You know what would have been cool. If Pratt did what he did, and he Jlaw live their lives together on the ship for a year or two. But then at some point Jlaw realizes that Pratt woke her up and swears she will never talk to him again. Then Pratt becomes super angry and creepy, slowly revealing that he went crazy during that period of loneliness and then he becomes a staulker Shinning type character, and Jlaw has to escape him. Then she has no choice but to kill him because he's all "If I can't have you no one can". So she kills him and decides to live alone on the ship until she too is driven mad with loneliness then she wakes someone up, and process starts all over again. Cut to Black. Now that's a movie
benny google Exactly, and just how they advertised the actual movie without revealing the "twist" that he woke her up, but that the movie turns into a straight up horror/slasher movie at the end. People's minds would have been BLOWN.
And sexist. But that is just her feminist side. It was a very good review, but it's a feminist one. Some references: In general feminists will see equality in a different way than most or
Dr. Matthew Hertert To be fair despite all the brains of a mechanical engineer Preston does make the decision for Aurora after 1 year of celibacy and tripping over a wine bottle picking the first women he finds.
Jaime Duncan if you did your research, people, especially feminists don't want to be sexualised because they want people to appreciate other peoples, epecially women's achievements, HOWEVER, Chris Pratt has specifically stated that he wants to be sexualised so that is why Grace did sexualised him, there is nothing unfair, there is no "Radical Feminism" going on it's literally just because he asked to be, so that DOES make it okay to sexualise someone
Ashley Hinds Before responding to you, I need to know the context of your answer: Did you read my link about why, many feminist say, it is ok to sexualise men? Did you notice that was written by a feminist? Are you aware that this is a pattern that includes domestic violence and assault by women, the "impossibility" of sexism against men etc. I know she is not a radical feminist (radical does not mean extreme, it has to do with the believes they have) she seems a liberal feminist to me. Now your argument is that this case is different and I will address it in a different answer to avoid clutter.
Seen it over the weekend, it wasn't Great.... but it wasn't bad either. I enjoyed sitting through it and being presented with eye candy for a few hours. not bad.
mk6rfc1 I thought the same, but then realized that the movie had missed a huge opportunity to explore what actually happened to them later. surely knowing us, human kind, it's more likely to end badly
+NotNow well they kinda explored it at the end when everyone woke up cos it was trees all over the place, they must have lived together until they did happily without kids
When Grace said Seth Rogen.. LOL. Seriously, no one would go and see this film, Pratt and Lawrence was like Sonys' only chance. I mean, Grace always digs up actors box office numbers.. well how many hits does Rogen has? And is he capable of better acting than Pratt, is he more skilled, is Rogen more like Denzel whom Grace mentioned too? DK
shaan imtiaz yet the film was such a box office disaster that nobody really saw him in it. Also that film also starred Michael Fassbender and Kate Winslet, I do not think that Rogen is a big name to bring people to see a film in theatres..
I highly disagree on Seth and Anne fan casting, i'm sick of Hollywood casting a typically unattractive and sometimes downright ugly man with a beautiful woman. Seriously, its dumb. The only time you see an attractive guy with a typically unattractive girl is if it's played for jokes or if in the end they turn her hot with some makeover. Overall I really agree with your review though, I loved your ending opinion about their relationship.
I'm sorry but you are so wrong. **Spoilers** First of all you say they were miscast I disagree. They are opposites. First Aurora is a famous author's daughter, Jim is a mechanical engineer. Two she has the Gold membership with gourmet food while he just has the basic food and drink privileges.Rich vs Poor. Next topic him waking her up. One. He was awake a entire year by himself before he even saw her. Just after he couldn't bring himself to go along the suicide attempt. he finds her.Two After he researched her for what look like months, to find who she was, reading her stories falling in love with her personalty, not just her looks. If that was the case he just would've woken any hot women up on the ship. After all that research thinking hard and consulting with Arthur he finally goes along with it. After he does it, he immediately regrets it. Like you said he just sign her death warrant. The critics don't see the real question of the film. Would you sacrifice someone else's life so that you won't die alone. Ultimately what he did was wrong but most of the critics feel that being in that situation you wouldn't even think about that or be driven to waking someone up. I find absolute bullcrap. 60+ years by yourself or just committing suicide were the only other options. Also At the end he does give her a chance to go back to sleep if she wants to, but after all that they endured together she declines. Is the movie perfect? No way but the fact that it has 32% is a joke. The Acting is spectacular, the Visuals are phenomenal. Just on those alone the movie deserves at least 65% and above. I love that the story was unique in that it made you think of the feelings that Jim felt early on and what Aurora felt after she found out. I wouldn't have blamed her for killing Jim. Anyway I feel that movie did great for what was giving and I rate it 7.5 or 8 out of 10. When it comes out I'll buy it.
Just saw this movie :( I'm so late, but... the miscasting refers to not seeing from the casts' performance what the script intends to convey to the audience. The script was there. There's mention of class difference, but the cast members beside each other don't make me feel the differences. They look like they could match despite intending to write them as incompatible.
I actually disagree. I loved that film. I think the part that people don't understand is that how the way they want the world to be and how the world really is are oftentimes different, and I think that acknowledgement of the latter is oftentimes more powerful than the former. A man alone in space for a whole year is going to wake a female up. I don't care what you think your morals are sitting around in present day life, but the isolation and the mental anguish you will feel and the actions that will result from that are part of your human nature.
someone already has that username it didn't take twelve years to make, the script was floating around for years and someone finally picked it up with the cash and effects budget to pull it off.
someone already has that username no it does not automatically make it a masterpiece. It just means that a studio took 12 years to fail at recognizing significant problems in the story that would have been ridiculously easy to fix.
I disagree with the critics. The decision Pratt's character faces is the whole point of the movie! To get people thinking about what they would do in such a circumstance. I don't think most people understand the psychological devastation isolation can wreak on the human psyche. Humans are social creatures by nature. Another film that tackled this was "Castaway" with Tom Hanks. Hanks' character took to anthropomorphizing a volley ball, carrying out entire conversations with it.
rurutu M oh no stars and CGI do sell tickets, look at the top 10 highest grossing movies this year. How many of them truly have an original and compelling story?
This way be spoilers... Your alternate casting makes no sense, because "Be happy with what you have" is not the overarching theme of the movie. The theme is more like "If you're lucky enough to find someone who you're truly happy with, you have to hold onto that... Maybe even if they don't deserve it". They aren't supposed to be a mismatched pair. These two are perfect for each other, which is what makes it so tragic (thematically) that their relationship only came about due to an unforgivable act by Chris Pratt. The critical pieces of thematic dialog aren't Michael Sheen's. They belong to Jennifer Lawrence's friend from the video... "You didn't need to leave, but nothing is ever enough for you. So my one wish is for you to finally find something/someone who can truly make you happy"... And to Laurence Fishburne... "The drowning man is always going to try to drag someone down with him. That don't make it right!... But he's drowning!" So in the end Aurora (Lawrence) has to wiegh the fact that Jim (Pratt) did something unfathomably horrible against the fact that he was otherwise a great guy (up to and including his shining moment of self-sacrifice and heroism) who was the first thing that ever made her feel happy and fulfilled. Sure, it's easy to do some simplistic moralizing as a third party, but logically is it really more important that she punish him than that she has the thing that makes her happy? Is cutting off your own nose to spite your face really a price worth paying for that "justice"? This interpretation also answers why he woke her instead of someone more theoretically useful... He had decided she was his perfect partner... Remember, he had already given up on fixing the problem. So if you were looking forward to 90 years with only one other person for company, would you pick someone who "might" figure out how to do something you thought was impossible (Because going back to sleep is the only solution. Waking the crew solves nothing.), or do you pick someone you've fallen in love with (admittedly, in absentia)? Seems like the latter is the obvious choice. TL: DR - Many of your criticisms don't make sense, because your thematic reading is incorrect. Anyway, it's a perfectly fine movie. Nothing special... Just a nice way to spend 2 hours of your time.
Just a bit more (still spoilers)... Yes, you can choose to read this movie as a rape metaphor, although that basically makes it impossible to have an intelligent conversation about it with most people, which is boring The one idea you had that would have been interesting is a role reversal... Not least because no one would be calling it a rape metaphor then (which goes to show how poor an angle of approach that is)... But a full one - She wakes up first. She's the mechanic and he's the writer. Which means at the end, she has to be the one to go outside and (in reality) die. - Makes an otherwise standard (though still good) movie a little more unusual, and stops the conversation from devolving into a complaint about "creepy dudes". Guess what?... The only difference between being in love and being a stalker is if the person likes you back. Anyone who is in love does creepy shit all of the time, but, for example, someone randomly showing up at your house in the middle of the night is somehow "sweet" if you actually want to spend time with that person... Lol
SPOILERS******SPOILERS*******SPOILERS********* Okay, saw the movie today. The way you talk about the character "Jim", deciding to wake the character "Aurora" is a bit misleading. You make it sound as if was an "oh what the hell, why not" decision. Jim was slowly sliding into insanity & had almost flushed himself out an airlock just moments before he saw Aurora for the first time. He, for lack of a better word "imprinted" on Aurora. He watched her passenger interview, read her books/articles. His deciding to wake her was not instantaneous or even quick. Was it morally unethical? Yes, but if any of us had been sentenced to what was basically solitary confinement (albeit a luxurious one) for the next 50/60 years? There are reasons they're trying to end the practice in prisons. Humans NEED human contact, without it babies don't thrive, adults get depressed, become psychotic, develope obsessions, turn suicidal. Could they have explored this a bit more? Probably. On a lesser note: I didn't have a problem with the casting. I thought all of them did a good job. Yeah, the ship needed some more safety features but the movie made quite a point that the company operating them had been so successful for so long they most likely bought into thier own advertising.
