Session 4: Gateway to God's Book with Hamza Yusuf - In 4K

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @afeefmirza
    @afeefmirza 3 роки тому +6

    When he said you feel goosebumps, I had goosebumps as he was saying it. He really brought it to life and I felt a moment of connection with the Qur’an! I love him may Allah protect him, increase his imaan, knowledge, and put blessings in all his endeavours. Ameen

  • @bawarali6123
    @bawarali6123 4 роки тому +73

    Masha’allah, He has so much knowledge you have to write down notes when you listen to him.

    • @hackrabiyah
      @hackrabiyah 4 роки тому +4

      Bawar Kurdistani Taking notes from Sh Hamza will increase our general knowledge many fold :)

    • @farazhussain4714
      @farazhussain4714 4 роки тому +3

      I know exactly what you mean.

    • @americanmona
      @americanmona Рік тому


  • @ThatCanadianBrother
    @ThatCanadianBrother 4 роки тому +61

    I wish this wouldn't end at Lecture 10!

    • @hurmetnoka9434
      @hurmetnoka9434 4 роки тому +1

      Is it a series til 10 ? Thats a great news, 6 more to go!

    • @farazhussain4714
      @farazhussain4714 4 роки тому

      You and me both brother.

    • @elite4wellness
      @elite4wellness 4 роки тому +1

      I want this to go on till 100 or maybe more

    • @farazhussain4714
      @farazhussain4714 4 роки тому

      @@elite4wellness You and me both my friend.

  • @habibarana1478
    @habibarana1478 3 роки тому +2

    From 25 minutes onwards, it is so reassuring, purification through tribulation, and qasas to remind this has happened before.

