Best tip from me : get the festering gel deviation, each time you use him , he gives u full hp and all your insanity is removed, also return it to the cradle early so u have him again faster.
7:54 if your backpack has a light flashing like this you can use your finger snap (default Q) and find a hidden enemy that will drop a chest with great loot.
OMFG I literally saw this flashing 4-5 times in the last week since I started playing but I never knew what it really doesn't tell you anything
I love building so I went across the street from a friend who pulled me into the game and there was a butte, a rocky fat pillar of rocks and grasses and a few trees on top, and I wrapped my house around it getting to the top where I had a wonderful rooftop space with a great view of the sea and the farms inland. I played about 18 hours just learning the game, unlocking stuff. I then placed that star dust generator thing and below me a lot of nasties appeared. By the time I had fought them all off, half my house was destroyed....never saw it coming, no one told me about that, never saw any YT videos mentioning it...until now. I wish i had watched this video YESTERDAY!!!!
@@TokeThenJoke I was too busy wondering what the hell it did and popping purple blobs in it to notice. Are they coming directly for this machine? If I took it outside the house and encased it in seperate walls, would they go for it and leave the house alone?
Another tip: - Dont refine portable gas into premium gas for your vehicle, it's less efficient. - Dont repair your vehicle until health bar turned red, the repair cost stay the same either 1% damage or 90% damage. - Dont put all Eclipse Cortex into purifier all at once, your defence might fail fighting large waves. - Destroy your purifier after successful base defence. The drop is spawned inside the machine.
This. Especially when you pencil in how making Stardust Source requires regular portable gas as well with the stardust ore, once you turn it into premium fuel its SO inefficient. Anyone whoever makes stacks of them and puffs their chest about being oil tycoon just to turn it into premium gas, I *laugh*.
To specify, if you do refine gas, it should be for biomass missiles. It’s what I’m doing right now, and my base generates lots of portable fuel- more than enough for me anyway.
If you go into build option if you have the materials you can just replace the wooden walls with brick, etc. without demolishing and rebuilding from the ground up. saves you time plus it gives you the wood back.
Also you can put windows in non-window walls, while having selected window. Naturally you should add them to special walls with prepared holes for windows, but when you aim at full wall, it also offers add window there.
maybe someone mentioned it further down maybe not, but...the very first thing to do is at character creation screen, there is a small human icon in the lower right corner, you can mouseover it to see additional info about stats and perks you get depending on how you make the character (big-smal, thin or fat) which affects gameplay.
Another tip is to not upgrade weapons you find. Weapon you find isn't a weapon you own, so you can't repair them. Only upgrade weapons you can make yourself since then it will say you own the weapon and can repair it.
This isn't really true - I've played since Beta 2, it's fine to upgrade found weapons and armour, cus you've always gotten the upgrade mats back when you scrap it..
Wow! You don't know you can move your ENTIRE base!? YES! Every 10 min you can move your ENTIRE base, intact, for free!!! Just go to a buildable zone, Press B, then Z. Then you will see your ENTIRE base. Press ` (the key to the left of 1) to enter fly mode. Place your base and enjoy!!!
If you destroy the supports of your base, all benches and structures refund their their mats, including stored mats in chests, to the vault! So you can ver6 quickly breakdown and then build from scratch. Make sure to save a blueprint of your base first so you can restore it if you want.
@@yahikonightray5398 go into your build menu, one of the far right tabs you'll see blueprints just click on an empty one and click the save blueprint button.
I love f2p grind games. Going into this one i already knew what to do. Im in the second section atm and i built my base right in between 2 major strongholds and literally as close to the waypoint as possible. Got me a beautiful mountain sode view now, a garden, 12 deviants and ita going good. I love the difficulty progression. I was scared id get bored of slicing up zombies all day. So far, one of the better f2p games ive played in a long time. Thanks for the videos fam
@@JohnJeyaPratama the beginning is supposed to be somewhat easy to not scare off new players... giving them time to learn the game and build up... it makes sense you dont want to make it too hard.
I played a similar game on Android but it was PvP hardly anybody was friendly & the game used to spawn bots every time u get out of ur base to attack u, for the longest time i thought i was being ambushed by players😅 Players that have unlocked higher lvl weapons & armour would become annoying to deal with but they weren't unkillable, u could also upgrade ur wooden base walls & flooring to higher grade like bricks, stone, metal & so on which made it harder for players to attack ur base to steal ur loot/crates, which meant they had to use explosives & stuff, i enjoyed building my base a lot i built it like a maze, my main entrance was a decoy with crates inside behind a hidden wall with random junk & some decent loot hoping they would leave, i had to build a ladder & remove a few walls & traps every time I wanted to get into my base😅
I dont think setting your base up on nowhere is a mistake. Actually it is better to set it up somewhere where u gonna be able to get something in specific instead of getting somewhere, because at the end you still gonna TP, and getting close to bases is not good if you just gonna defeat the monolith and move to the next one. For me it is a mistake to be close to a base or tp. Your home is an extra TP. Also, way better to srt it up on a polluted area so you can get acid easily 👍🏼 And energy links are way easy to get, i craft T5 stuff everytime and make acid with sulfur and energy links and still have like 300k each time while selling silver/gold ores or the chips
That's how I did too, built me a stone castle 5 stories on a cliff with a separate tower for the generator, then just stand on the roof and shoot fish in a barrel.
If you hunt rabbits you can get a deviant that collects meat and hide. Also you should stack up on acid as that's a late game Ressource for a lot of stuff, you can make food that increases acid gain
This game snuck up on me from out of nowhere lol. Wish i had beta tested it and got some of those sweet rewards. Great game so far. Shattering my expectations of F2P games with Gacha mechanics. Let's hope they don't mess it up.
The base location tip is moot as soon as you unlock farming. Melt gravel to glass and start collecting orange seeds. I've basically hit the selling cap with all of the vendors and it is only tuesday. Orange Soda.
My suggestion is to find one of the boss encounters in the world, build your base near it and just farm it. Dunni what daily max is, but this makes sure to hit it
Small tip. Sprint can be switched from hold to press once in options. You don't have to hold the button non stop that way. Tip 2 check car wracks near roads. That's how you get fuel. The less travelled/non main roads have more fuel. Tip 3. Once you beat the first monolith there is a chance to get a gel deviant. That boy doesnt attack but works as a baricade you can hide behind. He also HEALS you and recovers SANITY when you stand near him. Amazing way to save on healing early game.
@@elvysvalerio15 Settings>mouse/display. Switch tab from "gameplay" to "control". At the top in the key bindings section you have an option for sprint.
