@@Eecee27 Good thing I don't care, the turk government decide policy not some girl lol 😂 turk government still houses US troops and missiles, we could careless what salty locals think in a dictatorship
@@MiddleEast-4Ever We don't have to be from Turkey to support them, they're an amazing county that keeps moving forward and achieving exciting goals while they're under terrorist attacks and western conspiracies. Turkey is the most country that hosts refugees in the world, and they even send their military to protect them from the dictator who's killing them. We pray for them to be more powerful and superior.
@@kenclarke769 We know your situation bro. Of course, it is our duty to inform everyone about this situation.I just want to say this. One day will come and all your troubles will end, trust me!. rely only on Allah!
Everyone knows the Turkish technology is far more better than our thoughts but Indians will never accept this because of their jealousy. Thats why education is important. However, Love for Turkish brothers & sisters from Pakistan. 🇵🇰💚🤝🏽❤🇹🇷
''Kızıl elma'' means red apple. It means the way and effort to reach perfection in Turkish philosophy! Perfection is not possible, but superiority can be achieved by always striving.
Elma değil ya hu. Batı da burada tasvir edilerek güneşin battığı an Elma gibi olur. Burada amaç güneşin battığı yerin sahibinin Türkler olması. Biri de ağaç deki Elma demiş 😃 Kızılelma Türk ün ülküsüdür. Elma dlye cevirirsen manayı anlamazlar. Elma sanıyorlar
@𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰- United States of Turan Turks suffered more from Arab religion than anything else, still suffer today. We got rid of Arabic Pope and it's never coming back.The less dogmas constricting us, the stronger we get. Science and work lifts us up like Kızılelma while bigotry and dogmas of Arabs bring us down.
@𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰- United States of Turan The caliphate regressed the empire, read the history. You have embraced the Arab, I embrace the Turk. Turks have gotten rid of the Arab's yoke and will never go back under it. Look at the nations under Arab yoke, they're all backwards countries . Bayraktar studied modern sciences and 'imitated kuffar' as you claim. Quran isn't flying this plane, science does. Stop praying, start working.
This baby is first prototype of unmanned jet by Baykar trust me Selçuk Bayraktar is like Steve Jobs of drone world he love what he doing in 5 years time he probably going to develop something out of our imagination bravo to Baykar family.
Contrary to common belief the TB2 isn't even the most lethal of the present Turkish drones but it's simply popular due to its price performance and common usage. Aksungur, Akinci, Anka are all deadlier compared to the TB2
@@BrianHSC TB2 termobaric weapons are anti tank weapons. And used on vehicles with pin point accuracy. Russia uses thermobaric bombs as anti personel bomb as mass bombing. Russia uses thermobaric rocket systems as artillery weapon. If you cant see the difference it means you are russian)))
tb2 was the learning project.the second batch of Kizil Elma will be the masterpiece.they do not wanna say it but actually, it is 6th generation war plane.
@@sametoruc1347 selcuk bayraktar kilizelmanin 20 senelik bi proje oldugunu söyledigini duymustum. yanlis hatirlamiyorsam. o yüzden bikac sene icinde kizilelmayi ucurmalari sasirtmadi beni.
@@sametoruc1347 Kızılelmanın çift motorlu versiyonuda olacak..yani bu 6ncı nesil olmasa bile 5nci nesil bir uçağın özelliklerini fazlasıyla karşılar düzeyde bir savaş uçağı olacağı anlamına geliyor..Toplamda 4 tip kızıl elma olacak ve herbirinin özelliği diğerinden farklı olarak tasarlanacak..Bu prototipte aerodinamik özellikleri tam anlamıyla test edildikten sonra afterburn özelliği olan motorlarla uçuşu planlanıyor..
Turkiye currently has an active production electric car factory and they produce their own batteries. The point they have reached in technology is undoubtedly advanced.
In 1974 we saved the Turks from genocide in Cyprus and NATO allies imposed an arms embargo on Turkiye. Since then we have learned that we can never trust these so-called allies and we have built our own industry. Thanks for all the embargoes and sanctions. We are very close to being 100% independent. Maybe 5 years, maybe 10 years. That's all! Did you like our latest exhibit, the Typhoon ballistic missile with a range of 1000+ km? Now hypersonics are on their way. I wonder which warheads they'll carry? :D
If Turkey had been under a total embargo, it would never have achieved these things. There was an immense exchange of technology and know-how between the West and Turkey. Turkey achieved those things in cooperation with the West. Turks really need to stop seeing the West as an enemy. The West is Turkey's friend. And if Turkey became more democratic, Turkey would gain even more.
@@devalapar7878 we were always your friends, but you shot the first knife, you even put it in and out many times, I wonder what you say, you have damaged our trust a lot. That's why Turkey moved away from you, what do you say to that?
This is not a drone.This is an unmanned fighter jet having artificial intelligence,aggressive manevour ability,lots of sensors,Aesa radar flying at supersonic speeds.This is just block 1.Next ones will have much more stronger motors that will make it very close to a fighter jet.
Turkish tires and refigerators are excellent as well, made under a German license, damned good engineers. Their Leader is transparent, sucks up to neither side, compromise is not his thing, to be admired. Require more like him/Ralph
Why do Turks treat the world as an enemy? No, Turks are not ahead in technology or fighting jets. The engineer at bayraktar studied at MIT in the US. Turks make advancement in technology and that is good. They should do that. But the world is not their enemy and they are not the best.
@@devalapar7878 surely with drone technology they are ahead any country in the world, even Elon Musk admitted this while being questioned about if he will ever make drones. You gave advice and here is my advice to you: stop this indirect jealousy
@@devalapar7878 What's your problem? We don't see the world as our enemy. Only Selcuk Bayraktar studied at MIT. And science does not belong only to the USA. USA is falling. It will be gone soon. They are not even real country. A country which comprises many nations with shorter than 200 years history. Turks will rise again as it happened in the past.
Günümüzde manevra kabiliyetinden çok BVR kabiliyeti yani görüş ötesi (çok uzun menzilli) harp kabiliyeti önemli. Eğer düşman unsurunu o daha seni tespit edemeden yok edebiliyorsan it dalaşına da gerek kalmıyor. Bunu başarmanın yolu da aviyoniklerden, stealth teknolojisinden, silah teknolojilerinden ve awacs benzeri alt yapısal sistemlerden geçiyor. Bu yüzden aslında uçağın insanlı veya insansız olmasının pek bir önemi yok çünkü teknoloji geliştikçe it dalaşı gibi pilotu fiziksel olarak zorlayacak etmenler ortadan kalkıyor. Günümüz ve en azından önümüzdeki bir kaç on yıl için etkili olacak savaş uçağı özellikleri insanlı-insansız opsiyonel, büyük gövdeli, fazlaca silah taşıyabilen, mühimmatsız silah teknolojisine sahip, yüksek aviyonik ve karşı önlem teknolojili, çok motorlu, yüksek görünmezlik ve müttefik birimler arası veri ağına bağlanabilme gibi zımbırtı şeyler işte. Eğer yapılırsa ki bizde bu gibi projeler hep propaganda ve gazdan ibarettir, değilse de baltalanır falan… bu özelliklere milli muharip uçak ve ileriki modelleri sahip olacak, hava üstünlüğü ihtiyacımızı karşılayacak. Bayraktar mius gibi ihalar da MMU’nun refakatçiliğini yapan silah arkadaşı gibi olacaktır. Ama diğer uçaklarla it dalaşına gireceğini sanmam, rusya gibi ülkeler traktör teknolojisinden uçaklarıyla belki it dalaşı yapar ama üstün NATO tipi hava kuvvetleri uzaktan vurur.
