My sister died of this in February 2023. General anesthetic cause She had had cosmetic surgery and surgery on her hip, I think. At time of surgery aged 75. Death aged 88.
Most surgeons don’t like to perform surgeries on people over 80 or those with a history of high blood pressure. I have a host of medical issues, from clots in my heart and common carotids to my brain, adrenal issues, and past electrocution injuries. My cardiologist said I can only pick one surgery if my blood pressure is at normal limits, and it’s up to the surgeon’s discretion. Meanwhile, I need about five surgeries but can only choose one. As a 50-year-old patient with dementia, I want to stress the importance of asking your doctor for a Doppler scan-it can save your life. I had a 98% clot in my left common carotid artery and had a right brain stroke. By the grace of God, I did not have a left brain stroke. However, I have language impairment like aphasia and vascular dementia. Despite this, I’ve remained resilient and positive. It’s crucial to ensure your brain stays positive and that you eat properly. A plant-based diet can help lower blood pressure, filter blood, and improve overall health and energy. Exercising is also crucial to keep the blood flowing-remember, blood flows 66,000 miles in seconds. Stay strong and take care of your health! ---
My mother had diabetic kidney failure and vascular dementia started.....
It became very aggressive and she stopped eating, swallowing, breathing....
We went plant base diet according Dr Caldwell Esselstyn, Dean Ornish, Micheal Greger and we saw a big increase in good health and inteĺligence
My sister died of this in February 2023. General anesthetic cause
She had had cosmetic surgery and surgery on her hip, I think. At time of surgery aged 75. Death aged 88.
Most surgeons don’t like to perform surgeries on people over 80 or those with a history of high blood pressure. I have a host of medical issues, from clots in my heart and common carotids to my brain, adrenal issues, and past electrocution injuries. My cardiologist said I can only pick one surgery if my blood pressure is at normal limits, and it’s up to the surgeon’s discretion. Meanwhile, I need about five surgeries but can only choose one.
As a 50-year-old patient with dementia, I want to stress the importance of asking your doctor for a Doppler scan-it can save your life. I had a 98% clot in my left common carotid artery and had a right brain stroke. By the grace of God, I did not have a left brain stroke. However, I have language impairment like aphasia and vascular dementia. Despite this, I’ve remained resilient and positive.
It’s crucial to ensure your brain stays positive and that you eat properly. A plant-based diet can help lower blood pressure, filter blood, and improve overall health and energy. Exercising is also crucial to keep the blood flowing-remember, blood flows 66,000 miles in seconds.
Stay strong and take care of your health!
Sorry to hear about the loss of your sister. I am truly and sincerely sorry for your loss.