Inclusive Assessment, Marking and Feedback Policies in British universities

  • Опубліковано 11 кві 2021
  • In the wake of the disorder and street violence last summer, some British universities have made a commitment to ‘decolonise’ curricula. Leading the field is the University of Hull.


  • @anthonydavis9842
    @anthonydavis9842 3 роки тому +152

    The sad thing about all of this is it merely degrades the quality of the qualifications. If universities don’t watch it their qualifications will be as worthless as a Grammy award

    • @LeeGee
      @LeeGee 3 роки тому +12

      I think it'll degrade the value of the qualifications from Hull and co, eventually leading them to close. Or be massively subsidised ...

    • @drifty_grifty
      @drifty_grifty 3 роки тому +13

      Too late, most degrees are worthless now

    • @philstaples8122
      @philstaples8122 3 роки тому +13

      They don't care about the quality or standing of the degrees earned from Universities that used to be Polytechnics, they only care about the standing of the universities they attended so basically Russel Group universities. Tony Blair has a lot more to answer for than the blood on his hands from Iraq, he also screwed up the higher education system by opening the flood gates with it's generation of countless useless degrees, not only that but at the same time he reduced funding for Further Education those who didn't want to go to university had less of a chance to learn how to be an electrician, plumber or learn some other useful trade.

    • @anthonydavis9842
      @anthonydavis9842 3 роки тому +8

      @@LeeGee well it’s like anything really. If you want to conscript the population into the army with 6 weeks basic training, yes you’ll have a bigger army, but the trade off would be morale and quality or if you want more money you could print more, but in the long term you’re going to have inflation. And no matter how much you subsidise or manipulate these things, you can’t escape these truths

    • @anthonydavis9842
      @anthonydavis9842 3 роки тому +2

      @@philstaples8122 yep, agree there and Thatcher undermined good quality apprenticeships, the life blood of the working class regardless of ethnicity. It would take decades to reverse these current trend and I don’t think many politicians would have the will to do it because it would mean that they would have to make all of the hard decisions, but gain none of the long term benefits

  • @braikka
    @braikka 3 роки тому +59

    They might as well start giving degrees to anyone that asks for them. Bypass the university completely.

    • @peterstaples1
      @peterstaples1 2 роки тому

      Braikka, could you please send me a degree certificate. First class. Any subject/discipline

  • @ollieb9875
    @ollieb9875 3 роки тому +67

    If a poorly written CV crosses my desk containing slang or broken English it's going straight in the fk it bucket.

    • @virginiacharlotte7007
      @virginiacharlotte7007 3 роки тому

      So, shall I guess what your stance is on discriminatory hiring practices based on neck tattoos? ;p

    • @johnbowkett5920
      @johnbowkett5920 3 роки тому +7

      @@virginiacharlotte7007 I wouldn't go with a woman with a face/neck tattoo .... I'm funny like that , so I wouldn't hire them .

    • @LeeGee
      @LeeGee 3 роки тому +1

      Don't worry, I'll hire you if you have a tat - provided you have decent English and can do the job.

    • @andythompson2009
      @andythompson2009 3 роки тому +2

      What if zer listed zer lived experiences or personal truths...

    • @johnbowkett5920
      @johnbowkett5920 3 роки тому +1

      @@andythompson2009 I've got tattoo's from the early 70's , but they are on my arm's , not on my face , or neck .

  • @Kerrigan.le.Awesome
    @Kerrigan.le.Awesome 3 роки тому +30

    It's ironic that I, a South African, was told I "speak posh" and people "need a dictionary to understand me" while in East London. I was very saddened to hear the language I love dying a slow death. No doubt this will only speed up that process :(

  • @Handmethekeys
    @Handmethekeys 3 роки тому +71

    The whole world has gone mad, compensating knowledge for political means is the fastest road to what people are calling "the great replacement"

    • @eurethnic
      @eurethnic 3 роки тому +13

      The West has gone mad. Asian countries wouldn't dream of this crap.

    • @obamadonald5052
      @obamadonald5052 3 роки тому +11

      Anglocide in full swing, first the people, language, and now even the spelling of our language!

    • @jimsimpson1006
      @jimsimpson1006 3 роки тому +2

      Or the road to year zero?

  • @djackson652
    @djackson652 3 роки тому +44

    "Inclusive marking".
    Translation: there's nothing wrong with being sub-literate or illiterate.

  • @anderstopansson
    @anderstopansson 3 роки тому +31

    What we have to deal with is systemic leftism, not systemic racism.

    • @rollovaughan
      @rollovaughan 3 роки тому +6

      Was true when I went to art college in the early 90’s and working in the scenic arts in the late 90’s. Systemic leftism throughout.
      It’s disgusting. I was male, white and straight. Never got the invites to work at the bbc, pinewood or the royal opera house even though I was proficient, punctual and keen.

    • @johnbowkett5920
      @johnbowkett5920 3 роки тому

      @@rollovaughan No invites to the B.B.C. ? .... They did you a favour .

