I live very close to Debrecen, I live in a smaller town and I'm so glad that someone moved to Debrecen and not Budapest because I always see foreign people moving to Hungary but it's always Budapest. I think Debrecen was a good choice, because it's not too small but not too big either, and there's not as much traffic as for example in Budapest. Anyway I hope you'll enjoy life here, wishing the best of experiences to you!
If a blonde Norwegian or Swedish man or woman went to an African village, the locals would probably touch his/her hair too. That's not racism, just curiosity.
People can be curious, in an impolite way. It is a universal human flaw. I am from Nigeria, and this is not uncommon. I've seen people following a White man around because they've not seen much white-people around. When I was in Ghana, we went to small town with some American business devs. A child ran away from them thinking they were Ghosts. We all laughed it off. People are awkward. I am awkward. It is not racism, but maybe impolite.
When they think you are inferior, and hate you because of your race, then we (should) have an issue. We have it a lot here (in Nigeria). I've had a LandLord refuse me rent because I was not his tribe. In Lagos where I live, the govt ran a tribalist/racist ad that stated we need to keep the leadership of Lagos pure (the same tribe). We don't call it racist, we say it is tribalist. People hate or discriminate for many reasons, it is not always about race.
A Magyarországra költöző külföldiek közül azokat fogják itt igazán befogadni, akiken látszik a nyitottság és elkezdenek magyar szavakat megtanulni. Sok sikert!!
@@macilak Ez kifejezetten Nigériai angol. Lagoszban éltem egy fél évig, felismerem. Az volt a benyomásom, hogy annak ellenére, hogy mindenki beszél ottani angolul (nem britt, amerikai, hunglish, stb.), kevesen lehetnek ott, akiknek az angol az anyanyelvük. Hausa/Fulani, Yoruba, Igbo (Ibo), Ijaw, Kanuri és még egy tucat törzs lakik azon a területen, ami az angolok jóvoltából ma Nigéria. Egymás közt keverik ám rendesen a törzsi nyelveket az angollal, mint a csángók. Na attól ketté állt a fülem. De még egy székelyt sem mindig lehet követni, mégsem mondanám, hogy nem magyarul beszél. Elég a brittekre gondolni, a londoni posh vagy cockney, a walesi, a skót, az ír stb. elég eltérőek ahhoz, hogy néha egymást se értsék az ottani emberek. Főleg hadarva. És akkor a kanadai, ausztrál, új zélandi vagy a dél-afrikai nyelvjárásokról nem is beszéltem. Szóval nincs itt semmi baj ezzel az angollal, több mint 100 millióan beszélik világszerte, talán csak nekünk szokatlan, mint a jó ízes szabolcsi magyar, vagy a szögedi.
we can have rain on one side of the house and sun on the other, even hail one side and bright sun the other, it's a very small house, this is wales uk lol
Welcome to Hungary, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here and will be happy :) Making friends with Hungarians takes some effort: Hungarians tend to have a protective shell that takes some time to crack open, but once you did, you have a friend for life. Budapest is kind of tense and jittery in my opinion, people are more kind and relaxed at the countryside. Big chunk of the sporiadic racism that you might experience is actually only the locals' "culture shock" and curiosity, as you might have noticed, meeting black people is not so usual here, especially not in the countryside - please give them a second chance :) And do not leave Hungary without visiting the beaches of Balaton in the summer, that'd be blasphemy :) I recommend the north shores, in and around Tihany.
@@debraidehen With your kind attitude you have, I don't think it'll be too diificult to get friends :) The nice one is actually you :) (pro tip: learn Hungarian words, we LOVE that. A lot)
@debraidehen Nice video , I'm looking forward to relocating to Debrecen by July. Please do you know how I can find apartment in Debrecen . It will be lovely and much appreciated if you can walk me through it . Thanks
Hi hi you would need to check Facebook that would be the best place, rentahome and student rent apartments group send me a message on ig and could send you some links
Many say Hungarian is hard and unusual for foreigners whose mother tongue is not an agglutinating language, but there are many agglutinating languages in Africa too, so I thought it shouldn't be that hard or unfamiliar for those who speak structurally similar languages.
