Delighted to know that Atheism is not a Western concept. That is why parts of Hinduism is compatible. I look forward to understanding the Titankaras. With Hinduism I can understand the believers and nonbelievers. Dr Sutton has encouraged me to delve deeper in the yoga sutras of Patanjeli.
@@chetanshukla3755 Dhanyavad (thank you) for recommending Osho "Alpha to Omega".,I have downloaded Volume One pdf version and I do look forward to reading the book as well. I understand all the volumes will be facinating reading.
Whether you are atheist or you pray to anything or anyone, you are still a Hindu. You eat meat you are Hindu, whatever your path, you may be considered a Hindu
Then why it is not a secular? Democracy is useless without secularism. Producing babies is not consider as achievement. Why Hindus gave Tibet to China? Why dont Hindus give J&K to Pakistan? What about justice which is completely absent, devoid of any dharma? India is nothing more than a Muslim-marxist appeasement state.
bas kir The word Kashmir itself is a Sanskrit word. Anyways Kashmir doesn't belong to Pakistan... You occupied it and we will not yield even an inch to Pakistan... Now go cry...
You’re grasp of this subject is phenomenal, how I wish I could be an Oxford student. Thank you for your Hinduism videos. For those of us thirsting for this information, you are cold pure water.
BG Ch 6: verse 34 (not 32): चञ्चलं हि मनः कृष्ण प्रमाथि बलवद्दृढम् । तस्याहं निग्रहं मन्ये वायोरिव सुदुष्करम् ॥६- ३४॥ cañcalaṃ hi manaḥ kṛṣṇa pramāthi balavaddṛḍham । tasyāhaṃ nigrahaṃ manye vāyoriva suduṣkaram (Because the mind is fickle, agitated, strong, and obstinate, O Krishna, I think restraint of the mind is as difficult as controlling the wind.)
Patanjali wrote Yogsutra some 3000 years back. No one knew about Geeta at that time. It was Sankaracharya who discovered this recitation in Bhisma Parva of Mahabharat and made it popular.
Very clear and easy to follow explanation of a very challenging and complex subject. You are more learned Hindu teacher than many so called Hindus. I like the reference to Geeta and Patanjali yoga , very interesting.
I think orator should be made chnaceller of Nalanda or banaras university. His talk were the one which attracted me to learn more abt Hinduism after getting disappointed from Indian gurus in early 2010
Hindus are seekers not believers of any particular Scriptures.there are lots of Scriptures in Hindu philosophy like bhagvat gita,vedas,Upanishads,purans,sastras,ramayan,Mahabharata..etc etc many deities like Ganesha, durga,kali,rama,Krishna,saraswati....etc etc but we are not compelled to follow those Scriptures or to pray those deities.You can find ur own way by yoga and meditation (dhyana,japa,tapa,dharana,samadhi,sunya).which make it unique. you're the authority of your own destiny not any every individual can live according to his/her own choice.religion is beliefs by someone else's experience but spirituality is having your own experience.there are techniques/methods of yoga,meditation to explore your inner dimension and become spiritual.the ultimate nature of life is freedom /nirvana/mukti/mokshya.
Ashika => why do you blindly follow some one and repeat like a Parrot -what he / she says-without applying your mind => " that you are a "SEEKER" and NOT believer of any SCRIPTURE " How can you SEEK any thing in TOTAL DARKNESS ? -you need a LIGHT to see-Search -SEEK and "SEE" -- "TAMASO MAA JYODHIR GAMAYA" (Brahat Aaranyaka Upanishad-1-3-28) " AVIDHYAANAAM ANTHAS THIMIRA MIHIRA DWEEPA NAGARI" (Soundarya Lahari-verse -3) without attending ELEMENTARY SCHOOL -How will you do an University Please Talk your own Language
what do you know about VEDAM ? --"THAT PERSON" also does NOT know --you also do not know " about VEDHAM --so Please do not talk about Things which you do NOT know
Zyavana Sharmann the best part of sanatana dharma is there is no ultimate book/codified book.because if you make a conclusion then that's the end of seeking. So you may call Hindus as agnostic.
Partha Sarma, Don't be so negative. Yoga has been resurrected to its pristine state today in India by the likes of Ramdev and others. There was a time when middle class Indians were doing PT drills in school because their ex-colonial masters (Brits) told them yoga was not cool! B.K.S Iyengar before his death paid rich compliment to Americans for helping to revive this dying art. Amercans embraced Yoga, studied it Scientifically and once that happened, Indians started doing Yoga also. Then Ramdev came along and made it a mass movement!
Thank U brother.I am from tamilnadu India.gòod speech. We are doing Yoga 4 nearly 17 years.our Guru sadhguru jagi vasudev at Isha Yoga centre near coimbatore..India near Vellingiri hills.U all please watch on related programmes.
yoga means union of yourself(it is not mind, not body, not ego, it is your pure conspicuousness, you can call it soul) with divine. you missed divine, it is most impotent part of yoga, otherwise yoga have no meaning. Yoga is not only physical exercise. Final goal of yoga is to achieve moksha.