    • @durhamfox5271
      @durhamfox5271 3 роки тому +4

      What do you class as the “controlled right?”

    • @johnbowkett5920
      @johnbowkett5920 3 роки тому +2

      @@durhamfox5271 Anything that differs from Leftie thought .

    • @rollovaughan
      @rollovaughan 3 роки тому +4

      @@johnbowkett5920. But the money was good, so I was told.
      All those I know/knew that worked there were all leftists(degenerates) and didn’t hide it either.

  • @kevinblaylock9883
    @kevinblaylock9883 3 роки тому +27

    My impression when visiting my daughters university for the first time, was just as you describe, all about the money!

    • @djackson652
      @djackson652 3 роки тому +1

      Same here. It is a dispiriting experience.

  • @blairw.3105
    @blairw.3105 3 роки тому +26

    Totally agree, lowering the standards so they don’t lose their funding is disgusting.

    • @chuckh5999
      @chuckh5999 3 роки тому +1

      It's all about funding. Their fishing net is only dragging in the dregs and it looks like their applicants indeed have their brains in their behinds aka "bums on seats".

  • @djackson652
    @djackson652 3 роки тому +38

    Language conformity via grammar and syntax rules is to aid communication. If you ignore language rules, you end up with The Tower of Babel.

  • @Buster_Piles
    @Buster_Piles 3 роки тому +41

    People are switching off TV and turning to YT etc because, I'm told, "it's interactive".
    Whilst I don't think most YT producers are, Simon certainly is: I'm impressed that he does reply to commenters and does videos that reflect issues raised by commenters. It is commendable, thank you Simon. Its a 2 way thing with you that really keeps my interest.

  • @beehinde
    @beehinde 3 роки тому +22

    I can see the compensation culture tying up the hands of Universities and Colleges for many years to come.

  • @TonyRule
    @TonyRule 3 роки тому +10

    If spelling and grammer no longer matter at a University, it's no longer a University.

  • @tuppybrill4915
    @tuppybrill4915 3 роки тому +21

    The whole point of ‘Queen’s English’ is to give the people of a country a common patois that is understandable by all, how you speak at home or down the pub is your own business but in anything involving interaction with people outside your own area a common tongue (including spelling) needs to be adopted to avoid misunderstanding, misunderstandings can of course be disastrous such as crashing a space probe into Mars. It’s just common sense.

  • @bahoonies
    @bahoonies 3 роки тому +10

    I returned to university in 1991 to do a Masters degree. One day I went to the mail room to collect my mail. An undergraduate's geography assignment had been misplaced in my pigeonhole along with the tutor's copious comments. They weren't favourable. Written in big, bold, red letters were the words "If you don't improve your spelling, grammar and punctuation, you will fail!!" That seemed fair to me. A university should be a place which encourages the highest standards. Mediocrity and laziness should never be tolerated. Times, it seems, have changed since then very much for the worst.

  • @djackson652
    @djackson652 3 роки тому +8

    85% getting Firsts and Two Ones. I despair at the lowering of standards.

  • @Fidelisjoff
    @Fidelisjoff 3 роки тому +51

    They hate good writing and grammar in English as it is elitist. Well stop teaching in English then if it's so elitist and move your university to Pakistan or Somalia and serve those you value most.

    • @mbgarner
      @mbgarner 3 роки тому


    • @mbgarner
      @mbgarner 3 роки тому

      @Omniscient_ Turnip here here

  • @eurethnic
    @eurethnic 3 роки тому +15

    We can have a system of equality or we can have a system of equity.
    Selection based on merit or selection based on immutable characteristics.
    These systems are exact opposites.

  • @djackson652
    @djackson652 3 роки тому +15

    One of the ironic elements of this story is that Hull University used to have a first-rate English Department and the brilliant poet, Philip Larkin, was the University Librarian! O tempora! O mores!

    • @jimsimpson1006
      @jimsimpson1006 3 роки тому

      Larkin would be laughin' at the nonsense going on now.

  • @Jester-Riddle
    @Jester-Riddle 3 роки тому +7

    I noted that the Hull statement also permitted effective 'interpretation' of what it is believed that a student might be trying to express as a 'particular' (personal) opinion ... This allows marking subjectively to benefit whomsoever they decide to reward under this policy !

  • @chrisplant7273
    @chrisplant7273 3 роки тому +13

    More than 50% of students are Chinese. Hull used to have an excellent Languages department but that Faculty has now been cancelled.

  • @somebloke13
    @somebloke13 3 роки тому +28

    We were still never asked, no matter how you spell it...

    • @amandalee215
      @amandalee215 3 роки тому +2

      Very true
      I saw a video on yt about that however I think it has been taken down

  • @bigm383
    @bigm383 3 роки тому +8

    There’s an article on The Conversation demanding exactly the same considerations be given to our more tanned brethren in Australia. Evidently spelling and grammar are holding them back from academic excellence.