  • @waverunner9849
    @waverunner9849 4 роки тому +17

    A brilliant du'a
    Have you forgotten anything to ask Him?
    These are a few things you may want to ask
    "Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem, Ya Rabb al Alameen, I call upon You and I ask You by every Name that You have named Yourself with, revealed in Your Book, taught any one of Your creation or kept unto Yourself in the knowledge of the unseen that is with You,
    Allahumma salli wa sallim 'alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad.
    Ya Rabb, make me sincere in this dua.
    Please grant me a death with the shahadah on my tongue. Grant me Husn al Dhan billah (good expectations from Allah)
    Expand my grave for me and illuminate it with light.
    Preserve my record in Illiyeen.
    Lighten for me the questioning of the grave.
    Grant me death in a state of Ibadah, that is most pleasing to You and resurrect me in the same state.
    Keep me free from fear, anxiety and terror from the day of judgement.
    Grant my book in my right hand.
    Make me among those who show their books to others with happiness.
    Make me successful in the Meezan.
    Help me cross the Siraat like lightening.
    Ya Allah, please do not give away my good deeds to others.
    Reunite me with my family in Jannah.
    Do not expose my faults in front of others on the day of judgement.
    Ya Afu, Forgive the sins that I don't remember and the sins that I didn't even consider as sins.
    Grant me a heart filled with tranquility and peace.
    Cleanse my heart from malice, jealousy, hatred, self-admiration, show off, envy, arrogance and pride.
    Grant me the ability to forgive others.
    Grant me soft speech, protect my tongue from lying, backbiting and hurting others.
    Grant me beautiful patience.
    Grant me with the correct Aqeedah, excellent memory and understanding of the deen with daleel.
    Bless my parents, forgive them, Grant them good health and make me a sadaqa jaariyah for them.
    Bless my siblings in their marriages. Bind us together with love. Do not let shayaateen break our bond.
    Grant all the single Muslims the coolness of their eyes.
    Grant us righteous children and make them a sadaqa jariyah for us Oh Allah help me leave behind a legacy with humility, allow me to leave this dunya with the best legacies for our offsprings and for others.
    Help me understand, write, speak and teach Arabic.
    Help me maintain good ties with my relatives.
    Help me see my faults and cover it from others.
    Allow me to speak with wisdom just like the Prophet peace be upon him.
    Bestow me with wealth to spend in your way.
    Do not let others humiliate/oppress/mock/take advantage of me.
    Help me be courageous, confident and a positive person who makes the correct decisions at the right time.
    Grant me modesty in clothing and speech in front of non Mahrams.
    Forgive the Muslim ummah -the living and the dead. Bless the Muslims with goodness and grant victory to the oppressed.
    Fill our hearts with Emaan.
    Oh Allah, accept my deeds.
    Ya Allah, O my Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Raheem, Ya Kareem, Ya Sattar, Ya Gaffar, Ya Qaadir, Ya Sami, Ya Aleem, Al Mujeeb, Ya Allah I turn to you in repentance, in submission. I beg you please fulfill my duas.
    Ya Allah Forgive my sins, a complete forgiveness that leaves no trace.
    Ya Allah Forgive my transgressions of Your Commands. Ya Allah Grant me victory over my shortcomings
    Reform and upgrade me Ya Allah in the best way possible, in the way you know that is best for me.
    Ya Allah Accept my duaas, ibaadah & deeds.
    Ya Allah Guide me towards performing good accepted deeds for Your Sake only.
    Ya Allah Help me to attain khushu', ikhlaas and ihsaan in my ibaadah.
    Ya Allah Help me get closer to you as my end draws near.
    Ya Allah Make me love You, Your Prophet (pbuh), Your Deen, Your book the Quran, the way it deserves to be loved.
    Ya Allah Increase my eeman, tawakkul, yaqeen in You.
    Ya Allah Increase me in Taqwa,
    Make me of your grateful slaves and amongst the patient ones.
    Ya Allah Give me the strength to be steadfast throughout the trials I encounter now and in the future.
    Ya Allah Grant me a soft heart & content with Your Laws.
    Ya Allah Make the Quran be my companion in both worlds.
    Ya Allah Guide me to the siraat mustaqeem until my last breath, never be deviated in shirk, kufr or bid'ah.
    Ya Allah make clear to me what is the haqq and what isn't, keep me firm upon your Deen.
    Ya Allah Make me among the muhsineen, muttaqeen the mukhliseen, the sabiqoon fil, ilm.
    Ya Allah Increase me in beneficial knowledge.
    I ask of you what Muhammad peace be upon asked you of and I seek refuge in you from what the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon sought refuge from.
    Ya Allah Protect me from sicknesses of the heart (envy, arrogance, proudness, show off)
    Ya Allah Bless me with happiness in this dunya & akhirah, protect me from sadness, depression and anxiety.
    Ya Allah Favour me with the ability to do tazkiyah of my soul throughout my life journey.
    Ya Allah Remove the love of this world in its degrees & forms from my heart.
    Ya Allah Invite me to Your House to worship You.
    Ya Allah Grant me a good end, make me continuously love to meet You.
    Ya Allah Make my grave & barzakh a peaceful, cool abode.
    Ya Allah Grant me the Shade of your Arsh on Yawmul Qiyaamah.
    Ya Allah Give me my record of deeds in my right hand and make my mizaan (scale) heavy with the good deeds.
    Ya Allah Grant me the favour to drink from the Hawd Al Kawthar by our beloved Prophet's (pbuh) hand.
    Ya Allah Ease my crossing of the Siraat & Qantarah (bridges before Paradise).
    Ya Allah Favour me the ultimate bliss of seeing You in Hereafter.
    Ya Allah Shield, increase & protect the love/mercy/barakah between me & my spouse for as long as we live.
    Ya Allah Improve our behaviour with each other.
    Ya Allah Reward my spouse Your best reward for her/his striving for my family.
    Ya Allah Make the Quran & Your Commands be our judge in all matters.
    Ya Allah Strengthen our practice of the deen together.
    Ya Allah Make us join together in bliss in Jannah al Firdaus.
    Ya Allah, assist us with physical & emotional strength to be a good parents & example to our children.
    Ya Allah Save our children from the impact of our mistakes in their lives.
    Ya Allah Bless us with righteous children.
    Ya Allah Make our children the coolness of our eyes and make them sawaab-e-jaariya for me & my spouse.
    Ya Allah Make them of those who establish Salah and prostrate only to you.
    Ya Allah make them Hufaadh, who act upon what they have memorised, and teach it to others. Ya Allah Make our children workers for Your Deen, da'ees, imaams, scholars and shaheeds.
    Ya Allah Protect my family from evil, calamities, enviers & the shayaateen from man & jinn.
    Ya Allah Protect our children from harm, sicknesses, disbelief, haraam and destruction.
    Ya Allah Grant our children success in Deen, duniya & Aakhirah & grant us a lineage of righteous offspring until Yawm al Qiyaamah.
    Ya Allah Unite our entire lineage in Jannah al Firdaus.
    Ya Allah Make them become the reason for our place in Jannah & shield against the Hellfire.
    Ya Allah save me & my entire family from the Hell Fire & make us enter Jannah al Firdaus Aa'laa without being accounted.
    Ya Allah, you are Al Gaffaar. Forgive my parents.
    Ya Allah Reward them in the greatest measures in this dunya & akhirah.
    Ya Allah Elevate their ranks and grant them Jannah al Firdaus.
    Ya Allah Make me coolness of their eyes in their old age.
    Ya Allah Grant my siblings success in this dunya & akhirah.
    Ya Allah Elevate the ranks of my parents, spouse's parents, my sisters & brothers, my elders & entire Ummah.
    Ya Allah Protect them from illnesses, deceases and difficulties of old age.
    Ya Allah Forgive the sins of those who have passed away in my family & the Ummah - young & old.
    Ya Allah Grant them a peaceful time in the barzakh till they meet You.
    Ya Allah Save us from trials of Dajjal, Yujuj & Majuj & the last Day.
    Ya Allah Grant my family & friends who are waiting for the gift of "children".
    Ya Allah Unite the hearts of my worldly companions who work for You & strengthen our brotherhood.
    Ya Allah Unite the hearts of those undergoing family/marital difficulties.
    Ya Allah Grant your perfect cure to those who are sick.
    Ya Allah Protect my brothers & sisters across the warzones & from the persecution, rape, slaughter, humiliation.
    Ya Allah Relieve their sufferings & elevate their ranks.
    Ya Allah Bring the downfall of those (modern day pharaohs) oppressors &
    Relieve those who are deprived, burdened, oppressed, in debt.
    Ya Allah forgive me for anything I forgot to mention and give me more than what I intended in the dunya and in the aakhira.
    Ya Allah bless the person who forwarded this beautiful dua and make this a source of sadaqa jaariah for them Aameen.
    Allahumma salli wa sallim 'alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad.
    Ya Allah, answer our Duaas You are the All Hearing, All Knowing!
    Aameen Ya Rabb.
    Subhana rabbika rabbil 'izzati amma yasifun wa salamun alal mursalin wal hamdulillahi Rabbil alamin."

