Kevin O'Leary: Trump judgment left investors asking 'who's next?'

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • CNN's Laura Coates speaks with Kevin O'Leary, "Shark Tank" judge and Chairman of O'Leary Ventures, about the $355 million judgment against former President Donald Trump. #CNN #News

КОМЕНТАРІ • 14 тис.

  • @crazzygamer2866
    @crazzygamer2866 6 місяців тому +462

    The comments section is testament to how goofy CNN viewers are

    • @Moose745
      @Moose745 6 місяців тому +53

      So true, it's mind boggling

    • @Adam444Tv
      @Adam444Tv 6 місяців тому +3

      Most are supporting Kevin. There are a few saying “victimless crime is a cop out” but “getting Trump” is more important than anything NY has to offer real estate development or it’s people

    • @xlr8r2010
      @xlr8r2010 6 місяців тому

      They are brainwashed...the problem is, they don't realize how dumb they are. That is a

    • @crazzygamer2866
      @crazzygamer2866 6 місяців тому +5

      @@Adam444Tv yeah I see that. When I initially posted this the top comments were all negative towards O’Leary but it looks like they’ve been drowned out now

    • @Budgelife
      @Budgelife 6 місяців тому

      BRAINWASHED they are.

  • @PooNinja
    @PooNinja 6 місяців тому +231

    The state lost tax revenue. The banks were cheated into charging lower interest rates. So yes there are victims. The people are the victim.

    • @ogi197
      @ogi197 6 місяців тому +14

      And, Who are the Banks? Let me answer that one....WE THE PEOPLE ARE THE BANKS. F Outta here O'Leary.

    • @rich-qk7dc
      @rich-qk7dc 6 місяців тому +9

      Like he said it's a victimless crime and it common for banks and developers to haggle over value and in the end its up to the bank to decide not the state BTW the banks said they love Trump and looking forward to doing business with him again

    • @Youcanthandlethetruth435
      @Youcanthandlethetruth435 6 місяців тому +24

      The banks were not cheated.The banks completed their own due diligence and they concluded that everything was OK.Everyone was happy except the idiots with TDS.Thanks for you're input anyway.

    • @humai771
      @humai771 6 місяців тому +3

      Sounds like mr wonderful needs to be audited if he’s in your state fact is the people should demand it since he is in public promoting criminal activity

    • @elmosweed4985
      @elmosweed4985 6 місяців тому

      @@Youcanthandlethetruth435 My bank still does not believe you, can you come down and hand in this loan application with me.
      They keep saying I singed the information was accurate and not made up.
      They keep threatening I can be held accountable for lying on a loan application...
      *I am listing the value of my house at 100x the value because I put in a nice pond.

  • @orlandomendes3616
    @orlandomendes3616 6 місяців тому +51


  • @nuka6226
    @nuka6226 5 місяців тому +10

    The problem is that Trump paid back his investors

  • @FunnyBoneBob
    @FunnyBoneBob 6 місяців тому +196

    CNN, get a focus group of Developers and ask if they all commit fraud.

    • @phillyphil1513
      @phillyphil1513 6 місяців тому

      what Kevin is deliberately leaving out, is how New York City is the financial capital of the United States (if not the World) and home of WALL STREET, and is NOT GOING ANYWHERE. thus if he and the numerous OTHER "corrupt entities" want to leave...? or want to direct their investments elsewhere in the United States...? what you have to do is "call his bluff" and say fine go DO IT ALREADY...!!!
      because i guarantee the VACUUM he and others create by their departure will simply be filled by any number of other Domestic and Multi-National entities who SEE AN OPPORTUNITY created by their absence. yeah so what's happening is, is that Kevin's GINORMOUS EGO is "blinding him" to the fact that at this late date in the History of Capitalism, is that he and his "merry band of thieves" are not remotely the ONLY the people on Planet Earth with Companies to run, and have Multi-Millions-Billions of Dollars ready to invest.

    • @hongzeng6666
      @hongzeng6666 6 місяців тому +4

      Good idea

    • @timstarkes173
      @timstarkes173 6 місяців тому +8

      Why didn’t they charge him with tax evasion?
      That’s the only thing that would have legs on appeal.
      Must have been no evidence

    • @trumptrashends2024
      @trumptrashends2024 6 місяців тому +6

      brilliant and have kevin on so they can humiliate this narcissist

    • @velvetbikes
      @velvetbikes 6 місяців тому +2

      This guy is basically admitting they all do.

  • @appstratum9747
    @appstratum9747 6 місяців тому +50

    When banks failed because of overvalued assets back in 2008, guess who picked up the tab to bail them out? The taxpayer. All of a sudden, capitalism went out of the window and all of a sudden 100% pure socialism (apparently) was required to save the day. The state stepped in to turn private sector debt into public sector debt and thereby protect an incompetent private sector that didn't have a clue about where its debt was and how much risk it was exposed to. Hence banks stopped lending to each other. All of us paid for that to avoid a banking collapse.
    Let's remember that when banks take on excessive risk, you and I end up footing the bill. Not them. Nor the property developers that they service. We're told that they're too big to fail.
    This sort of crime is not victimless. Taxpayers across the world are still victims of the last banking disaster. All of us have taken a massive hit to our public services, finances, taxes and quality of life to keep fat cats (like Trump and O'Leary) raking it in and giving them the conditions to do so.
    Criminal behaviour is criminal behaviour. With so many little guys struggling but the 0.1% rolling in it, it's long overdue to hold common criminals (who have literally banked the proceeds of their crimes) to account.

    • @johnm7882
      @johnm7882 6 місяців тому +2

      Very well said 👏

    • @owenhoong88
      @owenhoong88 6 місяців тому

      We all know that the bankers caused the subprime mortgage financial crisis, the government had to stepped in to bail the out for their crimes. 10 millions people lost their homes. The question now is why they were not charged with crimes but Donald trump even when there's no victims.

    • @dkhan88942
      @dkhan88942 6 місяців тому

      Criminal behavior is criminal behavior. Are we saying for the past 75 years no one did this? Do we agree there are investors doing it? Why Trump? BECAUSE HE IS RUNNING FOR OFFICE WITH A HIGHER CHANCE OF WINNING.

    • @skidmoda
      @skidmoda 6 місяців тому

      who caused that collapse and who bailed them out...government. There are definitely others on the blame list, but it started with Gov.

    • @matthagen5696
      @matthagen5696 6 місяців тому +1

      I agree. Good point.

  • @MichaelMoore-rc7ch
    @MichaelMoore-rc7ch 6 місяців тому +107

    The investors that don't cheat the system lost money Kevin! Banks lending to cheaters leaves less money available to lend out to others who don't cheat. Kevin knows that, he's a cheater or he wouldn't be worried about doing business in NEW YORK.

    • @DianneMarian
      @DianneMarian 6 місяців тому

      Also O'leary says there was no victims. LOL The Gov't is the victim; "we the people"" Trump inflated his assets and then deflated his assets during tax season. Money the Gov't would have collected had he not done so. The fraud is against the Gov't. the victim.

    • @middle_of_the_road
      @middle_of_the_road 6 місяців тому +7

      No one lost money. That is the point. You are bring up a hypothetical to try and validate your point. But the problem is there is no factual or evidence based harm to anyone. You literally have been convinced something bad happened when nothing bad happened.

    • @dotdotdot2k6
      @dotdotdot2k6 6 місяців тому

      @@middle_of_the_road Reality and the courts seem to disagree with you though. I guess I will just believe a rando on the internet instead of my eyes.

    • @day10866
      @day10866 6 місяців тому +5

      Selective prosecuting to go after political opponents is not a good thing

    • @MichaelMoore-rc7ch
      @MichaelMoore-rc7ch 6 місяців тому

      @@middle_of_the_road I have lost money by doing business with a lying cheat ,that's what I base my point on ,that will never happen again to me,don't believe a con man.

  • @thebrentschneider7369
    @thebrentschneider7369 6 місяців тому +145

    Everyone here saying O’Leary is wrong has never bought or sold real estate. He is spot on.

    • @lizamena9124
      @lizamena9124 5 місяців тому +6

      💯 exactly

    • @marisadalfonso6956
      @marisadalfonso6956 5 місяців тому

      He’s definitely a voteing red all the way

    • @realkilog5615
      @realkilog5615 5 місяців тому +2

      Why? Does voting red endanger your welfare benefits 😂

    • @marisadalfonso6956
      @marisadalfonso6956 5 місяців тому +3

      @@realkilog5615 excuse me I work we are just trump and so does my husband trump 2024

    • @ryanjones4877
      @ryanjones4877 5 місяців тому +6

      there is no "everyone does it so it's ok" exception to fraud laws

  • @PharmaBliss
    @PharmaBliss 6 місяців тому +113

    So to paraphrase... a) NYC is bad for business if rich a-holes are not allowed to cheat without consequences and b) he is wondering if he is next, implying that he is already cheating in his businesses. Hope the authorities are paying attention and that he is indeed next.

    • @StodgyAyatollah
      @StodgyAyatollah 6 місяців тому +7

      Who was cheated? Reality doesn't just take a back seat because Trump's involved. This has gone way too far.

    • @bmass0828
      @bmass0828 6 місяців тому

      Man, you people are sad. Missing the forest through the tree's. If what Trump did was wrong, why is the bank getting away scott free? You people can't seem to answer that. Whats more is that we both know they will never go after the banks.

    • @ecalhoun88888
      @ecalhoun88888 6 місяців тому

      @@StodgyAyatollah Here are a couple: (1) shareholders of banks that have had to write off loans when Trump (or anyone else that did this) declared bankruptcy and (2) ordinary NYers that were cheated out of tax revenues. It fell on the middle and lower class to make up the difference. Kevin doesn't care, of course, because billionaires don't become billionaires without a very loose interpretation of laws.

    • @SnarfsnarfObanion-pz5wn
      @SnarfsnarfObanion-pz5wn 6 місяців тому

      You did not pay attention to any of this case.
      Trump's company sought a loan, and negotiated with a bank to secure the loan. The loan was paid in full, with interest. Where's the fraud?
      Trump was already fined $1M for this exact thing in 2022, and the woke AG asked the judge to increase it to $354M (which he did) because she and the judge have trump derangement syndrome and their goal is to ruin him as a person rather than enforce the law. "we're saving democracy by bankrupting our only major political opponent, for "crimes" that every single real estate developer does!"
      She ran for AG in 2018 saying "she'll go after trump"... she has tried numerous times and this is the only one that stuck, and it juuuuust so happens to be right before the election... why did they wait until now if this was so vital and important a case? so clearly a misuse of the justice system. Judges and AG's shouldn't be reveling in the fact that they're attacking their most hated opponent in politics.... justice is supposed to be blind, and unbiased.
      Laticia James just said "Trump wrote the art of the deal, but he perfected the art of the steal"... does that sound like an unbiased judge who is simply enforcing the law as it's written? Or is it a hateful, spiteful, angry woman who has TDS??

    • @pameladewinter8724
      @pameladewinter8724 6 місяців тому +3

      Really he’s like admitting I’m a crook right on television I swear to God no one has any kind of decency or honesty or morality. I wonder where we’re all gonna move to when they trash this place

  • @timg1246
    @timg1246 6 місяців тому +57

    So, this fellow says EVERY business man does what Trump has done.
    Time for a quick look over some of your books.
    Getting cheaper insurance by making false declarations is NOT a victimless crime.