we should be friends. I moved in recently. You are right budapest is fast paced. Housing is a tussle in pest center I may checkout debrecen but I could reach out
As a local I would say it's hard to get friends for us too. Who I know from secondary school/uni they all went to Budapest or abroad. Also there were more places to socialise like 8-5 years ago to get to know new people and hang out. Now you can go to Ibolya and thats it 😭 In Debrecen for us hungarians it is really a thing that there are so many international students. Some of us would really like to get to know more internationals but we don't want to distrurb others, everybody is minding there own business. But as I know it is hard for the internationals also to get to know locals. It is annoying as I see both sides are shy or smt and it a barrier here 😄
Hey there I'm Roland I'm from Debrecen but i live in the UK (. London ) 20 years now. I'm going home every year. Want to hang out...maybe drink or eat something this year ?? Let me know. Cheers 👍🙏
I'm from Győr, I only visited Debrecen first like 1,5-2 years ago, I found that there were surprisingly many black people there compared to where I lived. So I would think people are more used to black people and are less racist there. Making friends is hard though, even as a local
Hello It's seems u really don't like travelling since you are in a schegen zone I feel u should visit more of other EU countries we would like to see u on a tour vlog 😉 😍 Keep it up dear 💪
Great to see a brave and open soul in our cold hearted country ❤️ I was expecting your experience to be a lot worse 🤔 Your positive vibes are much needed 🫣☺️ Hope you won’t burn out too soon 👌 Hold your head high 😉 You’re a brave lady, make the most of your stay 😉 Debrecen is defiinitely not the most lively place in Hungary 😃 Keep up the good work
Tbh. I wouldnt call stuff falling into category of "people are curious because they see i come from far away" as racist. Most people outside budapest never seen a black person outside movies. (Same way most people in africa didnt encounter white people). So yeah kids who dont know better will look, and people whos parents missed out teaching em manners will ask to touch your hair. Coz its new. ... As to the not sitting next to somebody, well if there are other empty seats its only polite to respect other people intim sphere and dont climb on top of them. Doubly so if you are a guy and its a women sitting somewhere. Unless you know the person or wanna talk to them you just dont go be up in their face.
@@martonlerant5672 touching any part of someone’s body including hair is not cool or only out of curiosity, we are humans too! It is weird for us too! If I haven’t see any white person before I will not run to touch any body part because it is weird!!! this will be a different conversation if it was different white men touching a white woman’s hair with out consent!!! Ignorant comment!!
@@debraidehen Like i said its people who have never been taught manners. And frankly it has everything to do with em being idiots. And pretty little wih being black aside from curly hair being unusual for white people ehnce creeps/morons will be curious about it.
@@martonlerant5672 btw they do not ask! I experienced this yesterday again!!! With a group of boys! And I was scared sometimes it’s okay to just learn and understand kinda of tired of saying these in the comments and alot of black men and women have said the same too! Please use your browser check about problems like this ❤️
@@debraidehen Its not just black people. As a redheaded guy i have the same experience. Its not skin color based, all that required is that an idiot be present and that you have an uncommon kind of hair.
Your video arrived on my time line and I enjoyed it, I love your eyes You're an attractive woman ..you're natural with no wig or big eyelashes, good for you....
Hii, Debra! We don't renovate bacause most of the people are not well off and the government is a corrupt piece of shit that keeps the tax money for the people close to it. Our cities would be a little nicer if that weren't the case. So yeah, the government could def do more, and it's nice to see that people who haven't spent that much time here compared to natives see that. Loved your video btw
we are hungarian we never was rassist with anybody we wellcome evryone who dont want to change our culture accept our laws and accept our culture. and come lagally to our country we never colonise nations so we dont see too manny black ppl before but now we have too and i can say some ppl still surprised if they see black person some of us never see in the real life one of course some of us look diffrently them, but if you come to live hungary and accept our culture we will wellcome you. if you like change our relligion our culutrure our heretage we will protect it in all cost. thats why we exist 1100 years ago. be part of our society be part of build up the society not destroy it
Debra you are very beautiful. I don't hate you. Your African dialect just a bit very other than European. You African more polite than we European It's hang on the last 2000 year History. Should fighted between European nations, economical problems, pestis, COLD, and underseeing
Hi. I am indian and i am black ! I lived in komarom Hungary. In here some people treat me like an alien. Sometimes few peoples are shouting me i don't know why?
