My question is..... will that building FINALLY be built in vermillion city?! or will that old man still be stomping the ground with his machop twenty-two years later?
*Probably about longer, actually, depending on level of study and immersion. Two years is possible, but is absolutely not the estimate for speaking and translating with speed and fluency, that's more of when you begin to read well.
I can speak Japanese too, but listening to him speaking Japanese gave me the cringe of my life... It’s no Japanese I‘d like to hear on a daily basis... I don‘t know, it’s just so... unjapanese. The flow when speaking Japanese is kind of defined imho, and he did not achieve that level. He even let his own English accent get into his dialogue and made some mistakes... Don‘t get me wrong, I don’t *hate* it. I just don’t want to listen to him anymore... ever... at least when he speaks Japanese.
Hey, it fights against overleveling. There's nothing worse than that one guy in the comments section that grinds his Pokemon 10 levels above the reasonable level, and then complains about everything bring too easy.
Hallison Michel and it’s not like you have to play 2 player it’s not forcing you to use 2 player it’s just to either make it easier or so you can have fun with a friend or family member
"i can't believe you can't battle wild pokemon, what a disgrace to the franchise" i cry as i buy 75 max repels the instant they become available in the pokemart
Sombrego well it’s certainly divisive; can’t really say it’s bad yet. I think it’s not the *best* of the series but what we’ve seen of it (graphics, gameplay, etc) is very polished and looks really good. Writing it off before it’s come out is a bit unfair, right?
Looks good overall, but I have two problems... 1. Why can't you battle wild Pokemon?? I understand this is a spin-off title, but the battles are part of what make Pokemon what it is! 2. Why make the rival trainer a nice guy? It feels way more satisfying to beat him when he's a jerk.
I agree with that first part, but not so much with the second part. Getting smug satisfaction from beating a jerk is fine, I totally get it because I'm petty like that as well, but I personally adored Hau from Sun/Moon. Wish his team was tougher, him being your rival and all. However, if I had to pick rivals, I'd go with the Alolan sweetheart who would raise a cute lil' baby pichu in their team instead of yet another "smell ya later" neighbor kid or some mystery guy who kidnaps and abuses his pokemon that you never get to rescue from him.
Tsunekazu Ishihara has shared a few more details regarding the upcoming core Pokemon game due out in 2019 for Nintendo Switch. Speaking with Japanese publication Famitsu, which released an extensive featureon Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee, Ishihara finally shed some light on Pokemon 2019 for Nintendo Switch. Ishihara has reconfirmed that fans can expect to get their hands on the core title in the second half of 2019, which may not be a big surprise for most fans as the majority of core Pokemon titles typically release in November Ishara has also confirmed that the Pokemon Company's 2019 game will feature better graphics than any other prior Pokemon game seen before. It will be an entirely new experience featuring new Pokemon and will be aimed towards seasoned fans of the series. That's all for now, but with Nintendo's E3 2018 Direct less than a week away, there's a chance we could hear more news about Pokemon 2019 very soon. We'll keep you updated with all the new details as they come in, so be sure to keep checking back. (COPY AND PASTE IGN INTERVIEW)
Fr If I wanted to play through the story again I would play my version of leaf green. I don’t need to visit Kanto with a fresh coat of paint two times in a row.
Hmm, I think it would be really interesting to see this capture mechanic merged with the "traditional" capture mechanic--wear down the opposing wild Pokemon to increase your chances of catching it, but most of your luck comes from skillful aim and timing with the joy-con. That way wild battles as we know them can be preserved while also making the more intuitive pokeball throwing mechanic a relevant (and fun!) addition.
Well let's hope for the best. I keep hearing people say that this game isn't a core game but I'm sure it will be so they might implement some of the traditional wild Pokémon battle mechanics in these two games. They have time to do so from now untill November. The lack of wild Pokémon battles isn't sitting with me right only because I shiny hunt a lot but I can get used to farming shiny Pokémon that may appear easire than the previous gens especially if I don't have to stress about struggling with a Pokémon with little to no pp or redicolus capture rates! (I'm lookin' at you Beldum!!!) (Also if you can, please share the information GameFreak shared about a future core game in 2019 if it actually exists.)
I'd really like to know their reason for not doing it that way. Doing it like that would add something to what looks like a fun game, but by just having players throw Pokeball after Pokeball they've given us an expensive, lazy man's Pokemon Go. I'd rather they just said "Hey, you know what...let's just use the Switch to extend Pokemon Go. Let's have people go and capture pokemon in the real world, and then bring them onto the Switch so they can battle and get gym badges." Because, as far as I can see, that's all this is. I really can't wait until the 2019 games come out, and I hope they have wild battles back, loads of new Pokemon, and a massive new region to explore. Because, if not, I will pass it over and wait until Temtem comes out.
Alex Larking this was my first thought on his first translation. He spoke forever. I'm like, jeeesus! He's gotta remember all of that?! Also take into consideration that "television" in Japanese is like a paragraph of words to speak. Lol, I'm exaggerating a bit.
While I may miss the traditional battle system, there is something special about seeing these creatures exist within the environment. It's also neat to see a game that's closer to the bug collecting which inspired the whole thing.
I think it's just capturing that's different, and if you ask me the Go integration is a good thing, as it'll probably draw in a lot of more casual players into becoming Pokemon fans.
RogueMephilesClone yeah, I guess I should have said, "I'll miss the traditional wild encounter system." The lady on the video said that it captures the moments in the anime and manga where trainers didn't have to battle in order to catch them. That was kind of how I saw this whole thing as well. It's an interesting take on a classic.
Different groups of people talking. All that this means is that having more options is a good thing. Apparently, Gamefreak is too lazy (or stupid) to do that.
roy king fly you don't get until later game, teleport can only be used by Abra which I believe you got around nugget bridge after mt.moon AKA the unavoidable wild battles area and I don't think you were able to get repels until cerulean city
Well by that logic how are going to beat the game if your too sacred of going into some grass for one min. you need to move forward to get those things in the first place. (The way Teleport even works is it takes you back to the last pokecenter you went to.) And my point is Malunity was saying we cant go to the next town without battleing "1000" pokemon. But you cant just skip that by walking in the least amount of grass. Even if its your first time going to the next town , when you get to the pokecenter in that town you can just skip that form now on by using fly , teleport or some repels that are sold there.
in the original games, if you were lucky, you could actually catch a pokemon at full health with just a pokeball. The lower the catch rate the higher the chance.
CodeNameZ - from what I saw here, you grind by just catching more Pokémon. You get exp for catching them. But honestly that is going to get boring way quicker than actual battles.
GodleyX Yea I commented before seeing the whole video. But yea I miss the old way to level up while batteling wild Pokemon, you just place the stronger attack on slot 1 and spam the A button.
"I also had in mind a lot of the younger kids might not have- ah- their own smartphones to play Pokemon GO" I would love to meet the parents of those kids.
Proxxa It seems silly, but some parents feel as though children do not need smartphones. They grew up without smartphones, why would the kids of the modern day need one? Others feel like kids need flip phones, but there is no need for them to have a smartphone. A console is much more ideal for a child, however I can see where you are coming from in saying that.
I have the feeling you may need to go outside and see the myriad of children that don't have their own phones. It's nowhere near as common as you think.
I want to be excited for this game, but I just can't see the appeal of the hyper casual nature. I hope people enjoy it though! Can't wait for the main series game in 2019!
GreenShellGamer Tsunekazu Ishihara has shared a few more details regarding the upcoming core Pokemon game due out in 2019 for Nintendo Switch. Speaking with Japanese publication Famitsu, which released an extensive featureon Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee, Ishihara finally shed some light on Pokemon 2019 for Nintendo Switch. Ishihara has reconfirmed that fans can expect to get their hands on the core title in the second half of 2019, which may not be a big surprise for most fans as the majority of core Pokemon titles typically release in November Ishara has also confirmed that the Pokemon Company's 2019 game will feature better graphics than any other prior Pokemon game seen before. It will be an entirely new experience featuring new Pokemon and will be aimed towards seasoned fans of the series. That's all for now, but with Nintendo's E3 2018 Direct less than a week away, there's a chance we could hear more news about Pokemon 2019 very soon. We'll keep you updated with all the new details as they come in, so be sure to keep checking back. (COPY AND PASTE IGN INTERVIEW)
I'm viewing it as a just fun game where you can bum around the pokemon world in hd graphics while riding your pokemon and playing couch coop on the way. Just a pleasant experience
Sander Dijkstra I would have to disagree, farming the elite 4 is a much better lvling method. Wild battles get old and flat annoying after the 1000th encounter
Tsunekazu Ishihara has shared a few more details regarding the upcoming core Pokemon game due out in 2019 for Nintendo Switch. Speaking with Japanese publication Famitsu, which released an extensive featureon Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee, Ishihara finally shed some light on Pokemon 2019 for Nintendo Switch. Ishihara has reconfirmed that fans can expect to get their hands on the core title in the second half of 2019, which may not be a big surprise for most fans as the majority of core Pokemon titles typically release in November Ishara has also confirmed that the Pokemon Company's 2019 game will feature better graphics than any other prior Pokemon game seen before. It will be an entirely new experience featuring new Pokemon and will be aimed towards seasoned fans of the series. That's all for now, but with Nintendo's E3 2018 Direct less than a week away, there's a chance we could hear more news about Pokemon 2019 very soon. We'll keep you updated with all the new details as they come in, so be sure to keep checking back. (COPY AND PASTE IGN INTERVIEW)
José Andrade yep leave to Nintendo to break the basic rules that been established for the last 20 years...I swear the game are begining to follow the same logics as the anime
I’m not against the new catching mechanic, but me being from gen 1, I love the grinding to catch Pokémon. It pretty much what made Pokémon to me. I don’t like that you can’t catch Pokémon like you used to, like battle to catch them by battling, maybe I will like this but I wouldn’t know till I see.