Biggest mistake early is not using the crossbow for elite and bosses as well as melee weapons for mobbing. Carries all the way to lvl 40ish. That's all new players need to know tbf ^^.
@@faru4182 You can even melee bosses if you want to but it's overcomplicated, hurting and not fun untill they are in a down state. Then again at level 40ish I changed my build to play the stuff I wanted to play and since then everything is childsplay.
At level 17 I have been running around in level 28 zones 3-4 hitting mobs with starting machete and using m700 to kill stronger enemies lol it's so easy the ai in this game are dumb af
Re the Ammo, steel ammo just needs the ingots, no stardust resource, and with a few digby's you'll have almost infinite steel and the % damage buff is decent, no reason to stick with copper :)
Ok good tips buuuuuttt. Here’s mine for new players. You will get a plain for the (throwing daggers) just like the bow you can get them back form kills but unlike the bow THEY HIT HARD for no reason. Body shoots are 900 an head shoots are 1200+ I used them all the way up to the spider boss and they did not let me down. There really cheep to make to only 2 scrap an 1 wood.So ya I say from level 1-25 there great to use
I tried that a few days ago and I couldn't get it back so I kept on using the xbow instead.. will give it another shot, maybe that was just one of those unlucky situations
Early on i made 5 but forgot to use them because the crossbow worked great for me & i couldn't get much metal scraps early game so I decided not to use them but I'll try making & using them next time i play, thanks for the info
Regarding link energy, atm im on 100k+, you can get one of omni specs into crafting combo chipset which sells for 12k per one sold and mats to craft it are plentiful and very easy to get. It takes 60 sec to craft one. You can craft them for other ppl as well so if you in decent hive/warband you just need one person to have it. To sell it for link energy got to any vendor in any settlement and sell/trade it. With phase 1 you have access to 3 vendors currently. Ofc vendors have limited amount of link energy (i think it will reset as wel) but when you buy items from the vendor the link energy can be reclaimed by selling the combo chip again. So in the end teleporting aint matter for me. Other tip the logs are becomes obsolete as soon as you get electricity and you progress to higher levels. Make sure to upgrade base from wood to stone and higher later on for purification events. Regarding ammo, human enemies drop gunpowder and with bit of copper/steel ingots you got return from what you use to craft which equals your point with xbow (use what you like) What i absolutely agree is the lack of hides, the material im always lowest. As well with electricity you can automate lots of system. What i recommend is placing base next to sea water (salt), river lake (fish) You can rename your storage boxes (when you open the box on top is edit button) You can as well access preset base blueprints if you dont like building and store bp (blueprint) of your current build as well (name it etc and see the cost of it).
A great tip is to get a Festering Gel deviant, of which you get at the first mono boss. It heals both hp and sanity. Once I got it, I have not used any healing or sanity items, it is just that good. A trick to make it better is to put it down to heal, then once you are full you recall it. The way deviants work is it will recharge from where it was deactivated at. So if you use 25% of its power then you will only need to recharge that 25%. And that 25% power will heal about 50% of your hp. If that did not sell you on it, it also heals your team.
Here is one more tip that is a little later but I dont see many people doing. Is to get the Harveseed deviant for you base. You get it from the second mono. It gives you a component for something called living armor. It's effect is simple but powerful, if you fall below 20% hp it will fully restore your hp. Then it has a 10 min cool down. So if you mess and normal would of died instead you will get a cheap secound chance. Same with a boss battle. Or if you want to do pvp you will have 80% more hp for the fight.
all solid tips 👍 another I'd add is if you're running low an energy links (since you need it for everything from leveling up to upgrading stuff), there are merchants that you can sell to. I didn't know about it for the longest time since there is no one who will buy your crap in deadsville, but there is one in Meyer's Market. they have a cap on how much you can sell but that refreshes after so many days (i believe a week) so try to get all those links before it resets (in my game it was some 50k per week you could make). you can pick the crops at meyers market and sell for a small sum or cook it at your outpost for a heftier sum (usually 10 per raw and 15-20 for cooked).
Some really important stuff that was not mentioned in the video and fixing some of this tips: - Energy currency (base location): spend at will, the video don't take in consideration that soon you unlock the golden memetics to make chips, silver and gold bars. It will supply more than enough energy for you, it's the most easy to get currency in the game. It is only rare if you only consider the rewards from quests and dungeons, but the game has some op mechanics to farm energy with this golden memetics. - Auto farming: I also made this mistake of stacking digby boys, they and the beavers appears to be really good, but when you have chainsaw and drill unlocked, they are almost useless. My 5 digby boys take one day to farm what I get in 2 minutes. I recommend to use all digby boys that you have, but don't waste time going after silver ores as I did. - Important resources: yeah, rawhide is important, but you can easily come back at any point in the game and farm it. The really important resources you should worry about is the ones you get from scrapping stuff and looting, like electronics, scrap metal, acid, rubber, etc. This ones you will need during the whole game and you actually need to go and explore places to get, if you are re-exploring the same place, the rewards are lower, so even tough they are not limited, it gets progressively harder to farm those, so don't waste too much of them, like crafting every tier of every piece of armor and weapon. Or wasting them on those defenses early in the game. Keep as many as this as you can. - Fuel: If you are playing objectively, just going from Loot Point A to Loot Point B, and not just travelling for fun, you will never run out of fuel, specially after you unlock refinery. I'm level 50 and never had to go farm fuel, just the one's I get from general looting are more than enough
FYI, the specializations for gold and silver bars and the composite chips to sell are all RANDOM. There is zero guarantee that a player will get any of them, much less two of them. The only guaranteed way to get energy links, other than scavenging them, is really to craft food/drinks from everything you pick up and sell the food/drinks. Almost everything can be cooked using some recipe so it's well worth taking the time to queue it all up and them just mass sell when it's done.
Another tip. Try to get the electic furnace and stove. Electric furnace doesn't need charcoal and can craft three things at once. Electric stove doesn't need wood for cooking. You can relocate your entire house with a 10 min CD. Also save your house blueprint to rebuild instantly.
Biggest tip never discard anything in game. Even if you are overweight and need to drop a bunch of weight. The go to move is to sell it for astral dust. First click is I for inventory, then the dreamworld icon in bottom right.
Instead of sleeping in your bed use the festering Gel it heals and cures sanity takes no time at all, in fact you can save a lot of activators by using the Festering Gel between fights. Even in fights it can block enemies and heal you, Best utility Deviant.
