Jan 6 Investigation is Fraud, Dems Love Political Violence for Long Time, and 2020 Election Fraud?

  • Опубліковано 8 січ 2022
  • Why were Trump supporters mad? 4 yrs of NOT Dems, Libs, Media not accepting a democratically duly elected President and endless insurrections, sedition, collusion, coup d'eta with Dems, Media and inside Gov agencies (DOJ, FBI) to oust Trump. Russia Gate all lies, Ukraine Gate all lies and the real offender of quid pro quo and being an extortionist was Biden, holding aid to Ukraine unless they stopped investigating Burisma, the energy company Hunter Biden was getting paid to be on the board (with no experience or ability to speak the language) which equated to "alleged" kickbacks.
    Then the 2020 ELECTION, Zuckerberg spends 1/2 BILLION DOLLARS, carefully orchestrated to influence 2020 vote, infiltrating state elections operations by an overlay State election officials with Dem/Lib activist. Sounds fair?
    Media IGNORES Hunter Biden's laptop and likely Joe Biden's involvement in influence peddling. Last and not least the 100's of lawsuits to change election rules, mass unsolicited mailout ballots, mass changes in how to verify the ballots (making it easier to cheat). Can we prove illegal votes that look legit and were counted. No. In part the ballots were destroyed. Now the results may not have changed but we should care about the fraud since proved, 100's of thousands of people who; VOTED TWICE, VOTE IN TWO DIFFERENT STATES, DON'T HAVE REAL ADDRESS, ARE DEAD, ARE NOT CITIZENS, MAIL IN BALLOTS WITH NO POST MARK, BALLOTS WITH NO SIGNATURE, BALLOT HAVESTING WHERE 3rd PARTIES HANDLE THE BALLOT. Yep people are pissed.
    Then The DEMS play like Jan 6 was terrible, worse than Pearl Harbor, 9/11? Please do they have no shame. Most of the people there walked through the Capital like Tourist. Police stood there and said keep you feet off the furniture. There were no weapons and NO ONE was killed directly related to the trespassing except Ashly Babbitt who was shot by a Capital Cop who had done dumb things in past, like leave his loaded Gun in a Capital Men's room. The investigation? ZIP and no video. Just it was justified,
    Video is Property of Fox News who retains all rights.