Hey guys just want to correct one thing I said, when I said “God does not change his mind” I literally just meant His Word does not change. To clear that up! It’s hard when I’m thinking so ahead and excited to get a message out, sometimes I’ll say something without realizing but that’s what I mean ❤️ If you feel led to support this channel, you can do so here: 🙏 Venmo: venmo.com/u/itsgabbysings Cashapp: cash.app/$itsgabbysings PayPal: paypal.me/itsgabbysings
Question if he doesn't change his mind why did he command his dol!owners to murder thousands d's of people, and then later say not to kill in ten commandments
If you want to hear God speak: read your Bible! If you want to hear God speak audibly: read it out loud! We walk by faith, Not by sight. God has spoken and equipped us throughly with His perfect revelation. The Holy Spirit speaks to us througg His complete Word when we let him. Grace and peace 🙏
@Soliloquy-gy6zf Yes. When serpent deceived Eve and Adam,and cause them not to live 1 day,God promised that serpents head will be crushed... The only Scripture showing is souls without head ... And guess what ...they live that 1 day = 1000 years Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is d34th, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
@@perazdera2827 hello friend. Fairytales are meant to be read between the lines. Adam and eve is the story of human consciousness. The "garden" of eden only exists inside your head. The "serpent" is your "self", the ego in the body. The serpent has us believing that our self is this body, stopping us from identifying with spirit. Everyone is here to restore themselves to factory settings. We are here to become love again, the way God made us. No one is here to conquer the world, but the mind, which belongs to satan. Whilst the soul is in Heaven with God. Everybody is in their own battle with the devil. Hope this helps, bless.
I just turned down a job offer because they were rushing me, and there were also very ambiguous topics. I was feeling bad thinking that maybe I disobeyed God, but it was the diserment who alerted me.
Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. [9] For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
The renewal of the mind through prayer is similar to mindfulness training. Abandon an identity with all of your thoughts. Having an ego is when you pair your sense of self with a thought, which results in people getting emotional and fighting over things. When you don't have an ego, which means you're not identifying with a thought, reactivity is reduced and you can get off a train of thoughts whenever you want.
People are not talking to God when they pray. They are actually being silent and talking to themselves. Prayer: -Having thoughts about thoughts -Analyzing those thoughts with thoughts of Bible verses Prayer is not the direct path.
@@ItsGabbySingshello friend . I'm sorry but your video is very dangerous. You do not know what thoughts are, or what human consciousness is either. This video is brought to you by none other than satan, unfortunately. Please let me explain to you how that is, I wish to help you, because you are completely next to the plate. I'm sorry
You are right, it’s through the Word we can hear Him, but if you were on a deserted island or in a prison and have no Bible, all we rely on is His Spirit living within us. I haven’t been a long believer, but one thing I’m learning through reading the Word is that without the Holy Spirit and praying in tongues it’s hard to do it ourselves. The gift of tongues is what I’m praying for right now.
Deuteronomy 18:22 “When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.”
man this fight between good and evil is going to last us throughout our lives until one day God says hey that's enough, and takes us back home with Him to heaven. God bless everyone
The way to discern is simple, If the voice you hear convicts you, It's the holy spirit, trying to get you to turn away from sin and the devil. If the voice giults, shames, berates you or just makes you feel more distant from god and negative, it is a lie of the devil, when this happens, quote scripture, pray and praise the lord. The devil will flee. Jesus already has the victory.
Discernment requires practicing truth vs being a liar not practicing truth. John 3:21. 1 John 1:6. Why don't you discern which light you need to sow? Psalm 97:11. Discernment requires wisdom, which requires righteousness, which requires appropriately sowing the light according to His covenants for day and night, to be circumcised inwardly. Jeremiah 33:20,25. The light of righteousness is both day and night of creation, defined by the rising and setting of the sun of righteousness; which is the shelter (environment) of the Most High and the shadow of the Almighty. {5:6} Therefore have we erred from the way of truth, and the light of righteousness hath not shined unto us, and the sun of righteousness rose not upon us. {5:7} We wearied ourselves in the way of wickedness and destruction: yea, we have gone through deserts, where there lay no way: but as for the way of the Lord, we have not known it.
God Tests. The devil temps. God is in control, so when (not if) we fail and give in to temptation, God can use our failure to test us and others. Amen.
I found one of the most vital aspects of spiritual discernent is to figure out what the good fruits are, and to then know by these fruits what is of God. Jesus made pretty clear that once we know that, we know without a shadow of a doubt that something is of God, and I found that very valuable.
@@ItsGabbySings Thank you, also for the great work you do. A lot of things started to change for me once I understood what these good fruits are, it took me several years to understand its importance, but Jesus was right, once that is present, thats the best spiritual discernment we can apply. So, its really worth getting behind what these good fruits are..
Speaking about the thought paths that lead to life verses the thought path that leads to death is very real. A preacher said to me once there are over 1000 doorways to hell, only one door way to heaven. Thinking about our careers, financials, or material things are the doorways to hell. Philippians 4:8 whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things. How do you handle arguments with both belivers and non-believers?
You do not need one thought to get out of a spiral of a negative thinking. Recognize that you are not your thoughts. Do not be bothered by your thoughts.