  • @DrustIV
    @DrustIV 3 роки тому +7

    "We are educating ourselves into imbecility." Malcolm Muggeridge.

  • @rickyj5547
    @rickyj5547 3 роки тому +20

    The inmates have taken over the asylum.

    • @cha2117
      @cha2117 3 роки тому

      I think the asylum was originally made in China.

    • @rickyj5547
      @rickyj5547 3 роки тому

      @@cha2117 still insulting people's intelligence with their useless nonsense.

    • @chuckh5999
      @chuckh5999 3 роки тому

      with nurse Ratchet in charge of admissions.

  • @magnusdominus2866
    @magnusdominus2866 3 роки тому +5

    God bless you Simon. And may he have mercy on England

  • @djackson652
    @djackson652 3 роки тому +6

    And you wonder why Hull which used to be an esteemed HE institution in the 1970s, is now ranked 60th...below the University of Plymouth!

  • @littlenan3576
    @littlenan3576 3 роки тому +6

    This is outrageous. I remember when I did my Fine Art Hons degree in Coventry, there was a tutor who was having an affair with a young girl in my year. As I wandered aroung the college to sort my own work out, I noticed she was sitting on a bench swinging her legs as her tutor/boyfriend did her work for her. All our year knew this was going on and there were many furious voices when she received the top grade at the end of the year. Don't know how well she did with this cheating, after she left college but one lad was so angry that she had hardly done any of her own work and she had a higher degree than he did. His work was very good too. He was going to complain but not sure if he did. How could he prove it other than get us to give our information? So cheating has always been going on but what the colleges are suggesting now is beyond the pale.

    • @mousey01261
      @mousey01261 3 роки тому

      I did fine art at Coventry, graduated 2001 ( may have been 2002 - can’t quite remember!) when we’re you there?

  • @wjf0ne
    @wjf0ne 3 роки тому +10

    I do wonder how it is in universities in France or Germany, do they allow the degradation of their languages to facilitate those who can't be arsed learning the language of those they live with?

  • @rebellion2054
    @rebellion2054 3 роки тому +2

    I really look forward to working alongside these people who speak and write in such de-colonised fashion.
    It will make things so much easier to communicate clearly and produce results.

  • @plweis7203
    @plweis7203 3 роки тому +9

    Bizarre developments indeed are taking place.

  • @jackpatplod174
    @jackpatplod174 3 роки тому +6

    Regarding Tony Blair’s ambition to get 50% of people a university education (to gain a certificate of deferred employment). The obvious fact that 50% of the population is BELOW AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE (sorry for the shouty capitals) shows what fools we have as politicians these days.

  • @benjaminwakefield9509
    @benjaminwakefield9509 3 роки тому +4

    Good too see my old alma mater leading the charge into our brave new world. When I was there about 15 years ago it was considered a mediocre establishment - I think it was actually placed dead centre in the league tables. I wonder where it ranks now?

  • @southerncomfort7490
    @southerncomfort7490 3 роки тому +50

    Thank you for raising this point.
    Just a few reflections. I have been teaching in higher education since 1991. I have taught at an array of institutions and now teach at a Russell Group university.
    Point 1: I am reminded of an anecdote concerning the student 'uprising' of 1968. A lecturer caught a students using an aerosol spray on the side of the LSE library building. He had written, in his artistic hurry: "Fok the establishment." When the lecturer informed the student about his spelling mistake he received the angry reply: "Spelling is bourgeois."
    And so it is, as are all communication skills. For they are necessary, indeed vital, in the workplace and in ordinary life. Thus, if you pretend, as they do, to 'educate for life' you are, to put it mildly, handicapping a student by pretending that these skills are of no importance. You are, in a sense, disfiguring their education.
    Secondly: I worked at one institution teaching Law (which is my discipline). Many students, it was determined, would find law "too frightening" as a first year subject. So it had to be watered down. That is to say, 'Law for Dummies" had to be taught rather than 'proper' law. The reason for this, as you hinted at, was a reflection on the quality of the new students and the fact that the university was desperate not to have a terrible retention rate (ie students dropping out). Naturally, as far as the university were concerned, the retention rate was the fault of the teaching staff and had nothing to do with admissions. Twas ever thus.
    So, I am to teach on a Mickey Mouse module, just invented, called 'Law and Society.' The syllabus for this module could be summarised thus: "'The police are all bastards and judges are all fascists. Discuss.'"
    However, what I also discovered was that my module had an agenda. The agenda was this: "If women and ethnic minorities were in charge of the system, we would be living a paradise. It is only because of white, patriarchal control that all the evils of the world are visited upon us, from non-flushing toilets to global warming."
    Ever, and naively, believing of freedom of thought in education, I naturally repeated the agenda (which was incumbent upon me). However, in the process of doing so, I felt bound to do a terrible thing. That is to say, I felt bound to point to what we lawyers call 'the evidence.'
    For the research on the matter is quite interesting. First of all it demonstrates that when women or ethnic minorities achieve positions of power and authority their judgments tend to be exactly the same as their white male equivalents. A study of Durham students marking court judgments blindly detected no difference whatever. All other studies - save that carried out at one avowedly feminist conference in Australia - come out with exactly the same findings. Secondly, when examining career advancement in the professions the biggest determinant factor was not race, or sexual tendency, or sex but,.... wait for it,....class.
    Now, it was by making this second point - support by ALL the evidence - that got me into real trouble with my institution.
    They decided not to renew my contract on the basis that I was "importing outdated colonial mindsets into the teaching of the course and thereby risking the corruption of the understanding of the young student."
    I reflected on the fact that Socrates was sentenced to death for doing exactly the same thing. It is rather sad that we seem to have failed to move on since those days.
    Oh and one very last point. I used to work for the man who is now Head of School of Law and Business at the University of Hull. Cut him in half (please!) and I feel sure that you will find the words 'useless lazy pillock' running right through him.

