Beyond Climate (full film) featuring David Suzuki



  • @philippedefechereux7896
    @philippedefechereux7896 3 роки тому +24

    Beautifully done, and soberly told. First time I watch a realistic and science-based documentary on climate change that leaves me with a bit of optimism that hope is not completely lost yet. Go Canada!

    • @christinearmington
      @christinearmington 3 роки тому

      Oh Canada 🍁

    • @cnault3244
      @cnault3244 Рік тому

      | First time I watch a realistic and science-based documentary on climate change "
      Too bad they had a zoologist ( David Suzuki) involved in it rather than a scientist with the relevant training and degree... like maybe a Climatologist?

  • @bill8985
    @bill8985 11 місяців тому +2

    Brilliantly done, albeit sobering. Cheers to Suzuki. He is a treasure.

  • @GoBlesstheSky
    @GoBlesstheSky 2 роки тому +15

    "If you really think the environment is less important than the economy, try holding your breath while you count your money" - Sindre Kolbjornsgard

  • @LouiseFisher-p8y
    @LouiseFisher-p8y 3 місяці тому

    Thank you so much, huge David Suzuki fan. Without the environment there is NO economy, I think David more than anybody demonstrates that and scientifically backs it up too.

  • @Emma-rw9ro
    @Emma-rw9ro 3 роки тому +10

    I real gem of a film. I got here after following the feed after watching a David Suzuki video, so in other words I wasn't looking for it, but all the same, I am surprised at how few views the film has had on this channel.

  • @danielbrooks5683
    @danielbrooks5683 3 роки тому +31

    I would love to see a perspective on climate that does not put humanity at the apex of existence. Always it is about the infinite continuation of humanity, and zero concern about other life forms. Perhaps this is why they say "you can't solve a problem with the same thinking that created it in the first place".

    • @michaelmcintyre490
      @michaelmcintyre490 3 роки тому +5

      Yes to reproduce in a dying planet is not on selfish but cruel

    • @ravenken
      @ravenken 2 роки тому +5

      I would say that the Native voice is one of respect and harmony. That message is not distilled in the video to draw the distinction that both you and I would like to see - humans are not above and distinct from this world. An honest look though would just identify us as a complex disease upon all (most) life on the planet. Right now I want to work to limit our impact as much as I can. If we are unable to stop catastrophic change I am still going out trying my best to limit the impact. My soul/conscience requires me to do so.

    • @leviahimsa
      @leviahimsa Рік тому

      Human supremacy is deeply rooted in our societies.
      These human primate frugivores, kill fish, and then are surprised there's no more fish. Stop killing the other animals, duh 🙏💖

    • @lv4077
      @lv4077 Рік тому +1

      You’re certainly welcome to remove yourself from the equation if you’re so inclined

    • @EmeraldView
      @EmeraldView Рік тому

      @@michaelmcintyre490 I won't reproduce because life is by and large suffering.
      I certainly wouldn't have chosen to exist in this world had I been given the choice.

  • @Your-Local-Croissant
    @Your-Local-Croissant 2 роки тому +6

    Everyone's talking about how beautiful the documentary was, but I wanna know who else was brought here because of school

  • @gregmckone
    @gregmckone 2 роки тому +4

    Inspiring, beautiful, thought provoking. - Must watch.

  • @greennetwork7021
    @greennetwork7021 3 роки тому +7

    Thanks for your precious Film.