Yoga is union with the Divine, with Source, the Monad, the primordial Gaian Logos, with God. All just words we have created in our languages that unfortunately get pigeon holed so we can try and process it in our rudimentary heads. We use labels to make quick assessments, we do it subconsciously although dont always see the conditioning of our minds that label things we see or in this case dont. We measure, weigh, imperialize things with sensory observation, anything we cant apply the aforementioned to we just dismiss or ridicule. This cant be defined. The union the man talks about is a union with the ineffable, with pure consciousness, with our infinite self. Like Carl Jung said the journey to meet the "self" is also a journey to meet the divine. We over identify with our physical form, "I am Joe Bloggs" "i am a teacher" "i am a father/mother" all of which are constructs and conditions of this material plane "prakriti". We are spiritual beings having a human experience. You all have this divine spark within you, there are other ways of revealing this truth to yourself. If you dont have the patience for Yoga or meditation although i recommend it, there is Ayahuasca, DMT, Psilocybin, Peyote etc, even QHHT (Google Dolores Cannon) In the Vedas "Soma" comes up alot, google that and draw your conclusions on what that really was. Go find your truth, i managed, when you do your life will change, for the better i promise you. I wish you luck and love. Namaste x
Bhagwan Ram placed Shiva Linga in Rameshwaram and carried out worship before proceeding to Lanka as mentioned in Ramcharitmanas ((Lanka kand 1/2-4,2/1-2)
The speaker is a knowledgeable person. I am not arguing. But, his statement that moorthi pooja began around 200 to 500 AD deserves some clarification(49th minute ). Not only Rama but also Ravana used to worship Siva linga. In fact Ravana used to worship a golden Siva linga. In the Bhaghavata tenth skandha , it is said that Lord Krishna carried away Rugmini , when she was returning after praying in a Devi temple. In the eleventh skandha of the Bhaghavata Lord Krishna Himself teaches Uddhava all the details of moorthi pooja. Therefore, one cannot say that Moorthi pooja is of recent origin.
i m glad that you guys teaching yoga and hinduism. But I wonder why new york times, The guardian and other newspaper company post anti hindu rumors Why.
This is the best talk that I have ever heard, on Yoga( Ashatangayoga). A more refined, objective, balanced clear stream of words. Really its a real challenge. interestingly he had satisfied this demand.. One or two points, would be more appropriate if think about these specific points: 17:00 t0 17: 03. "Mosksha" has an another dimension- breaking the "karma and karma phala". Yama and Niyamas are the back- bone yoga since both are the exercise of mind which will keep the chitta away from the clouding of the rajasa tamasa gunas. Yes, interestingly yoga means is engagement or reunion of more than one entities. But in the "saastra sanketika pada" or "saastra sanketa" ( the technical or scientific word for the specific saastra) in yoga saastra is suspending citta (as Dr Nick Sutton mentioned) or restricting\ arresting the functions of citta. But how it can be possible to have opposite meanings can have for the same word? Here is the most interesting part: yoga can be interpreted as the re-union or dissolving ( I don't feel this would be the exact word for the layana) of the gunas back to their origin i.e. manifestation of mahatatwa -or moola prakruti. The entity of our wold or conscious or perception of the world is due to the cittavrutti and it is nothing but the manifestation of gunas i.e. satwa-raja-thams. If the citta is suspended the gunas will dissolve in their origin i.e. avyakta \ moolaprkruti which will give purusha to have the self realization, i.e. the karma guna ahankara a are belongs to prakruti. The purusha himself is sat- chit- anada if there is no gunas left purusha will have the realization which is sat-chit-ananda. Or it ( yoga) can be the union of the purusha and his self realization. Here we should know the prakrti is asat ( illusion? or which is necessarily not the reality). The meaning of prakruti can be understood better if we borrow the concordant concept, "avidya" or "maya" from vedanta. Maya means aghatita ghtanA patiyasi maya i.e.two extreme opposite entities van be present at the same time and same place, like existence and nonexistence, srushti nasa i.e. both opposite entities can stay together which is paradoxical. If the reason for the illusion is maya or the avidya which manifestation of chitta, then the remedy for dissolving the problem( or moksha margga)will be appeared as a "paradoxical" . Please forgive me for my bad English.
Yoga means perfect harmonization of our body and mind. Generally, our mind is poly- psychic, or say we are split personalities, and Yoga means crystalization of the Self .
Extremely interesting, engaging and incredibly informative introduction to yoga. Thank you for presenting a clear and relatively simple oversight, a glimpse, into highly complex philosophical and spiritual concepts. Nick Suttons irrepressible enthusiasm, energy and knowledge carry the listener along.
Srila Prabhupada used to say that wherever there is discussion about krishna,that is known as highest form of yoga and krishna govinda is present there,this kind of talk is called krishna katha.
Most of audience seems Indian. It's irony that hindus need to learn Hinduism from forenier. I am not saying the lecturer is bad. He has more knowledgeable than most Hindus. But I am saying why this happened.
Colonization, by abrahamic forces and resultant conversion and destruction of indigenous culture. It will take time to recover. Just make sure the forces of recovery are not being hampered by hostile forces again.
Overall very informed and mostly authentic talk. I applaud his statement at the end that Yoga is based in Hinduism and Hinduism cannot be taken out of Yoga. On a minor point however, his distinction of Vedic/Upanishadic versus Tantric doctrine regarding the separation of physical and spiritual is not entirely accurate. In the Vedas, Agni is visualized in all matter so that all matter is "spiritual" or divine. So even the Vedas talk about all of the universe being divine and an expression of Brahman. What they advocate is for the individual to rise to the universal level, which is "liberation" or "moksha".
