Estonia: The discovery that changed history - Future Week 2021 [ENGLISH SUBTITLES]

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • [NOW WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES] On the 28th of September 1994, the passenger ferry M/S Estonia sank en route from Tallinn to Stockholm. 852 people lost their lives in the freezing Baltic Sea in the worst maritime disaster in peace-time Europe. No attempt was ever made to salvage the ship or recover the bodies of those who perished. Ever since the sinking, both survivors and bereaved families have searched for the complete answer to what happened that fateful night.
    On the 28th of September 2020, the documentary series «Estonia - The discovery that changes the story» was released. In the series, a new dive to the wreck with state-of-the-art technology revealed a previously unreported hole in the vessel. This discovery caused widespread attention worldwide, gaining coverage in, amongst others, The New York Times, Le Monde, BBC, and The Guardian.
    After the release, director Henrik Evertsson and ROV-operator Linus Andersson were prosecuted by the Swedish state for breaching the Grave Sanctity Treaty covering the wreck. At the same time, both the Swedish, Estonian and Finnish governments have decided to conduct new dives to the wreck to assess the findings of the filmmakers.
    At Future Week 2021, producer Frithjof Jacobsen and directors Bendik Mondal and Henrik Evertsson present their work with the series. They will tell you all about the political, judicial, and public reactions and share their thoughts about the future of this developing story.
    Mikal Olsen Lerøen (UiB) hosts the session.


  • @AJ1987LV
    @AJ1987LV 2 роки тому +6

    I'm Latvian. Some of our people also were on Estonia. And this one case has always held my interest. I remember seeing TV news in next morning, the footage of people being rescued from rafts. But the idea of proclaiming the wrecksite as grave - it never made sense. Just because bodies were left within the wreckage? So were people still in Titanic as she sank, no one has named it grave site. And I believe that there would've been lot of volunteer divers to recover the bodies, if government hadn't been able to afford it. Estonia is not so deep. It's always been outrageous decision to leave bodies down there. I hope to find this series somewhere and watch it.

  • @hmvku
    @hmvku 2 роки тому +27

    I am a Dutch journalist, following the aftermath of this disaster since 1994. I understand Swedish, Norwegian a bit. The handling of the disaster is of international importance. Please, undertitle this programme for us in Europe. In the North sea such a wreck with so many victims would never be left at the bottom of the sea. Holland would and can lift such a wreck, also the Estonia. The finds by Evertsson, Rabe and Angström make it evident that lifting the ship will solve all the mysteries, and give the victims finally a respected grave. Or will Sweden, Finland and Estland wait till corpses will float around the ship? Which happens now.... an international research group must investigate every detail. E.g. there are several crash holes. Even now no scratch remnants have been taken from around these holes, to see which object hit the ship. And what about the explosion evidence recently found in the visor? How big was the bomb? When did it explode? Can Evertsson c.s., Angström c.s. and Kurm c.s. join together and add to the international group? Very true is the remark that the "grave treaty" applied to international water, the four countries concerned claimed thereby a zone of the sea. And, a very important question: why did UK sign, and not the Netherlands? What is the UK interest? p.s. I have contact with the only Dutch survivor and the relatives of the Dutch lorry driver who died. They find it urgent to do international research fast. Not next year. I live in Den Helder, a naval port. A former naval wharf director here reassured me that the deep hole that Evertsson c.s. found cannot be made by the fins of a U-boat, the fins would break off in a bump crash, the hull of the Estonia is too strong, to penetrate by such a wing. The victims of this disaster are double victims. In 1994 no politician said that military materials were on board, only much later it was by accident discovered. So then the switch from salvaging to the grave peace became clear to me: it is hard, the victims remained under water, cause the military secrets had to remain under water. So the politicians must open up all now. Salvage the ship. Bury the dead. I have contact with the only Dutch survivor, he wishes the total truth now.