    • @doobidoo095
      @doobidoo095 3 роки тому

      CO2 at 0.04% is a 2,500th part of the atmosphere. That means to warm the climate by just 1"C carbon dioxide molecules must capture 2,500"C of heat energy. That is impossible. It also breaks the fundamental laws of thermodynamics.
      Methane at 0.00017% is a 600,000th of the atmosphere so it's even more impossible.
      However, the climate is changing. This is because of deliberate geoengineering programmes, in particular ozone thinning away from the poles. Though largely unreported ozone thinning effect is directly observable, this summer you can see a unnaturally bright sun just as we did last year. Under these conditions the pain felt when looking at the sun is not only from the increase in visible light but the much larger increase in infrared. (Look up at the sky and you will see a range of geoengineering operations in progress, these include chemtrail induced cloud or hazing, ripple patterns caused by HAARP installations, bizarre and unnatural cloud formations).
      Climate change is a programme to force change in accordance with the implementation of Agenda 21 /2030. Current events demonstrate this transition is well underway and will involve massive population cull through injected nanotech (re transhumanist programme). Agenda 21 also sees the permanent loss of all property rights with the introduction of universal basic income (ref NESARA/GESARA) and has/is being promoted by The World Economic Forum.
      'You will own nothing and you will be happy' WEF
      In a depopulated world the surviving brainwashed and controlled population will be confined to mega cities. Carbon limits will be used to restrict consumption and liberty. Meanwhile the re-greened wilderness will be the exclusive playground of the ultra rich elite posing as conservationists.
      The CO2 hoax amounts to the theft of the world and the enslavement of humanity by a parasitic few.
      Welcome to the future!
      I have included a debunking of 'accumulated heat' as it is so often used to explain how trace elements, so called 'greenhouse gasses', can warm the planet.
      Accumulated heat whilst sounding a reasonable explanation of how heat can build up is rather nothing more than gobbledygook. In fact it shows those using such arguments do not even understand what heat is.
      When we measure temperature we are measuring the heat energy a thing is losing. In short heat is a measurement of flow, the transfer of heat energy and this will always be in the direction towards the colder. For this reason a thing can never 'accumulate heat' in the way those advocating CO2 climate change describe. The temperature of a body is the measure of heat output, it can never be greater than the measure of heat input. Output = input. When a thing is warmed it is heated to an equivalent of the heat input. If this input is not maintained it will cool. Those that propose that heat can build up to be hotter than the total measure of heat input at a given time either do not understand what heat is or are being deliberately misleading. To illustrate, an object being heated by a flame can never become hotter than that flame, it's temperature cannot rise inexorably to the temperature of the sun for instance. Heat cannot be accumulated. When we think about it common sense tells us this must be the case.
      NASA and even Nobel Prize winning physicists have expounded 'accumulated heat' as the explanation how CO2 is able to warm the atmosphere. They claim that over hundreds of years CO2 has captured heat energy and this heat has 'accumulated' to produce a serious warming effect. As I have just explained, this is totally impossible and fundamentally violates all the laws of thermodynamics. That respected scientists should support such uneducated, unthinking nonsense is disturbing and only reflects that in terms of being able to think clearly about a subject they have no facility or inclination. These are the Dark Ages of science. Belief has outweighed logic or any critical thought. It tells us that we should not unquestioningly accept anything we are told, that experts can be fools.
      (NB: be aware of attempts to discard thermodynamics by talking about biology.
      Eg. 'It only takes a drop of arsenic to kill a person.'
      This would be somewhat desperate, muddled thinking. Clearly biological processes based on the reaction of a cell are not the same as the laws of physics/thermodynamics).

    • @doobidoo095
      @doobidoo095 3 роки тому

      Additional contradictions in the CO2 climate hoax include:
      that CO2 is ultra soluble and is washed out extremely quickly in rainfall; that CO2 levels swing around 20% seasonally showing on earth with its high rainfall CO2 is not a gas that accumulates but is in constant cycle; that climate change models have to ignore infrared in direct sunlight were they not to do so the whole hypothesis falls apart as it means 50% incoming heat energy captured by carbon dioxide radiated back out to space; that the anything that traps energy from direct sunlight will immediately reduce surface temps - this is why clouds visably reduce surface temps; that the earth loses heat extremely quickly as demonstrated by the fact nights are always colder;

  • @semigeniusreally8988
    @semigeniusreally8988 3 роки тому +11

    As of this movie, I am officially withdrawing from the climate debate. I am firmly convinced that, from all my studies, the extinction of all life on Earth is inevitable, unavoidable, unrestrainable and coming sooner than we think - or are told by the experts. I see it all ending in ultimate chaos and societal breakdowns, shortages, huge population migrations and wars for water and arable land in less than 20 years, 30 at the max. (The one benefit from this is that those who are alive and waiting to die will welcome their death rather than live in the world that will emerge from this chaos.) What I am observing is that the so-called "climate experts" seem to become convinced by each year's surpise accelerations of climate events that, contrary to hope and action, the end is drawing nearer and faster and that it is inevitable and irrepressible. Obviously, to announce that fact to the world will create the chaos I talk of sooner than if they remain silent so they continue to argue for the shibboleth of change in an attempt to distract us from what is certain to come, and come sooner than projected. It seems that very few experts are willing or motivated - or allowed - to tell us the sad, unfortunate truth except for those courageous truth-tellers like Dr. Guy McPherson. So i will continue to watch his videos as "Nature Bats Last" and try not to get too emotionally evolved in my coming demise. After all, all living things die, it's just that this time we will all be dying together.

    • @trevorallen4516
      @trevorallen4516 3 роки тому

      I agree totally. Its caused by the sun , it's a natural cycle that's happened many times. Nothing can be done. They have deceived the world for money. Adapt2030, suspicious observer, Oppenheimer Ranch project, and a few other channels I watch, these people I believe

    • @christinearmington
      @christinearmington 3 роки тому

      Yes semi, beautiful comment. Morbid fascination until the end.

