'It Was Blatantly Unconstitutional -- And Every Single Democrat Voted For It': Ted Cruz Torches Dems

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,3 тис.

  • @rathey7999
    @rathey7999 2 роки тому +651

    If they don't uphold the Constitution they should not be allowed in office period.

    • @nonyadamnbusiness9887
      @nonyadamnbusiness9887 2 роки тому +14

      It is grounds for impeachment, but acting on it would go nowhere these days.

    • @ejs7861
      @ejs7861 2 роки тому +10

      Majority voters will keep voted them via mail in ballots 😂😂😂

    • @SasquatchAngry
      @SasquatchAngry 2 роки тому +7

      @@ejs7861 "majority" haha

    • @OneTruePhreak
      @OneTruePhreak 2 роки тому

      @@nonyadamnbusiness9887 it's grounds for hanging.

    • @dankelly4984
      @dankelly4984 2 роки тому +2

      Yall would like the disclose act if you jnderstood what it was. The stuff Ted is saying has nothing to do with it. If it does have anything to do with it he needs to explain what, for those of us who know what the bill is.

  • @SallyanneDeegan-sh4kb
    @SallyanneDeegan-sh4kb 2 роки тому +877


    • @hailtothe_rooster1572
      @hailtothe_rooster1572 2 роки тому +32

      Do not comply

    • @johnr4898
      @johnr4898 2 роки тому

      But if they violate the constitution and nobody speaks up it doesn't matter. Democrats are pushing United Nations Agenda 21/30. You can't have communism and protection of the people at the same time.

    • @potatoburger9659
      @potatoburger9659 2 роки тому +29

      Income taxes are forbidden by the constitution but look at us now

    • @doodman3502
      @doodman3502 2 роки тому +12

      @@potatoburger9659 taxes are constitutional, article 1 section 8 of the constitution gives the government the ability to collect taxes to pay for a military, etc.
      Also the 16 ammendment allows it and Brushaber vs Union Pacific railroad 1916 made it possible.
      At one point in history America only had a few hundred paid soldiers, this was not ok because after the revolution certain countries still didn't recognize America as a country, namely the Spanish in Florida, etc.

    • @doodman3502
      @doodman3502 2 роки тому +10

      @@potatoburger9659 also, congress didn't start getting paid till 1789 at 6$ a day, in 1819 they went to salary at 1500$ annually. 6$ a day would be equal to around 176$ daily today, yet they get paid around 500$ a day. That's a 250% increase in the average pay from past senators and a 300% increase over America's median pay.

  • @itdadof3
    @itdadof3 2 роки тому +1175

    Any elected official, regardless of party, should not only be removed from office for violating the oath of office (to uphold and defend the constitution) but should be tried for treason.

    • @dylanhughes5944
      @dylanhughes5944 2 роки тому

      Anyone violating the constitution must be executed. The constitution is absolute and anyone challenging that power must be shot. How do you make something absolute? By crushing any challengers. Vermin who dare defile the constitution can only be stopped with execution. Connections and wealth grow, and that only allows their attempts to destroy the constitution grow in power with each passing day. By destroying the deep cancer, namely those that attempt to destroy the US constitution by executing them immediately you make the constitution ABSOLUTE. I do not advocate US citizens randomly try to kill elected representatives, but that constitution violators be put on trial for treason as you mentioned, convinced of treason and executed on the spot.
      The US is too busy playing in other country's affairs when we should be focusing on our domestic affairs. Hold treasonous scum accountable by death sentence. They are literally attacking the foundations of the United States, and should be classified as enemy combatants

    • @mattwaldrup9363
      @mattwaldrup9363 2 роки тому +70

      That's the problem... no consequences for breaking the law for them.

    • @itdadof3
      @itdadof3 2 роки тому +43

      @@mattwaldrup9363 I agree. We need to demand holding them accountable

    • @mattwaldrup9363
      @mattwaldrup9363 2 роки тому +69

      @@itdadof3 problem is were demanding that they hold themselves accountable. Its like telling a burglar to take himself to jail after breaking into your house.

    • @marcmeadows5973
      @marcmeadows5973 2 роки тому +1

      Most of the career politician's in America are corrupt and they will never help us hold them accountable!!!

  • @davewilhelm2508
    @davewilhelm2508 2 роки тому +132

    1st Amendment:
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
    So any "law" that would have been, or would be, passed by congress violating this is invalid, unconstitutional, and should never be complied with

    • @matthewroberts301
      @matthewroberts301 2 роки тому +8


    • @dankelly4984
      @dankelly4984 2 роки тому +1

      Please go read what the disclose act is. The stuff he's saying has nothing to do with it. If it does have anything to do with hit he needs to explain. It does not violate the first ammendment that you just quoted. If it does, again he needs to explain.

    • @StHappyfaces
      @StHappyfaces 2 роки тому +1

      @@dankelly4984 Have you read it? What does it do?

    • @dankelly4984
      @dankelly4984 2 роки тому +1

      @@StHappyfacesyeah I went and found it and read it right after I watched this video. the disclose act would make the politicians disclose where all thier campaign contributions come from, and would make some types of foreign contributions illegal. It's a really really good bill and it should be incredibly bipartisan. The bill about campaign finance that he always puts forth and nobody gets on is co players bologna that fixes nothing. That's why nobody wants to sign up. He shoulld be for the disclose act. The only reason to not be for the disclose act would be if you want to keep dark money in politics.

    • @StHappyfaces
      @StHappyfaces 2 роки тому

      @@dankelly4984 I just pulled up both of them, and read relevant parts. The goal of each is to eliminate SuperPACs. Right? Cruz's proposed bill does that in four sections what "DISCLOSE" act does in five titles measuring fifteen sections. It's simple, focuses on removals and rearrangements of an already established act- which is preferable to stacking on definition after definition in a sane world- elegant, to the point. It speaks in plain words instead of referring to a spiderweb of definitions like "DISCLOSE" does. Its name is direct and firmly establishes its goal, instead of some ham-fisted "safe word" acronym that vaguely has something to do with the bill. It is worded in such a way that it specifically refers to people instead of corporations, thereby shifting focus on the citizens of the country rather than the broken system. This is what a proposed bill or act should be. "Bologna that fixes nothing" frankly sounds more like a- what's it called... Non sequitur? Something along that line. Because it doesn't address what *about* the bill is bologna, and I guarantee you're parroting it from some other talking head that said it.
      See what happens when people take just a cursory look at your assertions? Even from an emotional standpoint- without even having to look into every single little detail- already I'm on Ted's side because the way he words things is about appealing to the people rather than slapping down a fifteen-section diatribe about "corporations" that frankly has far too many red strings tracing up and down its own page trying to describe every little thing.
      For instance; We all know that the scummiest of companies use non-profits to become tax-exempt in some fashion. There's a lot of legalese and red strings going back and forth so that the companies can say "nuh uh", but lefties a few years ago *knew* this and were using it as an argument before OWS started up and was subsequently suppressed.
      Guess who gets immunity from DISCLOSE?

  • @richardisner3671
    @richardisner3671 2 роки тому +54

    There needs to be a law that automatically removes any senator, congressmen, or any government representative who violates their oath to uphold the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. And they could not run for any political office ever again.

    • @gaylesantone1885
      @gaylesantone1885 2 роки тому

      OR become a lobbyist! That’s what is ahead for AOC….. when she gets trampled at midterms she will just turn around and hook up with a lobbyist firm and make even MORE money. Make THAT illegal!

    • @lanavalencia2712
      @lanavalencia2712 2 роки тому +4

      With you on that one.

    • @jamesengeman8836
      @jamesengeman8836 2 роки тому

      That would be Donald Trump. He ignored his oath of office and the Constitution. And you can throw treason in.

