The World Would be More Peaceful if Mohammed lived like Budha says Douglas Murray

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Douglas Murray explains to Oxford University student why Islam is not a peaceful religion concluding that the world would be more peaceful if Mohammed lived like Budha.
    Douglas Murray is an author and political commentator.


  • @TwinElusive
    @TwinElusive 2 місяці тому +1

    Funny, if you change mohammed with judaisms moses and various other 9ld testament or jewish prophets and heroes then it's somehow different? With the reconnoitre to the land of canaan to conquer the land? The repeated conquests in times of battle and struggle? There is an issue in relation to modern person centered moral philosophy and modern secular culture with its peculiar legalistic culture and attitudes when conflating with ancient religion like the abrahamic faiths of Judaism and islam and mythologies like the Greek and roman epics etc, even within judaism there is an incongruence with it's 'priestly duties' or rabbinical rather to put it more aptly with it's book of proverbs and ten commandments (think the Jews translate it a bit differently but hey ho) and it's struggles against good and evil, which is part of a broader issue with Abrahamic faiths and religion and humans in general, such as jesus' teachings being used to justify the Spanish inquisition, to catch so called witches (which would contradict the new testament teachings in search of an internal supposed new threat within a western nation, not the first time I suppose nor the last we find our own cultural and religious controversy in that sense and ignore the jewish teachings of the inner threat and conflating it with the outer (succumbing to the devil on our shoulder than living up to the expectations of the better angels of our nature) in that trying to find the salvation of christ (of Christianity as islam had jesus too) and the fight of the light over darkness, we became the darkness which is part of an issue with Christianity and seemingly human beings in general but especially an issue with Christianity as seems a recurring theme such as the covering up of sex crimes by christian institutions like the Vatican and heads of the British state and church of England, thinking that if we deny it publicly then God won't mind or corrupt the faith somehow? Haute de la garenne in jersey? The list goes on in controversies and paradoxes with abrahmic faiths and mankind in general such as the use of Buddhisms teachings to use for the kamikaze pilots in world war two, which is not Buddhism itself but the use of cultural religion, mythology and philosophy to be used for the expression of the soul, psyche and will to live and survive and even conquer in times of battle for a perceived greater good...