I would like a Pokémon open world mechanic’s like in Zelda: breath of the wild, cooking or ash would starve and the Pokémons too, and also the tournament mode that actually you can literally battle with controlling your own Pokémon and so creating the online mode like, (GTA & SuperSmashBros.) where players could battle one another, that would be awesome for next year.
I wish they’d combine the two, battle to whittle down its health to make catching easier, and then switching to the “go” like feature for throwing the poke all to catch it
This is your opinion so I won't bash you. Personally I believe that would turn off the casual audience that pokemon has come to attract. At Least the feed your pokemon part.
I got an idea: There's a setting in the options menu that allows you to switch from pokemon go-type battles to normal pokemon battles. So for pokemon go type battles u catch them the way you catch them in the video And for the normal style type of battle is the type of battle for normal pokemon games.
Zachary Stumpf I think it’s so pikachu has a chance against Brock’s rock types. But they also added a requirement for the player to have a water or grass type to even fight Brock’s gym so that seems... really redundant
My guess is that it's so you have a move that's super-effective against rock types, though I don't see why they bothered since they force you to have a water or grass type to face the Pewter City Gym anyways.
It was to be expected that Pickachu and Eeevee get their moveset radically improved to be decent throughout the game. Which may be the only thing that is remembered from this game in the future lol (unless only the starters have a specific moveset that wild Pokémons don't get, which actually would be clever).
28:00 This feels too handhold-y. I mean, you can't even challenge the gym without a type advantage? Why not just let people learn by playing, like every other main and side game did? Kids are pretty receptive, I think they'd be fine.
They wanted to simulate a conversation between someone who isnt knowledgeable asking the questions and someone who is that will answer, but it would be awkward if he had to state the question in English then state it in Japanese so they had a 3rd person to translate it.
Relic King Only the original 150 are in the game, and if you want the 151st Pokémon you have spend 50 bucks on the PokéWalker 2.0, because for some reason it’s “impossible” to transfer your mew from go into let’s go, but all the other Kanto Pokémon are easily transferable.
It's a shame that co-op almost completely invalidates all battles. Since there probably won't be any adjustments from solo mode it's safe to say your opponent's pokemon will never last 1 round. Well, unless you are fighting a Lv3 Metapod using double kick and growl. I know they talk about appealing to novice players and that is fantastic, but you know what else also appeals to novice players? Every mainline pokemon game ever.
If there aren't double battles when trainers have more than one pokemon that would be the icing on the cake, but I do expect that. However they have already down scaled all the trainers in Viridian Forest (Probably Brock's Gym but I'm too lazy to check) For example in Fire Red bug catcher Sammy has a level 9 weedle vs a lv 3 metapod now. There is even a trainer that has 3 pokemon in the Forest, but regardless it is clear that they severely underestimate new players or just want to speed up the game as fast as possible.
Press Kevin To Continue why do I feel like you said that about the legend of zelda windwaker when it came out because it has Avery similar art style to windwaker it’s like a mix of Pokémon X and Y and the legend of zelda windwaker
Really happy to see the preservation of the 6EV stats and how they’re kept intact in some way or another. I had my doubts for the depth of this game but it really seems to be a game for us all.
I think the appeal this game has for me is that it's just "Chill." We're back in Kanto with my second favorite batch of Pokemon (with certain exceptions in Gen 1, I like 2 better). Back before the series became over complicated with genders, and breeding, EV/IV training, and other systems that made the game feel like a chore. It's the kind of game you pick up, have a chill time for a bit, and then put your Switch back into sleep mode when you've had your fill. No grinding or trying to hatch the perfect Pokemon with a certain move or personality or stats... Just basic fun. As you've probably guessed, I'm not a competitive player. I play the story, catching one of every Pokemon the version I buy has to offer to fill in as much of my pokedex my version will allow, and any post-story story/extras... And I get my fill. My only gripe is not the catching of Pokemon, but the method. I don't want to flail my arm around. Luckily, it sounds like that catching method is different in handheld mode.
This could be your advertisement! Yeah, but, unless there's something they're not telling us, genders are purely cosmetic/superficial in this game instead of, "Okay, I need a (gender) (personality type) (insert Pokemon) with (stats/IVs/EVs) and mate it with (other Pokemon of certain parameters) for a percentile chance to get an egg to get a percentile chance to hatch a (desired Pokemon) that I then need to go grind." And isn't CP just a number that indicates, generally, how powerful your Pokemon is in combat?
I don't understand it when people say that Pokémon is too complicated. Pokémon? Pokémon is already a very simple game. Even with all the additions in Gen 7. It only got more dept and possibilities, more freedom in terms of Pokémon team creation. Of course, if you judge it with shallow smartphone games standards, you would be able to call it "too complicated". But over all, its still an easy game for people who want to play it easy. Creation a perfect team with high efficient strategies, items and attacks is an OPTIONAL task that gives people who want to play the game longer more for their money.
Patrick M That's because they're not calling Pokemon "too complicated." The main game and their stories, and even their post-game content is simple, fun, and enjoyable with just the right amount of challenge, even with the added stuff. It's the Pokemon competitive scene that's "too complicated." Although "complicated" isn't the right word so much as "daunting" for your average consumer/casual player. No one's arguing over whether it's OPTIONAL or not, because there's no argument there (of course it is). And this game's simpler, more "chill" approach, that means I won't have to run in the grass for ages catching and releasing dozens of Pokemon trying to find a, for instance (just random pick as an example), Pikachu with decent stats and a personality that'll ensure its stats aren't complete garbage... Seems mildly more appealing to me.
I was so excited for this game till they show you can't fight wild pokemon. I mean what's wrong with having a fight and then use the joy-con to catch them???
I think it would be better if they let us battle wild pokemon AND catch them once they are weak in pokemon go style. So it would be familiar to both casual players and veterans. Other than that, I'm fine with this game. The graphics are nice, we can ride some pokemon, and they follow us again.
Tyler Phillips i think they may keep the legendary battles, and if you defeat it you get a chance to catch it!!!!Kinda like Raid Bosses in Go i think or something like that sry!!!! 😍😍😍😍😉
You could even in Pokemon Stadium. Also, the Pokemon Stadium games were 10000x more difficult than this game looks... I was a child and I couldn't even get halfway through each game and I still loved them.
KEROL A ikr, I thought you could fight them to train your pokemon like them DS games but this just another Pokemom Go mobile app game except it's done on the couch.
Vouly That is exactly what I am doing this time around :) I am both excited and eh about this game, but still excited. I just hope it isn't TOO casual, bit looks like a more relaxing adventure not to be taken as seriously which is fine for now.
Thats where I am. I'm glad they told us about the game coming in 2019, because it gives me piece of mind, so that I can enjoy this game for what it is.
Imagine Gladion's reaction in USUM when he said "I'm going to train in Kanto" And he was met with this the moment he took his 1st steps in the grass...
Kaiserfi I can mentally abuse you, if you like? Just kidding 😂 I don't get how a "rival" would be helpful either. He seems more of a friend than anything else.
It might be hard at first, but if you study enough, and train your listening and practice your speaking, I can guarantee you in 1 year you'll be able to japanese.
No, the motto didn't get used after Gen 2. And the motto only was an additional creation for the western world. They never had that in japan. Plus, the motter refered to Pokémon species. Catch every species for the Pokédex entry. Not catch every Pokémon you encounter countless times to get candies.
The Architect So the same game as every Pokemon game lol I like Pokemon regardless but this is a nice little change and the battle system is still pretty good still has EVs and IVs
Atleast it's something different from the original. Personally I really liked how they decided to change the gameplay. And even if it doesn't work another game is rolling around soon so no worries.
Sherlock Flames what would have been interesting would be if you started by battling a pokemon, but when you pulled out a pokeball, it would work like this, where the circle is factored into the catch rate.
Nol OfTheQuest yeah i don't mind the new catching mechanic i just like to have the ability to battle the wild pokemon. It can start off in the catch screen first and then you can choose to send out a pokemon if you wanted to. That would be something i like to see.
Nol OfTheQuest - I agree, the catching part isn't what I dislike about this game, it's the fact that there are no wild pokemon battles. If they had incorporated the traditional battle system with this catching system, I'd be all for this game.
Again not a core game. It's literally Pokemon go with more features. That's it. Don't expect it to be like a next gen game. Now, $60 is a bit too much imo.