    • @semigeniusreally8988
      @semigeniusreally8988 3 роки тому +1

      @@christinearmington Yeah, fire up the popcorn machine! We are ironically lucky to have a front row seat to the end of life on this planet, and that frees us up to persue what is really meaningful to each of us and to dispose of the bullshit that shapes our daily lives. So many terminally ill people say that contracting their illness was the best thing that ever happened to them for exactly that reason. Knowing the end is coming and that we still have time to enjoy what time is left is a gift from the Universe if treated as such. It's certainly preferable to dying of pancreatic cancer or getting hit by a bus. I have long preferred to live a fast 40 than a slow 80, anyway,.

    • @billsmith9297
      @billsmith9297 2 роки тому

      We are a tiny blip in the existence of life on this planet, it is beyond hubris to think that we are witnessing the end of anything, or that we have caused this.

    • @semigeniusreally8988
      @semigeniusreally8988 2 роки тому

      @@billsmith9297 Respectfully disagree. We are in the middle of the Sixth Mass Extinction of life on this planet, the last one terminating the dinosaurs and gaving rise over millions of years (that is why this 6th Mass Extinction is referred to as"anthogenic". What in the past mass extinctions took tens of thousands of years of natural processes or an encounter with an asrteriod to eradicate life on this planet is now occurring in less than 300 years,,,because of humansfucking with the environment and the climate. Two hundred thousand years ago, and up to about 10,000 years ago, we were just another species of primate hunter-gatherers, but the evolution of our frontal cortex and our opposing thumbs morphed us from a benign species into a cancer on the planet. In the last analysis, the planet will survive without life (like Mars with decaying cities), or will regenerate a new form of life over millions of years through evolution - if microorganisms can survive and evolve like they did after the past 5 Mass Extinction events. It's just that we - and most other more complex and interdependent present life forms - will not be participating in that evolutionary process.

  • @giffe5421
    @giffe5421 3 роки тому +3

    my social studies teacher made us watch this, anyone else?

    • @MathTravels
      @MathTravels 2 роки тому

      Props to your teacher! This is the stuff you should be learning in social studies.

  • @loue6563
    @loue6563 2 роки тому +2

    Our entire way of thinking must change, about how we think and deal with all of the world around us. From how we do things on a day to day bases. To how we grow crops, raise animals, source our water. Deal with our waste. It is possible to live a good comfortable life and be regenerative in our approach to the ecosystem. We don’t have a choice. Period! If we continue as we have not only will the earth suffer but people will as well.

  • @christinachristina8271
    @christinachristina8271 3 роки тому +17

    David said humanity needs pull back give nature a chance
    Buy local Travel in your own country
    Live wisely.

    • @CelestialWoodway
      @CelestialWoodway 3 роки тому +3

      Never going to happen.

    • @christinachristina8271
      @christinachristina8271 3 роки тому +2

      CelestialWoodway Yes i know. Waiting for big mother nature melt down or if you like God to send wrath upon us

    • @raynus1160
      @raynus1160 3 роки тому

      God is going to send his wrath upon us for eating and staying warm?

    • @christinachristina8271
      @christinachristina8271 3 роки тому +3

      Raynus 1 what? Do you thi k God approves self gratification everyday
      Shopping to excess cofees excess mindless gratification
      We lost our way

    • @raynus1160
      @raynus1160 3 роки тому +3

      Well, if one believes that he created us, then....yes.
      I merely stated that fossil energy keeps us warm and fed.
      But to your point, I'd put forward that self-gratification is a lesser crime than impaling people on poles & letting them rot in the sun or burning someone alive because they (may) have been a witch, or torturing someone to death to coerce a confession of blasphemy.

  • @JW4REnvironment
    @JW4REnvironment Рік тому

    I love David Suzuki. He speaks the truth. He may not be considered "diplomatic" when speaking about the climate crisis, however no one can prove him wrong. Many thanks for David Suzuki for enlightening us! He is a global treasure! We need to band together as a society to keep the climate safe and supportive for our children and future generations.

  • @theasianwitch
    @theasianwitch 3 роки тому +12

    oh man, if only your neighbors to the south could do as well, Vancouver....I live in Seattle. America's got a huge paradigm shift to undertake to even get close to what Canada's doing.

    • @ravenken
      @ravenken 2 роки тому

      So true.

    • @stevencooke1027
      @stevencooke1027 2 роки тому

      Thanks, but one of our two largest political parties wants to pretend that climate change isn't real. I think perhaps there is more acceptance in Canada that climate change is real, but I'm not sure how much willingness to change their lifestyle there is.
      I assumed Seattle was comparable to Vancouver in terms of attitudes toward science.

  • @georgekirby7703
    @georgekirby7703 3 роки тому +3

    it's a sad state when only 20,000 people view this film.

  • @GaryG63
    @GaryG63 3 роки тому +5

    One and only 16,000 views. So sad, I do not share Dr Suzuki’s optimism for our future.