    • @quintusdias207
      @quintusdias207 Місяць тому

      Religious or Not.. out there You can found criminals, terrorists, war lords, rapists, pedophiles, bandits, etc..
      the questions are, what are their motives? Is it personal choice, mental health issue, or religious thing?
      What if these criminal acts inspired by a religious figure that according to their belief became their moral compass.. their perfect example figure that none can match, they must follow what He did in the past as an absolute truth
      this kind of criminals is not easy to take down because its ideology nature that killed Human "Free Will" from the beginning.. same as the Death Cult, whoever Out will face to face to terror & death penalty.. This is Isl*m
      Mohamm*d criminal ways of life became the fundamentals of Isl*m
      When You know what crimes was committed by Mohamm*d then You will know what Isl*m is
      Extremist Isl*m is The Snake and The Moderate Isl*m is The Grass hiding The Snake
      Isl*mist and The Leftist in the Western Nations combined are the biggest threats to the national security.. They hate the country that given them freedom of speech and spread bigotry like disease.. with only 5-6% in population Isl*m will shaken a Country, look at what they did in Europe; they establish exclusive zones, committed to crimes & terrorism or secretly supporting its Operations (dawah / taqqiya propaganda).. it just about time Isl*m will kick The Leftist & everyone else who gave them access & privileges when they got power.. Never ever trust "The Facist Dead Cult" a.k.a Isl*m
      Isl*m that came from Saudi Arabia having no roots from Judeo-Christianity, Isl*m = Facist, Death Cult Movement, & Political Agenda
      Isl*m stole and claimed everything by force.. Ka'bah in Meca City stolen from Arabian Polytheist, Al Aqsa Mosque constructed on top of Destroyed Jewish Temple also proclaimed all Jewish Prophets were Musl*ms, Istanbul was Constantinople; They convert The Cathedral to The Mosque, that's why all Mosques in The World build with Dome as a Symbol of Isl*m victory against Christianity,
      Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, parts of West Africa, Somalia, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Anatolia (Now Turkiye), parts of Central Asia, to the Far East: Malaya, Indonesia.. once are Non Isl*mic Nations / Kingdoms.. You never heard Isl*m Missionary sent there but Military Conquest.. You either converted to Isl*m or stayed alive paying Jizya or Die defend Your Origin Faith
      Be careful with Isl*m that its fundamentals itself are deadly to Human beings.. Foundations of Isl*m = Mohamm*d + Quran were in trouble from the very beginning.. completely opposite compared to "universal values" and other religions
      There is no way of life to learn about.. unless fascism and death cult "under religion coat"
      I've never believed in light vs dark or God vs Evil.. but because of Isl*m I realized Evil is real.. but don't be afraid, if Evil is real then God also is
      “You will know them by their fruits"
      Let's start from the Main figure of Isl*m that became their moral compass
      Mohamm*d. . .
      Mohamm*d was molested Little Girl Aisha since She was 6 y.o.. and having Sex with Her when 9 y.o..
      no surprise Aisha was barren and unable to gave birth.. We know little girl who get molested since very young age could get defective on Her genital (in this case: Aisha)
      Reference from Sahih Hadith
      Mohamm*d Married Little Girl Aisha when 6 y.o and having sex with Her at 9 y.o (Little Girl Aisha still play with Dolls at that time)
      Sahih al-Bukhari 5134; Narrated `Aisha
      Horrible Sexual Abusive since very Young Age made impact in Aisha's life also.. She has nasty fantasy to breast feeding adults according to Sahih Musl*m
      Back to Moh*mmed
      Not only a pedophile also Moh*mmed was Illiterate, Imposter, Rapist, Mutilation Psycho, Abusive Husband, Human Trafficker, Racist Slave Trader (Taking Black Tribes As Slaves and said They're Evil because of dark skin color), Robber (Caravan Raider), Infidel Hunter, Warmonger, Murderer Mastermind (attempted 43 assassinations to respond critics, Killing >700 Jews in One Day, Killing and allowing rape to many Captives of Arabian Tribes He conquered), etc
      According to Quran Moh*mmed also has "16 privileges" that 10 of them are about His Greedy of sex & lust *You can easily find out the details on UA-cam (explained by Christian Prince).. booty of war bigger sharing comes to Moh*mmed (Golds, Jewels, Slaves, Women, Cattles, Ransom, Jizyah)
      What kind of a Human Being Mohamm*d was.. clearly He was The Greatest Criminal ever, even Normal Animals are not pedophile & no other Cruel Man in history could pass Him
      And yet many people still believe Mohamm*d become the greatest Human Standard ever lived according to Quran (Surah Al-Qalam 4)
      We know Moh*mmed was a bad Sinner & Many Error Facts in Qur*n, so The Isl*mic Foundation are fragile
      That's why Whoever leave Isl*m will get death penalty according to Mohamm*d command in the hadith, many Musl*ms still practicing this kind of Death Cult rules till this day to maintain Isl*m existence through oppression to Its Own People & Other Religions
      Now You realize ISIS and Other Isl*mic Terrorist Groups exactly reflects Moh*mmed ways of life in the past
      This Madness must be stop right now.. The Next "Arab Spring" will be The Downfall of Isl*m after millenia making conflicts, violence, terror, slavery, genocide, moral degradation, persecution to eliminate freedom, mental blocking to kill free will
      That's how Isl*m dictatorship abusing Humanity.. spread like a Virus.. cut off the progression of civilization so Humanity never achieved its higher potential.. Musl*ms just want to dominate The World whatever it takes, Die as Jihadi, having sex with 72 Hooris + Little Boy Servants in Heaven while their Wifes send to Hell >> majority of Women will be burn in Hell because of Their half brain to Men, equal to Dog, Donkey, and only for reproducing (according to hadith).. not more than that.. This is Horrible
      Winston Churchill: "Is**m is as dangerous in a man as rabies in a Dog.." Other Religions teaches tolerance, Is**m simply does not
      Ashin Wirathu (Buddhist Monk): "You can be full of kindness and love, but you cannot sleep next to a mad Dog.." *referring to Mus**ms. "If we are weak," He said, "our land will be conquered"
      Think again..! And Stay Away From Isl*m..!