    • @richardisner3671
      @richardisner3671 2 роки тому +3

      @@jamesengeman8836 Stop with the leftist lies.

    • @gaylesantone1885
      @gaylesantone1885 2 роки тому

      @@jamesengeman8836 YOU fool

  • @danball77
    @danball77 2 роки тому +827

    If it’s unconstitutional….then it’s illegal

    • @johnsteward132
      @johnsteward132 2 роки тому +13


    • @jimd4201
      @jimd4201 2 роки тому

      No, it becomes a human right until the Maga conservative seditious supreme court rules it down.

    • @ronthibault1853
      @ronthibault1853 2 роки тому +9

      Well of course - doesn't seem to be stopping anything though - "train keeps rolling" example: did you vote on the current health care (Obama care) deal. Yeah, I don't remember having a vote on this unconstitutional pretty much mandatory system. Oh, & I'm sure glad I don't have a child (daughter) in the public school system right now. "Train keeps Rolling" / everyone enjoy your electric car (if you can afford one). We'll all be living in them soon enough.

    • @judahsoremy9857
      @judahsoremy9857 2 роки тому +12

      No... If they violate the Constitution there are VERY specific ramifications for doing so. PLEASE - FOR THE LOVE OF GOD - Educate yourselves on how the Constitution works. It isn't "illegal", it's considered a treasonous offense for an acting representative to violate the governing doctrine of North America; punishable by death.

    • @higherlearning2483
      @higherlearning2483 2 роки тому +11

      It's only illegal if a Republican does it. But if a Democrat does the exact same thing, then somehow that's ok.

  • @jamesstuartbrice420
    @jamesstuartbrice420 2 роки тому +161

    Mark Twain said America has no native criminal class, with the possible exception of Congress.

    • @staceymoniqueirons9828
      @staceymoniqueirons9828 2 роки тому +1

      I'm sure it is tempting to get a bunch of money. Put it away for your own usage. But!, It's illogical that puts them in prison!
      They start running a muck and messing with common sense answers.

  • @peacefulwarrior4078
    @peacefulwarrior4078 2 роки тому +165

    If you don't believe in America's constitution
    then you're not American

    • @newyawkgiants5877
      @newyawkgiants5877 2 роки тому

      If you can’t or ignore the attack on the constitution you’re not a patriot. No allegiance to the flag of the United States! The party of Lincoln died on 1/6! We saw the flag for you, don’t tread on me, his flags like Rambo holding a RPG.
      This fat slob said it again, his context is not up to date. Klan and Jim Crow laws under the hood of the Dems. Which side would Nathan Bedford Forest be on? What side are they on now? Ruined the 👌🏻 Dixiecrats, which another racist went to Mississippi to give a speech to get the Dixiecrats vote, of course he did calling people monkeys, he was not too far from where the 3 civil rights activists killed by the klan which is under ⬆️ Bull Connor-Dixiecrats had partial flag of the Army of Northern Virginia. That was when the final switch. It’s irrelevant, only to people repeating themselves Dems-klan today PoT and not the good kind PoT-klan,and how many more WS groups are there? What were these people all dressed the same? What is their agenda, part of this cleansing because they’re scared to lose their “pure” white. Do your damn genealogy(practice what I preach) grandpapi might have crossed the lines here and there. Ole TJ was the Man, gave his woman her own room in the house. Sally Hemings.

    • @johnmeckel2319
      @johnmeckel2319 2 роки тому

      🇺🇲 COVIT IT, OR KISS OFF! 🇺🇲

    • @maryjeannechessrown8482
      @maryjeannechessrown8482 2 роки тому +3

      Amen to that!

    • @bozo57
      @bozo57 2 роки тому +2

      Amen to that.

    • @danmakintosh7002
      @danmakintosh7002 2 роки тому

      make thim go to mars we the American people will pay for it, after we fix the economy.

  • @vickiduron7218
    @vickiduron7218 2 роки тому +92

    WE need more people in our Government like Cruz. At least he has read the Constitution. I am not sure the Dems have.

    • @fishinteddybear3614
      @fishinteddybear3614 2 роки тому

      Most of congress, house and senate, wouldn't recognize the constitution if they saw it!! Much less know a d-ham thing about what it says!! If they did we wouldn't have this illegal p-edo, Chy-na Joe O'Biden/Obummer regime, destroying AMERICA NOW!

    • @LoanwordEggcorn
      @LoanwordEggcorn 2 роки тому +6

      They've read it and don't care what it says.

    • @susankellem6723
      @susankellem6723 2 роки тому +5

      I noticed Ted Cruz about 6 months ago. I don't live in Texas but I like what he has to say.

    • @dankelly4984
      @dankelly4984 2 роки тому

      Please go read what the disclose act is.

    • @Texasman-i8i
      @Texasman-i8i 2 роки тому +2

      Cruz does not know anything about
      US constitution he does not even care about anything only Himself
      We need support democrats to save or democracy v

  • @ron8566
    @ron8566 2 роки тому +18

    Ted Cruz seems to me to be one of the smartest Senators on the planet. Thank you Senator Cruz.

  • @nealamesbury1480
    @nealamesbury1480 2 роки тому +217

    Just when u think everything is rotten - we find out, it’s worse than we thought.

    • @DCo923
      @DCo923 2 роки тому +3

      It is starting to feel like we are being flushed down a toilet bowl every day.

    • @loosebruce6637
      @loosebruce6637 2 роки тому +3

      Cheer up, it'll get worse! Had enough yet? Citizen.

  • @docohm50
    @docohm50 2 роки тому +385

    Thank God for our Supreme Court who would rule against this proposed bill if passed that's a clear violation of our Free Speech

    • @c_lo01
      @c_lo01 2 роки тому +20

      They need to be jailed and removed never to serve again for breaking their oaths and ignoring the supreme court.

    • @part1801
      @part1801 2 роки тому +12

      Then don't care about the Constitution and they're going around it in ever way shape and form.

    • @davidmc8475
      @davidmc8475 2 роки тому +9

      Are you sure? The SC passed Obama Care, Roe v Wade in 1973, Brown v Board of Education all clearly unconstitutional. Congress is willing to write any law - constitutional or unconstitutional - and see if it sticks.

    • @richardbaker_0086
      @richardbaker_0086 2 роки тому

      They’re just gonna pack the court. Our government is completely corrupt since the stolen election. This regime is ILLEGITIMATE!

    • @ebhsports6251
      @ebhsports6251 2 роки тому

      Every bill the Democrats are trying to pass lately , clearly violates the Constitution.

  • @derekcustance3618
    @derekcustance3618 2 роки тому +283

    “Privacy” is fine by Democrats when addressing women’s right to access abortions but not when defending individuals who express opposite views to their own.

    • @PlayingWithFireOutdoors
      @PlayingWithFireOutdoors 2 роки тому +18

      if only women can have an opinion on ROE VS WADE only gun owners can speak about 2nd ammendment

    • @MinhNguyen-pk9qk
      @MinhNguyen-pk9qk 2 роки тому +10

      @@PlayingWithFireOutdoors What is a woman?

    • @itchygravano9349
      @itchygravano9349 2 роки тому

      @@PlayingWithFireOutdoors We should go back to the original interpretation every original state had of the 2nd amendment, all gun owners are required to be in state run militia

    • @itchygravano9349
      @itchygravano9349 2 роки тому

      @@MinhNguyen-pk9qk a human who normally has bigger balls than a man

    • @DCo923
      @DCo923 2 роки тому

      Oh they want us all d anyway, thats obvious.

  • @natbumpo8430
    @natbumpo8430 2 роки тому +19

    I've had doubts about Ted, but he's tops in my book today, for saying that Truth out loud, in D.C.