Thanks for the tips, these are great! On the sanity meter, you can also rest in a bed to get it back up, so save those sanity gummies for when u really need them
@@SToL_82 I'm just starting to really dig into the cooking part of the game. The different modifications and the cookasaurus make for a lot of different options
I've been playing The Division 2 for some years now so I catched up pretty quick on some of this game's mechanics. The copper ammo thing I was like "do I really want to sacrifice the scarce yellow rarity material I have for just 4% more damage at level 10? No I don't"
My tip : If you enjoy playing the game and you want to keep playing for a long time, consider buying something. I know its an F2P, but servers and everyone involved in the game's development requires money to keep the lights on. P.S. I'm not from the company. I'm just a developer who plays video games. I know how hard it can be to convert an idea into lines of working codes.
NetEase is a big Chinese company. They own many games. Buy if you want to buy, play if you want to play. Life is unfair enough, depending where you get spawned you actually earn less than a homeless in the 1st world countries.
I've spent so much money on this game already just because of how good it is. Mostly to support it. Some of the things I bought did look super nice though! Bought the glass house pack on like 4 characters (waiting for the merge to get the extra credits back to likely buy the rest of the stuff) I'd say if nothing else, buy the battlepass and maybe the membership. That's like $10~ a month, helps the company and gives you a lot of good value
You can still pick up crossbow ammo. Shoot the ground or the wall and walk up to it and you'll automatically pick it up. Same thing if you miss an enemy you just got to know wherever the arrow actually ended up hitting and walk into it.
For generating Rawhide/meat, farming Lethal Rabbit is absolutely essential to me. You have to skin rabbits (beaches to the south/southwest are great for this) to get the drop. It's about a 1% drop rate but it is totally worth it. Generating rawhide all day as well as assorted meats (which I use currently to make jerky).
The hands-down easiest way to restore sanity in the game is to build a bed in your base and lie in it. This also restores your health (which saves you on activators) and doesn't take long at all to completely restore your health and sanity with practically no resource drain in the process (other than the logs and cloth that went into the bed obviously lol). Alternatively, grilled mushrooms restore sanity, so if you're finding more mushrooms than beets, that might be viable for you.
@@Terashi it's only a rare (blue) food item. Just water and flower. different flowers give slightly different boosts, but at base level it's +50 Hyd, +400 San. Maybe you just need a memetic or something?
@@NathanRitchie Okay yeah I haven't found any collectible flowers in the game yet. To be fair, I've only been playing for a few hours a day so I haven't gotten very far into the game.
so i love the video, a lot of helpful tips. most of which i had already been doing due to my extensive experiance with survival games in general lol, but another thing to note about sainity. if you have the goop deviant, you can pull him out either with the baracade, or even just hold him in your hand, and it will remove all your sainity debuff, and heal your health pretty fast. its a good emergency heal early game and has gotten me out of more than a few sticky situations. also saves on resources a bit instead of having to farm the matts and craft sainity gummies.
Okay so, most of those interactive Maps out there are useless! Silver Ore spawns randomly and is really rare. There are some places where two Silver Ores spawn but that's it. Theres also a cap. You can't sell all of your Silver at once. I think 15 a day.
Thanks...good info except I disagree on the gas statement. Using a vehicle is actually bad for your game un that your not going to stop for materials and others as much. Every game I've played with transportation always gets harder when you unlock it due to skipping so many materials
A couple of things….. first, in regards to the purifier, don’t build it near your main house. Build it as far away as possible so that for the most part, the things will ignore your base. Second, you can save a blueprint of your base at anytime and use it to rebuild if you don’t for some reason build the purifier away from the main base.
In regards to the base/town teleporting and running out of energy link cash (the currency you use to fast travel) you actually get a perks that allows you to craft microchip sets, gold, and silver for fairly cheap that sell for 6-12k energy link so the energy link cost is not to hard to get ahold of
@@haroldxd4177 I think they actually just call them chipsets but I could be mistaken I'm not sure anyways it's an item that you're able to craft if you get the memetic specialization for it and they sell for 12,000 energy links apiece
started playing 3 days ago im so glad i found this vid . nearly finished with the starter area im lvl 17 but didnt even went for the meyers area yet. ill make sure i tranport my base near there! i dont know how or why but when i started on the server i already was able to claim points for the wishing machine to 60k so i bought a few guns and gears there running with the KVD BOOM BOOM with 3 piece of shelter and 2 piece of savior. :D but i might just buy the legendry crossbow to not waste ammo haha thats very clever idk why i didnt thought of that- i crafted a lot of ammo already
Run cables for convenience, same with pipes, as you can press L in the build menu and hide them. No need for anything other than a redundant path in case you lose a wall. I'd also recommend keeping the footprint of your building a touch smaller, helps when relocating it as you don't need as much ultra flat ground. I'm about to trigger the resonator to get the season goal but otherwise I've had no need for defence yet but I've already placed stone fences around the outside of the foundations as a sacrificial layer and made sure I have the Tinkerer identity for 100% extra stone structure durability. I may have spent a little time in survival crafting games in the past... :P Love the game though and some nice tips, especially about the ammo. So many resources wasted and the only reason to craft anything other than copper at the moment is steel rifle ammo for turrets.
@@MrGrimordI'm glad it doesn't throw it in your face. Learning game mechanics used to be the best part of games. Having your hand held is great for a certain audience, but I ain't it lol
I honestly want to say, that this game is just fun for me. I have played so many games, elden ring ,skyrim, world of Warcraft, league of legends, etc. I never had the itch scratched, but this game does it for me.
A quick note you do not get weapon Fragments from Bosses you only get the weapon itself. you cant repair it tho. They said in CBT they might do it but it was scrapped!
Some tips to mid-late game Have a farm of some size. Why? ALCOHOL. Not only they hydrate a lot, but they give sanity back AND for half hour, your sanity won't drop except from few sources like the torchheads lights.
You can also unlock the rpg blueprint and then use the reclaim button to get your points back and still have the blue print for the rpg and you’ll get your points back
I usually dont build bases that are tall so my base will just be as wide as i need it will likely help out when it comes to the enemies attack base thing
You don't have to destroy your base to rebuild, you can overlay higher tier walls/floors/etc over lower tier in place. As long as you start with a square 3x3 base, it's easy to add on. My tip: early on, leave a hole in the center of your ceiling (roofing is decorative, ignore it early. ceilings add a second floor) Put a rain collector or two indoors. Since you have a hole, you don't need stairs (which suck to place and eat space) to your roof, just a boost to climb up to a second layer of space
If you take one of the specializations that let you craft high-value items, base location no longer matters. I have over 125K links at level 50 and I will be buying out all of the vendors again today because I've been grabbing silver and gold while grinding tungsten.