Awesome Share! 😊 Something that has happened to me (and note that I have a lot more work to do on myself) personally, is that the enemy twisted some scripture on me because I wasn't looking at the whole truth of the scripture. I only took part of it as the truth. I think this can happen when you are getting closer and closer to God. I've had to suffer because of it. So, please brothers and sisters, as you get closer and closer in your faith, be careful and make sure you are taking note of the full verse of scripture. Not just a small piece or part of it. I would hate to see anyone suffer because of something like this. Just a very small part of my personal testimony. Thank you Gabby for this post and God bless.
@@ItsGabbySings 1 Corinthians 7:12, 15, 17, 20, 24... I've never been married but took these as if I was because I thought that I was following correctly. Hope that makes sense.
Is the wide road for men and women …. Like fake stuff of insecurity and false identity… heals ..face paint …hair and eye dyes ….tattoos…piercings ….flattering clothing drawing attention to your flesh …..It must be challenging for none Jewish women ….or people …. Identification with secular worldly ‘’fitting in ‘’. With the Father, Jesus and the Spirit all being Male …. It’s challenging for females to be like him … identity..character.who am I to be …. Called to suffer …carrying your cross …counting the cost …versus the blessed spirit filled life …. Or both together… Obviously The adversary does not sleep ….he is very active …and clever …. That’s what the world says …. Bless this lady …. Stick within the Word … narrow … take the light and easy. Yoke ….. obviously the adversary has no name ….. [ as SATAN is Greek for adversary….. Lucifer was added in by the Vulgate Roman bible … the adversary is so unimportant…he gets no name ….even the ark angles get names ….. bless ]
I pray for understanding many times and get nothing. But greco persian wars pop in my head and there serms to be some type of agreement. I'm not sure why
In seeking to cast contempt upon the divine statutes, Satan has perverted the doctrines of the Bible, and errors have thus become incorporated into the faith of thousands who profess to believe the Scriptures. The last great conflict between truth and error is but the final struggle of the long-standing controversy concerning the law of God. Upon this battle we are now entering-a battle between the laws of men and the precepts of Jehovah, between the religion of the Bible and the religion of fable and tradition. GC 582.2 Amen!
Gabby how do we capture negative thoughts. This is what I will say when I think it is negative STOP 🛑 but when I feel low I fall to the flesh. Please pray for me. Love is miracle of our Father. When I write to people about matters of the heart ♥️ I feel the Holy Spirit and his presence. Please help me be discerning. For what you spoke of in this clip I have felt the devil is like a prowling Lion. I feel like I am in a storm ⛈️ please pray 🙏
I need to learn to heard Gods voice, i struggle a lot with evil intrusive thoughts that the enemy keeps trying to put in my mind, it makes me feel bad and just hurts my heart, im tired of it, Plz Father God come into my Mind
The voice of God is in the light that everyone hides from behind their modern fig leaves; not knowing they choose the darkness because they dont know how to walk in the light. 1 John 1:5,6,7. John 3:21. John 8:12. Psalm 97:11.
Thank you Gabby! 🙏🏼 So needed this right now. Be blessed and know that God just used you to talk to me. Which let me know that He is there for me always. You laid it all out perfectly. Again, thank you. 🙏🏼
Very clear and concise. I have had one of the longest hardest seasons that i'm going through spiritually , So this was definitely a good reminder. And I'm glad you're ignoring all the naysayers on these comments because. Just has the word says. There are so many voices, but only one truth.💯✨️
Thank you, IG. For some reason, your video came up in my feed today, and it was EXACTLY relevant to a situation I was in this morning! One thing I do is remind myself of the definition of prophecy, given by Paul in 1 Cor 14. It's to edify (build up), encourage and comfort. So if the voices that I'm listening to are opposed to that, they're not in alignment with God's Truth. Thanks, again!
Thank you for the video. I've wondered a lot lately how God speaks to you, whether it's literal or by showing signs. I've come to realize that God has a variety of ways of speaking to us. Sometimes He sends me signs as a response to prayer. Sometimes it's a sudden reality check I get in the heat of the moment. A good "snap out of it!" is all it takes. Occasionally I get the urge to do something reckless, but then get reminded of a Scripture that explains why I shouldn't. It's interesting because in the Old Testament, He has an external audible voice. As for doubts, I use those as a learning experience. If it's something that makes me question God's Word, or something that makes me question Scripture, I do research to learn more about it and my question always gets answered. Sometimes it's a translation confusion, sometimes it's a verse taken out of context, whatever it is, an explanation is always given. As Scripture says, "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open to you." [Matthew 7:7 NIV]
I am greatly disturbed every night with thoughts voices of telling me my sins and making up sins and shaming me for it, nightmares, night terrors and thoughts voices of saying fear of creepy crawlies when I have very little fear left of them thanks to scripture and Jesus. I wonder where the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ and God is at night time, because it is difficult to sleep or rest which is what the bible says God desires for us and who is filling my mind memory thoughts and brain with bible references, scriptures from the bible and gospel songs, even gospel song I haven't heard for years and whether or not this is Jesus or the enemy because the enemy can and has twisted scripture and used the bible against people...??? So how do we claim victory of this? Thanks very much for your attention.
You're talking about a thought pattern. They are literally "linked" thoughts, they function similarly in both the positive and negative. It's like the cable cars of a train. The thought pattern isn't the same in the sense that thoughts themselves repeat, but rather the structure of the linking between the cable cars. This is belief, and where the work is because belief structures identity. It's the connection between the thoughts, our neurological pathway connection. The mind expands, aka becomes more neuroplastic, when we simultaneously atrophy old neurological pathways, and build new connections. This is excellent content! Thanks for the video 🤍
@@ItsGabbySings Very very few explain so well, God spirit filled, Thank you for answering... The Lord has you where you have to be... You will reach thousands ! May the Spirit of God continue to fill and bless you and your loved ones, in the name of Jesus !