  • @laurencechesley7363
    @laurencechesley7363 2 роки тому +21


    • @dthornto31
      @dthornto31 2 роки тому

      That is blatantly false

    • @laurencechesley7363
      @laurencechesley7363 2 роки тому +1

      @@dthornto31 really? If they could, the supreme court wouldn't be striking down EVERY ATTEMPT of the Congress to take away the rights protected by the constitution. They wouldn't NEED no one opinion on anything, and just make amendments to remove free speech, the right to carry arms, freedom of religion...etc, they'd just do it. In fact they would've already done it by now.

    • @laurencechesley7363
      @laurencechesley7363 2 роки тому +1

      @@dthornto31 Please show me in the constitution...NOT laws passed by Congress outside the constitution...where it says the govt can change the constitution. What section, what amendment, what chapter, line...etc., because I can show you where it says we the people are in charge, not we the govt.

    • @bobok5566
      @bobok5566 2 роки тому

      @@laurencechesley7363 Article V

    • @laurencechesley7363
      @laurencechesley7363 2 роки тому +1

      @@bobok5566 lol. The legislature "congress" calls for the convention of states from the request of the people. They can't just say " let's call a convention of states". The call for a convention of states comes from We The People. Also, The convention of states is controlled by We The People. All article/amendment proposals come from We The People to ENSURE that the govt CANNOT make, or ratify the constitution without DIRECT authorization of We The People. THAT is the safeguard of the convention of states. Nice try...but FAIL

  • @staceymoniqueirons9828
    @staceymoniqueirons9828 2 роки тому +125

    If our political people are against the constitution they should quit their job in politics. They are supposed to represent, not destroy!!!!

    • @suzsmith5787
      @suzsmith5787 2 роки тому +4

      Unless they're infiltrators.

    • @johnnyyuma9326
      @johnnyyuma9326 2 роки тому

      No, they should be hung from the neck in the front yard of the white house for all the other traitors to see. This is what happens when you go against the constitution and my GOD given rights!

    • @dankelly4984
      @dankelly4984 2 роки тому

      Please go read what the disclose act is. The stuff he's saying has nothing to do with it. If it does have anything to do with hit he needs to explain.

  • @TheWolfdiver
    @TheWolfdiver 2 роки тому +816

    I'm increasingly convinced that as their initiation into congress, every Democrat has to wipe their ass with a copy of the constitution.

    • @optimusprimer4392
      @optimusprimer4392 2 роки тому +24

      I thought it was you can be in the club if you start with a lie and end with a lie

    • @user-gc5ly3tz8l
      @user-gc5ly3tz8l 2 роки тому

      I hate even bringing this up but it’s increasingly harder to ignore, look at the tactics that the German government of the 1920’s-1940’s used to conquer society and you’ll see a large number of parallels between the two. I don’t think this is a coincidence anymore. To know where you’re going you have to see where you’ve been.

    • @johnsteward132
      @johnsteward132 2 роки тому +21

      I thinks it's both.

    • @marcmeadows5973
      @marcmeadows5973 2 роки тому +27

      @@optimusprimer4392 that's the thing, the US government is a big club and we the people are not in it!!!!

    • @mattt5006
      @mattt5006 2 роки тому +1

      I’m convinced every republican is a couch dwelling iPad coward who will never stand up like their grandfathers did and watch as their children are ushered into communism. You do know at the end of the day both parties go dine together on our dime and laugh how easy it is to rob us.

  • @peterberg669
    @peterberg669 2 роки тому +401

    You can anything you want about Senator Cruz, but he is an intelligent man who sees the insanity of today's Democratic party.

    • @averageenjoyer1690
      @averageenjoyer1690 2 роки тому +2

      “Bu… bu bu but Libs good!” 🤓☝️

    • @elcheapo5302
      @elcheapo5302 2 роки тому +28

      Senator Cruz doesn't get nearly as much credit as he should for being a voice of reason in American politics.

    • @marcmeadows5973
      @marcmeadows5973 2 роки тому

      @@averageenjoyer1690 only good liberal is a terminated liberal....

    • @We_Are_Borg_478
      @We_Are_Borg_478 2 роки тому

      He also called Jan 6 an insurrection, but then pretended he did it on accident when his voters called him out.
      Ted will flip flop any time it suits him.

    • @jimd4201
      @jimd4201 2 роки тому +23

      He's hated because he does speak out and do what is right for the country and for his district.

  • @Christobanistan
    @Christobanistan 2 роки тому +201

    Just realized why the far left is so afraid of this guy. He's absolutely brilliant, and an incredibly clear and precise speaker.
    I knew he argued cases before the SCOTUS, and that takes a freaking huge brain. Man, wouldn't that be nice in a presidential candidate for a change? I mean, when I watched Trump, ON STAGE, say that he "read somewhere" about how you could drink disinfectant for COVID, then look over to his Health Secretary and say "is that right? what do you think?" I did a nuclear face palm.

    • @samueladams4218
      @samueladams4218 2 роки тому +2

      If it weren't for John Kasich, Cruz would be serving his 2nd term, and we wouldn't be dealing with any of this crap now.

    • @Opedwriter
      @Opedwriter 2 роки тому +5

      He is a very intelligent man and very sharp. I wish the GOP had more of them.

    • @josephkostinko739
      @josephkostinko739 2 роки тому

      Why does Trump call him Lying Ted?

    • @thegrim418
      @thegrim418 2 роки тому +4

      @@josephkostinko739 He likely flip flopped on issues in the past. Every politician has. Then there's also the fact he was a bald faced whiney kind of guy before he lost his run and grew a beard and balls. He's become much more impressive in the last few years.

    • @LogicAndCompassion
      @LogicAndCompassion 2 роки тому +6

      @@thegrim418 Well said! This is my opinion aswell.
      Cruz used to be a whiny moderate, and then it seems like he got red pilled.
      He has been an excellent and passionate defender of our constitutional rights ever since.

  • @benth162
    @benth162 2 роки тому +151

    Ted Cruz is only one of about a dozen men who actually understand what our Constitution means and fight for it on the floor of Congress. Being that Ted Cruz actually spoke before the Supreme Court as a prosecutor makes him one of the most articulate men of that dozen.

    • @chuckbabbs2726
      @chuckbabbs2726 2 роки тому +1

      Quite true, however, its only talk, no action to it

    • @chrisgriffith9252
      @chrisgriffith9252 2 роки тому +5

      What action are you looking for from him?
      On his own he can't bring charges because the others won't vote for it.
      He can't place them in jail.
      He can't commit violence to get his way.
      What exactly are you after?

    • @chuckbabbs2726
      @chuckbabbs2726 2 роки тому +2

      @@chrisgriffith9252 Illegal is illegal whether your party is d or r

    • @chrisgriffith9252
      @chrisgriffith9252 2 роки тому +4

      You said he is all talk and no action.
      What action are you looking for?

    • @chuckbabbs2726
      @chuckbabbs2726 2 роки тому +1

      @@chrisgriffith9252 treason charges filed

  • @My2CentsO66
    @My2CentsO66 2 роки тому +115

    It's not just Demoncrats, it's RINO Republicans too!
    We The People MUST unite for the greater good! ✔💯🇺🇸

  • @ChallangeYourMind
    @ChallangeYourMind 2 роки тому +36

    Why can't any of these people answer the question that is asked?

    • @mohammedsamura3151
      @mohammedsamura3151 2 роки тому

      Ask Cruz If Jewish Arab religious Abraham Accord constitutional?

    • @czarcastic1458
      @czarcastic1458 2 роки тому +4

      @@mohammedsamura3151 You ask him

    • @mohammedsamura3151
      @mohammedsamura3151 2 роки тому

      @@czarcastic1458 Jewish Arab religious Abraham Accord is abuse of USA constitution and seek to undermine Africa continental sovereignty also loot Africa wealth to appease religious groups.