@@swagata414 I met a 37 year old woman from India and learned from her that people in India are racists. They consider people of lighter skin better than darker. Her 10 year old daughter had dark skin and was very beautiful, yet was unhappy because of the colour of her skin. Many women in India bleach their faces to become of a lighter skin tone. Shocking! And you expected that in Hungary people would be better. Stupid people are everywhere...
Más országokban mi is idegennek számítunk. Velünk sem mindenki kedves. A történelem során sokan el akartak pusztítani minket, talán ezért vagyunk ilyenek. Semmi bajom a külföldiekkel, ha szeretik Magyarországot és a magyar nyelvet.
Oh guys! So sorry to hear that you've had so many bad experiences! Not all Hungarians are like that but I guess it's not always easy to find nice people. I'm sure it's not easy but don't let these get to you! :((
Depends on. In big cities and in touristy regions it's more common. But in other parts of Hungary it's less likely (and even in those less likely places it's mostly the younger generations who maybe but just maybe will know some english). I say this as a Hungarian.
Elnézést,hogy bele okoskodok de miért olyan fontos kiemelni a színt? Mi magyarok nem nácik vagyunk, hanem rasszisták. De ha megtanulod.hogy csak két rasszt ismerünk el másképp fogsz látni minket. A két rassz pedig a jó ember,meg a rossz ember. Ennyi. Nekünk teljesen mindegy,hogy piros-e a bőröd vagy kék,vagy zöld. A jó ember az jó ember.De ugyan ez igaz a rossz emberre is. Teljesen mindegy milyen színű,a rossz ember az rossz ember. De persze kivétel van bőven.Viszont ha elkerülöd a liberálnácikat az lényegesen lecsökkenti az atrocitás kehetőségét. Meg aztán mondj egy országot ahol nincs idióta. Örülök,hogy itt vagy,csak légy türelmes és jó ember.A Magyarok szeretni fognak.Én már szeretlek egy kicsit.
nem olyan jó a magyar nyelvem, de örülök, hogy még egy jó magyart látok a kommentjeim között❤️❤️❤️ Köszönöm a kedves szavaidat! Örülök, hogy itt élek, Magyarországon nagyon kedvesek az emberek ❤️
@@debraidehen Már sokkal jobban szeretlek !! Én is örülök,hogy itt vagy,csak el ne menj!! Hidd el a Magyarok jó emberek. Csak történelmi okokból bizalmatlanok vagyunk. Légy nagyon boldog és tanuld meg (csak az számít aki szeret).
I google translated your comment: "Excuse me for being clever, but why is it so important to highlight the color? We Hungarians are not Na*is, but racists. But if you learn that we recognize only two races, you will see us differently. The two races are good people and bad people. That's it. It doesn't matter to us whether your skin is red, blue or green. A good person is a good person. But the same is true for a bad person as well. It doesn't matter what color it is, a bad person is a bad person. But, of course, there are plenty of exceptions. However, if you avoid the liberal Na*is, it significantly reduces the possibility of atrocity. Then tell me a country where there are no idiots. I'm glad you're here, just be patient and a good person. The Hungarians will love you. I already love you a little." Is your leader a liberal Na*i?
Well, let's not forget that in most cases what some people might label as "racism" are actually just that most Hungarians not really like foreigners in general. And i mean "not really like foreigners" as even if you live your whole life-time here in Hungary you will be still considered to be an outsider by most/majority of the locals.
I live very close to Debrecen, I live in a smaller town and I'm so glad that someone moved to Debrecen and not Budapest because I always see foreign people moving to Hungary but it's always Budapest. I think Debrecen was a good choice, because it's not too small but not too big either, and there's not as much traffic as for example in Budapest. Anyway I hope you'll enjoy life here, wishing the best of experiences to you!