Excellent explanation of all of this. It's a weird conversation for me to have with people because very very few people that I know say they can hear God, and it's not uncommon for people I know who are Christian to say that hearing God isn't real. If you don't mind, I'd like your thoughts on something related. Recently the Lord has been dealing with me, that he wants me to marry a certain young woman. I don't know her, and she doesn't know me. I hear it pretty clearly and feel peace about her, but the whole situation is so out of the blue that I'm not sure what to think about it all.
Regarding your situation, I do know that God is consistent and won't lead you to confusion. If there is a woman that has been highlighted to you, I would stay in conversation with God about her. He will clear it up by giving you next steps whether its to stay put and wait on His timing or to take a step into introducing yourself to her. It's important that you do this in His timing! Regardless, when it's from God, he will bring you peace and he won't leave you in the dark!! Even if he just says "Noah trust me and be patient." Obedience is necessary when God gives us revelation. So don't step ahead of Him. Does this make sense? If this whole thing is bringing you anxiety in any way, go to the Lord and ask him to confirm that it is indeed from him. He will give you confirmation and clear things up!
@@ItsGabbySings I am hearing it very clearly, clear enough where I don't feel the need to ask for a fleece. It doesn't feel forceful, in fact it doesn't even feel like this is me. It feels like this is mostly external if that makes sense? I can't deny what I am hearing, but I can't prove it to anyone, It's a weird place to be in. I'm analytical by nature, and want to be cautious about this. I've seen a lot of Christians claiming that God told them to marry someone, and while this does happen, I think it's very often rooted in desire more than anything else. I don't want to be in that place. There are moments where I feel anxiety and it can lead to doubts, but I find that to be going away the more I pray about it. I think it's the enemy planting questions in my mind, like he did with Eve in the Garden of Eden. All I can do at this point is to keep praying for and about her, and I think you are a hundred percent right, that I need to wait for His next move. Do you have any further thoughts or insights?
You have to know GOD Through HIS SON JESUS CHRIST and HIS Words Because The Word and HIM Are Also The Same..If You Cant Do to Differentiate the Voice of LIVING GOD and Enemy Ask GOD Clean Your Heart and Give You a Powerful Wisdom To Hear HIS Voice Clearly..because satan can immitate GOD for doing good and Love the people but that is only last for just 1 hrs if you make a Simple mistake and it will turn up side down..but if The Living GOD, if you are With HIM what ever it cost the Storm in Your Life You Will Never Ever Change even You Shake by the enemy it just last for Only 1 min and You Stand again More Firmly than before..🙏👍😊
Because I’m here come down here disappointing is a guy hurt by people and serving God but I keep going. I’ve been serving God long time. A lot of people says they hear the voice of God they said that because they talk about God doesn’t mean they’re Christian. The Bible says very loud and clear Food I know God is God is from God I receive it and I know it’s not from God I rejected people don’t know what I’m going through but God knows I like to be honest with me. Send me a comment. Reply to respond. Do you understand what I’m trying to say yes or nono respond. Nobody don’t understand goodbye.😊
I to know you d ont have a lot of belief in me but I got off social media in and had to really in pray to and I'm getting in right I in had something happen to and I'm this time I lost my temper because it was intentionally done I know I'm you don't believe me but I'm in a lot better place I do right now but slipped and had to reset my I have forgiven them but I didn't like my reaction have been.bapatized and filled speaking in tongues when I needed someone no one was there except God anyway I love u sis❤😊
Like the video topic but would have to disagree with "God does not change his mind". A lot of people could misinterpret this and think well why should I pray at all. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. It's God's character and sovereignty that never changes
@ItsGabbySings yes ma'am! I hope I didn't sound ugly in my comment. If I did I didn't mean to. I stand with you sister and pray for your success in advancing the Kingdom 🙏
But you never explained why this is logical. You just changed some words around. God is perfect. He knows every single thing that will happen in the future. He can never make a mistake. The future is fixed because God is all-knowing. Therefore, prayer will make no difference, as it would mean that God is not perfect.
What does praying in tongues do for you or your prayers? If I started speaking in tongues, I would be concerned about myself and definitely know it is not of God.
Hey I in just want to say I erased my channel and started a new one I had a promise from God but I told him I really am appreciative but I don't think I want it plus I never see a sign I'm trying to stay a Christian what I want will never be and I can't settle for less you keep going someday someone will be so so lucky I love you and expect you to stay grounded your silence says more than you know anyway please take care I may visit from time to time with much respect regards and❤ Pray 4 me as I go about my journey I won't 4get God but a partner maybe maybe not
John 18:36 “Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.” John 8:23 “And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.”
I am new! Please help! Everyone says God is loving and I believe that but the more I read the Bible the more he just seems a bit scary / mean… What am I missing?
You are missing the part where Scripture say God make peace through the blood of the cross..And listening to man and their wicked interpretations.. And also you missing the Holy Spirit to make you understand...Reading it with your understanding it will only condemn you..Because your mind is the devil.. There is o need to be scared..Just ask the truth from God...Allow him to teach,speak with Him,ad ask to remove false beliefs,to guide you until you are established..