    • @czarcastic1458
      @czarcastic1458 2 роки тому

      @@deadtoadsoup She died because a racist black cop wanted to shoot a white person.

    • @Steve101747
      @Steve101747 2 роки тому +2

      I have wondered that, too. They find it impossible to answer a simple yes or no question.

  • @billbauer7617
    @billbauer7617 2 роки тому +181

    There was a time when the senators and representatives had to be present to vote and I think it's the way it ought to be now

    • @maryjeannechessrown8482
      @maryjeannechessrown8482 2 роки тому +9

      I totally agree! They definitely are not earning their pay!

    • @shishoka
      @shishoka 2 роки тому +7

      There was a time when they weren't paid. They had to actually earn a living and were given a stipend for being pulled away from their work and lives.

    • @jonathendoe1131
      @jonathendoe1131 2 роки тому +1

      @@shishoka they should be paid to do the job.

    • @shishoka
      @shishoka 2 роки тому +4

      @@jonathendoe1131 It's not supposed to be a profession. It's supposed to be a responsibility.

    • @jonathendoe1131
      @jonathendoe1131 2 роки тому +1

      @@shishoka it's not the 1700s anymore it's more work these days the country in bigger and the world has changed

  • @jacksmith5692
    @jacksmith5692 2 роки тому +11

    As Joseph Welch asked Joe McCarthy in 1954, "Senator you have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?" That is what we ask today about the democrats!

    • @richardclifford003
      @richardclifford003 2 роки тому +1

      That one statement started the downfall of McCarthy.

    • @harrylongabaugh7402
      @harrylongabaugh7402 2 роки тому

      McCarthy was right though.

    • @harryhanna8388
      @harryhanna8388 2 роки тому

      This is what we ask of Republicans. So sad the cult has taken over.

    • @jacksmith5692
      @jacksmith5692 2 роки тому

      @@harrylongabaugh7402 He was a drunk lunatic and should of been smart!

  • @swankyb9454
    @swankyb9454 2 роки тому +9

    There is a lot I don't like about Ted Cruz, but I'm glad to see him holding people accountable for eroding free speech. He would make a good Attorney General I think.

  • @CNFringer
    @CNFringer 2 роки тому +85

    Maybe they are as afraid of that 80+ year old drunk as some of the republicans and Rinos are who won't fight the speaker who thinks it's HER house...

    • @CKru8789
      @CKru8789 2 роки тому +3

      A Wino playing with her RINO’s.

    • @whathappenedtofreethinking6902
      @whathappenedtofreethinking6902 2 роки тому

      All dems have is crying “Racism” or “Sexism” never facts. But you can’t show dem
      Supporters this. They are sheep. The age of free thinking is being shut Down. Hmmm I recall somewhere in history a group started shutting down free thinkers….hmmm I wonder how that turned out.

  • @Dslats
    @Dslats 2 роки тому +139


    • @johnmeckel2319
      @johnmeckel2319 2 роки тому

      Screw Tube Is At It AGAIN!
      I Gave your comment a Like, and The moment I Checked for a Comment, it Deleted My Up Vote!
      BTW, The Previous Comment Was Already DELETED By Screw Tube!
      They Are Really Going All Out To Screw With People's Comments and Votes! IT'S PATHETIC!

  • @freedomrings.0007
    @freedomrings.0007 2 роки тому +141

    You know who likes to say and do what they want but, silence everyone who disagrees with them, especially if they have credible proof to do so?
    Spoiled rotten scoundrels, that's who.

    • @bamahama707
      @bamahama707 2 роки тому +5

      Time to start shutting them down. You can't vote, you can't do garbage like this.

    • @marlinbethea-gullap4666
      @marlinbethea-gullap4666 2 роки тому +1

      You know, I don't know why, but I thought that was a set up to a Muscleman "My Mom" joke.

    • @vinnytejada3042
      @vinnytejada3042 2 роки тому +5


    • @angelawesel4654
      @angelawesel4654 2 роки тому +3

      The hitler/ Nazi playbook, js I'm old🇺🇲😎

    • @judahsoremy9857
      @judahsoremy9857 2 роки тому +2

      Criminals and traitors.

  • @KCYO0311
    @KCYO0311 2 роки тому +13

    There shouldn’t be a single amendment if it goes against the bill of rights.

  • @jarrettdossey7300
    @jarrettdossey7300 2 роки тому +8

    That’s how Ted keeps getting my vote.

  • @janetbrandes6748
    @janetbrandes6748 2 роки тому +32

    I learned in elementary school, that it is in there SPECIFICALLY for the reason that a person can speak against their government and not be arrested or jailed.

    • @bobok5566
      @bobok5566 2 роки тому

      Unless you tried to pray out loud in elementary school 😂

  • @sceneeaston2172
    @sceneeaston2172 2 роки тому +164

    When we take back Congress after Nov, make a law that makes it criminal to vote for unconstitutional bills. Get an AG that has some fn balls, and start throwing people in fn prison! Simple!

    • @snex000
      @snex000 2 роки тому

      Yeah right. GOP passes unconstitutional shit all the time. Ever heard of the PATRIOT Act? Flag burning bans?

    • @jimd4201
      @jimd4201 2 роки тому +2

      🤣Never gonna happen!

    • @ralphsanchico2452
      @ralphsanchico2452 2 роки тому +1

      @@jimd4201 Why? I'm just curious!

    • @darrennew8211
      @darrennew8211 2 роки тому +2

      @@ralphsanchico2452 Because you're asking the lawmakers to pass laws that would put lawmakers in jail. Plus, there are plenty of laws where it's not clear whether it's unconstitutional, so who decides how obvious it has to be before you lock someone up?

    • @deborahrauth7629
      @deborahrauth7629 2 роки тому

      @@jimd4201 keep laughing. People are fed up with the bs just watch what happens ya smuck

  • @christineharris9183
    @christineharris9183 2 роки тому +244

    Well said mr Cruz, this war is not over,player one ready.

    • @toosweet6046
      @toosweet6046 2 роки тому +1

      Little dramatic but okay

    • @Rehd66
      @Rehd66 2 роки тому

      @@toosweet6046 How is it dramatic? These animals are trying to take away every free right you have, simply to make themselves richer at your expense. They don't care about you. They don't care about the Constitution, and they'll do ANYTHING, including killing other human beings to keep their secrets safe.
      So yeah..I don't think it's dramatic at all. As a matter of fact, it should read way more dramatic than it does. If something doesn't change very very soon, we're going to be awfully close to a another revolution and you certainly won't want to be around when that happens.

    • @Fvcky0uverymuch
      @Fvcky0uverymuch 2 роки тому +11

      Not even a little dramatic 100% honest were all ready to fight you wanna play games game on

    • @misspad7282
      @misspad7282 2 роки тому +3

      @@toosweet6046 - Senator Cruz is a educated Attorney, this is how they speak. Call is dramatic, but he says the truth.

    • @yougotthis7667
      @yougotthis7667 2 роки тому +1

      @@toosweet6046 Don’t you think everything going on right now is dramatic 🙄 👍🤪

  • @mscharliegirlbrownington4770
    @mscharliegirlbrownington4770 2 роки тому +3

    Glad to know! Thank Mr Cruze for for stand up and with the American!!

  • @evangelineking3930
    @evangelineking3930 2 роки тому +4

    Great speech, Ted!!! You speak for all of us conservative patriots!

  • @daddysinnjinn
    @daddysinnjinn 2 роки тому +37

    He went into beast mode

    • @jannichi6431
      @jannichi6431 2 роки тому +1

      Check the legislation he's actually passed, authored and sponsored. Roll Call!