Skyebright1 Oh please, don't being up Twilight. Vampires Don't Sparkle Damn It! ☺ Obsessed would probably be a better word than imprinted. Would have been a better movie if they had gone more indepth about that issue? Maybe, but on the other hand I don't think it was treated as lightly as Grace implied.
I totally agree. People are acting like they wouldn't even think about waking some one up. Sorry but that's Bullsh*t. I felt terrible for him and understood why he did it.Personally, I would've woke more than one person.
Also, in the script, he knew a lot more about her when he woke her up. He spent a lot of time reading all of her articles and newscasts, etc. And I don't understand why people are so hung up on not liking the movie because of the moral decision. That's the story! That doesn't make it bad, that makes it even more exciting, because it makes you feel anger, and sympathy at the same time. I don't know.
xxoxia i think it's because the movie doesn't actually put weight into the moral decision. Whenever there's a moment to reflect on it the ship breaks and then they just move on. I get that's what makes the story interesting, but the tone should've been darker because it just feels like a romance in space when it's actually about a psychological drama.
I disagree with NAT T - I think they actually spent a decent amount of time reflecting on his decision - Aurora didn't even like or talk to him a solid 40% of her screen time
So if you realllly like someone, for who they are and not only cause they're hot, it is then ok to forced them to live only with you untill they die? And to lie about that so you can fuck?
SPOILERS: I can't even believe you compared Jim waking her up to a nice guy raping a woman "because she's special". He had been alone for a year, fell into depression and almost committed suicide because he couldn't deal with being alone anymore. Then he saw an attractive woman and fell in love with her *personality*, not just her looks. It wasn't an easy decision for him to make, he was debating over it for a long time. And as soon as he woke her up, you could tell he instantly regretted it. When she went into his room and almost killed him, he held his hands up in surrender knowing how awful what he done was. It was an act of desperation - not wanting to live a life in complete isolation apart from contact with a few robots that could only make small talk. It was the wrong thing to do, no doubt. But try facing the rest of your life alone, on a ship deep in space with no one but your own company. Also, I think he redeemed himself towards the end of the movie. When they had to open the door to let out the fire, he stayed there to hold the door open alone, knowing full well he was going to die. All so Aurora and all the other passengers could live, with the hope that Aurora could find away for her to go back into hibernation. Then when they did fix the ship and found a way for one of them to go back to sleep, he *insisted* it should be her. And then when she refused, he didn't just say okay and took it for himself. He stayed with her and she stayed with him, and made the most of each other and what they had. You painted Jim in a bad picture when he's a good person. A good person who made a mistake out of fear. If I was in his situation and found a girl/guy like Aurora I would probably have done the same.
Just because he did it out of desperation doesn't change that he violated her free will and condemned her to be stuck on the ship with him. Also he never redeemed himself from what I saw. It's like rape because he ruined her life through his selfish desires and obsession
Grace, why would Chris Pratt character make such a cruel decision based on a logic reason ?? That would not make sense. On the contrary, he did it out of dispair. He was losing his mind and had a viceral reaction.
Spoilers below man, I think that most of us, if we had the choice, would have done what Chris’s character do. We’re lying to ourselves if we’re saying that we won’t. And I think also that Jen’s character understands that the moment he walks out [of the ship] and may not come back, she understands that, knowing she will be alone on the ship. She completely understands why he did that. It was a great movie with an awesome message to end a pretty bad year.
I feel like she didn't even watch the second half of the movie. Or she just didn't get few of the points and missed a lot of information. First of all, they've done this thousands of times already, like they said in the movie. So they haven't had a situation like this and they've done all that "AI controlling the ship" thing multiple times over the years. Second of all, he didn't want to wake anyone, so he wasn't looking for a hacker. He was going to kill himself, tripped and saw her. Started to learn about her and fell in love.
Also, the thing about Fishburne saying "I thought you were lucky to be alone with someone like her" means she is beautiful woman. Why take it to the race or hair color? I am 100% sure if Lawrence was replaced with Halle Berry, it would've applied just like here. But ofc that wouldn't mind you.
One purpose of a story could be to explore situations that are not pleasant or normal, in order to act as a kind of inoculation against a psychological breakdown if that, or a similar, situation were to occur in reality. Which is why many stories implement irrational decision making by the characters. If all of the characters of a story were rational and intelligent and good then the story would be useless.
*SPOILER* Good Review Grace I actually quite liked the film, I just wish it had ended differently 😠 Jennifer Lawrence was so convincing in her characters hatred for Jim after she found out, especially when she attacked him in his bed, that it was just not believable for her to forgiven him just because he saved the ship. As Aurora put it herself, he murdered her and just because he lucked out that the ship happened to be in trouble would not have made that ok. So the only way I could have been happy with the ending was if she went to sleep in the auto doc. She would still have gotten her story but also still had the life he stole from her. I'm getting mad again just thinking about it 😡😡 I'm tempted to go again because the story line had potential, the ship as you mentioned was stunning and it looks as though the film needs all the help it can get 😂😂😂 Good work yet again Grace, hope you have a wonderful new year x
I don't think she took him back because he saved the ship. She took him back because she realised that without another human being on the ship, her life would be complete and utter crap. Until then, she'd never really realised what it would be like to live alone for 90 years. She'd always had him, even as an object of her hatred. But at that moment she knew that in all probability he was going to die and I think she not only realised that a: she didn't want him to die. But also b: she would have done the same thing if she'd been the first one woken up. She couldn't live alone either. The prospect of life alone on that ship, with 50, 000 other sleeping passengers and 90 years to spend dying alone, was terrifying to her. So she understood his point of view, and understood that although it was ugly and despicable, we all would be when in that ugly and despicable circumstances. That's the way I saw it anyway.
I think it is somehow strange to consider it such an ethical desaster how the movie depicts a man who made an obviously unethical decision ("murder" as the movie describes it itself) as a hero in the end, while many hollywood - action movies, such as "Avengers", take the death of civilians as justified, when so-called heroes cause huge explosions in highly populated cities while fighting against their enemies and we don't consider this controversial, even though these "heroes" are completely aware of what they're doing and sometimes could have done it in another but less spectacular way, causing much less civilian deaths. Jim, on the other hand, who almost killed himself before waking up Aurora, seems to be demoralized after over a year of loneliness. It is questionable whether he was able to make a rational, moral decision. This doesn't justify his action and I don't think that's what the movie tries to do. Instead, I think, the movie wants us to question whether we are able to always act ethically in situations where we reach the limits of our mental health and whether it is rightful to condemn a whole person for the rest of his or her life, even if they did something as bad as Jim did. This movie may give controversial answers to these questions but accusing it of justification of murder or rape is way too harsh
Jen and Chris were amazing in the movie,and i'm sure the movie wouldn't be better with the actors you said.They made a GREAT jobe !!! this movie is AMAZING HOW CAN YOU SAY IT'S A "lazy movie" .....😑
also i don't understand how you can not recommend you kinda didn't liked it.can you just see the AMAZING THINGS IN THIS MOVIE BC THEY RE A LOT OF THEM!!😍😍😍and the thing with just one doctor pod is because (how arthur said in the movie:"it's not possible for you to be here),the people who desined the avalon thought it's not possible for a huge mistake like this.if i made any grammar mistake i'm sorry,i'm not an american
I think that you covering someone's death is very respectful, and you did it in a very tasteful way balancing the emotional and the logical ways her legacy will be remembered, so well done Grace! 😃
I'd love to have my life ruined by being woken up by a pretty fellow-passenger who knows how to save my life when the shit hits the fan, ever so conveniently.
question Grace cause this has been bugging me ever since I heard the premise of the movie, and l don't plan to see the movie so spoilers ahoy! do they explain why Chris Pratt couldn't just wake up the ship's engineer to fix his hibernation pod and then go back to hibernate? thanks for answering, love the show and it's host! ❤❤❤
Beyond The Trailer so THE ONLY GUY WHO CAN FIX THIS BIG GIANT HOLY SHITFUCK PROBLEM THAT WOULD DESTROY PEOPLE'S LIVES IS LEFT BEHIND AN UNOPENABLE METAL DOOR??! why won't we just PUT ALL OUR POLICE AND RESCUE FORCES IN A GIANT UNDERGROUND CAGE! l didn't intend to watch this movie before, but now l'm NEVER GOING TO SEE THIS STUPID SHIT! (imagine Nostalgia Critic screaming the caps lock parts of this comment) thanks for answering Grace you're the best 😍😍😍
Roei Potash AKA Poihpio so u want all people to not die but just get stranded in space and slowly die. That's what would happen if if there was in a unbeatable box. Also. It's a luxury ship! This ship was ment to be all safe and nothing course go wrong. So why would they do this.
duras200 This was a trip that has been made multiple times under those exact conditions without issues and had the meteors not managed to get through then this trip would have gone without incident as well. So yea it's pretty easy to believe that.
duras200 Actually planes are on autopilot for essentially everything but takeoff and landing. Pilots are still needed for that. Which is exactly the same thing the ship was doing. And they'd gone on hundreds of trips without incident so again...not nonsense.
Grace Did you notice the Disney references in the movie?? Sleeping Beauty- Aurora is "sleeping" and is awoken by Pratt Aladdin- Pratt asks Jlaw "Do you trust me" before becoming air(space) born off ship Little Mermaid- Jlaw rescues Pratt who has fallen off ship and leans over him as he comes back to life Just a few I found...thought it was a bit much, but for the sake of nostalgia, I was okay with it.
I thought this movie was good. Yeah, it's not going to change the film industry as we know it and it's not going to excel in terms of script, originality, etc. BUT the acting was really good in my opinion, the cinematography was great, good pacing, characters well written, very good on-screen chemistry between the leads, etc. It's a movie that succeeds in almost every aspect and it's a great time. Overall, I think critics are being assholes as of lately. This movie did not deserve bad reviews.
