Pokémon (Sour) Crystal - Gym Battle #15: Blaine
- Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
- Now battling Blaine of Cinnabar Island!
Shame he only has 4 Pokemon; ideally a full team of 6 would be more fulfilling & challenging
Really cool to see Magcargo on his team; I think its very fitting for Blaine if not somewhat designed for him
I like to think that he has a Mewtwo on his team like his Pokemon Special Manga Equivalent
Very interesting connections and lore between the two however
I'm gonna let Slowking shine in this battle
Solid resistance to Fire attacks with a nice Special Defense for tanking Special hits with
Surf obviously for Super-effective Water-Type coverage
Only really issues are that his team likes to use Sunny Day & Solarbeam when they can so
If I dodge those then Slowking might have potential for a full sweep along with
Leftovers for some decent sustain
Fun battle overall and really appreciate the inclusion of Rapidash and Magcargo on a Gym leader's team
Fortunately there is something to look forward to in battling Blue's full team of six next
Enjoy the battle and thanks for watching
See you in Viridan City for the final Kanto/Gym Battle!
#pokemoncrystal #pokemonsourcrystal #pokemoncrystalversion #slowking #misdreavus #jumpluff #raikou #qwilfish #forretress #johtopokemon #kantoregion #pokemonbattle #pokemonbattles #pokemonvideo #pokemonplaythrough #cinnabar #volcano #firetypepokemon #firetype #magcargo #magmar #rapidash #ninetails #mewtwo #blaine