Fantastic inthe way the contradiction one is persplexed to undarstand between teachings ingeeta and temple worship. Thanks verymuch for enlighting me. In
Very knowledgeable...both in terms of Hinduism & Yoga... holistic in depth knowledge more even than some Hindu/ Sanatani scholars... though in terms of origin of Asan in Yoga maybe you can take a look at Harappan Civilisation, specially the seal of Pashupati, where the pose seems Bhadrasan/ Gorakkhasan...
WHAT IS SPECIAL ABOUT BEING A HINDU? By Francois Gautier. Diversity in Divinity and Unity in Spirituality. 1) Believe in God ! - Aastik - Accepted 2) Don't believe in God ! - You're accepted as Nastik 3) You want to worship idols - please go ahead. You are a murti pujak. 4) You dont want to worship idols - no problem. You can focus on Nirguna Brahman. 5) You want to criticise something in our religion. Come forward. We are logical. Nyaya, Tarka etc. are core Hindu schools. 6) You want to accept beliefs as it is. Most welcome. Please go ahead with it. 7) You want to start your journey by reading Bhagvad Gita - Sure ! 8) You want to start your journey by reading Upanishads - Go ahead. 9) You want to start your journey by reading Purana - Be my guest. 10) You just don't like reading Puranas or other books. No problem my dear. Go by Bhakti tradition . ( bhakti- devotion) 11) You don't like idea of Bhakti ! No problem. Do your Karma. Be a karmayogi. 12) You want to enjoy life. Very good. No problem at all. This is Charvaka Philosophy. 13) You want to abstain from all the enjoyment of life & find God - jai ho ! Be a Sadhu, an ascetic ! 14) You don't like the concept of God. You believe in Nature only - Welcome. (Trees are our friends and Prakriti or nature is worthy of worship). 15) You believe in one God or Supreme Energy. Superb! Follow Advaita philosophy 16) You want a Guru. Go ahead. Receive gyaan. 17) You don't want a Guru.. Help yourself ! Meditate, Study ! 18) You believe in Female energy ! Shakti is worshipped. 19) You believe that every human being is equal. Yeah! You're awesome, come on let's celebrate Hinduism! "Vasudhaiva kutumbakam" (the world is a family) 20) You don't have time to celebrate the festival. Don't worry. One more festival is coming! There are multiple festivals every single day of the year. 21) You are a working person. Don't have time for religion. Its okay. You will still be a Hindu. 22) You like to go to temples. Devotion is loved. 23) You don't like to go to temples - no problem. You are still a Hindu! 24) You know that Hinduism ☺ is a way of life, with considerable freedom. 25) You believe that everything has God in it. So you worship your mother, father, guru, tree, River, Prani-matra, Earth, Universe! 26) And If you don't believe that everything has GOD in it - No problems. Respect your viewpoint. 27) "Sarve jana sukhino bhavantu " (May you all live happily) You represent this! You're free to choose, my dear Hindu! This is exactly the essence of Hinduism, all inclusive .. That is why it has withstood the test of time inspite of repeated onslaught both from within and outside, and assimilated every good aspects from everything . That is why it is eternal !!! There is a saying in Rigveda , the first book ever known to mankind which depicts the Hinduism philosophy in a Nutshell -" Ano bhadrah Krathavo Yanthu Vishwathah"- Let the knowledge come to us from every direction "
excellent presentation, though I would have explained the six darshanas (doctrines or "perspectives) before explaining the link between atheism and those schools. Very interesting talk.
The Western concept of God is the one from Dark Ages (Kali Yuga!). Kriyananda (real name Donald Walters), a direct disciple of Paramahamsa Yogananda described God as believed in Hinduism best. When Hindus imagine God, he is all there was in the beginning. All pervading Brahman. Without beginning (Anadi) and end (Ananth). That is called "Brahman". Adi Shankara described that Brahman as "Sat-Chit-Ananda" (Ever Present, Intelligent, Ever new Bliss). That Brahman did not create the Universe like a carpenter creates say a furniture (by bringing in wood, nails, saw etc and putting them together). This is what Western concept of God is. All that was there was this pure Brahman. The way this Brahman created Universe is: a finite part of that Infinite Brahman became the Universe! I may be wrong but I think Adi Shankara did not rule out an external God. He called that Brahman and personal God inside the being as Atman. He said that when atman merges with brahman, man becomes realized. If all these were just concepts on a book, they would mean nothing. But we have had serious practioners of this philosophy who have proved this to be true. Last of this was Ramana Maharshi who practiced Advaita philosophy and his way of practice was Self Inquiry.