    • @fire.smok3
      @fire.smok3 2 роки тому

      This is an amazing dua, jazakallah khair for posting it

  • @abdulansari4719
    @abdulansari4719 4 роки тому +1

    So erudite and illuminating. May Allah SWT bless our beloved Sheikh and Zaytuna with uninterrupted supplies of olive (Zaitun) oil to stay luminous with Deen in this world of darkness..
    Jazakallah khair

  • @mamirech53
    @mamirech53 4 роки тому +18

    I love our beloved Shaykh's reflections on the Language of the Quran. Ma Sha Allah. May Allah reward you, your family and the Zaytuna team with highest of rewards in these blessed nights of the blessed month of Ramadan, Ameen

  • @ameeruddinsyed3858
    @ameeruddinsyed3858 4 роки тому +24

    Ramadhan Mubarak Sheikh. Mashaallah very astounding lecture... Listening to Sheikh Hamzah feels like travelling on a calm river that soothes our mind. May Allah bless us learn more from him...

  • @pieface8234
    @pieface8234 4 роки тому +19

    Great series, I'm suprised Zaytuna College isnt getting hundreds of likes for these vidoes - where is everyone?!

    • @huberto989
      @huberto989 4 роки тому

      Maybe people wonder how Hamza Yusuf reconciles his relationship with UAE and his conscience?

  • @MN-br5nb
    @MN-br5nb 4 роки тому +1

    The Quran is an invitation is just a beautiful description, Allah truly has given us everything.

  • @rosiestar1514
    @rosiestar1514 4 роки тому +6

    May Allah bless and increase Shaykh Hamza Yusuf. Ameen

  • @Suzanne64248
    @Suzanne64248 2 роки тому +1

    Masha'Allah Tabarak'Allah!! ..ya shaikh...each time I listen to you, I return back with something more, added to my knowledge! I am grateful to Allah, for you and your علم.

  • @rawdah786
    @rawdah786 4 роки тому +2

    May Allāh ﷻ bless Shaykh Hamza & his family, Ameen.

