Created to be His Help Meet Chapter 17

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • “It is your job to love your husband, it is Gods job to make him good” ✝️ “You don’t honor your husband because he’s honorable, you honor him because you are.”
    Marital troubles
    PLEASE REMEMBER: No act of abuse is justified by God, and no one is called to endure abuse out of a commitment to the Bible or to Jesus. Adultery,Addiction,Abandonment,Physical, Mental. Jesus is ALL the things that are good in this world. Being a good human & spouse takes ALOT of work.
    This is the enduring wife that Debi (the author) speaks on. Sometimes us women, can’t see when we are our own problem. Debi will speak on hard topics and admits that it's not okay for the way your husband acts and treats you BUT she is asking you to look deeper within YOURSELF. Are you fearing God through these struggles? Are you turning to God during these times? Or are you meeting ugly with ugly?
    I do believe like Debi believes with 90% of men IF you (the woman) can seek Gods guidance, pray with your husband and for your husband, ask the Lord for help, Trust in the Lord to help you, your marriage CAN be saved. DESPITE THE UGLINESS AND ABUSE. Have you ever met a couple with a miracle testimony? My husband use to beat the crap out of me… my husband use to drink himself to death… my husband cheated on me every chance he got… my husband is mean to the kids…my husband was a meth addict and put me through EMOTIONAL TORTURE? Etc. KEY WORD- USE TO. That was before God got ahold of them. PEOPLE CAN CHANGE. THIS is what Debi is speaking on. THE CHANGE THAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN IN US FIRST TO BE ABLE TO Make CHANGES within OUR MARRIAGES. (Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.) ( 1 Peter 3:1 Wives, in the same way submit yourselves to your own husbands so that, if any of them do not believe the word, they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives.)
    I know this to be true because GOD SAVED my marriage. HE IS A MIRACLE WORKER!!! Have faith in him and believe with all your heart that GOD CAN TURN IT AROUND!!
    I do believe there are the 10% of humans who are just lost and it going to take a pure MIRACLE TO SAVE THEIR SOULS. BUT ALL YOU CAN DO IS WHAT GOD HAS CALLED YOU TO DO. Be Loving and kind, good, chaste, discreet, good keepers at home, good mommas, respectful even when it’s hard, watch your mouth, etc. AND If it doesn’t work, then YOU tried right? And I mean REALLY tried. PEOPLE ARE TOO QUICK TO JUST THROW IN THE TOWEL.
    Please get help if you feel threatened, or are being threatened. Keep in mind while listening that experiencing and going through a situation IS FAR different than someone telling you about it and you just simply responding. Debi is just a human, older and wise woman trying to help women be better wives. If you are struggling in your faith, suicidal, scared of your husband, frightened for your children etc. please seek wise Christian Counsel. THERE IS HELP OUT THERE AND YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Jesus loves you!
    Thanks for Watching!
    #marriedlife #christian #wife #advice #maritalproblems #help