@@duyarkasmaynclarrahatszetm4457 3 farklı versiyonu olacak kızılelmanın. Son hali f16 dengi hatta daha iyi olacak. Zira insani kısıtlamalar yok, pilotlar yüksek g kuvvetine uzun süre dayanamaz, basınç, tuvalet ve beslenme ihtiyacı, yorgunluk gibi insani kriterler var ayrıca. Kızılelmanın ileriki versiyonlarında art yakıcılı çift turbofan motor bulunacak. Böylece daha uzun menzile, daha yüksek hıza, daha yüksek havada kalış süresine ve daha fazla faydalı yük kapasitesine sahip olacak. Ayrıca yerli aesa radar ve hava hava, hava kara mühimmatları ile hava kuvvetleri için ciddi bir güç çarpanı ve üstünlük olacak.
#1 Christmas gift this year. Killer Drones. I'm getting three, one for my ex, one for my boss, and one for the tax man. I deliver them with a bow at 300 mph.
There is still long way for 6th generation. But 2 engine version of this unmanned fighter jet will be cost effective 4,5 generation fighter for Turkish army. USA is not willing to supply f35 to Turkey. So untill Turkey will develope 5th generation jet motor, this jet will be temporarily solution. And when Turkey will producte 5th generatiom jet engine kizilelma will have 6th generation version. Because AI of kizilelma and sensor fusion technologies will be advanced enough.
A correction for everyone here. The plane is named Kizil Elma not Kirmizi Elma. Kirmizi translates into Red. Kizil in English is Crimson. Thus.... The correct English translation of the plane is Crimson Apple. Just FYI...
@@xkisi2212 Soyledigine katiliyoum. Fakat bu is biraz da pazarlama isi. En iyi seviyeye ulasmak kerkesin gibi benim de ruyam. Fakat cok ama cok yolumuz var. Cip problemi onemli. ABD ve AB bzim yolumuzu kesmek icin bunu kullanacaklar. Suriye de bir harekat baslatinca, bize cok buyuk ambargolar gelecek. Simdi zar zor aldiklarimiz bile verilmiyecek. Secimlerde hukumet degisirse, bence ABD yeni ve cok tecrubesis olan hukumete cok baski yapacak ve bazi projeleri durduracaklar. Hergun gece yarisi terler icinde uyaniyorum. Onumuzdeki 10 yil Turkiyenin sag kalip kalmama savasi var bence. Saygilar.
@@mattsoy9180 ben hiç bir konuda kesin konuşmam ama şundan eminim ülkemize olacak herhangi bir cüretkar hareketi halk asla affetmez hükümet devlet vs basaramasada halk başarır.ustelik ben Avrupa'da Almanya ve Fransa arasında daha hızlı bir kriz çıkacağını öngörüyorum Almanya'nın doğu bloguna ziyareti ve macronun Amerika tarafından Avrupa'nın en güçlü lider seçilmesi de bunun göstergelerinden biri.ben önce Yunanistan'ın yalnizliginin netleşmesi taraftariyim.silahlar konusunda daha çok uretilmeli ve biran evvel nükleer enerjiden faydalanmaliyiz NATO'nun bize olan dezavantajini avantaja cevirmeliyiz Rusya faktörünü de etkisiz kilmaliyiz bunları ancak bilimle iyi siyasi akılla yapabiliriz
@@xkisi2212 Arkadas, sen bu isi cok iyi cozumlemissin. ABD, Ukrayna durumunu kullanarak Avrupaya resmen coktu. Bu isten en buyuk zarar Almanyanin basina patliyacak. Adamlarin Endustrisi cokmek uzere. Bu da ABD nin isine geliyor. Adamlar gece gunduz silah satiyorlr. Ekonomileri olum doseginde iken yeniden canlandi yahu. Biz bu kargasadan araylanarak MMU, HurJet, Hava Savunma, Denizalti gibi projelerimizi bir bitirebilsek. Bir de, cip kizini bahane ederek turkiyede bir cip imalati baslatabilsek muazzam olur.
@@mattsoy9180 bence bu gelecek dönemlerde en çok silah satabilen üretebilen ve dış iç siyaseti en çok başarabilen ülkeler gelişecek.bir nevi herkese hareket gelecek antlaşmalar yapılacak bozulacak taraflar değişecek herkes aralarında antlaşmalar yapacak bu aslında sıcak savaşın soğuk savaş kısmı özellikle silahlanma yarışı.biz ülke olarak dünyayı ayaklandirdik devlet eliyle hile olmasa çoğu ülke bu alana yönelecek.teknoloji savaşları başlayacak.ve zorunlu barislar Amerika'nın çok büyük güç kaybedeceğine eminim çünkü Avrupa da da ABD karşıtlığı yayılacak.cunku tek yaptığı sömürmek iç siyasete müdahale ve ekonomilerini bitirmek ABD'nin klasik pislikleri.ama.hangi ülke iyi ki bana göre hiç bir ülke güvenilir değil.umarim.abd Rusya Çin gibi dehşet saçan ülkeler iyice zayıflar.ama çin daha d abuyuyecek öyle hissediyorum.insallah biz de birgün Meksikanin ABD ainirina ve meksikayla askerlerimizi koyarız oradaki zavallı.fakir meksikalilari ABD'ye karşı savastiririz türlü vaatlerle.devletlerde yasattiklarini yaşamadan olmemeli.avrupayi da o şekilde görmek isterim
The Bayraktar was successful because it was used against a Ruzzian Army that was unprepared to fight a drone that could be used in an asymmetrical way, a true guerilla drone. The skill and creativity of the operators also plays a part. The Kizilelma is more capable, being designed to be stealthy and having mach 1 speed. This drone can penetrate deep behind an enemy's lines to deliver a payload to a truly sensitive spot that could cripple an opposing force for a while. 👍👍👍👍👍
I love aircraft design it's a job I would love to do but unfortunately I haven't the education to do it . Aircraft design propulsion all of that I have a interest in.
Pakistana,Bosnaya,Türk cumhuriyetlerine,afrika kıtasındaki Müslüman kardeşlerimize,Endonezyadaki Müslüman kardeşlerimize,malezyadaki Müslüman kardeslerimize,Bangladeş ve katar' daki Müslüman kardeşlerimize...Türkiyeden selamlar ,sevgiler.❤😎
@@DippinSauc I am not dissing another Indian i am just showing the reality to my fellow Indian that no muslim country or even turkey respects them. They hate muslims of India just because they are Indians and not their friendly country. It's geopolitics bro some fools like you can't understand it . I am just telling my fellow India to raise his standards and stop asking for approval from other muslims.