  • @panjsoo
    @panjsoo 4 роки тому +1

    Sheikh Assalaam-o-aleykum wa rahmat-ullahi wa barakatohu. These Lectures during Ramadan have been an excellent source of learning for most of us. It would be appreciated if short lectures on basics of Islam could be devised and transmitted. May Allah bless you and increase your knowledge and grant you good health and long life. Your lectures are always a breath of fresh air from Islam perspective.

  • @fisalbulle3387
    @fisalbulle3387 4 роки тому +1

    Asalam aleykum to all my muslim brothers and sisters..May Allah preserve our sheikh with health and long life for us to benefit more..for decades now i have been blessed to benefit from your sincere insightful lectures.. i have been inspired by you despite being very far away..just like shams tabrizi was to rumi, u have always illuminated my path n give guidance and hopes.. i have cried with u ur lectures. slept listening to U..n prayed for U.. my prayer now is in shaa Allah may I live to meet one day n just share a moment with U.. i love u for the sake of Allah..Peace.. from Kenya..maasalam.

  • @rajuajuba8990
    @rajuajuba8990 4 роки тому +1

    May Allah increase beloved sheikhs knowledge and wisdom and give me chance to learn from him as a direct student. Surely Allah can do anything. Amin

  • @wiilwaalarawelo5795
    @wiilwaalarawelo5795 4 роки тому +1

    Greetings from Ontario Canada. May Allah reward you for the great work you are doing.

  • @baxsanbuub9180
    @baxsanbuub9180 4 роки тому +1

    I can’t get tired of this lecture he knows how to captivate listener with his incredible knowledge alhamdullillah. I put this video on as i work and do my reports, really engrossing mashaaAllah...Thanks

  • @yaserhussain8113
    @yaserhussain8113 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you so much sheikh for such wounderful classes. I have to attend the previous lectures. 🙏

  • @carlsmith3709
    @carlsmith3709 4 роки тому +4

    Ya sheikh hamza your nur and wisdom is brilliant ....i wish you could do this more.. Wallahi we are thirsty for ilm ...your ilm is so refreshing Alhamdulillah
    May Allah bless you

  • @Maksilver
    @Maksilver 4 роки тому +1

    Assalamualikum The Zaytuna team..Please increase our beloved Shaykh's presence on You Tube. May Allah bless everyone for your efforts. Jazakallah khair

  • @IsaMapc
    @IsaMapc 4 роки тому +1

    Jazak Allahu Khairan for this amazing lecture. One small correction: at around 18:45 Sheikh said "cell wall", but animal cells don't have cell wall, only plant cells do. What gest penetrated should be "cell membrane".

  • @seneinfointernational9575
    @seneinfointernational9575 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks so much. First command in Baqara is اعبدوا ربكم and not اتقوا ربكم as Shaykh said in 8th min بارك الله فيه . Your brother Mouhamed Sakho (New York)

    • @farazhussain4714
      @farazhussain4714 4 роки тому

      Yes your right.
      Shaikh sometimes slips with his tongue. He has a roza whilst teaching and this probably added to it.

  • @farihaanny6290
    @farihaanny6290 4 роки тому +25

    Can I give it a 100 thumbs up?💌

    • @farazhussain4714
      @farazhussain4714 4 роки тому

      Justice would still not be done.
      Love these series.
      JazakAllah khairan Zaytuna!

  • @MN-br5nb
    @MN-br5nb 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you for the chapter breakdowns, that's really helpful. May the team's efforts be rewarded who make this all possible for viewers.

  • @p.fellow3172
    @p.fellow3172 4 роки тому +2

    Great. Great session. Mashallah

  • @twinsflamuri
    @twinsflamuri 4 роки тому +2

    2020 Ramazan, highlights of this presentation are like a sweet date (hurma) when u brake the fast.

  • @farahali4022
    @farahali4022 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you so much for this !!! God bless you

  • @usmanrilwanu2917
    @usmanrilwanu2917 4 роки тому +1

    MashaAllah. Jazakallahu khairan. I enjoyed this lecture so much !!

