU genannt , doch DU bist mehr , leichter als alles was es gibt !
Hoping and praying this works. Was in a car accident two months ago. I have whip lash which caused soft tissue damage. Tried everything the pain won't go away this is my last resort.
Background sound is excellent, it's doin it for me but have you got it without someone trying to play the xylophone after being told there budgie had died.
Thanks for this amazing videos. I was thinkIng, can I, after using one audio for example, use another one shortly after, with a different purpose that has a different frequency?
The person who is reading this comment , i wish you great success , health, love and happiness !
3 years later, I pray the exact same for you!!
I’m just really grateful to have an abundance of this music to listen too and also how positive the comments are. It’s refreshing.
Fr the best community ever
Pain changes people. I hope you have less pain now.
Amen to that ♥️ love and positivity. We are all on this journey together
Take your shoes off feel the Earth under your feet get grounded in a good way. As a kid getting grounded was a drag but as a adult it is important to stay grounded. Inflammation is dramatically reduced when your feet touch the Earth pains slip away. Try it everyday. I remember whole summers as a kid going barefoot carefree. Today more than ever in this fast paced world staying grounded is vital. Thanx for the work.
I needed to read your message. Grounding is very important. Thank you for reminding me to go barefoot.
thats a fact!
Thank you, God bless you
This is hugely important information - just discovered the amazing benefits of having my bare feet on the ground for an hour a day - INCREDIBLE!!!!
Thank You😊 Listenting to this while sleep, I had a dream about my Grandmother, who passed away. In the dream she had an aura that was bright yellowish, she was glowing, I was so happy to see her and tell her how much I love her.
Thank you for sharing this💛
Regina Payton ..wow thanks for sharing...love never dies
Yellow is color of healing inner-energy
Midnight in Hanoi, Vietnam listening to this. A quiet fresh breeze after a thunderstorm blows on my balcony. Can't help but feel infinite possibility lies ahead
It's 2024 are YOU still listening and here?
Yes. In the studio. Dancing.
I was hurting beyond belief last night. I have Fibromyalgia. After my second hot epsom salts bath in about an hour, I tried this. The result was IMMEDIATELY noticeable and significant. I followed that up with a sleep meditation. I am recommending these videos to everyone. Thank you SO much!
Fibromyalgia as an illness does not exist. Despite me having it as a diagnosis, fibromyalgia and me and ms and many diseases if not the majority are energetic imbalances from toxicity accumulating in the body. I am healing my fibro through meditation and have had a few enlightenment experiences. I wouldn't of been able to do any of this if I didn't first clean the body massively. So it's most likely lymes disease or a host of parasitic nasties. So use colloidal silver or samento, Olive leaf extract. Oregano extract or buy frequency generators to nuke the buggers. Not cheap though but they gave me my life back with juicing organic fruit and veg daily. Magnesium malate, higher than usual dose of vit d3. Chorella and spirulina and selenium and lugols iodine to remove heavy metals. Coq10 and b12. Once I'm fully healed I'm going to be a health guide. The doctors may not know it but they are part of the problem. Coffee enemas too would help if u are willing to go that far. Lol.
Dave Smith Stay woke my friend 😌❤️
Dear T Jones, did you know the body heals much easier on a whole food plant based diet? It might be worth a try so you won't have to endure all of the pain and discomfort that comes with fibromialgia. Sending you love ♡
Hi Dave Smith, have you experimented with healthy foods to help your healing process? A whole food plant based diet might just be what your body needs to heal. Sending love ♡
+Bojana B thank you and you too :D hope you are doing great:)
This treatment of the ~174 hZ mallet tone as the presumptive 3rd harmonic (2nd overtone) in the natural series is absolutely one of the best I have experienced.
In fact, it put me right out and relieved a back spasm and stenosis that has had me in its grips for ten days.
As an acoustician, orchestra and choir director for the better part of forty years, I have used 3rd harmonic tuning and awareness with my groups with uncanny success. With vocal ensembles, its a matter of vowel conforming and teaching IPA fundamentals as young as third grade through rap sequences (it works). With orchestras, it's all a matter of timbre. Strings are easy, double reeds are darn near impossible lacking redeeming talent. With subacoustic fundamentals, what we actually hear is the third harmonic, and thus the chord of nature, which affects the collective psyche from Spain to India to Turkey to Tibet, where Western musicians flock to feel inspiration.