@@ersinozdemir4392 Ne dedigin tam anlasilmiyor, ama sanirim cevap yazdigin kisinin Kizilelma hakkinda kotu birseyler yazdigini sanmissin gibi geliyor. Adamin dedigi ozetle su: Kizilelma TB2'den cok daha iyi. Ayrica Kizilelma TB2 gibi sadece bir drone degil, basli basina insansiz bir avas ucagi. Yani ikisi ayri kategorilerde tanimlanmasi gereken ucan araclar.
Fantastic. Türkiye advancing fast in military technology, producing drones of the future. Great news for our true allies and friendly countries. Bad news for enemies.
They're an amazing state that keeps moving forward and achieving exciting goals while they're under terrorist attacks and western conspiracies. Turkey is the most country that hosts refugees in the world, and they even send their military to protect them from the dictator who's killing them. We pray for them to be more powerful and superior.
Turkiye's attempt to have Russian air defenses and F35s also failed. They were warned. Wish Bayraktar all the luck in the world, they are a great friend of Ukraine's.
It didn't fail. It stimulated an entire new defense sector in Turkiye for muslims worldwide that will mot only rival the US one but outgrow it very soon since muslims prefer to buy from other muslims which will make the US and Europe lose clients very very fast.
@@wolfvale7863 s400 did not fail. F35 itself is a failed jet. Yet another one crashed recently in the USA. How many of them crashed now? F35's are dangerous because they rob a country of its SOVREIGNTY and ties it to the USA. Thats treason. A domestic fighter is always the best choice. We can export it and many will opt for it. The market for the USA will shrink fast. We can produce better technology for lesser prices. Thats a win and loss for the USA.
@@wolfvale7863 yanılıyorsun elimizde S400 ler var..ayrıca kendi geliştirdiğimiz Hisar A, Hisar O, Siper uzun menzilli Hss ler patriotlardan bile daha değerli...
@@henryaybaz7409 sadly nope, Ukraine started to creat it's own drones like" sokil 300" that must come into army after the end of 2022, better than bayraktar tb2 + much cheaper and like "kizilelma" we have "ace one" concept so....
There is an error in translation. Kızılelma is not Gold Apple, it means Red apple. Red apple is an old legend of the Turks. It represents a dream, a difficult goal that needs to be achieved. Let me give an example: As a Turk, my Red Apple is the unification of all Turkish states into a single, great state.
What a stupid caption obviously this is stealth unmanned fighter jet so it's going to be much advance than small male TB2 but that's also very effective even you can bear to loss many of them because of low prices but high quality
OK guys let’s not get carried away... This drone is great, but Turkey has a lot more work to do before it can become a dominant country, bring great peace and prosperity to the Middle East and the entire planet and uplift all the Muslim and poor of the earth which is the mission of this nation Turkiye.
All we need is for other Muslim countries to support us instead of Armenia and Russia like Iran and Syria or America and Israel like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE etc...
@@kenclarke769 Iran is bussy to build his Shia Empire, they are not friend of us. They are doing this since 500 years. Always when Ottoman Empire declared war on western europe, the persians attacked us and we had to split our army to send some of them to Iran. Today they are doing same, supporting Armenia and hating on Aserbaidjan. I really dont understand this country, if Iran would be a trustful brother, we could become a massiv power but Iran is the reason we arent, their borders are dividing us, and they seem to like their job.
@@Specter2016 Indonesia is the biggest Muslim Country, i think you are dreaming. Im sure there are many India lowers in that Country but thats it, nothing more.
Technology development in Turkey is not limited to the "Kızılelma". Apart from that, a Turkish state company is also developing the world's best manned fighter aircraft. The MIU's quality will match the US's F-22 Raptor fighter jet. Turks are preparing to build the world's largest aircraft carrier at its own shipyard in order to intervene beyond its borders. Because; Turkey's goal is to become the sixth permanent member of the UN and obtain the right of veto. The next will be the rise again of the Islamic world.
We should also give them some cluster bombs, napalm flamethrowers, plastic landmines attached to drones, and blinding laser weapons! Anything to teach russia a lesson!
TB2 has a range of 93 miles and endurance of 27 hours ? Based on those figures it's able to fly at 4mph for 27 hours ? Wikipedia states the range is 2,200 miles which makes more sense.
2200 km and maybe more is possible with satcom(only problem is fuel). And i know, if you use local data terminal from ground, you can reach 300 km datalink
My friend you didnt understand the point of range there, That range which is mentioned there is the range of connection with ground control station..! Otherwise the maximum total range it can move in one single flight is 220 kmhX27 hours=5940 kilometers...
@@UnknownUser-rb9pd That is partly true but only one of the ways bro, also they have mobile ground control stations from the ground, from sea and from undersea. Also fixed ground control stations can pass the control of it to the next ground control station 300 kilometers away while it is flying and looking for a target..!
Thats why we love Erdogan he maked Turkey strong Europeans don’t like this and declared an economical war against Turkey they just want the old weak Turkey back who does everything USA want but times changed there is no old Turkey
@@evzaka nope there are many people who don’t like Erdogan and say bad things about him and the opposition also say bad words about him in a dictatorship you can’t say such things
Türkiye'de ki gerçek muhalefet Erdoğan'ı eleştiren olur yinede saygı duyar...ama batı işbirlikçileri ajanlar ABD ve bazı müttefiklerinin beslediği kişilerin, çıkarlarına uymadığı için sevmemesi normal, iftira ve çamur atarlar..
elhamdülillah bütün umetin basarisi allahin izinizle iki yuzlu bati pilitikasina teşekkürler kendi ucagimizi kendimiz yaptik butun kardes ulkelere de satacagiz durmak yok yola devam allahin izinizle 💪❤🤲🇹🇷🤲❤💪 yeni bir mujde geliyor çok yakinda takibe devam
@Ugur Vatan : Kendi adına konuş! Biz hem Türk hem de Ümmetiz , Ümmetimizden sorumluyuz . Uçağı yapanlarda ağzı Besmeliler ÜMMET bilincinde olanlar !Sizin batıl devriniz ;heykelcilerin, fasıkların , batı kemiği yalayanların devri sona erdi , Türk İslam güneşi zorunuza gitsede heryeri aydınlatacak!
@@political-trueth Ne saçmalıyorsun islam ı kabul etmeyen Türkden bizene Selçuk bayraktar ümmetin bir evladıdır.... hepimiz türk üz ama önce Müslüman Lık gelir....gerisi Teferruat.
Amazing Drone👏. Long Live the Brother of Turkey from Türkmenistan 🇹🇲✌️🇹🇷.
Nece sen qardas 🇹🇷❤️🇹🇲
We are oghuz Turk brothers
ağlatınnız lan beni😭
Gobar power india from Pakistan🇵🇰
great job turkey
from Bangladesh 💜💜💜✌️💪
So proud of Turkey 🇹🇷. They have been able to achieve the greatest regardless of America bullying them.