  • @thebachu786
    @thebachu786 4 роки тому +1

    Mashallah, this was wonderful to watch

  • @Nishadhussainv
    @Nishadhussainv 4 роки тому

    Masha Allah.Thanks for gift of knowledge. May Allah protect all of us and our generation in faith, health, knowledge and give us successful endings. جزاك الله خيرا
    ،بارك الله،الحمدلله، اللهم صل على سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم.
    آمين يارب العالمين 🤲📿

  • @assoom26
    @assoom26 4 роки тому

    بارك الله فيك

  • @awiilda9163
    @awiilda9163 4 роки тому +1

    Masha Allah, so great 💜☝️🤗

  • @margaretkozikowski8436
    @margaretkozikowski8436 4 роки тому +34

    A Canadian Sister agrees, this is an amazing series!

  • @BabaBest2000
    @BabaBest2000 4 роки тому

    تبارك الله عليك، شيخ.

  • @djamelchaker1888
    @djamelchaker1888 4 роки тому

    The Ahadeeth up to 19:30 ....Just WOW! لا اله الا الله

  • @AamirHabibreligion
    @AamirHabibreligion 4 роки тому +1


  • @ts7152
    @ts7152 2 роки тому

    Masha Allah

  • @king0fgam3z
    @king0fgam3z 4 роки тому

    please make a sermon or khutbah video! We need more Humza Yusuf!

  • @arshishuaib9691
    @arshishuaib9691 4 роки тому

    thank you sheikh love from India

  • @adoreroftheexpander7342
    @adoreroftheexpander7342 4 роки тому +1

    30:57 Mind-blowing! Wow

  • @checkmate5338
    @checkmate5338 4 роки тому

    25:30 As Muslims, if we don't purify ourselves in this world, then Allah may do it for us

  • @faisalhassan2838
    @faisalhassan2838 4 роки тому

    "فهم سطرين خيرمن حفظ وقرين".

  • @wordsmith5792
    @wordsmith5792 3 роки тому +2

    can someone send me a link to the full Hadith of the martial strike narration

  • @rameess4944
    @rameess4944 4 роки тому


  • @redrabbit253
    @redrabbit253 4 роки тому


  • @islamicchronicles5381
    @islamicchronicles5381 4 роки тому


  • @Bass12524
    @Bass12524 4 роки тому

    For those wondering, the Quran clearly shows Uloohiyah as part of Tawheed.
    وَمَا يُؤْمِنُ أَكْثَرُهُم بِاللَّـهِ إِلَّا وَهُم مُّشْرِكُونَ 12:106

    ' And most of them believe not in Allah except while they associate others with Him.'
    Allah affirms IMAN for the pagan arabs (rubbubiyyah) but calls them mushrikeen because of their shirk in uluhiyyah.
    It is well known that they believed that Allah was their Rabb.
    مَّنْ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ لَيَقُولُنَّ اللَّـهُ 31:25
    'Who created the heavens and the earth, they responded Allah!'
    When they were asked who is the Al Khaliq / creator (RABB) they responded Allah. Their problem was rather to devote ALL way of life/worship to Allah ALONE. Which is Uloohiyyah!
    38:5 أَجَعَلَ الْآلِهَةَ إِلَـٰهًا وَاحِدًا ۖ إِنَّ هَـٰذَا لَشَيْءٌ عُجَابٌ
    ' Has he made AL AALIHATA (gods) [only] one God? Indeed, this is a curious thing."
    They mocked Uloohiyah. But Allah affirms its the only true way.
    2:163 وَإِلَـٰهُكُمْ إِلَـٰهٌ وَاحِدٌ ۖ لَّا إِلَـٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ الرَّحْمَـٰنُ الرَّحِيمُ
    And your god(ILAH) is one God(ILAH). There is no deity(ILAH) [worthy of worship] except Him, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

  • @FaridKhan-lm1fo
    @FaridKhan-lm1fo 4 роки тому +2

    Assalam o Alaikum
    How can one get in touch with shaykh.
    Any idea please.

  • @zubair2800
    @zubair2800 2 роки тому


  • @muhammadrichards4679
    @muhammadrichards4679 4 роки тому +1

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
    Any possibility the PowerPoint presentation can be downloaded? Also, a link to the purchasing of the Tafsīr of ibn Juzayy Al-Kalbi
    بارك الله فيكم

  • @HampusLohman
    @HampusLohman 4 роки тому

    Relating to the idea that Allah can give a practitioner an "opening" into a greater knowledge of some part of "the pattern": where would you draw the line between receiving this kind of insight and being a prophet? And how do you differentiate this from the mischief of the djinn? In brother Martin Lings book of sirah it is said that when the Prophet (peace be upon him) received the first part of the revelation he feared that he had now become "djinn-inspired". It seems to me that this type of "higher order" "knowledge" should always be treated with some suspicion.... What if this is your mind playing tricks, or a djinn telling you what you want to hear? What do you think?

