Another great video! That's all the things I hear in the song, but getting the guys in my band to understand that the small nuances make a huge difference 👍👍👍
Lydian is the mode built from the 4th scale degree (IV Chord), so G lydian naturally exists in the key of D. Remember, your I IV and V chords are major in a diatonic key, so in this song, D is V, C is IV, and G is I. It's D mixolydian because mixolydian is the mode built off of the V chord. Does this make sense? Thanks for the question!
Another great video! That's all the things I hear in the song, but getting the guys in my band to understand that the small nuances make a huge difference 👍👍👍
Thanks for subscribing - and remember - drop a #learnthesong below with the song you'd like me to add to the list!
Great tutorial. No note for note transcription, but an explanation of what makes the song work. Turns out, it's not just G,C,D after all ;-)
Glad you like these!
Would you do the free bird solo ?
You make great instructional vids!
Thanks!!! I'll keep em coming
#learnthesong U2 one
On the list! Thanks!
#learnthesong Cheap Trick - I want you to want me
On the list! Thanks!
I always thought it was G Lydian because it resolves to G.
Lydian is the mode built from the 4th scale degree (IV Chord), so G lydian naturally exists in the key of D. Remember, your I IV and V chords are major in a diatonic key, so in this song, D is V, C is IV, and G is I. It's D mixolydian because mixolydian is the mode built off of the V chord. Does this make sense? Thanks for the question!
Thank you for that explanation. I have been looking for a video on soloing strategies over this song and yours was the only one I found.
Very welcome!
#learnthesong hotel california
On the list! Thanks!