But u are not from turkey which is in middle East.
When have we bullied the Turks? Speak for yourself, last I checked they are our strongest ally in the region
@@yoyyoy6376 As a Turk, I don't think we are allies. We look forward to China pushing the US.
@@Eecee27 Good thing I don't care, the turk government decide policy not some girl lol 😂 turk government still houses US troops and missiles, we could careless what salty locals think in a dictatorship
We don't have to be from Turkey to support them, they're an amazing county that keeps moving forward and achieving exciting goals while they're under terrorist attacks and western conspiracies.
Turkey is the most country that hosts refugees in the world, and they even send their military to protect them from the dictator who's killing them.
We pray for them to be more powerful and superior.
Good job to turkey and it’s hard working people may god give you success for ever from Kosova
Love to our brothers in Kosovo.
ağlatınnız lan beni😭
Please spread awareness of the plight of muslim minorities under hindu right government in India
@@kenclarke769 We know your situation bro. Of course, it is our duty to inform everyone about this situation.I just want to say this. One day will come and all your troubles will end, trust me!. rely only on Allah!
❤we’re always support &defend you Brothers
Mashallah Turkish technology is very advance and proven 🇹🇷
@@TheGoldenrun sorry andh bhakt hindutva not allowed here 🤮
@@danielrauf4094 speak human english so that I can destroy your arguments properly.
Where is tb2 in Ukraine what happend? LOL
@@TheGoldenrunlun du pay more attention to chinas PITAI and snatching endian territory lol😂 🇮🇳🏃♂️🏃♂️🐕🐕😢. ☪️☪️🇵🇰 🇹🇷💪🏼💪🏼🔥
We love Turkey,, 🥰🇹🇷🇧🇩
We love you too BROTHER!
Turkey and it is people Kurds and turks aswell the Christians Assyrians Yazidi and Turkumen got nothing with u indian pakistani bangali people to do.
وفق الله الإخوة الأتراك، انا اخوكم من أفريقيا ولكني متابع الشؤون التركية بقوة، نصيحتي لكم لا تفرطوا على رئيسكم حتى يكمل ما بدأه. ومنصورين ان شاء الله
Thats really impressive, i saw jets like that only in movies. Thats just incredible. Good luck Turkey 🇹🇷❤️🇰🇿
Everyone knows the Turkish technology is far more better than our thoughts but Indians will never accept this because of their jealousy. Thats why education is important.
However, Love for Turkish brothers & sisters from Pakistan.
It's all politics. They play eye for an eye.
keşmir is pakistan
karabağ azerbaycan
balkans türkiye
''Kızıl elma'' means red apple. It means the way and effort to reach perfection in Turkish philosophy! Perfection is not possible, but superiority can be achieved by always striving.
Evet kızıl olan elmaya genelde ulaşılamaz ağacın en tepesindedir.yani hedef sürekli ilerlemek anlamında gelir
İt is a Target in a time range, and change sometimes. Because we came from middle steps of Mongolians...
@@bayraktaroldengineer Ata yurdumuza döneceğiz bir gün ...
Batıda ulaşabileceğimiz kadar yer değil miydi gerçi paralel bir anlamı var ama
Elma değil ya hu.
Batı da burada tasvir edilerek güneşin battığı an Elma gibi olur.
Burada amaç güneşin battığı yerin sahibinin Türkler olması.
Biri de ağaç deki Elma demiş 😃
Kızılelma Türk ün ülküsüdür.
Elma dlye cevirirsen manayı anlamazlar.
Elma sanıyorlar
🇺🇿🇹🇷 assalom alaykum Turk qardosler
Ve aleykümselam özbek kardes
VE aleykümselam gardaşım selam olsun TÜRKİYEDEN
Ve Aleyküm selam Özbek kardeşlerime
Wa alaikum assalam from India 🇮🇳
our grandfathers left us a great empire on horseback, now we will resurrect that empire with our grandchildren planes🇹🇷👍💪
Knk bu ekonomiyle çok zor be. Senin dediğin için sadece askeri güç yetmez, ekonomide iyi olmalı ama değil.
While becoming star wars emperor on a Chinese/Korean mobile phone with USA software, dont forget that annual enflation rate is 180% on the markets.
We don't need an empire, we need to safeguard our democratic republic.
@𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰- United States of Turan Turks suffered more from Arab religion than anything else, still suffer today. We got rid of Arabic Pope and it's never coming back.The less dogmas constricting us, the stronger we get. Science and work lifts us up like Kızılelma while bigotry and dogmas of Arabs bring us down.
@𐱅𐰇𐰼𐰰- United States of Turan The caliphate regressed the empire, read the history. You have embraced the Arab, I embrace the Turk. Turks have gotten rid of the Arab's yoke and will never go back under it. Look at the nations under Arab yoke, they're all backwards countries . Bayraktar studied modern sciences and 'imitated kuffar' as you claim. Quran isn't flying this plane, science does. Stop praying, start working.
Imagen 50 of them in a battle
We are insane mashallah 🇹🇷
Star wars
Kardeşim hazır imagine etmişken 50 nedir şuna bi 5000 diyelim😅
Amazing achievement turkey ❤🇮🇳
This baby is first prototype of unmanned jet by Baykar trust me Selçuk Bayraktar is like Steve Jobs of drone world he love what he doing in 5 years time he probably going to develop something out of our imagination bravo to Baykar family.
@@Hibrahim1 Büyük ihtimalle öyle olacak 🤔
*Long live Turkey* ❤️
*Turkish my imani brother*
*I'm Indian Muslim* 🇮🇳
So you are actually a Pakistani
@@TheGoldenrun so ur actually a anbhakt 😂😂😂
@@TheGoldenrun there’s more Muslims in India’s than Pakistan buddy
@@coolskool1.061 I am not an expert but a muslim indian equals a pakistani.
@@TheGoldenrun No my friend. In Pakistan peoples speaks Urdu. İndia peoples speaks İndian language. Urdu language and İndian language is different.
Contrary to common belief the TB2 isn't even the most lethal of the present Turkish drones but it's simply popular due to its price performance and common usage. Aksungur, Akinci, Anka are all deadlier compared to the TB2
Profildeki herneyse aynı eşeğin s*ki gibi duruyor
What makes TB2 work is its thermobaric bombs. Which is what many criticized Russia for. But they have no problem using it themselves.
@@BrianHSC TB2 termobaric weapons are anti tank weapons. And used on vehicles with pin point accuracy.
Russia uses thermobaric bombs as anti personel bomb as mass bombing. Russia uses thermobaric rocket systems as artillery weapon.
If you cant see the difference it means you are russian)))
@@darkprofile 100% 👏👏👏👏
@@BrianHSC nah, we don't got problems with anyone using thermobarics. We got problems with orcs yeeting thermobarics at residential buildings.
Love Turkiye from UK 😍😍
tb2 was the learning project.the second batch of Kizil Elma will be the masterpiece.they do not wanna say it but actually, it is 6th generation war plane.