You misinterpreted the nature of Fishburne's comment and alleged correlation between that "damn" comment and the beauty standards of 2016 that you think Passengers is pushing. Laurence Fishburne's character was NOT endorsing Pratt's decision to wake up an attractive woman. His "I know it was a year, but damn" comment was how inexcusable, even after a year of solitude, Pratt's decision to wake someone up was.
when i looked at the reviews before i saw the movie everybody said it was bad. So when i decided to give it a chance i wasnt expecting much, But after i saw it I loved it and want to bring my friends and family to see this.
In a perfect world I'd like to go back and see this film released again but instead with Lawrence waking up Pratt. Just as a litmus test to see how many of these reviewers lambasting passengers using labels like 'creepy', 'reprehensible' or even 'raped' would out themselves as massive hypocrites. The 31% on RT is a joke, the movie had a few flaws but was easily at least a 65% and it had some of the best acting I've seen in a while from Lawrence..
"Aurora had no friends" except for all the people on her tablet saying they would miss her before she left, including one lady who identified herself as Aurora's best friend.
I just watched this film and felt so bad for Jim when he was alone, I would have done the same thing! No one wants to die alone even if they aren’t on a spaceship
I really like that you're putting non-spoiler and spoilers together in one video.. Is this your format going forward with all reviews? I like it. Just as long as the chapter titles on the left there don't give spoilers away (i.e. "such and such character's death").. Maybe keep those blurred out or something while sharing your non-spoiler thoughts?
Hello Grace, I think that when you are discussing fictional films in which a character does something reprehensible, particularly a male violating a female character, you need to be much more careful to use the CHARACTER'S name and not the ACTOR'S name. In the internet age this can be potentially harmful to the actors/actresses. You keep saying "Pratt's decision" or "What Chris Pratt did". Then you equate his action to rape. Let's keep the role and the actor separate.
Agree with your review Grace. the best description I heard for Chris Pratt's actions were that that part of the movie was a horror movie which didn't know it was a horror movie.
Spoiler .... ..... ..... ..... On what Pratt's character did, i don't think it was really that bad a thing. After spending a year alone and facing spending the rest of his life as such, he and anybody would get to a point where they'd be so lonely, they'd HAVE to wake someone else up, even if it meant making them have to spend the rest of their life with them. If anything, it'd be surprising if anybody in such a situation only woke one other person up. While i haven't seen this film yet, i am planning to go see it in the next few days, though i'd heard about this spoiler already and spoilers don't really bother me *that* much (I would actively go looking for them, but finding them out won't stop me watching something). But as i saw in the trailer, for some reason the stasis technology in this film can seemingly be only used once. Hopefully it's explained why Pratt or anybody else can't just go back to sleep - we've seen people like Ripley in the Alien series go into stasis numerous times, with no sign of side effects, or seeming limits to its' use :) .
SPOILER: I felt the action of Pratt's character saved all those on the ship. When the meteor hit it critically damaged the ship to the point that it would be dead in space along with all passengers. Had he not woken another person early he would not have had the help to physically solve the ship's malfunctions. Fishburne's character would awaken and died just the same as he did in the film but the mechanic skill set is what allowed Pratt to resolve the ship's problems but still he needed another able body to help. Of course his true heroism was sacrificing his life for Lawrence's putting her in the healing bay pod allowing her to continue to sleep until their final destination.
I can't believe you compared being raped with wakeing aurora up. I'm sorry Grace I like your videos but that's a bit to feminist for me. are you seriously going to judge a movie by its premise, that's not a sign of a good movie reviewer... and it's not just you either.
think of it like this, put yourself in jen's situation... instead youve been woken up to die on the ship because the other's intention was to fuck you and you gave in because you had no idea about his intention?
Every review of this film scrutinises pratt's characters's decision but i dont understand why? Yh wat he did was moraly wrong and evil but wasnt that the point of the first 3 quarters of the film??? He spent a year alone he was going through madnesses and depression (to my disliking they didnt do a good job showing it at all BUT They got the point across)?????? Reviewers you included dont make much sense because ur criticising the film for its dilemma ( ur basically doing the same thing as shitting on the film my sisters keeper because there using there 1 daughter as spare parts for their older daughter with cancer) yh stupid right why are u people screwing about a major plot point being moraly wrong?
I honestly could not take the movie seriously after Chris Pratt's action. I never thought about it in the way you described in the last few minutes of the video... now I don't really know what to think of the movie.
You read my mind on this one, Grace! I liked a lot of the movie when I was watching it in the theatre, but after re-examining it afterwards, a lot of the same issues kept popping up in the back of my mind. Kind of a shame because the premise and the two awesome actors gave this such potential. I'll see it again once it's remade a few decades down the road. ;)
I held off on watching this review because I didn't see it in theaters, but I watched it recently. I really enjoyed this movie! But some of what Grace sees as plot holes, I found to be slow burning obstacles the movie sets up in the first act. An interstellar travel company without a history of a single disaster (the SS Hubris) all of a sudden has one and is ill-equipped - in any way - to help our stranded characters. Great plot device! Good movie overall.
In a society where Avalon exists, life in another planet, and people sleeping for 120 years, auto-pilot and 1 medical bed sounds perfectly normal because is just precaution. About Pratt's character (Jim) decision. It takes 1 second to make a mistake but 1 year alone and that means a whole lot of seconds to be ethical enough. I think If I would've spend 1 year like that (in space) I would,ve woken up everybody in the ship
I totally loved her clothes too!!! And Aurora totally choked me up. I did think it was wrong what he did, but I felt for him. When he had his hand on the button my heart was in my throat. Even though I knew he wouldn't do it. I'm torn, I see what you mean, but I don't know what choice I'd make. Probably I just wouldn't tell Arthur... would have saved me the heartache.
*spoiler* Although I see your point, I have to disagree. Personally, one of my favourite aspects of the film was the moral dilemma Pratt's character was faced with and its resolution. Lots of aspects of this movie (isolation, inter-stellar travel, romance, ect.) were broad and were elements that I had seen done better in other films. In my opinion, Pratt's decision to wake Lawrence up made the film more unique. Though I do not condone his character's actions, that didn't interfere with my enjoyment of the film. The moral conflict brought a gripping premise to the table- it heightened the tension in a way that made sitting through 2 hours of a space movie much more entertaining. The themes revolving around the decision in question stuck with me after the movie. I believe that the decision, albeit a poor one, was a compelling plot point. After all, plot and conflict are built upon poor decisions! While I do not agree with the character's decision, I don't personally feel as if I need to agree with a character in order to be entertained by them. That being said, thank you for your perspective and for your review.
when a woman you don't know thats never done anything to you annoys you its usually jealousy... what you dont like about her you see in yourself and it annoys you, so you deflect it onto her...
How to fix: The Avalon is basically a coach class ship filled with low income passengers looking for a fresh start, imagine what the first class ships are like. When Pratt wakes up he pours over the manifest and the ship has nothing but blue collar workers like himself, Jennifer Lawrence being one of a handful of people who aren't. Thus no one who can really help him. The crew of the Avalon are all Synthetics who are all played by Michael Sheen. They fly the ship, perform maintenance, etc. for the entire flight. When Pratts pod malfunctions the robot crew can't put him under again. There programmed for service and ship maintenance not suspended animation. The ship has thousands of med pods but med pods and suspension pods are NOT the same. When Pratt desperately tries to hack the system, using manuals and instructions he looks up, he short circuits Lawrence's pod by mistake and can't bring himself to tell her. She finds out. Then they need to come together and save the ship. Pratt dies saving it and Lawrence, after years alone with only robots, contemplates purposely waking someone up. FIN
I have to disagree with you. I apologize to anyone who hasn't seen the movie for revealing what may be spoilers. Stop reading now if you don't want to hear about the movie. Okay that's done. The ship's computer deliberately woke up Jim in the movie. It was not a malfunction. Jim describes himself as a mechanic in an era that doesn't need mechanics. The people in the future don't work with wrenches and screwdrivers, because most of them would rather let machines do all of that kind of work. Jim is the exception. The ship's computer which is an AI, knows everything about the people on board and knew this about Jim. It needs someone to do a repair job that the machines can't do because the damage is causing the machines to malfunction. So it woke Jim up on purpose to save the ship and to save the people. Without him everyone dies anyway, including Aurora. So while she claims that he stole her life he also saves her life and everyone else on board. For that reason the judgement leveled against Jim is way too harsh. Remember without him being awakened everyone dies anyway. It is too coincidental that the one person out of 5000 people to wake up,just happens to be mechanically inclined. He explained also that as a colonist on a new world his mechanic skills would be useful. The bartender is part of the same AI that runs the ship, but Jim can't get straight answers out of the bridge application and he accidentally discovers that the bartender does give him answers to the things he needs to know. The ship's AI through the bartender is the one who encourages Jim to wake up Aurora. It makes sense because the computer knows that if Jim loses his mind from the loneliness, he will be useless. Jim dies alone and insane and doesn't repair the ship. The ship dies and everyone on board the ship dies. Laurence Fishburne is awakened so that he can give Jim access to the part of the ship that needs to be repaired. The AI knows that he is dying anyway so it sacrifices Fishburne's character so that Jim can do what is necessary. I think people have been dismissive of this movie because they interpreted everything all wrong. Whether Jim did the right thing can be debated over and over again, but in my opinion he had no other options. The ship's computer caused everything to happen, it makes sense when you factor the aspect of the AI into the equation. I'm going to have to watch the movie again a few times to see if maybe I missed something or to find more evidence to support my ideas.
Regarding hacker point, I don't agree... It was stated in movie, that the issue isn't actually to fix the pod, but to prepare body for krio - which required equipment not available on ship (because pods never failed before) + medical personnel (also unavailable)... That's why Aurora proposed using infirmary from the start. The plot twist that poddoc was able to do that procedure, but special credentials were required makes sense and saves script from plothole. However - you are right, that this is nonsensical to have only one med pod on ship this large... Even assuming that it was only for short time before they'll land - they are flying to totally new planet on which there will be no hospitals, so it would be very handy to have option to use ship equipment until they'll build sth on the new planet, which will take years
But a blonde like Jennifer Lawrence is the ideal beauty standard for women...she's gorgeous. Why should they expect bad reviews for simply acknowledging that?