    • @bigmike1ak
      @bigmike1ak 6 місяців тому +1


    • @jtk1996
      @jtk1996 6 місяців тому

      Have a crisis, find out the taxpayer has to pay for their loss and make the equation: tax payer = no victim. Now you have learned the foundation of their business.

    • @amikos2641
      @amikos2641 6 місяців тому

      There may be the proclamation of buyer beware however, all the forms I've signed all have the clause the information is accurate to the best of your knowledge. Buyer beware doesn't apply.. banks don't care as long as they get their stipend. Unpaid taxes are another matter I'd say.

    • @rachelnaisbett403
      @rachelnaisbett403 5 місяців тому

      What is a false declaration?

  • @robertcaldwell2994
    @robertcaldwell2994 6 місяців тому +56

    Yes, people prefer to invest where you don't have to worry about corruption.

    • @MrDjslav5
      @MrDjslav5 6 місяців тому +6

      People prefer to break the law where it is not prosecuted.

    • @sissymurphy9620
      @sissymurphy9620 6 місяців тому judge joe brown on youtube exposes corruption

    • @ecurewitz
      @ecurewitz 6 місяців тому

      Kevin O Leary is the corruption

    • @robertcaldwell2994
      @robertcaldwell2994 6 місяців тому +1

      @@MrDjslav5 also very true!

    • @chadleach6009
      @chadleach6009 5 місяців тому +1

      ​@@MrDjslav5true, like a judge violating the 8th ammendment

  • @LaunchDay.
    @LaunchDay. 6 місяців тому +127

    This is a problem for EVERYONE across the globe! I recently negotiated the valuation of MY HOUSE with the bank and I said my house was worth more to get a bigger loan! Am I going to be prosecuted for fraud because I negotiated and said my property is worth more?
    This is really bad

    • @AfroDragon
      @AfroDragon 6 місяців тому +15

      you forgot that the bank looked into and agreed with it , then a 3rd party comes in and says nah

    • @johnchampagne4035
      @johnchampagne4035 6 місяців тому

      Prosecution, at this time, is only for those who ideologically oppose the globalist elitists on a grand scale. They won't come after us until they have effectively silenced their big enemies and have seized power.
      This same man stated in another interview with her, that he feels like he's in Venezuela; eluding to targeted prosecutions of political opponents.

    • @62Hazenut62jrlv
      @62Hazenut62jrlv 5 місяців тому +16

      Exactly EVERYONE DOES IT😂

    • @62Hazenut62jrlv
      @62Hazenut62jrlv 5 місяців тому +3


    • @62Hazenut62jrlv
      @62Hazenut62jrlv 5 місяців тому +10

      Who is the Victim in this case 😂

  • @patrickm6012
    @patrickm6012 6 місяців тому +22

    Kevin says it’s not about Trump, but he is talking about it like it’s an injustice. The trial was over several months. The valuations and devaluations and square footage changes were not just reasonable adjustments they were 3 or more times the valuation.

    • @ladydriver2146
      @ladydriver2146 5 місяців тому +1

      But the banks in which he got the money from approved it all and also DT paid the loans back , don't you get it!!!!

    • @ladydriver2146
      @ladydriver2146 5 місяців тому

      Ok he did no different than what all other businesses do in times of high demand. For example airport food prices are jacked up into the heavens because they know its a matter of convenience and if you want to eat you buy it. Should the state come in and the airport with gouging prices?

  • @stevesmith2491
    @stevesmith2491 6 місяців тому +44

    There are about 50 fortune 500 companies in New York which i do not hear of being ask to pay $355 million.

    • @skytowergnome4664
      @skytowergnome4664 6 місяців тому +7


    • @Siacourage
      @Siacourage 6 місяців тому

      That's because they're aligned with the corrupt NYC judicial system. Trump isn't.

    • @wegotthis247
      @wegotthis247 6 місяців тому +2

      It’s like driving and not going 10 over the speed limit; 15/20 and you’re looking for trouble. When in actuality, 1 mile over is it. Are we ALL pulled for 1 -5 - 9 - most aren’t. Now - start drifting lanes, no seat belt, on the cell, illegal tints, and see how fast you’re pulled. Kevin: “…EVERYONES going with the flow of traffic, why did I get pulled?” LEO: because you’re a dummy. That’s basically the judge’s take. They know they all inflate but this is beyond EGREGIOUS.

    • @phillyphil1513
      @phillyphil1513 6 місяців тому

      what Kevin is deliberately leaving out, is how New York City is the financial capital of the United States (if not the World) and home of WALL STREET, and is NOT GOING ANYWHERE. thus if he and the numerous OTHER "corrupt entities" want to leave...? or want to direct their investments elsewhere in the United States...? what you have to do is "call his bluff" and say fine go DO IT ALREADY...!!!
      because i guarantee the VACUUM he and others create by their departure will simply be filled by any number of other Domestic and Multi-National entities who SEE AN OPPORTUNITY created by their absence. yeah so what's happening is, is that Kevin's GINORMOUS EGO is "blinding him" to the fact that at this late date in the History of Capitalism, is that he and his "merry band of thieves" are not remotely the ONLY the people on Planet Earth with Companies to run, and have Multi-Millions-Billions of Dollars ready to invest.

    • @roytrevisan3491
      @roytrevisan3491 6 місяців тому

      well said@@wegotthis247

  • @stephenludlum9746
    @stephenludlum9746 6 місяців тому +16

    Most companies don't cook their books or commit insurance or tax fraud. My mother has owned a mid-size business for 50 years in New York. She never cooked her box or committed insurance fraud or tax fraud.

    • @Zak.Sparrow
      @Zak.Sparrow 6 місяців тому

      Who's next though?

    • @Peter-gi3re
      @Peter-gi3re 6 місяців тому +1

      @@Zak.Sparrowwho’s next ……. Whoever is breaking the law is next. Don’t break the law and you have nothing to worry about.

    • @videosrus8631
      @videosrus8631 5 місяців тому +1

      @@Zak.Sparrow O'Leary from the sound of it.

  • @thelostclock6930
    @thelostclock6930 6 місяців тому +274

    I am astoundingly amazed that people are not even aware how crazy this judgement is.

    • @Yadayadayada117
      @Yadayadayada117 6 місяців тому +31

      Those were the first words oit of my mouth. It's almost embarrassing. Do people really think it is only 1%ers that do this? I was a mortgage loan officer and everyone I talked to gave me an inflated value of the home. Hence the reason banks pay inspectors to value it for them.

    • @AMC-eq3jr
      @AMC-eq3jr 5 місяців тому +12

      Coates love to make her CNN points by interrupting Kevin. SO disrespectful.

    • @Yadayadayada117
      @Yadayadayada117 5 місяців тому

      @@AMC-eq3jr that's because she is respected for 1000 reasons. 🤣🤣

    • @will201084
      @will201084 5 місяців тому +1

      I'm astoundingly amazed at how far and long Trumps frauds go

    • @Anne_40
      @Anne_40 5 місяців тому +5

      It’s an interview.
      He isn’t supposed to blather for minutes hitting his talking points. He agreed to be interviewed
      Not a Kevin soliloquy

  • @user-mn3cw6zc7x
    @user-mn3cw6zc7x 6 місяців тому +137

    O'Leary is full of it - exactly like he was promoting bitcoin. People who do business honestly do not get attacked by authorities. This case ONLY about Trump.

    • @KrustyKlown
      @KrustyKlown 6 місяців тому

      O'Leary is proof that the wealthy are morally and ethically bankrupt in America.

    • @ogi197
      @ogi197 6 місяців тому

      There is nothing wrong with promoting's who is was promoting and sticking up .. BTC is here to stay... Don't get me wrong, I detest O'Leary. He's a total fraudster.

    • @actionhiro4222
      @actionhiro4222 6 місяців тому

      I have a feeling Kevin is a bigger fraud than Trump. I wonder if he also reports the square footage of his properties are 3 times larger, too.

    • @Budgelife
      @Budgelife 6 місяців тому +1

      That’s for proving the point. That this id political persecution, nothing more.

    • @KrustyKlown
      @KrustyKlown 6 місяців тому

      @@Budgelife Trump is a criminal, this is the consequence of that and throwing his lawyer Michael Cohen under the bus. Cohen sought retribution, and got it.

  • @samsson6430
    @samsson6430 6 місяців тому +117

    Kevin O'Leary is saying everyone commits the crime so therefore the law is moot. It's kind of like speeding, right? But, you can still get a ticket for going 1 mile over the limit. And, you'll pay for it too.

    • @twill9278
      @twill9278 6 місяців тому

      Traffic experts always assume that the average speed driven on a given road will be 15% higher than the posted speed, and the cops generally look the other way
      I'm sure the controlling tax authorities allow a similar fudge factor.
      Trump did it on such a massive scale that it could not be ignored.
      When one has no scruples whatsoever, the sky's the limit. He's just being brought back to earth.

    • @juliannaschroeder6857
      @juliannaschroeder6857 6 місяців тому +6

      Right! Also, the law is not going to be so concerned with just a few mph over, but someone going WAAAAY over the limit? That person needs a hefty fine, and once it's been proven he's got a pattern of such speeding and reckless driving? He needs his license revoked.

    • @bkit5
      @bkit5 6 місяців тому +3

      No cause speeding above the speed limit can cause accidents. No one lost money in this, he basically undervalued and overvalued valued his assets to make it advantageous for taxes and loans.

    • @owenhoong88
      @owenhoong88 6 місяців тому

      We all know that the bankers caused the subprime mortgage financial crisis, the government had to stepped in to bail the out for their crimes. 10 millions people lost their homes. The question now is why they were not charged with crimes but Donald trump even when there's no victims.

    • @samsson6430
      @samsson6430 6 місяців тому +2

      @@bkit5 sounds like the government lost money to me.

  • @FenrirStriker
    @FenrirStriker 6 місяців тому +11

    it aint a victimless crime. thr banks, state and insurances get screwed of a decent ammount which ends up costing the average people

  • @mcawesomest1
    @mcawesomest1 5 місяців тому +59

    He is right.. I did loans for over a decade… this is normal standard valuation in lending. A borrower may say their home or vacation home is worth 900k and the bank does their own evaluation and says it’s 750k… negotiations take place.
    There is no crime, no victims, and it’s standard lending practices.
    Imagine the government can fine you almost 1/2 a billion dollars because they don’t like your ideology.

    • @ryanjones4877
      @ryanjones4877 5 місяців тому +1

      you must not have been very good at your job

    • @legoxb
      @legoxb 5 місяців тому

      ​@@ryanjones4877and ryan is really good at flipping patties.

    • @khawk5857
      @khawk5857 5 місяців тому

      ​@@ryanjones4877tell us how he should have done his job then since you seem to be an expert.

    • @videosrus8631
      @videosrus8631 5 місяців тому

      I believe most people would use an appraiser as opposed to made up projections (aka fiction) of their mind as to what a property is worth. If the lender did not agree with the appraiser, then maybe it would be time to find another lender. But if 2 or 3 lenders all come up with the same numbers, then maybe it would be time to find a new appraiser.

    • @Orcinus1967
      @Orcinus1967 5 місяців тому

      And your job in the lending industry is what? Do tell us what makes someone in that industry good at there job. Troll.@@ryanjones4877

  • @fittekowner
    @fittekowner 6 місяців тому +20

    It simple don't commit fraud and don't commit crimes and you have no worry about being "next". And this was NOT a "victim less" crime, everyone who played by the rules . paid a higher interest rate.