    • @reuireuiop0
      @reuireuiop0 3 роки тому +1

      whereas Lomborg on his denial vids gets million plus views. Mr Naive & Mrs Lookaway rather seek confirmation theres nothing to worry about. Until their cheap low lying ski resort stops having snow at all

    • @richardconner1283
      @richardconner1283 3 роки тому +1


    • @maddogwillie1019
      @maddogwillie1019 3 роки тому

      I agree...things do not look good for the save humanity from causing its own demise isn't part of our my option, as a species our egos will not allow us to accept that all of our greatness is going to end..

  • @davidbohon2091
    @davidbohon2091 3 роки тому +2

    Climb it today. Don't wait.

  • @mattblack118
    @mattblack118 3 роки тому +9

    Did you ask Suzuki why an environmentalist has 4 homes?

    • @sandorski56
      @sandorski56 3 роки тому +2

      Don't be an idiot.

    • @GaryG63
      @GaryG63 3 роки тому

      Agreed.. you single celled organism

    • @man4mar
      @man4mar 3 роки тому +3

      Suzuki is like all environmentalists, spouts bullshit and gets rich. Gore predicted 10 years ago that Florida would be half under water in 10 years. Guess what hasn’t happened as Gore flies around in his private jet giving speeches to make more money. Now Suzuki claims Vancouver will be under water in 50 years. Wanted to make sure he picked a date far enough out so that he will be dead when it doesn’t happen. Fuck Suzuki and all his ilk.

    • @randyrapaport2806
      @randyrapaport2806 3 роки тому +3

      He’s a total hypocrite-disgusting.

    • @juliejohnston977
      @juliejohnston977 3 роки тому +3

      @@man4mar From your post, should the rest of us say that Manfred is like all deniers, hyperbolizes bullshit and gets attention? Why such vitriol? Is it because you're blind to what's happening around the world, or is it envy that Dr. Suzuki had a successful career in broadcasting and you didn't, or is it because all this is too hard to bare and so you lash out to protect that soul that's deep inside you?

  • @humansustainability
    @humansustainability 3 роки тому +8

    helping the algorithm.
    we the human race must stop prioritizing the corporate quarterly report.
    we the human race must prioritize survival not 'money'.

  • @skronger
    @skronger 3 роки тому +8

    So much great stuff. Suzuki loves The Beatles (not so many lodgepole pine beatles). Nice words at T=45:30: "..Nature has all kinds of surprises for us. The challenge for humanity is to pull back, and give nature a chance" {sounds like, give peace a chance, ha, maybe just coincidence}. Also, Sadhu Johnston, city manager, Vancouver: T=37:06 "You know, our role as a city is to make it easy for people, to make it easy for them to put that organic material in the green bin, instead of in the garbage, to make it easy for them and safe for them to get around on a bike, or to get things in proximity so they can walk places, so instead of prioritizing the car as we design our communities, we prioritize the pedestrian, that's the #1 priority and we try to design around that. And so, kinda turning on out heads the way that we invest in the infrastructure for mobility in our neighborhoods. We're demonstrating that you can build green buildings, and if people want to be in them that you can reduce greenhouse gas emissions from existing buildings with a really aggressive green building strategy that we've adopted for carbon." Particularly like, "so instead of prioritizing the car as we design our communities, we prioritize the pedestrian".

  • @normalizedinsanity4873
    @normalizedinsanity4873 Рік тому

    If we all ate just one fish a day, that would mean 8 billion less fish in the world every single day. Puts things in perspective.

  • @benholland2989
    @benholland2989 3 роки тому +18

    Even having a ski resort and think that you can somehow make this carbon neutral for traveller's coming hundreds of miles to ski and snowboard is Ludacris.

    • @Anita-md9ze
      @Anita-md9ze 3 роки тому +1

      No point having goals in life.

    • @musicdev
      @musicdev 3 роки тому +5

      But yes, that’s a good point. Airplanes (and travel in general) need some serious rethinking.

    • @keith7976
      @keith7976 3 роки тому +6

      I would go further. Putting economics above survival is ludicrous.

  • @gaiastandingready9965
    @gaiastandingready9965 3 роки тому +4

    Thank you so much for you awareness and love for our world. Hiy hiy! mee gwitch!

  • @jimmyrichardson67
    @jimmyrichardson67 3 роки тому +5

    Watching in 2021 BC heat dome Lytton burned down. All it takes is one year, sudden abrupt climate change

  • @josephforan1173
    @josephforan1173 2 роки тому +1

    Ty, David. I admire your work.

  • @richardstephens9647
    @richardstephens9647 3 роки тому +4

    This summer the cherries in the Okanagan were cooking on the trees.

    • @lorebrown5307
      @lorebrown5307 3 роки тому

      My gooseberries did the same in N. Idaho

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому

    it would be my most needful thing to complete my circle of understanding to visit Haida Gwaii.