  • @ahk5281
    @ahk5281 3 місяці тому +1

    when did this interview/ round table take place?

    • @2bitTank
      @2bitTank 3 місяці тому

      looks like oxford academy. not sure tho

  • @nizamm4908
    @nizamm4908 3 місяці тому +7

    Any world religion, once it attain political power, it becomes bloody. It does not matter what Jesus said or did, once Trinity become state religion, they begin genociding non Trinitarians to non existence. Tell me how could a genocide be bloodier if Jesus began his career violently? What is more violent than genocide? What matters is whether the religion have state power or not. Because religion is a set of beliefs followed by rules. It does not matter who the founder is. What matter is if the religion has the power to enforce the rule and belief.The same goes to Buddhism. Sri Langka, Burma, Thailand, Buddhist with political power did not and still do not treat kindly their adversaries. Today we still have right wing Buddhist monks in Burma/Myanmar advocating violence against the Rohingyas! So their interpretation of Buddhism are valid as well? I pity the audience for wasting their time listening to garbage.

    • @jeremymead8546
      @jeremymead8546 3 місяці тому

      What you are describing is not religion but the general character of mankind.
      As Lord Acton so famously said Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
      There are plenty of examples of secular atheist states being the worst historical examples of this. Russia, China, Cambodia etc to name just three, who between them killed more people in the 20C than the total of religious wars throughout history.

    • @agffans5725
      @agffans5725 3 місяці тому +1

      Denmark here, where we actually never separated state and church, but had a transition to a peaceful enlightenment before the highly violent French revolution. "Modern day" Denmark is build on ideas that originate from the likes of highly religious Christian humanist philosophers like Grundtvig (creator of the folk high school) and Søren Kierkegaard (the Worlds first existentialist philosopher), not to forget the constitution of 1849 was compiled by the Christian bishop Ditlev Gothard Monrad, also the famous Christian fairy tale writer and poet H. C. Andersen, based his work on Christian morals.
      On the surface Denmark may seem highly secular, and Kierkegaard's writings were mainly about how Christians must make independent choices, taking personal responsibility for our actions, which then constitute our existence. but the above were all very religious. Grundtvig was both a pastor, author, poet, philosopher, historian, teacher and politician and I suppose is also a key reason why there is little to no support for a separation of the (folk-) church and state in Denmark even today.
      It's just not the kind of privatized Christian evangelism you find in the USA, that can be both highly aggressive and political in nature, but like an all-embracing philosophical Christianity, with room for everyone who believe in it, not matter their human "flaws" and personal issues. Which I guess is also why the Danes saved all their Jews from wearing a yellow star and from the extermination camps during WW2.
      This is also why I would use the expression cultural Christian, like in the case of Naser Khader, a long-time member of parliament and self-declared cultural Christian Muslim refugee from Syria, who wrote the book 'Confessions of a Cultural Christian Muslim'.
      I'll quote the liberal Jewish journalist and writer Herbert Pundik, who was born in Denmark, saved from the nazis and subsequently immigrated to Israel, who once wrote : "The Danes are a chosen people. They just do not know, and this is their luck."
      The point being, that unlike highly religious Jews, Muslims or Christian evangelists, Danes do not believe they are chosen by God, but to a fair extend do by heart what Jesus said in the Gospel, so it matters not that state and church was never separated.

