Louis 勇敢面对自己。喜欢Andrew就主动去争取。因为Andrew也是比较害羞和被动的。而且我相信Andrew心里也有Louis的位置。只是他不知道要怎样去做选择。不论家庭背景和兴趣爱好和身高,Louis 和Andrew 真的很适合在一起。 Andrew要给机会给Louis啊。你们真的很适合和般配。🙏🙏🙏
andrew and carson are very sweet, they follow the flow and heart, in the end they are always together very simple but sweet, there is always a spark of love between them, i think andrew is just curious about louis but to be honest he is more comfortable with carson and it is proven that they always make moments where audience loves it, love is simple just follow it and you will find it
earlier I was a supporter of louis and andrew but for some reason they were just curious about each other there was no real spark of love, different from carson and andrew they know how to take and give, they are attracted to each other so they don't need advice from anyone they will stay together, they looks natural
from the beginning louis didn't frankly it was his fault, hoho wanted to make louis more courageous but what was the result he didn't take the slightest step, andrew was waiting but he didn't come, andrew was finally tired and besides that carson was always there for him and always made andrew comfortable, Andrew's love eventually continued to grow for Carson, he never even left Carson, even though Carson had given Louis and Andrew the opportunity to be together but did Andrew still choose Carson without coercion from Carson.
It would have been better if the host asked each person to vote privately who he wanted to date, ranking everyone in terms of dating preference. Or at least inform them early that there would be a dating chance, and give them enough time to think about who they want to date and to approach the person casually when they were setting up the tents. Informing them about the dating chance suddenly and wanting them to decide immediately is putting too much pressure on everybody.
Would you want to try something like Thailand - "Safe House", camping for a week LIVE show, play games cooking...? They already have season 3. We all watching internationally even not knowing their language. 🥰
Louis' doubtful nature really sucks, how can he build love with a character like this hahhh, Carson's character is interesting, calm and heem m charming, men and women just look at him fascinated
Sorry allow me to say a few words here. Im not doubtful. From what I saw, Andrew is into Carson, as you can probably tell from the camera that when we were told to pair up, Andrew went to Carson, not to mention those interactions I saw behind camera. So I don’t think I need/ should approach Andrew in that case. Instead, I think I should wish them the best. This may be wrong but it’s what I think the right thing to do in that situation ❤
How is that doubtful? It was not that Andrew was waiting there for Louis to take the first move and be with him. As you can see it was Andrew who already made his move and chose Carson for the 2 hours of dating right after the host announced it. In such circumstance, what more can or should you do? In fact Louis was bold enough to try to change Andrew's mind by speaking out his mind but that didn't work. At this point in time in the show, I really think Louis should just give up on Andrew, Louis deserves better. No need to cling onto a guy who's got another guy in mind.
Hi Louis, In your lifetime, you will find and meet one person who will love you more than anybody you have ever known and will know💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻They will love you with every bit of energy and soul🎉🎉🎉
andrew believes in his feelings for carson, carson doesn't force him to be with him but, andrew always cares about carson, if louis and andrew really want to be together this episode there is a chance but what happens, andrew stays comfortable with carson, i like to see carson and andrew create moments
@louisng4705 Louis and Andrew is very suitable together. Hope Louis never give up. Love is fair, if you very love him, please try to do it and never give up. I think you can success. Louis and Andrew 要在一起啊。🙏🙏🙏
Andrew 一直攞住大女主劇本😂
19:58 冷面笑匠二人組Nelbon+Kevin,開始喜歡這一對,佢兩個比人感覺好悶,但兩人一起就好搞笑,有火花,覺得佢兩個好襯,想佢地最終可以開花結果👬
Kevin is so cute!
