Gem: Sprint as Caps lock, F5 as R False: I as inventory Grian: Inventory with F, 2008 headsets Joehill: Footpedals to sprint and controls, drop is - Keralis: Left handed, shifts with thumb, jumps with pinky Renthedog: E as forward, x as backwards, a as left, f as right Impulse: Inverted mouse controls Mumbo: Shifts with thumb Zombiecleo: Couch gameplay, dangles mic from staircase Ethos: Kleenex box as mic stand, keyboard up until elbows, sideways mouse, mousepad as wrist rest
Gems makes so much sense. I literally did the same thing when I first got Minecraft and I do it with all wasd games. Caps lock is easier to reach for sprint.
@@felixsawatzky4883 I've got caps lock on throttle in planes in war thunder, although that's just cause I naturally rest on shift and wanted countermeasures there.
@@mingrat8866 it's especially funny because I don't think it's even that weird. Everything she described is like, "So the weird thing she does is lounge on a couch, everything else just falls into place in the most convenient way." Like if the staircase is there, why not prop it there. The only extra weird thing is the cans, but in the end it's just a solid object, that is replaceable and was probably the first thing she found that worked. TL:DR I think Cleo does only like 1 weird thing, and everything else is just fit into place
@@flameduelit's not that "weird" to do something like Cleo's setup when you're sitting down to play casually, but the fact that Cleo is a full time content creator who spends hours behind a screen is using such a haphazard setup is pretty surprising for sure
@@flameduelyeah i can totally see the viewer ranking going the way it did no matter how much information the audience got. their setup is really just lounging
@@shredmaster2000 and what makes it even worse is that she was a teacher for so many years. How on earth did she manage to do all that schoolwork without a desk ???
So to recap, Mumbo's hand breakdances on his keyboard Cleo is the comfiest hermit, but her mousepad is technically explosive Keralis is in denial Impulse is MLG pro from 2008, which is also where Grian gets his headsets. Joehills is just a drummer, but he may not realize it Grian is a headset hoarder Ren has the largest hands of any human person False is just a lil quirky, and Gem is just a lil too good at the game. And Etho is... Etho.
I think Ren is actually onto something. He just moved his middle and index fingers 1 button right and got like 3 additional buttons to use without moving his hand + that's actually more comfortable than WASD. I might switch to that as well.
I like how it went from " I wanna go first because I don't think I'm that weird" to "So yeah I batch-ordered a pallet of headsets that are old enough to drive from Hong Kong because I never want to run out." Top tier stuff.
@@nicksavage567I do that not only when I’m jump scared, but pretty much all the time. I have lost count on how many times I’ve accidentally thrown away a good sword or pickaxe without noticing and lost it forever. I’m seriously considering doing the same thing now after watching this video.
Some keyboards have a hw switch to swap control and caps lock. Surprised so many of them didn't know about using a pedal for work/streaming. You could tell who cared about their setup.
Mr. Mumbo "one minute a day on social media" Jumbo returning to Twitter just so he could feel normal about his thumb shift thing is hysterical, Etho's setup really has opened up a can of worms
@@huscarlkt2335 yeah, I already had her in the lower 4 for just the "crosslegged on the couch, with the laptop on my knees". The "I use a tray of cans as a mousepad, and my mic was hanging from a staircase banister behind me" are just extra weird.
@@DyslecticAttack Honestly, the mic stand isn’t weird. It’s a very practical setup considering what their station must look like. The banister is a nice, solid, elevated base from which to hang a mic. Better than trying to set up a tripod or c-stand sorta thing for it. Got nothing for the soda cans though. That’s weird.