How about pècs? How is the place?
@@annettemaina I love Pécs, I was there this summer for a week 10/10 place fr
@@doraszepesi1610can you pls recommend websites I can get apartments in debrecen 🥰❤️
@@annettemaina Its great
If a blonde Norwegian or Swedish man or woman went to an African village, the locals would probably touch his/her hair too. That's not racism, just curiosity.
@@S41GON we don’t do that except we know the white/ black person
It's still wrong regardless!
Don't walk up to black people and start touching "our" hair
So just because someone looks different you think you can just touch them?
People can be curious, in an impolite way. It is a universal human flaw.
I am from Nigeria, and this is not uncommon. I've seen people following a White man around because they've not seen much white-people around.
When I was in Ghana, we went to small town with some American business devs. A child ran away from them thinking they were Ghosts. We all laughed it off.
People are awkward. I am awkward. It is not racism, but maybe impolite.
When they think you are inferior, and hate you because of your race, then we (should) have an issue.
We have it a lot here (in Nigeria). I've had a LandLord refuse me rent because I was not his tribe. In Lagos where I live, the govt ran a tribalist/racist ad that stated we need to keep the leadership of Lagos pure (the same tribe). We don't call it racist, we say it is tribalist.
People hate or discriminate for many reasons, it is not always about race.
A Magyarországra költöző külföldiek közül azokat fogják itt igazán befogadni, akiken látszik a nyitottság és elkezdenek magyar szavakat megtanulni. Sok sikert!!
Ez még angolul sem beszél érthetően.
Ha "befogadja" a magyar rèpàt s szeretni is tudja.. hàt àldàsom rà❗️☝️😂
@@500HunValakinek mindig muszáj ilyen szarságokat írni 😂
@@MihalyToth-w3qAfrikai akcentus...
@@macilak Ez kifejezetten Nigériai angol. Lagoszban éltem egy fél évig, felismerem. Az volt a benyomásom, hogy annak ellenére, hogy mindenki beszél ottani angolul (nem britt, amerikai, hunglish, stb.), kevesen lehetnek ott, akiknek az angol az anyanyelvük. Hausa/Fulani, Yoruba, Igbo (Ibo), Ijaw, Kanuri és még egy tucat törzs lakik azon a területen, ami az angolok jóvoltából ma Nigéria.
Egymás közt keverik ám rendesen a törzsi nyelveket az angollal, mint a csángók. Na attól ketté állt a fülem. De még egy székelyt sem mindig lehet követni, mégsem mondanám, hogy nem magyarul beszél. Elég a brittekre gondolni, a londoni posh vagy cockney, a walesi, a skót, az ír stb. elég eltérőek ahhoz, hogy néha egymást se értsék az ottani emberek. Főleg hadarva. És akkor a kanadai, ausztrál, új zélandi vagy a dél-afrikai nyelvjárásokról nem is beszéltem.
Szóval nincs itt semmi baj ezzel az angollal, több mint 100 millióan beszélik világszerte, talán csak nekünk szokatlan, mint a jó ízes szabolcsi magyar, vagy a szögedi.
we can have rain on one side of the house and sun on the other, even hail one side and bright sun the other, it's a very small house, this is wales uk lol
Welcome to Hungary, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here and will be happy :) Making friends with Hungarians takes some effort: Hungarians tend to have a protective shell that takes some time to crack open, but once you did, you have a friend for life.
Budapest is kind of tense and jittery in my opinion, people are more kind and relaxed at the countryside. Big chunk of the sporiadic racism that you might experience is actually only the locals' "culture shock" and curiosity, as you might have noticed, meeting black people is not so usual here, especially not in the countryside - please give them a second chance :)
And do not leave Hungary without visiting the beaches of Balaton in the summer, that'd be blasphemy :) I recommend the north shores, in and around Tihany.