Not spending stardust source is a big one, as is not spending acid. You use them faster as you get up in levels and they'll run out in no time at endgame.
i just started and i carfted little bit of the AP ammo but I realized that gotta be waste of stardust even when I don't know what is used for but since it looks like rare material I cant use it for something so expendable like ammo, really good video especially about the autofarming tips I'm definitely going to implement that
I hope they really bring this to console even though I don’t have the spare time to game I use to when I was young I still enjoy nice grind game like this
Ya.. make sure you blueprint your house. When you are purifying your stardust, them nasties will literally destroy your house if not careful. Make blueprint just in case.
I saved my Starchom and went into the Blue Print Shop and got the weapon outright. because the gambling aspect is not always guarantee you get the one you want or need.
When blowing 8,000 starchrom as a test from 3 different accounts, I realized its actually cheaper to just outright buy the legendary items for 8k instead of trying to gamble lol
Fire rate does not come from the bullets it’s done with configuring the weapon, bare in mind to unlock tiers you need ammo and a gun to take on a large deviant to earn XP and chippers rtc
For making a base, if you put your base near a cliff. During purification, the enemy will spawn on the cliff, which they will have no way of going down from there.
@@Bjornnoo you do eventually have to gamble for fragments so you can upgrade your blueprints... but that comes after you have all the legendaries you need.
As for the base placement you can move your whole base every 10 minutes. Dont believe it costs anything, but havent looked into it or if it stops/changes plant growth or deviant mood.
16:00 another useful trick with sanity - if you have a fridge, make ice before going out somewhere and you won't need to farm beets / sugar, although ice spoils very quickly
I always waste so much time making my house. this is the first time I’ve ever seen a season reset too, so I was flabbergasted when my original house was no longer able to be used lol but I will always waste too much time getting my house perfect.
The auto miner are great, but they are so slow. I'm at a point now where I got a Solar Drill from a teammate with 15% and 100% bonus on ores, and, oh buddy, I'm hammering a bunch of copper ore away for 30 seconds and have literally 1500 of them in my pocket. It mines so fast the ticker on the left side of the screen isn't stopping for the next 1 1/2 minute. And the best is, it repairs via solar. Auto mining is dirt against this.
No 1 tip.. don't join an asian server, unless you can read/write in their languages. Once you create a character you cannot delete it or move it or anything.
literally first tip I fucked up...sitting here at level 24 with 1200-1400 copper ap ammo for each of my guns, this gon be a bad vid for me boys
I made this mistake too I need to switch to steel ammo
Also can't you move your entire build with 1 button?
@@andimelville6694yes, press B , to enter building mode, and press Z to place a base in new area.
Thanks for that tip. I didn't use it yet :) because I think the game is already too ez so I might as well save it.
quick tip: if you're tired of pressing W+Shift to run while exploring on foot... press ~ to auto run
also press H to run faster im pretty sure
Better tip: You can set auto run to a toggle in settings.
@@mcflurryrap5174 lol same
@@mcflurryrap5174 this gotta be the dumbest joke ever
And for when you are driving a vehicle press '+' to use auto run in a vehicle
Best tip from me : get the festering gel deviation, each time you use him , he gives u full hp and all your insanity is removed, also return it to the cradle early so u have him again faster.
Just holding it works too, don't have to deploy it.
Yup, I love the little yellow blob. Heals you fast as fk
@@thatrandomguyo1 wat O_O
did not know this
I've been rocking the cute blog ever since I started. Very useful especially during monolith raids
Been playing for three days now. Nice to know this tip👍
7:54 if your backpack has a light flashing like this you can use your finger snap (default Q) and find a hidden enemy that will drop a chest with great loot.
OMFG I literally saw this flashing 4-5 times in the last week since I started playing but I never knew what it really doesn't tell you anything
I love building so I went across the street from a friend who pulled me into the game and there was a butte, a rocky fat pillar of rocks and grasses and a few trees on top, and I wrapped my house around it getting to the top where I had a wonderful rooftop space with a great view of the sea and the farms inland. I played about 18 hours just learning the game, unlocking stuff. I then placed that star dust generator thing and below me a lot of nasties appeared. By the time I had fought them all off, half my house was destroyed....never saw it coming, no one told me about that, never saw any YT videos mentioning it...until now.
I wish i had watched this video YESTERDAY!!!!
YEAH... I feel that
Happens to me and my friend xD mobs LVL 19 we had to stop the machine xD and they frooze ahaah@@CreativeGamingUA-cam
When you go to activate it. The refiner thing literally tells you every enemy thats going to come if you start it lol
@@TokeThenJoke I was too busy wondering what the hell it did and popping purple blobs in it to notice. Are they coming directly for this machine? If I took it outside the house and encased it in seperate walls, would they go for it and leave the house alone?
I was luck, they have destroyed only the machine, one wall and the floor was 50%
Another tip:
- Dont refine portable gas into premium gas for your vehicle, it's less efficient.
- Dont repair your vehicle until health bar turned red, the repair cost stay the same either 1% damage or 90% damage.
- Dont put all Eclipse Cortex into purifier all at once, your defence might fail fighting large waves.
- Destroy your purifier after successful base defence. The drop is spawned inside the machine.
This. Especially when you pencil in how making Stardust Source requires regular portable gas as well with the stardust ore, once you turn it into premium fuel its SO inefficient. Anyone whoever makes stacks of them and puffs their chest about being oil tycoon just to turn it into premium gas, I *laugh*.
You don't need to do that. It actually drops on the floor next to the purifier.
To specify, if you do refine gas, it should be for biomass missiles. It’s what I’m doing right now, and my base generates lots of portable fuel- more than enough for me anyway.
If you go into build option if you have the materials you can just replace the wooden walls with brick, etc. without demolishing and rebuilding from the ground up. saves you time plus it gives you the wood back.
Also you can put windows in non-window walls, while having selected window. Naturally you should add them to special walls with prepared holes for windows, but when you aim at full wall, it also offers add window there.
maybe someone mentioned it further down maybe not, but...the very first thing to do is at character creation screen, there is a small human icon in the lower right corner, you can mouseover it to see additional info about stats and perks you get depending on how you make the character (big-smal, thin or fat) which affects gameplay.
Well shoot, didn't know that haha
Dude, I didn't know this. Thank you!
Wow, I'm already level 27. I wonder if you can see this if you use the mirror to alter your char
Your weight (one of the factors, the other being height) changes ingame if you over eat or under eat, too
@@firelordkushroll How so?
Another tip is to not upgrade weapons you find. Weapon you find isn't a weapon you own, so you can't repair them. Only upgrade weapons you can make yourself since then it will say you own the weapon and can repair it.
Thanks, but I want to find the person that made that a thing, just to talk ofc.
That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard, ever.