This movie proves that just casting 'Big Stars' is not enough to ensure high box office numbers. When I first saw the poster for this movie (without seeing the trailer) it was so... vacuous. It did nothing for me. After watching the trailer I was shocked, because I kinda felt the same way about it. It looked like a pretty facade, but without life. This made me never want to see this movie (at least in theater) and I didn't understand where the hype came from. It's a shame, because visually it looks amazing...
Good review. I agree with most of what you said. The only thing is that I don't think that Seth Rogen is the solution. I know that Sean Astin hasn't made any huge movies lately. But he has the right look and strong emotional range needed for a role like this. He also has a great sense of comedy.
I do agree that Pratt's characters decision is open for discussion, but I don't believe it deserves all the backlash and it shouldn't determine how good the film is. This choice is one that makes everyone who watches the film think about what they would have done in this situation. It's not like his character just woke this woman up because she was hot. He spent a year in isolation, with no human contact and came across a perfect woman, and not only fell in love with her beauty but with her mind and the way she looks at the world. We have to ask ourselves what we would do in this situation. Waking up in space, your dreams destroyed through no fault of your own, left isolated, and have the ability to wake another human up so you're not alone anymore. How many of us would do it?
The movie is gorgeous and the chemistry between Pratt and Lawrence was great! I wanted more Pratt butt tbh haha SPOILER TALK! But that starting point killed it for me. I couldn't root for the romance that the entire second act focused on because of how Pratt manipulated it. And as he watched her videos and decided to wake her up, it was so creepy and gross. Fishburne was literally a MacGuffin in the movie. And I fully agree, the movie opened up all of these conversations but didn't have the gall to even remotely explore them.
I just saw this movie over the weekend and to be honest, I really like this movie. Im not a big JLaw fan but I like her in this movie. Initially I didn't like Jim's decision but as the story went on I understood why he did it. Jim is human and we make selfish decisions. The situation he was in was mentally taking a toll on him. The movie touches on morality/mortality and the what would you do question? Its a very smart movie. I think the critics are just giving it a lot of mixed/bad reviews because of the decision made by Jim. Also Grace I so love your reviews and opinions but I have to disagree with your fantasy casting of Seth Rogan & Ann Hathaway. Not good choices for this sci-fi romance flick. Chris & Jen were good choices. I'd recommend this movie. People stay away from RT
This is the problem with today's society. People like this, who have a relatively large audience, promote a very warped idea about what is wrong or/and offensive. To me, the fact that Jim woke Aurora up is the leading and most important point this movie made. It's a huge moral dilemma that was the first thing me and my friends who watched this sat down to discuss. We didn't think about "Oh, but what about gender equality" and "physical idea for beauty" regarding Lawrence, and "asking for bad reviews" - people, who quite frankly have never truly experienced any sorts of real trauma because of inequality and prejudice regarding ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality etc., nowadays seem so, so obsessed with making sure everyone is "equal" that they go to the extremes that anything remotely popular has to be made with such care that no one gets upset, instead of actually working on developing good ideas. Someone always gets upset in the end. Chill, people, it's just a film. The questions here are: "What would you do if you were in that certain situation?", "How could he have avoided waking her up?", "Why was it a good/bad decision to wake her up?". I don't know why you'd think that a lonely man trapped in space with nowhere to go, on a journey that leads to his imminent death, who then, out of pure desperation, woke somebody up to save himself mentally, has his decision turned into something more incorrect than you saying "He'd just woken her up because she was hot". Here comes the question, "What would you do if you were him?". Congrats if you are so mentally strong to spend the one life you get in complete isolation trapped in your own head until your sad life ends, or to commit suicide to avoid it. Of course what he did was wrong, but people are selfish. That's what Jim was, selfish, and for reasons I personally can understand, and I'm sure anyone would if they really sat down to think about it. Understand, not approve. He was NOT a rapist. I can't even express how wrong it is to say that. Just picture yourself in the situation. He could do nothing else to save himself. Humans are genetically programmed to depend on other humans. The same way our bodies tell us to eat when we are hungry and we cannot turn that feeling off unless we eat or else we die, he had his brain/body/whatever dictate that he needed to do the only thing he could to survive. He did try to end his life instead, but he simply couldn't. It all comes down to the mental strength of the individual. I'm sure the movie wouldn't have been nearly as popular had the story line not included a beautiful, popular young actress like Jennifer (who did her job perfectly, really). This film is what is popular and what people want to watch, expensive movies that are shallow enough for anyone to follow and enjoy, created solely to entertain people. The only real depth this film had was Jim waking Aurora up, and now everyone is upset about it, unhappy that it wasn't even more shallow. It's a shame, really, because I think if the film focused even more on that subject instead of the action part by the end, it would have been a much greater story.
That moment the bartender spills the secret, was the best moment, finally revealing how disturbingly and creepy "Jim" acted in manipulating "aurora". Okay film, but took the safe route with a happy ending, seriously how did "Jim" not die or roast with all that heat?
watch this movie people its really good, but i do agree with most of grace review. it was so good i was amazed while watching, i was like wait why is this getting a bad review online. it even made me like jennifer a little bit more, it still dont like her but it helped. the scene when she comes in his room at night you know what i'm talking about woooo
Omg Grace! Idk if your going to see this as this video has been up a few days, but I have to tell you this story! So I was at my local theatre buying Rogue One tickets when I overheard the ladies behind be talking about the movie posters displayed at the ticket booth. One lady said "Passengers? What's that about? Ooo does that have Tom Cruise in it? I've never heard of it before." And the other lady said "Not it has Jennifer Lawrence and.... well I don't know who the other guy is..." 😂😂 I thought it was hilarious, both women were probably in their 40s. #poorchrispratt #nottomcruise
You know what would have been cool. If Pratt did what he did, and he Jlaw live their lives together on the ship for a year or two. But then at some point Jlaw realizes that Pratt woke her up and swears she will never talk to him again. Then Pratt becomes super angry and creepy, slowly revealing that he went crazy during that period of loneliness and then he becomes a staulker Shinning type character, and Jlaw has to escape him.
Then she has no choice but to kill him because he's all "If I can't have you no one can". So she kills him and decides to live alone on the ship until she too is driven mad with loneliness then she wakes someone up, and process starts all over again. Cut to Black. Now that's a movie
Seriously, that would have been perfect. Thumbs up
oh shit get this person working on the script for the equal ASAP!.
keybladechosn1 love this
benny google Exactly, and just how they advertised the actual movie without revealing the "twist" that he woke her up, but that the movie turns into a straight up horror/slasher movie at the end. People's minds would have been BLOWN.
keybladechosn1 If this was how the movie was I would've watched the shit out of it. A psychological sci-fi thriller? SIGN ME UP!!!
"Not the sensual butt that one would expect."- Grace Randolph
"Drive-by Butt." -Grace Randolph
And sexist. But that is just her feminist side. It was a very good review, but it's a feminist one. Some references: In general feminists will see equality in a different way than most or
Dr. Matthew Hertert To be fair despite all the brains of a mechanical engineer Preston does make the decision for Aurora after 1 year of celibacy and tripping over a wine bottle picking the first women he finds.
Jaime Duncan if you did your research, people, especially feminists don't want to be sexualised because they want people to appreciate other peoples, epecially women's achievements, HOWEVER, Chris Pratt has specifically stated that he wants to be sexualised so that is why Grace did sexualised him, there is nothing unfair, there is no "Radical Feminism" going on it's literally just because he asked to be, so that DOES make it okay to sexualise someone
Ashley Hinds Before responding to you, I need to know the context of your answer: Did you read my link about why, many feminist say, it is ok to sexualise men? Did you notice that was written by a feminist? Are you aware that this is a pattern that includes domestic violence and assault by women, the "impossibility" of sexism against men etc. I know she is not a radical feminist (radical does not mean extreme, it has to do with the believes they have) she seems a liberal feminist to me. Now your argument is that this case is different and I will address it in a different answer to avoid clutter.
I don't get the hate this movie is getting, saw it a few hours ago and it was actually pretty decent
its all the butthurt feminists...if you don't agree with them. you're a misogynist
I really enjoyed it, other than a very misleading trailer I don't get it either.
Seen it over the weekend, it wasn't Great.... but it wasn't bad either. I enjoyed sitting through it and being presented with eye candy for a few hours. not bad.
mk6rfc1 I thought the same, but then realized that the movie had missed a huge opportunity to explore what actually happened to them later. surely knowing us, human kind, it's more likely to end badly
+NotNow well they kinda explored it at the end when everyone woke up cos it was trees all over the place, they must have lived together until they did happily without kids
Many times in the movie i thought that if you changed the music for a creepy one, this could be a horror thriller.
José Luis Haro Thomas Newmans music was beautiful though.
José Luis Haro this calls for another...
Like when she's standing over his bed in the darkness?
Seth rogen isn't sexy. Why do guys get away with being ugly, but the chick always has to be hot. Where's Clint eastwoods son when you need him?
Deadpan Lolli maybe she has different taste?
Deadpan Lolli a lot of guys don't find Jennifer Lawrence hot... so
When Grace said Seth Rogen.. LOL. Seriously, no one would go and see this film, Pratt and Lawrence was like Sonys' only chance. I mean, Grace always digs up actors box office numbers.. well how many hits does Rogen has? And is he capable of better acting than Pratt, is he more skilled, is Rogen more like Denzel whom Grace mentioned too? DK
ImmaculatePatw well, Seth Rogen did play supporting actor in an Oscar nominated movie, "Jobs"
shaan imtiaz yet the film was such a box office disaster that nobody really saw him in it. Also that film also starred Michael Fassbender and Kate Winslet, I do not think that Rogen is a big name to bring people to see a film in theatres..