    • @southerncomfort7490
      @southerncomfort7490 3 роки тому +11

      @@stevendarkentertainments The right choice!
      Now there is an interesting feature to this which is often overlooked. It says something about the 'middle class educational mindset.' It goes something like this: "If we contrive a subject that the students can relate to, something they will be bound to like; something which is non-threatening, non-intellectual and 'street' (as it were), we will get results and keep them 'on board.'" Hence the predominance of 'Mickey Mouse' subjects and modules.
      However, what this fails to take into account is that if you do not like studying,.... you do not like studying. Thus, the nature of the subject matter makes absolutely no difference at all. Whereas, if you like studying and you can find an interest in everything (the qualities belonging to someone who SHOULD be at a university), then any subject matter will do. Even useful and intellectually demanding things can be studied by the latter form of student.
      As for the occasional 'proper' subject (ie Land Law), all you do is change the assessment regime. Make it a presentation on one topic. A bit like testing the knowledge of Hamlet by how much you know about Act One, Scene One of the play.
      I write this as an external examiner of many years.
      As a rule of thumb anyone who calls it 'Uni', shouldn't be there. Particularly when it comes to academic staff.

    • @georgehetty7857
      @georgehetty7857 3 роки тому +9

      @@southerncomfort7490 I found your comments fascinating,thanks for sharing your experiences.
      What struck me about your depressing story is what do the students come away with after 2/3years
      of studies?How can they be employed?

    • @Raven-qj8xk
      @Raven-qj8xk 3 роки тому +11

      God bless you! Genetics Bsc and virology PhD here, lots of what I learnt and know to be fact is now considered dangerous and heretical!
      I feel your pain acutely.

    • @Raven-qj8xk
      @Raven-qj8xk 3 роки тому +5

      @@stevendarkentertainments Very true! The most concerning thing is the bought and paid for 'New science' that Boris and co. Are forcing down everyone's throats is dangerous, dividing and destroying our country on multiple levels. When I speak out my posts are deleted.😇 I'm off to enjoy a sunny walk with my dog👍

    • @southerncomfort7490
      @southerncomfort7490 3 роки тому +6

      @@georgehetty7857 Thanks George. In answer to your question: A large amount of debt with little else to show for it.
      What I am VERY grateful for is that what is illustrated in the excellent video is the key to it all, namely, money. One thinks of the Vicar of Bray. If these very same administrators, (ie an academic with no teaching or research ability), were suddenly informed that they would double their grant by excluding ethnic minorities or working class candidates, they would do so faster than you can say the word "grant."

  • @thecuttingsark5094
    @thecuttingsark5094 3 роки тому +5

    50 years ago a black person in the same job would have known that they had to work much harder to get there. Now, it’s the other way round.

  • @uncleidi9715
    @uncleidi9715 3 роки тому +10

    It plezes ma most grately dat yur universates are learning to speak your lingo proper style like wot I dun. Most grately indeed!!

  • @rogershore3128
    @rogershore3128 3 роки тому +4

    I'm reminded of Heslop in Porridge "I read a book once, green it was!"

  • @carolramsey8457
    @carolramsey8457 3 роки тому +13

    I know. Let's give disadvantaged and deprived white athletes gold medals for coming last!

  • @MikeWalls7829
    @MikeWalls7829 3 роки тому +9

    Why can't they see that by simply allowing whatever group to do worse and get away with it, they are covering up the problem and pretending it doesn't exist, the result of which is that the problem is never understood and will remain forever. It's almost as if they want that or something.

  • @FerminTrujilloEspetero
    @FerminTrujilloEspetero 3 роки тому +5

    I'm lost for words. Or should that be, 'Yo, bruv, I is propalee wivout wurds, ya get me, fam'?

  • @brianwhittington5086
    @brianwhittington5086 3 роки тому +4

    This is little better than the old " buy a fake degree by post " from a doubious foreign university. The trouble is that these degrees are going to get students into a position they're not educated enough to be capable of fulfilling.

  • @djackson652
    @djackson652 3 роки тому +9

    When Blair turbo-charged university expansion to boost the economy, that is when standards plummetted dramatically.