The random encounter (in my opinion ) is one of the most boring aspects of a normal Rpg, but now that you can actually see the pokemon you want to catch it makes this rather interesting (if you want to catch a pokemon that you really like no more hours of grinding but you go straight up to the pokemon you like), also i really like how you can take pokemon out of the pokeballs like in soul silver/heart gold or in yellow but with pokemon in their original size
Agreed that is a really nice change. Just do not like that they try to provide incentive to catch multiple upon multiple of the same species... No thanks... That is just grind, no different for the random encounter (The most boring aspect of a normal Rpg) It do on the other hand remove the survivability challenge (not positiv) attempting to get from A to B (though it were limited already)
I mean catching pokemon of the same species is normal if you wanna catch pokemon with good ivs, and also remember that this isn't a core game(it's more a way to convert go players to core Pokemon), but i still hope that those two features will remain in the next game
LionHeart I don't want to waste so many pokeballs. I don't like the disappearance of wild pokemon battles. I like how you can choose to encounter but I wish only that stays. Casuals don't even care about ivs so that's pointless
You're still going to be grinding wild encounters to level up, the only difference is now in order to grind levels you'll be filling your box up with trash mons instead of just beating them
LionHeart Dude, i hope you know that the majority of rpg players would disagree with this- grinding is something that is necessary, and kind of loved across the community, and random chances are literally what rpgs are about.
One of the best things was is in Pokemon is to get the health of the wild Pokemon as low as possible, so you have a good chance to catch them. Catching the 3 legendary birds with a hyperball, that was a good feeling.
Really that is a good thing. You just have to show that you understand typing. Tutorial like mechanisms in the beginning of any game are almost never a bad thing. Though I will give you that they could have implemented it in a more elegant way.
They're using Go catching mechanics because it's a home console? Does nobody remember Colosseum and XD, 2 of the best Pokemon games so far? P.S. Pokemon XD was a home console Pokemon game with Eevee as your starter first! Unlike this game, you could actually evolve it.
Colosseum and XD never involved wild pokemon battles, only trainers (unless you want to count the SEVERELY limited poke-spots in XD). Would you not consider an addition of global wild battles an improvement (even if it is different)? Honestly curious. I would argue "yes, it is. More game in my game."
You could still throw Pokeballs in ordinary battles after weakening the target like a normal person. The fact that it's Poketheft doesn't change that. :P
I guess I see what you mean: the mini-game of "the damage is right" can be pretty fun, and is entirely excluded here. I guess that's replaced with a motion control mini-game instead. Not sure which is better/worse.
They could make this game perfect if they would just have it be that you could change catching modes, all they have to do is have it so that you can choose if you want Pokémon go encounters or normal encounter where you actually fight the Pokémon then catch it instead of just catching it.
The choice is not give because: They want us to catch a lot of pokemon (they say directly in the video). And if you do not catch them, you can not send them to the professor and will not get candy. I agree I do not like it. I think it is a bad reason and bad design and I hate the candy aspect. Never the less that is the reason. :(
What concerns me is how many pokeballs you'll need since catching pokemon is now the main way of leveling up. I'm worried they might go the micro-transaction route a la pokemon go. Hope they don't but you never know.
That is my only worry for this game, I really really hope they don't go that route as I will not be buying it if they do. I have had enough of micro-transaction games.
they said there are event peppered throughout the game. the one with the slowpoke they showed gave an item worth money that you can sell for Pokeballs. you can catch pokemon and get berries and candy that you can sell. i think you will have tons of poke balls and ultra balls
It’s will be nice to have this game for this year and hardcore game next year I’m all for the core Pokémon series and can’t wait for it but I’m glad they didn’t rush it and it was nice of gamefreak to give something to hold us down until than
Some will call me a complainer, but I would say it's constructive critizism. I just want to say that I do not like that they excluded wild Pokémon battles because I like wild Pokémon battles. Of course I will play the "real" game coming out next year, but that is no reason why I could not critizise this game mechanic like every other game mechanic I do not like in any other game (for example the Z-moves).
kaph123 it's just the people who act like the sky is falling, and think that this title is going to be the way that all Pokémon games will be in the future. Those are the people who annoy me. Also, yeah, Z moves were a "I'm not strong enough for this, but I still want to win" button.
It's very possible this will end up being the norm though. If they get the big cash grab that Pokemon Go players can bring, they might decide it's more lucrative to do this... Crap... Rather than make a challenging game. But hey! I need to do like all the trolls tell me and just "Chill dude, the real game is coming out next year."
kaph123 Tsunekazu Ishihara has shared a few more details regarding the upcoming core Pokemon game due out in 2019 for Nintendo Switch. Speaking with Japanese publication Famitsu, which released an extensive featureon Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee, Ishihara finally shed some light on Pokemon 2019 for Nintendo Switch. Ishihara has reconfirmed that fans can expect to get their hands on the core title in the second half of 2019, which may not be a big surprise for most fans as the majority of core Pokemon titles typically release in November Ishara has also confirmed that the Pokemon Company's 2019 game will feature better graphics than any other prior Pokemon game seen before. It will be an entirely new experience featuring new Pokemon and will be aimed towards seasoned fans of the series. That's all for now, but with Nintendo's E3 2018 Direct less than a week away, there's a chance we could hear more news about Pokemon 2019 very soon. We'll keep you updated with all the new details as they come in, so be sure to keep checking back. (COPY AND PASTE IGN INTERVIEW)
Chillin' god forbid they change the wild battles to catching to make it more accessible to Pokémon Go fans right? Not like it increases the fanbase and makes a new unique experience to the game. You guys really don't need to be here if you're gonna complain
MSSoulBlader Sadly, no matter how accessible to casual PoGo players (who have never played a true full Pokémon game before) you make it, they don't want to play it. I've talked to about 10 already and they say they don't understand the difference of the app and this actual game. I tell them they really should give it a chance or at least play one of the past Pokémon games. It's never good to prioritize casuals as they will never truly be interested in the long run (not saying specifically for this game, I hope many do jump over and we have new Pokémon fans)
oh okay, so now I know that I'll be one of the pokemon fans who will wait for 2019. Let's Go looks nice but it is missing things I personally love about playing pokemon game (example: being able to grind battle/ train pokemon with wild pokemon)
I still believe this was a good move on GameFreak to finally split the new comers and old players. It did at least sparked my interest when the trailer came out.
Corvus_Rose nah that's not silly but you can still train them sure it's in a different way but I mean after 20+ yrs of the same format they were due for a change just like zelda was and I guess also Mario
In my opinion, I like the idea of the catching mechanic, but I think it would’ve been better if you could battle them still. And you could either faint them, or go into catching mode. So that instead you can have that classic Pokémon mechanic with a twist. For example, you run into a wild pidgey and you battle with them to the red. Then go into your bag and select your poke ball and get 3 chances(or more) to get that perfect throw until it backs out and then it will either run or stay for another chance. That way you could have the unique mechanic without having it feel like another Pokémon go game. The graphics are stunning otherwise and really looks like an amazing new look at Pokémon! Good job Nintendo! 👍
As someone who hasn’t really enjoyed a Pokémon game since G5, I’m really excited for this. My girlfriend doesn’t have much experience with video games, but she loves Pokémon GO. We’re totally hyped to play this together!
Fernando Gabriel Flores Molina Game Freak literally said awhile ago that people should not expect too much from this game. It's a spin-off. Wait until next year for a proper game.
I would like a Pokémon open world mechanic’s like in Zelda: breath of the wild, cooking or ash would starve and the Pokémons too, and also the tournament mode that actually you can literally battle with controlling your own Pokémon and so creating the online mode like, (GTA & SuperSmashBros.) where players could battle one another, that would be awesome for next year.
it took them if im not mistaken, 3 to 4 years to make the game breath of the wild. And that is including all the time they had to think about how to make the game. Now we already have the concept of the game. So why exactly would it take much time to recreate this with pokemon?
The mainline Pokemon release on Switch better have traditional pokemon catching mechanics. These watered down, Pokemon Go crossover mechanics take so much away from the game.
Kid chaor Or they are being smart by not believing everything Gamefreak tells them. Especially after the announcement of this game. There is nothing wrong with being skeptical of the games being released next year since Gamefreak hasn’t released any footage of the new games to prove they are telling the truth.
My question is..... will that building FINALLY be built in vermillion city?! or will that old man still be stomping the ground with his machop twenty-two years later?
Kash Aetchum Theres a screenshot of that area, and nothing was built there.
this is the closest I could find?
Lol ikr
Kash Aetchum ikr its so unsatisfying (^x^')♪
Kash Aetchum k
"You just don't get it do you? You can't just capture a pokemon. You have to battle and weaken it first." - Misty, episode 3.
His level of confidence translating Japanese gives me immense jealousy.
It would probably take 2 years to learn how to speak fluently.
*Probably about longer, actually, depending on level of study and immersion. Two years is possible, but is absolutely not the estimate for speaking and translating with speed and fluency, that's more of when you begin to read well.
Howesenberg weeb
I can speak Japanese too, but listening to him speaking Japanese gave me the cringe of my life... It’s no Japanese I‘d like to hear on a daily basis... I don‘t know, it’s just so... unjapanese. The flow when speaking Japanese is kind of defined imho, and he did not achieve that level. He even let his own English accent get into his dialogue and made some mistakes...