Hindus are born philosophers. Philosophy without interpretation of bhava (emotions) carries less meaning. That is difference between Indian and Western philosophy. Indian philosophy revolves around the knowledge of true self. Some thing on Karma. As speaker touched it. Its too simplistic to say that its actions and rewards. Its not really what it means. Its actually abbreviated usage of Karma Sanskar. Means training your mind and habits by continuous repeated actions. Its about making subtle impressions. example given can be of learning to swim or cycle. When you are new to trade you make mistakes, but as you train more and more it becomes easier. Then later when you leave and try use the trade even after years you can till do it well. This subtle imprint what Karma means. Whenever one uses word Karma one should interpret it as Karma Sanskar Hence its said do good karmas to weed of bad karmas. And later transcend even good Karmas, to get your mind closer to true self. Lastly from Patanjali texts if the physical postures do not seem to have emphasis as in Tantric, I think its still incorrect to ignore that the primary stage of getting stable mind is stable body. Infact the Yama and Niyama and Karma Sanskars as explained by Patanjali include all practices to purify (todays word is detox) your body and mind before you move to higher level of practices. I think all the spiritual traditions in India (be it Arihant, Bauddha, Saankhya or Vedic) have basis of Yoga (at posture level) in its practices. Name and form could vary, as it does every 100 km in this world. Om Shant Shanti Shanti
I believe he is a member of the Oxford University Hindu studies. Jeffrey Armstrong speaks the same truths Study what Dr. Shrikant Sola says about God on this channel.
I now call myself an atheist as I believe only in a principle and concept of God but not a god in form. The eternal witness as consciousness guides us towards moksha or oneness with that infinity we call brahman or love supreme.
it's interesting to know how much this scholar knows about yoga and it's links to hinduism but me as an Indian who's hindu some of his basics are not very clear and kinda still misinterpreted.
First of all it's not's yog.its not a form of exercise.. physical is the source to connect your energy with universal energy.its not a mode to get slim or reduce weight and's a form to know's much more than mediation it's much more than feeling happy it's much more than spirituality and it's much more than science...🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
I wonder if karma is real when all hindu scriptures speak about freeing or removing sins or karma in about 50 different ways. Immersing yourself in gang mata is most quoted method. Is detachment the key to liberation or freedom from karma. I think that noble intention is the only thing that reaches the so called god whereas every material desire reached the demi god.
Most western philosophical schools can be found better thought out in vedic scriptures. Even sanatana dharma is thought of like this: brahma made the world, vishnu protects it, shiva will destroy it. Buddhists dont believe in god but in buddha. Jains and sikhs dont exist. No joke this is what you learn in school here.
Yes because they intermix philosophy they have no word darshan.. they have religions and mazhab not dharma.. Dharma. Is unique ..param. They are Bible speaker..about three h.ndreds words are used wrongly by them
My wife and I started with yoga, 4 years later we still do yoga and we worship sheva as well.
It is Shiva
@@MMaheshThakur There is certainly a concept of worshipping. You learned Hinduism in Church probably, not in Hindu temples.
@@MMaheshThakur 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 u r just kidding here
@@yashpandey5914 lo re bhai log kr dia delete . Ab happy
@@MMaheshThakur Don't just delete , learn , bro
Delighted to know that Atheism is not a Western concept. That is why parts of Hinduism is compatible. I look forward to understanding the Titankaras. With Hinduism I can understand the believers and nonbelievers. Dr Sutton has encouraged me to delve deeper in the yoga sutras of Patanjeli.
Read, Osho alpha to omega.
@@chetanshukla3755 Dhanyavad (thank you) for recommending Osho "Alpha to Omega".,I have downloaded Volume One pdf version and I do look forward to reading the book as well. I understand all the volumes will be facinating reading.
Whether you are atheist or you pray to anything or anyone, you are still a Hindu. You eat meat you are Hindu, whatever your path, you may be considered a Hindu
As one who practices asana for many years I can't help but feel the spiritual and the lure of Hinduism. Have listen to this talk many times...Namaste
Hari om 🙏🏽
hinduism means Dmocracy India is a largest democracy in the world bcz of Hinduism
Then why it is not a secular? Democracy is useless without secularism. Producing babies is not consider as achievement. Why Hindus gave Tibet to China? Why dont Hindus give J&K to Pakistan?
What about justice which is completely absent, devoid of any dharma? India is nothing more than a Muslim-marxist appeasement state.
Because, giving it away would be self amputation which would not be right thing to do.
bas kir The word Kashmir itself is a Sanskrit word. Anyways Kashmir doesn't belong to Pakistan... You occupied it and we will not yield even an inch to Pakistan... Now go cry...
@@sahajization 😂😂😂😂
@@sahajization You have already yielded J&K territories to Pakistan and China. J&K is a disputed territory.
The lecture gives insight. Good for seekers than to believers. Well done. Incites insight.
You’re grasp of this subject is phenomenal, how I wish I could be an Oxford student. Thank you for your Hinduism videos. For those of us thirsting for this information, you are cold pure water.
I appreciate you for putting efforts to understand Hinduism. Somethings are tough to talk about. Sanatan is one of them.
I have thoroughly enjoyed Dr Sutton‘s talk - so eloquent and so full of information! Thank you very much!
BG Ch 6: verse 34 (not 32):
चञ्चलं हि मनः कृष्ण प्रमाथि बलवद्दृढम् ।
तस्याहं निग्रहं मन्ये वायोरिव सुदुष्करम् ॥६- ३४॥
cañcalaṃ hi manaḥ kṛṣṇa pramāthi balavaddṛḍham ।
tasyāhaṃ nigrahaṃ manye vāyoriva suduṣkaram
(Because the mind is fickle, agitated, strong, and obstinate, O Krishna, I think restraint of the mind is as difficult as controlling the wind.)
Thank you for uploading this video. I took the on line course on Yoga and liked it very much. Best wishes! Gabriel Martino.
Great presentation on divinization of body.
So very well explained in simple terms. Very much correct when he says yoga cannot be seen outside the preview of Hinduism
Thank you very much, Sir, you are an enthousiastic, serious and beautiful teatcher.