  • @MAX-tw3qz
    @MAX-tw3qz 3 роки тому +2

    Kingston upon Hull, my old home town, home to William Wilberforce, the MP involved in the abolition of slavery act. And how do they show gratitude? With wicked stupidity.
    My father lectured at Hull, I am comforted by the fact he isn't here to witness this evil, in fact he'd of been cancelled and dismissed when I think back to his lectures.

  • @gmjsimmons
    @gmjsimmons 3 роки тому +3

    Soon a college degree will demand only occasional attendance and borrowing money to pay tuition--books optional. All the while information and technology double every few years. What could possibly go wrong?

  • @LeeGee
    @LeeGee 3 роки тому +14

    These old Polytechnics aren't going to be helping anybody with these new polices. Without correct spelling, the etymology is hard to learn, thus the historic and clear meaning of the word is obscured, along with clarity of thought.
    My own BA in English was a 2:1 due to my poor spelling (1% off a first) -- and quite rightly so, despite my excellent excuses of being a legwlly-blind dyslexic (and son of a Bethnal Green-born used car salesman).
    I very much appreciate the vidoes, whether history or opinion - thank you.

    • @andrewgdholmes3461
      @andrewgdholmes3461 3 роки тому

      Except that Hull university is not an old former Polytechnic....It is an independent 'red brick University established in 1927

    • @karenripley3678
      @karenripley3678 3 роки тому

      @@andrewgdholmes3461 ... except it was a University College in '27, and didn't formally become a University 'til '54.

  • @thecasualcitizen492
    @thecasualcitizen492 3 роки тому +2

    The solution is apparent. Create a new office in the bureaucracy. Call it the bureau of Academic Equity. Give them a "Master" certificate of participation and a copy machine. Each recipient can write their own name on the certificate. Problem solved.

  • @noodlyappendage6729
    @noodlyappendage6729 3 роки тому +1

    We need to start our own British universities. Starting with a mass alliance of pro British home schooling for children 🇬🇧

  • @davemiller6893
    @davemiller6893 3 роки тому +2

    As a catholic secondary school student in a very rough (economically deprived, working class) area, we were taught basic english language and maths to quite a good standard. We were cosidered factory fodder but these rudimentary skills were absolutely essential to secure a decent job. I suppose in the new order of things I could have conceivably applied to Oxford and be deemed very suitable.

  • @jenniferjenkins1341
    @jenniferjenkins1341 3 роки тому +8

    Anybody with an interest in WW1 who has read any of the letters written home from young working class soldiers will have noted the high standard of spelling and their eloquence. These boys would have had a basic education and left school at 14. Surely it is a prerequisite of going to college or university that you are able to express yourself clearly in a literate manner. Two points here. What is wrong with education today and why is lowering standards a good thing for anybody, whatever their colour or class. It isn't just black students who are failing in this respect.

    • @djackson652
      @djackson652 3 роки тому +1

      Yes, it's interesting that. My mum left school aged 14 and my dad aged 13. The standard of their English was first-rate as was their cursive writing. My dad became an apprecentice plumber ( interrupted by WW2) and my mum was a housewife. In a different age or had they had the opportunity to carry on their school, both would have walked into university because they were knowledgeable and intelligent. My mum's eldest sister ( she was one of 13) became a headmistress.
      But don't forget: many of the diaries and letters were by public-school educated officers. If I am right, though, every soldier was given a pencil and writing paper. I think you will find the quality of English but you are right to point out that some of the w-c soldiers had outstanding writing skills.

    • @djackson652
      @djackson652 3 роки тому

      Sorry. I missed outcthe word "varied".

    • @jenniferjenkins1341
      @jenniferjenkins1341 3 роки тому

      @Anita Maguire Thank you Anita. I'm nearly 75 and what I see now chills me. In my primary years I attended schools in which the classes were large, text books often shared but the majority of us attained high standard of literacy and arithmetic, as it was called then. Many of passed the 11plus and 13 plus and went to grammar schools and techs, myself included. We saw a lot of handwringing about children's education being significantly harmed due the school shutdowns in the pandemic and I turned my thoughts to all those children who emerged from the concentration camps after WW2 and went on to study and become lawyers, teachers, scientists etc. I'm also of the opinion that maybe boys and girls perform better in single sex schools, although I'm sure many would disagree.