欣賞Louis 追擊地表達自己想同Andrew一group嘅勇氣,矛盾於喜歡與君子不奪人所好之間,一點都不容易。
Howard :貴圈真亂
hoho carrying the whole show on his back atp, excited for the next episode
其實Kelvin 好好仔
19:10 我係Louis粉,之前有點抗拒HoHo纏著Louis,但看到今集後開始喜歡呢Pair,對HoHo增加好感度,兩人一起好funny,好sweet的感覺,還帶點點曖昧,很有追看性,相反,我希望Louis放棄Andrew(不喜這個配對),Louis應該化作巨人向HoHo進擊,因為很多人粉你地呢pair
Louis 勇敢面对自己。喜欢Andrew就主动去争取。因为Andrew也是比较害羞和被动的。而且我相信Andrew心里也有Louis的位置。只是他不知道要怎样去做选择。不论家庭背景和兴趣爱好和身高,Louis 和Andrew 真的很适合在一起。 Andrew要给机会给Louis啊。你们真的很适合和般配。🙏🙏🙏
andrew and carson are very sweet, they follow the flow and heart, in the end they are always together very simple but sweet, there is always a spark of love between them, i think andrew is just curious about louis but to be honest he is more comfortable with carson and it is proven that they always make moments where audience loves it, love is simple just follow it and you will find it
Love is not just simple, I won't buy first sight in love
they should go to have doctor appointment as couple activity 😂
Andrew越睇越靚仔😘,由 第一集至五集好似陳國峰💪,之後嗰幾集有啲角度好似李逸朗😄
earlier I was a supporter of louis and andrew but for some reason they were just curious about each other there was no real spark of love, different from carson and andrew they know how to take and give, they are attracted to each other so they don't need advice from anyone they will stay together, they looks natural
Juzco同Hoho對Louis都好好, 前者見Louis失落會同佢組隊, 後者就一直鼓勵同示範佢知點樣做主動(雖然Andrew已心有所屬)
不過Louis應該做開王子俾人追開, 要佢進擊真係好難…….撩仔收兵就應該耍家d😏
我真係唔識撩仔,唔識收兵😂😂 我本身就係一個獨來獨往嘅人。同埋我只係一個普通人,唔係王子
@@louisng4705 辛苦了,竟然要站出來澄清,睇嚟大家已經將你神化左😂😂
Carson真的太會了!!!佢講過HoHo 太chur,如果咁係work就唔會到而家都唔得啦😂
hoho adorable
11:42 Juzco 😂😂😂
Carson , Andrew 嗰段我睇左3次勁sweet
from the beginning louis didn't frankly it was his fault, hoho wanted to make louis more courageous but what was the result he didn't take the slightest step, andrew was waiting but he didn't come, andrew was finally tired and besides that carson was always there for him and always made andrew comfortable, Andrew's love eventually continued to grow for Carson, he never even left Carson, even though Carson had given Louis and Andrew the opportunity to be together but did Andrew still choose Carson without coercion from Carson.
'Coercion from Carson'. The new fragrance from Axe.
It would have been better if the host asked each person to vote privately who he wanted to date, ranking everyone in terms of dating preference. Or at least inform them early that there would be a dating chance, and give them enough time to think about who they want to date and to approach the person casually when they were setting up the tents. Informing them about the dating chance suddenly and wanting them to decide immediately is putting too much pressure on everybody.
Juzco 同Hoho真係好識搞氣氛~
Louis 加油加油
11:03 Howard 道出重點😂😂 死仔
其實如果全部都唔配對、做朋友都好 ⋯ 朋友唔會分手 (I assume not 😅)
carson is so cool in this episode, andrew and carson always make a good moment, they always bring positive vibes
可不可以出仔仔一堂的soundtrack list? BGM都好好听啊!11:47 16:38
KEVIN 讲话好得意
Seems that this show is only about Andrew, Loui and Carson. What about Nelbon, Kevin and Howard?? Why are they sidelined???!
Louis箍紧牙喔,而Ho Ho左眼有粒眼挑针
發覺今集hoho對Louis嘅態度有DD改變咗,我覺得咁樣係啱嘅,一味對人好對人付出亦未必有回報,而且食檸檬食的太多自己亦會失望最後心死,雖然hoho仲係好鐘意Louis,但是唔好再無條件對louis咁好啦,亦唔好再對louis太高期望,現時嚟睇,louis一心仲係向住Andrew架,所以hoho應該keep住唔放棄但又唔好太熱情惹louis反感,其實真係好難做。。。一廂情願好慘 ,但咁易放棄又唔得,希望louis會發覺原來hoho先至係真愛,咁就大團圓結局😂😂
@@prince5801 同感
22:48 看下集預告,HoHo對Louis說,如果我們拍拖,我希望趟在你的大腿上,Louis深情回應"那你做吧!" ..... 這對開始有點點愛火了😍
17:38 Regen suddenly appears and steals the whole show 🤣🤣
其他人6 人做壁報板😂
I love hoho
我覺得louis 知道andrew 另選他人個失落感 同 之前船P 個陣個hyper 都幾真實
Andrew 好正❤
i need the title of this song the theme song
“Feeling you” by Ashley Warren
Andrew其實係因為Hoho 而遠離Louis,但我真係覺得佢哋兩個真係好襯。
LOUIS is the best!!! 因為LOUIS而繼續睇落去 LOL
@mushroomcolor9381 佢係天上嘅星星 只可遠觀欣賞 高不可攀
I still think Andrew should at least give Louis a chance! They haven’t been able to partner each other so far….
Juzco is funny as always.
Girl, he is REALLY charming okay.
I wanna touch that chests too HAHA
Would you want to try something like Thailand - "Safe House", camping for a week LIVE show, play games cooking...? They already have season 3. We all watching internationally even not knowing their language. 🥰
Let me search and see
Andrew雖然表面婉拒得好有禮貌, 不過咁樣對Louis仲hurt, 假如大方d承認已約好Carson在先, 唔講門面說話仲好😓
If I am Louis I will choose to get to know Hoho. Hoho gayau!