Honestly addresses challenges faced by a Western scholar in appreciating Indian philosophy. Fair and balanced
Patanjali wrote Yogsutra some 3000 years back. No one knew about Geeta at that time. It was Sankaracharya who discovered this recitation in Bhisma Parva of Mahabharat and made it popular.
Correct observations.
Great understanding of the yoga, Upaniseda and Geeta
So how does this say, geeta was not known to Patanjali? When was the mahabharat written down? What about oral traditions?
Don't know if Mahabharata is old or Patanjali. Now I think Patanjali is older.
Very clear and easy to follow explanation of a very challenging and complex subject. You are more learned Hindu teacher than many so called Hindus. I like the reference to Geeta and Patanjali yoga , very interesting.
It is a pleasure to hear from him about Hinduism. When mentioned the word engage, I felt as if it was to engage in a gear.. of universe.
Read these brilliant eye opening books by Rajiv Malhotra -
"Being Different" and "Breaking India"
I am amazed at your Knowledge and ease of explanation of ancient Indian Spiritual Sciences. I salute to you Sir.
I think orator should be made chnaceller of Nalanda or banaras university. His talk were the one which attracted me to learn more abt Hinduism after getting disappointed from Indian gurus in early 2010
Hindus are seekers not believers of any particular Scriptures.there are lots of Scriptures in Hindu philosophy like bhagvat gita,vedas,Upanishads,purans,sastras,ramayan,Mahabharata..etc etc many deities like Ganesha, durga,kali,rama,Krishna,saraswati....etc etc but we are not compelled to follow those Scriptures or to pray those deities.You can find ur own way by yoga and meditation (dhyana,japa,tapa,dharana,samadhi,sunya).which make it unique. you're the authority of your own destiny not any every individual can live according to his/her own choice.religion is beliefs by someone else's experience but spirituality is having your own experience.there are techniques/methods of yoga,meditation to explore your inner dimension and become spiritual.the ultimate nature of life is freedom /nirvana/mukti/mokshya.
Ashika => why do you blindly follow some one and repeat like a Parrot -what he / she says-without applying your mind => " that you are a "SEEKER" and NOT believer of any SCRIPTURE "
How can you SEEK any thing in TOTAL DARKNESS ? -you need a LIGHT to see-Search -SEEK and "SEE" --
"TAMASO MAA JYODHIR GAMAYA" (Brahat Aaranyaka Upanishad-1-3-28)
(Soundarya Lahari-verse -3)
without attending ELEMENTARY SCHOOL -How will you do an University
Please Talk your own Language
You need Light to SEE (in the Dark) -Search--SEEK and SEE ("AGRE PASYAAMI)
what do you know about VEDAM ? --"THAT PERSON" also does NOT know --you also do not know " about VEDHAM --so Please do not talk about Things which you do NOT know
Zyavana Sharmann the best part of sanatana dharma is there is no ultimate book/codified book.because if you make a conclusion then that's the end of seeking. So you may call Hindus as agnostic.
we r learning ancient Indian tradition ... n with dignity.. from a foreigner .. I selute tht guy n cry on us.. gud luck for us to survive if we can..
In God's world, any one can deliver the message. Its for us to reject or accept.
Partha Sarma,
Don't be so negative.
Yoga has been resurrected to its pristine state today in India by the likes of Ramdev and others. There was a time when middle class Indians were doing PT drills in school because their ex-colonial masters (Brits) told them yoga was not cool!
B.K.S Iyengar before his death paid rich compliment to Americans for helping to revive this dying art. Amercans embraced Yoga, studied it Scientifically and once that happened, Indians started doing Yoga also. Then Ramdev came along and made it a mass movement!
I am a agnostic but proud follower of hinduism from Nepal .
Very good lecture. Glad I discovered this . Thanks Dr. Sutton.
Great he acknowledges the origin of Yog. Thanks
U judged. hastily bhai..arbind
Thank U brother.I am from tamilnadu India.gòod speech. We are doing Yoga 4 nearly 17 years.our Guru sadhguru jagi vasudev at Isha Yoga centre near coimbatore..India near Vellingiri hills.U all please watch on related programmes.
I think yoga means union of mind, body & soul
yoga means union of yourself(it is not mind, not body, not ego, it is your pure conspicuousness, you can call it soul) with divine. you missed divine, it is most impotent part of yoga, otherwise yoga have no meaning. Yoga is not only physical exercise. Final goal of yoga is to achieve moksha.
Yoga is union with the Divine, with Source, the Monad, the primordial Gaian Logos, with God. All just words we have created in our languages that unfortunately get pigeon holed so we can try and process it in our rudimentary heads. We use labels to make quick assessments, we do it subconsciously although dont always see the conditioning of our minds that label things we see or in this case dont. We measure, weigh, imperialize things with sensory observation, anything we cant apply the aforementioned to we just dismiss or ridicule. This cant be defined. The union the man talks about is a union with the ineffable, with pure consciousness, with our infinite self. Like Carl Jung said the journey to meet the "self" is also a journey to meet the divine. We over identify with our physical form, "I am Joe Bloggs" "i am a teacher" "i am a father/mother" all of which are constructs and conditions of this material plane "prakriti". We are spiritual beings having a human experience. You all have this divine spark within you, there are other ways of revealing this truth to yourself. If you dont have the patience for Yoga or meditation although i recommend it, there is Ayahuasca, DMT, Psilocybin, Peyote etc, even QHHT (Google Dolores Cannon) In the Vedas "Soma" comes up alot, google that and draw your conclusions on what that really was. Go find your truth, i managed, when you do your life will change, for the better i promise you. I wish you luck and love. Namaste x
Thank you very much Dr Nick Sutton. Such a clear crisp explanation, appreciate it !
