select * from ( select p1.state, as maxPopulation , as minPopulation, row_number() over (partition by p1.state order by p1.state, p1.population-p2.population desc)as rn from CityPopulation p1 inner join CityPopulation p2 on p1.state = p2.state and p1.population > p2.population ) where rn=1 ; ---- SELECT DISTINCT p1.state, FIRST_VALUE( OVER (PARTITION BY p1.state ORDER BY p1.population DESC) AS MaxPopulation, FIRST_VALUE( OVER (PARTITION BY p1.state ORDER BY p2.population ASC) AS minPopulation FROM CityPopulation p1 INNER JOIN CityPopulation p2 ON p1.state = p2.state AND p1.population > p2.population;
select * from (
select p1.state, as maxPopulation , as minPopulation,
row_number() over (partition by p1.state order by p1.state, p1.population-p2.population desc)as rn
from CityPopulation p1
inner join CityPopulation p2
on p1.state = p2.state
and p1.population > p2.population
) where rn=1 ;
FIRST_VALUE( OVER (PARTITION BY p1.state ORDER BY p1.population DESC) AS MaxPopulation,
FIRST_VALUE( OVER (PARTITION BY p1.state ORDER BY p2.population ASC) AS minPopulation
CityPopulation p1
CityPopulation p2 ON p1.state = p2.state AND p1.population > p2.population;
Many thanks for contributing this solution! 🙌