Louis 真的很帅。
咦段片重新upload左? 之前有咩問題呢,係唔係Hoho太chur搶晒fo🤣
其實個分組有d搞笑,得Andrew同Howard掉左位,成件事似好求其咁 (段片Before同After調轉左?)
Louis' doubtful nature really sucks, how can he build love with a character like this hahhh, Carson's character is interesting, calm and heem m charming, men and women just look at him fascinated
Sorry allow me to say a few words here. Im not doubtful. From what I saw, Andrew is into Carson, as you can probably tell from the camera that when we were told to pair up, Andrew went to Carson, not to mention those interactions I saw behind camera. So I don’t think I need/ should approach Andrew in that case. Instead, I think I should wish them the best. This may be wrong but it’s what I think the right thing to do in that situation ❤
How is that doubtful? It was not that Andrew was waiting there for Louis to take the first move and be with him. As you can see it was Andrew who already made his move and chose Carson for the 2 hours of dating right after the host announced it. In such circumstance, what more can or should you do? In fact Louis was bold enough to try to change Andrew's mind by speaking out his mind but that didn't work.
At this point in time in the show, I really think Louis should just give up on Andrew, Louis deserves better. No need to cling onto a guy who's got another guy in mind.
@@louisng4705 YES definitely Louis!!!💪🏻❤️同意你嗰句君子成人之美,有時真係退一步海闊天空!一定有好多人講唔同嘅說話,但係唔需要太介懷,支持你嘅決定🥰
@@louisng4705 🤯 It's THE Louis omg I can't believe it I'm so invested in this show
Hi Louis, In your lifetime, you will find and meet one person who will love you more than anybody you have ever known and will know💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻They will love you with every bit of energy and soul🎉🎉🎉
Louis 犹豫不决是男人的大忌啊, Louis 是一个不是比较主动的男仔。是不是有选择困难症呢?
其實當時不主動選 Andrew 是因為我看到 Andrew對 Carson 有興趣,A很快就站在C旁邊。所以,我分組並沒有太主動。當日我也有主動跟A說話,但從他們的互動中看到他們情投意合,我覺得無必要太主動。主動是好,但郎情妾意,君子還是成人之美吧。我當時是這樣想。
@@louisng4705 其实问题都在于Louis and Andrew 其实他们两个真是不适合在一起。因为他们的性格太像了,喜欢被人追不够主动。所以一见钟情和天长地久完全是两回事。Louis 给我感觉就是太flow, 不够主动。Andrew 也不是主动型喜欢被人追求所以真是不适合。反而我喜欢Kenny, Juzco, Hoho, Ray, Carson, Nelbon, Howard, Kevin 反而比较成熟主动。
@@looyuchan6103 可能你未必認同,但我覺得成熟是知道他人郎情妾意,君子便成人之美,祝福他人。
@@louisng4705 點解你個人咁好🥺你好似文藝小說先會出現既人
hoho 其實唔係好明 Louis 諗D乜 一味推佢 其實andrew 都好明顯揀左carson啦
louis 就係想君子成人之美
hoho 同louis 互動 尷尬味好重 同埋見到 louis 係有d 唔鍾意
相反 carson 同 andrew 都幾sweet
andrew believes in his feelings for carson, carson doesn't force him to be with him but, andrew always cares about carson, if louis and andrew really want to be together this episode there is a chance but what happens, andrew stays comfortable with carson, i like to see carson and andrew create moments
其實hoho無大家捻咁衰嘅 唔想被利用嘖 犧牲小我 成全佢地a&l Louis都應該嘗試一下被人拒絕嘅滋味嘅~畢竟雙赴奔赴先至難得
hoho只不過是助攻Louis 大家唔好誤會
佢對Louis真係好好, 寧願令大家尷尬都希望Louis大膽多次去表白🥲
大家有冇发觉Ho Ho有啲似新加坡演员戚玉武呢!
戚 係中國大陸人在星國發展
I'm not like most women it seems because Carson is not my type lol. But all of them seem lovely
Andrew & Carson, who is the top.... hahaha Andrew is bottom for me
Ummm..chile anyways so.
this episode so awkward 😵
睇一堆0 爭1 ...
meanwhile the other gays can’t be bothered…..🫢
以我的经验来看, Andrew是大黑洞。 我会避而远之。 别喷我,纯属个人看法。 😅
i see chemical between andrew and carson, one extro and one introvert, if louis and andrew will be so boring i guess
HoHo 好噁心。事先沒爭取,事後又提出抗議。爛人。
cant stand Andrew OMG
@louisng4705 Louis and Andrew is very suitable together. Hope Louis never give up. Love is fair, if you very love him, please try to do it and never give up. I think you can success. Louis and Andrew 要在一起啊。🙏🙏🙏