白鷺鷥基金會30週年「希望」虛實沈浸展演 Egret 30th “Hope" Immersive Performance & Exhibits

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • 生命、文化及古蹟遭受著病毒與戰爭戕害,和平、愛與希望的價值益顯可貴。適逢白鷺鷥文教基金會30週年,以「希望」為題舉辦展演,祈求戰爭結束,世界和平、平安健康。
    由董事長盧佳慧作曲、創作、策展及導演,委請張文杰擔任沈浸影像總監、代領瑞意創科團隊,為基金會精選的跨界之作,再創為沉浸式投影表演藝術!另邀知名舞者張逸軍擔任演出及動作指導,展現30年來的點滴及成果。盼在動盪的世局,藉由三十週年的《希望》 之力,傳達些許善念和正能量!
    感念創辦人盧修一和榮譽董事長陳郁秀對台灣及基金會的耕耘! 感謝本會所有的會員們及藝文界的支持、幫助與鼓勵,特別感恩文化部的支持,江賢二藝術文化基金會的授權,藝術家江賢二的信任,作家藍麗娟的付出,感謝春之文化基金會、許遠東先生暨夫人紀念基金會、誠品表演廳、正翰生技、福祿文化基金會、承翰教育公益信託基金的支持與合作,祝所有人,平安、健康、順利!祈求戰爭早日結束,願世界充滿著「希望、和平、愛」!
    The Egret Cultural and Educational Foundation's 30th anniversary, in the name of “Hope”, we created an immersive performance to complement our curated exhibition (curated &created & directed by Chairwoman, Chia-Hui Lu ).
    In a world where life, culture, and heritages are impacted by pandemics, and wars, the value of peace, love, and hope shines ever brighter.
    we present “Hope”, a beacon in these trying times.
    We pray for the end of wars, for world peace, and for health. Our exhibition showcases a selection of Taiwan-themed publications, new creations, exhibitions, performances, and cross-arts creations. “Sunflower”, our new production will premier at Taipei 101 AMBI SPACE ONE.
    Harnessing AI and computational algorithms to upgrade the resolution of previous works, the visuals are arranged, mirrored, and extended to seamlessly flows throughout four connecting vertical walls and floor. Through 360 video space capture, we enable shockingly impactful 3D visuals without borders. With live performances by a pianist and a dancer, the virtual and the real are intertwined! The interactivity adds a multifaceted sense of theatrical excellence. We invite you to spread your wings of artistic imagination and immerse yourself in our surreal world of storytelling!
    In this tumultuous world, we hope to convey positive energy through our performances and creations. May these artistic grains of sand amass into a tower of hope and love, dissolving all conflicts and animosity. May wars end swiftly, and may the world overflow with hope, peace, and love!
    Production: Egret Cultural and Educational Foundation
    Director / Curator / Creator / Composer: Chia-Hui Lu
    Director of Immersive Image : Oready Wen- Chieh Chang
    Immersive Image: Oready
    Dancer: Billy Chang
    Exhibition: Freeimage
    Special thanks to: Ministry of Culture、Paul Chiang Arts & Cultural Foundation, Fu Lu Culture, CH Biotech R&D Co., LTD., Paul Chiang, Goya Lan
    #EgretCulturalAndEducationalFoundation #chiahuilu #白鷺鷥文教基金會 #盧佳慧 #希望 #虛實沉浸展演 #Hope #CrossArt #performing #performance #exhibition #musician #pianist #artist #immersiveart #immersive #immersiveexperience #performingarts #performanceart #immersiveart