"There will NEVER be a year of the Linux desktop, but" - Reaction video

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @lazyh0rse
    @lazyh0rse 2 роки тому +6

    He should watch the LTT experience using Linux, maybe it will give him a few hints about why Linux is still 1% and will probably never grow

  • @EasyGameEh
    @EasyGameEh 2 роки тому +6

    i really like your balanced and unintrusive approach to the "switching to linux" idea. the end users do not and should not care about mostly philosophical advantages of foss. now, i am pissed at some microsoft practices and that's the only reason (outside of pure technical curiosity) i even entertain the idea of moving to linux in 3-5 years maybe, but even being a somewhat poweruser on windows and understanding i could make linux work for me, i still know it is worse - games run slower if at all, number of proprietary programs i need have no foss alternatives, heck, even my windows mp3 player is on another level compared to anything i could find on linux, and it doesn't get any more generic than that. so even though i myself take some practical steps towards linux - i put manjaro on my mother's laptop because she knows no difference anyway, then in a couple of years installed fedora on my own laptop to do some work outside of my main pc and in a couple years more i consider considering trying (ikr) opensuse for my main workstation - i still would never even suggest to a random windows user that they should make this move, unless they came to this idea on their own already for whatever reason.

  • @jakobw135
    @jakobw135 Місяць тому +2

    Linux is NOT GOOD ENOUGH to be used compared to the MAINSTREAM OS's like Windows and Mac - because MOST mainstream software does NOT not work on Linux.

  • @kuroenekodemon
    @kuroenekodemon 4 місяці тому +1

    I googled this for him the Nintendo Switch's Operating System is based on FreeBSD same as the Playstation 5

    • @derpaderpaderpader
      @derpaderpaderpader 2 місяці тому

      Not to mention those Steam Decks running a forked version of Arch.

  • @C6438911
    @C6438911 2 роки тому +3

    I dual boot windows with linux. I use as much linux as I can.
    The reason I want to use linux is all the telemetry in windows.
    But I still need windows for a couple of programs and/or games that won't work in linux.

  • @ruenoak
    @ruenoak 2 роки тому +6

    The most common apps I am asked about for Linux is MS Office. Can I run Word, Excel and Outlook on Linux ? Unfortunately my reply is no. There are workarounds of course. But they aren’t really that good.

    • @biutifo1201
      @biutifo1201 2 роки тому +1

      Absolutely, if ms office is already the de facto in daily work, why should we switch to Linux.

  • @urmensch12
    @urmensch12 2 роки тому +1

    It would also help to sell Linux PCs in places were the average PC buyer can actually see them. Atleast were i live I never saw a PC selling Store having a single Linux Pc on its shelves.

  • @porteal8986
    @porteal8986 2 роки тому +2

    yes, I do care about the openness of the hardware and software, and the labor behind my phone, there just happen to be fewer options. If linux phones worked as well as linux desktops, there would be no reason for me to use my android phone

  • @tafferinthedark
    @tafferinthedark 2 роки тому +1

    I disagree with the mentality that one should not care about philosophy and practices of a company. Most people don't, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't, that just means people are apathetic. Just like there's people that care if a product involves animal cruelty or unreasonable environmental damage, some people care about the dystopian society we live in in which corporations strive for more and more control over you.
    Apathy has led to you having less and less rights. Like even repair a device you allegedly own. Everything is moving to service schemes, subscriptions, leases, licenses so you own nothing. So sure, just keep consuming.
    I had been trying to slowly depend less and less on google and microsoft services (And yes, I am on fucking youtube right now, I am aware). I had been trying the water on Linux every now on then for years unsuccessfully until recently. But as of now it's been at least 6 months since the last time I booted Windows which is a really good sign. Fortunately my favorite games run well on Linux and/or wine and I have lost all hope for the garbage the industry is pushing nowadays. So no problems on that side. At this point, Linux finally became "good enough" for me to use. And saying "good enough" certainly doesn't mean I don't expect it to improve as you imply.

  • @CGA111
    @CGA111 Рік тому

    I'm all with you on this. Driver support from all major manufacturers? My Canon printer refuses to print. Any wifi dongle I have with a Realtech chipset (which is one of if not the most common) refuses to work without a lot of fiddling and on and on. Desktop good enough? Can't even create a share without editing a config file, enabling systemd service and adding a smbuser (in the terminal off course).

  • @potatogod3000
    @potatogod3000 2 роки тому +8

    Bruh! You are just bending his points to make it feel like what he is saying is outrageous.
    Also: Adobe, MS Office and other proprietary apps won't come to Linux first unless Hardware comes preinstalled with Linux and market share increases. So what he is saying is 100% true. Just providing apps while people still don't know about linux won't cut it to make linux popular. You entire argument is falling apart here.