Anyway, I want to try some of this with some alternate tempraments on a synth. If anyone has some experience, I'd love to hear about it.
Loved reading about your experiences, I've some training in bioresonance and I use sine wave frequencies for testing and treating people. I often run these healing music videos while I do a treatment. Music, colours, crystals, plant life, living beings etc..all have their own unique frequencies and frequency spectrum...its wonderful...the other important aspect is frequency shape and polarity when harmonising for a treatment.
This has healed my migraine. I am so grateful! I can't work with those headaches
I just want to say THANK YOU to the people who put this together. I listen all the time, and it is very helpful. Thank you.
Wow 😳 I'm tryna pass a stone. I'm irritable and the pain is annoying. I have restless legs and pressure pain in my abdomen of course. Saw this I thought I'd give it a try and most of the pain is gone. I just feel a little of the pressure inside my urethra but Wow no pain! I'm going to try to sleep listening to this because I'm tired. Thank you meditative mind.❤❤❤❤❤
i've listened to this for 25 minutes and felt a real shift in my energy, feeling quite cleansed and rejuvenated and am able to focus more ♡
I love the simplicity of this, it's very soothing to me as a singer/songwriter.
This is 100 percent legit! It works best for me played through my portable speaker, placed directly on the area in pain.. sounds like crazy talk all this resonance stuff I know... believe it. It's real. It works
THANK YOU meditative mind 😎✌
It's been one week that I have been sleeping with a grounding pad. Words cannot adequately express the profound relief I feel. All anxiety stress sleepless nights gone. I feel alive again truly blessed. The answer is literally right under your feet. Modern shoes are a scourge to mankind a curse. We are bombarded with many different kinds of electrical electronic energies. Holding a I pad plugged in will raise your volts to about 20v. Get grounded go barefoot 20 mins feel mother earths energy her free electrons surge into your body. Get a grounding pad sleep like a baby again. A good nights sleep is essential for good health. When you reach deep levels of rest the body can heal itself you wake reborn.
what does yours look like? caniask
In a thunderstorm after jiu jitsu training. Training was hell😂. Felt scared so went running through the storm. This music is calming me. Blessings to everyone reading this. Respect is earned not granted. Earn it.
having opened several browser windows with all the different tones, I am now ascending to the heavenly realms
goodbye friends, see you soon
it really worked as a distraction from pain, i had very bad back pain and this helped me to relax
Kudos to Meditated Minds!
A lot of people sure need soothing/healing.
I’d heard of certain mhz having health & mental benefits but never looked into it. I awoke with a headache ( and I rarely get them) & achy & stiff…. After just 10 minutes I feel noticably better & the headache is gone. Amazing.
Senhor abençoe quem está lendo essa mensagem e família com a tua infinita bondade torne-a plena de paz, de amor , saúde e harmonia, de tua infinita Graça, de luz, sabedoria e prosperidade, de tudo de melhor na vida.
- Lord bless those who are reading this message and family with your infinite goodness, full of peace, love, health and harmony, your infinite Grace, light, wisdom and prosperity, all the best in life.
may he bless you too
So delicate, soft, smooth....pure velvet to my senses. Thank you very much. Its really good.
Over a 3 day trip the back of my shoulder has hurt very bad as if I was being stabbed and having the blade twisted around constantly. I got home, went to bed in pain and turned this on. This morning I woke up and it’s gone!
After just 8 minutes listening, I can tell IT WORKS
I dont know how you make these, hell, I dont want to know...I just hope they keep coming because these are so simple and yet so calming. Pure. Clean. Light. Refreshing. Thank you.
I swear by these videos. They do help. Love to share them.🌺🦋
I Love this, makes my back feel better. Thank you Meditative Mind.
I have facial neuralgia thought nothing besides strong pain killers would ease it,tried various music meditation websites then found this after half an hour or so i felt a kind of soothing feeling in my brain and the pain began slowly to ebb away then I fell asleep it may be temporary but thank you to to who made this x x x x
With the time that it takes to find relief, the cadence of time is kept with this. Moving into the suffering that you experience dissolves the awareness of self, and one's relationship to the experience of suffering. But suffering is necessary for the awareness of it's greater purpose. And nobody who is anybody ever escapes it. This is where purpose in living reside in loyalty and honor. And dying is a tragedy where one is lost in the sea of consequences.