Bhagwan Ram placed Shiva Linga in Rameshwaram and carried out worship before proceeding to Lanka as mentioned in Ramcharitmanas ((Lanka kand 1/2-4,2/1-2)
Those who read Ramayan are not think beyond Ramayan. Our weakness of budhhi.
Nice talk BTW.
A well read, knowledgeable person.
Precise and very good talk Dr. Sutton. You have taken great pains even for getting the Sanskrit pronunciations accurately. Thanks & Regards. Rajeev
Very astonishing lecture
Beautiful talk , presented with great clarity . Thank you !
The speaker is a knowledgeable person. I am not arguing. But, his statement that moorthi pooja began around 200 to 500 AD deserves some clarification(49th minute ). Not only Rama but also Ravana used to worship Siva linga. In fact Ravana used to worship a golden Siva linga. In the Bhaghavata tenth skandha , it is said that Lord Krishna carried away Rugmini , when she was returning after praying in a Devi temple. In the eleventh skandha of the Bhaghavata Lord Krishna Himself teaches Uddhava all the details of moorthi pooja. Therefore, one cannot say that Moorthi pooja is of recent origin.
Moorti worship evidence indus civilization 🤔🤔🙄 yogi Shiva sculpture, many evidence 😍😍 both environment worship, and moorti worship
Salute you sir
i m glad that you guys teaching yoga and hinduism. But I wonder why new york times, The guardian and other newspaper company post anti hindu rumors Why.
This is the best talk that I have ever heard, on Yoga( Ashatangayoga). A more refined, objective, balanced clear stream of words. Really its a real challenge. interestingly he had satisfied this demand.. One or two points, would be more appropriate if think about these specific points:
17:00 t0 17: 03. "Mosksha" has an another dimension- breaking the "karma and karma phala".
Yama and Niyamas are the back- bone yoga since both are the exercise of mind which will keep the chitta away from the clouding of the rajasa tamasa gunas. Yes, interestingly yoga means is engagement or reunion of more than one entities. But in the "saastra sanketika pada" or "saastra sanketa" ( the technical or scientific word for the specific saastra) in yoga saastra is suspending citta (as Dr Nick Sutton mentioned) or restricting\ arresting the functions of citta. But how it can be possible to have opposite meanings can have for the same word? Here is the most interesting part:
yoga can be interpreted as the re-union or dissolving ( I don't feel this would be the exact word for the layana) of the gunas back to their origin i.e. manifestation of mahatatwa -or moola prakruti. The entity of our wold or conscious or perception of the world is due to the cittavrutti and it is nothing but the manifestation of gunas i.e. satwa-raja-thams. If the citta is suspended the gunas will dissolve in their origin i.e. avyakta \ moolaprkruti which will give purusha to have the self realization, i.e. the karma guna ahankara a are belongs to prakruti. The purusha himself is sat- chit- anada if there is no gunas left purusha will have the realization which is sat-chit-ananda.
Or it ( yoga) can be the union of the purusha and his self realization. Here we should know the prakrti is asat ( illusion? or which is necessarily not the reality). The meaning of prakruti can be understood better if we borrow the concordant concept, "avidya" or "maya" from vedanta. Maya means aghatita ghtanA patiyasi maya i.e.two extreme opposite entities van be present at the same time and same place, like existence and nonexistence, srushti nasa i.e. both opposite entities can stay together which is paradoxical. If the reason for the illusion is maya or the avidya which manifestation of chitta, then the remedy for dissolving the problem( or moksha margga)will be appeared as a "paradoxical" .
Please forgive me for my bad English.
u r impressive.
I am glad someone mentioned real yoga.
Nice 👍 like it
The murthys or idols are symbolic of the principles of all that forms the cosmos , nature and the basis of humanity.
The god reality or realization is totally different from the western definition of god. The god ishwar or brahman is the ultimate truth
Murty is not idols.. This is not true. This
Translated not construed..
Murty means that is menefesto..
U are murty.tree is Murty. I amurty.etv
@@chetanshukla3755 isn't that then the equivalent of the manifested truth, the principles we hold dear etc
Excellent talk....
Yoga means addition, so you practice something to add self to the universal soul.
Yoga means perfect harmonization of our body and mind.
Generally, our mind is poly- psychic, or say we are split personalities,
and Yoga means crystalization of the
Self .
My friend really you explained beautifully. Yoga karmasu kaushalam. Unfortunately 99.99 % not able to understand If understand not practising
Fair analysis of Yog in Sanaatan-Dharm ! Sincere effort !
So interesting.
