Kjo ishte QE prisja dhe I duheshe keTi stadiumi sepse ishte keqardhje my stadium perl te ishte ne erresir prap besoj se duhen pak me te theksuara drritat qe te duket forma e stadjumit ma mir
Let's say it's a very good idea to have been able to set up this shoot and I would like to personally thank you, but unfortunately our lights on this façade was not highlighted as it should be, it was better to use professional lenses to really give reality of our design, hoping that in the coming days you could improve your shooting technique, however I like your musical content :-))) very quickly in the following weeks you will have the possibility of viewing our shooting, see you soon and keep tuning :-))))
Bukur ka dal i gjithe projekti.
I kam ndjekur punimet e arenës nga dita e pare e prishjes se Qemajl Stafes.
Ju përshëndet vëllau nga Ferizaji
Heshtja është e artë! Thjesht shijoni momentin!
UEFA Conference League Final🔥🔥🔥🔥
Super urojme ti vije rradha për një investim stadiumi dinamo
Per çfare te investohet? Gjithe stadiumet bosh i ke.
@@Piloti. mirë e ke duhet të investojme në pjellori se 1 miljon banore do biem Edhe pak me kete ritem
Kjo ishte QE prisja dhe I duheshe keTi stadiumi sepse ishte keqardhje my stadium perl te ishte ne erresir prap besoj se duhen pak me te theksuara drritat qe te duket forma e stadjumit ma mir
Let's say it's a very good idea to have been able to set up this shoot and I would like to personally thank you, but unfortunately our lights on this façade was not highlighted as it should be, it was better to use professional lenses to really give reality of our design, hoping that in the coming days you could improve your shooting technique, however I like your musical content :-))) very quickly in the following weeks you will have the possibility of viewing our shooting, see you soon and keep tuning :-))))
A mund te beni njevidio tek pallati i Stefano Boerit?!
Tek cili? Vertical Forest?
@@GOGLA po
@@ermondhabibi9488 Sa te hapet pak koha.
Gogla, ku i gjeni kto music kaq interesante per ti vene videos? 😃
😅 Per ne video krijuesit youtube ka vene ne dispozicion nje librari me muzike falas. Ne fakt shumica nuk jane interesante (si çdo gje falas).
@@GOGLA Jane interesante por gjithmone ajo qe smund te kesh duket me interesante se ajo qe ke.
Kur mund tndertohet nji stadiumi tjeter nshqipri si ky
pas 50 vjeteve ndoshta
Beje Blloku Cube
Blloku Cube mesa kam vene re nuk ka ndryshuar qe nga video jone e fundit.