I highly disagree on Seth and Anne fan casting, i'm sick of Hollywood casting a typically unattractive and sometimes downright ugly man with a beautiful woman. Seriously, its dumb. The only time you see an attractive guy with a typically unattractive girl is if it's played for jokes or if in the end they turn her hot with some makeover. Overall I really agree with your review though, I loved your ending opinion about their relationship.
just because you're ugly and your girlfriend's ugly doesn't mean the world is ugly.
I'm sorry but you are so wrong.
First of all you say they were miscast I disagree. They are opposites. First Aurora is a famous author's daughter, Jim is a mechanical engineer. Two she has the Gold membership with gourmet food while he just has the basic food and drink privileges.Rich vs Poor. Next topic him waking her up. One. He was awake a entire year by himself before he even saw her. Just after he couldn't bring himself to go along the suicide attempt. he finds her.Two After he researched her for what look like months, to find who she was, reading her stories falling in love with her personalty, not just her looks. If that was the case he just would've woken any hot women up on the ship. After all that research thinking hard and consulting with Arthur he finally goes along with it. After he does it, he immediately regrets it. Like you said he just sign her death warrant. The critics don't see the real question of the film. Would you sacrifice someone else's life so that you won't die alone. Ultimately what he did was wrong but most of the critics feel that being in that situation you wouldn't even think about that or be driven to waking someone up. I find absolute bullcrap. 60+ years by yourself or just committing suicide were the only other options. Also At the end he does give her a chance to go back to sleep if she wants to, but after all that they endured together she declines. Is the movie perfect? No way but the fact that it has 32% is a joke. The Acting is spectacular, the Visuals are phenomenal. Just on those alone the movie deserves at least 65% and above. I love that the story was unique in that it made you think of the feelings that Jim felt early on and what Aurora felt after she found out. I wouldn't have blamed her for killing Jim. Anyway I feel that movie did great for what was giving and I rate it 7.5 or 8 out of 10. When it comes out I'll buy it.
Just saw this movie :( I'm so late, but... the miscasting refers to not seeing from the casts' performance what the script intends to convey to the audience. The script was there. There's mention of class difference, but the cast members beside each other don't make me feel the differences. They look like they could match despite intending to write them as incompatible.
I actually disagree. I loved that film. I think the part that people don't understand is that how the way they want the world to be and how the world really is are oftentimes different, and I think that acknowledgement of the latter is oftentimes more powerful than the former. A man alone in space for a whole year is going to wake a female up. I don't care what you think your morals are sitting around in present day life, but the isolation and the mental anguish you will feel and the actions that will result from that are part of your human nature.
Grace you do realise this movie took 12 years to make right? that automatically means it's a masterpiece.
someone already has that username it didn't take twelve years to make, the script was floating around for years and someone finally picked it up with the cash and effects budget to pull it off.
Clearly none of you people have watched Red Letter Media.
someone already has that username it's the boyhood of Hollywood sci-fi romance schlock
ezwar99 I was referring to the joke, referring to boyhood. I don't personally have any ill feelings towards the film itself
someone already has that username no it does not automatically make it a masterpiece. It just means that a studio took 12 years to fail at recognizing significant problems in the story that would have been ridiculously easy to fix.
I disagree with the critics. The decision Pratt's character faces is the whole point of the movie! To get people thinking about what they would do in such a circumstance.
I don't think most people understand the psychological devastation isolation can wreak on the human psyche. Humans are social creatures by nature.
Another film that tackled this was "Castaway" with Tom Hanks. Hanks' character took to anthropomorphizing a volley ball, carrying out entire conversations with it.
Yeah, you're right but what I don't like in the movie is the Aurora's reaction when she finds out that Jim woke her up it's kind of weird for me.
I wonder if the Pandemic has caused people to change their view?
Hollywood still spending their monies on the wrong thing. YOU NEED BETTER STORIES NOT JUST STARS AND CGI TO SELL TICKETS.
rurutu M oh no stars and CGI do sell tickets, look at the top 10 highest grossing movies this year. How many of them truly have an original and compelling story?
It was a solid movie, despite Grace not liking it much. Don't make assumptions based on 1 review.
That opening line tho. Another Grace switcheroo.
Shakeema Edwards Yep
This way be spoilers...
Your alternate casting makes no sense, because "Be happy with what you have" is not the overarching theme of the movie. The theme is more like "If you're lucky enough to find someone who you're truly happy with, you have to hold onto that... Maybe even if they don't deserve it".
They aren't supposed to be a mismatched pair. These two are perfect for each other, which is what makes it so tragic (thematically) that their relationship only came about due to an unforgivable act by Chris Pratt.
The critical pieces of thematic dialog aren't Michael Sheen's. They belong to Jennifer Lawrence's friend from the video... "You didn't need to leave, but nothing is ever enough for you. So my one wish is for you to finally find something/someone who can truly make you happy"... And to Laurence Fishburne... "The drowning man is always going to try to drag someone down with him. That don't make it right!... But he's drowning!"
So in the end Aurora (Lawrence) has to wiegh the fact that Jim (Pratt) did something unfathomably horrible against the fact that he was otherwise a great guy (up to and including his shining moment of self-sacrifice and heroism) who was the first thing that ever made her feel happy and fulfilled. Sure, it's easy to do some simplistic moralizing as a third party, but logically is it really more important that she punish him than that she has the thing that makes her happy? Is cutting off your own nose to spite your face really a price worth paying for that "justice"?
This interpretation also answers why he woke her instead of someone more theoretically useful... He had decided she was his perfect partner... Remember, he had already given up on fixing the problem. So if you were looking forward to 90 years with only one other person for company, would you pick someone who "might" figure out how to do something you thought was impossible (Because going back to sleep is the only solution. Waking the crew solves nothing.), or do you pick someone you've fallen in love with (admittedly, in absentia)? Seems like the latter is the obvious choice.
TL: DR - Many of your criticisms don't make sense, because your thematic reading is incorrect. Anyway, it's a perfectly fine movie. Nothing special... Just a nice way to spend 2 hours of your time.
Just a bit more (still spoilers)... Yes, you can choose to read this movie as a rape metaphor, although that basically makes it impossible to have an intelligent conversation about it with most people, which is boring
The one idea you had that would have been interesting is a role reversal... Not least because no one would be calling it a rape metaphor then (which goes to show how poor an angle of approach that is)... But a full one - She wakes up first. She's the mechanic and he's the writer. Which means at the end, she has to be the one to go outside and (in reality) die. - Makes an otherwise standard (though still good) movie a little more unusual, and stops the conversation from devolving into a complaint about "creepy dudes". Guess what?... The only difference between being in love and being a stalker is if the person likes you back. Anyone who is in love does creepy shit all of the time, but, for example, someone randomly showing up at your house in the middle of the night is somehow "sweet" if you actually want to spend time with that person... Lol
Okay, saw the movie today. The way you talk about the character "Jim", deciding to wake the character "Aurora" is a bit misleading. You make it sound as if was an "oh what the hell, why not" decision. Jim was slowly sliding into insanity & had almost flushed himself out an airlock just moments before he saw Aurora for the first time. He, for lack of a better word "imprinted" on Aurora. He watched her passenger interview, read her books/articles. His deciding to wake her was not instantaneous or even quick. Was it morally unethical? Yes, but if any of us had been sentenced to what was basically solitary confinement (albeit a luxurious one) for the next 50/60 years? There are reasons they're trying to end the practice in prisons. Humans NEED human contact, without it babies don't thrive, adults get depressed, become psychotic, develope obsessions, turn suicidal. Could they have explored this a bit more? Probably.
On a lesser note: I didn't have a problem with the casting. I thought all of them did a good job. Yeah, the ship needed some more safety features but the movie made quite a point that the company operating them had been so successful for so long they most likely bought into thier own advertising.
Skyebright1 Oh please, don't being up Twilight. Vampires Don't Sparkle Damn It! ☺ Obsessed would probably be a better word than imprinted. Would have been a better movie if they had gone more indepth about that issue? Maybe, but on the other hand I don't think it was treated as lightly as Grace implied.
Randi Dorrenbacher Totally agree with you! I don't understand why this movie has so much hate! I loved it!
I totally agree. People are acting like they wouldn't even think about waking some one up. Sorry but that's Bullsh*t. I felt terrible for him and understood why he did it.Personally, I would've woke more than one person.
@@seahawk97838me too! i’d have woken bunch of people up!
Also, in the script, he knew a lot more about her when he woke her up. He spent a lot of time reading all of her articles and newscasts, etc. And I don't understand why people are so hung up on not liking the movie because of the moral decision. That's the story! That doesn't make it bad, that makes it even more exciting, because it makes you feel anger, and sympathy at the same time. I don't know.
xxoxia i think it's because the movie doesn't actually put weight into the moral decision. Whenever there's a moment to reflect on it the ship breaks and then they just move on. I get that's what makes the story interesting, but the tone should've been darker because it just feels like a romance in space when it's actually about a psychological drama.
I disagree with NAT T - I think they actually spent a decent amount of time reflecting on his decision - Aurora didn't even like or talk to him a solid 40% of her screen time
So if you realllly like someone, for who they are and not only cause they're hot, it is then ok to forced them to live only with you untill they die? And to lie about that so you can fuck?