Ashtanga Yoga is Yam-Niyam-Assan-Pranayam-Pratyahar-Dharna-Dhyan-Samadhi
Extremely interesting, engaging and incredibly informative introduction to yoga. Thank you for presenting a clear and relatively simple oversight, a glimpse, into highly complex philosophical and spiritual concepts. Nick Suttons irrepressible enthusiasm, energy and knowledge carry the listener along.
excellent man excellent ur treat to watch
Not 2 million but 20 million practice Yoga in America.
idol worship,physical aspect - mountain,land, sun,moon, river,tree, all evidence in indus civilization valley in bharat🙏🙏🙏
Yoga = Know who ur
Yoga also means connection with body and soul in a spiritual way
Impressive Talk.
Excellent understanding of yoga.benefited a lot.thank you sir.
Srila Prabhupada used to say that wherever there is discussion about krishna,that is known as highest form of yoga and krishna govinda is present there,this kind of talk is called krishna katha.
I dare say u have read and comprehend ed any oriental literature of metaphysics.
Thank you
Sanskrit and Hinduism not so easy to understand but u can ask questions.their is no limit you can search for yourself by yoga.
I like your interesting speech.
Moksha.. Is interstellar traveling.. To north to brahma. With achiving abilities
Most of audience seems Indian. It's irony that hindus need to learn Hinduism from forenier. I am not saying the lecturer is bad. He has more knowledgeable than most Hindus. But I am saying why this happened.
Colonization, by abrahamic forces and resultant conversion and destruction of indigenous culture. It will take time to recover. Just make sure the forces of recovery are not being hampered by hostile forces again.
Commendable job
Wide understanding of system....great.
Yoga is the greatest part of Hinduism.
Overall very informed and mostly authentic talk. I applaud his statement at the end that Yoga is based in Hinduism and Hinduism cannot be taken out of Yoga. On a minor point however, his distinction of Vedic/Upanishadic versus Tantric doctrine regarding the separation of physical and spiritual is not entirely accurate. In the Vedas, Agni is visualized in all matter so that all matter is "spiritual" or divine. So even the Vedas talk about all of the universe being divine and an expression of Brahman. What they advocate is for the individual to rise to the universal level, which is "liberation" or "moksha".
Hinduism is commonwealth of religions and philosophies originated in bharatvarsha (sacred geography)
I am trying for 8 year but able to reach.25:55
Good deep knowledge 👍
Such a wise exposition !Yoga is not a health exercise .Yoga sans the Hindu base is a paper flower at the most .
rajiv malhotra is one of the best Hinduism teacher
Fantastic inthe way the contradiction one is persplexed to undarstand between teachings ingeeta and temple worship. Thanks verymuch for enlighting me. In
Very knowledgeable...both in terms of Hinduism & Yoga... holistic in depth knowledge more even than some Hindu/ Sanatani scholars... though in terms of origin of Asan in Yoga maybe you can take a look at Harappan Civilisation, specially the seal of Pashupati, where the pose seems Bhadrasan/ Gorakkhasan...
By Francois Gautier.
Diversity in Divinity and Unity in Spirituality.
1) Believe in God ! - Aastik - Accepted
2) Don't believe in God ! - You're accepted as Nastik
3) You want to worship idols - please go ahead. You are a murti pujak.
4) You dont want to worship idols - no problem. You can focus on Nirguna Brahman.
5) You want to criticise something in our religion. Come forward. We are logical. Nyaya, Tarka etc. are core Hindu schools.
6) You want to accept beliefs as it is. Most welcome. Please go ahead with it.
7) You want to start your journey by reading Bhagvad Gita - Sure !
8) You want to start your journey by reading Upanishads - Go ahead.
9) You want to start your journey by reading Purana - Be my guest.
10) You just don't like reading Puranas or other books. No problem my dear. Go by Bhakti tradition . ( bhakti- devotion)
11) You don't like idea of Bhakti ! No problem. Do your Karma. Be a karmayogi.
12) You want to enjoy life. Very good. No problem at all. This is Charvaka Philosophy.
13) You want to abstain from all the enjoyment of life & find God - jai ho ! Be a Sadhu, an ascetic !
14) You don't like the concept of God. You believe in Nature only - Welcome. (Trees are our friends and Prakriti or nature is worthy of worship).
15) You believe in one God or Supreme Energy. Superb! Follow Advaita philosophy
16) You want a Guru. Go ahead. Receive gyaan.
17) You don't want a Guru.. Help yourself ! Meditate, Study !
18) You believe in Female energy ! Shakti is worshipped.
19) You believe that every human being is equal. Yeah! You're awesome, come on let's celebrate Hinduism!
"Vasudhaiva kutumbakam" (the world is a family)
20) You don't have time to celebrate the festival.
Don't worry. One more festival is coming! There are multiple festivals every single day of the year.
21) You are a working person. Don't have time for religion. Its okay. You will still be a Hindu.
22) You like to go to temples. Devotion is loved.
23) You don't like to go to temples - no problem. You are still a Hindu!
24) You know that Hinduism ☺ is a way of life, with considerable freedom.
25) You believe that everything has God in it. So you worship your mother, father, guru, tree, River, Prani-matra, Earth, Universe!
26) And If you don't believe that everything has GOD in it - No problems. Respect your viewpoint.
27) "Sarve jana sukhino bhavantu " (May you all live happily)
You represent this! You're free to choose, my dear Hindu!
This is exactly the essence of Hinduism, all inclusive .. That is why it has withstood the test of time inspite of repeated onslaught both from within and outside, and assimilated every good aspects from everything . That is why it is eternal !!!