Don‘t get me wrong, I don’t *hate* it. I just don’t want to listen to him anymore... ever... at least when he speaks Japanese.
The only thing I don't like about this game is that you can't battle the wild pokemon you just catch them an that's how your team gets lvl
Hey, it fights against overleveling. There's nothing worse than that one guy in the comments section that grinds his Pokemon 10 levels above the reasonable level, and then complains about everything bring too easy.
Macen Anderson okay thanks for saying that on every single comment, people still have a right to voice their complaints
@ Macen He never said there wasn't. Just because core fans aren't the main demographic doesn't mean that it's immune to criticism from them.
Juice tgats pokemon you can play it however you want to😂
Adloquium Dubious ain't it homie
I love how Nintendo is keeping couch coop/party play alive in this generation
fightnight14 I know I love it!! People can say all they want about Nintendo but they are keeping family and friend fun alive!
fightnight14 you so dammit right😁
but if u have that little sibling that wants to play now they can play with you lmao so they know their demographics
Hallison Michel if you don't like it, then just play it single player
Hallison Michel and it’s not like you have to play 2 player it’s not forcing you to use 2 player it’s just to either make it easier or so you can have fun with a friend or family member
"i can't believe you can't battle wild pokemon, what a disgrace to the franchise" i cry as i buy 75 max repels the instant they become available in the pokemart
timeparadox888 - "Well played..." 😎
timeparadox888 same here man sup disappointed... i guess you train your pokemon like you do in GO to... sad face
Seems like a glaring oversite. The catching mechanic is cool, but I dont understand why that's not just incorporated into wild battles
So what? I don't care if there aren't wild battles, I liked it anyway.
Austin Craft no you train Pokémon by fighting trainers but the candys in this game are like EV’s
I really hope pokeballs are cheap in this game
It is $50
Uncreative Name315 he's talking about in the game not the $50 pokeball
Lukey its called a JOKE
And from what i have seen you get pokeballs for every trainer battle that you have won.
LOOTBOXES WOHOOO Just kidding, this is not EA.......yet.
I'm gonna be ripped after trying to catch a
Vermin Supremacy lol that was actually pretty funny
Apparently you actually battle legendaries with your Pokemon, thank god
Just wow, from playing yellow as a kid never thought I’d be looking at this
sunsbookishgamesx is that all this is is pokemon yellow? Is it the exact same thing?
Guildnam Style no
Guildnam Style obviously differences but yes
Guildnam Style it's completely different from yellow
That Eevee plush sure looks pissed off
TheWanderingZebra that's how the Eevee sprite was originally made.
Because it wishes I was holding it instead of that man lol. I want that plush!!!
TheWanderingZebra much like half of this fan base when this game was announced
Raphael Alavi true I wasn’t one of those people when this was announced I was freaking out with excitement
You would too if you are always overshadowed by an anorexic electric yellow mouse.
The Smash music completely overtaking everything else at 11:24 is such a good representation of e3 this year.
Joshua T. Darr
Can't be more accurate. It's no surprise Let's Go is not the center of the show the game is clearly not the best of the franchise.
Yes! You are so right!
Well they were able to fit a huge character like Ridley into smash. Making smash ultimate the most innovative video game in history. 😂
Sombrego well it’s certainly divisive; can’t really say it’s bad yet. I think it’s not the *best* of the series but what we’ve seen of it (graphics, gameplay, etc) is very polished and looks really good. Writing it off before it’s come out is a bit unfair, right?
Looks good overall, but I have two problems...
1. Why can't you battle wild Pokemon?? I understand this is a spin-off title, but the battles are part of what make Pokemon what it is!
2. Why make the rival trainer a nice guy? It feels way more satisfying to beat him when he's a jerk.
I agree with that first part, but not so much with the second part. Getting smug satisfaction from beating a jerk is fine, I totally get it because I'm petty like that as well, but I personally adored Hau from Sun/Moon. Wish his team was tougher, him being your rival and all. However, if I had to pick rivals, I'd go with the Alolan sweetheart who would raise a cute lil' baby pichu in their team instead of yet another "smell ya later" neighbor kid or some mystery guy who kidnaps and abuses his pokemon that you never get to rescue from him.
Sarah Perkins Silver never abused his Pokémon. In fact is canon he cares for his team going by how he gets a Crobat by the end of the game
Pokemon Coliseum and Gale of Darkness had little (Gale) and no (Coliseum), yet they worked as Pokemon, many people love those games.
They ruined rivals way back.
Tsunekazu Ishihara has shared a few more details regarding the upcoming core Pokemon game due out in 2019 for Nintendo Switch. Speaking with Japanese publication Famitsu, which released an extensive featureon Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee, Ishihara finally shed some light on Pokemon 2019 for Nintendo Switch.
Ishihara has reconfirmed that fans can expect to get their hands on the core title in the second half of 2019, which may not be a big surprise for most fans as the majority of core Pokemon titles typically release in November
Ishara has also confirmed that the Pokemon Company's 2019 game will feature better graphics than any other prior Pokemon game seen before. It will be an entirely new experience featuring new Pokemon and will be aimed towards seasoned fans of the series.
That's all for now, but with Nintendo's E3 2018 Direct less than a week away, there's a chance we could hear more news about Pokemon 2019 very soon. We'll keep you updated with all the new details as they come in, so be sure to keep checking back.
I feel like im just going to play this alone using both joycons xD
I was kind of thinking the same thing. wonder if they will make something to prevent that from happening, because I think a lot of people will try it
Murdoc Is God,I may do the same or ask my cousin to play.
I just realized that the entire game is just going to be the safari zone but with trainers.
I spent hours trying to catch a murkrow in the HG safari zone, and that just made me hate let’s go more than I already do. 😆
that's with the go integrity idiot lol. if you play the game's story etc it should be fine
Underrated comment...
What if I don’t wanna catch the Pokémon... they should implement random battles if you decide you don’t wanna catch everything jeeze
Fr If I wanted to play through the story again I would play my version of leaf green. I don’t need to visit Kanto with a fresh coat of paint two times in a row.
No let's go Magikarp version?
Mario noe Caceres imagine being forced to carry an unevolvable magikarp with splash for a whole game
>magikarp used splash!
>nothing happened...
_what did I expect to happen anyway_
Lol, kinda old RPGs with useless weapons
This would be super hilarious and a let’s go Feebas Version
Now that I would buy
0:00 *Timestamps*
2:42 *Gameplay - Viridian Forest*
3:25 Kakuna Wild Battle
5:16 Metapod Wild Battle 17:05
6:29 Pidgey Wild Battle 15:44
7:25 Pikachu Wild Battle
9:02 Bug Catcher Rick Battle
11:19 *_Super Smash Bros. Ultimate_*
12:56 Lass Jocelyn Battle
14:33 Oddish Wild Battle
17:17 *2-Player Gameplay - Viridian Forest*
17:30 Kakuna Wild Battle (2-Player)
19:03 Pikachu Wild Battle (2-Player)
19:20 Caterpie Wild Battle (2-Player)
19:36 Bug Catcher Sammy Battle (2-Player)
21:19 Metapod Wild Battle (2-Player)
21:38 *2-Player Gameplay - Route 2*
22:51 Rattata Wild Battle (2-Player)
23:11 *2-Player Gameplay - Pewter City*
23:11 You Rival
24:54 Pokémon Center
25:45 Sidequest
27:35 *2-Player Gameplay- Brock's Gym*
28:34 Camper Liam Battle
30:00 Meeting Brock
31:16 *Pokéball Plus + Mew Announcement*
36:05 *Online Trading*
37:55 *Send Pokémon Go Pokémons to Let's Go*
38:10 *Go Park Gameplay Reveal*
40:11 Hitmonlee Wild Battle (Go Park)
42:00 Pikachu Wild Battle (Go Park)
43:32 *Final Messages*
47:20 *Bundle*
Hmm, I think it would be really interesting to see this capture mechanic merged with the "traditional" capture mechanic--wear down the opposing wild Pokemon to increase your chances of catching it, but most of your luck comes from skillful aim and timing with the joy-con. That way wild battles as we know them can be preserved while also making the more intuitive pokeball throwing mechanic a relevant (and fun!) addition.
Well let's hope for the best. I keep hearing people say that this game isn't a core game but I'm sure it will be so they might implement some of the traditional wild Pokémon battle mechanics in these two games. They have time to do so from now untill November. The lack of wild Pokémon battles isn't sitting with me right only because I shiny hunt a lot but I can get used to farming shiny Pokémon that may appear easire than the previous gens especially if I don't have to stress about struggling with a Pokémon with little to no pp or redicolus capture rates! (I'm lookin' at you Beldum!!!) (Also if you can, please share the information GameFreak shared about a future core game in 2019 if it actually exists.)