    • @buster9102
      @buster9102 2 роки тому +1


  • @mogznwaz
    @mogznwaz 2 роки тому +24

    I’ve watched many Ted Cruz speeches the last few years and he always speaks so much sense. I honestly think he’d be a great President.

    • @misspad7282
      @misspad7282 2 роки тому

      I'm not sure if he can because he was born in Canada. I think you have to be born in America to be President.

    • @kikilindsey5543
      @kikilindsey5543 2 роки тому +2

      @Miss PAD he is an American citizen, as is/was his mother. He used to carry dual citizenship with Canada, the place of his birth.

    • @bobok5566
      @bobok5566 2 роки тому

      It's an interesting question because the Constitution says Natural Born Citizen, and after the Constitution was ratified, there have been multiple Acts of Congress that have defined the terms of Citizenship. However without an amendment to the Constitution, even federal law cannot override the meaning of the requirements of Article II for qualification of Office.
      You do have the 14th Amendment which recognized birth in the US as an automatic grant of citizenship (with the controversy about "and subject to the jurisdiction", aka the "anchor baby" question). But the 14th does not further define "Natural Born Citizen" directly as used in Article II.
      Most Constitutional scholars, to my knowledge, affirm that having a citizen parent at birth is the defining element for Natural Born Citizen; but others stipulate that you must be born in the US.
      Several candidates for President have been born overseas, including John McCain.
      Edit: This is why the Obama birth certificate controversy was most likely meaningless, since his mother was an American citizen.

    • @markantinozzi8657
      @markantinozzi8657 2 роки тому

      @@misspad7282 no you'd still be able to even know if he was born in Canada because his father was an America or something or some kind of thing where he still would be able to be president but the Democrats would give him the same s*** almost that Trump's going through they're never going to give that up they're never going to let their give up on their s***

  • @haroldhawkins9370
    @haroldhawkins9370 2 роки тому +13

    Our constitution should not be allowed to be changed in any way period.

    • @Alex_1A
      @Alex_1A 2 роки тому

      That's a bit extreme, women wouldn't have the right to vote if we didn't have amendments.

  • @kentjensen4939
    @kentjensen4939 2 роки тому +14

    To all who value free speech, sharpen your teeth. When someone tries to clamp a hand over your mouth to silence you, BITE HARD!

  • @colt10mmsecurity68
    @colt10mmsecurity68 2 роки тому +9

    Correct me if I’m wrong as it’s been decades since I was in high school government class…. I thought that Congress can NOT repeal anything within the amendments, without a “constitutional convention,” which requires 3/4ths of the state’s governors to come together and voting to repeal or make changes to those very amendments. I’m confused.

    • @bobok5566
      @bobok5566 2 роки тому +1

      You are confused 😎.
      Congress can draft an Amendment to the Constitution with 2/3 majority in both the House and Senate. Once that is done, the proposed Amendment must be ratified by 3/4 of the State Legislatures.
      The Executive and Judicial Branches at both the Federal and State levels are not included in the amendment process.
      There is also a route for the State Legislatures to call a Convention of the States. The Convention of the States would propose amendment(s), and then the State Legislatures would have to ratify, again with 3/4 of the States. In this scenario the Congress (and therefore the Federal government) has no role whatsoever.

    • @colt10mmsecurity68
      @colt10mmsecurity68 2 роки тому

      @@bobok5566 Well, I was on the right track at least. Lol. Thanks.

    • @seadog686
      @seadog686 Рік тому

      You're basically right. Nevertheless. The law doesn't seem to impede unscrupulous politicians from infringing on the Bill of Rights anyhow.

  • @t.t.6398
    @t.t.6398 2 роки тому +34

    Democrats have been that way since the 1800's.

    • @brucebouck6152
      @brucebouck6152 2 роки тому

      Democrats are the founding fathers of the kkk and Tom crow. And remember that sleepy Joe gave the eulogies at kkk leaders funerals but I guess he forgot about that!!

    • @megarth1
      @megarth1 2 роки тому

      The plantation party has never been interested in the rights of the people. Especially the right to free speech.

  • @scottmichael-n9u
    @scottmichael-n9u 2 роки тому +14

    Nice job once again Mr. Cruz !!!

  • @120offroadllc
    @120offroadllc 2 роки тому +30

    The Constitution of the United States of America needs to be distributed to every household like the phone book used to be in the 80s 90s Etc

    • @terryruggiero1718
      @terryruggiero1718 2 роки тому +3

      Access to the Constitution is Easier today than ever. There are free phone apps that contain it.

    • @120offroadllc
      @120offroadllc 2 роки тому +2

      The paper back is the best. It never needs recharging. People actually lived like that at one point. It should be compact enough to fit in a glovebox.

    • @deborahjdow1755
      @deborahjdow1755 2 роки тому +3

      A requirement at our school: In 1962, our 7th grade Social Studies (Civics) teacher had us study, learn, even memorize the Bill of Rights, the Constitution it's amendments, the role of the government's balance of power between Executive Branch, the Legislative Branch and the Judicial Branch, each knowing that one branch cannot overtake the other two branches of government, to follow and uphold the law and if necessary a law could be challenged, changed, voted down or plus, the states rights to govern separate from the federal government. Do our students know their U.S. History and how our government works? I believe very few do.

    • @denisehartman4268
      @denisehartman4268 2 роки тому +1

      @@deborahjdow1755 That's EXACTLY how my history classes worked as well👍👍👍
      I could SEE the changes going on in the school systems in regards to the teaching. My daughter who's 33, they were still taught along the lines of how we were, but TRUE history was starting to be taught. My son who's 21, when he and his friends would have conversations about ANY subject, I'd have to ask them "WTH are they teaching u's kids now-a-days"????🤦
      I'd have to correct them all the time SMH. And now, when my 10 year old granddaughter sleeps over, I find myself listening to WHAT/HOW all of her teachers are "teaching"; and noticing how much more dumb the children have become. These liberal teachers with their liberal ideologies are a disgrace to this nation!!😠😠 I am CONSTANTLY having to correct the misinformation this child has been given. And as far as "political indoctrinating", I have made it clear to my son and my granddaughter WHAT their teachers agenda IS and tell them to be a FREE THINKER.

    • @deborahjdow1755
      @deborahjdow1755 2 роки тому +2

      @@denisehartman4268 You're a terrific mom & grandmother in caring what your kids are taught & correcting them with the correct answer. Like my mom, parents, even if they were working, joined the schools P.T.A. & followed the Roberts Rules of Order.

  • @kennylawrence1682
    @kennylawrence1682 2 роки тому +6

    If it was blatantly unconstitutional, then how was it even voted on to be passed as law? Blatantly unconstitutional bills or laws should never reach the floor to be up for vote. PERIOD!!!

    • @richardclifford003
      @richardclifford003 2 роки тому

      Bills are like lawsuits. Anyone can file one and most of them are asinine.

    • @bobok5566
      @bobok5566 2 роки тому

      It's part of American politics. If at first you pass a law and the Court strikes it down, try and try again. The ultimate political aim being to convince enough of the public that you're unconstitutional laws SHOULD be constitutional, so you have public support to amend the Constitution.
      Yes, it's ugly, expensive, and catches citizens up in legal limbo.
      Edit: It's not a traditional method of attempting to amend the Constitution, but it is the current MO of one particular political party.

    • @dankelly4984
      @dankelly4984 2 роки тому

      It's not unconstitutional at all and it has nothing to do with free speech. Please go read what the disclose act is. The stuff he's saying has nothing to do with it. If it does have anything to do with hit he needs to explain.