PSA: You aren't all that weird if you play minecraft on your couch. But if you've been playing for 5+ years, have a recording setup, made it your career, and spent enough money for a vtuber model, the fact that Cleo hasn't upgraded to a desk is absolutely bonkers
Comfort and habit are hard to shift away from, even when you can afford to -- it's like Grian's 20-year-old headphones... I'm sure he can afford the latest and greatest, but he prefers that specific model because he's comfortable with them ^_^
@@olencone4005Not only that, but I *totally* get the fear of newer headphone models being downgrades. I feel like a lot of us have that feeling about something. Like, me, I'm very particular about my keyboard and my chair. Not any random gamer-chair will do just because it's made by some cool brand or because it has flashy colors. I've got a backup 'Oversteel' chair that looks super dope, but is as comfortable as a smooth rock, while my old black IKEA desk chair is the comfiest thing I've laid my butt on. And it's really sad when that model you liked gets discontinued. Like, dude, I wish I could order 5 of those IKEA chairs as backup somewhere 'just in case'. 🤣
Cleo also mentioned that she didn’t get a desk until after she moved into her new place. From what she’s said about her old apartment, it did seem like it was a smaller space, and having a desk would take up a ton of space. Also, people point out she has money from minecraft videos and had enough to make a vtuber model, but I feel like that’s very unfair to Cleo to say that. She has mentioned in the past that she was working as a teacher at the same time as being a content creator until somewhat recently. It wasn’t until the last couple of years that she’s gotten her new apartment and got her vtuber model, and has made content creation her only source of income. Just because someone is able to make money from content creation doesn’t mean they’re rich, and often time it’s not enough to live off of. If I’m being honest, I think her set up was actually really smart because it utilized her probably limited space well and was comfortable on top of that.
@@mel-burnes so far team lefties are: Keralis, Ren and Mumbo... not sure who said it but I believe it was Etho that said there's bound to be two or THREE lefties
I would like to point out, that a few years ago when Impulse first got his foot pedals, he was so exited that he bound all sorts of functions to them. During streams he would then raise his arms above his head, and shout at chat: I DID THAT WITH MY FOOT!!!!
As a game developer, I tell you: inverted mouse controls have to be in the option settings for any kind of FPSish game! Otherwise its pitchforks and torches in the forum on release date..
@@carlosemilio385 I mean it's just flipped... I don't understand why people freak out about it so much as if it's violating some sort of natural law of movement. There's plenty of situations in real life where controls r inverted, like driving backwards of piloting a helicopter
I'm a lefty, and one that my parents gave a semi-hearted attempted at changing. The stark reality is that (barring a load of money for a wide range of unique products) lefties are just required to be somewhat ambidextrous in society. Growing up ('90s), it never even occurred to me that I could be using the mouse with my left hand because you just didn't see that as a possibility. As funny as what Mumbo said was, it's actually kinda accurate.
@@Stormfighter715 Doesn't help that a lot of left handed people conform to right-hand norms because stuff is always made with right-handedness in mind. By now I basically only write with my left hand, and even that is uncomfortable with ring-blocks and messy with fountain pens. I was so glad when we were allowed to use ballpoint pens in school.
@@Heresorikr being left handed is just being ambidextrous except writing I can basically do everything with both hands except write. Use a keyboard and mouse normally.
15:40 I love Keralis’ face here. It genuinely looks like he’s so shocked and appalled at how all the other hermits play the game he’s just jaw dropped in awe 😂😂😂
i forget already. ren was esdf instead of wasd, right? that makes so much sense as with wasd (unless i'm the only one that does this) you move your hand 1 space left on the keyboard and then youe ryinf xomwa our ewally qwirs
mumbo being left handed suddenly explained so much. I mean, if you use your right hand & try pressing the right shift on the opposite side of the keyboard, it actually works so well. It's comfortable compared to on the left side.
I quoted the exact same thing in a comment just now and found this I laughed so freaking hard at that. It had been building the whole episode and I just lost it at them all eagerly waiting for her hopefully normal explanation and then just starting it with the stairs was the funniest thing I have heard in a long time.
I feel like there's even more context missing about Etho's setup. In the clip with Tango and Scar, he mentions that his desk is *almost level with his shoulders*. He's not just resting his elbows on the desk, he's got his chair at its lowest height setting so he doesn't have to lean down to have his elbows and forearms flat on the desk. Try it for yourself, see how low you have to go for you to have your entire forearms in contact with the desktop while keeping a straight back. And imagine having your mouse sideways in front of the keyboard, keeping the wrist straight and instead moving your hand from the shoulder and elbow. Then imagine looking up at your monitor from that low perspective and having a tissue box with a microphone partially in the way so you can't even see your keyboard. He really deserves his own category.
@@ionmeth2031 Yeah I saw, the chair and desk position didn't look very strange there. If anything, it looked like it might be a pretty low desk. Maybe I misunderstood what he meant.
As a short person where the desk height naturally put my elbow and entire forearm straight on the desk, it also naturally put my keyboard and mouse exactly where etho describe his simply because ergonomically it is the most comfortable for my wrist for a prolonged use 😂 so honestly etho isnt that weird to me but mumbo, who sacrifice his thumb sounds weirder
Huge amount of effort behind the scenes to schedule hermits who live in multiple time zones. Plus, he did a Twitter poll or something before the episode.
