Did the serpent in the garden lie to the woman?

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024
  • Most assume that serpent did lie to the woman. However, if we examine the incident carefully, we will find that the serpent didn't lie, in fact, he told the complete truth. The serpent did not deceive the woman with lies, but instead deceived the woman with the truth.


  • @LiberApolion
    @LiberApolion 11 років тому +5

    It makes sense. After all, Jesus is tempted by Satan with the Scripture (not with lie), but with a truth out of context. I would love to learn more about your explanation. It's still not to clear to me (the language). Also, the idea of Knowledge is very important here since later it will imply sex.

  • @joyceobeys6818
    @joyceobeys6818 5 років тому +5

    “Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you.”
    ‭‭Leviticus‬ ‭11:8‬ ‭
    2Corinthians 6:17 Do Not TOUCH the unclean thing and ....
    YaH always said anything unclean is not to be touched. She knew you didn’t touch it.
    She was deceived and this is why she is to be protected by a man and not independent of a man. Her dad, uncle, cousin, brother, son, husband or kinsman....etc is her overseer. She is representation of the Set Apart Spirit and the Man is the representation of the Messiah...they work together for their kingdom/THE KINGDOM.

  • @aviorbenisrael522
    @aviorbenisrael522 2 роки тому +1

    The reason this is לא טוב is the definition of Death here; which was/is the crux of the situation. The 1st death, which יהוה referenced, was/is Adam's relationship to יהוה (Death). The deception was guiding Adam to only consider his physical death as Death which wouldn't be immediate. Of a surety Adam died a spiritual (knowledge-base) death in that day -- immediately.
    Grasp that point; therefrom Adam was indeed deceived with the truth, "because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily therefore the hearts of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."

  • @tomidomusic
    @tomidomusic 6 років тому +4

    In Genesis 3:4 the disqualifying word "not" is introduced making the serpent a liar (Mot Tamut vs. Lo mot Temutun). They are not only the words "surely" and "must". Half truths can lead to truth or lies. Context rules understanding. "Knowing good and evil" does not make us like God it is having the Holy Spirit to make our lives in Christ who is the living image of God. This is the work of God; period. Lo Mot Temutun introduced an element of 'doubt' knowingly hence the deception.

  • @auh2o148
    @auh2o148 6 років тому +16

    The arguments I've read on this thread and even the lesson itself, are largely irrelevent. The point of not communing (eating) with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil is to not mix what we know from the world with how we worship YHWH. Besides, anyone can quote scriptures verbatim and still make it a lie because of how it's used (the spirit of the law vs the letter of the law). Using ancient Hebrew is good, but revelation from the Spirit trumps it, because the ancient Israelites didn't have translation errors - they spoke the language, but they still missed the meaning! Although we were created with super knowledge, we were also made very innocent, naive even - like sheep going to slaughter or doves. The world sees that innocence as a vulnerabilty, weak and stupid; but in the eyes of YHWH, nothing else will do for presenting ourselves as a living sacrifice. Without exception, religions have eaten the forbidden fruit and tried to bring it home to Father; in other words, we've been out there with our mouths on hookers, then want to come home and kiss our wives and children with those same lips. Christianity is the worst (the Devil's biggest trick). ALL religions claim to have the right way, and they all pick their own way of mixing what the Bible says to do and what's convenient for them or their church to do. The only thing they all agree on is 'Do it OUR way, or perish,' in every sense of the phrase. The Word of YHWH calls for repentance, obedience, and love, not religion! The altar must be made from whole stones, not hewn ones; when you put your own work on it, you defile it.

    • @pby1000
      @pby1000 4 роки тому +1

      Au H2O Why do you worship YHWH? Why don’t you worship the Elohim of Genesis 1:26 instead?

  • @tonyvaughn2947
    @tonyvaughn2947 5 років тому +8

    Deception has elements of truth to it but it leads to a false conclusion. God receives no glory for this. The best counterfeit is deceptive and worthless. No matter how good it looks.

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 4 роки тому

      I wonder if you see the slight of hand that Jeff Brenner the author of this video has by avoiding the real issue here as the God said you will die on that very day
      God lied actually who wrote it lied

    • @K1NGofAssyria
      @K1NGofAssyria 4 роки тому +1

      @@lutkedog1 "with dying on that very day" is GOD's time frame meant. 1 day for GOD is like thousand years for humans.
      Psalms 90:4
      “For a thousand years in THY sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.”
      2 Peter 3:8
      "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with THE LORD as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."
      Every human being has aged less than 1000 years with the exception of Enoch, who got raptured from this world.

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 4 роки тому

      In that very day is correct, a thousand years is not.

    • @angellizarraga4170
      @angellizarraga4170 3 роки тому +1

      simple and direct, you're shooting on the target when you say God receive no glory... for me, that's the point, the anti Crist is doing same things, He give revelations to humankind but the almighty God is not receiving glory...

    • @ItIsWritten777
      @ItIsWritten777 2 роки тому

      @@lutkedog1 they did die that day, just Spiritually… Thus, the WHOLE reason Christ came to redeem us. Our struggle isn’t with flesh and bone, but principalities, powers, against rulers of the darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12

  • @avoice77
    @avoice77 13 років тому +2

    @ancienthebreworg - At approx. 4:28 in the clip you stated that "God is saying if you eat of the fruit you will die, sometime at some point".
    Could your interpretation of what God said also be translated as "if you eat of the fruit you will be on the PATH to death, therefore you will die at some point if you stay on that path"
    I'm asking because you had explained in your teachings on Hebrew thought the significance of staying on the "path" and going (migrating) in the right "direction".

  • @ethanfields1444
    @ethanfields1444 10 років тому +23

    God said if they ate the fruit they'd die
    The serpent said they would not die as a result of eating the fruit.
    :I seems pretty straightforward

    • @SuperSlimshadie
      @SuperSlimshadie 6 років тому +5

      @Nathanael Inman god lied, pretty straight forward

    • @ibleedpurple52
      @ibleedpurple52 5 років тому +2

      @@SuperSlimshadie I thought the same thing until it was explained to me that God meant they would bring death if they have never eaten from the tree of knowledge they could have lived forever eating from the tree of life therefore the death God was speaking of was from the state of paradise in which they died from thus realizing there nakedness if that makes any sense to you not sure if I word it rite

    • @SuperSlimshadie
      @SuperSlimshadie 5 років тому

      @@ibleedpurple52 god in the torah bible and koran is still an evil little shit

    • @P.H.888
      @P.H.888 5 років тому +4

      SuperSlimshadie no that would be the dull ignorant creatures that disobey Him! The Eternal Creator Almighty Loving Father!
      Jesus Christ is Lord ✝️

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 4 роки тому

      I gave you a thumbs down you dull ignorant creature.

  • @josephaney
    @josephaney 6 років тому +2

    Jesus told me this concept a long time ago. The deception was a half truth. Eve was thinking, like it was pointed out here, that if she ate the fruit, she would immediately die. Her thinking was false, and the devil, disguised as a serpent, took advantage of it, knowing that she would not die immediately even though she would die eventually. Now the bigger question is; What was it about the fruit that caused death? There are other dimensions of light besides this one, and some are physical. This dimension is the lowest dimension of physical existence. The highest dimension is where God lives. We call that dimension heaven. There is another dimension near to this dimension and that is where Adam and Eve living. This dimension we live in, is mortal. The higher dimension is immortal. The fruits of the garden were not contaminated. Somehow, there was a tree from the this lower dimension whose branches poked up into the higher dimension, whose fruits were contaminated and by eating of the fruit, (As the saying goes, "You are what you eat.") the contamination of the fruit went into their bodies and the elements of death flowed through their veins, causing a disharmony with the environment they were in and they fell from the higher level to the lower level. This is what is meant by "the fall of Adam". Jesus is the tree of life. In order to reverse the effects of Mortality in their bodies, (and our bodies) they would have to wait for Jesus to die and be resurrected. A time was given for Adam and Eve to repent and reconnect with God, and to be purified before returning to their garden home.The bad thing about the fall was death and the suffering that goes along with dying. The good of the fall was that through Jesus Christ, they would not just return to their garden home, but could be elevated to the highest dimension where God lives.Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. The only way to the highest dimension is through Jesus Christ.

