is pride really the devil?

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @tbray25
    @tbray25 3 місяці тому +9

    Someone once told me
    - you should never be proud of yourself, only satisfied. Being proud of you is other people's job.
    - you should also never cry for yourself,that's other people's job.
    Don't know how true it is but I always think about it.

    • @rnathanhall
      @rnathanhall  3 місяці тому +2

      i think that’s good advice. thank you

  • @niku4259
    @niku4259 9 днів тому

    I think It's different from feeling arrogant hubris and or being overconfident in your ability. The reason dads need to tell their sons that they are proud of them is just for the fact if they don't the son will forever feel not good enough, not being able to feel comfortable in one's skin, always feeling like something is wrong with them or something is missing. I always wrote off the fact that my dad never told me he loves me or that he's proud of me for walking this earth and doing my best. Now everything I do I feel it's never good enough. It took me years to just get over it and practice self love or just appreciate myself for the things I've achieved. It's a terrible feeling though it's like suffering from perfectionism trying to live up to some delusional standards at that point. You achieve something and it feels like it's not good enough or at worst like it means nothing at all to you that you did it

  • @RobFordMayor
    @RobFordMayor 2 місяці тому +1

    Saw your video about life being pointless and you are right. However, (your) life is not pointless. I would strongly urge you to read The book of undoing - Fred Davis. This book lead to my enlightenment experience and "my" life will be full of pain but I experience minimal suffering

  • @theonerm2
    @theonerm2 3 місяці тому +3

    I used to play Guitar Hero and I was good at it. I was ranked 1st on 2 of the overall leaderboards for 2 different games. The website ranked me overall 1st on the website in 2009, 2010, and 2011. I wasn't the best at any one song really. I might have had a few 1st place scores on individual songs but I was still 1st overall when you added up all the scores. People would quit playing most of the time when they played against me. Also a few people would beat me sometimes. One time I played against someone online and I missed a note but they didn't miss any notes and I still won. Why? I used star power in all the right places. Even if you think you did perfect on something there is always room to improve. I never really thought I was the best but I did do my best. There comes a point where you're working extremely hard for less than 1% of improvement. Is it worth it at that point just to say you're the best? I don't know. I do know you'll never reach 100% perfection. You might think you're there at some point but you'd be a fool to really believe it.

  • @PrimeChosenOne
    @PrimeChosenOne 3 місяці тому +3

    I remember you did the life is pointless video 2 years ago. Now you got a goatee🔥

  • @gingerweber5177
    @gingerweber5177 3 місяці тому +1

    I know when i say that im proud of someone its usually bc i see how much they have grown or that they have made progress towards something that was important to them. I feel lk everyone is a work in progress & its important to acknowledge that sometimes

    • @gingerweber5177
      @gingerweber5177 3 місяці тому

      I also think its a good thing to feel about the things we put into the world. So I might not b a prideful person but I can take pride in the goodness tht I accomplish. I believe pride becomes an issue when it's too inwardly focused/selfishly motivated OR when it's regarding actions tht negatively impact others. So someone taking pride in something that causes harm to someone else

  • @JamesLuthan
    @JamesLuthan 3 місяці тому +2

    Came across this video by complete accident. It’s an interesting question, and I ain’t the most qualified to speak on this, but here goes:
    When we think of pride as a sin and pride as a positive reinforcement, I feel people tend to lump the two together, when in reality we say the same word, but mean two different things.
    When I think of pride as a deadly sin, as you mentioned in the video, it’s the idea of Hubris, that we’re good at this, possibly that you think you’re better than other people at it, without grounds.
    However, in my mind, I don’t think that’s what people mean, or what most people understand it to be, when you say, “I’m proud of you.”.
    I think it’s more like, “Oh wow, my mom, or my dad’s super happy with me for doing what I did so well.”, which I think is where we get the idea of, “my dad never said he’s proud of me” being, “my dad’s never been happy with what I did.”
    Anyway, that’s my two cents, sorry for the essay. 😅

  • @shydalelewis3966
    @shydalelewis3966 23 дні тому

    Having pride at all is horrible. Its ok to be confident in happy about what you do. Pride is just unsanly being Selfish in the wrong ways possible. A 3rd of angles got kicked out from heaven because of this one word *pride*. look at all the people and places who say they have pride is something and majority of those people snd places BREAK APART. Pride becomes before the fall brodi.

  • @purpletiger7292
    @purpletiger7292 3 місяці тому +1

    I would like to know what you think about the book of Job in the bible and how pride plays a role in that.

  • @richardhauser8765
    @richardhauser8765 2 місяці тому

    Perfect for me ?

  • @vishtusp
    @vishtusp 2 місяці тому


  • @Dumaboy5933
    @Dumaboy5933 2 місяці тому +1

    Pride is the most evil sin and is the gateway to the rest of the sins

  • @Salma2625amlas
    @Salma2625amlas 2 місяці тому

    Are you alive ?
    Please answer ❤

  • @MrJhonB184
    @MrJhonB184 2 місяці тому

    Yeah am confused about alot of this side of sin 🤦‍♂️

  • @alexpadillayt
    @alexpadillayt 2 місяці тому

    I think you're confused about pride. pride what I believe is the seven deadly sins. Pride is that that you want it your way or something like that for getting angry or having it your way only.
    I always struggle with this one because I would like to fix things but family or sisters or whoever don't want to fix a problems that we have in our household.
    And like proud is different than pride I believe.
    You can be happy about somebody doing a good job or something that they did to congratulate them ect.. I hope I make sense I hope you're doing better since your video that you posted two years ago

    • @aigoated
      @aigoated 2 місяці тому

      Nope hes right, a person with pride values achievements and derives self worth out of them.
      If a prideful person receives a compliment they won't improve because they think its perfect.
      While a humble person who receives a compliment will continue to improve, because they realize there is more room to learn.
      Therefore a compliment can hurt the person depending on who they are.
      Also a person with pride can be arrogant, all of these fall in line, due to the definition of pride.

  • @thefunson8087
    @thefunson8087 2 місяці тому
