She is the feminist prophet in the wilderness and I hope the next generation of feminists realise her worth after this generation of narcissistic entitled little madams has failed.
I wonder how interesting he thinks Camille's thoughts are about Nambla and "boy love". She thinks it's perfectly fine. Funny how she has become the "conservative's feminist."
I don't understand Cowen's facination with Paglia. I mean, sure, she is better than other feminsts, but this is not saying a lot. And she spends so much time talking about Madonna, Rihanna and Beyoncé, none which I would call particularly talented, or her love of Jordan Peterson. (Ironically, as I find her less annoying than Peterson.) All in all, she is just ok at best. (I swear, I once read her talking about how Snopp Dog 'coined' the term 'bootylicious', it was so eye rolling.)
She is the feminist prophet in the wilderness and I hope the next generation of feminists realise her worth after this generation of narcissistic entitled little madams has failed.
They won't.
The next generation? Bah...its over.
she and her books will survive when all the other rotten apples, (or shall I say rotten pussies) will be long since forgotten;
Man, I love Tyler.
Paglia blows my mind more than any other modern intellectual.
she blows a few other things on me as well, even though I know she's not into guys;
When is her book on „Early history of Indians“ coming out?
She has been talking about it for atleast 3 years now
It took her 20 years to finish Sexual Personae so who knows;
Anyone know from which artist and in which style his paintings are?
Really beautiful paintings, maybe african?
Yes! Thank you Tyler! You expressed exactly what I feel about her as well!
Funnily enough Camille is the godmother of modern conservatism. Every clever, conservative writer is influenced by her ideas. She's terrific.
I wonder how interesting he thinks Camille's thoughts are about Nambla and "boy love". She thinks it's perfectly fine. Funny how she has become the "conservative's feminist."
I don't understand Cowen's facination with Paglia. I mean, sure, she is better than other feminsts, but this is not saying a lot. And she spends so much time talking about Madonna, Rihanna and Beyoncé, none which I would call particularly talented, or her love of Jordan Peterson. (Ironically, as I find her less annoying than Peterson.) All in all, she is just ok at best. (I swear, I once read her talking about how Snopp Dog 'coined' the term 'bootylicious', it was so eye rolling.)
Cults and Cosmic Consciousness: Religious Vision in the American 1960s