    • @SplashIt34
      @SplashIt34 6 місяців тому

      Your narrative was broken by the literal sharks from shark tank bro

    • @fittekowner
      @fittekowner 6 місяців тому

      @@SplashIt34 the "sharks" on Shark Tank are more like your typical loan shark than anything else.

  • @lindaSmith6588
    @lindaSmith6588 6 місяців тому +627

    Love how the rich think they don't have to obey rules. It's always a victimless crime until stuff like the 2008 stockmarket falls, then the tax payer is on the hook!

    • @michaelkrimmling190
      @michaelkrimmling190 6 місяців тому +24

      This is a great point!

    • @brementmark
      @brementmark 6 місяців тому

      He’s an idiot

    • @flapjack413
      @flapjack413 6 місяців тому +44

      Yup, the lenders don't end up making as much money, and as a result, their rates increase, and the little guy ends up paying the difference. Victimless, my ass.

    • @brementmark
      @brementmark 6 місяців тому +7

      As if O’Leary has data centers in the U.S lol😅

    • @brementmark
      @brementmark 6 місяців тому

      A crook and a thief who cares about America 😂

  • @northernbohemianrealist
    @northernbohemianrealist 6 місяців тому +79

    I couldn't take half of this interview. Mr. O'Leary demonstrates why 100% of the receipts from this fine should be dedicated to obtaining MORE investigators, MORE prosecutors, and places to house these people after convicted.

    • @Washoewillie
      @Washoewillie 6 місяців тому

      Yeah, like you, I had enough of the dirtbag halfway through. What a full-of-himself creep.

    • @Jackaccount
      @Jackaccount 6 місяців тому +2

      It would collapse US economy. Every home owner, every propety developer, everywhere in the country has done exactly what trump did 😂

    • @lennieismael7455
      @lennieismael7455 6 місяців тому

      ​@@Jackaccounttotal rubbish....

    • @Jackaccount
      @Jackaccount 6 місяців тому +1

      @@lennieismael7455 Just because you don’t understand doesn’t make it any less true

    • @lennieismael7455
      @lennieismael7455 6 місяців тому

      @Jackaccount In your world every US citizen is a crook?!!!...I don't think so.

  • @nicholabuenrico8116
    @nicholabuenrico8116 6 місяців тому +12

    When the supposed bank that has been hurt by this fraud testifies in your behalf and says no damage was done we want to continue to do business and the judge still says no way, that's when you know you have a biased judge.

  • @jdm1039
    @jdm1039 6 місяців тому +102

    I remember during the height of covid and PPE loans were being handed out to help businesses actually harmed by the downturn. They were running out of these funds and reports of large businesses and people not actually in need were draining the systen, leaving nothing for those who these loans were created for.
    O'Leary was on CNBC, which I was listening to on satellite radio in my over the road tractor trailer as I was going down the highway somewhere. About as middle class blue collar as it gets as I listen to what this millionaire/billionaire is about to spew next.
    O'Leary said that it does not matter if
    businesses in need were getting screwed over because the money was being grabbed by the big corporations. That it did not matter that businesses that were actually failing, ended up folding because the big boys who did not need the help took all the money. He said these big businesses have a "fiduciary obligation to their investors" to get all the money they can. I remember that quote distinctly. Nothing else and no one else mattered.
    That's the kind of person Kevin O'Leary is. Us little people mean absolutely nothing to him and we mean nothing to Donald Trump either.

    • @trudycolborne2371
      @trudycolborne2371 6 місяців тому +12

      That's very enlightening. I didn't know O'Leary was such a weasel. I was impressed by his success as a Canadian. I should have suspected that like most, if not all, at the top he only got there by climbing up a pile of bodies. Your memory is impressive. Thanks.

    • @jdm1039
      @jdm1039 6 місяців тому +8

      @trudycolborne2371 I remembered that moment and that quote in particular because it was so heartless. He had zero empathy, and it really struck me in the moment as I, among thousands of other essential workers, were out there doing our part in a trying time. While simultaneously, my tax dollars were being gobbled up by greedy corporations and other wealthy people who didn't need it. Taking from others far less fortunate than them. I always found O'Leary abrasive and really disliked him after hearing those comments.

    • @wegotthis247
      @wegotthis247 6 місяців тому +1

      @@jdm1039I’m sorry you had to hear that but hey, I prefer to make informed decisions - if I know and still proceed, at least I know. Being in business is taking a lot of risks but with the wrong ones, as you know, can be financial ruin for you and all is well for the other.

    • @LindaC616
      @LindaC616 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@jdm1039 thanks for all you did during lockdown

    • @benbullard2298
      @benbullard2298 6 місяців тому +2

      We do desperately need reform of laws and regulations regarding fiduciaries. People do not realize how such reform could transform the US for the better in a big way.

  • @MightyfireflyAndme
    @MightyfireflyAndme 6 місяців тому +17

    Wow…. If every real estate developer lies and cheat, I guess the question is not, why prosecute this one guy... it should be why don't we prosecute the other cheats as well? I say we should prosecute them all. I think the rich have become full of themselves and so entitled that they believe that they are above the law. If one of O’Leary’s employees lies to him on his business reports, will he/she get fired? You think that a guy who shits in a gold toilet and flies in his own jet plane is too good to play by the same rules as every working man and woman in this country? Getoutta here.
    Look I am no rich real estate developer. But if I go to my bank and claim my house that is worth 150K is worh 1 million for purpose of a bank loan. What do you think will happen to me?
    Let's take Leary's argument to the next logical conclusion. If it is fine for Trump to claim Mara Lago is Worth 1 Billion dollars. Then shouldn't the property tax be properly assessed as 1 Billion? Otherwise you are underpaying your property taxes. You can't claim one value for the banks and another for the tax man. Be consistent.
    These entitled real estate karens... I can see him telling the judge that he wants to see his manager aka the Supreme Court to come intervene on his behalf.

  • @BabyDollAlison2112
    @BabyDollAlison2112 6 місяців тому +92

    They SHOULD be asking, “Who’s next.”
    It is not a victimless crime, and if you’re a crook, you should be treated as such. The last time he came on here, he said everyone was doing this exact thing, too. Just because everyone is doing something doesn't make it okay or legal.
    For the record, plenty of investors don't knowingly commit fraud. Kevin here is just sweating because HE has.
    Not looking so wonderful now, are you, Mr. Wonderful?

    • @darrylsheffield7102
      @darrylsheffield7102 6 місяців тому +3

      Still a Crime 😂😂😂

    • @SplashIt34
      @SplashIt34 6 місяців тому +3

      Not a crime

    • @CrniWuk
      @CrniWuk 6 місяців тому

      Exactly. They do it because it saves them millions in taxes. It's tax fraud. What a fucking joke that guy is. Victimless crime.

    • @DanSk451
      @DanSk451 6 місяців тому +6

      @@SplashIt34 The NY DA prosecutes a hundred business fraud cases every year.

    • @BabyDollAlison2112
      @BabyDollAlison2112 6 місяців тому +3

      @@SplashIt34 How is fraud not a crime? 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @lettylett1122
    @lettylett1122 6 місяців тому +22

    Thank you Kevin for telling the truth. We’re behind you ❤

  • @PrometheusZandski
    @PrometheusZandski 6 місяців тому +46

    Kevin O'Leary has now exposed that the investment community is OK with committing crimes. Kevin would sing a very different tune if someone lied to HIM about how successful they were. If he invests in something, he wants to know the risk. The higher the risk, the higher the rate of return he expects. He would quickly sue someone for fraud if HIS money was on the line.
    He is just lying when he tells you this is a victimless crime.

    • @Wordalways
      @Wordalways 6 місяців тому

      And how is this a victimless crime? Trump received money that could have gone to another citizen, thereby depriving that citizen her right to the same funds...funds that could go a long way of supporting her and her family.

  • @RickTheScientist
    @RickTheScientist 6 місяців тому +369

    Mr. O’Leary seems to be tacitly confessing to also committing corporate crimes. Hopefully someone will investigate him next 👍

    • @Zak.Sparrow
      @Zak.Sparrow 6 місяців тому +12

      He says he does all his crimes in Oklahoma

    • @SirenScorpio
      @SirenScorpio 6 місяців тому +12

      I swear that's all I heard as he spoke too

    • @ecurewitz
      @ecurewitz 6 місяців тому +7

      No wonder he got so worked up about this penalty

    • @haniotis3421
      @haniotis3421 6 місяців тому

      Watch from 3:30 to 4:45. If you believe this is a crime what he is describing there is something wrong with you. There is clearly something wrong with society for punishing people this way. These government monsters steal our tax money and use it to start wars, murder people, shove people in cages, come up with millions of laws, and you people side with them. It's shameful.It's time for the government to face accountability.

    • @brady_morgan
      @brady_morgan 6 місяців тому +8

      Nothing to worry about unless you have been committing fraud, and he definitely seems worried.

  • @commonsenseparty1396
    @commonsenseparty1396 6 місяців тому +55

    The State and the Citizens of New York lost Taxpayer Money, just because Investors Violate the Law it doesn’t mean that they should get away with Crimes.

  • @NightNightNightNight
    @NightNightNightNight 6 місяців тому +5

    😂😂😂 CNN was not expecting this reaction from Kevin O'Leary. Trump 2024 🎉

  • @Mr.Mopar.23-7
    @Mr.Mopar.23-7 6 місяців тому +13

    If I falsify my business records and get caught, I have to answer that. It's tax evasion. It is time for all states to enforce lawful business accountability. Taxes might be less for all.

    • @Zak.Sparrow
      @Zak.Sparrow 6 місяців тому

      Oklahoma is trying to get some business though

  • @ulrichsuter3548
    @ulrichsuter3548 6 місяців тому +42

    Victimless crime my behind!
    What about the investors and developers who submitted honest mortgage applications and didn't claim an apartment to be 3 times larger than they actually are? They don't get the financing from the bank and they are the victims because they have to close shop for being honest.
    PS: why did the 2008 real estate bubble happen again? Oh, was it too high claims and not enough securities behind it??

    • @seanmccartney5177
      @seanmccartney5177 6 місяців тому

      You do know that was concocted by the banks and appraisers, right? They embezzled them selves

    • @studyhistory2ctruth
      @studyhistory2ctruth 6 місяців тому

      So you are literally making up victims in your head.

    • @ulrichsuter3548
      @ulrichsuter3548 6 місяців тому

      @@studyhistory2ctruth I am not sure where you live and unless you are born after 2008 you will know some victims from the 2008 crash. I know my 401K took a big hit...

  • @alexgordon8277
    @alexgordon8277 6 місяців тому +123

    Wow, these are truly wondeful investors if they start being afraid of being prosecuted for fraud and compare themselves with Trump. Real trustworthy folks!

    • @gregtufaro8166
      @gregtufaro8166 6 місяців тому +3

      There was no fraud.

    • @servdv
      @servdv 6 місяців тому

      Go back to the alternate universe you came from @@gregtufaro8166

    • @itsmemailingyou4234
      @itsmemailingyou4234 6 місяців тому

      Is it fraud if I value my home at 500k and you value it at 400k?
      Obviously that is not fraud. Now if we want to do some sort of business with my home, there are things we can do to agree upon some other value. Would that be fraud? No. Yet NY would say I committed fraud by the standard it used in the case against Trump. If it is fraud for him, it is fraud for me, it is fraud for you, it is fraud for everyone.