  • @ElusiveCube
    @ElusiveCube 3 роки тому +3

    Once I hired a black young man, and when driving we chatted about race, he told me that he want to be a engineer,, he was 22-23, as we were talking I noticed that he just does not have ANY quality to be a engineer. I asked him what is 2 squared, he had no clue, what is 3 cubed, he had no clue. I tossed few easy questions easy to all those who seeking to be a engineer. He said that he can learn and all the knowledge is just to memorize formulas, memorize words THERE IS NOTHING TO IT. I told him a formula of the tetrahedron volume, now you know the formula please tell me the answer., I told him the Pythagoras theorem, A sq. + B sq. = C sq. He had no clue yet he knew the formula least according to him. The point I trying to make is that he herd from sub saharan American scholars that knowledge is nothing more than to memorize things, Sadly many sub saharans traying to diminish knowledge to memorizing some passages WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING the meaning is so so damaging. I told him you will never be a engineer, BECAUSE A ENGINEER IS A PERSON OF CURIOSITY, and you are not curious, when at age of 22 - 23 you never had the curiosity to find out. He finally said he will drop that thought to be a engineer. I know people reading this ,will comment on my poor spelling sadly English is my last language I have learned, so it is what it is.

  • @steveflemming3354
    @steveflemming3354 3 роки тому +3

    Hull graduates can be pilots for United. An ideal system.

  • @cocopud
    @cocopud 3 роки тому +4

    Considering this is the Information Age there really is no excuse anymore. If you do not know how to spell something, or what the correct word for its past tense or its plural form is etc. then look it up. I went to one of the top 50 WORST secondary schools in the country, so I have to look things up quite often to compensate for my substandard state education. Now I’m a professional writer, proofreader and editor, because the technology exists to overcome problems such as these. What is other people’s excuse?

    • @TonyRule
      @TonyRule 3 роки тому

      Laziness. The End.

  • @timothyhallett3724
    @timothyhallett3724 3 роки тому +2

    The numbers of First Class degrees being awarded in UK universities are ridiculous. When I left university, in 1991, First Class degrees were a rarity, with just a handful of percent, even in Russell Group universities. By 2018/19 academic year, the proportion of graduates attaining a First had risen to 29.5%. I dread to think what proportion were given a top class of degree in the covid years. Whilst I can accept the idea that teaching is now more closely geared to the exam, it’s nonsense to suggest that students are so much cleverer now than 30 years ago; indeed, given the huge rise in student numbers the opposite would be more logical.

  • @johnfoster7996
    @johnfoster7996 3 роки тому +3

    Nothing here surprises me, the rot began a long time ago when Latin was dropped as an obligatory subject for university entrance. I do wonder though where the brightest of our youngsters will be able to further develop their superior intellects. Excellence seems to me to have become a dirty word.

  • @i_wouldprefer_not_to1196
    @i_wouldprefer_not_to1196 3 роки тому +2

    I recently saw someone on LinkedIn had posted an article with the title: 'Decolonizing methodologies.' I thought that sounded like utter piffle!

  • @DS-nh2yf
    @DS-nh2yf 3 роки тому +2

    Thank you Comerade Blair for following through on your promise that 50% of all citizens should hold a university degree.
    I can only imagine that in which ever private school you attended, you clearly bunked on all of your economic lessons every year until graduation.
    Now, I went to a public school up Norf in Lancashire. As you can imagine, we didn't have any lessons on economics. However, even I know that a basic fundamental rule in economics is power of scarcity, and I know Jack SH*T about economics, but clearly more than you.
    Peace ✌️

  • @chargeriderepeat7024
    @chargeriderepeat7024 3 роки тому +1

    I made the prediction decades ago that laziness would be a trait that could not be descriminated against.
    Im still on track for it being law.

  • @charlisparkles
    @charlisparkles 3 роки тому +1

    I worked with foreign students at my university, and was surprised that a number of them didn't have a very high level of English. I did wonder how these students managed to pass their assessments. This was one of the UK top universities at the time.

    • @charlisparkles
      @charlisparkles 3 роки тому +1

      Oh and I figured it was because the overseas students had fees of 20k a year, vs the capped £1,100 per year of the time for home students. All about the money.

  • @djackson652
    @djackson652 3 роки тому +4

    And that is why DNA stands for National Dyslexia Association!

  • @jimsimpson1006
    @jimsimpson1006 3 роки тому +1

    Last week I cudn’t spell ‘stewdent’. Whadya no, this week I is one!

  • @stevefox8605
    @stevefox8605 3 роки тому +2

    Stepdaughter studied archaeology at uni, the standard was so low it was embarrassing - more learned from watching Time Team!!
    Admissions should be on merit only, irrespective of colour, religion and class.... But society is being dumbed down internationally, and I agree it is disgusting.

    • @nickmiller76
      @nickmiller76 3 роки тому +3

      To be fair, when I was at university in the seventies I was astonished at how thick the people were that were doing Archeology and Ancient History.

    • @stevefox8605
      @stevefox8605 3 роки тому +1

      @@nickmiller76 🤣👍🏻👍🏻

  • @khfan4life365
    @khfan4life365 3 роки тому +1

    I think the British taxpayers need to get their money back. They should not be paying for this horse-sh*t.

  • @chuckh5999
    @chuckh5999 3 роки тому +1

    The most frightening thing Simon, is that Hull has a "University".