Leicht wie ein Traum , in der Ferne , in einem weit entfernten Himmelskreis .
"HERR" wirst DU genannt , doch DU bist mehr , leichter als alles was es gibt !
Exacte, und sehr schoen gesagt!
+ 29 Ich sage euch aber: Ich werde von nun an bestimmt nicht mehr von diesem Erzeugnis des Weinstocks trinken bis zu jenem Tag, an dem ich es neu* mit euch trinke im Königreich meines Vaters.“+ 30 Nach Lobgesängen*+ gingen sie schließlich hinaus zum Ölberg.+
25 Denn ich will nicht, Brüder, daß ihr über dieses heilige Geheimnis+ unwissend seid, damit ihr euch nicht in den eigenen Augen für verständig haltet: daß eine Abstumpfung des Empfindungsvermögens+ Israel zum Teil widerfahren ist, bis die Vollzahl*+ der Menschen aus den Nationen hereingekommen ist,+ 26 und auf diese Weise wird ganz Israel+ gerettet werden, so wie geschrieben steht: „Der Befreier wird aus Zion kommen+ und gottlose Handlungen von Jakob abwenden.+27 Und dies ist meinerseits der Bund mit ihnen,+ wenn ich ihre Sünden wegnehme.“+ 28 Allerdings sind sie hinsichtlich der guten Botschaft Feinde um euretwillen,+ doch hinsichtlich [Gottes] Auserwählung* sind sie Geliebte um ihrer Vorväter willen.+ 29 Denn die Gaben und die Berufung Gottes sind Dinge, die ihn nicht gereuen werden
Jeder Christ ist aufgefordert sich auf die Wiederkehr des Erlöser´ vorzubereiten !
Jeder Christ muss von der Existenz des Erlösers vollkommen überzeugt sein !
"Die grossen Dinge GOTTES sind etwas wundervolles !"
Jeder ist gerufen , jeder kann DER LETZTE sein , Jeder oder Jede !
Dann beginnt eine neue Welt , erst dann !
Die Schriften sind echt , GOTT DEN SCHÖPFER , GIBT ES !
Dies muss viel mehr in den Herzen und im Bewusstsein der Menschen Wirklichkeit werden !
Zuerst in den Völkern , dann bei den Juden !
Nach und nach muss es geschehen !
Es müssen mehr werden !
Lernt die Wahrheit über Yeshua den Juden neu kennen !
Alle christlichen Schulen , auch die Grosskirche , haben auf den Erlöser gehofft und sich für iHn mit den Mitteln eingesetzt , die sich ihnen zur jeweiligen Zeit boten , alles Menschen Mögliche haben sie getan , damit DER HEILIGE GEIST , DER in Jesus wirkte , Wirklichkeit wurde , alle habe ihren Beitrag gegeben ! Sie tun es immer noch ! Dass es Schwierigkeiten in der Auslegung gab und gibt , liegt in der Komplexität GOTTES selbst begründet , in SEINER HEILIGEN GRÖSSE !
Es wird heute jedoch immer klarer , wer Yeshua wirklich war , wie Er dachte ,wie Er lebte , was seine Hoffnungen waren ! Das alte System ist eine Last , die Blutschuld ist eine Last , doch Er hatte es gewusst und auch vorausgesagt , dass seine Nachfolger bitter leiden werden , so wie Er ! Dies war der Preis für den heiligsten Menschen aller Zeiten , für die Liebe zu iHm , FÜR GOTT , UNSEREN HIMMLISCHEN VATERGEIST , DEN VATER ALLER SEELEN , DENN DER MENSCH IST EINE SEELE , DER KÖPER IST NUR STAUB , IN DEM EINE EWIGES PRINZIP LEBENDIG IST , DAS UNSTERBLICH IST , DAS MUSS WACHSEN , EIN NEUER MENSCH ! Nun kommt der Lohn , wenn die Dinge zum Ende kommen , jeder ist aufgefordert mitzumachen , damit die Zeit verkürzt wird ! Jeder und Jede ! Die Geburt des mächtigen Christusgeistes steht doch bevor , wenn alle kräftig seine Lehren ernst nehmen und in ihrem Alltag befolgen , damit DER GEIST PLATZ IN DEN HERZEN FINDET , ZUR BEFRUCHTUNG DES NEUEN , DES INNEREN MENSCHEN !