The headset thing just sounds like all my neurodivergent friends with sensory issues. “Yeah I can only wear this specific face mask so I got in contact with the manufacturer in India to buy 1000 of them so I never run out”
@@NumbabuAdditionally, I don't think that it has anything to do with the way he plays Minecraft. It's just his headset, it's a general thing about him. The only thing I'd factor in for Minecraft-weirdness is the keybinds he mentioned and they're not that strange. Also at this point I think it's weird to have drop item on Q and sprint on Ctrl because both are super inconveniently placed. I haven't played Minecraft for quite some time myself but I'd place sprint on CapsLock too I think. The only annoying thing about that it's the CapsLock key and not a key that doesn't do anything. A friend of mine thought this to be a problem too, so he put sneaking on the still unused F (this was before dual-wielding) so he could put sprinting on Shift. I don't know which button he uses to swap hands now, but I do know that his in-game character is left-handed (he isn't in real life), I think his reasoning was that this makes the game easier to see for a right-eye-dominant person. I tried this once too, really weirded me out, turns out I'm left-eye-dominant.
@Numbabu It's also pretty standard for gamers with limited funds to use older, cheaper equipment instead of constantly upgrading. I mean, I still use a pair of the original SkullCandy Hesh wired headphones from nearly 15 years ago that still work fine, while three different replacement models have broken down after just a few months of use -- it really doesn't seem strange to me to be using outmoded equipment when it works fine, and having backups seems reasonable when the items aren't made anymore.
@@NitrinoxusSmart! I used to use cheap skullcandy wireless headphones, but I got marginally more expensive ones after I realized I would need to replace those all the time. The increase in quality is probably still worth it even if the lifespan is the same and I can totally see myself replacing these with an identical pair XD
@Numbabu What's _mad_ is, one of the replacement headphones was the _new_ version of the SC Hesh headset I have, the one they started selling when they discontinued the original Hesh 1.0. Lasted a little over four months before the casing connecting the left earphone to the headband snapped clean through. The other two were pricey, studio-grade wireless ANC headphones, and neither lasted three months -- one cracked open, the other just lost all audio in one side. So either there's a range of newer models that aren't built to the same standards as a decade ago, or the manufacturers _really_ don't expect you to use their products every day.
I love how Grian’s headset is possibly older than a sizeable portion of his audience Edit: I am concerned, please do not let strangers on the internet know your age
Grian: Old headset, F key for inventory Mumbo: Thumb for normal shifting Ren: Everything is spaced out False: I key for inventory Etho: Tissue box holds the microphone, the keyboard is up the desk for his other arm to just lay on the table and hold the mouse sideways and his mouse pad is used for his elbow not for his mouse Gem: Sprint is caps lock and F5 is R for easier reach Joe: Foot pedal sprinting/mute/obs, Minus to throw items Cleo: Couch, Keyboard on the knees while crosslegged, mouse is on a soft drink can flat, mic is from the staircase behind?!?!? Keralis: Left handed so the setup is inverted Impulse: Foul inverted mouse, Sprint with the mouse side button Edit: fixed some minor mistakes
Correction: gem has sprint on caps lock. Also with cleo I think she was saying her couch is under the staircase and so her mic hangs down from the stairs above her
I'm assuming Cleo has a folding mic arm with a clamp, and has it clamped to the stairs behind her. At least that's how I interpreted that. (I'm almost positive she said, "The staircase is behind me," at 21:48.) It actually makes a lot of sense to have the mic clamped to something you won't shake while playing.
My order: NOT WEIRD AT ALL AND BORDERING ON GENIUS, EVEN - Joe: That's just genius. Like, seriously. I think I'm gonna try to get something like a footpedal or streamdeck now. It just sounds so convenient. - Grian: When he said those words, I died a little inside at the fact I didn't buy myself a whole crate of Roccat Kova mice. I loved that mouse to death and I will never forgive Roccat for discontinuing it. Though I should move on at this point. The accident really wasn't my fault. - False: I for Inventory is my old MMO bind. It's definitely not an uncommon MMO bind, because you need the space around WASD (or ctrl/shift/alt/zxc if you're a Maplestory player). That space is at a premium and it's hard to break that old habit. - Gem: In the quest for ergonomics, forgivable. Small hands suck. - Keralis: Yeah, he really is just left handed. That's still a pretty bad setup, man. He should try using the num pad. - Impulse: Very specific gamer setup. Forgivable. Would destroy anyone else who tried to play on his PC though. - Cleo: Just seems like she had a period where she couldn't get a desk/normal PC setup and just never got out of it. Please break the habit. - Mumbo: Atrocity. Other people exist with big hands and they do it the normal person way. - Rendog: If his binds were something like RDFG instead of WASD, forgivable. There's some MMO nuts out there who do those binds. What he does, unforgivable. - Etho: What THE WORST EVER Everyone Cleo and below, I can see why they do the things they do. Mumbo and up are the only ones that are properly weird.