  • @smartrecords4881
    @smartrecords4881 5 років тому +5

    The serpent used the truth to deceive Eve, wow, that's some kind of Deception.

  • @kvtassel
    @kvtassel 2 роки тому +2

    HOW do you combine the two? One says you'll die for sure later on years later. The other says you're dead before the day is over. So you combine the two. How???

  • @canadianbacon007
    @canadianbacon007 13 років тому +5

    It's a "good" thing the woman's name wasn't Shirley.

  • @YAHdozinda
    @YAHdozinda 8 років тому +1

    GOD is Spirit...they did die spiritually, first death...Jesus said, "you will die, if you don't believe that I Am...."second death!...Time to rise up out of sleep ...

  • @Ogram1000
    @Ogram1000 12 років тому +3

    @MrZetterlund777 I have a theory.Yes remember their eyes were "opened"
    NOW bare with me.IT wasn't necessarily that they would naked. They would not of even understood nakedness.IT was that they LOST their 'right standing" with GOD. They became un-righteous. HENCE needed to hide/be covered. God in His Glory could not be around sin. flash forward to Abram HE "believe" GOD and that was counted to him as righteousnessIn right standing with God.I'm still researching this. hope this helps a little

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 4 роки тому

      They would never understand a god telling them they would DIE ON THAT DAY when they died when adam died 630 years later.

  • @Bhope07
    @Bhope07 6 років тому +2

    What about this text in John doesn’t that show that the devil has been a liar from the beginning?
    John 8:44
    44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

    • @stateofatlanteus7847
      @stateofatlanteus7847 5 років тому +1

      BHope UA-cam were finally figuring out who the devil is

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 4 роки тому

      God is the father of lies he said they would die on that day they ate

    • @defendingtheway3008
      @defendingtheway3008 4 роки тому

      @@lutkedog1 this verse was a prohphecy of Sha'ul or Saul (the "Apostle" Paul) who "was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies"
      You belong to your father, the devil (Cains seed, the serpent literal seed, the Pharisees who murdered the Prophets including the actual 12 Apostles), and you want to carry out your father’s desires (Paul just distracted and deceived all the "churches" for the last 2000 years with his Grace and Faith plus nothing philosophy, completely hiding everything the Father actually wanted us to do) . .
      Watch my vids on my channel to see what i mean

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 4 роки тому

      I could not agree with you any more about Paul but the Bible is erroneous Cover to Cover

  • @mariusmihai918
    @mariusmihai918 5 років тому +1

    First there is a description of the garden of Eden. There are many trees in the garden + the tree of knowledge of good and evil + the TREE of LIFE. God saId you may eat from all trees but not from the tree of Knowledge of good and evil because the day you eat you will surely die. Please note that God did not forbid to eat from the TREE OF LIFE. It means that Adam could eat anytime from this tree of LIFE. After they eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God ordered the heruvims to protect the TREE OF LIFE so that Adam cannot eat anymore from it and thus he became mortal. God told the truth and what he said it happened. Serpent lied as he said that man would not die. Moreover he knew that he was lying and deceiving Eve because he knew God will be just and will prohibit man to eat from the tree of LIFE. Therefore man lost imortality and could recover it only through repentance and trust in our Lord Jesus who paid our debts on the cross. He said "I am the Way, the Truth and the LIFE, who ever trust in Me shall have everlasting LIFE". Have a good day and God bless you.

    • @toosiyabrandt8676
      @toosiyabrandt8676 5 років тому

      You got it !!! Amen and Halleluya. Shalom to us only in Christ Yeshua.

  • @Liminalplace1
    @Liminalplace1 12 років тому +2

    Sorry, I fail to see your point with the translation difference, "You will surely die" as opposed to "You will die" (and I think most people would agree). The addition of "surely" just makes it more certain, without meaning "at some point". Perhaps the Hebrew indicates more but your explanation just doesn't make that case -sorry

  • @MaryCasey1100
    @MaryCasey1100 4 роки тому +1

    The serpent didn't lie because Eve's Spirit would have discerned a lie.
    So, the serpent had to trick Eve into eating the fruit and did so by getting her to use her 5 senses rather than her faith in God’s Word.
    Eve used her 5 senses: sight, taste, smell, touch and hearing as sensory input to judge the fruit.
    Hearing [the serpent]; [she saw] sight; [that it was "good" for food] taste, smell; [so she stretched out her hand] touch; and ate it. She used her 5 senses [her mind] to make the decision.
    Eve "walked by sight and not by faith"...and we've been doing it ever since.
    To Eve, it was simply about the fruit and whether it was good for food; and good to make one wise. After all, the fruit of the Tree of Life made one live, so no big deal about a fruit that would make one wise.
    Eve "judged" the fruit and thus brought us under the rule of our 5 senses....or the mind.....our sight.....our own thinking.
    At this point, I've lost most of you, so will end…but consider it.

  • @jahforce7
    @jahforce7 13 років тому +2

    Is it possible that more happened in the Garden than the 'eating' of a fruit? Perhaps, the partaking of a fruit represented something more? It has occurred to me that the subsequent geneologies of both Adam and Cain have some uncanny similarities. Perhaps, the Adversary (knowing the the Christ Messiah would eventually come as a result of Adam's bloodline) may have sought to corrupt the same bloodline? Please comment, eleborate and perhaps demonstrate in a video. BTW, I agree with your work.

  • @tuomasmattila283
    @tuomasmattila283 18 днів тому +1

    Just like snake didint lie/decieve so didint Judas..both did what was post to happend! Only one who lied was God/Elohim the Demigod

  • @SimplyJaneTribe
    @SimplyJaneTribe 20 днів тому +1

    He did not deceive the woman, he simply told the truth. Deceiving is not telling the truth or hiding the truth or, tell a lie in place of the truth. Telling the truth is not deceiving. So at the end who deceived who? "god" deceived the woman with lie to hide the truth that she would be like a god.

  • @dalenorman4018
    @dalenorman4018 8 років тому +39

    We get the impression that the serpent wants Adam and Eve to be full of knowledge and that God doesn't want them to be. Now the thing that people don't understand is that Adam and were Eve were already full of knowledge even from the very moment of creation, but the knowledge that the serpent wants them to know is good and EVIL. Now because of God's love he gave them the free choice to choose good and evil by putting the tree of knowledge in the garden. So the only way sin can come into the world was through Adam and Eve's decision to eat from the tree of knowledge. The world was perfect place and God warned them not to eat of it. A lot of people say that they were disobedient because God commanded them not to eat from it however, I prefer to think of it it terms of a choice. God had gave them plenty and plenty of warning of what gaining the knowledge of evil would to do to them and the world. God says his creation was "very good" and if you want it to continue that way do not eat off the tree. Because of pride Adam and Eve listened to the serpent. Adam and Eve didn't die on the spot as the serpent stated but what the serpent didn't tell them is what having this knowledge would do to the world. All the serpent said was "you be like gods, knowing good and evil"; he didn't tell them what evil would do to the world. God said humankind must not live forever because of what they will do to the world. And what a lot of people don't understand is that it is God who makes them die because of their choice of choosing sin. God tells them if you want this world to be sinless do not eat off the tree but the serpent who wants death and destruction trucks them into it. A trick is a lie! Remember Genesis says the serpent was more cunning than any other animal so no wonder people can't see his lie within the text.
    So to summarize: God was telling the truth because when he said "you will die" because God was the very one who cursed the earth because he has to deal with sin. So the serpent thought he could re-interpret God's message and so in that case the serpent lied. Secondly, the serpent didn't tell Adam and Eve what having the knowledge of evil would do to the world he wanted told what they would gain. Not speaking the whole truth is a lie!

    • @ScottyShook
      @ScottyShook 7 років тому +7

      Have you even read those verse. I mean come on elaborate much. The serpent says, you won't die, your eyes will be opened and you will be like the gods knowing good and evil. Then they don't die, their eyes are opened and Yahweh himself says now they have become like one of us knowing good and evil. That's it. Everything else you are saying is bullshit you made up. Fake. I beg you to prove me wrong. Maybe you should actually read Genesis 3 instead of regurgitating old info you heard in bible study or some shit.