This isn't really true - I've played since Beta 2, it's fine to upgrade found weapons and armour, cus you've always gotten the upgrade mats back when you scrap it..
Wow! You don't know you can move your ENTIRE base!? YES! Every 10 min you can move your ENTIRE base, intact, for free!!! Just go to a buildable zone, Press B, then Z. Then you will see your ENTIRE base. Press ` (the key to the left of 1) to enter fly mode. Place your base and enjoy!!!
The key is called a tilde.
@@CheshireFiles In some countries in Europe that key is not a tilde. I cannot fly because the game does not recognize the keys.
Mine is the @ key near right shift, had to try a bunch of keys to figure it out
Does it move everything, including tables and stored goods?
@@RanierMedic Yes, the ONLY thing you lose are water pumps.
An added note for finding gas. Go on small roads. The cars on the main roads usually don't have gas. The ones on small dirt paths or side roads do.
Just scan the area with vehicles & the glowing white vehicles usually have fuel
Red sands cars got a lot of em
If you destroy the supports of your base, all benches and structures refund their their mats, including stored mats in chests, to the vault! So you can ver6 quickly breakdown and then build from scratch. Make sure to save a blueprint of your base first so you can restore it if you want.
How to save a blueprint?
@@yahikonightray5398 go into your build menu, one of the far right tabs you'll see blueprints just click on an empty one and click the save blueprint button.
I love f2p grind games. Going into this one i already knew what to do. Im in the second section atm and i built my base right in between 2 major strongholds and literally as close to the waypoint as possible. Got me a beautiful mountain sode view now, a garden, 12 deviants and ita going good. I love the difficulty progression. I was scared id get bored of slicing up zombies all day. So far, one of the better f2p games ive played in a long time. Thanks for the videos fam
What's f2p mean
To me the game should be alot more harder in the beginning, but so far with everything else is okay, I guess.
@@JohnJeyaPratama the beginning is supposed to be somewhat easy to not scare off new players... giving them time to learn the game and build up... it makes sense you dont want to make it too hard.
@@arcanumelite4853 Boring for good players. It's even too easy for new players. because it's braindead. 0 danger.
I played a similar game on Android but it was PvP hardly anybody was friendly & the game used to spawn bots every time u get out of ur base to attack u, for the longest time i thought i was being ambushed by players😅
Players that have unlocked higher lvl weapons & armour would become annoying to deal with but they weren't unkillable, u could also upgrade ur wooden base walls & flooring to higher grade like bricks, stone, metal & so on which made it harder for players to attack ur base to steal ur loot/crates, which meant they had to use explosives & stuff, i enjoyed building my base a lot i built it like a maze, my main entrance was a decoy with crates inside behind a hidden wall with random junk & some decent loot hoping they would leave, i had to build a ladder & remove a few walls & traps every time I wanted to get into my base😅
I dont think setting your base up on nowhere is a mistake. Actually it is better to set it up somewhere where u gonna be able to get something in specific instead of getting somewhere, because at the end you still gonna TP, and getting close to bases is not good if you just gonna defeat the monolith and move to the next one. For me it is a mistake to be close to a base or tp. Your home is an extra TP. Also, way better to srt it up on a polluted area so you can get acid easily 👍🏼 And energy links are way easy to get, i craft T5 stuff everytime and make acid with sulfur and energy links and still have like 300k each time while selling silver/gold ores or the chips
My roommate expanded her territory and put the device that attracts the monsters far away from her base. Her house was barely touched 😂
That's how I did too, built me a stone castle 5 stories on a cliff with a separate tower for the generator, then just stand on the roof and shoot fish in a barrel.
When cooking, you can select different meats to give you different buffs on the dish you make. Like more HP, Stamina etc.
Goat meat is helpful when you hitting settlements, the HP regen MAY be slow, but it lasts long time and saves you activators.
The different meats add an additional benefit to foods. I know stamina buffs stack.
Fried mushrooms and fruit tea help with sanity too.
If you hunt rabbits you can get a deviant that collects meat and hide.
Also you should stack up on acid as that's a late game Ressource for a lot of stuff, you can make food that increases acid gain
Can u get acid thru water pumps?
I think if you put them in polluted water, and filter it... I can't find the vid or I'd link it.
this rabbit deviant doesn't exist. I've hunted close to 300 of them and nothing :((((
@@GlubbdubdribI does, I got one yesterday but I forgot where I got him, definitely wasn't killing a rabbit.
@@joozywoozy yes look up any acid farming video for the best setups
This game snuck up on me from out of nowhere lol. Wish i had beta tested it and got some of those sweet rewards. Great game so far. Shattering my expectations of F2P games with Gacha mechanics. Let's hope they don't mess it up.
Bro i understand you… but i got the worst part of it, there’s no beta on mobile, we got unlucky
The base location tip is moot as soon as you unlock farming. Melt gravel to glass and start collecting orange seeds. I've basically hit the selling cap with all of the vendors and it is only tuesday. Orange Soda.
adicional tip for hides, crocodiles always gives 2 and theres many at harborside at southeast.
My suggestion is to find one of the boss encounters in the world, build your base near it and just farm it. Dunni what daily max is, but this makes sure to hit it
Small tip. Sprint can be switched from hold to press once in options. You don't have to hold the button non stop that way.
Tip 2 check car wracks near roads. That's how you get fuel. The less travelled/non main roads have more fuel.
Tip 3. Once you beat the first monolith there is a chance to get a gel deviant. That boy doesnt attack but works as a baricade you can hide behind. He also HEALS you and recovers SANITY when you stand near him. Amazing way to save on healing early game.
i was looking for that hold option couldnt find it
@@elvysvalerio15 Settings>mouse/display. Switch tab from "gameplay" to "control". At the top in the key bindings section you have an option for sprint.
Biggest mistake early is not using the crossbow for elite and bosses as well as melee weapons for mobbing. Carries all the way to lvl 40ish. That's all new players need to know tbf ^^.
Throwing knife must be made of antimatter, they hit more then bow.
Well, you easly can kill everything(with exception of rift bosses) nonranged in melee till lvl 30+, including open world great ones.
@@faru4182 You can even melee bosses if you want to but it's overcomplicated, hurting and not fun untill they are in a down state. Then again at level 40ish I changed my build to play the stuff I wanted to play and since then everything is childsplay.
At level 17 I have been running around in level 28 zones 3-4 hitting mobs with starting machete and using m700 to kill stronger enemies lol it's so easy the ai in this game are dumb af
Melee weapons op af
Re the Ammo, steel ammo just needs the ingots, no stardust resource, and with a few digby's you'll have almost infinite steel and the % damage buff is decent, no reason to stick with copper :)
Thanks for clarifying!