6. Nesil teknolojisine ulaşmasına daha yıllar var
az ufak salla be gardas 🤣🤣🤣
@@sametoruc1347 selcuk bayraktar kilizelmanin 20 senelik bi proje oldugunu söyledigini duymustum. yanlis hatirlamiyorsam. o yüzden bikac sene icinde kizilelmayi ucurmalari sasirtmadi beni.
@@sametoruc1347 Kızılelmanın çift motorlu versiyonuda olacak..yani bu 6ncı nesil olmasa bile 5nci nesil bir uçağın özelliklerini fazlasıyla karşılar düzeyde bir savaş uçağı olacağı anlamına geliyor..Toplamda 4 tip kızıl elma olacak ve herbirinin özelliği diğerinden farklı olarak tasarlanacak..Bu prototipte aerodinamik özellikleri tam anlamıyla test edildikten sonra afterburn özelliği olan motorlarla uçuşu planlanıyor..
Turkey is becoming the power house of unmanned aircraft and drones ... Proud of you 🇹🇷
Turkiye currently has an active production electric car factory and they produce their own batteries. The point they have reached in technology is undoubtedly advanced.
Turkey doesn't produce high tech. They still lack a lot of knowhow and production capability. They usually produce medium tech.
In 1974 we saved the Turks from genocide in Cyprus and NATO allies imposed an arms embargo on Turkiye. Since then we have learned that we can never trust these so-called allies and we have built our own industry. Thanks for all the embargoes and sanctions. We are very close to being 100% independent. Maybe 5 years, maybe 10 years. That's all! Did you like our latest exhibit, the Typhoon ballistic missile with a range of 1000+ km? Now hypersonics are on their way. I wonder which warheads they'll carry? :D
Well done Turkiye🇹🇷
@@mooonstar5870 ;)
If Turkey had been under a total embargo, it would never have achieved these things.
There was an immense exchange of technology and know-how between the West and Turkey.
Turkey achieved those things in cooperation with the West. Turks really need to stop seeing the West as an enemy. The West is Turkey's friend. And if Turkey became more democratic, Turkey would gain even more.
@@devalapar7878 we were always your friends, but you shot the first knife, you even put it in and out many times, I wonder what you say, you have damaged our trust a lot.
That's why Turkey moved away from you, what do you say to that?
Masha Allah Turkish technology is very advanced ❤️❤️ From India 🇮🇳
🐄 eat brother become stronger
@@Hibrahim1 hhahahaa
This is not a drone.This is an unmanned fighter jet having artificial intelligence,aggressive manevour ability,lots of sensors,Aesa radar flying at supersonic speeds.This is just block 1.Next ones will have much more stronger motors that will make it very close to a fighter jet.
This is propoganda. Drone means all types of unmanned air vehicles. So it is unmanned fighter jet but it is still a drone)))
@@darkprofile could be😎
@@darkprofile don't be afraid...we won't do anything to you.. :))
Turkish tires and refigerators are excellent as well, made under a German license, damned good engineers. Their Leader is transparent, sucks up to neither side, compromise is not his thing, to be admired. Require more like him/Ralph
@@ralphhillier676 why do i sense that someone to ' jealous' about this drone tech?
Congratulations to Türkiye.
MASHAALLAH Turkey 🇹🇷 is real superpower 💪💪👍👍🤲🤲🤲
muhummed popat pedo humping massom aisha. wah what orgasm
Bro i m muslim ours Islam says don't disrespect others religion if they are disrespecting you r religion they will pay cost
@@turkish56sz lol
@@turkish56sz 💩
Yes. Turkey is very close to surpass USA, but already surpassed UK, France, EU in general and Russian. Well done Turkey
Turkey has come a long way in technology, they doing good.
According to Bayraktar this unmanned fighter jet is going to evolve into a 6th generation fighter jet putting Turkye ahead of so called world powers.
They never said this?
Why do Turks treat the world as an enemy?
No, Turks are not ahead in technology or fighting jets. The engineer at bayraktar studied at MIT in the US.
Turks make advancement in technology and that is good. They should do that. But the world is not their enemy and they are not the best.
@@devalapar7878 surely with drone technology they are ahead any country in the world, even Elon Musk admitted this while being questioned about if he will ever make drones. You gave advice and here is my advice to you: stop this indirect jealousy
@@devalapar7878 What's your problem? We don't see the world as our enemy. Only Selcuk Bayraktar studied at MIT. And science does not belong only to the USA. USA is falling. It will be gone soon. They are not even real country. A country which comprises many nations with shorter than 200 years history. Turks will rise again as it happened in the past.
@@devalapar7878 so why does world supporting kurdish seperatism all around us ?
That's one beautiful drone. Well-done.
Not a Drone, Fighter Jet
@@purplepanther4153 It's a drone with a jet engine.
@@purplepanther4153 whatever
@@johnwilsdon5456Love from İstanbul.🙏
😂😂😂A basic drone that can handle 15G
Blok 2 ve sonrası tam bir savaş uçağı katili olacak yüksek g kuvveti çekecek insanlı uçaklar mücadele edemeyip kaybedecek ülkem adına gururluyum 🇹🇷
Aynen öyle. Ben asıl çift art yakıcılı TEI motoru kullanacak versiyonu bekliyorum. Bizi zirveye taşıyacak inşallah.
Günümüzde manevra kabiliyetinden çok BVR kabiliyeti yani görüş ötesi (çok uzun menzilli) harp kabiliyeti önemli. Eğer düşman unsurunu o daha seni tespit edemeden yok edebiliyorsan it dalaşına da gerek kalmıyor. Bunu başarmanın yolu da aviyoniklerden, stealth teknolojisinden, silah teknolojilerinden ve awacs benzeri alt yapısal sistemlerden geçiyor. Bu yüzden aslında uçağın insanlı veya insansız olmasının pek bir önemi yok çünkü teknoloji geliştikçe it dalaşı gibi pilotu fiziksel olarak zorlayacak etmenler ortadan kalkıyor.
Günümüz ve en azından önümüzdeki bir kaç on yıl için etkili olacak savaş uçağı özellikleri insanlı-insansız opsiyonel, büyük gövdeli, fazlaca silah taşıyabilen, mühimmatsız silah teknolojisine sahip, yüksek aviyonik ve karşı önlem teknolojili, çok motorlu, yüksek görünmezlik ve müttefik birimler arası veri ağına bağlanabilme gibi zımbırtı şeyler işte. Eğer yapılırsa ki bizde bu gibi projeler hep propaganda ve gazdan ibarettir, değilse de baltalanır falan… bu özelliklere milli muharip uçak ve ileriki modelleri sahip olacak, hava üstünlüğü ihtiyacımızı karşılayacak. Bayraktar mius gibi ihalar da MMU’nun refakatçiliğini yapan silah arkadaşı gibi olacaktır. Ama diğer uçaklarla it dalaşına gireceğini sanmam, rusya gibi ülkeler traktör teknolojisinden uçaklarıyla belki it dalaşı yapar ama üstün NATO tipi hava kuvvetleri uzaktan vurur.