    • @francesrude3007
      @francesrude3007 7 років тому +1

      Dale Norman, yes and AMEN.

    • @birkit1133
      @birkit1133 6 років тому

      Dale Norman
      How do you know that they were already full of knowledge? What kind of knowledge were they full of?

    • @birkit1133
      @birkit1133 6 років тому

      Dale Norman
      Do you think that the Serpent was more cunning than mankind?

    • @dalenorman4018
      @dalenorman4018 6 років тому +5

      Yes. Matthew 10:16 New International Version (NIV) says: “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.''
      Snakes were symbolic figures of knowledge in the Middle Eastern ancient cultures of and many cultures took them on as gods. Thus its the perfect symbol for the devil to manifest as. The world was made sinless and the devil had rebelled against God before humans sinned. So yes, the Serpent was more cunning than mankind.

  • @WecanWinJesse
    @WecanWinJesse 12 років тому +1

    deceive her with the truth?Smh satan deceived eve by telling her she will not surely die When the Creator said she will surely die in that day. satan used a truth that she will able to know good and evil but lied on the latter.. That how some people are today tell some truth to bait you and mix it with more lies Serpent... They surely died in that day read 2peter 3:8,Genesis 5:1-5... Gods day is different from man..

  • @dinah231
    @dinah231 13 років тому +1

    @dinah231 It begs the question,why are most bible translators hiding the identity of the real serpent in the garden? likewise why are they hiding the name of the God of israel,the author of the holy scriptures.?.
    Ex;15 This is what you are to say to the sons of israel.Jehovah the God of your forefathers,the .God of Abraham,the God Isaac.the God .of Jacob,has sent me to you,this is my name ,.to time indefinate,and this is the memorial of me to generation after generation. Notice forever.

  • @mindy1230
    @mindy1230 Рік тому +2

    Before I saw this video, weeks ago I actually questioned a preacher about this, noticing that as the serpent had said, Eve's eyes were opened. *comprehension was working here, but the preacher said no he lied. I asked where the lie was? He twisted her words but didn't actually lie, he questioned God's truth. Incidentally, how were they to be fruitful before sin yet didn't know they were naked? This has riddles!

    • @Ciprian-IonutPanait
      @Ciprian-IonutPanait 5 місяців тому +1

      First off the lie is You shall not die. Second The tree of knowledge is better translated as the tree of experiencing good and evil. They have only experienced good until then. But after evil thoughts flooded their mind. A child looks at a naked person but has no sexual thoughts for instance.

  • @IronCypher
    @IronCypher 5 років тому +2

    Who let the shiny one in the garden in the first place. And would any of us exist if none of this took place.

  • @yoonpender5661
    @yoonpender5661 7 років тому +3

    "woman" also added the word, "touch" which HaShem Didn't Say. That puzzled me why she did.

    • @birkit1133
      @birkit1133 6 років тому +1

      Yoon Pender
      It only says what he said to Adam. She probably got her own warning from the Elohim, too. He might have told her not to touch it. Ever think of that?

    • @miamidade167
      @miamidade167 5 років тому

      Bir kit, please Do not add to the word of God I quote you"he might have told her not to touch it" really, not so, she's a woman and she adding more to what she was told by God, we all see the pattern in today society. Tell a woman someting a she add more words to the message from the way you responded to (Yoon Pender) you gotta be a woman, I felt your frustration. I dont think (Yoon Pender) meant any harm

  • @lunausafer2337
    @lunausafer2337 6 років тому +7

    The main theme is disobedience and not merely word selection. She simply cross the line and God punishes them. Free will is not a simple matter. Thank God for a savior in Yeshua!

  • @Kephah62
    @Kephah62 11 років тому +2

    I believe there is a contradiction in your last statement, for you write first that God said "you will surely die" and then you say that "God did not say you will sure die". What God did not say was "you must die" that was the statement of the woman.

  • @amazinggrace5692
    @amazinggrace5692 2 роки тому +3

    If they don’t know what evil is, how can they anticipate what a sin is and what it will do? Not expecting any answers, just putting food for thought.

      @AFRoSHEENT3ARCMICHAEL69 2 роки тому

      Do you know what Apple's logo represents? Just also some food for thought.

    • @amazinggrace5692
      @amazinggrace5692 2 роки тому

      @@AFRoSHEENT3ARCMICHAEL69 No, but I’ll check it out.

    • @forthewin369
      @forthewin369 Рік тому

      If you eat of this fruit, you will be like me and know what a "tactical air operations module" is.... do you know what that is? Of course not, but hey if you bite this apple you can join our club. Claiming secret knowledge, knowledge of enlightenment, that's pretty typical line from cults.

  • @jasonward6146
    @jasonward6146 4 роки тому +1

    Wrong, God said "In that day you will surly die, but they did not die that day they lived over 900 years, so God lied not Satan. Too bad they didn't immediately eat from the tree of life afterwords

  • @michelleglashower2058
    @michelleglashower2058 5 років тому +7

    I disagree with you here. Remember, it's possible to lie using only the truth, but Satan didn't tell Eve the COMPLETE truth. In modern times, Satan would be said to have withheld pertinent information, necessary for making a good decision. Doing so is lying, no matter how much truth has been used. Withholding any truth also turns a statement into a lie. Satan omitted quite a bit, did he not?

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 4 роки тому +1

      God said on the day you eat of the fruit you will die and they did not die on that day.

    • @shalamarfairweather3018
      @shalamarfairweather3018 2 роки тому +1

      @@lutkedog1 Because the death was a spiritual death, which leads to physical death. Man was created to live forever in both body and soul. Death will be defeated on the last day of this creation when The Creator burns it all up and bring down the New Jerusalem.
      "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death."
      "Then death and hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire."

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 2 роки тому

      The time came and went none of it happened.

    • @shalamarfairweather3018
      @shalamarfairweather3018 2 роки тому +1

      @@lutkedog1 What time "came and went?" What are you speaking of?

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 2 роки тому

      Mark 13:26
      At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
      Matthew 16:28
      Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom."
      Luke 9:27
      But I tell you truthfully, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God."
      They are all dead Pauls jesus is a fake.

  • @ancienthebreworg
    @ancienthebreworg  13 років тому +2

    @MrZetterlund777 That is a theology that is taught in the churches but doesn't have any textual evidence to support it. As far as alienation from God, evidently not as right after they eat from the fruit they are talking with God.

    • @toosiyabrandt8676
      @toosiyabrandt8676 5 років тому

      HE, God was talking to THEM, to sort out their dilema! All THEY could do from then on was blame eachother and the serpent! 'SHE done it! NO GOD done it, because HE created the woman for me and then SHE done it! ' NO! I'm innocent,The serpent done it! And HERE WE ALL ARE!!! Thank God/ YHWH for Christ Yeshua the Redeemer!

  • @lindarobb3868
    @lindarobb3868 9 років тому +1

    +Calvin Snow In that day you will surely die, and in that day, they did surely die. In the bible, a day is as a thousand years and the died in that day!