  • @andrewgdholmes3461
    @andrewgdholmes3461 3 роки тому +1

    I work there! This policy, although not yet implemented, would, from my perspective, devalue the university's degrees. I'm sure that students themselves will find it bizarre. What is the value of a degree if a graduate cannot articulate things clearly in writing. On a positive note if I no longer have to correct/provide feedback on grammar and spelling then the time I spend on marking student work will probably be reduced by circa 50 percent.

  • @dinkmartini3236
    @dinkmartini3236 3 роки тому +1

    Eye are agree to this thinkdum.

  • @andyjarman4958
    @andyjarman4958 3 роки тому +1

    A plan for simplifying spelling.
    In Year 1 that useless letter "c" would be dropped to be replased either by "k" or "s", and likewise "x" would no longer be part of the alphabet.
    The only kase in which "c" would be retained would be the "ch" formation, which will be dealt with later.
    Year 2 might reform "w" spelling, so that "which" and "one" would take the same konsonant, wile Year 3 might well abolish "y" replasing it with "i" and iear 4 might fiks the "g/j" anomali wonse and for all.
    Jenerally, then, the improvement would kontinue iear bai iear with iear 5 doing awai with useless double konsonants, and iears 6-12 or so modifaiing vowlz and the rimeining voist and unvoist konsonants.
    Bai iear 15 or sou, it wud fainali bi posibl tu meik ius ov thi ridandant letez "c", "y" and "x" -- bai now jast a memori in the maindz ov ould doderez -- tu riplais "ch", "sh", and "th" rispektivli.
    Fainali, xen, aafte sam 20 iers ov orxogrefkl riform, wi wud hev a lojikl, kohirnt speling in ius xrewawt xe Ingliy-spiking werld.
    Ever read the book Riddly Walker by Russel Hoburn?
    It's a post apocalyptic vision of how a young boy whose never been taught to read and write attempts to explain the carnage about him. The whole novel is spelled in this fashion.
    A bit like a Saxon warlord trying to make sense of a ruined Roman bath house.
    We truly are entering a new dark age.

  • @donquixote3927
    @donquixote3927 3 роки тому +1

    All this is very difficult for those unused to written languages.

  • @vic6820
    @vic6820 3 роки тому +1

    We're very close to the bottom of the slippery slope.

    • @nickmiller76
      @nickmiller76 3 роки тому

      I don't agree. I think we've got a lot further to go.

    • @vic6820
      @vic6820 3 роки тому

      @@nickmiller76 Oh dear, good point.

  • @tonyromasco1735
    @tonyromasco1735 3 роки тому +1

    Please read " The Mature Mind" by H.A. Overstreet, and "On Aggression" by Konrad Lorenz. You will likely love them. These 2 books really opened my eyes

  • @_MrAvocado_
    @_MrAvocado_ 3 роки тому +3

    at leest we no speaky the germen!

  • @colin25250
    @colin25250 3 роки тому +3

    I thought universities were meant to be elitist in providing first class education.!! Dumbing down so that 90% of the population can get a degree just removes the need for a university at all. As a retired lecturer I have seen the consequences 1st hand and it's going to cause major problems in skills etc in the future. Well done Hull for leading the way to the bottom.

  • @robertburley8703
    @robertburley8703 3 роки тому

    Hi Simon, this is not necessarily about universities but is on a similar theme.
    I’m fifty nine and if I receive quotations etc. for my business with spelling mistakes or poor grammar they go straight to the recycling bin. I’m sure I can’t be alone in thinking that errors of this kind must reflect on the standard of work/materials being supplied.

  • @djackson652
    @djackson652 3 роки тому +10

    It always amuses me that,when foreign footballers speak English, it is often of a better standard than some of the English studio pundits.

  • @dangerous9straps703
    @dangerous9straps703 3 роки тому +1

    Spot on once again!

  • @georgemelvin9079
    @georgemelvin9079 3 роки тому

    And it goes on

  • @keithslater7813
    @keithslater7813 3 роки тому +4

    In the year 2525 if man is still alive

  • @RCohle452
    @RCohle452 3 роки тому +1

    The Australian University sectors standards have slipped due to international students paying top dollar for admissions. The admissions process for students from China in particular is a cesspool of corruption.

  • @peterhboyd59
    @peterhboyd59 3 роки тому +1

    As a business owner, I think, these people will be unemployable and are wasting their time going to university if they can't do the job fully after graduation.

  • @Charonupthekuiper
    @Charonupthekuiper 3 роки тому +3

    The whole affair is tragic. I grew up in an era when the only real requirement to university was your ability. I went to a very good one and did well. Did it matter that most academics were “middle class” and I had a Lancashire accent? No. I was the butt of many a joke, but I loved it. My spelling wasn’t the best, admittedly, and those with dyslexia rightly need some latitude. Now students have to fork out nine grand a term for this drivel, and I fear wokeness has gone into orbit because those duffel heads in charge have way too much time on their hands due to the lockdown.