😭😭😭thank you!! you are so nice!!! Will keep trying! Yes I can’t wait for summer I need to go to Balaton 💃
@@debraidehen With your kind attitude you have, I don't think it'll be too diificult to get friends :) The nice one is actually you :) (pro tip: learn Hungarian words, we LOVE that. A lot)
Just love your videos after discovering your channel today, excellent thanks. Greetings from James J Walsh now in Budapest
Nice video , I'm looking forward to relocating to Debrecen by July. Please do you know how I can find apartment in Debrecen . It will be lovely and much appreciated if you can walk me through it .
Hi hi you would need to check Facebook that would be the best place, rentahome and student rent apartments group send me a message on ig and could send you some links
Thanks so much. I'm not on ig are you on LinkedIn?
If yes I could send you a message there
Thanks 😊
@@debraidehen I sent you connection request on Linkedin , please do accept so we can chat more there. I would appreciate your help 🙏
Many say Hungarian is hard and unusual for foreigners whose mother tongue is not an agglutinating language, but there are many agglutinating languages in Africa too, so I thought it shouldn't be that hard or unfamiliar for those who speak structurally similar languages.
we should be friends. I moved in recently. You are right budapest is fast paced. Housing is a tussle in pest center I may checkout debrecen but I could reach out
Can I get your WhatsApp number please
Really enjoyed your video ❤😘
thank you b!
Hey nice video , how is it working in Hungary with the language barrier and also could you post more vlogs like going shopping etc
I will do that!!! Well the language barrier is not that serious where I work
As a local I would say it's hard to get friends for us too. Who I know from secondary school/uni they all went to Budapest or abroad. Also there were more places to socialise like 8-5 years ago to get to know new people and hang out. Now you can go to Ibolya and thats it 😭 In Debrecen for us hungarians it is really a thing that there are so many international students. Some of us would really like to get to know more internationals but we don't want to distrurb others, everybody is minding there own business. But as I know it is hard for the internationals also to get to know locals. It is annoying as I see both sides are shy or smt and it a barrier here 😄
Please Disturb us 🤣 but yes that makes sense
great experience, you are top! Awesome movement is art nouveau. Budapest and Szeged are amazing. Looking forward to visiting it again
Hey there
I'm Roland
I'm from Debrecen but i live in the UK (. London ) 20 years now. I'm going home every year. Want to hang out...maybe drink or eat something this year ??
Let me know.
Cheers 👍🙏
What a lame pick up line lol… come on
@@shiraz9986 Are you a Magyar living in Magyarorszag?
@@shiraz9986 i guess it was not a pick up line, just an invitation for a drink..
Nice! Enjoy lol I miss it there so much
Thank you 💃🏽
Debra should be on TV. Great natural presenter. Informative and entertaining
You sound Caribbean, love your accent. I spent a lot of time in the Caribbean. You should do asmr. U have the voice for it.
Omg thank you just seeing this! Will do more in the future thank you 😊
Carribean accent? 😅😅😅 omg
@@ovie10i don't agree either, it's definitely Nigerian 🤣👍
@@Ferruccio001u can understand her, so def not Jamaican :). And yes she sound like Pako(a nigerian celeb in Hungary)
Are you still in hungary?
Hi. Would like to ask some private questions from you, pls how can we Dm?
I am on facebook!
Can I convert a visit visa to study visa in Hungary?
It might be possible but I do not know the process
That's a quick response. Thank you.
I'm from Győr, I only visited Debrecen first like 1,5-2 years ago, I found that there were surprisingly many black people there compared to where I lived. So I would think people are more used to black people and are less racist there. Making friends is hard though, even as a local
It's seems u really don't like travelling since you are in a schegen zone I feel u should visit more of other EU countries we would like to see u on a tour vlog 😉 😍
Keep it up dear 💪
I need tooooo
Thanks for the video. Bt u are so beautiful, wow! 😍
Wow thank you!
Yes, and she's got a very pleasant voice.
Great to see a brave and open soul in our cold hearted country ❤️ I was expecting your experience to be a lot worse 🤔 Your positive vibes are much needed 🫣☺️ Hope you won’t burn out too soon 👌 Hold your head high 😉 You’re a brave lady, make the most of your stay 😉 Debrecen is defiinitely not the most lively place in Hungary 😃 Keep up the good work
Thank you!