@perazdera2827 Thank you for your input! Spot on. Yes Kendals, read the bible with God and he'll show you His heart. He is a good and just God. Reading the bible is a journey and it transforms you from the inside out! 💗
I believe I hear the voice of the wisdom. American girls who are in the spirit listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, but the American girls who listen to the voice of the body will speak that voice, and their makeup will attract the guys, but if you remove that makeup, you will remove the voice of the body.
Sorry, I don’t mean to come across rude or disrespectful, but are you actually claiming that ‘god’ talks to you? How does he communicate with you exactly? How come so many religious/christian people say they talk to him but can’t actually hear him back? Why does he only communicate with chosen few? How come even the most faithful Christian’s that have dedicated their entire life to their religion and god can never hear him? Why did ‘god’ make someone like me a non believer? Why does he not reveal himself? Where is the proof that’s not based in faith?
I’m sorry you feel this way, but the Word of God is very clear. “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” Jeremiah 29:13-14A NVI. I truly pray that you can seek Him and hear Him. May you be blessed 💕
His heart is for all people. He wants you! I would encourage you to watch this video: ua-cam.com/video/CZZOaXkLGMY/v-deo.htmlsi=YFXYANNNj10nMScM And the comment below is right. If you want to know if Jesus is real, pray to him. Ask “hey Jesus, idk if you’re real or not, but will you show me if you are? Will you reveal yourself to me?” A lot of the times, you even watching my video and feeling this stirring is God already reaching you!
Dan tidak pernah merasa puas dengan kompling dan komentar saya , pikiran selalu emosi dan marah marah untuk menutupi kesalahannya sendiri oke thanks syalom ♥️🙏
Because of people talk about God if you were the boys, I got it doesn’t mean you’re a Christian a lot of people and tell me all this stuff and I told him I tell him are you sure was from God?
Hey guys just want to correct one thing I said, when I said “God does not change his mind” I literally just meant His Word does not change. To clear that up! It’s hard when I’m thinking so ahead and excited to get a message out, sometimes I’ll say something without realizing but that’s what I mean ❤️
If you feel led to support this channel, you can do so here: 🙏
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You’re imagining God and other things
@@stm5578super dangerous video coming from someone who doesn't understand what thoughts are, or what human consciousness is.
@@stm5578 Falsity consists in the privation of knowledge which inadequate, fragmentary, or confused ideas involve.
Question if he doesn't change his mind why did he command his dol!owners to murder thousands d's of people, and then later say not to kill in ten commandments
@@His.Presence The book was written by ordinary people
If you want to hear God speak: read your Bible!
If you want to hear God speak audibly: read it out loud!
We walk by faith, Not by sight.
God has spoken and equipped us throughly with His perfect revelation. The Holy Spirit speaks to us througg His complete Word when we let him.
Grace and peace 🙏
This is really good! Thank you for sharing! ☺️
Cool saying and all, but doesn't get specific when it comes to life decisions that are a matter of left vs right
Our three enemies:
1. Satan
2. Flesh
3. World
Love this!
Your emotions are your enemies
The enemy is yourself, nothing else
Yes. When serpent deceived Eve and Adam,and cause them not to live 1 day,God promised that serpents head will be crushed...
The only Scripture showing is souls without head ... And guess what ...they live that 1 day = 1000 years
Rom 8:6 For to be carnally minded is d34th, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
@@perazdera2827 hello friend.
Fairytales are meant to be read between the lines.
Adam and eve is the story of human consciousness.
The "garden" of eden only exists inside your head.
The "serpent" is your "self", the ego in the body.
The serpent has us believing that our self is this body, stopping us from identifying with spirit.
Everyone is here to restore themselves to factory settings.
We are here to become love again, the way God made us.
No one is here to conquer the world, but the mind, which belongs to satan.
Whilst the soul is in Heaven with God.
Everybody is in their own battle with the devil.
Hope this helps, bless.
I just turned down a job offer because they were rushing me, and there were also very ambiguous topics. I was feeling bad thinking that maybe I disobeyed God, but it was the diserment who alerted me.
Sounds like you made the right decision. God doesn’t rush us!
Proverbs 17:27
He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.
Isaiah 55:8-9 KJV
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
[9] For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Praise God.
Psalms 126:5
They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.
Thanks for sharing!
@@MyFreeLife111 Amen.
@@ItsGabbySings Amen. You're welcome.
Only if they sow the light from their tears. Psalm 97:11.
I Love that the Holy Spirit has given you so much discernment and wisdom along with the ability to share and encourage us all. Thank you!
The renewal of the mind through prayer is similar to mindfulness training. Abandon an identity with all of your thoughts. Having an ego is when you pair your sense of self with a thought, which results in people getting emotional and fighting over things. When you don't have an ego, which means you're not identifying with a thought, reactivity is reduced and you can get off a train of thoughts whenever you want.
People are not talking to God when they pray. They are actually being silent and talking to themselves.
-Having thoughts about thoughts
-Analyzing those thoughts with thoughts of Bible verses
Prayer is not the direct path.
We get in our own way at times. We allow those thoughts to control us.. We need to stay prayed up. Thank you for speaking on this
Exactly!! 💯
@@ItsGabbySingshello friend .
I'm sorry but your video is very dangerous.
You do not know what thoughts are, or what human consciousness is either.
This video is brought to you by none other than satan, unfortunately.