I'd really like to know their reason for not doing it that way. Doing it like that would add something to what looks like a fun game, but by just having players throw Pokeball after Pokeball they've given us an expensive, lazy man's Pokemon Go. I'd rather they just said "Hey, you know what...let's just use the Switch to extend Pokemon Go. Let's have people go and capture pokemon in the real world, and then bring them onto the Switch so they can battle and get gym badges." Because, as far as I can see, that's all this is. I really can't wait until the 2019 games come out, and I hope they have wild battles back, loads of new Pokemon, and a massive new region to explore. Because, if not, I will pass it over and wait until Temtem comes out.
killacam543210 no thats stupid. That would basically make catching pokemon an inevitability with 0 risk.
Joshua has the right idea.
I agree. Hopefully we get that in the 2019 game.
I think people would still complain... because Pokémon go is considered cancer for some reason?
so judging by the amount of wild pokemon in the forest. the caves must be like walking through a wall of zubats.
The translator has such a good memory! That is impressive!
Alex Larking Bill Trinen? He's not just 'the translator' dude :D
Alex Larking
this was my first thought on his first translation. He spoke forever. I'm like, jeeesus! He's gotta remember all of that?!
Also take into consideration that "television" in Japanese is like a paragraph of words to speak. Lol, I'm exaggerating a bit.
It's cool how the guy is translating his own words into Japanese. :)
that’s big bill for ya
No, it's annoying.
Good ol' Bill Trinen
This game is gonna be one oversized safari zone style remake lol
Prince Neptune Most Definately 😁 i agree good one. All they are missing is Rocks lol
Basically lol
While I may miss the traditional battle system, there is something special about seeing these creatures exist within the environment. It's also neat to see a game that's closer to the bug collecting which inspired the whole thing.
MrBrothasky Well, trainer battles are still intact, so the old battle system isn't completely gone.
How are they ruining Pokemon if it's not a mainline game in the series? This is a remake with a different take on the gameplay mechanics.
I think it's just capturing that's different, and if you ask me the Go integration is a good thing, as it'll probably draw in a lot of more casual players into becoming Pokemon fans.
RogueMephilesClone yeah, I guess I should have said, "I'll miss the traditional wild encounter system." The lady on the video said that it captures the moments in the anime and manga where trainers didn't have to battle in order to catch them. That was kind of how I saw this whole thing as well. It's an interesting take on a classic.
Alex gen 8 is coming 2019... regular gameplay, new mons, on nintendo switch. Don't worry so much
Different groups of people talking. All that this means is that having more options is a good thing. Apparently, Gamefreak is too lazy (or stupid) to do that.
Xan 1056 how are they too lazy or stupid to incorporate a new feature into an older game
The Fly Hm , Teleport and Max Repel all say Hi
roy king fly you don't get until later game, teleport can only be used by Abra which I believe you got around nugget bridge after mt.moon AKA the unavoidable wild battles area and I don't think you were able to get repels until cerulean city
Well by that logic how are going to beat the game if your too sacred of going into some grass for one min. you need to move forward to get those things in the first place.
(The way Teleport even works is it takes you back to the last pokecenter you went to.) And my point is Malunity was saying we cant go to the next town without battleing "1000" pokemon. But you cant just skip that by walking in the least amount of grass.
Even if its your first time going to the next town , when you get to the pokecenter in that town you can just skip that form now on by using fly , teleport or some repels that are sold there.
Ofc why not lol
Mew should have been under the truck.
just send a mew from pokemon go if you dont want to pay for it
I'll buy it now
you can't send it from Go
Let’s get a lot of razz berries and start tossing them to mewtwo just chuck all the poke balls, maybe then we will catch it
Anyone else having flashbacks to the indigo league, where ash just used a pokeball to catch caterpie? I guess he had it right the whole time.
Jacob Benjudah who know!?!?!! 😍😍😍😍😉
Jacob Benjudah OH CRAP
in the original games, if you were lucky, you could actually catch a pokemon at full health with just a pokeball. The lower the catch rate the higher the chance.
It's the other way around. The *higher* the catch rate, the better the chances.
err, right, that's what I meant
I've never seen my Pokemon so sharp before in beautiful 1080p HD.
Calling it now, the first homebrew mod will turn random encounters back into wild battles.
Chillin' Same here.
GodleyX I was going to call it you beat to it
I wonder how you grind in this game if you cannot battle wild Pokemon.
Maybe you can rebattle trainers?
CodeNameZ - from what I saw here, you grind by just catching more Pokémon. You get exp for catching them. But honestly that is going to get boring way quicker than actual battles.
Yea I commented before seeing the whole video.
But yea I miss the old way to level up while batteling wild Pokemon, you just place the stronger attack on slot 1 and spam the A button.
What you’re looking for
James Muller thx
James Muller not all capes were hero’s
Seriously, thank you.
Excellent interpreting by that host! As a translator I'm really impressed!
"I also had in mind a lot of the younger kids might not have- ah- their own smartphones to play Pokemon GO"
I would love to meet the parents of those kids.
Proxxa right? And if they don’t have phones they think they’ll buy them a $300 console + game? It’s silly
Proxxa It seems silly, but some parents feel as though children do not need smartphones. They grew up without smartphones, why would the kids of the modern day need one? Others feel like kids need flip phones, but there is no need for them to have a smartphone. A console is much more ideal for a child, however I can see where you are coming from in saying that.
I have the feeling you may need to go outside and see the myriad of children that don't have their own phones. It's nowhere near as common as you think.
I want to be excited for this game, but I just can't see the appeal of the hyper casual nature. I hope people enjoy it though! Can't wait for the main series game in 2019!
GreenShellGamer Tsunekazu Ishihara has shared a few more details regarding the upcoming core Pokemon game due out in 2019 for Nintendo Switch. Speaking with Japanese publication Famitsu, which released an extensive featureon Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee, Ishihara finally shed some light on Pokemon 2019 for Nintendo Switch.
Ishihara has reconfirmed that fans can expect to get their hands on the core title in the second half of 2019, which may not be a big surprise for most fans as the majority of core Pokemon titles typically release in November
Ishara has also confirmed that the Pokemon Company's 2019 game will feature better graphics than any other prior Pokemon game seen before. It will be an entirely new experience featuring new Pokemon and will be aimed towards seasoned fans of the series.
That's all for now, but with Nintendo's E3 2018 Direct less than a week away, there's a chance we could hear more news about Pokemon 2019 very soon. We'll keep you updated with all the new details as they come in, so be sure to keep checking back.
Thanks Justin Bieber!
I'm viewing it as a just fun game where you can bum around the pokemon world in hd graphics while riding your pokemon and playing couch coop on the way. Just a pleasant experience
Pokémon Let's Go is a mainline game though. They said it during the conference
Nah. It's not. It's a spin off.
I'm happy the trainer system is kept.
JoelTheParrot no it's not. Because where os the fun? There's no battling wild pokemon, assuming there will be no gyms or trainers.
Faheem Miah
They literally show pikachu fighting a trainer wtf
Faheem Miah the only change is wild battles. Everything else is just pokemon yellow. Wtf are peeps on...
well you would want to train your pokemon by grinding wildlife, that's a big part of the fun in the old games.
Sander Dijkstra I would have to disagree, farming the elite 4 is a much better lvling method. Wild battles get old and flat annoying after the 1000th encounter
Owning a grass/water type pokemon before entering the gym?
Why don't u just give the badge directly without even battling
Animaster why dont you leave with your BS then? Bye felicia
Are you forgetting Mankey?
Tsunekazu Ishihara has shared a few more details regarding the upcoming core Pokemon game due out in 2019 for Nintendo Switch. Speaking with Japanese publication Famitsu, which released an extensive featureon Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee, Ishihara finally shed some light on Pokemon 2019 for Nintendo Switch.
Ishihara has reconfirmed that fans can expect to get their hands on the core title in the second half of 2019, which may not be a big surprise for most fans as the majority of core Pokemon titles typically release in November
Ishara has also confirmed that the Pokemon Company's 2019 game will feature better graphics than any other prior Pokemon game seen before. It will be an entirely new experience featuring new Pokemon and will be aimed towards seasoned fans of the series.
That's all for now, but with Nintendo's E3 2018 Direct less than a week away, there's a chance we could hear more news about Pokemon 2019 very soon. We'll keep you updated with all the new details as they come in, so be sure to keep checking back.
19:56 Pokemon League rules say only one at a time...
2 pokemons, one lv9 one lv8 fighting one lv3. Nice example nintendo. Fair play at its finnest.
José Andrade yep leave to Nintendo to break the basic rules that been established for the last 20 years...I swear the game are begining to follow the same logics as the anime
Even Ash catches fallow the rules even when team rocket use ekans and coffing against Pikachu he STILL use one Pokémon.
I’m not against the new catching mechanic, but me being from gen 1, I love the grinding to catch Pokémon. It pretty much what made Pokémon to me. I don’t like that you can’t catch Pokémon like you used to, like battle to catch them by battling, maybe I will like this but I wouldn’t know till I see.
El Es Juan These games are not main series. The battle and catching wild Pokémon system is not gone at all. Wait until gen 8 then.
I would like a Pokémon open world mechanic’s like in Zelda: breath of the wild, cooking or ash would starve and the Pokémons too, and also the tournament mode that actually you can literally battle with controlling your own Pokémon and so creating the online mode like, (GTA & SuperSmashBros.) where players could battle one another, that would be awesome for next year.