    • @Budgelife
      @Budgelife 6 місяців тому

      When a major political party weaponizes our systems - IRS, judiciary, education….we are doomed as a nation. Especially when people who are in the “ruling party” think this behavior is ok. You’re on the wrong side of history friend.

  • @midnightrider1178
    @midnightrider1178 5 місяців тому +8

    Laura is a joke trying to downgrade the bs judgement!!! NICE JOB Kevin!!!

  • @tejanoj3017
    @tejanoj3017 6 місяців тому +94

    Who is next? The business who lied on documents and the documents show shadiness, rules and laws were broken. FFS.

    • @annjames1837
      @annjames1837 6 місяців тому

      In the last three years, Border Patrol has had 336 known or suspected terrorists arrested between entry points in the southern border.

    • @veenamishra8950
      @veenamishra8950 6 місяців тому

      @@annjames1837 Border Patrol doing their job - since Biden elected

    • @miketrav
      @miketrav 6 місяців тому +1

      bank agreed on the property value

    • @veenamishra8950
      @veenamishra8950 6 місяців тому +1

      @@miketrav Bank was lied to.

    • @miketrav
      @miketrav 6 місяців тому

      @@veenamishra8950 bank sends out appraisers ever buy a house? Ever listed a house then the bank appraiser comes in lower? should i be fined? lol thats the banks job to figure out value not the property owner are u liberals insane? ever own property?

  • @wilwynn
    @wilwynn 6 місяців тому +253

    O'Leary keeps on asking, "who lost money on this deal?". The AG made it clear: the people of NY because millions in taxes were not paid. O'Leary can say, with a straight face, that all real state developers are crooks, that inflating assets is a common occurrence. Until they get caught.

    • @rko1095
      @rko1095 6 місяців тому

      Banks and financial institutes lost millions in interest payments because they were tricked into giving Trump low interest loans for his falsely reported assets.

    • @samueldejulio
      @samueldejulio 6 місяців тому +7

      Yes, and on top of that, when one person gets to break the rules they get an unfair competitive advantage. Anyone who followed the rules and could not keep up with Trump could also be considered a victim.

    • @maksimbolonkin
      @maksimbolonkin 6 місяців тому +7

      Banks lost money on interest. Honest developers lost money on several deals.

    • @twillis7149
      @twillis7149 6 місяців тому +16

      😂 as if New York would spend tax dollars on its citizens in the first place....

    • @xXElement
      @xXElement 6 місяців тому +4

      If you think hes a crook that’s laughable. Look at your congress and say that

  • @TWW-zk9gw
    @TWW-zk9gw 6 місяців тому +105

    If the bank gives you a low interest loan based on collateral with an artificially inflated worth it means they've too much risk on their books. They balance this risk by charging higher interest rates to poorer people. Far from victim less crime, the victims are innumerable.

    • @rich-qk7dc
      @rich-qk7dc 6 місяців тому +7

      The bank said it wasn't artificial inflated and they have teams of people who's only job it us to value property and they will be happy to do business with Trump again so if the bank says they are not a victim who is?

    • @larry-kp9sp
      @larry-kp9sp 6 місяців тому +5

      ​@@rich-qk7dcdo you know the difference between 33,000 and 11,000 square feet? Can I roll back the odometer on my car and borrow more money on it. Oh well, the title loan company would just turn around and sell it to you... Sucker

    • @TWW-zk9gw
      @TWW-zk9gw 6 місяців тому

      @@rich-qk7dc they would say that wouldn't they? Just like in Monopoly the bank always wins. They don't care who gets cheated. The victims are uncountable but for example include anyone paying 6.5% interest on a loan when they should be paying 6% . The bank is using that extra 0.5% to cover the reduced rate offered to Trump with a nod and a wink over the valuation of his collateral. The fact that the banks are in on the scam doesn't excuse it.

    • @rich-qk7dc
      @rich-qk7dc 6 місяців тому +3

      @TWW-zk9gw OKntou just made that up and it isn't monopoly interest isn't even the issue in this case and if it was thats up to the bank to decide and nobody else. Do you even know what Trumps interest rate is? And like I said only rhe bank can be a victim here and they testified in cour they are looking forward to doing business with Trump again . Now run along and play

    • @hashp7625
      @hashp7625 6 місяців тому +1

      @@rich-qk7dcunderstand, but here’s what I don’t get looking from the outside. Banks have teams of valuators for due diligence, but what about the tax office? Are they relying on the independent valuation? What is the point of these independent valuations when you can fully ignore their findings? Is this a rotted system like the bond credit agencies or more a case of government = bad, and so I’m not going to pay (either for them to also have a team of evaluators or for the appropriate amount of tax)?

  • @mrnobodieswildcampingadventure
    @mrnobodieswildcampingadventure 5 місяців тому +12

    New York New York a City NEVER to Invest in!

  • @jlasf
    @jlasf 6 місяців тому +115

    A little hyperbole is allowed in business. But saying your 10,000 sq. ft. apartment is 30,000 sq. ft. is not a "little." Telling the IRS Mar-a-Lago is worth $27M and then claiming it's worth $1B is not a "little". It's fraud. And if you're an investor who fears the NY government because you keep 3 sets of books - one for IRS, one for lenders, and one real one - then perhaps you should do business in another state.

    • @telebubba5527
      @telebubba5527 6 місяців тому +8

      I wonder which state would want to be known as a safe haven for criminal investors.🤔🤨🧐

    • @Stormie_LV
      @Stormie_LV 6 місяців тому +9

      @jlasf Best comment! You have won the case. White collar crime is still a crime. We follow the rule of law, but some feel they don't have to. They literally think they are above the Law that governs us all. 😊

    • @1247.cccccc
      @1247.cccccc 6 місяців тому

      Delaware, always has been. @@telebubba5527

    • @americanmeteoritefan9670
      @americanmeteoritefan9670 6 місяців тому


    • @user-gz8st9fe8p
      @user-gz8st9fe8p 6 місяців тому +4

      Is O'Leary saying three sets of books is normal?

  • @commonsenseparty1396
    @commonsenseparty1396 6 місяців тому +286

    Kevin O’Leary is basically saying that not being able to Commit Fraud in New York is a bad thing.

    • @ecurewitz
      @ecurewitz 6 місяців тому +4

      If fraud is his business, then he shouldn’t be doing business anywhere

    • @ddhqj2023
      @ddhqj2023 6 місяців тому +8

      Maybe the RCMP should start. looking into his books eh?

    • @jeffhampton2767
      @jeffhampton2767 6 місяців тому +11

      ​​@@ecurewitzThe trucker boycott is going to teach New York City a lesson because of what they did the president Trump

    • @neale3871
      @neale3871 6 місяців тому

      O'Leary says the man who gave me a tax break worth millions is above the law, so are all his Wall Street buddies.

    • @CrazyAboutVinylRecords
      @CrazyAboutVinylRecords 6 місяців тому +6

      @@jeffhampton2767 You mean the boycott that isn't happening? Truckers have to eat too and New York gives them a ton of business. They aren't so stupid as to not know which side their bread is buttered on. They don't get paid for parking their trucks.

  • @fikkaification
    @fikkaification 6 місяців тому +68

    Rich guy falsifies docs intentionally - don't charge him. Common guy makes a honest mistake - prosecute him to the extent of the law. Wow Kevin Wow. I mean why have the laws in that case, just because no one got charged previously is a precedent ?

    • @skidmoda
      @skidmoda 6 місяців тому +3

      What did he falsify? If you fill out a mortgage application and put down what you think the property it worth, and it doesn't agree with the lender's appraisal value do they charge you with fraud? The lender has an obligation to protect themselves and assess risk. They NEVER take the borrower's word for it, this was even brought up in the case. This is quite a decision, NYC just further killed itself.

    • @fikkaification
      @fikkaification 6 місяців тому +11

      @skidmoda If you get an appraiser who appraises it at $10k, 1k sqft but you write $100k, 10k sqft - then yes ! You have falsified docs ! Read the verdict report !

    • @chiaraA.
      @chiaraA. 6 місяців тому

      nailed it

    • @mrdamage690
      @mrdamage690 6 місяців тому

      How about you charge neither and let the market decide who’s a winner and a loser? Over regulation is the downfall of America. I mean you can’t even collect rain water. Why do you think that is? Because regulation I created to keep power with a certain group of bureaucrats.

    • @mrdamage690
      @mrdamage690 6 місяців тому

      @@fikkaificationbut the final word is on the appraiser, not trump. So trump can’t falsely, the appraiser for the bank can but only they can.

  • @brosetta-6878
    @brosetta-6878 6 місяців тому +23

    I once put up my used iPhone for sale for 150, when in reality was probably worth $100. Am I going to jail?

    • @CameronRoses
      @CameronRoses 5 місяців тому +7

      Well, in NYC.....yes! If you follow the AG's logic.

    • @videosrus8631
      @videosrus8631 5 місяців тому

      Plonker. In an open market the item you are selling is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. In this instance, TFG wasn't selling and no-one was buying. So, a somewhat poor analogy, my friend.

    • @videosrus8631
      @videosrus8631 5 місяців тому

      @@CameronRoses Well, clearly you didn't follow the poster's logic.

    • @DavidChoiniere
      @DavidChoiniere 5 місяців тому

      who determines the value of a business or property? Is it not the result of negotiation?

    • @Tilemixer
      @Tilemixer 5 місяців тому

      Yep you will have to

  • @traymoon
    @traymoon 6 місяців тому +124

    "Because everybody is committing the crime, means that it shouldn't be prosecuted."
    Kevin O'Leary
    Commit crimes as long as everyone makes money from the act. What about those (individuals and businesses) who'll potentially lose money from those crooked acts.

    • @Zak.Sparrow
      @Zak.Sparrow 6 місяців тому +3

      Everyone gets bribes... everyone knows everyone is corrupt because we're all corrupt 😂

    • @TitoTabz
      @TitoTabz 6 місяців тому +5

      I totally disagree. For starters, this isn't fraud. Does a judge have the right to tell you how much your home is worth? If someone approaches you to buy your home and you fix a price and the buyer eventually buys it. Would you be happy if a few years later you get slammed with a penalty for overstating its worth? Someone may look at that same property and value it at $1 but you believe it should be worth $10m, would it be right to be forced to sell at $1?

    • @mattifolks
      @mattifolks 6 місяців тому

      This judge used the valuation that was provided by the Trump Corporation! Trump valued his properties one way to banks (high, to get a better loan), and to the govt (low, to avoid paying taxes). This is the very definition of fraud, and is illegal in every state in this Union. O'Leary is pissed because him and his buddies won't be able to fleece people anymore...and he's shaking in his boots because he is guilty of the same fraud. You can't buy off a DA who wants to stop crime, a true believer. The same thing happened when NYC decided to stop organized crime rackets run by the mob. Just ask your boy Rudi "Drunken" Giuliani. He used to be a hard-nosed prosecutor sick of watching the mob terrorize his city, and now, in this grand tradition, we have another DA sick of watching developers commit fraud and flaunt the law in broad daylight. She said ENOUGH, and now the hucksters are terrified. And now maybe some of those limited resources will go to a small business owner instead of a huckster billionaire who couldn't give two craps about his fellow man. @@TitoTabz

    • @dkhan88942
      @dkhan88942 6 місяців тому


    • @johnj.todora4128
      @johnj.todora4128 6 місяців тому +1

      Who is the crime against? Who did he defraud? The banks who testified that they were NOT defrauded??