Blok 2 konusu nedir dostum biraz aydınlatır mısın ? Bu teknolojilere biraz meraklıyım. Aselsan ve roketsan da güzel işler yapıyor
@@duyarkasmaynclarrahatszetm4457 3 farklı versiyonu olacak kızılelmanın. Son hali f16 dengi hatta daha iyi olacak. Zira insani kısıtlamalar yok, pilotlar yüksek g kuvvetine uzun süre dayanamaz, basınç, tuvalet ve beslenme ihtiyacı, yorgunluk gibi insani kriterler var ayrıca. Kızılelmanın ileriki versiyonlarında art yakıcılı çift turbofan motor bulunacak. Böylece daha uzun menzile, daha yüksek hıza, daha yüksek havada kalış süresine ve daha fazla faydalı yük kapasitesine sahip olacak. Ayrıca yerli aesa radar ve hava hava, hava kara mühimmatları ile hava kuvvetleri için ciddi bir güç çarpanı ve üstünlük olacak.
Insansiz savas ucagi insanli savas ucagini düsüremez düsürürse savas suclusu sayilir.ögrenin biraz bos keseden atmayin.
#1 Christmas gift this year. Killer Drones.
I'm getting three, one for my ex, one for my boss, and one for the tax man.
I deliver them with a bow at 300 mph.
u make me life men u funny😀😀
Das war gut alter 😂😂😂😂😂
This thing totally demolishes 6th generation fighter program fantasies.
Türkiyede İHA yapan üç ana şirket var. Baykar, tusaş ve lentatek.
Tusaş uçan kanat modelinde İHA geliştiriyor. Yakında tanıtılacak.
There is still long way for 6th generation. But 2 engine version of this unmanned fighter jet will be cost effective 4,5 generation fighter for Turkish army. USA is not willing to supply f35 to Turkey. So untill Turkey will develope 5th generation jet motor, this jet will be temporarily solution.
And when Turkey will producte 5th generatiom jet engine kizilelma will have 6th generation version.
Because AI of kizilelma and sensor fusion technologies will be advanced enough.
ĞRAY WOLF 🐺🤘❤️🇹🇷💪
Ukraine has a song for tb-2. If Ukranians get their hands on this, im sure Tom Cruise will shoot Top Gun 3 in Ukraine.
2bad they all are downed and useless now...
Kendine Türk diyen gururludur!
A correction for everyone here. The plane is named Kizil Elma not Kirmizi Elma. Kirmizi translates into Red. Kizil in English is Crimson.
Thus.... The correct English translation of the plane is Crimson Apple. Just FYI...
Ve burda söyleniş değil felsefesi önemlidir.daima en iyi seviyeye ulaşmak
@@xkisi2212 Soyledigine katiliyoum. Fakat bu is biraz da pazarlama isi.
En iyi seviyeye ulasmak kerkesin gibi benim de ruyam. Fakat cok ama cok yolumuz var.
Cip problemi onemli. ABD ve AB bzim yolumuzu kesmek icin bunu kullanacaklar.
Suriye de bir harekat baslatinca, bize cok buyuk ambargolar gelecek. Simdi zar zor aldiklarimiz bile verilmiyecek.
Secimlerde hukumet degisirse, bence ABD yeni ve cok tecrubesis olan hukumete cok baski yapacak ve bazi projeleri durduracaklar.
Hergun gece yarisi terler icinde uyaniyorum. Onumuzdeki 10 yil Turkiyenin sag kalip kalmama savasi var bence.
@@mattsoy9180 ben hiç bir konuda kesin konuşmam ama şundan eminim ülkemize olacak herhangi bir cüretkar hareketi halk asla affetmez hükümet devlet vs basaramasada halk başarır.ustelik ben Avrupa'da Almanya ve Fransa arasında daha hızlı bir kriz çıkacağını öngörüyorum Almanya'nın doğu bloguna ziyareti ve macronun Amerika tarafından Avrupa'nın en güçlü lider seçilmesi de bunun göstergelerinden biri.ben önce Yunanistan'ın yalnizliginin netleşmesi taraftariyim.silahlar konusunda daha çok uretilmeli ve biran evvel nükleer enerjiden faydalanmaliyiz NATO'nun bize olan dezavantajini avantaja cevirmeliyiz Rusya faktörünü de etkisiz kilmaliyiz bunları ancak bilimle iyi siyasi akılla yapabiliriz
@@xkisi2212 Arkadas, sen bu isi cok iyi cozumlemissin. ABD, Ukrayna durumunu kullanarak Avrupaya resmen coktu. Bu isten en buyuk zarar Almanyanin basina patliyacak. Adamlarin Endustrisi cokmek uzere. Bu da ABD nin isine geliyor. Adamlar gece gunduz silah satiyorlr. Ekonomileri olum doseginde iken yeniden canlandi yahu.
Biz bu kargasadan araylanarak MMU, HurJet, Hava Savunma, Denizalti gibi projelerimizi bir bitirebilsek.
Bir de, cip kizini bahane ederek turkiyede bir cip imalati baslatabilsek muazzam olur.
@@mattsoy9180 bence bu gelecek dönemlerde en çok silah satabilen üretebilen ve dış iç siyaseti en çok başarabilen ülkeler gelişecek.bir nevi herkese hareket gelecek antlaşmalar yapılacak bozulacak taraflar değişecek herkes aralarında antlaşmalar yapacak bu aslında sıcak savaşın soğuk savaş kısmı özellikle silahlanma yarışı.biz ülke olarak dünyayı ayaklandirdik devlet eliyle hile olmasa çoğu ülke bu alana yönelecek.teknoloji savaşları başlayacak.ve zorunlu barislar Amerika'nın çok büyük güç kaybedeceğine eminim çünkü Avrupa da da ABD karşıtlığı yayılacak.cunku tek yaptığı sömürmek iç siyasete müdahale ve ekonomilerini bitirmek ABD'nin klasik pislikleri.ama.hangi ülke iyi ki bana göre hiç bir ülke güvenilir değil.umarim.abd Rusya Çin gibi dehşet saçan ülkeler iyice zayıflar.ama çin daha d abuyuyecek öyle hissediyorum.insallah biz de birgün Meksikanin ABD ainirina ve meksikayla askerlerimizi koyarız oradaki zavallı.fakir meksikalilari ABD'ye karşı savastiririz türlü vaatlerle.devletlerde yasattiklarini yaşamadan olmemeli.avrupayi da o şekilde görmek isterim
Long live turkiye.. love from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳
The Bayraktar was successful because it was used against a Ruzzian Army that was unprepared to fight a drone that could be used in an asymmetrical way, a true guerilla drone. The skill and creativity of the operators also plays a part. The Kizilelma is more capable, being designed to be stealthy and having mach 1 speed. This drone can penetrate deep behind an enemy's lines to deliver a payload to a truly sensitive spot that could cripple an opposing force for a while. 👍👍👍👍👍
TB2 was also used in Armenia, Lybia, Syria and was also successfull in these countries
What? Against Russia?
@@4_youtube_is_dead proxy of russia is russia
@@4_youtube_is_dead Yes ✈️🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@@velicyatan5545 dont lie, youll make me destroy turki myself.