Tbh. I wouldnt call stuff falling into category of "people are curious because they see i come from far away" as racist. Most people outside budapest never seen a black person outside movies. (Same way most people in africa didnt encounter white people).
So yeah kids who dont know better will look, and people whos parents missed out teaching em manners will ask to touch your hair. Coz its new.
As to the not sitting next to somebody, well if there are other empty seats its only polite to respect other people intim sphere and dont climb on top of them. Doubly so if you are a guy and its a women sitting somewhere. Unless you know the person or wanna talk to them you just dont go be up in their face.
@@martonlerant5672 touching any part of someone’s body including hair is not cool or only out of curiosity, we are humans too! It is weird for us too! If I haven’t see any white person before I will not run to touch any body part because it is weird!!! this will be a different conversation if it was different white men touching a white woman’s hair with out consent!!! Ignorant comment!!
Like i said its people who have never been taught manners. And frankly it has everything to do with em being idiots.
And pretty little wih being black aside from curly hair being unusual for white people ehnce creeps/morons will be curious about it.
@@martonlerant5672 btw they do not ask! I experienced this yesterday again!!! With a group of boys! And I was scared sometimes it’s okay to just learn and understand kinda of tired of saying these in the comments and alot of black men and women have said the same too! Please use your browser check about problems like this ❤️
Its not just black people.
As a redheaded guy i have the same experience. Its not skin color based, all that required is that an idiot be present and that you have an uncommon kind of hair.
Nice to meet you dear lady.
Your video arrived on my time line and I enjoyed it, I love your eyes You're an attractive woman ..you're natural with no wig or big eyelashes, good for you....
Awww thank you so much!
@@debraidehen you're welcome....
Hii, Debra! We don't renovate bacause most of the people are not well off and the government is a corrupt piece of shit that keeps the tax money for the people close to it. Our cities would be a little nicer if that weren't the case. So yeah, the government could def do more, and it's nice to see that people who haven't spent that much time here compared to natives see that. Loved your video btw
Ah makes sense!
Please what’s your IG? I want to ask you some questions
The link is in my bio ☺️
@@debraidehen thank you
@@debraidehen honestly I can’t find it
@@michaelebhohimen8330 instagram.com/deborah_idehen/?hl=en
@@debraidehen I sent you msg
You are from Nigeria??? Woooooow
Yes :)
It is a beautiful country Nigeria I had a relationship there
Europa și Africa două culturi diferite
IF i going to Nigeria and I want settle down there i live there would i meet racism in Nigeria ????? Hmmm
i am white of course
@@istvanhuszar1816 no
we are hungarian we never was rassist with anybody we wellcome evryone who dont want to change our culture accept our laws and accept our culture. and come lagally to our country we never colonise nations so we dont see too manny black ppl before but now we have too and i can say some ppl still surprised if they see black person some of us never see in the real life one of course some of us look diffrently them, but if you come to live hungary and accept our culture we will wellcome you. if you like change our relligion our culutrure our heretage we will protect it in all cost. thats why we exist 1100 years ago. be part of our society be part of build up the society not destroy it
U welcome sister!
Thumbs up
Nice content
Thank you!
oh, you are living in hungary for 8 years now? what do you think about Romania?
Only for a year 😂😂😂 romanians are nice as well 😂
Debra you are very beautiful. I don't hate you. Your African dialect just a bit very other than European.
You African more polite than we European
It's hang on the last 2000 year History. Should fighted between European nations, economical problems, pestis, COLD, and underseeing
Hi. I am indian and i am black ! I lived in komarom Hungary. In here some people treat me like an alien. Sometimes few peoples are shouting me i don't know why?
Same. I am also Indian. I live in Szeged. God they are so racist. I am literally traumatized. I got harassed 3 times a week.
@@swagata414 I met a 37 year old woman from India and learned from her that people in India are racists. They consider people of lighter skin better than darker. Her 10 year old daughter had dark skin and was very beautiful, yet was unhappy because of the colour of her skin. Many women in India bleach their faces to become of a lighter skin tone. Shocking! And you expected that in Hungary people would be better. Stupid people are everywhere...