  • @garybrown5391
    @garybrown5391 6 місяців тому +451

    Mr. Wonderful is killing me. He is actually arguing that he and others should have the right to game the system as much as they want because it didn't hurt anyone and everyone does it. The ultra rich will just find a new medium to move money, stop the pity party, bro. Today, the building is a 10,000 square ft private unit, tomorrow it's 30 and commercial, for tax purposes. Don't complain when common people lie on federal tax claims and ppl loans if this is ok. Don't cherry-pick.

    • @middle_of_the_road
      @middle_of_the_road 6 місяців тому +9

      The system is not gamed. Everyone gets to play by the same rules. The difference is most people do not know the rules.

    • @bestdjaf7499
      @bestdjaf7499 6 місяців тому

      It's amazing b/c you are also a criminal.
      How many times you have jaywalked or smoked or touched someone.
      I guarantee that you lied on your resume or lied to get good grades.
      Shouldn't you be in jail?

    • @DaleHartley
      @DaleHartley 6 місяців тому +8

      @@middle_of_the_road the system is gamed... If you do not start in the "rich" catagory it is almost impossible to get into it because it is a club. Without the connections you start with you will not succeed.

    • @ProProboscis
      @ProProboscis 6 місяців тому +1

      @@middle_of_the_road Where in his comment did he say it is gamed? You like'm straws?

    • @only2genders02
      @only2genders02 6 місяців тому +6

      Trump 2024

  • @ronaldcole7415
    @ronaldcole7415 6 місяців тому +92

    I have a home worth $600,000 according to my bank and appraisers. I went to another bank and told them it was worth $2.5 million so I could get a $2 million dollar loan from them. They sent the cops to my house. The nerve of those people!

    • @Joey-ct8bm
      @Joey-ct8bm 6 місяців тому +2

      A nice loan with a triple a rating in 2008.

    • @verilyveronica8430
      @verilyveronica8430 6 місяців тому +11

      The Bank appraises the value of a property.

    • @lamonthughes8236
      @lamonthughes8236 6 місяців тому +1


    • @adee1626
      @adee1626 6 місяців тому +5

      You sound like a guy who has never bought a property

    • @mikeb5664
      @mikeb5664 6 місяців тому

      @@verilyveronica8430 Its called mortgage fraud.

  • @Stassis
    @Stassis 6 місяців тому +29

    Ridiculous. Do you really think the banks aren't going to make their own evaluations before lending?

    • @GerhardMack
      @GerhardMack 5 місяців тому +1

      The part where he got burned was that he actually gave bad information to the bank's appraisers. It wasn't just the overall value it was also floor size and occupancy rates. Then of course they would go in the other direction when it came to taxes

    • @ryanjones4877
      @ryanjones4877 5 місяців тому

      if you lie to the banks, it's fraud. i hope that is easy enough for you to understand.

    • @rachelnaisbett403
      @rachelnaisbett403 5 місяців тому

      ​@@GerhardMack You're talking about the one error out of hundreds of thousands of pages of paperwork where a random apartment building sq/ft was listed as three times than what it was right? Trump wasn't indicted on that because there is no evidence it was anything other than a single random paperwork error. If you're going to indict someone for civil fraud you have to have a preponderance of the evidence that this is something they KNOWINGLY and with INTENT do often and repeatedly. A single instance with no evidence that it was done on purpose is simply not going to fly.
      Trump was indicted for "inflating assets", which in legal terms has never been used before in a courtroom under these circumstances because it's so patently ridiculous.
      In regards to taxes. You obviously have never owned a home. It's pretty common sense to boost the price as much as possible when your trying to show off the property, versus when the tax appraiser comes around, then you try to downplay the value as much as possible. Obviously don't lie about things. But if I know tax season is around the corner you can bet that I will wait until afterwards to fix that broken water heater or allow a new renter to occupy the place. It's called using common sense and trying to save yourself money where legally allowed.

    • @rachelnaisbett403
      @rachelnaisbett403 5 місяців тому +2

      @@geelangfordo3272 That's not what happened. No one got defrauded, period. Unless you wanna say that arguing for why you think your property should be worth "x" amount is suddenly illegal

    • @rachelnaisbett403
      @rachelnaisbett403 5 місяців тому

      @@geelangfordo3272 You have to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that Trump knowingly and with malicious intent ordered his floor of paper pushers to lie about sq/ft of a single condo. Which we simply don't have. And out of the millions of documents of paperwork that runs a real estate empire this is the only "beneficial" error we can find? That smells more like human error, especially if there is not a repeated pattern of this and it's the only instance we can find out of literally millions of documents.
      The occupancy comment was Trump Jr on the stand for a mere five minutes in November 2023 where he was asked about the CURRENT occupancy rate of 40 Wall Street. He answered 90% occupancy. That's when prosecution pulls up a document with occupancy numbers from June of 2023 which is where the 77% occupancy comes from. I dunno know how much occupancy changes in 6 months, but I would argue that's a weak argument, especially since prosecution never bothered to cross examine him on current rates in November and not June.
      In regards to the property being developed, referring to Aberdeenshire. Trump was seeking to build a golf course along with some residential buildings. In this particular county you have to get approval from an elected county council to build anything this large. The county council approved of Trump building 500 residential homes and a golf course. Now switch over to the loan with the bank. Here is some secret sauce in knowing the dealings with real estate development that both the banks and the real estate developer know. Both parties know that often times once the initial development is partly/fully built and it's good for the community, the county will approve for bigger development. Ergo when Trump's company in 2019 filled out an SFC, it listed the amount of residential homes that COULD potentially be built on this land. Basically an SFC is an argument to a bank on major developments saying "hey, here is the potential value we can have with this project if we make full use of the acreage, you should give us a good deal that way in the future if we potentially build more houses we'll continue to work with you."
      Who decided that this common real estate lingo and paperwork constituted as fraud? Some judge who has zero experience in real estate and what its documents mean. The judge said and I quote that the DA "has demonstrated liability for the false valuation of Aberdeen as appears in the SFCs from 2014 to 2019."

  • @fitzwilliamdarcy3328
    @fitzwilliamdarcy3328 6 місяців тому +71

    The guy is a crook. Granted real estate people have flexible cap rates, nobody should think they can vary their property valuations by 10x and get away with it.

    • @jamesgibson3582
      @jamesgibson3582 6 місяців тому +3

      There are industry norms that allow for speculative valuations but even those have limits! Sounds like fraud to me.

    • @ecurewitz
      @ecurewitz 6 місяців тому

      They overvalue their properties to the banks and then undervalue their properties to the tax assessors. Thats the fraud

    • @piratekingluffy376
      @piratekingluffy376 6 місяців тому +3


    • @cellycell8970
      @cellycell8970 6 місяців тому +1

      I can’t believe you are allowed to vote

    • @jamesphillips6175
      @jamesphillips6175 6 місяців тому

      That’s not 10x off by around 25%

  • @johnbriggs3916
    @johnbriggs3916 6 місяців тому +22

    At least he's acknowledging that it was a crime.

  • @Kat_Delaughter
    @Kat_Delaughter 6 місяців тому +129

    So, is Kevin saying we CAN ALL claim our homes are 30k Sq ft and get better loans and insurance rates???

    • @studyhistory2ctruth
      @studyhistory2ctruth 6 місяців тому +36

      You can claim whatever you like but the bank will determine the amount.

    • @IWantBasterds
      @IWantBasterds 6 місяців тому

      Yes. That is the point. If both parties agree, there is no problem.
      There is one if you run against the DNC though. That is was O Leary said...
      You are so hellbend of getting Trump, you burn all bridges. You try to find anything against Trump and believe everything that he is accused of.
      I am truly fearful. This happened in germany in 1930 as well.
      Democrats have become absolute fascists.

    • @skidmoda
      @skidmoda 6 місяців тому +24

      you can say claim anything you want the bank is gonna find out your a full of BS. Banks and lenders do their own assessment which overrides your estimate. It's the banks money they have an obligation to assess the risk as a lender. Is this concept hard to understand or something?

    • @drekelley2352
      @drekelley2352 6 місяців тому +2

      ​@studyhistory2ctruth it's called a shady appraiser

    • @veenamishra8950
      @veenamishra8950 6 місяців тому +4

      ​@@studyhistory2ctruth If you falsify records the bank cant detetmine it

  • @lucyhulls7516
    @lucyhulls7516 6 місяців тому +89

    Our government has no ideal how we Americans are suffering, we individuals are fed up with this treasonous administration. I feel pity for our country's low income families. A lot of people are suffering from surviving and putting food on the table yet many are sleepwalking!😕

    • @ChristainBrat
      @ChristainBrat 6 місяців тому +2

      Considering the economic situation I ask,??How can we save our families and friends from financial slavery. It's getting more scary how people are really suffering these days.I can't fold and watch people around me suffer.

    • @lucyhulls7516
      @lucyhulls7516 6 місяців тому +1


    • @misssugar4256
      @misssugar4256 6 місяців тому +1

      Thanks I just got her page now on telegram and she's responding fine ..

    • @southendbos
      @southendbos 6 місяців тому

      What are you proposing?

    • @davidjones7544
      @davidjones7544 6 місяців тому

      It's true, Trump is a train wreck and his sycophants are destroying democracy and killing the middle class.

  • @Adrian-kh1xq
    @Adrian-kh1xq 6 місяців тому +161

    Never a case like this in 75 years? There has never been an ex president like this in more than 75 years, since the inception of the history of the United States!!! 👹🤡💩👎💩👹🤡👎

    • @truthwarrior2727
      @truthwarrior2727 6 місяців тому +12

      That’s right first one to not have a war in decades I sure miss 2 $ gas

    • @davidmcnamara8024
      @davidmcnamara8024 6 місяців тому +3

      O'Leary has hands of love. Everything he touches gets fooked.

    • @nanszoo3092
      @nanszoo3092 6 місяців тому +4

      @@truthwarrior2727 yeah the lockdowns were great. Our gas is the same as it was pre-covid, so I don't know why it's not the same in your area. Maybe you should check out your local or state government.

    • @uroscadez
      @uroscadez 6 місяців тому

      so true

    • @methylbenzodiazepine
      @methylbenzodiazepine 6 місяців тому +7

      Yeah, Trump fights the corruption in the government on behalf of the people and the corrupt government doesn't like it. Who would want a president like that? I want my taxes sent to the Ukraine, both sides of the Israel/ Gaza conflict, but not the US border, and inflation could be just a bit higher. I hate it when I get more for my dollar like I did under Trump. Just awful.

  • @jeffreyulrich3592
    @jeffreyulrich3592 6 місяців тому +78

    Victimless crime??? I'd say the victims are the small business owners who pay higher interest on their lines of credit because so much bank money is soaked up by speculative real estate deals. If this is how "everyone" in commercial real estate does it, then maybe there need to be a lot more prosecutions and that would change.

    • @pgnandt
      @pgnandt 6 місяців тому +8

      But the bank was paid off full plus interest, which means they now have more money to lend out to people. Follow me for more tips.

    • @mikev6293
      @mikev6293 6 місяців тому +2

      @@pgnandt with this crappy logic then , if banks were alllowed to lend anyone any amount they asked for , according to what any one was claiming they were able to repay , they would then profit unthinkable money to lend back,, haa ?

    • @wooski9022
      @wooski9022 6 місяців тому

      Trump paid over a $100M in interest. And more in taxes in a year than you and ur family will ever pay in a lifetime

    • @ashwinkanand4952
      @ashwinkanand4952 6 місяців тому +9

      Bruvf! Just use your brain cell! Banks don't take the word of the borrower, they do their independent valuation of the properties at stake.

