Snipers view in Sarajevo

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @merstrand
    @merstrand 14 років тому +27

    I was a UN soldier in Bosnia/Croatia and if we were shot upon we were only allowed to shoot 3 times up in the air and shout "stani illi ja putsam" stop or i shoot.. and that was it !! we werent allowed to do anything else.. all thoug all 3 sides shot at us just for the fun of it.. I know for a fact that some times muslims and serbs had a competion about who dared to shoot against UNPROFOR positions.. they talked over radios about that..

  • @pedersenbrian
    @pedersenbrian 14 років тому +4

    No, the artillery and observers, not the snipers. Theres to far down to sniper alley. The snipers would be closer.

  • @cestima
    @cestima  15 років тому +7

    the dutch peacekeepers weren't ALLOWED to use their "big guns" which you put in your duplicate comments here. they received an order from above telling them to keep the peace, and firing on the serbians would've meant engaging them. the UN isn't authorized in most cases to use force. look at Rwanda.
    also, a lot of those dutch peacekeepers whom you put to blame were captured, tortured, and slain by the serbs as well.
    it's not the fault of the dutch. i think we all know who did the massacre.

  • @OgZz73
    @OgZz73 13 років тому +15

    u shouldnt have been walking around the edges of the city because the land mines have not all been excavated yet since the war

  • @DaKhelwar
    @DaKhelwar 13 років тому +7

    y would u want to fight when u have a view like that? heartless serbzz

  • @cestima
    @cestima  13 років тому +1

    @Ogster777 thanks but i went with a guide and was never for a moment by myself. i was in the areas that have been cleared.

  • @cestima
    @cestima  15 років тому +1

    um, okay.
    that's fantastic that you're a pessimist & a fatalist (ahem), but i didn't post this video so that ppl like u could say how fucked up the world is.
    if you've ever been 2 sarajevo (& i'm judging by ur comments that u haven't), you'd see that the ppl there are actually quite resilient & full of life....& surprisingly free of hatred. they don't want revenge or more war or anger directed @ the ppl who did this to them.
    and BTW, ethnicity doesn't cause war. political leaders do.

  • @gugamed
    @gugamed 14 років тому +3

    nice voice

  • @Milosck
    @Milosck 15 років тому +2

    This should have never happened.

  • @cestima
    @cestima  15 років тому +1

    first of all sweetheart, i'm not muslim. in fact, i am atheist, so quit your propaganda bitching.
    secondly, it's a documented fact they picked off civilians. they were trying to empty the city of its residents so they could take over and control it. and they did the same things in vukovar and srebrenica. that's why the civilians weren't evacuated by the UN, because that would have actually helped the serbians cause.
    nice try, cupcake, but you obviously know shit about shit.

  • @cestima
    @cestima  15 років тому +1

    sure they're all related, but that doesn't make them the same.
    that's like saying there's no difference between the irish, the scottish, and the english. they're related, but still vastly different in culture, language, and heritage.
    you should read up on the subject.

  • @33333333333333331993
    @33333333333333331993 13 років тому

    @merstrand hahaha