  • @Butterfly-t6d
    @Butterfly-t6d 2 роки тому +1

    Possibly COVID has shown us that a huge number of people can work from home , if we can learn anything from a pandemic I hope it is that. There are others ways to run our economy. We the people have to completely change the way we live our lives. Turn that thermostat down to 60 F and put on some warm clothing , use a hot water bottle, set limits on all your energy use. Learn to be happy with less.

  • @kenbellchambers4577
    @kenbellchambers4577 Рік тому

    Forest fuel overburden is an excellent feedstock for manufacturing humus and methane. The trick is to harvest the hazardous materials carefully and in a non-exploitative manner. There is a massive amount of this material that requires management. Harvesting is a viable option for encouraging continuous fire management. See Jean Pain.

  • @tardarsauce3355
    @tardarsauce3355 2 роки тому +2

    Lovely doc

  • @dvegule920
    @dvegule920 3 роки тому +4

    Unfortunately Vancouver is not all that green city. Even with the renewables we still need to change the way how we consume.

  • @raginald7mars408
    @raginald7mars408 2 роки тому

    ... as a German Biologist - when you study Biology and Chemistry - you learn to SEE - what a mind boggling MIRACLE the entire Universe is- and that we are able to be part of that and study it in depth. We still dwell in the Litho Sphere of the Stone Ages - pretending to be mature adults- abusing the world as play mobile for total destruction. nature is a fine fabric - that easily is destroyed irreversibly. And it may take Millions of Years to come back to splendid Fertility. And we do our very best for self extinction...

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому +2

    I would never have thought I'd see such change in my lifetime, I thought this 40 years ago.

  • @braxtondamico3599
    @braxtondamico3599 3 роки тому +2

    The denial are individuals who struggle deeply, with change. Some people accept change and embrace it, some people become confused with change, but eager to learn how to move with it, some people can’t handle big change, so to comfort themselves, they deny, it does have its pros and cons, however, climate change is inevitable whether man has a hand in it or not, that’s the educational platform we need to put out there. Leave man out of the equation, perhaps the denial will subside.

    • @juliejohnston977
      @juliejohnston977 3 роки тому +2

      You forgot the part about how the "hand of man" has not only turned our slow descent into another ice age to a global heating emergency, but has ramped up the speed of the global changes to the point where most life on this precious planet will go extinct (including us) if we don't drastically and urgently ramp down our burning of fossil fuels and emissions of all greenhouse gases. (Oh, and those deniers, ask them if they've ever dated anyone new, gotten married, changed jobs, moved, or had a child. Change. We all do it. Not sure why "changing" to safeguard the future is so different.)

  • @boduke2522
    @boduke2522 3 роки тому +2

    ya good documentry lets hear what you are going to do what are you doing to fight for this are you stopping logging are you driving less how many cars do you own how many boats do you own to fish salmon are you lobbing the politicians to stop some things ,what are your remedies what is your individual plan are you educating your kids lets hear your plans

  • @Donovon-ti2zu
    @Donovon-ti2zu Рік тому

    Permaculture Revolution
    We need to lead , teach people to grow /store food, soil conservation, teach farmers, support local farmers ranchers
    Boycotting corporations, oil industry, plastic
    Grow our own food create community gardens teach how to store ,
    Terra form desserts,

  • @jb-fp2vs
    @jb-fp2vs 3 роки тому +6

    blah blah blah blah blah
    no one wants to change just blame someone else

    • @MetalTeamster
      @MetalTeamster 3 роки тому +1

      exactly, people will keep pumping 3-4 -5 kids out ( depending on which bible the read ) , they will continue flying on jets, and driving....

  • @taylorjohnson4943
    @taylorjohnson4943 3 роки тому +5

    Canadian icon 👍

  • @jasonfirewalker3595
    @jasonfirewalker3595 2 роки тому

    Take the duff from the forest floor and cover the permafrost. As it melts the seeds will sprout, sucking up the water and preventing erosion. This has the added benefit of lessening of forest fires and preventing the methane producing microbes from adding even more greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere while providing habitat for wildlife.

  • @grevberg
    @grevberg 3 роки тому +7

    If governments and businesses ignore the IPCC reports what chance do
    you think there is they are going to listen to marginalized peoples?

    • @Kektamusprime
      @Kektamusprime 2 роки тому

      the fact of the matter is no one is listening to anything, emissions and populations have only trended up on every single chart, we are well past the point of no return and now with covid somewhat headed to the rearview mirror emissions are back on the rise and no one is committing to green projects because everyone is hurting financially. We might see a blue ocean event this summer in the Artic or next summer and after that its game over.