    • @stianmathisen4284
      @stianmathisen4284 2 роки тому

      Settle down brother, no submarine this time!
      We know all this what you are saying, Kurm, Arikas or Ångstrøm will get to the bottom of this....maybe!?
      Kurm is now as we speak taking a stand if the hole was caused by some underwater rockformation, a rockformation that someone says could be concrete or clay....we will know soon!
      Ångstrøm plays out the detonation track together with metallurgic science from NTNU, this is also further investigated right now.
      Poor Arikas runs the Jaic errand in hope to confirm the official narrative...
      And me, i`m running to stand still......

    • @hmvku
      @hmvku 2 роки тому

      @@stianmathisen4284 Who is Arika? And who is "we" (know this)? No, you do not know all the answers to my questions.

    • @stianmathisen4284
      @stianmathisen4284 2 роки тому +3

      @@hmvku Offcourse i dont know all of the answers.
      But it seems to me that it has gone under your radar that there are 3 separate investigations going on right now.
      -1 The official investigation established between Finland Sweden and Estonia led by Rene Arikas.
      -2 One private financed investigation established by Margus Kurm (former legal prosecutor for the state of Estonia) and some relevant persons like Carl Eric Reintamm among others, sponsored by Postimee and several other relatives from the disaster.
      -3 And Lars Ångstrøm that now has presented fotogrametric pictures from some parts belonging to the bow-visor that shows scientific evidence for detonation, researched by the Norwegian technical institute of NTNU..!
      So things are happening, all of them are right now trying to establish their findings!

    • @hmvku
      @hmvku 2 роки тому +2

      @@stianmathisen4284 My dear Stian, my radar has followed them all. I mentioned two of them above. The name Arikas was just not known to me, and I have no confidence in any investigation of the three countries, they failed totally. They found two more holes, where are they on film? Nowhere. But you may afford some English translation for above, as language forms a hindrance. And I am amazed that there is no cooperation between three: Evertsson / Angström / Kurm.

    • @stianmathisen4284
      @stianmathisen4284 2 роки тому +1

      @@hmvku These holes can be seen in those videos released by both Kurm and Arikas team .
      I mostly criticize the Norwegian part of the team behind the documentary "Fyndet som endrar alt" for not reporting the Granitt rockformation next to the hole that they reported, that is really not good journalism.
      Linus Andersson is part of Kurm`s team SA Mare Liberum , Andersson has lately stated that he believes that the hole was created from Estonias downfall on the nearby rockformation, so there is some corporation.
      Kurm said that main reason to establish his own private investigation/expedition was that they did not trust the official expedition, Arikas team that is!
      Ångstrøm and his team seems to be ignored by most media and part takers in this investigation/story.

  • @medieklyngen
    @medieklyngen  2 роки тому +29

    To all our international viewers: We have now subtitled this video in English due to popular demand.

    • @hmvku
      @hmvku 2 роки тому +1

      Thanks! It is very useful. I also hope that the Discovery team will plan a follow up, or work on with other teams, independent, the only direction to solve this drama.

    • @gemmajessie-rayhardiman6967
      @gemmajessie-rayhardiman6967 2 роки тому

      Where Is this subtitled version please ?

    • @gabriel7664
      @gabriel7664 Рік тому

      Thank you. Us single lingual Americans always need English subtitles.

  • @julesmpc1314
    @julesmpc1314 Рік тому +2

    Hope the series can also be released with english subs. I am enjoing practicing my rusty sweadish, but english subs will expand the reach of this great work. Congrats.

  • @mrkipling2201
    @mrkipling2201 2 роки тому +5

    There’s definitely something dodgy going on. The authorities really don’t want people diving to the wreck of the MS Estonia. Not just because it’s a grave site. There’s many shipwrecks around the world that are grave sites and people dive down to them all the time without any form of obstruction at all.

    • @jari2018
      @jari2018 Рік тому +1

      it alway had from the start as with palme assination and with the prosecuter closing the case.. really wierd - Its like "dont rock the boat " policy since untouchble people are involved

  • @MaryCeleste86
    @MaryCeleste86 2 роки тому +2

    3 000 norrmän? Hur går matten till där?