  • @teachallmen
    @teachallmen 11 років тому +1

    I thinking that "knowing" is practicing both good and evil. Sin causes death and the wages of sin is death, Rom. 6:23. God loves us and gives us free will but we are sinful in nature, in which there is no rest from, except through Christ our Lord. We are God's children and he provides a way out of sin for us because of this great love for us. His love is extended to us through Christ. Therefore, Christ is the only way to the Father and his holiness. God bless

  • @P.H.888
    @P.H.888 5 років тому +4

    Genesis = Beginnings, The scene is set, Elohim Yehovah The Eternal Creator makes everything through His Word.
    Just like The book of Job, the story unfolds, likewise later on more details are given about who “the serpent” ( shining one) is. The Hebrew Scriptures are God’s given written account for humanity to be taught so that we can have fellowship with Him, The Eternal Creator Our Heavenly Father Through His Son’s Sacrificial death ✝️ we can Be Born Again by His Holy Spirit 🕊
    Death = Separation
    Life is Connection
    Choose Life and connect with Your Heavenly Father in Spirit & in Truth by Jesus Blood Amen 🙏🏼

  • @classicnosh
    @classicnosh 6 років тому +1

    While I did enjoy your presentation, I do disagree with your interpretation because of the following reasons: (1) Eve (Chava) was not there for the original edict. So when God said _mot tamut_ it was in the second person masculine singular. (2) When Eve told the serpent _temutun_ the text is referring to both Adam and Eve (Chava) since it's in the second person plural. The only difference was her emendation, perhaps due to Adam adding some degree of protocol _welo tiggeu bo_ (and you shall not touch it) (3) When the serpent (Nachash) retorted with: _lo mot temutun_ (again, it's merely in the plural when God merely used the singular) - Evidence is found in the KJV since our modern form of English lacks such a distinction of "you" singular from "you" plural. (4) And this is the most important reason, Jesus himself calls Nachash a liar, referring to Genesis as "The Beginning" (Beresit) - Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh not of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. (The Gospel of St. John 8:44)

    • @ancienthebreworg
      @ancienthebreworg  6 років тому

      Thank you very much for your interpretation of this passage, very well presented.

  • @TheGodlyLife
    @TheGodlyLife 7 років тому +1

    There’s a word for this way of using truthful facts to deceive: "paltering"
    Example “After advertising this position widely, we received over 100 résumés. My assistant narrowed these down to a shortlist of 10, each of whom has excellent credentials, skills, and experience.” These statements may all be true, but they convey the false impression that other qualified candidates could fill the position when, in fact, this is not the case.
    So to think that one cannot lie by using the truth (or facts) is juvenile at best.

  • @AvnerRosenstein-ULTRA-LXV
    @AvnerRosenstein-ULTRA-LXV 4 роки тому +2

    I really sincerely like your explanation here. I as a Jew have only one objection. Adam and Chava were immortal prior to eating from the Tree of Knowledge because they were freely eating from the Tree of Life. In Jewish understanding....HaShem stated that they cannot eat from the Tree of Knowledge. This implies that the Tree of Life was free game and openly eaten. The only reason death came into our existence is because now that we know Good and Evil, we cannot live forever and basically be worshiped as HaShem so he put a stop to us eating from the Tree of Life....as HaShem point blank states at the end of chapter 3. Had Adam and Chava stopped eating from the Tree of Life before eating from the Tree of Knowledge...we would've died anyway.

  • @robertmitchell8728
    @robertmitchell8728 Рік тому +1

    Must = required, not now???

  • @violetblye3006
    @violetblye3006 6 років тому +3

    Interesting distinction between 'drop dead' and ''die eventually'.

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 4 роки тому

      On that very day

    • @PhrontDoor
      @PhrontDoor 7 місяців тому

      perfect stated. The text explicitly indicates that god said they'd die THAT day. Only liar in the story was god.

    @MBOFOYH 2 роки тому

    Who is the serpent? Revelation 20:2 And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,
    A liar from the beginning? John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
    Only a murderer from the beginning and not a liar? No, he abode not in the truth, so how could he not have been a liar from the beginning? I don't see how the serpent's statement didn't falsify the truth, even if the serpent put two different words together from two different previous statements? It seems like the statement was a lie.

  • @deeveevideos
    @deeveevideos 2 роки тому +1

    Jesus is the serpent. The one that freed Adam and Eve. Then came again as a human and showed the truth of God and freed us from the law. Christ means truth and comes in many forms. We are to live in truth that is all. When you do that you will love God and your neighbor as yourself.

    • @NotChinmayi
      @NotChinmayi 2 роки тому

      Nope shut the fuck up Jesus is God not the serpent serpent is representing an evil one

    • @forthewin369
      @forthewin369 Рік тому


  • @jerseydeviljohnnyfeds9347
    @jerseydeviljohnnyfeds9347 6 років тому +1

    Yhwh is the demiurge

  • @soilmanted
    @soilmanted 5 років тому +2

    I understood most of the other videos i've seen by Jeff A. Benner but I could not make any sense out of this one.

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 4 роки тому +1

      Because he is side stepping

    • @darrell0517xx
      @darrell0517xx 4 роки тому +1

      The serpent didn't lie to Eve but told her the truth. That truth costs humanity the right to immortal life which is why we struggle to this day, if you believe in the Biblical story that is. So we struggle with the knowledge of Good and Evil, or Morality the missing element of our soul, to regain immortality through whatever religious sect you believe in.

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 4 роки тому

      @@darrell0517xx God did lie

    • @christopherdeem8376
      @christopherdeem8376 4 роки тому

      In the same way God, desiring even more to show to the heirs of the promise the unchangeableness of His purpose, interposed with an oath,
      18 so that by two unchangeable things in which IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE, ➡️we who have taken refuge⬅️ would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us.
      19 This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil,
      20 where YESHUA/Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.
      Die = seeing oneself separated from God
      What did Eve desire? @ YESHUA’S temptations, Satan did not show up until YESHUA became hungry (Matthew 4:2).
      Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.
      Eve did not acknowledge God first.
      Psalms 34:12 Who is the man who DESIRES LIFE And loves length of days THAT HE MAY SEE GOOD?
      Psalms 34:13 Keep your tongue from evil And your lips from speaking deceit.
      Psalms 34:14 Depart from evil and do good; Seek peace and pursue it.

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 4 роки тому

      Really what the hell are you talking about ?

  • @jdgdd2ad
    @jdgdd2ad 11 років тому +4

    God didn't lie....He's letting Adam know in the day he eat the fruit will be the day his body will start the dying process. For us today the dying process starts as soon as we're born, but for Adam his dying process started when he eat the fruit.

  • @TakeRefugeInYeshua
    @TakeRefugeInYeshua Місяць тому

    Genesis 1:29 And ELOHIM said, “I have just given you every green plant yielding seed that is on the surface of the whole land, and every tree, which has the fruit of a tree yielding seed. They are to be food for you. (Notice Elohim said every tree is good for food for you.)
    Did Elohim change? Doesn't the Bible say that Elohim doesn't change?
    Now read this:
    Genesis 2:4 First time YHWH Elohim is introduced. Creation story changes.
    Genesis 2:17 But of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil you must not eat. For when you eat from it, you most assuredly will die! (YHWH Elohim speaking.)
    YHWH is the adversary who masquerades as an angel of light. YHWH is the one who lied and how sin entered into the world.
    You are right. The serpent didn't lie. Then notice in Revelation 22:2 down the middle of the city’s street. On either side of the river was a tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
    We will be restored to the TREE OF LIFE just like the serpent initially tried to help Adam and Eve.

  • @jdgdd2ad
    @jdgdd2ad 11 років тому +1

    The video explains what Gen 2:17 says in the Hebrew. When god said that in verse 17 he was talking about death at some point, and not an immediate death. Did you watch the video?

  • @betawithbrett7068
    @betawithbrett7068 Рік тому

    3:20 ...but these Hebrew codices are 10th and 11th centuries.
    Codex Vaticanus (4th century AD) LXX Septuagint reads like KJV rendered it.
    οὐ θανάτῳ ἀποθανεῖσθε. Genesis 3:4
    By death y'all will not die.
    As you yourself has said, sometimes the LXX reveals an earlier Hebrew reading that changed later. I have read the KJV translators sometimes consulted the LXX.
    Thoughts? I appreciate your channel!!!