  • @jb-fp2vs
    @jb-fp2vs 3 роки тому +4

    I would eat those cherries and buy them if I was told the truth of why they look as they do
    perfection is going to make you starve

  • @angelsplace
    @angelsplace Рік тому

    Its nice to see Mr. Suziki describe other ppls denial after calling geoengineerimg "chemtrailz, that's your thing" when given critical imformation about geoeugineered drought and heating.

  • @leviahimsa
    @leviahimsa Рік тому +1

    The most comprehensive meta-analysis conducted to date with 119 countries, shows avoiding meat, dairy and eggs is the "single biggest way" to reduce our environmental impact on Earth. -Oxford University

  • @pascalw.paradis8954
    @pascalw.paradis8954 Рік тому +1

    We don't need ski hills. 2 million people getting there ? Imagine the carbon used to get there.

  • @vthilton
    @vthilton 2 роки тому

    Save Our Planet

  • @aaronbr2001
    @aaronbr2001 2 роки тому

    Protect BC!

  • @richdiana3663
    @richdiana3663 3 роки тому +2

    Defeat the corporatocracy if there's to be any kind of a chance.

  • @StressRUs
    @StressRUs Рік тому

    Indigenous peoples are the only humans left on the planet. Stress R Us

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому

    I want to live there again but I want my children nearby, I want my family nearby.

  • @nicevideomancanada
    @nicevideomancanada 3 роки тому +1

    Vancouver is going under water in 50 years, where are they all going to move to? The Okanagan and Kamloops?

  • @pascalw.paradis8954
    @pascalw.paradis8954 Рік тому +1

    200 year carbon party is coming with feedbacks and tips. Time to pay the reaper. To many people. 235,000 babies every day when you wake up. Mother Earth wants us GONE ❤️❤️🌎❤️❤️

  • @Kevin_geekgineering
    @Kevin_geekgineering Рік тому +1

    late or not, when nobody cares about climate to accept the change, time does not really matter, it will be too late one day anyways

  • @larrypilcher3791
    @larrypilcher3791 6 місяців тому

    Here in the South Shuswap, Timber Sales is planning a fifty hectare clearcut, adjacent to the recent forty hectare clearcut. Beautiful forest gone adjacent to a large suburban population Blind Bay, and Balmoral. They want the money, they want the trees.

  • @andregregoire1175
    @andregregoire1175 3 роки тому +1

    Nature waits for no one. Isn't it time to do what has to be done, whatever that is, so we won't have to hear about what we should have done.

  • @carolynmorris7303
    @carolynmorris7303 2 роки тому +1

    The temperature is really rising.

  • @snowmiser4893
    @snowmiser4893 2 роки тому +2

    Surprise. The optimists like Suzuki were way off the mark.

  • @leviahimsa
    @leviahimsa Рік тому +1

    Save 200+ lives every year 💖 choose vegan ✌️

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому

    Locarno Beach? Somewhere around 34:52

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому +1

    when I was there it was soo much greener.

  • @jb-fp2vs
    @jb-fp2vs 3 роки тому +3

    these people sound like the southeastern people who are now living with tornado alley shifted east
    so now the people are going to have to change how they build homes and other buildings or if they do build
    any buildings above ground as the tornadoes are becoming huge and even enormous
    how long can people keep running from what they are creating

  • @davidgillman5368
    @davidgillman5368 3 роки тому

    David please don't worry but adopt fusion power. The overall climate is demonstratively cyclic as in that it oscillates. We do not yet have sufficient data to build a worthwhile climate modelling computer program for realistic calculation of climatic changes and much is to do with clouds, water vapour and other greenhouse gasses. Australia was early to build the Hornsdale green mega battery to help with going green with solar and wind power and despite our backward thinking Prime Minister. I believe we should now also be the leading nation in installing fusion nuclear. The fusion nuclear SAFIRE GENERATOR by Aureon Energy Ltd. of Canada is the actually cheapest, cleanest and least expensive solution for clean electricity. Wind energy, solar, hydro and other green technologies are now just superseded. Hydrogen will not either become a future conventional fuel but a nuclear fusion one! Electric power is the future for autonomous small aircraft and with ever more battery energy storage density perhaps some larger ones. However, FUSION NUCLEAR IS THE FUTURE of ever-larger commercial and military aircraft. Now we have a 24 hr. reliable fusion power product. We now in 2021 have super cheap nuclear fusion energy already proven and almost commercialised as in being in advanced production, that of the "SAFIRE GENERATOR". So sadly, storage technologies and the power from ITER-type fusion power generators as well as conventional fission nuclear are going to be eclipsed. Current magnetic plasma confinement strategies and all current green energy technologies are totally out of date and relatively redundant. All our effort must now go into EVER HIGHER ENERGY DENSITY BATTERIES because green energy is now solved. With intermittent green energies we need an enlarged electric grid, so we see wind generators, solar farms and a multitude of variable green technologies with expensive backup batteries and they are all ugly and use up much land, while also being significantly capital intensive and all while having some safety issues. They are all also going to be unnecessary with the advent of the "SAFIRE GENERATOR" that is safe, costlessly self-fueling, totally green, buildable on any scale on a tiny footprint to safely match local community requirement and it is easily chokeable and 24 hours dependable. It makes all other technologies redundant as in being much less advantageous. It is fusion nuclear powered by nuclear "NUCHEMY" and seen at "AUREON ENERGY.COM". Also learn your new plasma physics, astrophysics, and general Electric Universe Theory at "THUNDERBOLTS PROJECT.COM". This way you can learn your new EU Theory, advanced plasma physics and all needed to fully understand all this new academic and practical material. and appreciate that all the other green technologies are currently just now superseded.

