Thanks for posting this up. It's very interesting to see old editions of the BBC's Film program. I wish the BBC digitised them and them available online.
Escape From New York is an all time cult favourite, so it is no surpise Barry Norman didn't like it...😂. But it is testament to his legacy that we still love him and his honest views and opinions. Mr Norman, gone but never forgotten...
Thanks for posting this up. It's very interesting to see old editions of the BBC's Film program. I wish the BBC digitised them and them available online.
Escape From New York is an all time cult favourite, so it is no surpise Barry Norman didn't like it...😂. But it is testament to his legacy that we still love him and his honest views and opinions. Mr Norman, gone but never forgotten...
Great days. Please add more including Alien review
Wanted to watch this in the US, but was told that Bo Derek strips naked. Until 1984, bbc1 showed it.
Lion in Winter. Autumn Sonata, Summer Magic. Not sure about the "Spring" one
Springtime for Hitler
When presenters aim for the lowest common denominator.