  • @sadika7567
    @sadika7567 4 роки тому

    Question please:-
    The martial strike that will lead to our ummah's downfall is described as penetration of a needle from an unseen enemy - could this be referring to vaccines (needles) penetrated into us by an unseen enemy (the kufar govnt who we dont see as our enemy)? Or is the 'unseen' part meant literally, we literally can't see it, such as bacteria/infections which Shk Hamza Yusuf linked it to. Which one?

  • @dr.afsheenarifuok3061
    @dr.afsheenarifuok3061 4 роки тому

    Kindly do lecturers on ahyal uloom and share a way to get slides

  • @umarulfarooqkm2281
    @umarulfarooqkm2281 4 роки тому

    Can someone quote the hadith shaykh Hamza says at 8:20 in Arabic? جزاك الله خيرا

  • @khaledur2023studying
    @khaledur2023studying 8 місяців тому

    My draft notes
    04.01.24 8.44am 21:05

  • @genuineidea6043
    @genuineidea6043 4 роки тому

    How do we know when the thuriyya is on the horizon?

  • @faresasfary
    @faresasfary 4 роки тому


  • @mohammadaminamin6134
    @mohammadaminamin6134 4 роки тому

    Dear Shaikh Hamza is there difference between فرائض and واجبات? If yes then how can we differentiate between the two?

  • @AA-dg2js
    @AA-dg2js 4 роки тому

    Sheikhnaa , thank you for the lecture
    Have you looked into the school of Ahlulbayt?
    Did not the prophet of Islam set the manhajj for the ummah to take after him by holding onto TWO Khalifatayn:
    The Quran and his Ahlulbayt
    Your view pls?

  • @MyAbdul111
    @MyAbdul111 4 роки тому

    40:28 ," he didnt allow beardless youth to come to the majid" and...? Anyone know the full reference?

  • @ac8934
    @ac8934 4 роки тому +1

    Shaykh Hamza referencing Jackass LOL never thought I'd see the day 😂

  • @farazchoudhry3560
    @farazchoudhry3560 4 роки тому +1

    17:12 coronavirus?

  • @elite4wellness
    @elite4wellness 4 роки тому


  • @fredmatthew2970
    @fredmatthew2970 4 роки тому +17

    He is a mountain of knowledge.

  • @nadiaabbasi5047
    @nadiaabbasi5047 4 роки тому +8

    Harun salamz... would you pls ask Shk Hamza to pls do a series on Ihya uloom uddin by Imam Ghazali and Aqueeda (one he mentioned in this lecture) series. Pls also create and update your podcasts channels.... JazakAllah Khair. Thank you! Love you all. Especially Shk Hamza

  • @ismailm123
    @ismailm123 4 роки тому +7

    Mashallah these sessions are adding a whole new dimension for me this Ramadan. A whole new window on the Qur'an. May Allah reward shaykh and protect him.

  • @shiadmajeed8524
    @shiadmajeed8524 4 роки тому +6

    Love from Kerala south India dear Shaykh

  • @umanshahzad5331
    @umanshahzad5331 4 роки тому +16

    God bless you Sheikh for sharing these lectures online!

  • @gmsbill
    @gmsbill 4 роки тому +5

    Alhamdulillah so blessed to be able to hear sheikh Hamza Yusuf hafizahullah . It's always a great pleasure and soooo much to learn every time he speaks. May Allah give barakah in his hayath and make us among those who will benefit from his work and unite us in paradise. Ameen

  • @xeropunt5749
    @xeropunt5749 4 роки тому +3

    This is what "learning your religion vs inheriting it" looks like, haha;)
    I have relatives who take offense if you give them condolences on a Wednesday, and also Tuesday now, cause it's Wednesday eve hahaha. You just can't change intrenched superstitions easily.

  • @ShaukatAli
    @ShaukatAli 3 роки тому +1

    MashaAllah great knowledge & effective way!!!

  • @wasimcharity4all
    @wasimcharity4all 4 роки тому +2

    Such 💎 .
    May Allah Taa'la bless Shaykh Efforts with Barakah in time and health.

