Traditional snack pancakes in Qingjian, northern Shaanxi陕北美食清涧煎饼,醋汤爽肘子香,羊杂粉汤烙饼,阿星逛路遥故乡

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • Qingjian in northern Shaanxi is the hometown of writer Lu Yao. Qingjian is the hometown of slate and vermicelli, and the people here are good at making pancakes. Buckwheat pancakes as thin as cicada wings, rolled with pork elbows and various vegetables, served with refreshing vinegar soup, can be eaten three times a day. The crispy and soft thousand-layer pancakes are also added with ground chili. The best mutton offal and vermicelli meet to make a special vermicelli soup. The old restaurant is located on the national highway, making every passerby feel the simplicity and reality of Qingjian.陕北清涧是作家路遥的故乡,清涧是石板之乡,粉条之乡,这里的人擅做饼。薄如蝉翼的荞麦煎饼,卷上肘子肉和各种菜,配上清爽的醋汤,一天吃三顿都可以。烙的外酥里软的千层饼还加了地椒碎,上好的羊杂和粉条相遇就是特色粉汤,老店开在国道边,让每一个路人都感到清涧的质朴和实在。