    • @KentsTechWorld
      @KentsTechWorld  2 роки тому +6

      Or he is bending reality to fit is narrative 😜 also if you listened I explained that Linux on hardware have been a thing since the mid 2000's and Linux was in stores beside Windows machines, and still did not make Linux more popular. What you are and he is talking or thinking about is that Linux need to be on most if not all of the hardware in stores, and that will never happen. And more people then you think know about Linux, and more the you can imagine have tried it, they just don't stick with it sadly. And a lot of the things he say is factual not true

    • @BillyPage1337
      @BillyPage1337 3 місяці тому

      Sane people in Brazil bought PCs and laptops with Loonix preinstalled and installed Windows on it.

  • @kennethnash598
    @kennethnash598 8 місяців тому

    Linux could be perfect for anyone using it as there primary desktop. Like Windows you can find programs to do the work you need for your job. People will get comfortable with using Windows. If it isn't like what they re used to. any average user will be used to Windows. Any one who switches will be annoyed by something. I have had major issues with Windows I had to fix. You can't get everything with Linux. It provides what Windows provides generally. everybody won't just switch to Linux because Windows is comfortable to them.

  • @noelsoong777
    @noelsoong777 2 роки тому +1

    overwatch runs about 30 frames better if not for most games that run on wine. Then again i am using an amd gpu.

  • @bertnijhof5413
    @bertnijhof5413 2 роки тому +2

    My Question: Can I use Windows for my daily needs?
    The Answer: NO! I can't work anymore with filesystems from the previous century like NTFS and EXT4 :) :)
    In my country with 3 to 20 power fails per week, I collected ~100 corrupted filed in the last 10 years. I need the facilities of OpenZFS:
    - the "copy on write" method avoiding corrupted files due to crashes or power fails;
    - the cyclic redundancy checks (CRC) stored one level up for all file records and directory records.
    - the snapshots for rollbacks if needed;
    - support for all RAID methods in software and if needed based on partitions instead of whole disks;
    - automatic repair of inconsistencies in redundant RAID storage using those CRCs;
    - and many many other advantages.

    • @ekital191
      @ekital191 2 роки тому

      Get a UPS.

    • @bertnijhof5413
      @bertnijhof5413 2 роки тому

      @@ekital191 The battery always dies after a year or so and this software solution is gratis.

  • @SleepyRulu
    @SleepyRulu 2 роки тому +1

    I think the year of desktop linux due to,lack of blue stacks etc.

  • @diuran1919
    @diuran1919 2 роки тому

    And again x3 I have to write a comment because the creator or youtube deletes without a reason.
    To bypass the ad sponsor in youtube video, it's best to install Sponsor(together)Block from the google store.
    I love these linux warships, what a drama, what an action, something amazing

    • @KentsTechWorld
      @KentsTechWorld  2 роки тому

      It's youtube that delete your comment not me. i only delete comments with links in them, and from now on if people are pushing a program, so please don't tell people how to avoid ads, i even do think it's against the TOS or something. So from now on, if people are puching ad-blockers in comments i will delete them, as it seam to be the only thing people want to talk about, it if just mention it for a second, and is for sure not what the video is about.
      Also if you are on youtube naughty list, as a known "shit poster, spammer, or not flowing the TOS" youtube auto sensor you.
      So maybe you are at fault here ;)

  • @1KeyJee
    @1KeyJee 2 роки тому +2

    Just putting it out there, I only run Linux and I disagree with people who say Libreoffice and Gimp are replacements for MS Office and Photoshop. As a master’s student I always run into limitations of some Linux programs, now I know if everyone used Libreoffice there would be no issue but that now how the world works, I made peace with it and I work my way around those issues but don’t lie to people and force them to switch to Linux, they will end up frustrated. My gf studied data analysis in uni and I installed Ubuntu on her laptop, she fucking hated it and refuses to use my computer because it runs Linux. Now you might be like me and you are comfortable with tinkering in order to set up your machine for your needs, vast majority of people use operating systems like means to an end, so don’t bother people with Linux, people who want to switch will switch in their own accord. In my opinion.

  • @menzokruizinga
    @menzokruizinga 2 роки тому +4

    Linux fanboys really need to get off there
    High horse Linux will never replace windows Because most users don’t have problems with windows or apple and to say that apple has toxic community and and linux has not that problem then you telling a lie the Linux community is one off the worst community’s the are of course not all are not like that but most are I used Linux 22 years full time but it’s not perfect but no os is Linux has come a far way it’s better now an to say that chrome os can’t believe play steam is a lie they are testing steam now on chrome os if people asking my to install Linux I will tell them the good things and bad things off Linux and they can make their own decisions I will never say what can and cannot something keep up the great work 😉

  • @kurokoshirai5402
    @kurokoshirai5402 2 роки тому +2

    It is definitely quite dumb how a lot of the dovelopment for mainstream free and open source projects just try to imitate what their proprietary counterparts already do better. If that is all that these projects are doing, then they are always going to be viewed as an alternative, always lagging behind. What actually needs to happen imo is that we need to innovate and demonstrate the actual advantages of linux which is the modularity and extensibility of a unix-like operating system, which we are straying furter and further away from. There is almost zero point in running linux if all you are doing is running imatation software trying to match a windows or mac-like workflow. If I cared about running flatpak, or having a desktop environment like gnome, I would certainly not be running linux lmao.