Sarah Michelle Gellar is my no.1 crush irl. When I learned that she was in call of duty it made my interest in cod jump. Obviously she's my favourite cod character. Unfortunately I'm awful at call of the dead :(
She's awesome but her quotes still make her the Takeo of the group (but she isn't as boring, but you always need that one dull person to make everyone else more awesome)
I love this chick
Hey dempsey this is smokey how ya doin
comnander aidyn us commando elites
She sounds so adorable!
S.M.G= Sarah Michelle Gellar
"First one to make a joke about Juggs gets a slap in the face"
This is one of the Reasons why I love playing as Sarah xD
Definitely one of her funnier quotes
Somewhere there's a dude getting off to this.
5 years later you've found him
Ahahahaha thats right
And I still am! 🤣
Freddie Prinze Jr.
Of course I know him, he’s me
1:58 Okahaay George, take it easyyy
Sarah Michelle Gellar is my no.1 crush irl. When I learned that she was in call of duty it made my interest in cod jump. Obviously she's my favourite cod character. Unfortunately I'm awful at call of the dead :(
Me hitting restart until I got her or Michael Rooker
Just what I'd expect from her in a zombie movie... only its a game... a game of life!!! God she's awsom.
"First one to make a joke about juggs gets a slap in the face" lolz....
Regards Snake.
Lol "Eating off the floor.....I don't think so!"
3:48 - 4:20 The " hardest" part of the video.
she sure talks about danny alot lol
Can you do the Takeo, Richtofen, Dempsey, and Nickolai's quotes for the easter eggs?
"uhhhhh" this is the word that michelle talk most.
3:47 - 4:21 gigitty!
"I'm no scooping these son of bitches of I have to" KooL quote :D
I just noticed something, Her initials spell SMG and she is in a first person shooter...
def sarah
Fun to play as Daphine from scooby soo 😂 literally sound the same
Aside from your interesting spelling, you do realise they are the same actor right... right?
@@VenomOnPC Dat face of yours
@@BigDaddy115 Bro replied to a 3 year old comment insulting my pfp, man I thought it was a good selfie D:
@@VenomOnPC You need help
1:33 - 1:38 I would go near ANY zombies not just the eletric ones...
9:19 - LOL. i would die on purpose just to hear this quote when re-buying it. xD
Or 9:21
Fly my pretties, fly!!!!! lol
Please someone tell me when she says "give me the... " and something like that i cant remember in the this clip!
@@SteelViko hello my friend from 8 years ago!
3:47 - 4:21 YES! YES! YES! YES!
i wil haunt that box to i only get a facck teddy every time every time
danny? danny? danny?
The link to download the audios is dead😢
ey thumbs up if u here that 95% of da quotes says "ugh" or "like" in dem
@RecognizedSkillz you have to get call of the dead pack to play as her
MrFireDragon you know you can reply to comments...RIGHT?
cool ness I don’t think people could do that in early youtube
buffy the vampire slayer
@zXBiGjOShXz lol even robert englund points that out he says 's.m.g.? hey Sarah is this yours?'
misty vs sarah
BLACK MAMA 101 Sarah Michelle.... Misty sometimes
BLACK MAMA 101 misty always!
Sarah Michelle Gellar Wins!
Round 50 quote was funny. I wonder why they took out a turret?
what turret?
i haven't found any turret on call of the dead ...
19:18, Juuuuuuuuuuuggggggggsssssss
idkw but she kinda sounds like Jackie from hat 70's show or Meg from Family Guy in some of her quotes
Im a Dead Duck lol.!! I Love Her.!!
I don't know if Valspeak consider as cool.
Yes but i did say, if you read back in the further comments, you will find that i DID say what i said.
lol i love this
She's awesome but her quotes still make her the Takeo of the group (but she isn't as boring, but you always need that one dull person to make everyone else more awesome)
Takes and Sarah are the best characters from their respective groups, they’re the most level headed and badass. I think they would get along great.
@@tommyl.dayandtherunaways820 They would.
17:10 is she talking about the pack-a-punch machine?
5:22 She's a mom. Would she name her some Larry Michael Gellar? Would she name her daughter SMG just like her?
Wasn't she in The Grudge?
Hell yeah at the comment below
Why does she sound so villainous at 1:05? XD
She is doing The Wicked Witch of the West.
Hey, I Can see my house from here.!! :D
why not have Georges?
0:00-17:40 thats what she said l0l
I think she's in love with danny 0.0
I'm a black belt in taekwondo to :)
@RenerDeCastro reminds me of richtofen
Dempsey and Sarah would make a good couple
yeah i know
turret? She holding something she said was cute? WTFM?
You have gotten Lucky American.. But Where is my Vodka O.o
3:48 oragasm ?
She was on the toilet at 3:48-4:20 ;p
Fending off zombies with your period on SUCKS D: Believe me. (lmao)
Oh yeah, and starting form 3:36... I'm sure it sounds akward for most of you...
who the hell is this? and how do you play as her?
Sara Michelle Gellar
Lol round 50!
ya dont say
We want moon
En we want samantha qoute's fore moon
9:20, lol.
@Kommandant2498 yes..... POTATO!
sex noises 0_0
3:52 moo?
@blackops3ist no she resespcts him more
3:47 - 4:21
for a while it sounds like porn
Shes kinda like a white female modern Richtofen and Danny Trejo would be like Nikolai
i am jealois
Haha 3:50-4:20
Your not the real slim shady
omg 2 much talkn but she is a good player lol
@sasnarcp LOL xD
@delorean622 lol
@PowBlock96 pl +1
@Kommandant2498 U need spell check
Who the Hell is this?
Buffy the *Zombie* slayer
Lol first 1 too make fun of jugs gets slapped