Please let me explain to you how that is, I wish to help you, because you are completely next to the plate. I'm sorry
@@ItsGabbySingshello. This video is very dangerous, I left a comment explaining why.
You are right, it’s through the Word we can hear Him, but if you were on a deserted island or in a prison and have no Bible, all we rely on is His Spirit living within us.
I haven’t been a long believer, but one thing I’m learning through reading the Word is that without the Holy Spirit and praying in tongues it’s hard to do it ourselves.
The gift of tongues is what I’m praying for right now.
Deuteronomy 18:22
“When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him.”
man this fight between good and evil is going to last us throughout our lives until one day God says hey that's enough, and takes us back home with Him to heaven. God bless everyone
The way to discern is simple, If the voice you hear convicts you, It's the holy spirit, trying to get you to turn away from sin and the devil. If the voice giults, shames, berates you or just makes you feel more distant from god and negative, it is a lie of the devil, when this happens, quote scripture, pray and praise the lord. The devil will flee. Jesus already has the victory.
Yes!! 👏👏👏
Discernment requires practicing truth vs being a liar not practicing truth. John 3:21. 1 John 1:6. Why don't you discern which light you need to sow? Psalm 97:11. Discernment requires wisdom, which requires righteousness, which requires appropriately sowing the light according to His covenants for day and night, to be circumcised inwardly. Jeremiah 33:20,25. The light of righteousness is both day and night of creation, defined by the rising and setting of the sun of righteousness; which is the shelter (environment) of the Most High and the shadow of the Almighty.
{5:6} Therefore have we erred from the way of truth, and the light of righteousness hath not shined unto us, and the sun of righteousness rose not upon us.
{5:7} We wearied ourselves in the way of wickedness and destruction: yea, we have gone through deserts, where there lay no way: but as for the way of the Lord, we have not known it.
God bless you.
Yup. The Holy Spirit convicts. The devil condemns.
God Tests. The devil temps.
God is in control, so when (not if) we fail and give in to temptation, God can use our failure to test us and others.
Gabby when you make these videos make sure you do everything you can to make the volume come out loude and clear on my phone thank you love you
you are low key SUPER wise
I found one of the most vital aspects of spiritual discernent is to figure out what the good fruits are, and to then know by these fruits what is of God. Jesus made pretty clear that once we know that, we know without a shadow of a doubt that something is of God, and I found that very valuable.
This is so good! There’s no way we can be deceived when looking at the fruits. It’s clearly of God or not. Thank you for sharing!
@@ItsGabbySings Thank you, also for the great work you do. A lot of things started to change for me once I understood what these good fruits are, it took me several years to understand its importance, but Jesus was right, once that is present, thats the best spiritual discernment we can apply.
So, its really worth getting behind what these good fruits are..
If you sit and notice your thoughts, look for what notices. Then, look for what notices what is noticing.
Kuru ndeo hoi tokoro Kuru ndeo hai ♥️🙏
Speaking about the thought paths that lead to life verses the thought path that leads to death is very real. A preacher said to me once there are over 1000 doorways to hell, only one door way to heaven. Thinking about our careers, financials, or material things are the doorways to hell. Philippians 4:8 whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
How do you handle arguments with both belivers and non-believers?
You do not need one thought to get out of a spiral of a negative thinking. Recognize that you are not your thoughts. Do not be bothered by your thoughts.
Awesome Share! 😊 Something that has happened to me (and note that I have a lot more work to do on myself) personally, is that the enemy twisted some scripture on me because I wasn't looking at the whole truth of the scripture. I only took part of it as the truth. I think this can happen when you are getting closer and closer to God. I've had to suffer because of it. So, please brothers and sisters, as you get closer and closer in your faith, be careful and make sure you are taking note of the full verse of scripture. Not just a small piece or part of it. I would hate to see anyone suffer because of something like this. Just a very small part of my personal testimony. Thank you Gabby for this post and God bless.
Wow, thank you for this. Do you have an example of scripture that you only took part of and got half the truth of? This is very interesting!
@@ItsGabbySings 1 Corinthians 7:12, 15, 17, 20, 24... I've never been married but took these as if I was because I thought that I was following correctly. Hope that makes sense.
@@ChristSoldierJCDthis video is VERY dangerous
@SongOfSongsOneTwelve Very good example from the Word. Thanks for sharing. God bless you.
Thank you Gabbie for your word today❤ Reg Trethewey
Thank you for the encouragement
Ham tape Haula hai♥️🙏
Galatians 5 been on my mind for a while now. Kairos timing
Is the wide road for men and women …. Like fake stuff of insecurity and false identity… heals ..face paint …hair and eye dyes ….tattoos…piercings ….flattering clothing drawing attention to your flesh …..It must be challenging for none Jewish women ….or people …. Identification with secular worldly ‘’fitting in ‘’.
With the Father, Jesus and the Spirit all being Male …. It’s challenging for females to be like him … identity..character.who am I to be …. Called to suffer …carrying your cross …counting the cost …versus the blessed spirit filled life …. Or both together…
Obviously The adversary does not sleep ….he is very active …and clever …. That’s what the world says …. Bless this lady …. Stick within the Word … narrow … take the light and easy. Yoke ….. obviously the adversary has no name ….. [ as SATAN is Greek for adversary….. Lucifer was added in by the Vulgate Roman bible … the adversary is so unimportant…he gets no name ….even the ark angles get names ….. bless ]
I pray for understanding many times and get nothing. But greco persian wars pop in my head and there serms to be some type of agreement. I'm not sure why
And If You Are In GOD I Assure, it Will Last At The End of Time and No Prentending, like the enemy do..