I can't even believe you compared Jim waking her up to a nice guy raping a woman "because she's special". He had been alone for a year, fell into depression and almost committed suicide because he couldn't deal with being alone anymore. Then he saw an attractive woman and fell in love with her *personality*, not just her looks. It wasn't an easy decision for him to make, he was debating over it for a long time. And as soon as he woke her up, you could tell he instantly regretted it. When she went into his room and almost killed him, he held his hands up in surrender knowing how awful what he done was. It was an act of desperation - not wanting to live a life in complete isolation apart from contact with a few robots that could only make small talk. It was the wrong thing to do, no doubt. But try facing the rest of your life alone, on a ship deep in space with no one but your own company. Also, I think he redeemed himself towards the end of the movie. When they had to open the door to let out the fire, he stayed there to hold the door open alone, knowing full well he was going to die. All so Aurora and all the other passengers could live, with the hope that Aurora could find away for her to go back into hibernation. Then when they did fix the ship and found a way for one of them to go back to sleep, he *insisted* it should be her. And then when she refused, he didn't just say okay and took it for himself. He stayed with her and she stayed with him, and made the most of each other and what they had. You painted Jim in a bad picture when he's a good person. A good person who made a mistake out of fear. If I was in his situation and found a girl/guy like Aurora I would probably have done the same.
Totally agreed with everything you said!!
That One UA-cam Comment Totally agree with you!! Thank you! I honestly don't understand why this movie is getting hate. I loved it!
Just because he did it out of desperation doesn't change that he violated her free will and condemned her to be stuck on the ship with him. Also he never redeemed himself from what I saw. It's like rape because he ruined her life through his selfish desires and obsession
Tash Kay Exactly
That One UA-cam Comment PREACH
I almost went into the sleeping pod waiting for this review. lol
Andy Ramirez Best Comment
Grace, why would Chris Pratt character make such a cruel decision based on a logic reason ?? That would not make sense. On the contrary, he did it out of dispair. He was losing his mind and had a viceral reaction.
The movie is ok, but Jennifer Lawrence's performance was the best, she was terrific.
I don't know about the movie but those were some killer shoes Jennifer Lawrence was wearing.
It's weird i usually like agree with you, but i this time i really like the movie.
Spoilers below man,
I think that most of us, if we had the choice, would have done what Chris’s character do. We’re lying to ourselves if we’re saying that we won’t. And I think also that Jen’s character understands that the moment he walks out [of the ship] and may not come back, she understands that, knowing she will be alone on the ship. She completely understands why he did that. It was a great movie with an awesome message to end a pretty bad year.
So, am I the only one who *found this movie one of the best science fiction tales he's ever seen?*
I mean I wouldn't call it that. I prefer Arrival, Gravity, The Martian, and Interstellar, but this movie is good.
"drive by butt" vs "sensual butt"...gems like that is why I'm subscribed lol
Seth Rogen has a "sex appeal to him"? Wow, I just threw up in my mouth a bit.
grace falls for seth rogen... I worry about you grace...
I feel like she didn't even watch the second half of the movie. Or she just didn't get few of the points and missed a lot of information. First of all, they've done this thousands of times already, like they said in the movie. So they haven't had a situation like this and they've done all that "AI controlling the ship" thing multiple times over the years. Second of all, he didn't want to wake anyone, so he wasn't looking for a hacker. He was going to kill himself, tripped and saw her. Started to learn about her and fell in love.
Also, the thing about Fishburne saying "I thought you were lucky to be alone with someone like her" means she is beautiful woman. Why take it to the race or hair color? I am 100% sure if Lawrence was replaced with Halle Berry, it would've applied just like here. But ofc that wouldn't mind you.
Maybe you could review the actual movie not what it could have been. It's like you're reviewing a movie that wasn't made.
Waking her up is a kin to rape? Smh.
Your opinion is trash in this review, Grace.
This is a story in which Chris MADE a bad decision..they are not pushing it as innocuous.
One purpose of a story could be to explore situations that are not pleasant or normal, in order to act as a kind of inoculation against a psychological breakdown if that, or a similar, situation were to occur in reality. Which is why many stories implement irrational decision making by the characters. If all of the characters of a story were rational and intelligent and good then the story would be useless.
Good Review Grace
I actually quite liked the film, I just wish it had ended differently 😠
Jennifer Lawrence was so convincing in her characters hatred for Jim after she found out, especially when she attacked him in his bed, that it was just not believable for her to forgiven him just because he saved the ship. As Aurora put it herself, he murdered her and just because he lucked out that the ship happened to be in trouble would not have made that ok. So the only way I could have been happy with the ending was if she went to sleep in the auto doc. She would still have gotten her story but also still had the life he stole from her. I'm getting mad again just thinking about it 😡😡
I'm tempted to go again because the story line had potential, the ship as you mentioned was stunning and it looks as though the film needs all the help it can get 😂😂😂
Good work yet again Grace, hope you have a wonderful new year x
I agree - that scene where she attacked him in bed was very powerful and well done.
Beyond The Trailer I may or may not have been rooting for her to hit him with the metal thing she had grabbed 🙈
Jennifer Lawrence can attack me in bed anytime, Grace.
I don't think she took him back because he saved the ship. She took him back because she realised that without another human being on the ship, her life would be complete and utter crap. Until then, she'd never really realised what it would be like to live alone for 90 years. She'd always had him, even as an object of her hatred. But at that moment she knew that in all probability he was going to die and I think she not only realised that a: she didn't want him to die. But also b: she would have done the same thing if she'd been the first one woken up. She couldn't live alone either. The prospect of life alone on that ship, with 50, 000 other sleeping passengers and 90 years to spend dying alone, was terrifying to her. So she understood his point of view, and understood that although it was ugly and despicable, we all would be when in that ugly and despicable circumstances. That's the way I saw it anyway.
I think it is somehow strange to consider it such an ethical desaster how the movie depicts a man who made an obviously unethical decision ("murder" as the movie describes it itself) as a hero in the end, while many hollywood - action movies, such as "Avengers", take the death of civilians as justified, when so-called heroes cause huge explosions in highly populated cities while fighting against their enemies and we don't consider this controversial, even though these "heroes" are completely aware of what they're doing and sometimes could have done it in another but less spectacular way, causing much less civilian deaths.
Jim, on the other hand, who almost killed himself before waking up Aurora, seems to be demoralized after over a year of loneliness. It is questionable whether he was able to make a rational, moral decision. This doesn't justify his action and I don't think that's what the movie tries to do. Instead, I think, the movie wants us to question whether we are able to always act ethically in situations where we reach the limits of our mental health and whether it is rightful to condemn a whole person for the rest of his or her life, even if they did something as bad as Jim did. This movie may give controversial answers to these questions but accusing it of justification of murder or rape is way too harsh
Jen and Chris were amazing in the movie,and i'm sure the movie wouldn't be better with the actors you said.They made a GREAT jobe !!! this movie is AMAZING HOW CAN YOU SAY IT'S A "lazy movie" .....😑
also i don't understand how you can not recommend you kinda didn't liked it.can you just see the AMAZING THINGS IN THIS MOVIE BC THEY RE A LOT OF THEM!!😍😍😍and the thing with just one doctor pod is because (how arthur said in the movie:"it's not possible for you to be here),the people who desined the avalon thought it's not possible for a huge mistake like this.if i made any grammar mistake i'm sorry,i'm not an american
When will your top ten movies video be up??
Tomorrow - delayed, I think appropriately, in order to cover Carrie Fisher's tragic death.
I think that you covering someone's death is very respectful, and you did it in a very tasteful way balancing the emotional and the logical ways her legacy will be remembered, so well done Grace! 😃
Thanks!! Totally understandable!!
Wow, nice analysis. keep up the great work!
I'd love to have my life ruined by being woken up by a pretty fellow-passenger who knows how to save my life when the shit hits the fan, ever so conveniently.
question Grace cause this has been bugging me ever since I heard the premise of the movie, and l don't plan to see the movie so spoilers ahoy! do they explain why Chris Pratt couldn't just wake up the ship's engineer to fix his hibernation pod and then go back to hibernate? thanks for answering, love the show and it's host! ❤❤❤
SPOILERS He can't get to the crew, they're behind a metal door that he can't open.
Beyond The Trailer so THE ONLY GUY WHO CAN FIX THIS BIG GIANT HOLY SHITFUCK PROBLEM THAT WOULD DESTROY PEOPLE'S LIVES IS LEFT BEHIND AN UNOPENABLE METAL DOOR??! why won't we just PUT ALL OUR POLICE AND RESCUE FORCES IN A GIANT UNDERGROUND CAGE! l didn't intend to watch this movie before, but now l'm NEVER GOING TO SEE THIS STUPID SHIT! (imagine Nostalgia Critic screaming the caps lock parts of this comment)
thanks for answering Grace you're the best 😍😍😍
Roei Potash AKA Poihpio so u want all people to not die but just get stranded in space and slowly die. That's what would happen if if there was in a unbeatable box. Also. It's a luxury ship! This ship was ment to be all safe and nothing course go wrong. So why would they do this.
duras200 This was a trip that has been made multiple times under those exact conditions without issues and had the meteors not managed to get through then this trip would have gone without incident as well. So yea it's pretty easy to believe that.
duras200 Actually planes are on autopilot for essentially everything but takeoff and landing. Pilots are still needed for that. Which is exactly the same thing the ship was doing. And they'd gone on hundreds of trips without incident so again...not nonsense.
Grace Did you notice the Disney references in the movie??
Sleeping Beauty- Aurora is "sleeping" and is awoken by Pratt
Aladdin- Pratt asks Jlaw "Do you trust me" before becoming air(space) born off ship
Little Mermaid- Jlaw rescues Pratt who has fallen off ship and leans over him as he comes back to life
Just a few I found...thought it was a bit much, but for the sake of nostalgia, I was okay with it.
I thought this movie was good. Yeah, it's not going to change the film industry as we know it and it's not going to excel in terms of script, originality, etc. BUT the acting was really good in my opinion, the cinematography was great, good pacing, characters well written, very good on-screen chemistry between the leads, etc. It's a movie that succeeds in almost every aspect and it's a great time. Overall, I think critics are being assholes as of lately. This movie did not deserve bad reviews.
Grace, I think you are missing the point of the movie. What would you have done if you were in Pratt's situation? Go crazy in loneliness?
