Hi do you know where all the sidewalks are by heart or do you have some plan or fixed route to take? I can imagine it's hard to figure it out by looking when a lot of snow has fallen :)
i have guide pins on one side off the sidewalk :) and when its not there i follow the old line, and if i cant see just slow down and try too feel with the blade( if i feel/see grass i know)
good job
the look on the people at beginning was like how dare u clear the sidewalk n make us stand aside 😂
Hi do you know where all the sidewalks are by heart or do you have some plan or fixed route to take? I can imagine it's hard to figure it out by looking when a lot of snow has fallen :)
i have guide pins on one side off the sidewalk :) and when its not there i follow the old line, and if i cant see just slow down and try too feel with the blade( if i feel/see grass i know)
Kor e den sny stormen , hvis det hadde vært en sny storm, så hadde du ikke sett å brøyt
all this snow came in 20 min , was a fast storm but it started later too :)