In seeking to cast contempt upon the divine statutes, Satan has perverted the doctrines of the Bible, and errors have thus become incorporated into the faith of thousands who profess to believe the Scriptures. The last great conflict between truth and error is but the final struggle of the long-standing controversy concerning the law of God. Upon this battle we are now entering-a battle between the laws of men and the precepts of Jehovah, between the religion of the Bible and the religion of fable and tradition. GC 582.2 Amen!
Kuru ndeo hai tuk tuk koila ♥️🙏
Gabby how do we capture negative thoughts. This is what I will say when I think it is negative STOP 🛑 but when I feel low I fall to the flesh. Please pray for me. Love is miracle of our Father. When I write to people about matters of the heart ♥️ I feel the Holy Spirit and his presence. Please help me be discerning. For what you spoke of in this clip I have felt the devil is like a prowling Lion. I feel like I am in a storm ⛈️ please pray 🙏
Im in the same situation. I pray for you brother ! Stay strong in the lord and his word !
Thank you for making this video!
You are so intelligent and insightful! Your videos are truly a breath of fresh air, thank you!
Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying them!
@@ItsGabbySings you're welcome!!!
Amen 🙏
Good, solid, simple, direct... great stuff!
Glad to hear it! 🙌
That was important for me ❤
Glad this helped ❤️
I need to learn to heard Gods voice, i struggle a lot with evil intrusive thoughts that the enemy keeps trying to put in my mind, it makes me feel bad and just hurts my heart, im tired of it, Plz Father God come into my Mind
The voice of God is in the light that everyone hides from behind their modern fig leaves; not knowing they choose the darkness because they dont know how to walk in the light. 1 John 1:5,6,7. John 3:21. John 8:12. Psalm 97:11.
The enemy risks 😮
Thank you. Align the mind with his finished works will help too
Exactly!! 🙌
Thankyou once again gabby this message was so powerful and have a blessed day 👱🏼♀️
Glad you enjoyed. 💕🙏
You are good teacher :) thank you
Thanks so much Lydia. 😊 glad you’re enjoying!
Amen,wise woman,one who sees the Truth for whom he is, ✌ ❤ 😊 🙏!
Thank you!! 🩷🙏
Thank you Gabby! 🙏🏼 So needed this right now. Be blessed and know that God just used you to talk to me. Which let me know that He is there for me always. You laid it all out perfectly. Again, thank you. 🙏🏼
I'm so glad!! God bless
Amen 7 time's Everlasting on this one right here!
Praise the Lord hallelujah thank you Gabby and Jesus 🙏
Have an amazing day!!
Jojo tipula nake Ike liangpay Haula isi lobang ndeo ... Toe ♥️🙏
Thank you for your videos! They are such a blessing 🩵🙏🏻
Thank you for watching!! ❤️
Very clear and concise. I have had one of the longest hardest seasons that i'm going through spiritually , So this was definitely a good reminder. And I'm glad you're ignoring all the naysayers on these comments because. Just has the word says. There are so many voices, but only one truth.💯✨️
Glad this helped!! I’m ok with hate comments, it comes with the territory of being online! It doesn’t discourage me. 2 Timothy 3:12
Definitely, may God bless you.
Thank you Jesus bless you Sister Gabby
Thanks for watching 🤩
Amen sis praise God 💖 🙏💖💞✝️🙏
Great video, by the way.
Thanks for this video I needed to hear this🙏
God bless you
I’m excited to see another fellow up and coming creator!! God bless you and your ministry! Stay strong sister!
Thank you so much Adam!! 🙏🙌
Thank you, IG. For some reason, your video came up in my feed today, and it was EXACTLY relevant to a situation I was in this morning!
One thing I do is remind myself of the definition of prophecy, given by Paul in 1 Cor 14. It's to edify (build up), encourage and comfort. So if the voices that I'm listening to are opposed to that, they're not in alignment with God's Truth.
Thanks, again!
Love this definition! Thanks for sharing!
Thank You For This Video❤️
God Bless You Gabby
Glad you enjoyed!!
Amen I thank the Lord for this wonderful message..God bless you 🙏
Hope you have an amazing week!!🙏
Hi Gabby, This is a very good message. I'm so glad that you talk about the voice of the flesh. It is perhaps the most destructive voice. Thank you!
Glad you enjoyed it! 🤩
Great Video, glad God reaches out thru u
Thank you!! ☺️
They are all thoughts. When you think God is talking to you, that is you thinking also.
Thank you for the video. I've wondered a lot lately how God speaks to you, whether it's literal or by showing signs. I've come to realize that God has a variety of ways of speaking to us.
Sometimes He sends me signs as a response to prayer.
Sometimes it's a sudden reality check I get in the heat of the moment. A good "snap out of it!" is all it takes.
Occasionally I get the urge to do something reckless, but then get reminded of a Scripture that explains why I shouldn't.
It's interesting because in the Old Testament, He has an external audible voice.
As for doubts, I use those as a learning experience. If it's something that makes me question God's Word, or something that makes me question Scripture, I do research to learn more about it and my question always gets answered. Sometimes it's a translation confusion, sometimes it's a verse taken out of context, whatever it is, an explanation is always given. As Scripture says, "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open to you." [Matthew 7:7 NIV]
Love this, thanks for sharing! He is a personal God and speaks to each believer very specifically.
