Honor is the one thing in life you can never have to much of. Those who hunger and thirst for honor will get their fill. You can have to much salt and become a pillar of salt. You can have to much pie and become obese. Yet, you can never have enough Honor!
I am really tired and grieving the loss of my mother right now and do need to be revived on the subject matter. But want you to really have peace in your heart about Beth Moore and some of the other female "teachers ". So my reply is only an outline, foundation or guidance to help you start to find your answer on your concern. A "pastor" is the leader of the entire congregation. So you are right with this part of your statement because 1 Timothy 2:12 states Women are NOT to have that position because as you have read, they would have authority over men. Beth and others However are "teachers" of WOMEN not "pastors". Titus 2, 1 Corinthians 11 and many Proverbs talk of women teaching other women and children, praying and prophesying in worship services, as well as instructing (teaching) their children. Thus some conclude women ARE allowed to teach women and children, while keeping a man as the pastor who shepherds the entire congregation (those women included). Now for churches with female pastors, they are following Galatians 3:28, believing the other verses were for the specific church Paul wrote the epistle to only. They feel it was not prescriptive for the overall practice in every church. Thus we have two different interpretations of these verses and is what scholars mean when they use the terms "Egalitarian" and "Complimentarian". Complimentarian means as I aforestated: women teachers are to "complement" a male pastor's ministry but not be the pastor of an entire congregation. While Egalitarian means women are equally called to be pastors as men based on Galatians 3:28 and the roles some of the women had in the New Testament. I hope this helps. Theology 3 in most Christian seminaries is the course where we had to research both views, choose our position and state why. I am a Complimentarian. Thus I really am trying to help, rather than argue with anyone. I also hope it helps others know how to support those who get attacked for using their spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit. May JESUS bless you all.
"So wonderful" Beth...
God’s covering us with His hand … it is not the shadow of death, it’s the palm of God .. awh my heart ♡ God, You’re so soo sooo good!
Amen -- Child abuse removed most of my emotions -- Father God is working though you Beth
It's a joy to serve you.
The LPM Staff
You saved my life! I thank God for strong angels all the time. Thank you Pastor
I needed to hear this tonight. No sooner, no later. Thank you.
Excellent message 👏 👍 🥰
Thank you so much.
My first thought at the 7 min mark is that I'm in trouble....I'm terrible at tests! I always need a do over 😄
I'm glad you persevered through to the end!! So glad you are joining us on the channel. Blessings, The LPM Staff
I love your messages beth. I shared your fb post from this morning also
It's a joy to serve you, Danielle!
The LPM Staff
Honor is the one thing in life you can never have to much of. Those who hunger and thirst for honor will get their fill. You can have to much salt and become a pillar of salt. You can have to much pie and become obese. Yet, you can never have enough Honor!
You can't be a pastor, the bible forbids it
hahahah really? I read my bible too. Women pastors are such a blessing.
women cant be pastors
This was probably at the forefront of tour mind when you clicked on this because where is the female pastor? The only person who mentioned it is you.
This was probably at the forefront of tour mind when you clicked on this because where is the female pastor? The only person who mentioned it is you.
This was probably at the forefront of tour mind when you clicked on this because where is the female pastor? The only person who mentioned it is you.
hell yes they can!!! :)
I am really tired and grieving the loss of my mother right now and do need to be revived on the subject matter. But want you to really have peace in your heart about Beth Moore and some of the other female "teachers ". So my reply is only an outline, foundation or guidance to help you start to find your answer on your concern. A "pastor" is the leader of the entire congregation. So you are right with this part of your statement because 1 Timothy 2:12 states Women are NOT to have that position because as you have read, they would have authority over men. Beth and others However are "teachers" of WOMEN not "pastors". Titus 2, 1 Corinthians 11 and many Proverbs talk of women teaching other women and children, praying and prophesying in worship services, as well as instructing (teaching) their children. Thus some conclude women ARE allowed to teach women and children, while keeping a man as the pastor who shepherds the entire congregation (those women included).
Now for churches with female pastors, they are following Galatians 3:28, believing the other verses were for the specific church Paul wrote the epistle to only. They feel it was not prescriptive for the overall practice in every church. Thus we have two different interpretations of these verses and is what scholars mean when they use the terms "Egalitarian" and "Complimentarian". Complimentarian means as I aforestated: women teachers are to "complement" a male pastor's ministry but not be the pastor of an entire congregation. While Egalitarian means women are equally called to be pastors as men based on Galatians 3:28 and the roles some of the women had in the New Testament. I hope this helps. Theology 3 in most Christian seminaries is the course where we had to research both views, choose our position and state why. I am a Complimentarian. Thus I really am trying to help, rather than argue with anyone. I also hope it helps others know how to support those who get attacked for using their spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit. May JESUS bless you all.
Thank You for helping