We've talked about this film so much on this channel I forgot Grace hadn't actually reviewed it XD
You misinterpreted the nature of Fishburne's comment and alleged correlation between that "damn" comment and the beauty standards of 2016 that you think Passengers is pushing. Laurence Fishburne's character was NOT endorsing Pratt's decision to wake up an attractive woman. His "I know it was a year, but damn" comment was how inexcusable, even after a year of solitude, Pratt's decision to wake someone up was.
It should've been directed by Zack Snyder then it would've had to gross 1 billion to break even.
That's hilarious xD
when i looked at the reviews before i saw the movie everybody said it was bad. So when i decided to give it a chance i wasnt expecting much, But after i saw it I loved it and want to bring my friends and family to see this.
have you ever loved a movie that every critic hated. that's this movie for me lmao. loved it
calehb Grace loved BvS which most critics panned, so yeah she's loved movies most critics have hated
I love this movie, and I love Grace, but idgaf about her review. I think it's a fantastic film.
In a perfect world I'd like to go back and see this film released again but instead with Lawrence waking up Pratt. Just as a litmus test to see how many of these reviewers lambasting passengers using labels like 'creepy', 'reprehensible' or even 'raped' would out themselves as massive hypocrites.
The 31% on RT is a joke, the movie had a few flaws but was easily at least a 65% and it had some of the best acting I've seen in a while from Lawrence..
Love you, Grace.
"Aurora had no friends" except for all the people on her tablet saying they would miss her before she left, including one lady who identified herself as Aurora's best friend.
if Seth I would have skipped it.
I just watched this film and felt so bad for Jim when he was alone, I would have done the same thing! No one wants to die alone even if they aren’t on a spaceship
Yes,man cannot live on bread alone...
I really like that you're putting non-spoiler and spoilers together in one video.. Is this your format going forward with all reviews? I like it. Just as long as the chapter titles on the left there don't give spoilers away (i.e. "such and such character's death").. Maybe keep those blurred out or something while sharing your non-spoiler thoughts?
So thinking Jennifer Lawrence is hot is racist and hairist?
'I don't want to live on this planet anymore' has never been a more relevant quote
Hello Grace, I think that when you are discussing fictional films in which a character does something reprehensible, particularly a male violating a female character, you need to be much more careful to use the CHARACTER'S name and not the ACTOR'S name. In the internet age this can be potentially harmful to the actors/actresses. You keep saying "Pratt's decision" or "What Chris Pratt did". Then you equate his action to rape. Let's keep the role and the actor separate.
Agree with your review Grace. the best description I heard for Chris Pratt's actions were that that part of the movie was a horror movie which didn't know it was a horror movie.
I hope 2017 will be good for Jennifer Lawrence
well most of her upcoming movies are dramas so she will be fine. Also, she really needs to get away from the Amy Schumer comedy movie.
tree bear no she doesn't.the Amy Schumer comedy movie will be A M A Z I N G !!
+Thomas Mahari Ahh no😪
On what Pratt's character did, i don't think it was really that bad a thing.
After spending a year alone and facing spending the rest of his life as such, he and anybody would get to a point where they'd be so lonely, they'd HAVE to wake someone else up, even if it meant making them have to spend the rest of their life with them.
If anything, it'd be surprising if anybody in such a situation only woke one other person up.
While i haven't seen this film yet, i am planning to go see it in the next few days, though i'd heard about this spoiler already and spoilers don't really bother me *that* much (I would actively go looking for them, but finding them out won't stop me watching something).
But as i saw in the trailer, for some reason the stasis technology in this film can seemingly be only used once.
Hopefully it's explained why Pratt or anybody else can't just go back to sleep - we've seen people like Ripley in the Alien series go into stasis numerous times, with no sign of side effects, or seeming limits to its' use :) .
SPOILER: I felt the action of Pratt's character saved all those on the ship. When the meteor hit it critically damaged the ship to the point that it would be dead in space along with all passengers. Had he not woken another person early he would not have had the help to physically solve the ship's malfunctions. Fishburne's character would awaken and died just the same as he did in the film but the mechanic skill set is what allowed Pratt to resolve the ship's problems but still he needed another able body to help. Of course his true heroism was sacrificing his life for Lawrence's putting her in the healing bay pod allowing her to continue to sleep until their final destination.
I can't believe you compared being raped with wakeing aurora up. I'm sorry Grace I like your videos but that's a bit to feminist for me. are you seriously going to judge a movie by its premise, that's not a sign of a good movie reviewer... and it's not just you either.
think of it like this, put yourself in jen's situation... instead youve been woken up to die on the ship because the other's intention was to fuck you and you gave in because you had no idea about his intention?
Love your analysis in this video. Your ideas would've certainly saved the film. I'll share the vid on twitter. Thanks for the op. 👌
Jennifer Lawrence Fisburne.
I thought this was a great movie btw
Every review of this film scrutinises pratt's characters's decision but i dont understand why? Yh wat he did was moraly wrong and evil but wasnt that the point of the first 3 quarters of the film??? He spent a year alone he was going through madnesses and depression (to my disliking they didnt do a good job showing it at all BUT They got the point across)??????
Reviewers you included dont make much sense because ur criticising the film for its dilemma ( ur basically doing the same thing as shitting on the film my sisters keeper because there using there 1 daughter as spare parts for their older daughter with cancer) yh stupid right why are u people screwing about a major plot point being moraly wrong?
I honestly could not take the movie seriously after Chris Pratt's action. I never thought about it in the way you described in the last few minutes of the video... now I don't really know what to think of the movie.
You read my mind on this one, Grace! I liked a lot of the movie when I was watching it in the theatre, but after re-examining it afterwards, a lot of the same issues kept popping up in the back of my mind. Kind of a shame because the premise and the two awesome actors gave this such potential. I'll see it again once it's remade a few decades down the road. ;)
Ya I'd agree. 32% is a little too low for the movie. Honestly a 40-50% seems right
I agree. I don't think it was that bad. 32% is pretty low and usually suggests a movie I can hardly stand. This movie is watchable.
I held off on watching this review because I didn't see it in theaters, but I watched it recently. I really enjoyed this movie! But some of what Grace sees as plot holes, I found to be slow burning obstacles the movie sets up in the first act. An interstellar travel company without a history of a single disaster (the SS Hubris) all of a sudden has one and is ill-equipped - in any way - to help our stranded characters. Great plot device! Good movie overall.
Alot of you commenting are morally corrupt. You would be that selfish to destroy someones else life ._.
XaldinX everyone has a breaking point. I'd like to say I wouldn't do this but I don't think I'd want to die alone.
So what should the movie have been about? Morally perfect Chris Pratt sitting on his butt for 90 years?
In a society where Avalon exists, life in another planet, and people sleeping for 120 years, auto-pilot and 1 medical bed sounds perfectly normal because is just precaution. About Pratt's character (Jim) decision. It takes 1 second to make a mistake but 1 year alone and that means a whole lot of seconds to be ethical enough.
I think If I would've spend 1 year like that (in space) I would,ve woken up everybody in the ship
I'm sorry Grace, but I laughed out loud when you suggested Seth R. I can't see him in a serious movie.
ramon del rey wasn't he in that Steve Jobs movie?
shaan imtiaz Can't tell you, didn't see it, sorry.
ramon del rey well he was, and it is an Oscar nominated movie. So he has been in serious movies before
shaan imtiaz Well that's not what I'm on about. I'm discussing how I can't see him, not what he has been in.
I actually loved this movie, I'll own it on blu-ray
I totally loved her clothes too!!! And Aurora totally choked me up. I did think it was wrong what he did, but I felt for him. When he had his hand on the button my heart was in my throat. Even though I knew he wouldn't do it. I'm torn, I see what you mean, but I don't know what choice I'd make.
Probably I just wouldn't tell Arthur... would have saved me the heartache.
Although I see your point, I have to disagree. Personally, one of my favourite aspects of the film was the moral dilemma Pratt's character was faced with and its resolution. Lots of aspects of this movie (isolation, inter-stellar travel, romance, ect.) were broad and were elements that I had seen done better in other films. In my opinion, Pratt's decision to wake Lawrence up made the film more unique.
Though I do not condone his character's actions, that didn't interfere with my enjoyment of the film. The moral conflict brought a gripping premise to the table- it heightened the tension in a way that made sitting through 2 hours of a space movie much more entertaining. The themes revolving around the decision in question stuck with me after the movie.
I believe that the decision, albeit a poor one, was a compelling plot point. After all, plot and conflict are built upon poor decisions! While I do not agree with the character's decision, I don't personally feel as if I need to agree with a character in order to be entertained by them.
That being said, thank you for your perspective and for your review.
Jennifer Lawrence's Appearance Annoys me like a lot!!!!!
Elektra I loved her in silver linings playbook! Thus I have forgiven much of her recent conduct.
iamlsusam I use to like her now I'm not a huge fan of her anymore.
Elektra why is everyone starting to hate her? What did she actually do? Or is this just a fatiguing thing?
I'm guessing it's fatiguing thing, but I don't know for sure. I never liked her to begin with, so I'm not the most reliable source.
when a woman you don't know thats never done anything to you annoys you its usually jealousy... what you dont like about her you see in yourself and it annoys you, so you deflect it onto her...
How to fix: The Avalon is basically a coach class ship filled with low income passengers looking for a fresh start, imagine what the first class ships are like. When Pratt wakes up he pours over the manifest and the ship has nothing but blue collar workers like himself, Jennifer Lawrence being one of a handful of people who aren't. Thus no one who can really help him. The crew of the Avalon are all Synthetics who are all played by Michael Sheen. They fly the ship, perform maintenance, etc. for the entire flight. When Pratts pod malfunctions the robot crew can't put him under again. There programmed for service and ship maintenance not suspended animation. The ship has thousands of med pods but med pods and suspension pods are NOT the same. When Pratt desperately tries to hack the system, using manuals and instructions he looks up, he short circuits Lawrence's pod by mistake and can't bring himself to tell her. She finds out. Then they need to come together and save the ship. Pratt dies saving it and Lawrence, after years alone with only robots, contemplates purposely waking someone up.