Victor Pontes in 2019
I wish they’d combine the two, battle to whittle down its health to make catching easier, and then switching to the “go” like feature for throwing the poke all to catch it
This is your opinion so I won't bash you. Personally I believe that would turn off the casual audience that pokemon has come to attract. At Least the feed your pokemon part.
I got an idea:
There's a setting in the options menu that allows you to switch from pokemon go-type battles to normal pokemon battles.
So for pokemon go type battles u catch them the way you catch them in the video
And for the normal style type of battle is the type of battle for normal pokemon games.
Wait Pikachu was learning double kick that’s interesting
Zachary Stumpf I think it’s so pikachu has a chance against Brock’s rock types. But they also added a requirement for the player to have a water or grass type to even fight Brock’s gym so that seems... really redundant
My guess is that it's so you have a move that's super-effective against rock types, though I don't see why they bothered since they force you to have a water or grass type to face the Pewter City Gym anyways.
It makes no sense you could just use the fighting moves pikachu can use...
It was to be expected that Pickachu and Eeevee get their moveset radically improved to be decent throughout the game. Which may be the only thing that is remembered from this game in the future lol (unless only the starters have a specific moveset that wild Pokémons don't get, which actually would be clever).
28:00 This feels too handhold-y. I mean, you can't even challenge the gym without a type advantage? Why not just let people learn by playing, like every other main and side game did? Kids are pretty receptive, I think they'd be fine.
I think they dont want people rushing everything
IKR... I really wanted a switch anyway, thankfuly this game makes me want it more for xmas.
it's just garbage to require a water or grass type, when pikachu can learn double kick.
You can challenge the gym without your type advantage, it just can't be your first gym battle, the guy at the door literally clarified that.
ikr XD I mean, we all managed fine as kids, and we picked it up quickly which types are good against others.
Please Nintendo, make it so we get to have epic battles against the legendary Pokemon at least and not just have us throwing berries at them.
sorry, it doesn't seem it will happen. BUT you can buy a mew... Lol
Wait? What’s the point of a translator if you can translate yourself Bill
Zachary Stumpf I’ve been asking the same question
Maybe wasn't the best English speaker but knew a bit
Formalities. Plus it would kinda be awkward to ask questions and also repeat their answers in English
They wanted to simulate a conversation between someone who isnt knowledgeable asking the questions and someone who is that will answer, but it would be awkward if he had to state the question in English then state it in Japanese so they had a 3rd person to translate it.
Zachary Stumpf is very stressful to switch from one language to another.
I want to see a wailord in this.
Relic King I'm not sure it will have any non-gen 1 Pokemon except for that new one they will reveal.
Relic King Only the original 150 are in the game, and if you want the 151st Pokémon you have spend 50 bucks on the PokéWalker 2.0, because for some reason it’s “impossible” to transfer your mew from go into let’s go, but all the other Kanto Pokémon are easily transferable.
BlueRasBerryMadness All I want is a game to show wailord accurately in the overworld, and possibly let me ride it, is that so much to ask for?
*screaming in agony as people are crushed *
*car alarms *
*children crying *
It's a shame that co-op almost completely invalidates all battles. Since there probably won't be any adjustments from solo mode it's safe to say your opponent's pokemon will never last 1 round. Well, unless you are fighting a Lv3 Metapod using double kick and growl. I know they talk about appealing to novice players and that is fantastic, but you know what else also appeals to novice players? Every mainline pokemon game ever.
If there aren't double battles when trainers have more than one pokemon that would be the icing on the cake, but I do expect that. However they have already down scaled all the trainers in Viridian Forest (Probably Brock's Gym but I'm too lazy to check) For example in Fire Red bug catcher Sammy has a level 9 weedle vs a lv 3 metapod now. There is even a trainer that has 3 pokemon in the Forest, but regardless it is clear that they severely underestimate new players or just want to speed up the game as fast as possible.
the novice players are the minority
Still wish it was in the newest one.
Damn while i would love if this game was more like classic pokemon i can't deny hoe beautiful it looks , and those pokemon animations are so cute
Alias Z50 looks way to kiddy
Aiden :v
This is still Pokemon just catching mecanic are different
Jacob The Poet kind of but missing lots of CORE features
Press Kevin To Continue why do I feel like you said that about the legend of zelda windwaker when it came out because it has Avery similar art style to windwaker it’s like a mix of Pokémon X and Y and the legend of zelda windwaker
Shattered Zeraora This games is to bring in GO players to the CORE games, since there wasn't any battling on go
Really happy to see the preservation of the 6EV stats and how they’re kept intact in some way or another.
I had my doubts for the depth of this game but it really seems to be a game for us all.
Alexander Aramaki pretty sure there are no IVs or EVs in LGPE.
TheNoah I mean there's battling, so at least evs are possible :P
Some Kappa nope. They're removing anything to do with competitive battling in these. It's too casual. It has little appeal to competitive players.
You use candies to train EVs. Are you 100% sure you cannot train IVs as well?
TheNoah 16:30 of course there is no ev
I think the appeal this game has for me is that it's just "Chill." We're back in Kanto with my second favorite batch of Pokemon (with certain exceptions in Gen 1, I like 2 better). Back before the series became over complicated with genders, and breeding, EV/IV training, and other systems that made the game feel like a chore. It's the kind of game you pick up, have a chill time for a bit, and then put your Switch back into sleep mode when you've had your fill. No grinding or trying to hatch the perfect Pokemon with a certain move or personality or stats... Just basic fun.
As you've probably guessed, I'm not a competitive player. I play the story, catching one of every Pokemon the version I buy has to offer to fill in as much of my pokedex my version will allow, and any post-story story/extras... And I get my fill.
My only gripe is not the catching of Pokemon, but the method. I don't want to flail my arm around. Luckily, it sounds like that catching method is different in handheld mode.
Featherhoof Gaming - Your my kind of guy. I don't get the VAST desire for competition in games. Games should be for chilling.
Genders still exist, and instead of EVs/IVs you now have CP.
This could be your advertisement!
Yeah, but, unless there's something they're not telling us, genders are purely cosmetic/superficial in this game instead of, "Okay, I need a (gender) (personality type) (insert Pokemon) with (stats/IVs/EVs) and mate it with (other Pokemon of certain parameters) for a percentile chance to get an egg to get a percentile chance to hatch a (desired Pokemon) that I then need to go grind."
And isn't CP just a number that indicates, generally, how powerful your Pokemon is in combat?
I don't understand it when people say that Pokémon is too complicated. Pokémon? Pokémon is already a very simple game. Even with all the additions in Gen 7. It only got more dept and possibilities, more freedom in terms of Pokémon team creation. Of course, if you judge it with shallow smartphone games standards, you would be able to call it "too complicated". But over all, its still an easy game for people who want to play it easy. Creation a perfect team with high efficient strategies, items and attacks is an OPTIONAL task that gives people who want to play the game longer more for their money.
Patrick M
That's because they're not calling Pokemon "too complicated." The main game and their stories, and even their post-game content is simple, fun, and enjoyable with just the right amount of challenge, even with the added stuff.
It's the Pokemon competitive scene that's "too complicated." Although "complicated" isn't the right word so much as "daunting" for your average consumer/casual player. No one's arguing over whether it's OPTIONAL or not, because there's no argument there (of course it is). And this game's simpler, more "chill" approach, that means I won't have to run in the grass for ages catching and releasing dozens of Pokemon trying to find a, for instance (just random pick as an example), Pikachu with decent stats and a personality that'll ensure its stats aren't complete garbage... Seems mildly more appealing to me.
Them: your rival gets scared easily
me: well lets go get some legendarys.....
I only wish the battles were a little more dynamic
Dgnius Makileven then go play pokken
Maybe if pokken had a bigger roster
you have a point. the 2 v 1 thing also seems bad. also getting paid in pokeballs?
I was so excited for this game till they show you can't fight wild pokemon. I mean what's wrong with having a fight and then use the joy-con to catch them???
It's a hybrid between the main series and GO! meant to get players of one interested in the other.
Carlos Guajardo
Its not a big change you don't battle them after the first route anaways
I think it would be better if they let us battle wild pokemon AND catch them once they are weak in pokemon go style. So it would be familiar to both casual players and veterans. Other than that, I'm fine with this game. The graphics are nice, we can ride some pokemon, and they follow us again.
Chris Johnsen that doesn't justify the removal of the battles though.
so you dont need strong pokemon to catch legendary pokemon... just berries and poke balls?
Tyler Phillips yep
Tyler Phillips i think they may keep the legendary battles, and if you defeat it you get a chance to catch it!!!!Kinda like Raid Bosses in Go i think or something like that sry!!!! 😍😍😍😍😉
And a hand to throw the balls.
to be honest nothing has changed in legendaries, are still probably gonna throw 50 ultra balls in a row to catch it
Back in my day we had Pokemon XD and Colosseum which u can transfer Pokemon through GBA with R/S/E FR/LG
Mr Gunther oh how Pokemon has plummeted with time
You could even in Pokemon Stadium. Also, the Pokemon Stadium games were 10000x more difficult than this game looks... I was a child and I couldn't even get halfway through each game and I still loved them.