  • @richdiana3663
    @richdiana3663 3 роки тому

    Sustainable development is too close to infinite growth. It is a time of rapid degrowth including our own numbers. Death is always around but it will be getting much more intimate in the near future.

  • @drivebrake
    @drivebrake 2 роки тому +1

    This would be a convincing presentation to anyone who doesn't know better. The climate has always changed and will continue to do so. That does not mean it's our fault. It's just natural. Do a little research of your own and you will find that CO2 levels have been much higher in earth's history than today. Conserving our fossil fuels is a good idea, however, since it is really the only good way we have to power aircraft.

  • @leviahimsa
    @leviahimsa Рік тому +2

    There's no such thing as sustainable fishing. Go plant your food ASAP!!

  • @gregoryreimer5821
    @gregoryreimer5821 3 роки тому +1

    this is too important

  • @jb-fp2vs
    @jb-fp2vs 2 роки тому +1

    wonder what he is thinking with the fires in 2021

  • @michaeltroy528
    @michaeltroy528 3 роки тому +1

    In 1971, I created a democratic communal society with no personal cars. My coworker said he liked the idea of a democratic cooperative state, but he was not giving up his car. This is what the oil companies know. No one is giving up their cars. Therefore, climatic change is ignored.

  • @-LightningRod-
    @-LightningRod- Рік тому

    it will NEVER be too late until i have Eaten every last one of YOU
    Come On People, ...We can Do This !!!

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому

    this is painful, i remember the good days back in the late 70's 80's

  • @jahmah519
    @jahmah519 3 роки тому

    As water does not deplete, can we source our energies with its use, can we use water as fuel to run engines, can we plaster the moon with solar panels so we draw of free energy from the Sun to run our cities, is this possible? If yes can we start al, this ASAP Can we create Utopian civilisations & live in harmony with each other, ourselves & more importantly this planet, is this possible? Is there someone out there who has a better idea than what we are engaged in that is eco friendly, if yes can that person or persons do there stuff. 😉. Like right away.

  • @fredschoemaker7042
    @fredschoemaker7042 2 місяці тому

    Its a 50 Year Cycle ..........
    This repeats every 50 Years..
    .2012 to 2035. 1960 to1985. 1910 to 1935. 1860 to1885. 1810 to 1835..

  • @crapisnice
    @crapisnice Рік тому +1

    Hot talk and doing NOTHING, while driving pick up trucks in a climate change exploitation docudrama

  • @christopherm5958
    @christopherm5958 2 роки тому

    People are kidding themselves. It's coming very soon. Having children today is really selfish. Those kids are not going to be very happy, even just in the next 10 years.

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому

    ask Mike O'Brien ask Dennis and Peggy Deibel

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому

    stanley park.....locarno beach

  • @SportsRNDM
    @SportsRNDM 3 роки тому +1

    Don't stop climate change

  • @randyrapaport2806
    @randyrapaport2806 3 роки тому +2

    How many very large homes do you own Suzuki? 4 or 5 or 6?

    • @jackiepaper101
      @jackiepaper101 3 роки тому +3

      He's got a home in Kits that he's lived in for decades and he has a cottage. He does own some other properties but so what?

    • @Dan-nt2yb
      @Dan-nt2yb 3 роки тому +2

      What a stupid comment Randy.👎🏾

    • @MetalTeamster
      @MetalTeamster 3 роки тому

      @@Dan-nt2yb Is asking Leo De Craprio why if he is so concerned about climate change - does he rent a megayacht for a month at a time , why he flies in personal jets, and has numerous mansions...a stupid question?

    • @Anita-md9ze
      @Anita-md9ze 3 роки тому +2

      His beach home is powered by geothermal- is that a problem with you too?

