Gall Force - Eternal Story OST

  • Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
  • A simple picture music video featuring Gall Force artwork.
    Song : Eternal Story OST
    Anime : Gall Force
    Editor : Nikolakis (me)


  • @おっちゃんこうじ
    @おっちゃんこうじ 10 місяців тому +11


  • @genghispecan
    @genghispecan Рік тому +8

    I remember watching a pirated copy (back in... '87?) that I had purchased at a convention. I still recall the feeling when I realized the big reveal at the end. Still have the OST in my collection.

  • @nonn4797
    @nonn4797 7 років тому +18


    • @luckymimi7
      @luckymimi7 3 роки тому +3


  • @solidstategamerlive4448
    @solidstategamerlive4448 4 роки тому +22

    It's always so bittersweet to here this song because it represents the last stand of the main characters as they sacrifice themselves to prevent the destruction of the capsule headed towards the lush planet to populate the Earth. It is such a beautiful song, but it's heartrending because you know that the paranoids are going to meet their demise. The fact that they're willing to sacrifice themselves to allow the creation of a new race, a new beginning. Profound.

    • @pershop4950
      @pershop4950 Рік тому +2

      yep it took me a few times to watch and understand but when I got a good translation and realized it was the moon and the earth, that totally added new meaningfulness to the last few minutes of the movie.

    • @genericnamehere7602
      @genericnamehere7602 Рік тому +3

      ​@pershop4950 Not to mention it showed HOW the Moon became a barren rock.

    • @deslacooda
      @deslacooda 2 місяці тому

      In terms of science fiction media, I would say it was one of the greatest endings ever. I remember catching it on the Sci-Fi channel late at night along with Record of Lodoss War, two greats that have forever been burned into my memory.

  • @MrSakamotothecat
    @MrSakamotothecat Рік тому +4

    I feel like flying into space with this song

  • @ServantOfPriss
    @ServantOfPriss 11 років тому +28

    Timeless masterpiece.

  • @Kojotchina
    @Kojotchina 12 років тому +8

    KONACNO SAM NASAO OVAJ FILM....Pre 15 godina sam ga gledao kao klinac!
    I finally found this Anime...15 years ago I watched it....

  • @pershop4950
    @pershop4950 Рік тому +5

    I like the art selections you chose. Not just still images from the OAV but some new and different art that shows more of the tech and robots and characters.

  • @yukikaze9
    @yukikaze9 8 років тому +21


  • @hemidas
    @hemidas 8 років тому +19

    My Childhood lives once again!

  • @jr1pnr
    @jr1pnr 3 роки тому +5


  • @robkrol1101
    @robkrol1101 12 років тому +12

    old anime got great music and songs no one create something like this now

  • @supertt5292
    @supertt5292 9 місяців тому +3

    Faaantastic track !!. Top class !!

  • @manganoid7426
    @manganoid7426 Рік тому +5

    Man, still gives me chills when i hear this one. Happy and sad at the same time. Awesome anime story. Yes, cheesy and so 80s\90s but boy did they made the great choice with the soundtrack :)

  • @beerdragon4583
    @beerdragon4583 3 роки тому +5

    One of the best anime’s ever made.

  • @shih-hungyen2584
    @shih-hungyen2584 2 роки тому +4


  • @Laidengizer113
    @Laidengizer113 Рік тому +1

    This was really great. Thanks a lot.

  • @sio_olive2362
    @sio_olive2362 4 місяці тому


  • @REEF0322
    @REEF0322 2 роки тому +8

    この時代の園田健一は神ががっていたよな。。。今もそうだと思うけど、他の追随を許さないという意味で。 Kenichi Sonoda was godlike in this period. I think it still is, but in the sense that it is unrivalled. If Ghost in the Shell is recognised worldwide, then Kenichi Sonoda, who created the era with Shirow Masamune, should also be recognised.

  • @DemitriVladMaximov
    @DemitriVladMaximov 12 років тому +5

    I wish I had seen this sooner as I am a huge Gall Force fan and this was spectacular.

  • @happymacak
    @happymacak 13 років тому +4

    My favorite film! MOJ OMILJENI FILM!

  • @TheCharacterActor
    @TheCharacterActor 12 років тому +9

    Oh how I love 80s music.

  • @wmcclean
    @wmcclean 13 років тому +4

    What a great compilation! Takes me back to my highschool years when I used to stay up late watching anime (on VHS!) Thank you!!

  • @guillermopavasilva875
    @guillermopavasilva875 4 роки тому +2

    Oh this is really beautiful, the song of gall Force, in the eighties, it was the time in that made created many Anime mechas, original storyes and adventures fantastics in the space and other words.

  • @ミッソーマッソー
    @ミッソーマッソー Рік тому +4


  • @techstepman
    @techstepman 14 років тому +4

    ....αχ παλιες καλες εποχες!τα εχω βρει ολα τα gall force!μονο αυτο το τραγουδακι δεν μπορυσα να βρω!!!σευχαρηστω!!!!

    • @petrokotsifas
      @petrokotsifas 2 роки тому +1

      φιλε μου μπορεις καπως να μου τα στειλεις?

    • @neutralpeace647
      @neutralpeace647 2 роки тому +1

      @@petrokotsifas κανε αντιφραφη τον συνδεσμο αυτου του βίδεο σε μια σελιδα που θα λεει 'youtube video converter'. Θα βρεις πολλες στο google.