  • @whatarefriends4
    @whatarefriends4 7 днів тому

    Serpent told the truth. God didn’t say they couldn’t eat from it Yahweh said that. They did not die and their eyes were opened. They only died as the result of Yahweh cursing them and cutting them off from the tree of life. It isn’t obvious in translation what entity we are talking about when it says God as he touches on here but still we can’t seem to get over the serpent being deceptive when it is not clear and people impose what they are convinced it means on the text and the text you have is a translation cherishing your infallible scripture is inaccurate because it just says God and Lord. Meanwhile you don’t see it’s Yahweh the vindictive tyrant that inherited the Israelites

  • @sonofyahweh8
    @sonofyahweh8 7 років тому

    Eve added to Yahweh's WORD and changed Yahweh's WORD and LIED to Satan.
    Satan heard Eves LIE and told Eve the PERFECT truth.
    Eve rejected the PERFECT truth from Satan and this caused Eve to sin.
    Satan to this very day has NOT SINNED.
    The scripture says Satan will sin at the beginning of the time of the end. Dan. 12: 4 and 9.
    The reason Satan sins his first and ONLY sin is when Yahweh births His 144,000 literal genetic Sons on the earth. Rev. 12: 1-5.
    Rev. 14; 1: 5. These are the IMAGE of Yahweh GLORIFIED for all the world to see. Born again SONS.
    This causes Satan to sin his first and ONLY sin and then the WAR in heaven commences. Rev. 12: 7.
    These SONS will do greater things than Yahshua did. John 14: 12.
    John 20: 26.
    Rom. 8: 19. These SONS will be revealed SOON.
    These SONS will have creation power like Yahshua did.
    These 144,000 IMAGES of Yahweh will restore all lost arms and legs and all lost body parts both internal and external.
    There are NO Christians , JEWS or sinners in Yahweh's born again ANOINTED ONES. 1 Peter 4: 1.
    The Christians will HATE Yahweh's born again ANOINTED ONES.
    The Christians will persecute Yahweh's born again ANOINTED ONES for 42 months. Rev. 13: 1- 5.
    2,000 years ago Yahweh sent ONE of His SONS to preach the gospel of the coming kingdom.
    Satan could not defeat ONE Son of Yahweh.
    When Satan see's 144,000 literal genetic SONS of Yahweh he will sin his first and ONLY sin.
    Then the WAR in heaven will commence.
    YOU will SEE the LIGHT show in the heavens.
    I, The SON of Yahweh tell you these things to come so when they come to pass you will KNOW I told you so beforehand.
    May Yahweh give you all the understanding He KNOWS you need to stand before His literal genetic SON Yahshua in all HOLINESS on that great day of Yahweh Almighty GLORIFIED for all the world to SEE.
    1 John 2: 6.
    Heb. 12: 14.
    Bless you

  • @sonofyahweh8
    @sonofyahweh8 7 років тому

    Nowhere in the scripture does it say satan has sinned. EVIL men say so. Satan is the father of LIARS. Nowhere in the scripture has Satan lied. Satan is the father of murderers. Satan has never murdered anyone. The serpent in Genesis was NOT a snake. The serpent was in the tree BECAUSE the serpent had WINGS. The serpent was a flying reptile. Yahweh removed the serpents WINGS and he walked in the dust of the earth. Yahweh removed ONLY the serpent who sinned of his WINGS. Satan told the perfect truth in Genesis 3. Eve added to and changed Yahweh's WORD and LIED to satan. Satan heard Eve's LIE and tried to correct Eve by telling Eve the PERFECT truth. Eve rejected the PERFECT truth from Satan and this caused Eve to SIN. IF Eve had of believed satan's perfect truth she would not have SINNED. Satan told Eve that they would not die and they did NOT die until 900 years later. Satan said: "You will not surely die : You shall become gods knowing good and evil." The is a PERFECTLY true statement. They did become gods : KNOWING GOOD and EVIL. Yahweh did NOT say if they eat the fruit they would die. Yahweh said:" In the day you eat the fruit thereof :" DYING YOU SHALL DIE." Eve changed Yahweh's WORD and said : In the day we eat the fruit we shall die. They did not die that day.Eve expected to die that day when she said: Neither shall you touch the fruit. Yahweh NEVER said they could not touch the fruit. Eve changed Yahweh's WORD. Adam and Eve were given a CHOICE whether to follow EVERY WORD from Yahweh OR practice GOOD and EVIL. Adam and Eve rejected EVERY WORD from Yahweh and chose to practice GOOD and EVIL and they became gods. The GOOD is evil also. Not from Yahweh. Adam was NOT the Image of Yahweh. Eve was NOT the Image of Yahweh. Yahweh created THE MAN from the dust of the earth. THE MAN was NOT Adam or Eve. THE MAN is mentioned 12 times BEFORE Adam and Eve were MADE. MADE: NOT created. Yahweh laid down THE MAN and REMOVED the female chromosomes in the flesh and bone from THE MAN and MADE the woman. Eve. This left the man on the ground with male chromosomes. Adam. The Image of Yahweh ceased to exist in THE MAN. THE MAN had male Y and female X chromosomes. NOW the Image of Yahweh is Adam and Eve JOINED together. In Sexual union.. THE MAN was in Yahweh's garden for 12 years BEFORE Adam and Eve were MADE. It took Yahweh and His SON Yahshua 12 years to bring Yahweh's earthly son, THE MAN to puberty. Yahweh used the naming of the animals to bring His earthly son to puberty. Adam knew this when he said when Eve was given to him: This is now Bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh. Gen. 2: 23. Adam KNEW where Eve came from. Yahweh said:" For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined together with his wife and they shall become one flesh. Adam and Eve joined together in sexual union are the IMAGE of Yahweh creating new life. My hearts desire is:" Rev. 22: 14. Rev. 21: 1- 4." These scriptures commence at the second coming. Rev. 20: 4 and 6. Rev. 5: 10. Matt. 5: 5. May Yahweh give you your hearts desire. May Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures. bless you

  • @UsernameJones
    @UsernameJones 8 років тому +8

    Basically the serpent forced a certain outcome that God was ready for but evidently didn't want, and ended up punishing the serpent and the humans for different reasons

    • @darrell0517xx
      @darrell0517xx 4 роки тому +4

      If you knew the outcome, why create the problem?

    • @lutkedog1
      @lutkedog1 4 роки тому +1

      It never really happened

  • @franciskm4144
    @franciskm4144 4 роки тому

    Never search meaning in words. The serpent is a symbol. In India it means infinite. Don't treat serpent is an objective entity outside Eve. Serpent is inside Man. Man can forget that he is a finite creature. Instead he thinks that he is infinite and God. This is the sin of all the Kings in the world. When man claims that he is God Jesus claims that he is son of Man. Serpent is inner reality of man. Out of that man claims that I am God. Forgetting God is a possibility in man. That is Amnesia. Remembering God is the way to salvation. That is Anamenesis. This is the Work of Holy Spirit. May God bless you for your service.

  •  2 роки тому

    Hi. I think God said to Adam "not eat from that tree" because humanity must obey some basic rules. Although God give to Adam the whole planet and its living ceatures, some kind of organization and rules will required. One of these rules should be "private property". God gave to Adam even "tree of life", but not the "tree of good and evil". Eve ate the fruit and past some time till tell Adam what she did and why. Serpent created doubts to Eve and she to Adam, like "what God wants from us" or "why we haven't no memories or past". In the moment when Adam and Eve were alone maybe talked about that restriction and then she tell him what serpent said her and she did. After Adam ate, "(...) the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked": WE FAIL, WE BROKE THE RULE.
    That tree was for God, not to them. Our first parents took what don't belong to them. God gave them everything, freedom and liberty, but with one condition: obey the rules. Freedom has responsability and Adam and Eve didn't have it.
    So, the serpent created doubts on them to disobey God. That's no a lie. They disobey because a trick, deceiving, trap. This was the goal. "Then the Lord God said, 'behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever...' therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden...".
    If they had eaten from the tree of life, they still live today.

  • @mom4christ191
    @mom4christ191 3 роки тому

    Poor Eve.. She wasn't even created when YHWH (the LORD) gave ADAM the instructions. (Gen 2:16-17. And YHWH elohim commanded Adam, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”
    Then God says in vrs 18 "It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
    Woman (who Adam later names Eve in Gen 3:20) isn't even created until vrs 22. So she wasn't even there for instructions God gave Adam.
    And Adam stood by and let Woman (means out of man) be deceived by the Serpent and did nothing. 3:6 ..she (Woman) took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate.
    Romans 5:12. Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned-
    Romans 5:14. Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who did not sin in the way that Adam transgressed. He is a pattern of the One to come.
    Romans 5:19. For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.
    1 Cor 15:21. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man.
    1 Tim 2:13- For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.