  • @bradleywinter5721
    @bradleywinter5721 2 роки тому

    Coffee is a powerful stimulant it's an aphrodisiac too

  • @ordyhorizonrivieredunord712
    @ordyhorizonrivieredunord712 2 роки тому


  • @RobSpiderBJJ
    @RobSpiderBJJ 3 роки тому +1

    Hey David. Really need to have a chat withDoug Ford lol

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому +1

    exponential...very scary

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому +1

    impossible to fight against total immovable apathy

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому

    your backyard

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому +2

    how much damage did the bc liberals do?

  • @terenceiutzi4003
    @terenceiutzi4003 2 роки тому

    Why isn't this fraud in prison?

  • @phyarth8082
    @phyarth8082 3 роки тому

    20 million trees is laughable in Colorado 800 million trees died because of war winters and bark beetles. Do something instead nothing is better, but is more commercial and pat yourself on the back company. It makes a lot of attention and media attention but not helps Nature at all.

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому

    every damned one of us, keep fighting the good fight.

  • @cnault3244
    @cnault3244 Рік тому

    "Featuring David Suzuki" ??? Couldn't they find a scientist with the relevant degree? Suzuki is a zoologist.

  • @darlingsapphire1
    @darlingsapphire1 Рік тому


  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому

    throat,eyes,nose,sinuses' all in bad condition

  • @jb-fp2vs
    @jb-fp2vs 3 роки тому +3

    blah blah blah blah blah
    what about oil sands

  • @ylekiote99999
    @ylekiote99999 2 роки тому

    I remember reading an article about David Suzuki in Reader's Digest a few years ago. In that article David Suzuki stated that he and his colleagues were laughing at all the things they thought to be true 50 years ago. Doesn't it make sense then that some day we will all be laughing at what he thinks to be true now?

    • @stevencooke1027
      @stevencooke1027 2 роки тому +1

      I don't people will be laughing. They might be screaming at people like you who figured they wouldn't be around when the real "s&it" hit the fan.

    • @ylekiote99999
      @ylekiote99999 2 роки тому

      @@stevencooke1027 Fearmongering at its worse. The planet it fine.. It is people like you who are screwed up.

  • @TheUsualSuspect2013
    @TheUsualSuspect2013 3 роки тому +1

    I watched this for science, couldn't find any.

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому

    beautiful sharing mutual need collaboration

  • @JustDave54
    @JustDave54 Рік тому

    please tell me Mr. Trudeau is listening to the right people, someone needs to tell him his very intimate relationship tele-communications is not the only answer it can only be part of the solution,

  • @deejay7748
    @deejay7748 Рік тому

    This sort of "montage" is doing more harm than good when it comes to batteling climate change. The issues presented are scientiffically to weakly supported to be attributed to climate change.
    There is to much sentiment and not enough hard facts.

  • @greghdn
    @greghdn 3 роки тому +4

    I've always been shocked about the profound hatred Suzuki has towards the human race. Comparing humans to fruit flies! Always complaining that there is too much human beings on the planet destroying the environment. Yet he has 5 children. When you look carefully at the lifestyle of those financing and promoting the global warming propaganda ( Al Gore, the British Royals, Suzuki to name a few) it is as if what they are preaching does not apply to them.

    • @irukakudjira8154
      @irukakudjira8154 3 роки тому +2

      @Andy The Informer We need to get aware that we are much too many on Earth and more and ore destructive people !

    • @thunderstorm6630
      @thunderstorm6630 3 роки тому +4

      suzuki loves mankind, this is why he is trying to save us. he is speaking up because of love. do not be so stupid, start to change your livestyle first.

    • @greghdn
      @greghdn 3 роки тому

      I will believe in man-made global warming the day the British Royals, Al Gore and David Suzuki start travel in economic class.

    • @CelestialWoodway
      @CelestialWoodway 3 роки тому +1

      @@greghdn It's already too late to do anything to stop climate change. That's the part they lie about.

    • @peterdanen7779
      @peterdanen7779 3 роки тому +4

      What difference does it make by flying economy class instead of first class? Just asking.

  • @christinachristina8271
    @christinachristina8271 3 роки тому

    The world ruled by Satan. But bible says
    God will have his day and destroy Satan
    and all who follow that way life. God is
    God coming to clean it up the disrespect and
    Foolish ways of living. Make amends with
    God only have 2 years before days of tribulation
    are upon us. Earth has becomeuncivilised

    • @thunderstorm6630
      @thunderstorm6630 3 роки тому +6

      there is no need for Satan or Gods, it is enough to have humans on the planet to destroy our livelihoods

    • @christinachristina8271
      @christinachristina8271 3 роки тому

      Thunder storm Those humans are ruled by Satan. Its always been that way with Catholic church and wars Bible says Satan will lose. Look to Jesus and live that way. 🌸💜

  • @Philippositivity
    @Philippositivity Рік тому +1

    I love these spoofs, they should clean out the comedy awards.🤹🏆