Mr Gunther Yeah, and i still do that! I love it! It's fun. It also helped immensly with completing the National Dex.
So you have to catch EVERY pokemon you encountered to gain exp?! Wtf
KEROL A catch em' all amirite
just like pokemon go, which had boring grinding mechanics
KEROL A ikr, I thought you could fight them to train your pokemon like them DS games but this just another Pokemom Go mobile app game except it's done on the couch.
Alan Nguyen thats exactly what it is. This isnt main series pokemon, but a pokemon go spin off. Guess we have to wait a year to get really pissed off.
Just enjoy for what it is and wait for next year :)
thank you.
I just keep telling myself, it's just a spin-off, it's just a spin-off
Its messed up as I remember this game as a kid. What a damm shame and slap in the face.
Vouly That is exactly what I am doing this time around :) I am both excited and eh about this game, but still excited. I just hope it isn't TOO casual, bit looks like a more relaxing adventure not to be taken as seriously which is fine for now.
Thats where I am.
I'm glad they told us about the game coming in 2019, because it gives me piece of mind, so that I can enjoy this game for what it is.
This game looks really clean, but I don't think it's $60 worth lmao
SWafflez Mario party is also $60 and Kirby Star allies is also $60
Animu HD yeah Kirby star allies was too short for me it should have been 4,000 yen instead of 6,000
This is like a $20 game, let's be honest
It has less substance than RBY ffs
SWafflez don’t forget the $50 pokeball controller with free mew .
lol 20 dollars for a game with gyms and the pokemon league.
Imagine Gladion's reaction in USUM when he said "I'm going to train in Kanto"
And he was met with this the moment he took his 1st steps in the grass...
I was looking forward to Blue mentally abusing me and his Pokemon. Sadly we get a rival that actually helps us on our journey.
Kaiserfi Blue helps us on our journey, except he does so in a passive aggressive way / douchebaggy way.
Kaiserfi I'm hoping that you can name your rival
Kaiserfi I can mentally abuse you, if you like? Just kidding 😂
I don't get how a "rival" would be helpful either. He seems more of a friend than anything else.
Watching people speak Japanese and communicate in Japanese makes me want to learn Japanese
Yoshidex WGY I wanna eat Japanese food.
Yoshidex WGY I tried to. It’s harder than it looks
It might be hard at first, but if you study enough, and train your listening and practice your speaking, I can guarantee you in 1 year you'll be able to japanese.
It’s fun to learn but it definitely takes a lot of work coming from someone who is currently learning the language
Leveling your pokemon by catching lots of pokemon you dont want, why Nintendo, why are you doing this to us
It sounds disappointing
"Gotta catch em all" has kinda been the motto for over 20 years so it makes sense
No, the motto didn't get used after Gen 2. And the motto only was an additional creation for the western world. They never had that in japan. Plus, the motter refered to Pokémon species. Catch every species for the Pokédex entry. Not catch every Pokémon you encounter countless times to get candies.
Because this is literally Pokémon Go in Switch and have nothing to do with the traditional main series.
Call Me Nemz
The motto was" gotta catch them all", not "gotta catch them all over 100 times"
I love how they still use the 2D Sprites when you view your team and level Exp from the GBA and DS, I really love that.
As long as we don't have to pay real money to get more Pokéballs, or other itens, I'm fine with this
you can freaking get pokeballs from beating trainers lol thats new.
*If EA made this
you get pokeballs from eating trainers and from pokemarts I would assune
If it had wild battles it would be perfect, endlessly throwing pokeballs might get old after a while
then avoid the pokemon
The Architect well... its same as endless spamming A button to kill someone...
The Architect
So the same game as every Pokemon game lol I like Pokemon regardless but this is a nice little change and the battle system is still pretty good still has EVs and IVs
Atleast it's something different from the original. Personally I really liked how they decided to change the gameplay. And even if it doesn't work another game is rolling around soon so no worries.
Tyler Havle
Thank you lol tired of these so called Pokemon fans complaining about the game because they changed something for once in 20 years lol
They just should give us the option to battle wild pokemon.
Sherlock Flames what would have been interesting would be if you started by battling a pokemon, but when you pulled out a pokeball, it would work like this, where the circle is factored into the catch rate.
Nol OfTheQuest yeah i don't mind the new catching mechanic i just like to have the ability to battle the wild pokemon. It can start off in the catch screen first and then you can choose to send out a pokemon if you wanted to. That would be something i like to see.
Nol OfTheQuest - I agree, the catching part isn't what I dislike about this game, it's the fact that there are no wild pokemon battles. If they had incorporated the traditional battle system with this catching system, I'd be all for this game.
Choices scare people.
We want to battle pokemon. To Battle wild pokemon to Battle legendary pokemon.. to be the very best like no one ever was.
Wait for 2019
Still this as an inbetween title would be great to test some new features even in a smaller scale it would add a whole lot more to the game
Legends are regular encounters in these 2 new mainline games. They showed the player battling Zapdos and Moltres
My interest for this game keeps going up and down. It looks fun, but I hate how they stripped away a lot of core features.
What core features? This isn't supposed to be a normal Pokemon game. It's supposed to be Pokemon go with some mechanics from the core games. That's it
smasher502 Breeding, wild battles, GTS, Battle Spot, etc.
Again not a core game. It's literally Pokemon go with more features. That's it. Don't expect it to be like a next gen game. Now, $60 is a bit too much imo.
While I am far more interested in the 2019 game, I don't mind no wild Pokemon battles, I was always spamming repels in the older games.
The random encounter (in my opinion ) is one of the most boring aspects of a normal Rpg, but now that you can actually see the pokemon you want to catch it makes this rather interesting (if you want to catch a pokemon that you really like no more hours of grinding but you go straight up to the pokemon you like), also i really like how you can take pokemon out of the pokeballs like in soul silver/heart gold or in yellow but with pokemon in their original size
Agreed that is a really nice change.
Just do not like that they try to provide incentive to catch multiple upon multiple of the same species...
No thanks... That is just grind, no different for the random encounter (The most boring aspect of a normal Rpg)
It do on the other hand remove the survivability challenge (not positiv) attempting to get from A to B (though it were limited already)
I mean catching pokemon of the same species is normal if you wanna catch pokemon with good ivs, and also remember that this isn't a core game(it's more a way to convert go players to core Pokemon), but i still hope that those two features will remain in the next game
LionHeart I don't want to waste so many pokeballs. I don't like the disappearance of wild pokemon battles. I like how you can choose to encounter but I wish only that stays. Casuals don't even care about ivs so that's pointless
You're still going to be grinding wild encounters to level up, the only difference is now in order to grind levels you'll be filling your box up with trash mons instead of just beating them
Dude, i hope you know that the majority of rpg players would disagree with this- grinding is something that is necessary, and kind of loved across the community, and random chances are literally what rpgs are about.
One of the best things was is in Pokemon is to get the health of the wild Pokemon as low as possible, so you have a good chance to catch them. Catching the 3 legendary birds with a hyperball, that was a good feeling.
Am I the only one who doesn't like Pokemon go but likes how they are using some Pokemon go features in those?
completely understandable this is a decent game in spite of sharing some parts with Pokemon money funnel
The fact you NEED a grass or water type pokémon to beat Brock is just crazy. Game Freak, you're aware that your games are not only played by kids ?
Really that is a good thing. You just have to show that you understand typing.
Tutorial like mechanisms in the beginning of any game are almost never a bad thing.
Though I will give you that they could have implemented it in a more elegant way.
They're using Go catching mechanics because it's a home console?
Does nobody remember Colosseum and XD, 2 of the best Pokemon games so far?
P.S. Pokemon XD was a home console Pokemon game with Eevee as your starter first! Unlike this game, you could actually evolve it.
Colosseum and XD never involved wild pokemon battles, only trainers (unless you want to count the SEVERELY limited poke-spots in XD). Would you not consider an addition of global wild battles an improvement (even if it is different)? Honestly curious. I would argue "yes, it is. More game in my game."
You could still throw Pokeballs in ordinary battles after weakening the target like a normal person. The fact that it's Poketheft doesn't change that. :P
I guess I see what you mean: the mini-game of "the damage is right" can be pretty fun, and is entirely excluded here. I guess that's replaced with a motion control mini-game instead. Not sure which is better/worse.
And you actually had to weaken Pokémon before you could snag them. Why would anyone spend $60 dollars on a glorified Safari Zone simulator.
This is their spinoff game for the Pokémon GO players.
There will be a mainline game in 2019.
28:10 So ground, steel and fighting types aren't considered super effective against rock anymore 🤔
They could make this game perfect if they would just have it be that you could change catching modes, all they have to do is have it so that you can choose if you want Pokémon go encounters or normal encounter where you actually fight the Pokémon then catch it instead of just catching it.
Scattattack5 Exactly, I never understand why we can't have choices. And I hope they don't remove the Pokemon following you for the next game.
The choice is not give because:
They want us to catch a lot of pokemon (they say directly in the video). And if you do not catch them, you can not send them to the professor and will not get candy.
I agree I do not like it. I think it is a bad reason and bad design and I hate the candy aspect. Never the less that is the reason. :(
What concerns me is how many pokeballs you'll need since catching pokemon is now the main way of leveling up. I'm worried they might go the micro-transaction route a la pokemon go. Hope they don't but you never know.