  • @angelosangelidis1991
    @angelosangelidis1991 8 років тому +3

    To anime auto to eixe dwsei se videokaseta to periodiko ''To paidi mou kai egw'' to 90kati pou hmouna dhmotiko kai eixa psiloxestei panw mou. Liga xronia argotera to epsaxna san trelos kai to vrhka tlk pali gt eixa xasei tn kaseta se metakomish! Apo ta pio oraia kai oldschool anime, thnk u gia to upload to tragoudi GAMAEI!

    • @enter_me
      @enter_me 4 роки тому +2

      eimaste poly tyxeroi pou to eidame bro

    • @lightyag1395
      @lightyag1395 3 роки тому +2

      Ναι ρε φίλε εκεί πρέπει να το είχα βρει κι εγώ όντως! Ωραίες εποχές

    • @petrokotsifas
      @petrokotsifas 2 роки тому +2

      την εχω και εγω την κασετα αυτη. συλλεκτικη

  • @ripunistar2021
    @ripunistar2021 5 років тому +2

    Bravo Nick ! Eisai foveros

    • @enter_me
      @enter_me 4 роки тому +1

      xaxa exeis tin typisa eikona

  • @Stonezorz
    @Stonezorz 7 років тому +2

    3:00 this part is also a full song in the third movie but I can't seem to find it anywhere, it was a great theme for a powerful ending to the first trilogy

  • @Desolator84
    @Desolator84 12 років тому +8

    Samo dok slusam ovu stvar, jezim se. Znam napamet one zadnje scene, i na kom se sekundu ove pesme svaka scena odigrava.

    • @mladenokovibucko2601
      @mladenokovibucko2601 3 роки тому +1

      iznajmio sam kasetu još dok je SFRJ postojala nisam još ni znao da čitam

  • @PhaetonLT
    @PhaetonLT 14 років тому +4

    Very good series. They don't make them like that nowadays :(

  • @Mr.MAX12-40
    @Mr.MAX12-40 Рік тому +5


  • @Rizoof1
    @Rizoof1 5 років тому +1

    Thank you.

  • @hemmojito
    @hemmojito 5 років тому +1


  • @jovemjo439
    @jovemjo439 4 роки тому +1

    Trilha emocional demasiado. Good!!!

  • @TexasCat99
    @TexasCat99 6 років тому +7

    Hands up if you have a poster from the 80s~90s of this Anime. I do!

  • @小山幸生-o1s
    @小山幸生-o1s Рік тому +2


  • @petrokotsifas
    @petrokotsifas 3 роки тому +1

    i hope they remaster. here in greece only the first season was translated

  • @petrokotsifas
    @petrokotsifas 3 роки тому +4

    φιλε να ξερεις οτι δακρυσα οταν ακουσα τη μουσικη, εχω ακομα τη κασετα

  • @thebigh4752
    @thebigh4752 6 років тому +4

    The fucking memories!

  • @captainharris8980
    @captainharris8980 4 роки тому +1

    I've been looking all over the soundtrack on CD, but can't find it anywhere.

  • @genderxl71
    @genderxl71 13 років тому +4

    @happymacak živio sam početko 90ih u Srbiji,sjećam se svi su bili ludi za Macrossom i Transformersima.Fala Bogu još ima ljudi koji cijene stare anime serije s obzirom da svaki današnji anime je prepun kawaii drocica XD . Pozdrav iz Hrvatske

  • @happymacak
    @happymacak 13 років тому +3

    @happymacak Ovi stari, ‚ 'em imaju dobru priču, 'em su realisticni. Ok, neko vise voli abstraktne, ali opet. Pozdrav iz Srbije :)

  • @happymacak
    @happymacak 13 років тому +5

    @genderxl71 Upravu si. Mogu da dodam pored tog, da nisu samo stari anime filmovi/serije dobri. I stari crtani filmovi (serije) su isto tako super. I da, sobzirom da se tek u današnje vreme anime filmovi postali IN (što mi je i žao, jer činjenica da treba toliko godina da prodje da postane neki standard), sa neke drge strane, ne znam da li si primetio, ali ovi današnji anime-crtani filmovi-serije su tooooliko odvratni da je nešto strašno. Šta deca gledaju? Par obojenih crtica i to je film?

  • @卵砥石
    @卵砥石 Рік тому +1


  • @eltonferreira1214
    @eltonferreira1214 Рік тому +1

    As trilhas de antes são bem mais expressivas ...

  • @83Crusnik
    @83Crusnik 8 років тому +1

    Almost all of the earth chapter's ost got taken down. Can someone reupload it?

  • @genderxl71
    @genderxl71 13 років тому +2

    @happymacak jep istina je....ali nađe se dosta kvalitetnih animea i danas ali nisu mainstream . Ja sam polako dobio osjećaj da japanci danas rade animee koji su prilagođeni zapadnjačkom mentalitetu,jbg zarada je u pitanju. Napravit će oni dobar anime za svoju publiku ako treba a ovo što je danas popularno,Naruto,Yugi oh i slične budalaštine mi je strahota.To nije anime,to je amerikanizirani crtić iz japana. Čim se na stvarima počne okretati velika para to više gubi na kvaliteti,pare kvare :(

  • @kris__crystal
    @kris__crystal 9 років тому +10

    OMG! Ellhnas to anevase!!!!! Se agapw re!!!!

    • @enter_me
      @enter_me 4 роки тому +2


    • @lightyag1395
      @lightyag1395 3 роки тому +1

      Μάγκες το είχα παλιά σε βιντεοκασέτα που είχα αγοράσει μία φορά στο άκυρο κάπου το 2000