Steel needs acid (IIRC) and making endless steel before I figured out how important acid was really screwed me over at the end of the season.
@RampageRok unless it's some new change since I stopped playing, you dont need acid for steel.
@@RampageRok I think you got your metals mixed son
@@RampageRok It doesn't (anymore?)
Ok good tips buuuuuttt. Here’s mine for new players.
You will get a plain for the (throwing daggers) just like the bow you can get them back form kills but unlike the bow THEY HIT HARD for no reason. Body shoots are 900 an head shoots are 1200+ I used them all the way up to the spider boss and they did not let me down. There really cheep to make to only 2 scrap an 1 wood.So ya I say from level 1-25 there great to use
Im at level 20,just tried the dagger, very op damage early on because its the same damage as tier 2/3 crossbow
I tried that a few days ago and I couldn't get it back so I kept on using the xbow instead.. will give it another shot, maybe that was just one of those unlucky situations
Yeah i stacked those up i had like 100 😂 i thought i couldn't take them back
I just bought the legendary crossbow blueprint and it's awesome
Early on i made 5 but forgot to use them because the crossbow worked great for me & i couldn't get much metal scraps early game so I decided not to use them but I'll try making & using them next time i play, thanks for the info
Regarding link energy, atm im on 100k+, you can get one of omni specs into crafting combo chipset which sells for 12k per one sold and mats to craft it are plentiful and very easy to get. It takes 60 sec to craft one.
You can craft them for other ppl as well so if you in decent hive/warband you just need one person to have it.
To sell it for link energy got to any vendor in any settlement and sell/trade it.
With phase 1 you have access to 3 vendors currently.
Ofc vendors have limited amount of link energy (i think it will reset as wel) but when you buy items from the vendor the link energy can be reclaimed by selling the combo chip again.
So in the end teleporting aint matter for me.
Other tip the logs are becomes obsolete as soon as you get electricity and you progress to higher levels. Make sure to upgrade base from wood to stone and higher later on for purification events.
Regarding ammo, human enemies drop gunpowder and with bit of copper/steel ingots you got return from what you use to craft which equals your point with xbow (use what you like)
What i absolutely agree is the lack of hides, the material im always lowest.
As well with electricity you can automate lots of system. What i recommend is placing base next to sea water (salt), river lake (fish)
You can rename your storage boxes (when you open the box on top is edit button)
You can as well access preset base blueprints if you dont like building and store bp (blueprint) of your current build as well (name it etc and see the cost of it).
A great tip is to get a Festering Gel deviant, of which you get at the first mono boss. It heals both hp and sanity. Once I got it, I have not used any healing or sanity items, it is just that good. A trick to make it better is to put it down to heal, then once you are full you recall it. The way deviants work is it will recharge from where it was deactivated at. So if you use 25% of its power then you will only need to recharge that 25%. And that 25% power will heal about 50% of your hp. If that did not sell you on it, it also heals your team.
Here is one more tip that is a little later but I dont see many people doing. Is to get the Harveseed deviant for you base. You get it from the second mono. It gives you a component for something called living armor. It's effect is simple but powerful, if you fall below 20% hp it will fully restore your hp. Then it has a 10 min cool down. So if you mess and normal would of died instead you will get a cheap secound chance. Same with a boss battle. Or if you want to do pvp you will have 80% more hp for the fight.
all solid tips 👍
another I'd add is if you're running low an energy links (since you need it for everything from leveling up to upgrading stuff), there are merchants that you can sell to. I didn't know about it for the longest time since there is no one who will buy your crap in deadsville, but there is one in Meyer's Market. they have a cap on how much you can sell but that refreshes after so many days (i believe a week) so try to get all those links before it resets (in my game it was some 50k per week you could make). you can pick the crops at meyers market and sell for a small sum or cook it at your outpost for a heftier sum (usually 10 per raw and 15-20 for cooked).
Weber is the name of the guy you can sell to in Deadsville.
Some really important stuff that was not mentioned in the video and fixing some of this tips:
- Energy currency (base location): spend at will, the video don't take in consideration that soon you unlock the golden memetics to make chips, silver and gold bars. It will supply more than enough energy for you, it's the most easy to get currency in the game. It is only rare if you only consider the rewards from quests and dungeons, but the game has some op mechanics to farm energy with this golden memetics.
- Auto farming: I also made this mistake of stacking digby boys, they and the beavers appears to be really good, but when you have chainsaw and drill unlocked, they are almost useless. My 5 digby boys take one day to farm what I get in 2 minutes. I recommend to use all digby boys that you have, but don't waste time going after silver ores as I did.
- Important resources: yeah, rawhide is important, but you can easily come back at any point in the game and farm it. The really important resources you should worry about is the ones you get from scrapping stuff and looting, like electronics, scrap metal, acid, rubber, etc. This ones you will need during the whole game and you actually need to go and explore places to get, if you are re-exploring the same place, the rewards are lower, so even tough they are not limited, it gets progressively harder to farm those, so don't waste too much of them, like crafting every tier of every piece of armor and weapon. Or wasting them on those defenses early in the game. Keep as many as this as you can.
- Fuel: If you are playing objectively, just going from Loot Point A to Loot Point B, and not just travelling for fun, you will never run out of fuel, specially after you unlock refinery. I'm level 50 and never had to go farm fuel, just the one's I get from general looting are more than enough
FYI, the specializations for gold and silver bars and the composite chips to sell are all RANDOM. There is zero guarantee that a player will get any of them, much less two of them. The only guaranteed way to get energy links, other than scavenging them, is really to craft food/drinks from everything you pick up and sell the food/drinks. Almost everything can be cooked using some recipe so it's well worth taking the time to queue it all up and them just mass sell when it's done.
Another tip. Try to get the electic furnace and stove. Electric furnace doesn't need charcoal and can craft three things at once. Electric stove doesn't need wood for cooking.
You can relocate your entire house with a 10 min CD. Also save your house blueprint to rebuild instantly.
Biggest tip never discard anything in game. Even if you are overweight and need to drop a bunch of weight. The go to move is to sell it for astral dust. First click is I for inventory, then the dreamworld icon in bottom right.
Instead of sleeping in your bed use the festering Gel it heals and cures sanity takes no time at all, in fact you can save a lot of activators by using the Festering Gel between fights. Even in fights it can block enemies and heal you, Best utility Deviant.