There is a saying in Rigveda , the first book ever known to mankind which depicts the Hinduism philosophy in a Nutshell -" Ano bhadrah Krathavo Yanthu Vishwathah"- Let the knowledge come to us from every direction "
He has got magical powers. He appears magically!
But he explained well
Yoga is a good for relaxing body and mind
42:30, 47:00, 53:00 57:00 eye opener.
correction: 20 mil yogi's in USA!
Nath sampraday has a strong influence on modern yoga practices
excellent presentation, though I would have explained the six darshanas (doctrines or "perspectives) before explaining the link between atheism and those schools. Very interesting talk.
I love yoga
We are in India for us it's very hard and difficult to understand sir, How it is possible to understand so clearly..
Anyone doing yoga will think like Hindus.
The Western concept of God is the one from Dark Ages (Kali Yuga!).
Kriyananda (real name Donald Walters), a direct disciple of Paramahamsa Yogananda described God as believed in Hinduism best.
When Hindus imagine God, he is all there was in the beginning. All pervading Brahman. Without beginning (Anadi) and end (Ananth). That is called "Brahman". Adi Shankara described that Brahman as "Sat-Chit-Ananda" (Ever Present, Intelligent, Ever new Bliss).
That Brahman did not create the Universe like a carpenter creates say a furniture (by bringing in wood, nails, saw etc and putting them together). This is what Western concept of God is.
All that was there was this pure Brahman.
The way this Brahman created Universe is: a finite part of that Infinite Brahman became the Universe!
I may be wrong but I think Adi Shankara did not rule out an external God. He called that Brahman and personal God inside the being as Atman. He said that when atman merges with brahman, man becomes realized.
If all these were just concepts on a book, they would mean nothing.
But we have had serious practioners of this philosophy who have proved this to be true. Last of this was Ramana Maharshi who practiced Advaita philosophy and his way of practice was Self Inquiry.
Yoga is a teaching of Lord Krishna , one who practice yoga is a devotee of Krishna consciously or unconsciously
Sir i 🙏🇮🇳🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉
From 7:20 to 7:55 Periyaar philosophy, BC
Hindus are born philosophers. Philosophy without interpretation of bhava (emotions) carries less meaning. That is difference between Indian and Western philosophy.
Indian philosophy revolves around the knowledge of true self.
Some thing on Karma. As speaker touched it. Its too simplistic to say that its actions and rewards. Its not really what it means. Its actually abbreviated usage of Karma Sanskar. Means training your mind and habits by continuous repeated actions. Its about making subtle impressions. example given can be of learning to swim or cycle. When you are new to trade you make mistakes, but as you train more and more it becomes easier. Then later when you leave and try use the trade even after years you can till do it well. This subtle imprint what Karma means. Whenever one uses word Karma one should interpret it as Karma Sanskar
Hence its said do good karmas to weed of bad karmas. And later transcend even good Karmas, to get your mind closer to true self.
Lastly from Patanjali texts if the physical postures do not seem to have emphasis as in Tantric, I think its still incorrect to ignore that the primary stage of getting stable mind is stable body.
Infact the Yama and Niyama and Karma Sanskars as explained by Patanjali include all practices to purify (todays word is detox) your body and mind before you move to higher level of practices.
I think all the spiritual traditions in India (be it Arihant, Bauddha, Saankhya or Vedic) have basis of Yoga (at posture level) in its practices. Name and form could vary, as it does every 100 km in this world.
Om Shant Shanti Shanti
Thats right..sikandar said.
how you have studied
Really asana is not yoga it is for purification of Human body. Yoga is for purification of mind and soul
Chit-vruti-nirodh - "It is cessation" not suppression
Merely all used to say... suppression. Not cessation...wrong.
I believe he is a member of the Oxford University Hindu studies. Jeffrey Armstrong speaks the same truths
Study what Dr. Shrikant Sola says about God on this channel.
I now call myself an atheist as I believe only in a principle and concept of God but not a god in form. The eternal witness as consciousness guides us towards moksha or oneness with that infinity we call brahman or love supreme.
it's interesting to know how much this scholar knows about yoga and it's links to hinduism but me as an Indian who's hindu some of his basics are not very clear and kinda still misinterpreted.
Well he has studied properly
First of all it's not's yog.its not a form of exercise.. physical is the source to connect your energy with universal energy.its not a mode to get slim or reduce weight and's a form to know's much more than mediation it's much more than feeling happy it's much more than spirituality and it's much more than science...🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
I wonder if karma is real when all hindu scriptures speak about freeing or removing sins or karma in about 50 different ways. Immersing yourself in gang mata is most quoted method.
Is detachment the key to liberation or freedom from karma.
I think that noble intention is the only thing that reaches the so called god whereas every material desire reached the demi god.
All yoga 🧘♀️ learned from Bhogar siddar by Patanjali. History facts.
Hinduism is too complex for westeners.. Our farmers are better at philosophy compared to western philosophers.
Most western philosophical schools can be found better thought out in vedic scriptures. Even sanatana dharma is thought of like this: brahma made the world, vishnu protects it, shiva will destroy it. Buddhists dont believe in god but in buddha. Jains and sikhs dont exist. No joke this is what you learn in school here.
Yes because they intermix philosophy
they have no word darshan.. they have religions and mazhab not dharma..
Dharma. Is unique ..param.
They are Bible speaker..about three h.ndreds words are used wrongly by them