  • @Tv-im4nz
    @Tv-im4nz 3 роки тому

    Actully in paradise in fornt of
    Yahovah Alohim ..The Satan was Transformed form Jini to Angel to Demon ..
    Now as A Demon He came to one of the dragon [ dragon also a specialized snake ] !! He Told That Snake to Take him to The living tree to Hawah ..Then Satan said through Serpent to Hawah ...the lie of all times ..then Adam and Hawah made sin ..and G-d told serpent that One day He shall be Dominated by the Messanger of G-d whom They [ humans ] know as Messiah !!
    So Adam and Hawah listen to promise of G-d and Went out of paradise!! And Adam Saw the nam of Meshiach on the Gates of Heaven !!
    And the nam started with " mem " and ended with " dalat "
    So Prophet Adam our father weeping and said " may G-d willed so !! Oo Son come for Our salvation and take out of missary !! " ...

  • @dinah231
    @dinah231 13 років тому +1

    @ancienthebreworg Jeff,im afraid your very much mistaken in your views over these verses. here,s what was really said.
    Ge2.17 .But as for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it,for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.
    .Ge3:3 But as for .[eating] of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden,God has said,You must not eat from it,no ,you must not touch it that you do not die. .

  • @edsnyder2801
    @edsnyder2801 Рік тому

    Genesis 3:14 And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me,and I did eat. Beguiled- to lead astray, seduce, deceived. Satan had fully seduced and deceived Eve in that partaking of the forbidden tree would be acceptable unto God. Satan, as an angel of light, as also the serpent in the garden, had persuaded Eve that she may partake of the forbidden tree, for God knows that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. It is not until Genesis 3:15 that God puts enmity between thee (Satan) and the woman (Eve). Enmity- as one of an opposite tribe or party, hostile, hatred. Satan, who is hostile towards God and His People Shall Come As An Angel Of Light, therefore, it is no great thing that his ministers also shall be transformed into ministers of righteousness, who's end shall be according to their works. 1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the women being deceived was in the transgression.

  • @Hkepfer
    @Hkepfer 13 років тому

    Intention(s) is the key -where is the heart?.
    Just like the Books of Bible are message -6 days; a million years is irrelevant -the message is key -particular "The Word".
    The Serpent lied by omission & intention.
    EGAD -in the Hebrew? No the Sepultgent is in Greek!

  • @stevelovesgod
    @stevelovesgod 13 років тому

    @TheYAHnitarian technically she did not lie.... break down the conversation... she said she can not(unable) to go to work because her cause was not running.. Truth was her car was turned off so it was not running. second, u ask a different question, whats wrong with the car. She told u the truth. Nothing. Whats the problem, if i need to drive, and i don't turn the car on, i can't drive... I think she is pretty smart... English, u giving her words more meaning, when she was literal.

  • @tweighttaylor4835
    @tweighttaylor4835 Рік тому

    There is an error in what you are saying. The serpent did lie about them dying. God said that if they partake of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil they would die. In Genesis 3:22, he is talking about man putting forth his hand to take ALSO of the Tree of LIFE! That's two separate trees. One tree leads to death. One tree leads to life. Because of their sin, they were cut off from the Tree of Life (Jesus/God). Prior to their sin (disobedience), they had access to that Tree Of Life.

  • @trumplostlol3007
    @trumplostlol3007 2 роки тому

    It is not about physical life. Read Gospel of Philip. It says “A pagan does not die because he has never lived.... But those who have accepted the truth begin to live. And there is a danger of dying for them because they live." "Living" is not just existence with a physical life. A walk zombie does not really live even though it is not dead physically. Zoe is living. Bios is physical life. A human can have bios even though he does have zoe. The human is nothing more than a walking, eating, sleeping zombie.

  • @ebersonjeremiah4311
    @ebersonjeremiah4311 Рік тому

    Excuse you bro. !!!! If you say the ancient Serpent did not lie, by saying this you lie in the same degree of the ancient Serpent . When Elohim as Creator, say no, and you come and say yes. What does that convey? If Elohim you created man, who has the life of manking in his hand, say i
    If you do that you will die, and the serpent say if you do that you won't die. Is this not a lie for Elohim say you will die if you do this, and Satan say no you won't. Do not yoy cal this lie bro...? Stop please. Do not you youtube to mislead people. Utilize l pou gade film pito, for you do not know you 'r talking about.
    When Satan said to Hrava she will have knowledge of good and evil if she eat the fruit, this was jot the lie the Serpent spake out, for this actually was a truth, according to verse 23. But when Satan said to Hrava : " you won't die" that was a lie for Satan kew if Hrava eat the fruit she would die. And that's why Yahushua when speaking to the rebelled Jews and scribes , in the book of Yohranan 8: 44, and said to them:
    Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
    So, if Yahshua the Savior, said that Satan did lie, how dare you say he did not lie? Are ypu greater than Yahushua the Almighty Elohe thr Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Elohe who knows all thing ? I advice you to keep your mouth shut instead of misleading blinds people to your fulishness.
    Repent my friend, for Yahushua' s blood is still powerfull to wash away your sins and your blasphemies. For by sayinh tjat the Serpent did not lie in the Garden, you just spake out blasphemies against Elohim who said the Serpent did lie

  • @PhrontDoor
    @PhrontDoor 7 місяців тому

    Short answer.. NO. Long answer - No. Thanks for showing up.
    God lied at the outset, per Genesis. Serpent, per the text, told the entire truth.
    God got mad, like a spoiled toddler being caught-out and threw a tantrum, using violence and threats.
    Per genesis, god was the least moral agent ever to see the garden of eden.

  • @ruek5643
    @ruek5643 3 роки тому

    Genesis 3:1
    (And jehova God said, behold, the man is become like one of Us, knowing good and evil)
    Firstly who was Jehova presumably speaking to? Doesn’t that suggest that there were more than one God?

  • @P.H.888
    @P.H.888 5 років тому +3

    Q. What do you call a deceiver? A liar!
    That old serpent a liar and a murderer from the beginning!
    This is the kind of BS that gets people in a mess ( very similar to the story itself)
    God is interested in The Spirit...
    The devil is in the detail 🕳 he’ll tie you up in knots
    The Letter kills!
    The Spirit gives Life!

    • @czernm20
      @czernm20 4 роки тому

      There was no serpent when Kain killed Abel.

    @AFRoSHEENT3ARCMICHAEL69 2 роки тому

    On top of mount Athos St Paul
    "If you die before you die, you won't die when you die"

  • @pamtebelman2321
    @pamtebelman2321 Рік тому +1

    This is cutting edge, thank you! You're right, the serpent actually told them the truth, but he was deceptive in doing so. I think a better word to describe what the serpent did rather than to say that he lied to them, would be that he "tempted" them to disobey God's command, which was the only real act worthy of punishment.. God never wanted Adam and Eve to know "good and evil" because they couldn't handle this knowledge, in other words, they had not been given the power, nor did they have the need to understand or to deal with evil, even though evil did already exist before the creation of Adam. Adam was kicked out of the Garden for the same reason that the devil was kicked out of heaven, because of false pride and wanting to "be like God," and since we know that no one can be God except God, I think this was man's original sin, if you will, the difference being that there is no salvation provided for the spiritual beings as there was for mankind. Power to discern and overcome evil would only be given at a time in the future when men could be filled with the Spirit of God after being given a new vessel to live in which is cleansed and made new by the blood of Jesus Christ. So, Adam's sin was not only one of rebellion, but one of self-destruction, and if God hadn't stepped in to preserve mankind through Noah, Abraham, and then, spiritually and eternally "saved" through Christ, Adam's generation would have spelled the end of mankind. Praise be to God!

    • @seekerto
      @seekerto Рік тому

      Hi Pam, Your thought here confuses me. You say the devil was kicked out of heaven because of pride. If pride is 'sin' which I believe it is, then the devil was the very first sinner, and it was he who brought sin into the world. Not only was pride a factor but also lying. Another sin? This does not sit very well with what I read in Romans 5:12 where the Apostle Paul states, "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin: so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned". How do we reconcile this fact, if the Devil was a sinner prior to Adam's misdemeanour and, was evidently responsible, based on what you say, for bringing sin into the world?