Thanks for the tips, these are great! On the sanity meter, you can also rest in a bed to get it back up, so save those sanity gummies for when u really need them
get the twinkie deviant and when you need to recover just hold it
He does mention that at the end, for people that watched the video all the way through :D
@@JerDog1984my fault, just commented when he didn’t mention it initially lol
Or, fruit tea with HP regen aswell as sanity regent on top of 400 sanity fron the first sip
@@SToL_82 I'm just starting to really dig into the cooking part of the game. The different modifications and the cookasaurus make for a lot of different options
Man, that Fuse blueprint thing wasn't really explained in the game. I've just discovered a ton of blueprints that I can have.
Very useful video.
this was really helpful for someone who has not long started x
I've been playing The Division 2 for some years now so I catched up pretty quick on some of this game's mechanics. The copper ammo thing I was like "do I really want to sacrifice the scarce yellow rarity material I have for just 4% more damage at level 10? No I don't"
My tip : If you enjoy playing the game and you want to keep playing for a long time, consider buying something. I know its an F2P, but servers and everyone involved in the game's development requires money to keep the lights on.
P.S. I'm not from the company. I'm just a developer who plays video games. I know how hard it can be to convert an idea into lines of working codes.
NetEase is a big Chinese company. They own many games.
Buy if you want to buy, play if you want to play.
Life is unfair enough, depending where you get spawned you actually earn less than a homeless in the 1st world countries.
I've spent so much money on this game already just because of how good it is. Mostly to support it. Some of the things I bought did look super nice though! Bought the glass house pack on like 4 characters (waiting for the merge to get the extra credits back to likely buy the rest of the stuff)
I'd say if nothing else, buy the battlepass and maybe the membership. That's like $10~ a month, helps the company and gives you a lot of good value
That's a good point actually.
You forgot to mention the Commissions.. it gives nice amount of exp for level up
You can still pick up crossbow ammo. Shoot the ground or the wall and walk up to it and you'll automatically pick it up. Same thing if you miss an enemy you just got to know wherever the arrow actually ended up hitting and walk into it.
For generating Rawhide/meat, farming Lethal Rabbit is absolutely essential to me. You have to skin rabbits (beaches to the south/southwest are great for this) to get the drop. It's about a 1% drop rate but it is totally worth it. Generating rawhide all day as well as assorted meats (which I use currently to make jerky).
The hands-down easiest way to restore sanity in the game is to build a bed in your base and lie in it. This also restores your health (which saves you on activators) and doesn't take long at all to completely restore your health and sanity with practically no resource drain in the process (other than the logs and cloth that went into the bed obviously lol).
Alternatively, grilled mushrooms restore sanity, so if you're finding more mushrooms than beets, that might be viable for you.
Nah... Fruit tea. Hydrates and fixes your brain.
That must be a high-level item because I haven't heard of it before now.
@@Terashi it's only a rare (blue) food item. Just water and flower. different flowers give slightly different boosts, but at base level it's +50 Hyd, +400 San. Maybe you just need a memetic or something?
@@NathanRitchie Okay yeah I haven't found any collectible flowers in the game yet. To be fair, I've only been playing for a few hours a day so I haven't gotten very far into the game.
Festering blob fixes health and sanity much faster. The only deviant I have carried in my cradle since capturing it.
Me and my 200k energy will continue to build out in random parts of deadsville
so i love the video, a lot of helpful tips. most of which i had already been doing due to my extensive experiance with survival games in general lol, but another thing to note about sainity. if you have the goop deviant, you can pull him out either with the baracade, or even just hold him in your hand, and it will remove all your sainity debuff, and heal your health pretty fast. its a good emergency heal early game and has gotten me out of more than a few sticky situations. also saves on resources a bit instead of having to farm the matts and craft sainity gummies.
Learned A LOT watching this video. Thanks for the tips!!
Man watching this game not lagging makes it even better. Sadly I'm always at 600 ping so it ain't so great at the moment
No need for the armor and weapon crates - save your memetic points. Just disassemble regularly.
1st tip i lucked out on by not crafting AP ammo mainly because I didn't like the fact it gave less ammo compared to the regular version 😅
Okay so, most of those interactive Maps out there are useless! Silver Ore spawns randomly and is really rare. There are some places where two Silver Ores spawn but that's it.
Theres also a cap. You can't sell all of your Silver at once. I think 15 a day.
Thanks...good info except I disagree on the gas statement. Using a vehicle is actually bad for your game un that your not going to stop for materials and others as much. Every game I've played with transportation always gets harder when you unlock it due to skipping so many materials
A couple of things….. first, in regards to the purifier, don’t build it near your main house. Build it as far away as possible so that for the most part, the things will ignore your base. Second, you can save a blueprint of your base at anytime and use it to rebuild if you don’t for some reason build the purifier away from the main base.
In regards to the base/town teleporting and running out of energy link cash (the currency you use to fast travel) you actually get a perks that allows you to craft microchip sets, gold, and silver for fairly cheap that sell for 6-12k energy link so the energy link cost is not to hard to get ahold of
Nice, thanks!!
Where do you sell the silver and gold?
@@Billydgdog at the towns where you get your missions there are merchants, talk to them, select shop, then at the top of the screen select sell
What is microchip?
@@haroldxd4177 I think they actually just call them chipsets but I could be mistaken I'm not sure anyways it's an item that you're able to craft if you get the memetic specialization for it and they sell for 12,000 energy links apiece
started playing 3 days ago im so glad i found this vid . nearly finished with the starter area im lvl 17 but didnt even went for the meyers area yet. ill make sure i tranport my base near there! i dont know how or why but when i started on the server i already was able to claim points for the wishing machine to 60k so i bought a few guns and gears there running with the KVD BOOM BOOM with 3 piece of shelter and 2 piece of savior. :D
but i might just buy the legendry crossbow to not waste ammo haha thats very clever idk why i didnt thought of that- i crafted a lot of ammo already
Thanks for the info! Def didnt know I was messing up making green AP ammo.
Run cables for convenience, same with pipes, as you can press L in the build menu and hide them. No need for anything other than a redundant path in case you lose a wall. I'd also recommend keeping the footprint of your building a touch smaller, helps when relocating it as you don't need as much ultra flat ground.
I'm about to trigger the resonator to get the season goal but otherwise I've had no need for defence yet but I've already placed stone fences around the outside of the foundations as a sacrificial layer and made sure I have the Tinkerer identity for 100% extra stone structure durability. I may have spent a little time in survival crafting games in the past... :P
Love the game though and some nice tips, especially about the ammo. So many resources wasted and the only reason to craft anything other than copper at the moment is steel rifle ammo for turrets.
I like to see my cable mess, RUST has trained me well
@@local9 I like to see the runs for convenience but they have to be both neat and symmetrical. Toggling them gives me the best of both worlds :)
Since your thumbnail stated "Stop doing this now," I will proceed with the action and continue to do so.
He already said that at the end.