    • @nizamm4908
      @nizamm4908 3 місяці тому +2

      @@jeremymead8546 Correct. And yes, you are right. It is a general character of mankind to enforce their belief on others. Whether it is socialist or capitalist, or the self proclaimed democrat or communist, or whether one is a liberal secularist or conservative (Sorry for taking a general term which may not be accurate). All will try to enforce their belief on others. It is not just the East which did this. The genocide of over 90% Native Indians by the US. Over 90% ! And how many natives in so many countries are mass murdered by colonialist? I am a Muslim and a conservative, so naturally I turn to my religion for guidance. One of the first thing Muhammad, peace be upon him, did in the 6th century, after he became the tribal head, is made pact with all tribes of Jews. And most importantly told them to stick to their Torah for their affairs. His violent clashes with them is not on religious differences but due to 2 of biggest tribes who broke the pact with him and assist his enemy from Mecca attacking his small state of Medina. To make a long story short, this policy was continued by many Islamic government after him. Which is one of main factors that contributes to generally Jews flourishing under Islamic rules such as Jewish golden cultural era under Islamic rule while elsewhere under Christendom, they are persecuted and expelled. Europeans still embrace the concept of one rule to rule them all, no exceptions. And I agree with what Einstein allegedly have said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

    • @nizamm4908
      @nizamm4908 3 місяці тому +2

      @@agffans5725 I am not going to comment on Denmark except on a few which I just read. It is a small country with a small population, therefore it can be unique, isolated in its own way. But I disagree secularism is a solution for all. Jews too in general thrived under Islamic rule, with the exception of few skirmishes. The described Jewish Golden Era is under Islamic rule which is obviously not secular. This does not come without reason. Back in the 6th century, Muhammad migrated to Medina. One of the first thing he did is made pact with several Jewish tribes around Medina. And one of the aspect of this relationship is the Jews were told to live by their Torah. This has been the source for the general interethnic policy which has been adapted by many Islamic governments. Muslim do Islam, Jews do Judaism, Christians do Christianity. Islam is unique in this approach because Muhammad was a tribal chief, who gave and enforced laws. And therefore it become a source for later generations. Christians do not have this privilege. Jesus was never a tribal leader and he lived by the Torah. Many of Christian Laws are Mosaic Laws i.e from the old testament, which during its time were imposed upon all. Noahidism did not exist back then, it was started thousand of years later after Moses and certainly not adopted by Churches in their early years
      Back to Denmark, I google on Naser Khader and found that he strongly supported the ban of Burqa. For whatever reason this laws was formulated, it is in reality imposing a value on others. How is this different from a law which made Burqa mandatory? To oblige upon or to forbid upon, are both imposing values on others. So please indulge me, how is Naser a "moderate" and Taliban is not?
      Secularism comes to Christian and Islamic nations differently. For Islam, it was generally forced upon by colonialist with the exception of Turkey. You can search for PEW Research and you will find secularism is not popular among almost 2 billions Muslims.
      Peace and blessings to the Prophet I mentioned above.

    • @jeremymead8546
      @jeremymead8546 3 місяці тому

      ​@nizamm4908 Muhammad was a brigand, highwayman, robber, adulterer and pedophile. I am also sure the Jews thoroughly dispute the version of events you described.
      Yes European Christendom did not treat Jews well, but please don't pretend Islam generally did. Maybe when various countries and rulers were wealthy there was no need to have a whipping boy, at other times Islam made life hell for Jews.
      Jewish populations did not arrive and develop in Europe because life was a bed of roses in Islamic countries.

  • @alexluthiger731
    @alexluthiger731 3 місяці тому +1

    The biggest difference between Christianity and Islam is the attitude towards personal judgment: True Christians judge not by sight and distinguish the spirits like scientists. They are taught by their Master to be careful with judgment and quick in forgiveness.
    True Muslims feel allowed even to judge over death and life of Non-Muslims. They are total disrespecters of the holy 10 Commandments of the God of Moses and out for eternal corruption among the creeping animals of the fields. 🍷📜🗿⏳

    • @aldenpadilla1773
      @aldenpadilla1773 3 місяці тому +1

      True muslims follow Jesus and bible more than christians, except the genocide part.