  • @junked5214
    @junked5214 4 роки тому

    I disagree. God said "for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." that is the lie. I do not like the "In the day" part of this sentence. For they did not die in the day. It is a strange quantifier for their death sentence. Why would God not just say For when you eat of it your death will eventually come, or eating of it will surely kill you. It takes only a moment to take a bite of the fruit, a second or two, so why would he say for in the day if the act only takes seconds and if they are not to die in that day.
    It is also strange to me that God would put the tree in the garden with them if he did not want them to eat of it. Plus the tree itself did not harm Adam or Eve, it is not what kills them, it is God who cuts them off from the Tree of Life that kills them. Such a bewildering scenario and a complete exercise in futility and frankly stupidity.

  • @birkit1133
    @birkit1133 6 років тому

    Why do you say that both the Adam and the woman were kicked out of the garden? I can see that only the Adam was banished.

  • @Hkepfer
    @Hkepfer 13 років тому +1

    @sbz666283 I entirely agree with you.

  • @alsoncaramel4347
    @alsoncaramel4347 Рік тому

    But in 3:22 God prevented them from eating the tree of life which he said will make them live forever, and banish them from the Garden of Eden. If he had let them just eat from the tree if Life then they would have lived forever and not die and the serpent would have been telling the truth with no deception. My next question is why did God prevent them from eating from the tree of Life so that they could live forever?
    I don’t expect ya to answer that for it doesn’t explain that in the Bible and any contempts to try and explain the reason your just speculating and guessing Hod’s reasoning which I’m not interested in but only what it says in the Bible. It’s just something that would make some people wonder.

  • @edavisdavis
    @edavisdavis 13 років тому

    the snake said this.you will not die!
    And they did ,they died ,so snakey did lie to them ,otherwise they might live forever
    had they then ate from the tree of life

  • @நக்மாசெல்
    @நக்மாசெல் 5 років тому

    Bible says serpent is more crafty among all creations of god.... Fine. Today we could see fox jackel kind of animals are crafty. We can even add cameleon and some seabed fish as crafty. What we see is snake boa etc are not that much crafty. Because of their inability to use devious methods they use venom to catch prey. .... So... Where is the serpent gone???.

  • @headachebr
    @headachebr 3 роки тому

    Cant agree here, Satan cannot speak truth (Jesus is the Truth). Jesus said about Satan, “there is NO truth in him”. John 8:44
    Be careful want to hear out there!

  • @mrot2621
    @mrot2621 3 роки тому

    They should not eat the fruit knowledge of knowing good and evil, because these universe needs unity with God his creator..now look what happen? Humans is destroying the earth…God is right it is not good for humans to leave forever if they don’t obey his law.

  • @Ciprian-IonutPanait
    @Ciprian-IonutPanait 5 місяців тому

    5:16 it is a lie. As a note my assumption is the reason the woman got what God said wrong is because the serpent probably had a longer conversation in which he suggested those changes subtle. The Bible just records the last part of a longer conversation

  • @truthseeker9070
    @truthseeker9070 4 місяці тому

    The serpent did lie, they ended die.
    "A day for Elohiym is a thousand years for a man"
    So did adam only live 970 years and died, he did not reach "a day".

  • @unapologeticallyhebrew1729
    @unapologeticallyhebrew1729 6 років тому +1

    It's obvious this guy has no understanding. This is why Gentiles have no business trying to teach the bible.

    • @ancienthebreworg
      @ancienthebreworg  6 років тому +2

      Jews do not have a monopoly on the Hebrew Bible and just because you may not agree with my interpretation it does not mean that it is wrong, it is just that it disagrees with yours :-)

    • @unapologeticallyhebrew1729
      @unapologeticallyhebrew1729 6 років тому +1

      Jeff A. Benner well let's allow the bible to speak.
      Amos 3:1-2
      1Hear this word that the Lord hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying,
      2 👉🏾You only have I known of all the families of the earth: 👈🏾therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.
      Romans 3:1-2
      1 What 👉🏾advantage then hath the Jew?👈🏾 or what profit is there of circumcision?
      2 Much every way: chiefly, because that 👉🏾unto them were committed the oracles of God.👈🏾
      So if God only knew Israel of all the families on the earth and unto them was given the answers of God then yes they do have a monopoly on the word. Israel was given a job to do and let's see what that job is.
      Exodus 19:3,6
      3 And Moses went up unto God, and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shalt thou 👉🏾say to the house of Jacob, and tell the children of Israel;👈🏾
      6 And ye shall be unto me a 👉🏾kingdom of priests, and an holy nation.👈🏾 These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel.
      So if Israel's job was to be a nation of priest and he only known them and gave them the answers of him how can any other nation teach the word of God? That's why the world is out of course. The priest are in captivity and the Gentiles tried to take over the priestly hood and they can't because they don't have the answers. That's how you get Christmas, Easter, Sun- day worship and everything else that's wrong with this modern day Roman Catholic Christianity. The problem is not the we disagree it's that you went on a 7 min rant with no scripture to back up your claims. I have scripture. It's not about what you or I believe but about what does the bible say.

    • @miamidade167
      @miamidade167 5 років тому

      @@unapologeticallyhebrew1729 And the TRUE chosen people of the MOST HIGH GOD say Amen

  • @maximhan7103
    @maximhan7103 5 років тому

    so eve choose to trust serpent, eve died, but the very serpent still exist today, and not yet died..
    so do you think we all can outsmart serpent with our own thinking, that time eve thought the same too...
    there is nothing truth can come out from the serpent, even if now the clock show you 12pm sharp, and you ask the serpent, what is the time now? and he reply you 12pm.... choose not to believe him, he is lie of all time,even he tell you some truth, really trust him not even a second, satan is the father of lies.. there is nothing truth can come out from him...listen to the satan is open door for own destruction... nothing good can come from evil. I refuse to associates anything with satan, he r removed...
    When adam and eve ate the apple, they is surely die... (for the wages of sin is death) Romans (6:23)

  • @BranBraan
    @BranBraan 5 років тому

    Awww man, this sucks. Poor Eve. This is why scripture says she was deceived.

  • @conniemack470
    @conniemack470 5 років тому +7

    Thank you for your insight, Mr. Benner. Most assume that Eve embellished the instruction, but if I understand correctly, the command was given to Adam and not directly to Eve. If that is the case then most likely, Adam passed his restriction on to her, whether it was intended for her or not. Further, he made her restriction more limiting than his so he is still superior in his own mind. There is evidence of this shown in the punishment. Adam must work for his food from then on. Eve's work is a labor of love, childbirth. Was Adam living out the צלם of his creator, rather than the אור that cast that צלם ?

  • @bahamatruthseekers
    @bahamatruthseekers 8 років тому

    They were going to die in any event, simply because they were kicked out of the garden b4 they had a chance to eat from the tree of life. But God already knew about all this b4 hand right? Hint hint.

  • @waynemiller6070
    @waynemiller6070 6 років тому

    Hold on... At 3:20 you're claiming that since the serpent said that you will NOT die that he lied.
    I believe god also said "in that day" you shall surely die. Well, they DIDN'T die in that day so who actually lied? God kicked them out of the garden but they didn't die. BTW god didn't say in that day you shall surely "spiritually" die, did he? Looks to me like the serpent told the truth right up to their eyes will be open and you will be like god as god himself later CONFIRMED. And about this tree of life... are we all to assume that they were going to live forever? Or would they have had to have eaten from the tree of life to do that? And would that have pissed off god in someway that he could then have a reason to begin the punishment that he has become famous for because of books like "Drunk With Blood"?

  • @91o7CoL
    @91o7CoL 3 місяці тому

    Honestly, it's the same thing. The 🐍 used a half truth, and a half truth is a lie

  • @CanadianLoveKnot
    @CanadianLoveKnot 5 років тому

    God never told Eve that she would die if she ate the fruit, only Adam. We are to assume that Adam relayed the message to Eve, but added, do not touch the fruit. That's why the Serpent asked if God said you must not eat from any of the trees of the Garden.

  • @andrewnwokocha
    @andrewnwokocha 7 місяців тому

    Lying and deceiving are two different things. Like satan said their eyes will be opened, and they were. Just not in the way they hoped.