    • @DianneMarian
      @DianneMarian 6 місяців тому

      O'leary says there was no victims. LOL The Gov't is the victim; "we the people"" Trump inflated his assets and then deflated his assets during tax season. Money the Gov't would have collected had he not done so. The fraud is against the Gov't. "the victim"

  • @IronChefPeter
    @IronChefPeter 6 місяців тому +36

    “I don’t want to cut you off”…”well you just did”😅

    • @FailedNBAComissioner
      @FailedNBAComissioner 5 місяців тому +1

      I’m voting Trump, I don’t believe the News Media liars.

    • @Spenc4Hier
      @Spenc4Hier 5 місяців тому

      He needed to be cut off sounded like he just admitted to breaking the law too, is a fraud like a trump!

    • @renatosureal
      @renatosureal 5 місяців тому +1

      The interviewee can't even speak freely for 20s ... they need to repeat and push their agenda, anyway they can; don't miss a chance!

    • @vegapreferred9344
      @vegapreferred9344 2 місяці тому +1

      @@renatosurealbecause she thought this was a trump bash and instead Kevin just spoke good . An attempted hit piece

  • @AKayt-nm2yc
    @AKayt-nm2yc 6 місяців тому +28

    This is sad. I don't think Mr. Wonderful says 'just say whatever' when he is mentoring his Shark Tank people

  • @McBain2024
    @McBain2024 6 місяців тому +105

    What has happened to CNN. Kevin o’Leary?? How does have a shark tank grifter get airtime. Fraud is a victimless crime 😂

    • @brazilianredneck
      @brazilianredneck 6 місяців тому

      Faux "news" had Ted Nugent...

    • @BravetteFleet523
      @BravetteFleet523 6 місяців тому +2

      It’s good that they did put him on here to expose himself. I’m sure all of the fans and contestants of “Shark Tank” didn’t know how corrupt he is!! This interview is the beginning of his end.

    • @bigmike1ak
      @bigmike1ak 6 місяців тому

      Don’t you mean “not” a victimless crime?

    • @iamdeathiamentropyiamdarks3517
      @iamdeathiamentropyiamdarks3517 6 місяців тому +2

      How is it fraud if no one lost money?

    • @mattifolks
      @mattifolks 6 місяців тому

      Do you really not understand that when somebody defrauds a bank, then there is less money for a small business owner can borrow, and the money that he/she can borrow costs more to them? Fraud is NOT a victimless crime.@@iamdeathiamentropyiamdarks3517

  • @irafael8080
    @irafael8080 6 місяців тому +57

    The Tax payer 99% loose to fraudulent developers too. Is Fraud now legal?.. he is angry and afraid.

    • @kl4815
      @kl4815 6 місяців тому

      He is 100% trump supporter and he will vote for trump even trump will plan to destroy this country. As long as this dude gets benefits from tax cuts from top 1% he doesn’t care about law and about other people

    • @Krispy1011
      @Krispy1011 6 місяців тому +1

      It is according to Sam Bankman-Fried!

    • @edwardgiovannelli5191
      @edwardgiovannelli5191 6 місяців тому

      If he's keeping two sets of books like Trump was, then he SHOULD be afraid.

    • @Krispy1011
      @Krispy1011 6 місяців тому

      and who owns and does most of the development and property owning in NYC?

  • @josephmshelia7591
    @josephmshelia7591 6 місяців тому +4

    "I don't wanna cut you off",,,,,,"you just did!"

  • @peterplouf2836
    @peterplouf2836 6 місяців тому +83

    So we learned that O'leary has no respect for the law. Neither a surprise not a comfort.

    • @elitegroup7461
      @elitegroup7461 6 місяців тому

      America is a 3rd world toilet. The steeets the food is no different to a country like Spain at best. Trump 2024🇬🇧🇺🇸

    • @phyuckyu1616
      @phyuckyu1616 6 місяців тому

      Not trying to argue here but do you honestly think this has ANYthing to do with ‘respect to the law’? Taking your specific personal feelings of Trump outta the equation, does this actually seem like a case of simply righting a wrong regarding the value of property?
      I would contend that simply looking at the date of the next election and the fact that he appears to be heading to a landslide victory for the position of arguably the highest ranking job in the world would absolutely suggest that foul play is afoot. If you look at it thru that lens combined with the insane penalty of $355 mil, then doesn’t it feel more like a political agenda much more than simply a case of ‘respecting the law’.
      I totally get that it’s what you want and it makes you happy that he got that kind of punishment but that’s a totally different discussion. I’m talking about reviewing the facts with zero emotion or care for who it involves. And in that scope, does this legitimately feel like justice? If it does, well, I think this hill the country is sliding down is only gonna get steeper moving forward and that’s a scary thought 😩

    • @onigiri9964
      @onigiri9964 6 місяців тому +2

      What part of the law????

    • @johnj.todora4128
      @johnj.todora4128 6 місяців тому

      And we learned that you have zero understanding of how a real estate loan works are so brainwashed by your hatred of the Orange man that you are willing to ignore how bad this is.

    • @Gamerad360
      @Gamerad360 4 місяці тому

      Literally everyone in real estate does this.

  • @chrisbrackett9779
    @chrisbrackett9779 6 місяців тому +12

    1:55 Mr . Leary is saying All Real Estate Companies are Breaking the Law to get an Advantage over the little guy

    • @MichaelBellefontaine
      @MichaelBellefontaine 6 місяців тому

      Mr.O'Creepy should hope the little guy doesn't get tired of being screwed over every time he turns around!

  • @andrewerlandson3947
    @andrewerlandson3947 6 місяців тому +83

    If you're going 50 over the speed limit but don't hurt anyone, should it still be illegal?

    • @derekressler79
      @derekressler79 6 місяців тому

      what kind of point is this. Apples and Oranges.. and yeah. speed limit is about safety ... not fraud. THIS IS FRAUD. This is getting advantages in taxes by lying. This is about ELITES getting by with crap Ave. people and businesses cannot. TWO TIERED system Kevin and Trump have been gaming for years

    • @gisele422
      @gisele422 6 місяців тому +6

      Exactly. Could you defend yourself if a cop stopped you by saying another driver was doing 60?

    • @seanmccartney5177
      @seanmccartney5177 6 місяців тому +4

      Good comparison...............NOT

    • @bleaubleau7927
      @bleaubleau7927 6 місяців тому

      Should my renter be sued by Karen. Just because he lost his job but still keeps paying me rent on time?

    • @SK-nq5eu
      @SK-nq5eu 6 місяців тому +1

      Great comment 100% agreed.

  • @frankswan8699
    @frankswan8699 5 місяців тому +3

    This lady has no clue! There was no fraud!

  • @valentinursu1747
    @valentinursu1747 6 місяців тому +27

    All of them are next. "We've been stealing for 75 years, you can't stop us now..." These thieves started to think fraud is normal

  • @sophiasummers1637
    @sophiasummers1637 6 місяців тому +10

    Tell the truth about your valuations, pay your freaking taxes.
    If you have committed fraud, dont run for major political office where the public is going to want to see your taxes and you should divest to hold the office inorder to avoid conflict of interest.

    • @Rani123-d7k
      @Rani123-d7k 6 місяців тому

      So we should just trust the govts appraisal of a property..the bank appraisal is not enough, the developers appraisal? Sure its not enough..we should follow the govts arbitrary set of rules for the govt..

  • @sachiperez
    @sachiperez 6 місяців тому +8

    when shitty people cheat, the victims are those that follow the law.

  • @gb-jg1ud
    @gb-jg1ud 5 місяців тому +10

    The DA and Attorney General *must* now go after all the property owners in NYC and NY state with the same scrutiny and investigation to prove they did not do this under political pressure. They need to start with the Sol Goldman real estate empire and work their way through the hundreds of more billionaires and millionaires.This is also going to apply to individual people who have owned their property for years and fought the city and towns for lower assessments and then taken out home equity loans or sold for much much much more than what they were getting taxed on. This is going t be a windfall judgement opening up revenue streams for government like never seen before

    • @Orcinus1967
      @Orcinus1967 5 місяців тому

      They should just ban loans in general. That will stimulate the economy.

    • @gb-jg1ud
      @gb-jg1ud 5 місяців тому +1

      @@Orcinus1967 actually they need to remove the tax deduction for interest on loans...that puts billions into the banking industry coffers at the taxpayers expense and inflates real estate prices

  • @matthewcauthorn3948
    @matthewcauthorn3948 6 місяців тому +58

    Poor Kevin he doesn’t understand what constitutes fraudulent loan applications as opposed to slightly exaggerated appraisals. Trump is just like Leona Hemsley.

    • @xXElement
      @xXElement 6 місяців тому +6

      Whew thank god your here, you mist be a millionaire entrepreneur yourself.

    • @RK-jc8oe
      @RK-jc8oe 6 місяців тому

      Compare what’s he’s accomplished then look what you’ve accomplished.. key board man

    • @smag1022
      @smag1022 6 місяців тому

      Great observation from your mom's basement, Matthew Cuckorn.

    • @RK-ee7cl
      @RK-ee7cl 6 місяців тому

      @@TheWraith7 only successful people have the knowledge to critique other successful people. Drop the wealthy part…. I know that doesn’t fit your chip on your shoulder narrative. Lazy unsuccessful people usually have a chip on their shoulder. That’s been my experience running my real estate company.. try again ace

  • @edwinrivera4735
    @edwinrivera4735 6 місяців тому +320

    Anyone asking who's next is usually someone concerned about being caught. Not a victimless crime, fraud affects everyone Kevin.

    • @Zak.Sparrow
      @Zak.Sparrow 6 місяців тому

      He's saying pretty clearly how common it is to falsify your business records. Everyone does it because apparently Oklahoma doesn't care as long as you bring them the scraps

    • @sassouusasoo3607
      @sassouusasoo3607 6 місяців тому +6


    • @Riley_rolo
      @Riley_rolo 6 місяців тому +11

      ​@@sassouusasoo3607so let's imprison all the investors?

    • @rathertiredofthemess2841
      @rathertiredofthemess2841 6 місяців тому +7

      @@Riley_roloif they behave like Orangesama, yeah!

    • @rathertiredofthemess2841
      @rathertiredofthemess2841 6 місяців тому +6

      @kissmyaxe531 pretty sure it was still a crime!

  • @marcibeck331
    @marcibeck331 6 місяців тому +22

    If you can’t do business without committing crimes, that makes you a criminal by trade. If you can’t perform the daily duties of the business without being a criminal, maybe don’t do crimes or business, Kevin.

    • @barbarasholling2029
      @barbarasholling2029 4 місяці тому

      No one did anything wrong! I can say my 200k property is worth 500k or any amount! It's the banks job to come up with their own value of said property. Geeeez

  • @dharmajoy938
    @dharmajoy938 5 місяців тому +4

    There is tax and financial accounting are not the same. Market value is also different. This is not fraud. No one lost money, they made money from Trump. If you borrowed 80% of the equity on your house and repaid it on time, in full, would you be charged with fraud if you stated a market value on your application someone later challenged? This is exactly that.
    No lost money, no damages, no complainants? How is this the largest penalty ever imposed?

    • @ryanjones4877
      @ryanjones4877 5 місяців тому

      the honest people who didn't lie to the banks are the victims. trumps fraud gave him an unfair advantage when applying for a loan. that money could have gone to help small businesses get started, or to help people buy a home, but instead it went to a fraud.