  • @joshgellis3292
    @joshgellis3292 2 роки тому +4

    *_*enact the 25th Amendment._**
    *_*vote out Harris._**
    *_*vote out the whole administration!_**

    • @Venti470
      @Venti470 2 роки тому +1

      Take out the garbage!

    • @joshgellis3292
      @joshgellis3292 2 роки тому +1


  • @planethedgehog2427
    @planethedgehog2427 2 роки тому +52

    Ted needed another minute to hammer on that guy's lawyerly dodge, "respond," instead of answer.

  • @tammyteague522
    @tammyteague522 2 роки тому +15


    • @maryjeannechessrown8482
      @maryjeannechessrown8482 2 роки тому

      They want total control of the people!!!!! Communism!!!!!!!

    • @rbarnes4076
      @rbarnes4076 2 роки тому

      In theory I agree.
      But something to consider: the reason the politicians are supporting such a thing is that the people in their district support it. If it didn't poll well, they'd never do it. Remember.. politicians are some of the most cowardly individuals you'll ever meet. Cruz is a rarity of epic proportions.

    • @bobok5566
      @bobok5566 2 роки тому

      Resignation belongs to a bygone era. There is no ethics left in politics. The only way to get them out is to vote them out, and between general voter apathy and potential election shenanigans, the incumbent usually triumphs.

    • @dankelly4984
      @dankelly4984 2 роки тому

      It's not unconstitutional. Please go read what the disclose act is. The stuff he's saying has nothing to do with it. If it does have anything to do with hit he needs to explain.

  • @skiphamblin2185
    @skiphamblin2185 2 роки тому +146

    Salute to Sen. Cruz.

    • @mohammedsamura3151
      @mohammedsamura3151 2 роки тому

      Jewish AIPAC religious mouthpiece

    • @josephpompa2329
      @josephpompa2329 2 роки тому +3

      Hey Skip it says you have 4 replies but nothing's there .What's you tube taking down your replies

    • @josephpompa2329
      @josephpompa2329 2 роки тому

      @@deadtoadsoup when's that bag of a president going to see all the crap he caused

    • @misspad7282
      @misspad7282 2 роки тому

      @@deadtoadsoup - Such a childish comment.

    • @MichaelG63
      @MichaelG63 2 роки тому

      @@deadtoadsoup He slipped back across with the 200,000 illegals last December

  • @miceltusav88
    @miceltusav88 2 роки тому +6

    I couldn't be a politician. I'd be up there damn near every single day blasting everyone who was self serving and cussing them out. Especially the people who try and give non answers. "Will you answer what I've asked you in writing?" "Senator, let me ju-" "It's a god damn simple yes or no question, I expect a fucking yes or no answer!"

  • @joeltee9894
    @joeltee9894 2 роки тому +2

    I thought amending the constitution needed 3/4 of the states

  • @waskerbasket9601
    @waskerbasket9601 2 роки тому +28

    "corruption" is the only word that arises.

  • @Mellowyellow3
    @Mellowyellow3 2 роки тому +19

    He’s brilliant glad he’s a Republican

    • @kalburgy2114
      @kalburgy2114 2 роки тому +2

      Actually wish Democrats were more like him. I'm an independent voter and would love to have a choice.

    • @donnarocha4717
      @donnarocha4717 2 роки тому

      Ther are no brilliant democrats. All they are is evil.

    • @misspad7282
      @misspad7282 2 роки тому +2

      @@kalburgy2114 - Absolutely! All politicians should have this much integrity.

    • @bettywallace3375
      @bettywallace3375 2 роки тому

      @@misspad7282 HaHaHaHa1

    • @dankelly4984
      @dankelly4984 2 роки тому

      Please go read what the disclose act is. The stuff he's saying has nothing to do with it. If it does have anything to do with hit he needs to explain.

  • @dorenehendricks6627
    @dorenehendricks6627 2 роки тому +21

    I'll say what I want when I want its freedom of speech just sayin

    • @johnnoreau3570
      @johnnoreau3570 2 роки тому +2

      Until your speech intrudes others rights. You can scream and shout all you want until it’s “Fire!” Inside a crowded building.

    • @dankelly4984
      @dankelly4984 2 роки тому

      The disclose act won't bother your freedom of speech. Please go read what the disclose act is. The stuff he's saying has nothing to do with it. If it does have anything to do with hit he needs to explain. You'd probably like the bill.

  • @XxNickspeed1xX
    @XxNickspeed1xX 2 роки тому +2

    Come for Free Speech and our Guns. You will Learn the Hard Way. I Dare You! 😂😂😂😂

  • @tdeeb6359
    @tdeeb6359 2 роки тому +1

    VERY well said, Senator Cruz. Please keep it up!

  • @richardlandis793
    @richardlandis793 2 роки тому +58

    Oh no! Violent rioters? Don’t you mean PEACEFUL PROTESTS? Let’s Go Brandon.

    • @georgewood7381
      @georgewood7381 2 роки тому +2

      @@deadtoadsoup Yeah. That there was an "armed insurrection". She was the only one shot.

    • @maryjeannechessrown8482
      @maryjeannechessrown8482 2 роки тому +1

      They are rioters and they Hate America and her freedom! Yet the Government under Biden tolerates every riot they start and democrats support them with funds.

  • @nolimitarcade2865
    @nolimitarcade2865 2 роки тому +19

    I "DO" want corporate influence taken out of government! Representation should be limited to individual citizens.

    • @dankelly4984
      @dankelly4984 2 роки тому

      I think the people who are loving Ted's speech must not understand what the disclose act is. The stuff he's saying has nothing to do with it.

  • @libertarian100
    @libertarian100 2 роки тому +9

    Unconstitutional is a requirement for all Dim (and Rino) legislation.

  • @leedove2811
    @leedove2811 2 роки тому +2

    He's absolutely Correct

  • @susanhawkins3890
    @susanhawkins3890 2 роки тому +1

    Just met 3 well-to-do Americans who are moving to Scotland because of the”Woke” govt right in USA!!! This was a comedy that turned into a tragedy!!!

  • @curtweisflog1567
    @curtweisflog1567 2 роки тому +10

    more people need to see this clip......we all need to share this . A.S.A. P

  • @joeputnam4131
    @joeputnam4131 2 роки тому +12

    Senator Cruz ,We the people still believe in our first amendment. The freedom of speech!!!
    No matter who says what....

    • @dankelly4984
      @dankelly4984 2 роки тому +1

      The disclose act isn't about freedom of speech. You should read about it more. It's a good bill. He's not even talking about it.

    • @joeputnam4131
      @joeputnam4131 2 роки тому

      @@dankelly4984 thanks I will

  • @joeanderson9431
    @joeanderson9431 2 роки тому +9

    Bravo Ted keep exposing them

  • @pauldegregorio6432
    @pauldegregorio6432 2 роки тому +1

    When will the provisions of The Patriot Act be repealed?

  • @williamwhite1596
    @williamwhite1596 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you Cruz ! God Bless !!!

  • @JohnDoe-oj5it
    @JohnDoe-oj5it 2 роки тому +9


    • @jerrykinnin7941
      @jerrykinnin7941 2 роки тому

      Your 2 generous. Until the Fed deficit is $0.00 all federal workers get $5 hr min wage and we abolish ALL forms of Welfare Medicaid Medicare WIC etc. Till such a time as the debt is clear. All bills in Congress should be written in 1st grade English on a single page. The whole of the Federal Government should be no more than 20% of the workforce.
      No more loans to foreign nations if a country needs our protection then they can pay US for that Protection.
      All forms of energy should be in use may the cheapest win. The Constitution is The LAW of The LAND and SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON. so you want a full auto machine gun cigarettes and booze at 18 fine but you murder someone you'll be murdered yourself. GOD BLESS 'MERICA.