    • @Mozart22072012
      @Mozart22072012 Рік тому

      Norsk matematikk.... 😂😂

    • @davidwittberg683
      @davidwittberg683 Рік тому

      Ja matematiken stämmer inte där.
      Norge har ca x5 gånger så många invånare som Estland, så 300 x5 blir alltså 1 500 pers.

  • @Xennox2
    @Xennox2 2 роки тому +7

    Ugglor i mossen:) som man säger

    • @stianmathisen4284
      @stianmathisen4284 2 роки тому +1

      Så får vi se da, kanskje dette berget bare er betong fra denne påbegynte overfyllingen....hvem vet !
      Men uansett hvis at dette berget faktisk er et naturlig Granittberg som Rene Arikas sier, så er det ingen tvil om at dette hullet har oppstått i nedslaget mot havbunnen!
      Således så kan man si at dokumentaren "Fyndet som endrer alt" har initiert nye undersøkelser på falskt premiss, noe som i høyeste grad både er galt og rett etter min mening!

    • @mikaelfogelberg4280
      @mikaelfogelberg4280 2 роки тому +1

      @@stianmathisen4284 Det var helt rätt att journalisten Evertson var & filmade Estonia. Finns ingen sten eller betong som slagit hål på skrovet, det syns helt klart på det senaste som de estniska utredarna var där och filmade, hålet är helt tryckt inifrån och utåt dessutom så var det minns 3 hål som de hittat i skrovet, det var mycket stora skador på bogramp med mera

    • @stianmathisen4284
      @stianmathisen4284 2 роки тому

      Rene Arikas sier akkurat det motsatte av det som du sier her.
      Det han sier er at området i og rundt hullet er trykket innover av det Granittberget som ligger rett ut av dette hullet!
      Både Kurm og Arikas hevder i tillegg at Estonia har beveget seg på havbunnen. Kurm hevder opptil 10 meter pga. av den påbegynte overfyllingen.
      Arikas hevder fra sin side at Estonia har beveget seg app. 7 meter i 2 faser pga. naturlig erosjon i området.
      Alt dette peker i en retning, og det er at disse skadene har oppstått i nedslaget, evt. i ettertid, eller evt. i begge tilfeller.
      Skadene på kjørerampen kan ha oppstått på den måten Jaic hevder, men også med noe variasjon ut fra det Jaic hevder i sin rapport!

    • @djhenrikolsen
      @djhenrikolsen 2 роки тому

      @@stianmathisen4284 Kurm filmade med sin ROV där de kör ROV'ens arm genom klippan som visar sig vara lera formad som sten. Tror också du känner av det politiska motståndet som omgärdar den civila katastrofen som Estonia är. Tycker man ska ha det med i bakhuvudet när man värderar den information som kommer ut ang Estonia.

    • @stianmathisen4284
      @stianmathisen4284 2 роки тому +1

      @@djhenrikolsen Angående det politiske så har jeg pressisert følgende ved flere anledninger, og det er at det neppe finnes noen tverrpolitisk konspirasjon i det parlamentariske Sverige.
      Men det kan tenkes at det finnes en viss politisk/byråkratisk motvilje til å avdekke evt. kontroversielle sannheter angående Estonias forlis blant visse folkevalgte og byråkrater i det establiserte politiske/byråkratiske miljø.
      Har også uttalt at det finnes strømninger som ønsker å få avdekket sannheten i den politiske opposisjonen både på høyre og venstre i Svensk politikk.
      Det du sier angående at Kurm`s ROV skal ha påvist leire der Arikas påstår Granittberg er helt ukjent for meg og de fleste andre jeg kjenner som studerere og etterforsker denne ulykken....!!

  • @fluseint.1303
    @fluseint.1303 2 роки тому

    English title...

  • @nirriti2768
    @nirriti2768 2 роки тому +5

    The language is even more horrible than the ship's tragedy.