I love aircraft design it's a job I would love to do but unfortunately I haven't the education to do it . Aircraft design propulsion all of that I have a interest in.
Braveee 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦💪💪💪
O oppressed people, do not be afraid, now the Turks are coming
Big Wow for this UCAV of Turkey . I ❤️🇹🇷
Türkiye shows that obstacles can be a huge chance to become much better❤🇹🇷
Such an apple be in everyones inventory
sweet for his owners
poisonous to its enemies
If Baykar makes it, I'm sure it's gonna be state of the art.
Pakistana,Bosnaya,Türk cumhuriyetlerine,afrika kıtasındaki Müslüman kardeşlerimize,Endonezyadaki Müslüman kardeşlerimize,malezyadaki Müslüman kardeslerimize,Bangladeş ve katar' daki Müslüman kardeşlerimize...Türkiyeden selamlar ,sevgiler.❤😎
Love from India 🇮🇳
@@hasanurjamanmollah6229 He did not even consider you muslim , have some self respect 😂
@@shodhitgoyal6539 Here come another Indian dissing another Indian just because they are from different religion. Indian are funny lol
@@DippinSauc I am not dissing another Indian i am just showing the reality to my fellow Indian that no muslim country or even turkey respects them. They hate muslims of India just because they are Indians and not their friendly country. It's geopolitics bro some fools like you can't understand it . I am just telling my fellow India to raise his standards and stop asking for approval from other muslims.
We're coming to rule the world again🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷
Good for Turks ❤
Means Good for ukraina also
comparing tb2 with kizilelma is like comparing an RC car with a truck, kizilelma is supposed to be an unmanned fighter jet not a drone
Bu traktörmü uçak ✈️ işte daha gelişme aşamasında het motoru takılmadı takılınca göreceksiniz
@@ersinozdemir4392 Ne dedigin tam anlasilmiyor, ama sanirim cevap yazdigin kisinin Kizilelma hakkinda kotu birseyler yazdigini sanmissin gibi geliyor.
Adamin dedigi ozetle su: Kizilelma TB2'den cok daha iyi. Ayrica Kizilelma TB2 gibi sadece bir drone degil, basli basina insansiz bir avas ucagi. Yani ikisi ayri kategorilerde tanimlanmasi gereken ucan araclar.
@@lonelywolf1480 olsun bro laf yapmasın
Bayraktar Kizilelma is a 7th generation fighter aircraft
@@velicyatan5545 saçmalama ya ne alakası var
Яшасин Туркия Яшасин Байрактар🇹🇷❤️🙏👏👍
Turkish Christmas gift to the enemies ❤
Fantastic. Türkiye advancing fast in military technology, producing drones of the future. Great news for our true allies and friendly countries. Bad news for enemies.
Alhamdullilah ☝️ 🇹🇷
بعون من الله تعالى وبركاته إلى الأعلى إلى القمم العالية بفضل المولى عز وجل 👈🕌🇹🇷🇶🇦🇵🇰✌️🚁 البيرقدارررررررررررررررررررررررررررررررر 🕌🇹🇷🕌🇩🇿🚁🇶🇦🇸🇴🛩️🚀
İnşallah gardaşım🇹🇷🤲
They're an amazing state that keeps moving forward and achieving exciting goals while they're under terrorist attacks and western conspiracies.
Turkey is the most country that hosts refugees in the world, and they even send their military to protect them from the dictator who's killing them.
We pray for them to be more powerful and superior.
Turkey have earned lots by selling
drones to Ukraine. That Tb2 bayraktar
was sold before the war.
Not only Ukraine about 60 country want to make agreement to buy Turkısh drone , guns etc
US attempt to stagnate Turkye air force has failed .
Turkiye's attempt to have Russian air defenses and F35s also failed. They were warned.
Wish Bayraktar all the luck in the world, they are a great friend of Ukraine's.
It didn't fail. It stimulated an entire new defense sector in Turkiye for muslims worldwide that will mot only rival the US one but outgrow it very soon since muslims prefer to buy from other muslims which will make the US and Europe lose clients very very fast.
@@wolfvale7863 s400 did not fail. F35 itself is a failed jet. Yet another one crashed recently in the USA. How many of them crashed now?
F35's are dangerous because they rob a country of its SOVREIGNTY and ties it to the USA. Thats treason. A domestic fighter is always the best choice. We can export it and many will opt for it. The market for the USA will shrink fast. We can produce better technology for lesser prices. Thats a win and loss for the USA.
ahaha is this how you satisfy yourself in america how nice🤣
@@wolfvale7863 yanılıyorsun elimizde S400 ler var..ayrıca kendi geliştirdiğimiz Hisar A, Hisar O, Siper uzun menzilli Hss ler patriotlardan bile daha değerli...
Love from Pakistan... Brothers happy to see you success 😌❤️🌹🌹🌹 love turkiye
Ukraine urgently needs Kızılelma. In Türkiye we trust.
🤣🤣🤣 trust has 0 market value in the real world.....
Soon they will protect the Ukrainian skies too.
@@harishraja158 Trust is everything. Your customer keeps come back all the time.
@@henryaybaz7409 BY the time you fully develop and manufacture them,there will be only sky not ukraine.....
@@henryaybaz7409 sadly nope, Ukraine started to creat it's own drones like" sokil 300" that must come into army after the end of 2022, better than bayraktar tb2 + much cheaper and like "kizilelma" we have "ace one" concept so....
There is an error in translation. Kızılelma is not Gold Apple, it means Red apple. Red apple is an old legend of the Turks. It represents a dream, a difficult goal that needs to be achieved.
Let me give an example: As a Turk, my Red Apple is the unification of all Turkish states into a single, great state.
What a stupid caption obviously this is stealth unmanned fighter jet so it's going to be much advance than small male TB2 but that's also very effective even you can bear to loss many of them because of low prices but high quality
Maşallah... Güney Azerbaycan'dan selamlar ve Türkiye için hayırlı dualar
Support Türkiye
OK guys let’s not get carried away... This drone is great, but Turkey has a lot more work to do before it can become a dominant country, bring great peace and prosperity to the Middle East and the entire planet and uplift all the Muslim and poor of the earth which is the mission of this nation Turkiye.
All we need is for other Muslim countries to support us instead of Armenia and Russia like Iran and Syria or America and Israel like Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE etc...
There is still much work needed to be done, but this is a step in the good direction. ❤️🇹🇷❤️
Pakistan Malaysia and Indonesia
should work with us togheter nobody can stop us insallah
Include iran
Iran is bussy to build his Shia Empire, they are not friend of us. They are doing this since 500 years. Always when Ottoman Empire declared war on western europe, the persians attacked us and we had to split our army to send some of them to Iran. Today they are doing same, supporting Armenia and hating on Aserbaidjan.
I really dont understand this country, if Iran would be a trustful brother, we could become a massiv power but Iran is the reason we arent, their borders are dividing us, and they seem to like their job.
Indonesia prefers India over Pakistan
@@kenclarke769 Iran is a good neighbor but has different ambitions. They would easily transfer these drones to Russia or China.