That is my only worry for this game, I really really hope they don't go that route as I will not be buying it if they do. I have had enough of micro-transaction games.
You now get pokeballs after trainer battles, and I doubt they'll use micro transactions in a full price game
nah. it's not a spinoff.
they said there are event peppered throughout the game. the one with the slowpoke they showed gave an item worth money that you can sell for Pokeballs. you can catch pokemon and get berries and candy that you can sell. i think you will have tons of poke balls and ultra balls
Yeah you're right, my mind is a bit more eased. Also I was quick to comment as I hadn't watched it all yet. PHEW
Can’t wait to play this with my wife
Twotailedpikachu finally a positive opinion
Right? My girlfriend is already hype to pick up a controller walk around catch and battle trainers with me
It’s will be nice to have this game for this year and hardcore game next year I’m all for the core Pokémon series and can’t wait for it but I’m glad they didn’t rush it and it was nice of gamefreak to give something to hold us down until than
Some will call me a complainer, but I would say it's constructive critizism. I just want to say that I do not like that they excluded wild Pokémon battles because I like wild Pokémon battles. Of course I will play the "real" game coming out next year, but that is no reason why I could not critizise this game mechanic like every other game mechanic I do not like in any other game (for example the Z-moves).
kaph123 it's just the people who act like the sky is falling, and think that this title is going to be the way that all Pokémon games will be in the future. Those are the people who annoy me. Also, yeah, Z moves were a "I'm not strong enough for this, but I still want to win" button.
It's very possible this will end up being the norm though. If they get the big cash grab that Pokemon Go players can bring, they might decide it's more lucrative to do this... Crap... Rather than make a challenging game. But hey! I need to do like all the trolls tell me and just "Chill dude, the real game is coming out next year."
Dakota Moore I would think that too, but they are already talking about making this a separate series of it is successful.
I still feel like they could have did both use the wild pokemon battle, and throw the pokeball at the end when you want to catch something.
kaph123 Tsunekazu Ishihara has shared a few more details regarding the upcoming core Pokemon game due out in 2019 for Nintendo Switch. Speaking with Japanese publication Famitsu, which released an extensive featureon Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu and Let's Go Eevee, Ishihara finally shed some light on Pokemon 2019 for Nintendo Switch.
Ishihara has reconfirmed that fans can expect to get their hands on the core title in the second half of 2019, which may not be a big surprise for most fans as the majority of core Pokemon titles typically release in November
Ishara has also confirmed that the Pokemon Company's 2019 game will feature better graphics than any other prior Pokemon game seen before. It will be an entirely new experience featuring new Pokemon and will be aimed towards seasoned fans of the series.
That's all for now, but with Nintendo's E3 2018 Direct less than a week away, there's a chance we could hear more news about Pokemon 2019 very soon. We'll keep you updated with all the new details as they come in, so be sure to keep checking back.
2:46 START HERE 2:46
Jim Jam Thanks!
Bless your soul
You are lord thank
Still waiting for another Pokemon Stadium. Can't understand why they don't make it.
Jose Daniel Villalobos well..there's Battle Revolution?
because the games have access to online play
Because its suck
Because stadiums main reason was to have a 3d battle Pokémon game on the TV. Something the Switch game already offers.
You know what is already better?
Good joke m8
The game that we know nothing about that could be complete garbage is better than this game? Makes sense
M.P I dunno man, Gen VII was a bit disappointing
Chillin' god forbid they change the wild battles to catching to make it more accessible to Pokémon Go fans right? Not like it increases the fanbase and makes a new unique experience to the game. You guys really don't need to be here if you're gonna complain
MSSoulBlader Sadly, no matter how accessible to casual PoGo players (who have never played a true full Pokémon game before) you make it, they don't want to play it. I've talked to about 10 already and they say they don't understand the difference of the app and this actual game. I tell them they really should give it a chance or at least play one of the past Pokémon games.
It's never good to prioritize casuals as they will never truly be interested in the long run (not saying specifically for this game, I hope many do jump over and we have new Pokémon fans)
I can already see the memes of stuffing hundreds of Pokémon in ur bag
But you can't stuff Nebby...
KahunaLagoona DX Nebby is the exception that proves the rule.
OMG The music sounds really good and I'm genuinely excited for this game!
I wish it had the option to fight wild pokemon instead of taking the pokemon go route. Or at least the option to
oh okay, so now I know that I'll be one of the pokemon fans who will wait for 2019. Let's Go looks nice but it is missing things I personally love about playing pokemon game (example: being able to grind battle/ train pokemon with wild pokemon)
Corvus_Rose I’m with ya. I will skip these and wait for the actual main series gen 8 next year.
I still believe this was a good move on GameFreak to finally split the new comers and old players. It did at least sparked my interest when the trailer came out.
That's literally the only thing it's missing XD
eeyup xD and I hate that it is missing! Call me silly but I feel more connected to my Pokemon when I train them.
Corvus_Rose nah that's not silly but you can still train them sure it's in a different way but I mean after 20+ yrs of the same format they were due for a change just like zelda was and I guess also Mario
Am I the only one thats worried about trainer customization not being a thing in these games?
Mega Poke yeah, it looks like there won't be any.
It'll likely be back in the 2019 game, since the two recent generations have it.
I think it'll be back in the 2019 game, so no need to worry. Also, it looks like you'll be able to dress up pikachu and eevee at the very least
There is. And you can also customize pikachu and eevee
You are not alone
In my opinion, I like the idea of the catching mechanic, but I think it would’ve been better if you could battle them still. And you could either faint them, or go into catching mode. So that instead you can have that classic Pokémon mechanic with a twist. For example, you run into a wild pidgey and you battle with them to the red. Then go into your bag and select your poke ball and get 3 chances(or more) to get that perfect throw until it backs out and then it will either run or stay for another chance. That way you could have the unique mechanic without having it feel like another Pokémon go game. The graphics are stunning otherwise and really looks like an amazing new look at Pokémon! Good job Nintendo! 👍
Is it the Pokémon Switch of my dreams? No, but it's Pokémon with coop, so it's a day 1 purchase along with a Switch for me.
As someone who hasn’t really enjoyed a Pokémon game since G5, I’m really excited for this. My girlfriend doesn’t have much experience with video games, but she loves Pokémon GO. We’re totally hyped to play this together!
Why not let the rival say smell your later;-;?
I miss the day when rivals were mean and cruel instead of nice and friendly
Christopher Portillo Nintendo hate bullyng...and casino's, how can the game put the rocket casino?
Hey Nintendo! What I REALLY WANT is Breath of the Wild, BUT WITH POKEMONS, is not that hard right.
Fernando Gabriel Flores Molina Game Freak literally said awhile ago that people should not expect too much from this game. It's a spin-off. Wait until next year for a proper game.
We still don't know how the main Pokemon game looks like. But I doubt they will make it an open world like in Zelda.
I would like a Pokémon open world mechanic’s like in Zelda: breath of the wild, cooking or ash would starve and the Pokémons too, and also the tournament mode that actually you can literally battle with controlling your own Pokémon and so creating the online mode like, (GTA & SuperSmashBros.) where players could battle one another, that would be awesome for next year.
wow, if the devs said that, this is a must not then.
it took them if im not mistaken, 3 to 4 years to make the game breath of the wild. And that is including all the time they had to think about how to make the game. Now we already have the concept of the game. So why exactly would it take much time to recreate this with pokemon?
999 pokeballs.... I call hax!
Wisp Fighter Alex Doesn't "hax" means "luck", though?
Remember gameshark
*walks casually past a Moltres in GO Park*
Really hoping for a demo version that comes out earlier. I'm so hyped.
i love nintendo
Lushy_Vampz same
Suck up(but srsly I do to)
Lushy_Vampz I love Nintendo too, but I hate Game Freak and the Pokémon Company
Dust e
Prove it
Wait since when does Pikachu learn Double Kick?
this game, to make it even easier
To make it actually possible for him to beat Brock. Of course
Like when they give Charmander metal claw on fire red.
I mean Double Kick here is uneeded as you need a grass or water type to even challenge the gym, which explains why Oddish is in the forrest now
Antonio Morales lol, it was already possible to defeat brock with only pikachu. Just leveling up massively
That eevee looks like it wants to die.
In the beginning i thought this was a pretty bad game but after watching the gameplay i made sure of it
Imagine seeing wailord in here...
The mainline Pokemon release on Switch better have traditional pokemon catching mechanics. These watered down, Pokemon Go crossover mechanics take so much away from the game.
were you living under a rock
Kid chaor Or they are being smart by not believing everything Gamefreak tells them. Especially after the announcement of this game.
There is nothing wrong with being skeptical of the games being released next year since Gamefreak hasn’t released any footage of the new games to prove they are telling the truth.
Because they're focusing on let's go eevee and pikachu right now
IMcharger i hope you battle pokemon but when you want to catch it and click the pokeball option, it becomes like go
wild Pokemon just stand there for you to capture them, the "fight" with Mewtwo will be a pokeball spam while he does nothing
So... it's the "casual" version of Pokémon?