  • @am8202
    @am8202 4 роки тому +1

    May Allah bless shaykh and the whole Ummah

  • @habibarana1478
    @habibarana1478 3 роки тому +1

    Place of purification, beautiful ❤️

  • @salmathp5669
    @salmathp5669 4 роки тому +2

    Dear shiekh please continue similar series even after Ramadan.we are benefiting immensely from this

  • @rashidkj2991
    @rashidkj2991 4 роки тому +1

    Greatest scholar of our time, IMO. Mashaalah

  • @djamelchaker1888
    @djamelchaker1888 4 роки тому +1

    For people who wanna memorize the Qur'an, look up for Anthony Metivier, and he'll guide you with mindblowing mind tools to remember anything you want.

  • @badouradavids5105
    @badouradavids5105 4 роки тому

    Shaykh u make me laugh the veg story.Achmed,good one of many,Algumdulilah

  • @badouradavids5105
    @badouradavids5105 4 роки тому

    I"m giving Shaykh a new name Mr.Artiqulator.cape town

  • @haseebyusuf6235
    @haseebyusuf6235 4 роки тому +1

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله بارك الله فيكم دائما
    Really important sessions on aspects of Qur'anic Sciences.
    يحفظ الله شيخنا

  • @badouradavids5105
    @badouradavids5105 4 роки тому

    Alhamdulillah u so eliquint .Achmed ,Cape Town

  • @bhattabasum7551
    @bhattabasum7551 День тому


  • @quantumo2099
    @quantumo2099 4 роки тому


  • @SyedShoaib
    @SyedShoaib 4 роки тому

    Just to clear my doubt - Sheikh said that the man as many, and the woman has many. Isn’t he talking about the sperm and egg? Aren’t there many sperms, but just one egg?

    • @SyedShoaib
      @SyedShoaib 4 роки тому

      I do not know Arabic,

    • @yahya2925
      @yahya2925 4 роки тому

      Could you give me the time stamp InshaAllah?

  • @mikiallen7733
    @mikiallen7733 4 роки тому

    These are developed throughout out the whole Quran , and not repeated , Quran does not have repetitions , execuse me if I was too forward ya imam , I follow your sessions and find them helpful , Barak allahu feekum

  • @irfandidjailani700
    @irfandidjailani700 3 роки тому

    You can almost tell he is so impressed with syekh Hamza Yusuf comments when he says "thank you for that".. 😁.

  • @hassanolat1693
    @hassanolat1693 4 роки тому

    جزاك الله خيرا شيخنا وأعلى منزلتك في الجنان، تقبل الله منا ومنكم صالح الأعمال.

  • @shehlajam
    @shehlajam 4 роки тому

    Allahswt bless HamzaYusuf.he has so much knowledge mashaAllah

  • @samehahussien4381
    @samehahussien4381 4 роки тому

    I wish to meet you sheikh Hamza one day. All blessings from Egypt

  • @lailaalkassabi3933
    @lailaalkassabi3933 4 роки тому

    يا رب ألحقني بالصالحين ، احشرني مع من أحب من النبيين و الصدّيقين و الشهداء و العلماء يا رب لن أصل إلى ما وصل إليه و لكنني أحبّه في الله و لله

  • @joefilter2923
    @joefilter2923 4 роки тому

    I can’t wait for the other 6 sessions!

  • @elite4wellness
    @elite4wellness 4 роки тому

    Jazakallah Shaikh

  • @MrKoyesali
    @MrKoyesali 4 роки тому

    I think he is my favorite

  • @hamdoudou1
    @hamdoudou1 4 роки тому +1

    10:58 if you wear ghutra without being a citizen in the gulf you can be called "dog". A brother's dad (Palestinian) passed away from the humiliation he felt when that happened to him. Just so we're aware what we are crystallizing here and if it's worth reminisce over

    • @HashimMohamed
      @HashimMohamed 4 роки тому

      Can you explain the story in a bot more detailed. Not sure i understand it properly.

    • @hamdoudou1
      @hamdoudou1 4 роки тому

      @@HashimMohamed his dad has been living there for a while and thought he belonged, he thought it was appropriate to dress like locals. But one of the locals rebuked him saying "you dare wearing your master's clothing dog". He had a heart attack a week after