I am greatly disturbed every night with thoughts voices of telling me my sins and making up sins and shaming me for it, nightmares, night terrors and thoughts voices of saying fear of creepy crawlies when I have very little fear left of them thanks to scripture and Jesus. I wonder where the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ and God is at night time, because it is difficult to sleep or rest which is what the bible says God desires for us and who is filling my mind memory thoughts and brain with bible references, scriptures from the bible and gospel songs, even gospel song I haven't heard for years and whether or not this is Jesus or the enemy because the enemy can and has twisted scripture and used the bible against people...???
So how do we claim victory of this?
Thanks very much for your attention.
You're talking about a thought pattern. They are literally "linked" thoughts, they function similarly in both the positive and negative. It's like the cable cars of a train. The thought pattern isn't the same in the sense that thoughts themselves repeat, but rather the structure of the linking between the cable cars. This is belief, and where the work is because belief structures identity. It's the connection between the thoughts, our neurological pathway connection. The mind expands, aka becomes more neuroplastic, when we simultaneously atrophy old neurological pathways, and build new connections. This is excellent content! Thanks for the video 🤍
Thank you❤... God bless you❤
Glad you enjoyed. 🙏
Loved you video … Blessings over you and your loved ones! 🤍🕊️
Glad you enjoyed ☺️
@@ItsGabbySings Very very few explain so well, God spirit filled, Thank you for answering... The Lord has you where you have to be... You will reach thousands ! May the Spirit of God continue to fill and bless you and your loved ones, in the name of Jesus !
@@carrie_s1619 you blessed me with these words! Thank you so so much! 🙏
iiiittts Gabbby!! Thank you for what you do! ✝️💯❤😃
Thanks frank!! 🙌
@@ItsGabbySings you're welcome! You rock! ❤✝️ sister in Christ
Thank you🙏🙂 This one cleared up alot for me, a renewed understanding about my challenges and struggles in my life these days. God bless🕊️🙏🙂
Ahh I’m so happy! Encouraged to hear that ☺️ praise the Lord!
@@ItsGabbySings 🙏🕊️🙂
Thank you sweetie 🥰💋🫂💐💐💯!!!
How about God's voice from mine ...I sometimes feel lost.💔
beautiful soul ❤ 🙏
Great video!
Excellent explanation of all of this. It's a weird conversation for me to have with people because very very few people that I know say they can hear God, and it's not uncommon for people I know who are Christian to say that hearing God isn't real. If you don't mind, I'd like your thoughts on something related. Recently the Lord has been dealing with me, that he wants me to marry a certain young woman. I don't know her, and she doesn't know me. I hear it pretty clearly and feel peace about her, but the whole situation is so out of the blue that I'm not sure what to think about it all.
Regarding your situation, I do know that God is consistent and won't lead you to confusion. If there is a woman that has been highlighted to you, I would stay in conversation with God about her. He will clear it up by giving you next steps whether its to stay put and wait on His timing or to take a step into introducing yourself to her. It's important that you do this in His timing! Regardless, when it's from God, he will bring you peace and he won't leave you in the dark!! Even if he just says "Noah trust me and be patient." Obedience is necessary when God gives us revelation. So don't step ahead of Him. Does this make sense?
If this whole thing is bringing you anxiety in any way, go to the Lord and ask him to confirm that it is indeed from him. He will give you confirmation and clear things up!
@@ItsGabbySings I am hearing it very clearly, clear enough where I don't feel the need to ask for a fleece. It doesn't feel forceful, in fact it doesn't even feel like this is me. It feels like this is mostly external if that makes sense?
I can't deny what I am hearing, but I can't prove it to anyone, It's a weird place to be in. I'm analytical by nature, and want to be cautious about this. I've seen a lot of Christians claiming that God told them to marry someone, and while this does happen, I think it's very often rooted in desire more than anything else. I don't want to be in that place.
There are moments where I feel anxiety and it can lead to doubts, but I find that to be going away the more I pray about it. I think it's the enemy planting questions in my mind, like he did with Eve in the Garden of Eden.
All I can do at this point is to keep praying for and about her, and I think you are a hundred percent right, that I need to wait for His next move. Do you have any further thoughts or insights?
This was Amazing 🫶🏽
You have to know GOD Through HIS SON JESUS CHRIST and HIS Words Because The Word and HIM Are Also The Same..If You Cant Do to Differentiate the Voice of LIVING GOD and Enemy Ask GOD Clean Your Heart and Give You a Powerful Wisdom To Hear HIS Voice Clearly..because satan can immitate GOD for doing good and Love the people but that is only last for just 1 hrs if you make a Simple mistake and it will turn up side down..but if The Living GOD, if you are With HIM what ever it cost the Storm in Your Life You Will Never Ever Change even You Shake by the enemy it just last for Only 1 min and You Stand again More Firmly than before..🙏👍😊
Because I’m here come down here disappointing is a guy hurt by people and serving God but I keep going. I’ve been serving God long time. A lot of people says they hear the voice of God they said that because they talk about God doesn’t mean they’re Christian. The Bible says very loud and clear Food I know God is God is from God I receive it and I know it’s not from God I rejected people don’t know what I’m going through but God knows I like to be honest with me. Send me a comment. Reply to respond. Do you understand what I’m trying to say yes or nono respond. Nobody don’t understand goodbye.😊
I to know you d ont have a lot of belief in me but I got off social media in and had to really in pray to and I'm getting in right I in had something happen to and I'm this time I lost my temper because it was intentionally done I know I'm you don't believe me but I'm in a lot better place I do right now but slipped and had to reset my I have forgiven them but I didn't like my reaction have been.bapatized and filled speaking in tongues when I needed someone no one was there except God anyway I love u sis❤😊
Like the video topic but would have to disagree with "God does not change his mind". A lot of people could misinterpret this and think well why should I pray at all.