  • @gasgnat1
    @gasgnat1 2 роки тому +61

    How can any democrat look themselves in the mirror and be proud of what they espouse as a political party? How can they say their pledge to defend and uphold the constitution of the United States of America? I cannot understand it.

    • @mobrule8219
      @mobrule8219 2 роки тому

      Easy, most Democrat are just like most Republicans. They are 99% hate the other side, vote lesser evil, only 1% love / support their own party. As an independent, I despise ALL political parties because they all lie to voters and use them to get elected then ignore them. If the GOP was actually a force for good, they would win every election, it would not even be a contest. Same EQUALLY applies to the Democrats. That said... no way will I ever vote for a Woke Bastard, but that does not mean I will vote lesser evil. EARN MY VOTE, DO SOMETHING MORE THAN TALK against the Cult of Wokism.

    • @amiehulscher7156
      @amiehulscher7156 2 роки тому

      I feel the same way about right wing maga Republicans!

    • @mobrule8219
      @mobrule8219 2 роки тому

      Ignorance is a 100% curable condition... just saying. All the Trump Haters can not cite one racist act or comment from Trump when pressed... you know, tangible proof while at the same time, denying or ignoring the long list of crimes involving the Biden family of grifters. As for Americans who only want the government to leave them alone, honor the oath's of office and stop imposing their authoritarian oppression upon them, yeah, I suppose the true Nazis will always hate MAGA people.

    • @mobrule8219
      @mobrule8219 2 роки тому

      Imagine if John F. Kennedy were alive today. He would have to be a Republican with his "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." Kennedy opposed mass immigration, because Kennedy was a LABOR Democrat. Immigration is a tool of macro-economics to DRIVE DOWN WAGES, the reason Labor Democrats opposed current policy and another reason JFK had to be eliminated from American politics.

    • @gasgnat1
      @gasgnat1 2 роки тому

      @@amiehulscher7156 I don't know how you can say that? The first amendment guarantees free speech to the citizens. Every democrat voted to remove it from the amendment. That is what Ted Cruz was railing about. EVERY democrat voted to remove that right. I just don't understand democrats. They literally want to destroy the most free country on the planet. Help me understand you all.

  • @scottmccloud9029
    @scottmccloud9029 2 роки тому +26

    The camera should of panned across the democrats faces while he was talking. Showing how uninterested they were in what he's saying.

    • @maryjeannechessrown8482
      @maryjeannechessrown8482 2 роки тому


    • @dankelly4984
      @dankelly4984 2 роки тому

      Please go read what the disclose act is. The stuff he's saying has nothing to do with it. If it does have anything to do with hit he needs to explain.

  • @lindaanderson3698
    @lindaanderson3698 2 роки тому +1

    God blesses us with you Senator Cruz. Please keep up the fight and stay strong.

  • @pastorkenny8903
    @pastorkenny8903 2 роки тому +2

    Every question to anyone working against the Constitution should ask about ties to Soros as well as the WEF from here forward!

  • @cockyplopsnigga
    @cockyplopsnigga 2 роки тому +19

    I live in Oakland California with a lifelong Democrat teacher. I see first hand how they are conditioned. For the life of me cannot get this person to look at or even consider information that may crumble the tower of lies they are bombarded with through nearly every medium in today's culture. They dont want to explore the cracks within the lies they prefer the delusion and mistake their docility for dignity and sophistication because this is what they are told. They're damn near pod people, its hopeless. I have minimal hope for the future. I see nothing to stop this brainwashing from reversing the damage done. This country is fuct and will be subjagated and usurped.

    • @max420thc
      @max420thc 2 роки тому +3

      Starvation and hunger works wonders for common sense

    • @averageenjoyer1690
      @averageenjoyer1690 2 роки тому +2

      Sorry to hear that you have to deal with someone in such delusion. I hope you’re wrong regarding the future of this country.

    • @farmerjohn6526
      @farmerjohn6526 2 роки тому

      When this corruption turns on them , thats when they will wake up. It may be too late then.

    • @jodi2847
      @jodi2847 2 роки тому

      It's in trouble, most definitely, but not necessarily f*cked, because there is and will ALWAYS be people willing stand up and fight against tyranny, just as there will always be tyrants. In this age of hand-held cameras, internet, social media, etc., the propaganda the Left pushes gets debunked as quickly as it's released. As much damage as this administration has done, it's nowhere near as much as they'd like to do, and mid-terms are just around the corner. At the rate their approval is dropping, they'd have to openly declare war to have any hope of actually WINNING the country.
      There are those who choose to live in a bubble, but the truth is there and easily accessible, no matter how much they try to suppress it. Despite every attempt made by woke corporations (that are now hemorrhaging profits and taking an ass beating in the stock market,) their increasingly consistent failures have proven that "the message" isn't working on a national or even global level and that your Oakland teacher is becoming more and more on the fringe than the norm.

    • @cockyplopsnigga
      @cockyplopsnigga 2 роки тому +2

      @@averageenjoyer1690 They're everywhere

  • @pickeljarsforhillary102
    @pickeljarsforhillary102 2 роки тому +53

    Inside every democrat is a tyrannical dictator screaming to get out.

    • @andyeighttre
      @andyeighttre 2 роки тому

      Aka a Nazi Progtard.

    • @plmn93
      @plmn93 2 роки тому +3

      Or in Amy's case, screaming at their assistants as she eats a salad with a comb.

    • @adamrosemead1574
      @adamrosemead1574 2 роки тому

      Oh you mean like Trump a few years ago when he said that after his two terms were up he might decide
      to stay in office which would go totally off the rails of Democracy and straight into fascism??

    • @pickeljarsforhillary102
      @pickeljarsforhillary102 2 роки тому

      @@adamrosemead1574 How about Obama considering cancelling the election entirely.
      Islamo-facism is real unlike your imaginary facism.

    • @scottherrin5812
      @scottherrin5812 2 роки тому

      @@adamrosemead1574 no, little Trump hater, like obama tried to do! Obummer was trying to create enough division and chaos to be able to declare marshal law!
      I live to expose patiants with Trump Derangement Syndrome to facts!

  • @josephclark8272
    @josephclark8272 2 роки тому +21

    Why don't they give deadlines? Respond in writing by the following date. Then charge them with criminal contempt if congress when they fail to answer.

    • @met9072
      @met9072 2 роки тому +5

      That's selective, ask Bannon who was charged but ignore Holder doing the same but no consequences

  • @betzlaplant2755
    @betzlaplant2755 2 роки тому +1

    Why aren't they arrested if the ones who are supposed to arrest them don't; then they should be arrest as well

  • @lisatierney2688
    @lisatierney2688 2 роки тому +1

    Thought all these folks to a pledge to uphold and protect the constitution. What happened to that?🤔

  • @robinwatson6942
    @robinwatson6942 2 роки тому +6

    It is 100% the truth

  • @petersclafani4370
    @petersclafani4370 2 роки тому +17

    What free speech. What rights does the common person have.

    • @j06wilson
      @j06wilson 2 роки тому +2

      We tried telling ppl once they go for the 2nd amendment, they’d start going for others

    • @bobroberts2217
      @bobroberts2217 2 роки тому

      Roe v Wade being overturned proved people don’t have a right to privacy. That’s right. Your wonderful conservative judges voted AGAINST every Americans best interests. But let’s focus on issues that make no difference.

    • @RS-pq5mo
      @RS-pq5mo 2 роки тому +2

      @@j06wilson The 2nd amendment is there in case they try and take away the 1st

    • @jerrykinnin7941
      @jerrykinnin7941 2 роки тому +3

      @@bobroberts2217 all repealing r v o did was kick it back to the states.
      And if a woman does not want a baby then she should not bump uglies with a guy. Cause at one time we were ALL fetuses that wanted to live. So have your medical provider write it up as a miscarriage. Get your tubes tied and have fun.