  • @Arthurterre1711
    @Arthurterre1711 4 роки тому

    God says you will die. But as soon as I am dead, there is no me anymore so nobody has died. But he's right. Humans are just not experienced enough.

  • @junjun1421
    @junjun1421 4 роки тому +1

    You explained these verses like serpent with subtilty (2 cor 11:3 kjv)

  • @ritaodettisilva
    @ritaodettisilva 4 роки тому

    la mujer siempre quiere saber todo. en realidad quiere ser sabia. hay algo que no se puede saber? que será?...ansias de saber. la sabiduría cayó- entidad. representación de un ente existente. se supone femenino. reflejó lo que pasó antes de la humanidad. pero la sabiduria será restaurada.el evento mas grande después de la tau,y las bodas: la graduación en el monte del nombramiento.

  • @luiscajigas5567
    @luiscajigas5567 2 роки тому

    Chapter 3:1 it appears that He did lie to her with a question, did God say you cannot eat of every tree? need a more clear understanding if satan did mislead her with a lie.

  • @MightyMessenger777
    @MightyMessenger777 13 років тому

    I guess it would depend on meanings of death.. soul death and/or flesh; They would die in the flesh and be judged as mortals.

  • @BeingNow47
    @BeingNow47 3 роки тому

    Did the LORD God say which tree was which, in the middle of the garden? What if they ate of the Tree of Life first?

  • @seanhammer6296
    @seanhammer6296 6 років тому +2

    There are two gods in Genesis: chpt 1 "God" and chapter 2"the LORD God." "Elohim" is plural and means gods, both male and female. The lie occurs in the "in the day that you eat of it..." part. They did not surely die. The god who told them that was a despiser of humanity and the same god who would later allow the flood to wipe out humanity. That god was not the god who instructed them to build the ark.

    • @michaelau5159
      @michaelau5159 6 років тому

      Your assertion that there are 2 gods in Genesis 1 & 2 is incorrect and has no basis in Genesis itself.
      From Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 God is refered to as Elohim (GOD speaks). In Genesis 2: 4 we see God is refered to as YHWH Elohim (which basically means The LORD GOD speaks). The word El is a generic Semetic word which basically means god. It can mean any god. Elohim which is used from Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 2:3 without any other words is a personal name. YHWH simply means The LORD and is used, as far as I am aware, exclusively for Elohim from Genesis 2:4 onwards.
      The plural of god is Eloah.
      Please don't mislead people.

    • @seanhammer6296
      @seanhammer6296 6 років тому +1

      Michael AU
      Elohim is a grammatically plural noun for "gods" or "deity" in Biblical Hebrew. In Modern Hebrew, it is often referred to in the singular despite the -im ending that denotes plural masculine nouns in Hebrew.
      Elohim - Wikipedia
      Sorry for the Wiki reference. Also "El" was the Canaanite god adopted by the Hebrews and represented by the planet Saturn.

    • @seanhammer6296
      @seanhammer6296 6 років тому

      Michael AU Notice:
      "Then the Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation.You shall take with you seven each of every clean animal, a male and his female; two each of animals that are unclean, a male and his female; - Genesis 7:1-2
      Ok, The Lord says 7 sets of clean animals go in the ark.
      "And they went into the ark to Noah, two by two, of all flesh in which is the breath of life.So those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded him; and the Lord shut him in. - Genesis 7:15-16
      I'm not sure if only two of each clean animal went on as commanded by God but God gives the command and "the Lord" shuts them in. Sounds like two different people to me.
      But we also know from the original Sumerian account of the story that there were two "gods" involved. The one who wanted to destroy them was not the one who saved them. The one who saved them was the one who created them and was called "the serpent" by the one who wanted to destroy them.

    • @michaelau5159
      @michaelau5159 6 років тому

      Your theology is a bit screwy but if you're happy to communicate then I'll keep going.
      In the context of Genesis 1 Elohim is GOD the same GOD as is refered to as The LORD GOD in Genesis 2:4. The word Elohim can be, and is, used in the context of judges in other parts of the Bible. So is there a GOD and a judge in Genesis 1 & 2? No there isn't. There is God (Elohim) who is later referred to as YHWH Elohim (The LORD GOD or as I understand it The LORD GOD Speaks from YHWH=The LORD and El=god and hayim=utterance/sound/noise/power) and he is also a judge because he judges Adam, Eve, Satan, and then Cain, and humanity in general.
      Please, please, please, don't use Wikipedia as the so called font of all knowledge to back up your assertion. If you cannot use the Bible and dissect the original languages that's fine but resorting to wikipedia in order to prop up an absurd idea that there are 2 gods in Genesis 1 & 2 shows a lack of knowledge on your part.
      Do not confuse the Sumerian story (and its variants Gilgamesh or Atrahasis) with the flood with the Biblical narrative. The original Sumerian version showed gods feuding because greater gods required lesser gods to work. Lesser gods wanted humans made (built/constructed) to do the work they were doing for the greater gods. The noise humans made working annoyed one of the greater gods so he sent environmental problems (even a drought at one stage) to deal with it. The Gilgamesh epic and Atrahasis epics modified that theme. The Biblical narrative is very different in that no one was offered immortality, no one demanded humans be made to do the work that lesser gods were doing, no one was unhappy with noise. As a side note many cultures around the world have flood stories and I dare suggest that some have a much older oral beginning than the Sumerian story.
      I don't understand your confusion with regards to 7x7 and going on by 2 because to me it is simple. Clean animals, including birds etc, had 7 pairs (a pair being 1 male 1 female so in total 7 males and 7 females = 7x7), unclean animals had 1 pair (a male and a female). So we have the basis of pairs (2 of each animal consisting of 1 male and 1 female) loading into the ark at a time. Picture in your mind a stock race (or pen system) where only 2 animals can move at any one time. It really doesn't matter when loading them onto the ark how many there are of each species/breed/whatever because that is already sorted out, what matters is that they load on 2 at a time (1 male and 1 female).
      The big problem I see in these types of discussions is people get stuck on something simple and try to make it complicated. That is what you have done, and are continuing to do, by bringing in alot of distraction that simply adds either to your confusion or you use to deliberately confuse others.

    • @seanhammer6296
      @seanhammer6296 6 років тому

      Michael AU:
      "The Biblical narrative is very different in that no one was offered immortality..."
      Are you saying that the Biblical narrative is telling a different flood story than the others? Because if not, then it is borrowed from the earlier works which contained two gods. If it's speaking of any entirely different flood then maybe it's speaking of a different god. Just for context, I no longer consider the Bible to be the "inerrant word of God." I also no longer believe in "original sin" as that is another modification of an older story. The Hebrew Bible was written beginning in maybe 700bc. That this would be the first time ever that "the creator" spoke to mankind in thousands of years of human history is unlikely. What seems more likely is that the writers of the Hebrew Bible were attempting to adapt various pre existing and globally accepted creationary narratives for their culture. These narratives were based on celestial conditions within our solar system that were no longer in existence at the time of the Hebrew writers but maintain a remarkable consistency. The Bible is a product of humanity. Humanity is not a product of the Bible.
      As for my use of Wikipedia I prefaced that with "Sorry for the Wiki reference" so let's not be tedious.That was literally the first time I ever cited Wiki as I was in a hurry and we both know that info could be found on more acceptable sights. Anyways, thanks for your replies.
      Edit: Also for context, I do not consider "oral traditions."

  • @Ciprian-IonutPanait
    @Ciprian-IonutPanait 5 місяців тому

    2:20 you forget the beginning you shall not die. They did die because they ate so the serpent did lie

  • @aviorbenisrael522
    @aviorbenisrael522 2 роки тому

    I'll take the translation without the perception. Stick to the hebrew.

  • @brenosantana1458
    @brenosantana1458 Рік тому

    The serpent was the first to name another god, by some interpretation, so suffer because of it.

  • @Smartguy561
    @Smartguy561 Рік тому

    You can't deceive someone with truth. If the serpent was honest then he was better than God.

  • @DJLiquidSmooth
    @DJLiquidSmooth 2 роки тому

    A day is like 1000 years. They did not live past 1000 years.