Indonesia is the biggest Muslim Country, i think you are dreaming. Im sure there are many India lowers in that Country but thats it, nothing more.
This is a just beginning
this is only 10% we know they have many more advanced weapon systems its amazing
We Pakistanies are very happy to see the development of great turkey
Another new member to Turkey's pride list 🇹🇷
Good job Turkey, great use of ukrainian made engine!
thats right , its just the beggining and the first fruit of our billateral work
2023 its your time brothers .. go-ahead n rule the world n give leadership to Muslims like your for father did...
Love Turkeye from Canada/Morocco
Waiting for the day when NATO members would resolved itself.
Well done Istanbul/Ankara
Kullandığı Füze ve silahlar inanılmaz..esas onları görünce şok olacaksınız...
That thing looks like something SKYNET would create.
How happy is the one who says I am a Turk 🇹🇷🇦🇿
Long live turkey best wishes for my brother's Turkey
Technology development in Turkey is not limited to the "Kızılelma". Apart from that, a Turkish state company is also developing the world's best manned fighter aircraft. The MIU's quality will match the US's F-22 Raptor fighter jet. Turks are preparing to build the world's largest aircraft carrier at its own shipyard in order to intervene beyond its borders.
Turkey's goal is to become the sixth permanent member of the UN and obtain the right of veto. The next will be the rise again of the Islamic world.
Congratulations 💐 bayker engineer's from ❤️🇧🇩🇹🇷
I am grateful to the most influential and greatest leader in the history of the Turkish Republic, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 🇹🇷👏
Turkey 🇹🇷 is great drone super power country and turkey is king of drone technology and also turkey 🇹🇷 is NATO members love ❤️ from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Bu fragman daha çok şey göreceksiniz
İzlemeye devam edin
Ukraine needs a few of these . Free testing in a war .
maybe they should build them on its own ? or i forgot they are back in stone age without elecricity xD
@@Wh0pzy0815 make your jokes while you can, because once you're forced into mobilization, your life is over!
We should also give them some cluster bombs, napalm flamethrowers, plastic landmines attached to drones, and blinding laser weapons!
Anything to teach russia a lesson!
@@nicktechnubyte1184 oh do you know more than me ? i didnt know mobilization starts in germany. Is russia that close ? xD
@@Wh0pzy0815 traitors can be deported and stripped of their citizenship!
Bad friends, Bad Neighbor, Bad Relations, and Back stabber makes you go beyond your imagination. It is what it is.
To Crux and all: KIzilelma means crimson apple. Kizil= Crimson , Kirmizi = Red, and Elma = apple
Alhamdulillah, we are now a nation that is much stronger militarily and looks to the future with hope.
It will lead the world to a new age will get through. We are coming. Footsteps of Turks
🌹🌹la galibe illALLAH 🌹🌹😽🇹🇷🐺🇹🇷
TB2 has a range of 93 miles and endurance of 27 hours ? Based on those figures it's able to fly at 4mph for 27 hours ? Wikipedia states the range is 2,200 miles which makes more sense.
2200 km and maybe more is possible with satcom(only problem is fuel). And i know, if you use local data terminal from ground, you can reach 300 km datalink
My friend you didnt understand the point of range there, That range which is mentioned there is the range of connection with ground control station..! Otherwise the maximum total range it can move in one single flight is 220 kmhX27 hours=5940 kilometers...
@@tek.vatan.turkiye6023 I suppose they are designed to loiter and circle until a target is identified. That makes sense. Thank You.
@@UnknownUser-rb9pd That is partly true but only one of the ways bro, also they have mobile ground control stations from the ground, from sea and from undersea. Also fixed ground control stations can pass the control of it to the next ground control station 300 kilometers away while it is flying and looking for a target..!
@@tek.vatan.turkiye6023 I see, that's clever. That would extend the operational range substantially. Cheers
Love Turkey from a Muslim Indian
Kızılelma's translation is not golden appple, but red apple. kızıl = scarlet (modern turkish), red (old turkish) ; elma = apple
MaşAllaaah helal olsun türkiyeye 💪🏻
love from Macedonia ❤️
Thats why we love Erdogan he maked Turkey strong Europeans don’t like this and declared an economical war against Turkey they just want the old weak Turkey back who does everything USA want but times changed there is no old Turkey
He is corrupted dictator
@@evzaka nope there are many people who don’t like Erdogan and say bad things about him and the opposition also say bad words about him in a dictatorship you can’t say such things
@@h4ze531 some people will always hate, that doesn’t' matter..
@@h4ze531 I did not say bad things I say fact, he and his family involved many corruptions.
Türkiye'de ki gerçek muhalefet Erdoğan'ı eleştiren olur yinede saygı duyar...ama batı işbirlikçileri ajanlar ABD ve bazı müttefiklerinin beslediği kişilerin, çıkarlarına uymadığı için sevmemesi normal, iftira ve çamur atarlar..
Wow look so nice kizelelma un man fighter zet I love Turkey
Erdogan put 🇹🇷 to another level in such a short time. Proudly so…
Salam and love for 🇹🇷 from 🇧🇩
Indian government should start defence link with Turkish
Wait until the world see the two engines Kizilelma traveling at hypersonic speed. Coming up soon.
elhamdülillah bütün umetin basarisi allahin izinizle iki yuzlu bati pilitikasina teşekkürler kendi ucagimizi kendimiz yaptik butun kardes ulkelere de satacagiz durmak yok yola devam allahin izinizle
yeni bir mujde geliyor çok yakinda takibe devam
ümmet degil TÜRK MILLETI.... ümmet tarihde kaldi ! Biz ümmet degiliz !! BÜYÜK TÜRK MILLETIYIZ - BALKANDAN SIBIRYAYA KADAR !!
Irkçılık Fransız ihtilalinin size yutturruğu şeydir biz ümmetiz oylede kalacaz inşallah bütün müslğmanlar kardeşimizdir
@Ugur Vatan : Kendi adına konuş! Biz hem Türk hem de Ümmetiz , Ümmetimizden sorumluyuz . Uçağı yapanlarda ağzı Besmeliler ÜMMET bilincinde olanlar !Sizin batıl devriniz ;heykelcilerin, fasıkların , batı kemiği yalayanların devri sona erdi , Türk İslam güneşi zorunuza gitsede heryeri aydınlatacak!
@@mukerremozger3338 ben ümme t degilim..Hha ayriyeten tüküreyim fransiza ingilize amerikilaya... enonezyada ümmetin icindemi? Veya Ghana halkida ümmetin icindemi? Cünkü onlarda müslüman...veya yillardir müslüman etyopyaya bombalar yagdiran sudi arabistanda ümmetin icindemi? Eyy beyinsiz kimliksiz...herkesin dini kendine kus beyinli...
@@political-trueth Ne saçmalıyorsun islam ı kabul etmeyen Türkden bizene Selçuk bayraktar ümmetin bir evladıdır.... hepimiz türk üz ama önce Müslüman Lık gelir....gerisi Teferruat.