"Leicht wie ein Traum , in der Ferne ,
in einem weit entfernten Himmelskreis .
Leicht , wie DU , MEIN GOTT , DU DER EINE ,
ALLZU FEINE , NAH UND FERNE . "HERR" wirst DU genannt ,
doch DU bist mehr , leichter als alles was es gibt !
Thank you for this. I hope it helps relieve my husband's pain. It just put him into a nice sleep. That is a good start.
Hoping and praying this works. Was in a car accident two months ago. I have whip lash which caused soft tissue damage. Tried everything the pain won't go away this is my last resort.
I know of a man man who can help you whatever whoever you want to manifest within two days
@@giftclara2259Is his name Jesus Christ?
Soothing, Calming, Inspiring. Thank you. Sometimes use it with other of my fav. music videos on top, like a hand drum ...
I am so thankfull for my relief 🕊️🧿🖐🏼✨🥰
Thank you @meditativemind. This meditation music is a thing of beauty and has brought a lot of joy to my day.
Good vibrations worked to put a colicky baby to restful sleep in the back of the car. Thank you 'Meditative Mind' for being There.
May everyone be blessed with Good Health, Love, Peace, Abundance and Happiness. Ax
I do root chakra concentration practic with using your meditation program. It eliminate me of fear.
what do you think about this tone? is it resonating with the earth star chakra or the soul star chakra ?
Aloha Hope so wish to get more sleep been up since 2 am it's now 5:30 wish to wake at 8 just a wish hugs from my 💓to your 💓 from Hawaii
So beautiful & peaceful. Thank u. 🙏🐬💙
So beautiful! Thank you so much! Namaste 🙏
Ohhhh woooow. This frequency.... Loving it!!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I'm listening to this with an ice pack on my lower back. Very soothing therapy....
This calmed me down and reduced the pain.
I like this one thanks 😊🌞😇.
thanks and amen. namaste
Me gusta su simplicidad, suavidad. Es al oído lo que el terciopelo a la piel. Muchas Gracias.
Background sound is excellent, it's doin it for me but have you got it without someone trying to play the xylophone after being told there budgie had died.
makes me feel at peace.
Top BEST on you tube!
that sounds so powerful! thank you
Thank you, bless you x
Thank you. Exactly what I needed.
I really appreciate this channel. Music is nice and visual is nice to look at. Great content
I hope this will heal my Tinnitus
it gets less bothersome over time if managed well
I want to know how this image was animated to look like vibrations of the earth working together with the intent of the music its so cool.
Thank you love Marimba sounds
Thanks for this amazing videos. I was thinkIng, can I, after using one audio for example, use another one shortly after, with a different purpose that has a different frequency?
Gracieli, I use different audios during the day for pain relief, focus, mood elevation, etc. I find they truly help.
Thank u
Very beautiful. Thank you xx
Thank you💖
Thx its for my son
This really works!
I would happily buy this but when I go to your store page you only display 5 other colored Marimba vids/audio but not this, halp?
Should I be listening with headphones on?
Tracey Hogan yes :)
Ahh...yes! Much better. Thank you Tracy and Dumm!
It only works in sterio all to do with sound timing, twin speakers and the brain
I like it.
It works for me I have no pain
Giving this a go so we shall see X
Thank you 😌 amazing 🖖🏻💜
Pain pain go away 🎶
Marvellous! Where can I purchase it?
Yes I also want to buy so I can avoid EMF while I listen
Does this help sciatica?
Yo do you have a social media platform where I can message you? I read one of your comments and would like to ask you something
333k views :D
❤ 44:07
Súper⚡⚡!! @papefrita
A rainy December day in Florida
All those 1s made me click
The beats are too strong. Not suitable when Im trying to fall asleep.
Anyone else like to drop lsd and get lost in these lolol
Loud adverts every few minutes are defeating the purpose 😔
Put ad block on
Can't hear anything? Oh now I can barely hear next.
This did nothing for me and my pain
pain in my teeth all night helping thank fuck
What is this you can't hear anything I don't like this.
The serious flugelhorn rhetorically kill because onion inevitably camp beside a jobless cobweb. noxious, left beat
The torpid file unknowingly brake because kangaroo logically cough given a mere jeep. dependent, earthy nose