  • @carylynluv
    @carylynluv 6 місяців тому +149

    The governor did not say that! She said that people FOLLOWING THE LAW do not need to worry.

    • @seanmccartney5177
      @seanmccartney5177 6 місяців тому +2

      They ALL follow the law

    • @jd0604
      @jd0604 6 місяців тому +7

      Trump followed the law.

    • @azhupeo
      @azhupeo 6 місяців тому +9

      If a judge valued your house as 100 dollar despite the bank evaluated your house as 100000 dollar and loaned you and then they persecute you as fraud , do you think it’s fair?

    • @jasonmorgan27
      @jasonmorgan27 6 місяців тому

      The stupidity of these people is unreal@@azhupeo

    • @toadsauce8091
      @toadsauce8091 6 місяців тому

      Not surprised liberals have no idea how loans work.

  • @HokieD1993
    @HokieD1993 6 місяців тому +246

    Is it me or is he still arguing overvaluing for purposes of collateral and undervaluing to reduce your tax bill? Why does he think uncollected taxes is a victimless crime?

    • @raybar7360
      @raybar7360 6 місяців тому

      because we schmucks are suppose to foot the bill, because WE lazy peasants are NOT pulling our weight....

    • @HomerSimpson-os4iv
      @HomerSimpson-os4iv 6 місяців тому

      Taxation is theft. Do you enjoy being a slave for 30% of your work hours? The government will send men with guns to throw you in prison if you don't give them their cut. Just like mobsters.

    • @Leonardo1963ify
      @Leonardo1963ify 6 місяців тому +20

      It wasn’t about taxes. It is a standard practice used by all buyers to get as much of the price of the property covered for the loan and not have to come up with as much to cover the rest. It is a standard. Now they are trying to tell other buyers who are now cautious not to worry because they will not go after them…what’s up. I hope all investors pull out because if they go after 1 they need to take them all down and suffer the consequences. There was no victim…no bank loss of funds no tax loss. It was nothing more than going after Trump.

    • @mazinkhurshid
      @mazinkhurshid 6 місяців тому +10

      @@Leonardo1963ify Then use the same appraised value for taxes as you are using for getting loans.

    • @joshuastanton6731
      @joshuastanton6731 6 місяців тому +6

      So, let’s just not hold “investors” accountable. Where’s that right wing, “Tough on crime” perspective?

  • @petercullen9880
    @petercullen9880 6 місяців тому +17

    Dear Kevin, if you haven’t broken the law then you’ll be fine. Time to clean up white collar crime.

  • @khawk5857
    @khawk5857 5 місяців тому +5

    My biggest question is who is the money being paid to since there is no victim???? The truth telling politicians? Government or state officials? The people of the state?

    • @Spenc4Hier
      @Spenc4Hier 5 місяців тому

      Shame on you O’Leary Trump inflated total assets when it served his purposes go get loans (that’s fraud)deflated his assets to reduce real estate taxes(and thats tax evasion).He should be locked up! We all have to get loans pay taxes legally!He’s a con, fraud and criminal period!

  • @samsson6430
    @samsson6430 6 місяців тому +49

    Kevin O'Leary is saying other investors are just as crooked as Trump. That is a stunning admission.

    • @owenhoong88
      @owenhoong88 6 місяців тому

      We all know that the bankers caused the subprime mortgage financial crisis, the government had to stepped in to bail the out for their crimes. 10 millions people lost their homes. The question now is why they were not charged with crimes but Donald trump even when there's no victims.

    • @jy15461
      @jy15461 6 місяців тому +1


  • @mideleyi940
    @mideleyi940 6 місяців тому +188

    Imagine the dishonesty of the rich. "There's no victim," "Who's next?" How about you all follow the law? You don't have anything to fear if you don't break the law.

    • @Zak.Sparrow
      @Zak.Sparrow 6 місяців тому +9

      They got rich by doing this crap. The general public is naive and believes in the rule of law. They just hire a legal team

    • @jtk1996
      @jtk1996 6 місяців тому +6

      They'd be the victims, because it would ruin their lifestyle, if they played by the rules.

    • @mrtim5363
      @mrtim5363 6 місяців тому +5

      The judge put it best when Trump said that same stupid "It's a Victimless Crime" crap. The judge leaned in and asked... A victimless what ?? Mr Trump

    • @mesoed
      @mesoed 6 місяців тому +3

      I don't buy that no victim thing. How about non-realized income from interest due to a lower loan rate being issued? Someone would have gotten that money.

    • @middleguy1776
      @middleguy1776 6 місяців тому +4

      ​@@mesoeda loan is debt so no taxes are paid on it. Learn how economics works.

  • @damham5689
    @damham5689 6 місяців тому +33

    It wasn't about the banks losing money as much as it was about puffing numbers to get loans and then deflating numbers to avoid paying taxes.

    • @peterskarlatos2323
      @peterskarlatos2323 6 місяців тому +3

      Exactly, these people keep leaving out that he later devalued his property in order to pay less taxes and that there is where the fraud occurs. Had he not devalued the property for tax purposes afterwards, then he would have never been charged.

    • @jlbueno0611
      @jlbueno0611 6 місяців тому +1

      Exaclty.... it is not a victimless crime. Tax payers and business owners and insurance business owners are the victims. 💁🏻‍♂️

  • @workcloz
    @workcloz 5 місяців тому +1

    Who was victimized by Trump???? Nobody, just a political hit job............................

  • @ashrobinson4604
    @ashrobinson4604 6 місяців тому +333

    O’Leary is right that crooked investors will invest in places where they have less risk of being charged with their crimes. Perhaps some DA should take a look at his business records.

    • @Toronto_James
      @Toronto_James 6 місяців тому +18

      He’s another that has never been held accountable.
      Drunk driving in a boat…

    • @lizlorraine463
      @lizlorraine463 6 місяців тому

      Yes, you’re right. They need to hold this dickhead accountable too!!!!

    • @augusthaze8704
      @augusthaze8704 6 місяців тому

      Do you really think that you get rich by playing by the rules!!!
      This country was built on crime. The people in office are criminals and us little people are still broke trying to follow the rules thinking that one day we'll win the game.
      Sorry to tell you but America is a criminal enterprise as long as you pay the MOB boss aka IRS you can get a head.
      The laws and rules are to keep us on a lower level and consuming all of the goods and services the criminals provide! 😅
      He's trying to tell you and this anchor knows the truth too but she has to follow the script

    • @ronfhs58
      @ronfhs58 6 місяців тому +16

      He's outing himself right here.

    • @HokieD1993
      @HokieD1993 6 місяців тому +7

      I would be very suspicious

  • @johnleeinslc
    @johnleeinslc 6 місяців тому +372

    Sounds like prosecutors should start looking into Kevin O’Leary’s property valuation statements.

    • @seanmccartney5177
      @seanmccartney5177 6 місяців тому +20

      You really think a bank takes the word of a borrower?

    • @mirandeful
      @mirandeful 6 місяців тому +2


    • @darioquirozquiroz6042
      @darioquirozquiroz6042 6 місяців тому +7

      Lmao i know.. this guy is sweating bulets... WORRIED

    • @tavitakenison1158
      @tavitakenison1158 6 місяців тому +6

      We'll just wait till he runs for president... the double standard

    • @owenhoong88
      @owenhoong88 6 місяців тому

      We all know that the bankers caused the subprime mortgage financial crisis, the government had to stepped in to bail the out for their crimes. 10 millions people lost their homes. The question now is why they were not charged with crimes but Donald trump even when there's no victims.

  • @leescales5216
    @leescales5216 6 місяців тому +27

    So, what he's saying is that NY needs to prosecute MORE real estate folks?

    • @mastakrafsta
      @mastakrafsta 6 місяців тому

      Just a matter of time they won't have any business folks

    • @theshadowman1398
      @theshadowman1398 6 місяців тому

      Just watch New York become the same cesspit like it was in the 70s

    • @theshadowman1398
      @theshadowman1398 6 місяців тому

      Just watch New York become the same cesspit like it was in the 70s

    • @dreamcoyote
      @dreamcoyote 6 місяців тому

      @@mastakrafsta As long as there is money to be made, there will be business folks there. The ones who like to lie like Trump? Nope, and not a great loss either.

  • @michaelfimbres5691
    @michaelfimbres5691 5 місяців тому +7

    She understands exactly what he's saying. But, she just needs to tow the Democratic, CNN, Liberal, line. This has NEVER been prosecuted before like this and then the governor had to come out and calm future investors and say...We wont do this again. It's a one time thing.

    • @ryanjones4877
      @ryanjones4877 5 місяців тому

      you don't think people have been convicted for defrauding banks before? thats an interesting argument /s

    • @markrose232
      @markrose232 5 місяців тому +1

      That's because no bank was defrauded in this case

    • @michaelfimbres5691
      @michaelfimbres5691 4 місяці тому

      @ryanjones4877 Really? Is that what you think I said? The answer to your question is, "Not like this." It's almost like you didn't watch the video. Ah! Probably, because you didn't.

  • @GerhardMack
    @GerhardMack 6 місяців тому +63

    Kevin O'Leary seems to be missing the fact that the valuations weren't just changed, they changed according to who the papers were for. If it was tax, the valuations were lower. If needed for a bank loan, it was higher. On top of that, the claimed size of the buildings also changed from time to time.

    • @liomeengele7377
      @liomeengele7377 6 місяців тому +5

      Thank you!! he missed the whole point. It was Fraud!! why does he keep saying what fraud??

    • @monrush
      @monrush 6 місяців тому

      YESSSS. But why didn't the presenter say that?!

    • @darrylsheffield7102
      @darrylsheffield7102 6 місяців тому +3

      He knows, he's a Grifter too😂😂😂

    • @GerhardMack
      @GerhardMack 6 місяців тому

      @@monrush The presenter probably hadn't read up enough to know anything other than the basics.

    • @monrush
      @monrush 6 місяців тому +1

      @@GerhardMack I don't think that's it. I just think CNN don't want to upset people

  • @davidreid1055
    @davidreid1055 6 місяців тому +147

    True crooks will ALWAYS say that their crimes are victimless. There is no such thing as a victimless crime, saying this is just a cop out.

    • @TheSandwichMonster
      @TheSandwichMonster 6 місяців тому +9

      Tell that to Democrats who have left the border open.

    • @justathought4675
      @justathought4675 6 місяців тому

      The cnn anchor” there is legitimate concerns about this case during an after the trail” surprise you clowns didn’t catch it or maybe you did

    • @Corey_Otis
      @Corey_Otis 6 місяців тому +8

      The banks who loaned to him, testified they were not victims of fraud. So who's the victim?

    • @justathought4675
      @justathought4675 6 місяців тому

      @@Corey_Otisyou talking about people who own nothing and contemplate eating bugs

    • @haniotis3421
      @haniotis3421 6 місяців тому

      What do you mean? What the government is doing by stealing our tax dollars from our HARD WORK and using it for wars, murders, etc, and using it to find illegal immigrants--free housing, healthcare, etc. while we work is a slap in the face! Government are the real criminals!

  • @Saltatory_
    @Saltatory_ 6 місяців тому +80

    Seriously? Did I just see Kevin O'Leary make the case that enforcing the law is bad for business?

    • @seannguyen1866
      @seannguyen1866 6 місяців тому +1

      Let's look at the evidence in a couple of years to see if Oleary is right or you?

    • @sidoine4253
      @sidoine4253 6 місяців тому

      @@seannguyen1866 Yes, let's!