I have to disagree with you. I apologize to anyone who hasn't seen the movie for revealing what may be spoilers. Stop reading now if you don't want to hear about the movie. Okay that's done. The ship's computer deliberately woke up Jim in the movie. It was not a malfunction. Jim describes himself as a mechanic in an era that doesn't need mechanics. The people in the future don't work with wrenches and screwdrivers, because most of them would rather let machines do all of that kind of work. Jim is the exception. The ship's computer which is an AI, knows everything about the people on board and knew this about Jim. It needs someone to do a repair job that the machines can't do because the damage is causing the machines to malfunction. So it woke Jim up on purpose to save the ship and to save the people. Without him everyone dies anyway, including Aurora. So while she claims that he stole her life he also saves her life and everyone else on board. For that reason the judgement leveled against Jim is way too harsh. Remember without him being awakened everyone dies anyway. It is too coincidental that the one person out of 5000 people to wake up,just happens to be mechanically inclined. He explained also that as a colonist on a new world his mechanic skills would be useful. The bartender is part of the same AI that runs the ship, but Jim can't get straight answers out of the bridge application and he accidentally discovers that the bartender does give him answers to the things he needs to know. The ship's AI through the bartender is the one who encourages Jim to wake up Aurora. It makes sense because the computer knows that if Jim loses his mind from the loneliness, he will be useless. Jim dies alone and insane and doesn't repair the ship. The ship dies and everyone on board the ship dies. Laurence Fishburne is awakened so that he can give Jim access to the part of the ship that needs to be repaired. The AI knows that he is dying anyway so it sacrifices Fishburne's character so that Jim can do what is necessary. I think people have been dismissive of this movie because they interpreted everything all wrong. Whether Jim did the right thing can be debated over and over again, but in my opinion he had no other options. The ship's computer caused everything to happen, it makes sense when you factor the aspect of the AI into the equation. I'm going to have to watch the movie again a few times to see if maybe I missed something or to find more evidence to support my ideas.
Awesome interpretation! Did not think of this at all, and it puts a nice new spin on the film and makes me want to watch it again!
Regarding hacker point, I don't agree... It was stated in movie, that the issue isn't actually to fix the pod, but to prepare body for krio - which required equipment not available on ship (because pods never failed before) + medical personnel (also unavailable)...
That's why Aurora proposed using infirmary from the start. The plot twist that poddoc was able to do that procedure, but special credentials were required makes sense and saves script from plothole.
However - you are right, that this is nonsensical to have only one med pod on ship this large... Even assuming that it was only for short time before they'll land - they are flying to totally new planet on which there will be no hospitals, so it would be very handy to have option to use ship equipment until they'll build sth on the new planet, which will take years
always love your reviews!
hey grace the storyline order you said is the original script, but the studio changed it.
the videos of friends were actually in first act
But a blonde like Jennifer Lawrence is the ideal beauty standard for women...she's gorgeous. Why should they expect bad reviews for simply acknowledging that?
Jeffrey Johnson apparently you can't be beautiful if you are white anymore. Eyeroll
i feel that some critics would review this movie better if the roles were switch
This movie proves that just casting 'Big Stars' is not enough to ensure high box office numbers. When I first saw the poster for this movie (without seeing the trailer) it was so... vacuous. It did nothing for me. After watching the trailer I was shocked, because I kinda felt the same way about it. It looked like a pretty facade, but without life. This made me never want to see this movie (at least in theater) and I didn't understand where the hype came from. It's a shame, because visually it looks amazing...
Seth Rogan? Come on, I think the guy is great and all, but I would never be able to take the guy seriously with his laugh.
Good review. I agree with most of what you said. The only thing is that I don't think that Seth Rogen is the solution. I know that Sean Astin hasn't made any huge movies lately. But he has the right look and strong emotional range needed for a role like this. He also has a great sense of comedy.
I don't like the rape comparison. Very few things are as reprehensible as rape and as bad as this is it IS understandable and not rape.
therealeverton it actually isn't understandable, the dude is a douche
I do agree that Pratt's characters decision is open for discussion, but I don't believe it deserves all the backlash and it shouldn't determine how good the film is. This choice is one that makes everyone who watches the film think about what they would have done in this situation. It's not like his character just woke this woman up because she was hot. He spent a year in isolation, with no human contact and came across a perfect woman, and not only fell in love with her beauty but with her mind and the way she looks at the world. We have to ask ourselves what we would do in this situation. Waking up in space, your dreams destroyed through no fault of your own, left isolated, and have the ability to wake another human up so you're not alone anymore. How many of us would do it?
The movie is gorgeous and the chemistry between Pratt and Lawrence was great! I wanted more Pratt butt tbh haha
But that starting point killed it for me. I couldn't root for the romance that the entire second act focused on because of how Pratt manipulated it. And as he watched her videos and decided to wake her up, it was so creepy and gross. Fishburne was literally a MacGuffin in the movie. And I fully agree, the movie opened up all of these conversations but didn't have the gall to even remotely explore them.
I just saw this movie over the weekend and to be honest, I really like this movie. Im not a big JLaw fan but I like her in this movie. Initially I didn't like Jim's decision but as the story went on I understood why he did it. Jim is human and we make selfish decisions. The situation he was in was mentally taking a toll on him. The movie touches on morality/mortality and the what would you do question? Its a very smart movie. I think the critics are just giving it a lot of mixed/bad reviews because of the decision made by Jim. Also Grace I so love your reviews and opinions but I have to disagree with your fantasy casting of Seth Rogan & Ann Hathaway. Not good choices for this sci-fi romance flick. Chris & Jen were good choices. I'd recommend this movie. People stay away from RT
This is the problem with today's society. People like this, who have a relatively large audience, promote a very warped idea about what is wrong or/and offensive. To me, the fact that Jim woke Aurora up is the leading and most important point this movie made. It's a huge moral dilemma that was the first thing me and my friends who watched this sat down to discuss. We didn't think about "Oh, but what about gender equality" and "physical idea for beauty" regarding Lawrence, and "asking for bad reviews" - people, who quite frankly have never truly experienced any sorts of real trauma because of inequality and prejudice regarding ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality etc., nowadays seem so, so obsessed with making sure everyone is "equal" that they go to the extremes that anything remotely popular has to be made with such care that no one gets upset, instead of actually working on developing good ideas. Someone always gets upset in the end. Chill, people, it's just a film.
The questions here are: "What would you do if you were in that certain situation?", "How could he have avoided waking her up?", "Why was it a good/bad decision to wake her up?". I don't know why you'd think that a lonely man trapped in space with nowhere to go, on a journey that leads to his imminent death, who then, out of pure desperation, woke somebody up to save himself mentally, has his decision turned into something more incorrect than you saying "He'd just woken her up because she was hot". Here comes the question, "What would you do if you were him?". Congrats if you are so mentally strong to spend the one life you get in complete isolation trapped in your own head until your sad life ends, or to commit suicide to avoid it. Of course what he did was wrong, but people are selfish. That's what Jim was, selfish, and for reasons I personally can understand, and I'm sure anyone would if they really sat down to think about it. Understand, not approve. He was NOT a rapist. I can't even express how wrong it is to say that. Just picture yourself in the situation. He could do nothing else to save himself. Humans are genetically programmed to depend on other humans. The same way our bodies tell us to eat when we are hungry and we cannot turn that feeling off unless we eat or else we die, he had his brain/body/whatever dictate that he needed to do the only thing he could to survive. He did try to end his life instead, but he simply couldn't. It all comes down to the mental strength of the individual.
I'm sure the movie wouldn't have been nearly as popular had the story line not included a beautiful, popular young actress like Jennifer (who did her job perfectly, really). This film is what is popular and what people want to watch, expensive movies that are shallow enough for anyone to follow and enjoy, created solely to entertain people. The only real depth this film had was Jim waking Aurora up, and now everyone is upset about it, unhappy that it wasn't even more shallow. It's a shame, really, because I think if the film focused even more on that subject instead of the action part by the end, it would have been a much greater story.
Oh Grace your reviews always make me chuckle but the sensual butt comment had me laughing out loud! Thanks for that
I am glad for your review. Based off the trailer I still want to see it, but I will wait and spend my money on something better to see in theater.
That moment the bartender spills the secret, was the best moment, finally revealing how disturbingly and creepy "Jim" acted in manipulating "aurora".
Okay film, but took the safe route with a happy ending, seriously how did "Jim" not die or roast with all that heat?
critics be like ohh.. yeah. not from diseny? must be bad movie. or it is a bad movie o don't know.. as a audience it's confusing.
50 years ago, no one would trust a driverless car. A crewless spaceship probably seems normal to them.
Fantastic review upto 7:02 had to cut it off and I suspect most of you will too,
I really want to see the flick
watch this movie people its really good, but i do agree with most of grace review. it was so good i was amazed while watching, i was like wait why is this getting a bad review online. it even made me like jennifer a little bit more, it still dont like her but it helped. the scene when she comes in his room at night you know what i'm talking about woooo
I loved this screenplay when I read years back, I think it would have been better with Keanu and Rachel McAdams
Hopefully you can answer this.His decision to wake her up was offset by the ship malfunctioning.
I would have love to see them @ 60 years of age and so on or see if they had kids or grandkids or not not
How could they have grandkids? Who would their kids marry?
Omg Grace! Idk if your going to see this as this video has been up a few days, but I have to tell you this story! So I was at my local theatre buying Rogue One tickets when I overheard the ladies behind be talking about the movie posters displayed at the ticket booth. One lady said "Passengers? What's that about? Ooo does that have Tom Cruise in it? I've never heard of it before." And the other lady said "Not it has Jennifer Lawrence and.... well I don't know who the other guy is..." 😂😂 I thought it was hilarious, both women were probably in their 40s. #poorchrispratt #nottomcruise
haha - that's a great story! #poorchrispratt indeed!