    • @max420thc
      @max420thc 2 роки тому

      Bob, coming from the same person who was for forced experimental vaccines two weeks ago. No one takes you seriously

  • @sunshinehippie70
    @sunshinehippie70 2 роки тому +88

    Let’s go Brandon and the whole democrat party!

  • @autodidactpolymath1851
    @autodidactpolymath1851 2 роки тому +1

    "Will you answer the question or give me a lawyerly dodge?"
    (Immediately responds with a lawyerly dodge)

  • @gailpacker5090
    @gailpacker5090 2 роки тому +1

    Thank God for Senator Cruz!!!

  • @dvig3261
    @dvig3261 2 роки тому +32

    Election period or not, that was plain righteous speech.

  • @rozzbourn3653
    @rozzbourn3653 2 роки тому +25

    he's trying to appeal to their humanity... they dont have any humanity.

  • @hisoverlorduponhigh90
    @hisoverlorduponhigh90 2 роки тому +4

    One cannot outlaw free speech.

    • @hisoverlorduponhigh90
      @hisoverlorduponhigh90 2 роки тому

      @@deadtoadsoup Maybe CNN, ABC and all the rest should be outlawed for spreading lies.

  • @mindqueen2127
    @mindqueen2127 2 роки тому +1

    This is appalling. Smh

  • @annebonny8865
    @annebonny8865 2 роки тому +1

    Ted Cruz deals in facts, something the Democrats hate...🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

  • @fireball0762
    @fireball0762 2 роки тому +15

    some liberal principals already do this to teachers. When trump was in office you could not even wear a trump picture on a mask or you got a call from the principal. NOT vote trump, but just his face. OH and BLM was okay to him

  • @oscarrobinson4630
    @oscarrobinson4630 2 роки тому +11

    It's a Lot of us , myself included need to revisit the NAACP vs Patterson .. in the state of Alabama. When the NAACP was Ligit organization. In 1958. Thanks Sen. Cruz.

    • @JT-he8xi
      @JT-he8xi 2 роки тому +1

      Did you know that when Barry Goldwater was a city councilman in Phoenix, he became a FOUNDING member of the Arizona NAACP, and he remained a proud member until his death.*

  • @joans9481
    @joans9481 2 роки тому +39

    Here's something the Democrats won't like hearing... BYE BYE. Good luck finding another job. Start saving your money now, because you are all going to be laid off by the American people!!

    • @angelawesel4654
      @angelawesel4654 2 роки тому +1

      Good one🤣😂🤣 please Vote

    • @angelawesel4654
      @angelawesel4654 2 роки тому +1

      Also did anyone tell AoC, no severence pay, and no unemployment, she'll have to back slinging suds😂🤣js

    • @Rehd66
      @Rehd66 2 роки тому

      They don't need to save anything. They're all filthy rich on the tax money they stole from you.

    • @ralphsanchico2452
      @ralphsanchico2452 2 роки тому

      I would've disagreed with that soley based on the machines and the un yielding efforts of the Dems to cheat and steal. However! In a presidential race, it's more doable, at least it was in 2020. But in this down line voting, it's going to be extremely difficult. That's why we need to be vigilant about potential upcoming "False Flags whether they be of the weapon or scientific nature. But I'm convinced enough of us a awake and to attempt these False Flags could be to their peril.

    • @kevingarver9752
      @kevingarver9752 2 роки тому +1

      Not laid off, FIRED !

  • @denisdegamon8224
    @denisdegamon8224 2 роки тому +1

    Smoked them! I like Senator Cruz's style. Put those slimmy SOB's on record.

  • @TruthLivesNow
    @TruthLivesNow 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you Senator Cruz!

  • @bataremerson1970
    @bataremerson1970 2 роки тому +4

    Why can an administration get away with not enforcing the laws?

    • @PincheBuzo
      @PincheBuzo 2 роки тому

      Because the top lawman is appointed by the administration.

  • @cwb2992
    @cwb2992 2 роки тому +26

    A Law repugnant to the Constitution is void.” With these words written by Chief Justice Marshall, the Supreme Court for the first time declared unconstitutional a law passed by Congress and signed by the President.
    that the Supremacy Clause (Art. VI, cl. 2) gave the Constitution precedence over laws and treaties, providing that only laws “which shall be made in pursuance of the constitution” shall be the supreme law of the land.749
    The general misconception is that any statute passed by legislators bearing the appearance of law constitutes the law of the land. The U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and any statute, to be valid, must be in agreement. It is impossible for both the Constitution and a law violating it to be valid; one must prevail.
    The general rule is that an unconstitutional statute, though having the form and name of law is in reality no law, but is wholly void, and ineffective for any purpose
    Since an unconstitutional law is void, the general principles follow that it imposes no duties, confers no rights, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection and justifies no acts performed under it.
    An unconstitutional law cannot operate to supersede any existing valid law. No one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.
    Any unconstitutional act of an official will at least be a violation of the oath of that official to execute the duties of his office, and therefore grounds for his removal from office. No official immunity or privileges of rank or position survive the commission of unlawful acts. If it violates the rights of individuals, it is also likely to be a crime, and the militia duty obligates anyone aware of such a violation to investigate it, gather evidence for a prosecution, make an arrest, and if necessary, seek an indictment from a grand jury and, if one is obtained, prosecute the offender in a court of law.
    Judy Kerr

    • @bobok5566
      @bobok5566 2 роки тому

      Unfortunately, the part about officials enforcing unconstitutional laws does not and cannot apply to the members of the Legislature who passed said unconstitutional laws. Only members of the Executive.

    • @spectre9800
      @spectre9800 2 роки тому


  • @clankster0000
    @clankster0000 2 роки тому +5

    I wonder if Garland would enforce federal law if the latest SCJ were harassed at her home?

    • @clankster0000
      @clankster0000 2 роки тому +1

      @@deadtoadsoup Yawn. Your case of TDS is severe. Seek help.

    • @mrbeez8631
      @mrbeez8631 2 роки тому +1

      Robert's comment was censored. Must have been hate speech or racist.
      Typical Dem

    • @clankster0000
      @clankster0000 2 роки тому

      @@deadtoadsoup LOL!! Like you really care. How about all the people who died from the domestic terror groups BLM and Antifa? How about the millions of dollars in damages? Justice for those people too?

    • @clankster0000
      @clankster0000 2 роки тому +1

      @@mrbeez8631 Probably. Typical Dem - heavy on emotion, light on facts and reality. BTW....I didn't see some of his other nonsense posts.

    • @mrbeez8631
      @mrbeez8631 2 роки тому +1

      @@clankster0000 isn't that the unfortunate truth for these poor souls.

  • @ogredad55
    @ogredad55 2 роки тому

    Yaaaah! Go get 'em, Teddy! God bless you and your,s Sir!

  • @sammyme7276
    @sammyme7276 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks 👋

  • @ronthibault1853
    @ronthibault1853 2 роки тому +11

    Obviously I side & applaud Senator Cruz - unfortunately it's like the wind blowing - these crook / clowns continue their path of destruction in regards to dismantling this country.

  • @leviefrauim1425
    @leviefrauim1425 2 роки тому +15

    Thank God we have politicians like Sen. Cruz in office, helping protect our constitutional rights.

    @FREEDOM_OR_DEATH_ 2 роки тому +4

    We are fighting for our survival Mr Cruz. Let's vote the bums out! And thank you for continuing to fight for us!

  • @maryjulieharris7827
    @maryjulieharris7827 2 роки тому +1

    No free speech, no democracy

  • @MichaelSimmons.
    @MichaelSimmons. 2 роки тому +5

    This man has my vote for President, whenever he decides to run