  • @vic6820
    @vic6820 3 роки тому +2

    Has anyone else noticed the pronunciation of "the" followed by a vowel? It's becoming thu orange, like an abrupt sound (or should I say a abrupt) We would normally say "thee" orange. Now it seems everyone is saying "thu orange, thu annual rate, thu oil" etc. It doesn't flow naturally when spoken. It's happening everywhere, including the news and surely those who say it, must be aware. Is it me or has anyone else noticed this, what's behind it?

    • @nickmiller76
      @nickmiller76 3 роки тому +1

      The way people speak on the telly regularly gets me apoplectic these days.

    • @vic6820
      @vic6820 3 роки тому

      @@nickmiller76 I had to look that up. Yes, me too.

    • @yiabwstetienne7474
      @yiabwstetienne7474 3 роки тому

      Huh! Have you heard the new words that have replaced our and ours? Listen to the once, "Queens English", BBC Radio 4. Nick Robinson on "Today" is the worst offender, are and ares, I even see people writing this now on comments instead of using the correct words, things are worse than we thought.

    • @vic6820
      @vic6820 3 роки тому

      @@yiabwstetienne7474 I haven't noticed that one but I'll look out for it. There are many others, too many. Regulee, particulee, contemporee, British people using US airplane, specialty......

  • @Bob-Horse
    @Bob-Horse 3 роки тому +2

    Who in their right mind would want to attend the University of Hull anyway?

  • @shamitbikramshah8577
    @shamitbikramshah8577 3 роки тому +1

    Teachers acknowledging and covering up other teacher's shortcomings

  • @grumjv
    @grumjv 3 роки тому +1

    Presumably this idiocy will not apply to STEM subjects where clarity of thought and clear communication are crucial. Such is not required for the other 'academic' pursuits, as they are not particularly high requirements for flipping burgers in McDonald's.

  • @stuwright9545
    @stuwright9545 3 роки тому +1

    Elocution lessons at an early age could be the way forward.

  • @marshy1499
    @marshy1499 3 роки тому +2

    So what if they become a Dr or a specialist in something..Instead of a Dr treating you a 100% ..might and I express might only get 70% or so .. We used to have or expect the highest standards seems like anything will do ..going backwards..

  • @Shearers1953
    @Shearers1953 2 роки тому

    The first link is dead and I can't now find anything on the Hull Uni website with the search terms decolonise curriculum or inclusive assessment and marking?

  • @tc5273
    @tc5273 3 роки тому

    The comedy film 'Idiocracy' has now turned in to a documentary.

  • @joebloggs1460
    @joebloggs1460 3 роки тому +1

    Is this not the re-branding of the failed 1970 experiment called the "initial teaching alphabet"(ITA) where you were told to spell as you hear? It didn't work then so why would it work now?

  • @Raven-qj8xk
    @Raven-qj8xk 3 роки тому

    Lovely jargonese! I adore your interpretation of these ridiculous education policies!😂

  • @martinbennett9578
    @martinbennett9578 3 роки тому

    Yes. I agree.

  • @tc5273
    @tc5273 3 роки тому +1

    Ah Hull Uni. One of the three great universities.......Baaaah

  • @jonkore2024
    @jonkore2024 3 роки тому

    It's a madhouse madhouse world

  • @amarcy5369
    @amarcy5369 3 роки тому +2

    So the man or woman wielding the knife as you go into surgery has been a given a pass mark to practice, not on intellectual merit but just so the university’s can look good on paper . Does anyone else see a potential problem waiting in the wings , lawsuit for damages perhaps. To think I could have been a brain surgeon after all . Mum would be so proud. 🤣🤣🤣👍

  • @silverali9477
    @silverali9477 3 роки тому +1

    I suppose that the overseas students who have to achieve 6.5 on the IELTS for entry to UK universities will ask this criteria to be dropped???

  • @nightofthe8765
    @nightofthe8765 3 роки тому

    Instead of bringing them up to our standards, we have to lower our standards to suit them. 🇬🇧

  • @orsoncart802
    @orsoncart802 3 роки тому

    Curriculum, curriculi - i.e. 2nd declension, neuter.
    By the way, that second term is the genitive singular to you oiks, and not the nominative (or vocative or accusative) plural which is curricula. 😁

  • @woz7379
    @woz7379 3 роки тому +1

    Reading something full of spelling mistakes takes away something that is being said.

  • @TheSeoras
    @TheSeoras 3 роки тому

    It’s Is exactly that. 💁‍♂️

  • @j4r4lly22
    @j4r4lly22 3 роки тому +1

    We have multiple nationalities working for our company in roles that demand a high skill levels. Most of them speak multiple languages, are well qualified, have a strong work ethic and are hungry for success. Dumbing down our universities is madness and will leave us as a country struggling to compete with the rest of the World. The gov't really need to start pushing back on this woke mediocrity that is infecting our education system from the nurseries all the way to University. Standards appear to have plunged alarmingly all in the name of "equality". If there really is a gap then work on driving standards up, not dropping to the level of the lowest.

  • @johnbowkett5920
    @johnbowkett5920 3 роки тому +2

    Hello there . ☺