    • @JRoss-zxzx
      @JRoss-zxzx 6 місяців тому +3

      Bet if he was ripped off, Oleary's thoughts on laws would change. Maybe we should be looking into what Kevin is doing.

    • @carlf.9035
      @carlf.9035 6 місяців тому +1

      Is there a law for protecting business owners, residents and pedestrians from having permanent homeless encampments on sidewalks, in front of stores, schools and near homes? If we want to talk about enforcing the law, it doesn't start or end with Trump.

    • @antimediaman9354
      @antimediaman9354 6 місяців тому +1

      it's not enforcing the law when the judge comes up with a any number he wants. Why not say a trillion then?

  • @taufaaho6715
    @taufaaho6715 5 місяців тому +6

    cnn viewer's should be ashamed to have ever watched cnn😅😂

  • @thedisgruntledjedi8637
    @thedisgruntledjedi8637 6 місяців тому +178

    Honestly, this kind of sounds like someone needs to investigate O'Leary's investments... sounds like there is something shady going on there. All joking aside "We know it's illegal but everyone does it" isn't a great argument.

    • @carolynnadey56
      @carolynnadey56 6 місяців тому +14

      Agreed, he is a crook too.

    • @DutchG
      @DutchG 6 місяців тому

      @@carolynnadey56 someone should check his book 📚 my opinion

    • @Rani123-d7k
      @Rani123-d7k 6 місяців тому

      So sue all investors!!..the govt will be at loss due to all the loss in tax revenue..and in turn The good people of think the govt has magically creates money? Psss..

    • @joshuastanton6731
      @joshuastanton6731 6 місяців тому

      No, “White collar crime” ISN’T a crime. 🤫

    • @caseyusa
      @caseyusa 6 місяців тому +2

      You’re clearly not the brightest…

  • @BricktopBrickstop
    @BricktopBrickstop 6 місяців тому +29

    It's almost like he's worried the government might come looking at his accounting practices. Hmmmm 🤔🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @MO-qd6tm
      @MO-qd6tm 6 місяців тому +1

      He sounds guilty AF here

    • @Zak.Sparrow
      @Zak.Sparrow 6 місяців тому

      It's just numbers. No victim no rules

    • @MO-qd6tm
      @MO-qd6tm 6 місяців тому

      @@s1dubbzz751 ever since the media and politicians like trump started telling you to think that

  • @al2085
    @al2085 6 місяців тому +208

    I would have asked him straight up if everyone does it. Does that mean you do it as well? You have defrauded banks?

    • @ChrisRJ
      @ChrisRJ 6 місяців тому +24

      The banks don't just hand out money based on claimed property value. 😂

    • @johnreimerdorratt5491
      @johnreimerdorratt5491 6 місяців тому +2

      The decision speaks to truth in business being the aim, not max profit at any cost, which is better, victimless crime or truth, in business/life in general?

    • @TitoTabz
      @TitoTabz 6 місяців тому +11

      ​@@johnreimerdorratt5491this ruling is a sham. No one has the right to tell me how much to value my property. If they don't like my valuation, they can reject doing business with me. The government has no right to look at Maralago and say its worth $18m when the owner of the property says its worth $3bn... sentimental value alone cannot be quantified

    • @carlf.9035
      @carlf.9035 6 місяців тому

      @@ChrisRJ So does that mean the bank is at fault here and some rookie? Doesn't the judge have to prove this property couldn't be worth the amount the bank and owner agreed to but did he ever in fact give the amount it should've been estimated at?

    • @ogi197
      @ogi197 6 місяців тому

      Replace the word BANKS with PEOPLE ..

  • @lordteapot9740
    @lordteapot9740 5 місяців тому +10

    this is banana republic tier stuff

  • @scottgraham5284
    @scottgraham5284 6 місяців тому +11

    If you want real estate developers to be permitted to outrageously lie on all documentation then change the law to state that "real estate developers are permitted to lie about all their assets". Then everybody can simply follow the rules that have been authorized by the legislature. Kevin that is how rule of law works.

  • @ach575
    @ach575 6 місяців тому +62

    They should probably investigate this guy's business disclosures cause "the lady doth protest too much"! Why is he so defensive?

    • @user-hu5iw4lb4x
      @user-hu5iw4lb4x 6 місяців тому

      Excellent point

    • @Jackaccount
      @Jackaccount 6 місяців тому

      You clearly don’t understand that Trump was sued for something that has never been a crime. Thats why people are worried. Turning normal business transactions into crimes

    • @davidclay442
      @davidclay442 6 місяців тому +1

      That was my exact thought as soon as he said "everybody in real estate" commits fraud. Huh?! Who's next? What? Follow up questions: Do you mean who is next to get caught engaging in fraud? Are you willing to open your books for review? You are inferring that you do the same things that Trump was just found guilty of.
      It seems to me that if you have integrity then you aren't worried about somebody prosecuting you for fraud. Business accounting can be tricky and honest mistakes are made all the time, but not these wild swings found in this case nor are honest mistakes made with such consistency such that they miraculously seem to favor the perpetrator every time. This is what is known as a pattern. This would have been better with a jury trial, but I don't think NY has that for this type of case. It has something to do with the charges brought by the DA.

    • @TheOlandex
      @TheOlandex 6 місяців тому

      Exactly right. Trump got prosecuted because he chose to climb the highest mountain and shout to the world how he can do whatever he wants and defy us to ever do anything about it. O'Leary would be wise to shut his pie hole and keep his head down. Skirting the law is a lot harder to get away with once you start to rub people's noses in your $hit.

    • @bennypit4411
      @bennypit4411 6 місяців тому

      Never in my lifetime did I ever think I'd see the day when leftists are on the side of big pharma and big banks. Imagine, leftists are advocating and upset someone didn't give the banks more money(even when the bank themself is saying, no we are happy, he gave us enough money). I guess this is how the DNC is able to get so many leftists to just fall-n-line and do as they are told. Pathetic really.

  • @heyfunny3036
    @heyfunny3036 6 місяців тому +27

    I hope this clown just opened himself up for investigation

  • @old-skoolz
    @old-skoolz 6 місяців тому +2

    She is trying to Damage Control the situation for New York. And she is doing a pretty awful job

  • @dorsai
    @dorsai 6 місяців тому +430

    Kevin is concerned he's not going to be able to continue to fleecing the public.

    • @seanmccartney5177
      @seanmccartney5177 6 місяців тому +2

      How does he do that

    • @Fatdog-Dakind
      @Fatdog-Dakind 6 місяців тому +2

      The one thing you can depend on, is that Trump cannot resist his addiction to making, "M O N E Y," any way he can!
      His first question is always, "Where's my cut!"

    • @fity_4696
      @fity_4696 6 місяців тому +1

      7.22 he even threatens NY

    • @truthwarrior2727
      @truthwarrior2727 6 місяців тому +6

      What are you talking about did you not pay attention I live in nyc it concerns me no one will do business here that means no jobs derp

    • @ChrisB_517
      @ChrisB_517 6 місяців тому

      @@seanmccartney5177 Before I answer that, I'm going to need 5% of your income in perpetuity.

  • @lockman004
    @lockman004 6 місяців тому +289

    Based on Mr. O'Leary's admission on this video the State of New York need to begin investigating Mr. O'Leary. He's pretty much saying that law breaking is rampant in the New York real estate business. Sound like he's speaking from a wealth of personal experience.

    • @jesuschris9543
      @jesuschris9543 6 місяців тому +12

      It is. All major players bolster their assets. This is nothing new

    • @lockman004
      @lockman004 6 місяців тому +7

      @@jesuschris9543 Rikers Island is ready to welcome new guests. The United States has one set of laws that need to be equally applied to everyone. With some minor exceptions for documented diplomats.

    • @seanmccartney5177
      @seanmccartney5177 6 місяців тому +11

      What lawwas broken and your also proving his point

    • @DanSk451
      @DanSk451 6 місяців тому +3

      What law? The NY DA prosecutes a hundred business fraud cases a year.

    • @fredflintstone505
      @fredflintstone505 6 місяців тому

      It’s called perjury Sean. 18 USC 1621.

  • @3asyrider75
    @3asyrider75 6 місяців тому +79

    Hmm IRS should be doing a "random" audit on O Leary 🤣

    • @userjoe4321
      @userjoe4321 6 місяців тому

      You want to bring down the American entrepreneurs? Good luck America!

    • @Zak.Sparrow
      @Zak.Sparrow 6 місяців тому +3

      He admitted they're all corrupt.. no need for a warrant when you confess and allow the search

    • @CJP.-pq3kr
      @CJP.-pq3kr 6 місяців тому +9

      @@Zak.Sparrow- the irony of saying the real estate developers are corrupt rather than the political establishment that you pull your pants down and bend over for…😂

    • @37tomjon
      @37tomjon 6 місяців тому

      Sounds about right. Now we know how some reallyyy get theirs.

    • @userjoe4321
      @userjoe4321 6 місяців тому +2

      Boring... America needs more entrepreneurs and less takers.

  • @johnnynguyen4888
    @johnnynguyen4888 6 місяців тому +3


  • @cweaver4080
    @cweaver4080 6 місяців тому +111

    O'Leary business tip: only invest in states that don't prosecute fraud.

    • @jamesparker1071
      @jamesparker1071 6 місяців тому

      JoBama is a fraud..... 🤷

    • @nilnil8411
      @nilnil8411 6 місяців тому +8

      Inflating valuation isn't fraud. If you cam but/develop a building worth 5million and over time do renovation, you can now fix the price of the building at a higher price. The banks can verify that if you need to mortgage the building or use it as a collateral for loan, etc. How's that fraud??

    • @DawnBowles-me8uu
      @DawnBowles-me8uu 6 місяців тому +5

      You can't say your apartment is 30,000 when it's only 10,000 sq ft. And you can't claim to have an extra 15 stories. Lol

    • @joseforman4513
      @joseforman4513 6 місяців тому +4

      @@nilnil8411 That is perfectly fine. But it becomes fraud when the taxman comes and you claim the building I bought? Yeah bad nes... I did an appraisal and it now just 2 Millions. Please give me my taxes back. THAT is the problem. You use the same price for tax and loan? No problem? You keep 2 books? The higher price for loans, the lower one for taxes? That is fraud.

    • @jaqanjones4101
      @jaqanjones4101 6 місяців тому

      @@joseforman4513 excluding politics can we acknowledge besides Donald Trump the rich and wealthy does this all the time
      If you’re Trying to get a loan, you’re going to find people to estimate the value of your properties and you’re most likely going to pick the high end of it that’s not fraud because there’s no set stone. That how you get a good loan. Not only that he paid along back with interest so he apparently the resources to pay them back that alone, I feel like it was not necessary to sue the former president, regardless of affiliation for something so small.
      I also think regardless of politics, a person should not talk about, or mentioning suing, or being a pain in the butt hole as stated by the prosecutor. That’s just shows her bias, which is why I also think it’s wrong.
      When it comes to taxes, Jeff Bezos, Elon, musk, millions of the rich and wealthy, always find ways to pay less in taxes. Most often did not. They never are charge. The reason why Donald Trump was charged was because he was a former president a Republican, who had the wrong political views in that state. I just wish instead of pertaining like politics, hasn’t to do it this is wrong. The crime was committed or not which I know we disagree on. Do you acknowledg that this probably will have never been prosecuted if it wasn’t republican if he never ran for president.
      Can we agree this will never been brought forward if he wasn’t Republican