He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. It's God's character and sovereignty that never changes
This is better worded. 💯 Thanks for calling this out! Prayer can move mountains!! It has so much effect and it matters!!
@ItsGabbySings yes ma'am! I hope I didn't sound ugly in my comment. If I did I didn't mean to. I stand with you sister and pray for your success in advancing the Kingdom 🙏
But you never explained why this is logical. You just changed some words around. God is perfect. He knows every single thing that will happen in the future. He can never make a mistake. The future is fixed because God is all-knowing. Therefore, prayer will make no difference, as it would mean that God is not perfect.
What does praying in tongues do for you or your prayers? If I started speaking in tongues, I would be concerned about myself and definitely know it is not of God.
Please Become a Believer and Get Baptized! 🙏
W video
Hey I in just want to say I erased my channel and started a new one I had a promise from God but I told him I really am appreciative but I don't think I want it plus I never see a sign I'm trying to stay a Christian what I want will never be and I can't settle for less you keep going someday someone will be so so lucky I love you and expect you to stay grounded your silence says more than you know anyway please take care I may visit from time to time with much respect regards and❤ Pray 4 me as I go about my journey I won't 4get God but a partner maybe maybe not
Amen, Sis, my youth pastor taught us how to hear the Holy Spirit when I was a teenager. It's a gift that every believer should know how to do.
It’s so cool that we get to strengthen our relationship with the HS throughout or lives!
John 18:36
“Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.”
John 8:23
“And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.”
I’m a goddess and I care as Margaret I care for people ! Goddesses help
I am new! Please help! Everyone says God is loving and I believe that but the more I read the Bible the more he just seems a bit scary / mean… What am I missing?
You are missing the part where Scripture say God make peace through the blood of the cross..And listening to man and their wicked interpretations..
And also you missing the Holy Spirit to make you understand...Reading it with your understanding it will only condemn you..Because your mind is the devil..
There is o need to be scared..Just ask the truth from God...Allow him to teach,speak with Him,ad ask to remove false beliefs,to guide you until you are established..
@@perazdera2827 Thank you will do!
@perazdera2827 Thank you for your input! Spot on. Yes Kendals, read the bible with God and he'll show you His heart. He is a good and just God. Reading the bible is a journey and it transforms you from the inside out! 💗
Isi tapela apa Hau Xie Xie
Hi I am new here
Welcome!! 🙏☺️
@@ItsGabbySings hello I need friends
@@angelofarrell517no, you need God.
Loneliness is an illusion in your mind.
The proper word is "solitude".
@@Soliloquy-gy6zf okay
@@Soliloquy-gy6zf I had a operation done on my hand I don't have a job or anything
Sudah lama kita berhubungan komunikasi tapi janjimu belum pernah menepati janjinya aku kecewa dan sakit hati oke ♥️🙏
I believe I hear the voice of the wisdom. American girls who are in the spirit listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, but the American girls who listen to the voice of the body will speak that voice, and their makeup will attract the guys, but if you remove that makeup, you will remove the voice of the body.
Sorry, I don’t mean to come across rude or disrespectful, but are you actually claiming that ‘god’ talks to you? How does he communicate with you exactly? How come so many religious/christian people say they talk to him but can’t actually hear him back? Why does he only communicate with chosen few? How come even the most faithful Christian’s that have dedicated their entire life to their religion and god can never hear him? Why did ‘god’ make someone like me a non believer? Why does he not reveal himself? Where is the proof that’s not based in faith?
I’m sorry you feel this way, but the Word of God is very clear. “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” Jeremiah 29:13-14A NVI. I truly pray that you can seek Him and hear Him. May you be blessed 💕
First declare the Jesus is Lord and take the time to read the Bible, humble yourself in a private space, and He will speak to you.
His heart is for all people. He wants you! I would encourage you to watch this video: ua-cam.com/video/CZZOaXkLGMY/v-deo.htmlsi=YFXYANNNj10nMScM
And the comment below is right. If you want to know if Jesus is real, pray to him. Ask “hey Jesus, idk if you’re real or not, but will you show me if you are? Will you reveal yourself to me?”
A lot of the times, you even watching my video and feeling this stirring is God already reaching you!
Why does everyone insist on calling audience " you guys"?. I'm a sister. A woman. Now they're calling women Bruh or dude. It doesn't help.
Datang hanya senang senang cuki cuki di Bali lalu pulang pura pura tidak buat apa apa pura pura seperti orang tidak kemana mana oke thanks syalom ♥️🙏
Dan tidak pernah merasa puas dengan kompling dan komentar saya , pikiran selalu emosi dan marah marah untuk menutupi kesalahannya sendiri oke thanks syalom ♥️🙏
Because of people talk about God if you were the boys, I got it doesn’t mean you’re a Christian a lot of people and tell me all this stuff and I told him I tell him are you sure was from God?