Más országokban mi is idegennek számítunk. Velünk sem mindenki kedves.
A történelem során sokan el akartak pusztítani minket, talán ezért vagyunk ilyenek.
Semmi bajom a külföldiekkel, ha szeretik Magyarországot és a magyar nyelvet.
@@swagata414 Propaganda by government party incites citizens against immigrants often, that's the result.
Oh guys! So sorry to hear that you've had so many bad experiences! Not all Hungarians are like that but I guess it's not always easy to find nice people. I'm sure it's not easy but don't let these get to you! :((
Hajdu biharban magyar tudas nelkul? Sok sikert
There's only one word I understand in Hungarian and it's called "Palinka"
Woo Hoo!😅
Great video. I'd like to meet with you. Is it possible?
im becuse budapest hungary
Do people speak English there??
😂 yes of course!
Depends on. In big cities and in touristy regions it's more common. But in other parts of Hungary it's less likely (and even in those less likely places it's mostly the younger generations who maybe but just maybe will know some english).
I say this as a Hungarian.
Elnézést,hogy bele okoskodok de miért olyan fontos kiemelni a színt? Mi magyarok nem nácik vagyunk, hanem rasszisták. De ha megtanulod.hogy csak két rasszt ismerünk el másképp fogsz látni minket. A két rassz pedig a jó ember,meg a rossz ember. Ennyi. Nekünk teljesen mindegy,hogy piros-e a bőröd vagy kék,vagy zöld. A jó ember az jó ember.De ugyan ez igaz a rossz emberre is. Teljesen mindegy milyen színű,a rossz ember az rossz ember. De persze kivétel van bőven.Viszont ha elkerülöd a liberálnácikat az lényegesen lecsökkenti az atrocitás kehetőségét. Meg aztán mondj egy országot ahol nincs idióta. Örülök,hogy itt vagy,csak légy türelmes és jó ember.A Magyarok szeretni fognak.Én már szeretlek egy kicsit.
nem olyan jó a magyar nyelvem, de örülök, hogy még egy jó magyart látok a kommentjeim között❤️❤️❤️ Köszönöm a kedves szavaidat! Örülök, hogy itt élek, Magyarországon nagyon kedvesek az emberek ❤️
@@debraidehen Már sokkal jobban szeretlek !! Én is örülök,hogy itt vagy,csak el ne menj!! Hidd el a Magyarok jó emberek. Csak történelmi okokból bizalmatlanok vagyunk. Légy nagyon boldog és tanuld meg (csak az számít aki szeret).
Teljesen igazad szerintem
I google translated your comment: "Excuse me for being clever, but why is it so important to highlight the color? We Hungarians are not Na*is, but racists. But if you learn that we recognize only two races, you will see us differently. The two races are good people and bad people. That's it. It doesn't matter to us whether your skin is red, blue or green. A good person is a good person. But the same is true for a bad person as well. It doesn't matter what color it is, a bad person is a bad person. But, of course, there are plenty of exceptions. However, if you avoid the liberal Na*is, it significantly reduces the possibility of atrocity. Then tell me a country where there are no idiots. I'm glad you're here, just be patient and a good person. The Hungarians will love you. I already love you a little." Is your leader a liberal Na*i?
Well, let's not forget that in most cases what some people might label as "racism" are actually just that most Hungarians not really like foreigners in general. And i mean "not really like foreigners" as even if you live your whole life-time here in Hungary you will be still considered to be an outsider by most/majority of the locals.
hungary is a lot colder than nigeria
hope you can acclimatize to that
@@cnccarving yup much colder 😓
Typical racism is still racism :(
I went through these things as a teen and adult also! I say stay strong and keep your head up. Choose your battles well and snap back when necessary!
Very nice but, try to improve your articulation.
I know! Too much culture!
You are very beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Dude, Debrecen fucking sucks.
Hungary for the Hungarians
@@Kimllg88 fix your phone
just pls try to say "Debrecen" properly