The game should tell you that.
nice tip did not know
The yellow slime deviant does this too at a fast rate.
@@MrGrimordI'm glad it doesn't throw it in your face. Learning game mechanics used to be the best part of games. Having your hand held is great for a certain audience, but I ain't it lol
My sanity is at stake when I see that yellow beeping on your backpack and you wouldn’t press Q to get the morphic crate
Tip from me is get the samurai deviation from the event tasks after meleeing 200 deviants you will get it. It does great dmg
I honestly want to say, that this game is just fun for me. I have played so many games, elden ring ,skyrim, world of Warcraft, league of legends, etc. I never had the itch scratched, but this game does it for me.
A quick note you do not get weapon Fragments from Bosses you only get the weapon itself. you cant repair it tho. They said in CBT they might do it but it was scrapped!
not my mistake being the 1st one on this list LMAO thanks for the tips! :D
Some tips to mid-late game
Have a farm of some size. Why?
ALCOHOL. Not only they hydrate a lot, but they give sanity back AND for half hour, your sanity won't drop except from few sources like the torchheads lights.
which is weird because alcohol actually dehydrates you
You can also unlock the rpg blueprint and then use the reclaim button to get your points back and still have the blue print for the rpg and you’ll get your points back
Also small tip, don't throw away your spoiled food. It can be use as compost.
I usually dont build bases that are tall so my base will just be as wide as i need it will likely help out when it comes to the enemies attack base thing
Thanks for the gas tip I’m already level 30 or something on a play though and didn’t know about that
You don't have to destroy your base to rebuild, you can overlay higher tier walls/floors/etc over lower tier in place. As long as you start with a square 3x3 base, it's easy to add on.
My tip: early on, leave a hole in the center of your ceiling (roofing is decorative, ignore it early. ceilings add a second floor) Put a rain collector or two indoors. Since you have a hole, you don't need stairs (which suck to place and eat space) to your roof, just a boost to climb up to a second layer of space
If you take one of the specializations that let you craft high-value items, base location no longer matters. I have over 125K links at level 50 and I will be buying out all of the vendors again today because I've been grabbing silver and gold while grinding tungsten.
good vids, im new to the game and this really help a lot
Not spending stardust source is a big one, as is not spending acid. You use them faster as you get up in levels and they'll run out in no time at endgame.
i just started and i carfted little bit of the AP ammo but I realized that gotta be waste of stardust even when I don't know what is used for but since it looks like rare material I cant use it for something so expendable like ammo, really good video especially about the autofarming tips I'm definitely going to implement that
I hope they really bring this to console even though I don’t have the spare time to game I use to when I was young I still enjoy nice grind game like this
It will be eventually, its super fun!
Ya.. make sure you blueprint your house. When you are purifying your stardust, them nasties will literally destroy your house if not careful. Make blueprint just in case.
The double bed you can get from the season shop regains your health much quicker.
Why is people in a hurry at home? even the cat boosts sleep but I only ever need to sleep for like 10 seconds.
oh wow i didnt know about deviant requirements to improve mood, ty !
One of the actual useful video guides. ty bro
Glad it helped
I saved my Starchom and went into the Blue Print Shop and got the weapon outright. because the gambling aspect is not always guarantee you get the one you want or need.
I did almost all of these without looking anything up. Guess I had good intuition.
When blowing 8,000 starchrom as a test from 3 different accounts, I realized its actually cheaper to just outright buy the legendary items for 8k instead of trying to gamble lol
Fire rate does not come from the bullets it’s done with configuring the weapon, bare in mind to unlock tiers you need ammo and a gun to take on a large deviant to earn XP and chippers rtc
The bed doesn't get rid of sanity, LOL, it restores sanity
Deviant display case wiring tip. You can daisy chain the display case wiring. I see some people connect each one to a socket.
Oh god, built a pylon just for this shit, never knew about this, thanks lol
you can actually pick up crossbow bolts when you miss, you just have to note where it goes to because there isnt a visible marker for it.
im not sure if this applies to the projectile exceeding its max range, it may not be recoverable.. but if it hits a wall, you can reclaim it
For making a base, if you put your base near a cliff. During purification, the enemy will spawn on the cliff, which they will have no way of going down from there.
Totally agree to not doing AP ammo. I hate using Stardust for it
That ap ammo is good option still, you can get the stardust amout back in like 5-10mins
you lose out buying blueprints in wish machine, you get more for your buck gambling for the desired item cause you get all the extra fluff with it
Useless stuff you wont use + potentially not getting the weapon you are rolling for 😂
@@Bjornnoo you do eventually have to gamble for fragments so you can upgrade your blueprints... but that comes after you have all the legendaries you need.
I got the leg asw on my 3rd time playing wish machine.
@@arcanumelite4853 I agree with your statement
As for the base placement you can move your whole base every 10 minutes. Dont believe it costs anything, but havent looked into it or if it stops/changes plant growth or deviant mood.
I just started (I’m level 9), so I just used one of the prefab blueprints for my first house.
Also, you don't need to go crazy on fuel. Grab some once in a while, but you won't run out easily.
Imagine your bed actually getting RID of your sanity 💀
16:00 another useful trick with sanity - if you have a fridge, make ice before going out somewhere and you won't need to farm beets / sugar, although ice spoils very quickly
Interesting! Thank you!
I always waste so much time making my house. this is the first time I’ve ever seen a season reset too, so I was flabbergasted when my original house was no longer able to be used lol but I will always waste too much time getting my house perfect.
The auto miner are great, but they are so slow. I'm at a point now where I got a Solar Drill from a teammate with 15% and 100% bonus on ores, and, oh buddy, I'm hammering a bunch of copper ore away for 30 seconds and have literally 1500 of them in my pocket. It mines so fast the ticker on the left side of the screen isn't stopping for the next 1 1/2 minute.
And the best is, it repairs via solar. Auto mining is dirt against this.
how do u have a solar drill crafted if u cant even have a solar drill rn? the drill is locked behind the materials
@@Wattermelondog tools can be made for others, only weapons and armor cant be shared
@@Wattermelondogearlier servers have them
@@Wattermelondog It's a specialization.
Damn, thank you for that bit on AP ammo. Been kinda wondering about this but hadn't taken the time to look into it. Great vid!
You can actually just “move” your entire base to a different location and it will bring most everything with it and be exactly how it was
No 1 tip.. don't join an asian server, unless you can read/write in their languages. Once you create a character you cannot delete it or move it or anything.
Recommend not to use the wish machine, for you can buy the bps you want
Note on the fish, different fish give different buffs such as fire rate 10% or weakspot damage.
aha...! all the frags I found..! I had no idea where they went..!