Joe's setup is not just normal, but _enviable._ Cleo really is my kindred spirit-I play Minecraft on a couch with keyboard and trackball sitting on a 2x4 which lies across my knees. Remapping the inventory and throw keys is not just normal but logical. Even Grian is relatable with his lifetime supply of _The Perfect Headset._ The only weirdos I saw on that poll were Mumbo and Etho.
Joe: same Cleo: I also currently play from my couch. Laptop on my knees and use my mouse (without a mousepad, and the mouse is an ergonomic one so my hand is basically on it's side) on the arm Impulse and skizz was strange until I found out it was because they used to play helicopter games or something and got used to those controls Keralis: makes sense because he's left handed Ren: kinda weird but also makes sense and if I tried it, I'd probably get used to it All the other key remapping is fine, I remapped a lot of my keys, including the use and attack which I changed to keys for a while and only recently changed them back to mouse clicks. Oh, and I've swapped sprint and crouch so sprint is shift and crouch is cntl. I would have used caps lock for sprint if I could disable caps lock, Mumbo: I still don't really get why he started doing that Etho: I don't know what's going on (although I do appreciate wanting to keep the elbows on the desk. I try to do that when I do use a desk, it is very comfortable)
@@lisahenry20Yeah, inverted controls just makes sense if you come from flight sims. I use the _Do A Barrel Roll_ mod and have pitch inverted. I also have seen WASD macro pads explicitly for lefties and people with big hands, so literally no judgement there.
@@MaidenOfAirKensington Expert. *Massive* ball. Not only can I do super precise movements, but I can spin the ball to do a 360. Plus: no need to worry about even surfaces, mousepads or anything like that.
Coming back to this video monthly, always crack at Etho's measuring at 8:46. I love how jarring the jump from 2 to 16 inches is, where you might've expected him to say "two.. four.. six" etc.
I swear I am missing something with his measurements. "So because I play with my mouse in front of my keyboard sideways, I only have about 16 inches or so to move it. So I have high sensitivity" 16 inches? SIXTEEN INCHES? I think the most I ever move my mouse from one extreme to the other is like 3 or 4 inches. Either he is describing it wrong or that is just another insane thing to add to the list.
@@delvinmichaels7987 I could try to explain, but it's probably faster to just watch his videos this season if you want to understand his slide into madness.
@@namikkouThat’s not exactly weird. He was trying to get the book through one method only. He was self limiting. This is no different than trying to get every achievement. It’s simply a goal.
Yeah, Cleo's setup sounds pretty comfy -- a friend of mine uses a super-soft LazyBoy recliner as his gaming chair and does something similar. I tried it once, and yeah, I can totally see gaming like that... well, till I fall asleep mid-game cause it's so comfy haha! ^_^
21:47 "where does the mic come in?" "well the staircase behind me" I laughed louder than I have in a very long time Cleo You are absolutely a new favorite for me to watch lately thanks for this mumbo!
I came to hermitcraft on season 8 because I was bored at the time and knew little about it and saw that it was a new season and i gave it a try, now i'm watching more and more hermit (especially while i'm eating) and it leaded me to watch some of theirs other videos too... So I think Mumbo interacting in some weird way with the other is making me want to watch their prospective (or then there are pranks happening to see the reaction) and I tend to linger on their channel a little longer xD (currently behind in Stress' episodes) So I hope the futur is full of other weird/funny interactions xD
@@DeadsTBD that's kinda how we all fall into the hermitcraft hole. We find one hermit then they interact with someone, we like them so we watch their episodes and series and youllend up watching 27 hermits in no time 😂
@@crunchevo8974 haha that's also how i ended up from watching another youtuber to having a steamer that put the VOD on UA-cam and now having a video playing at all time as they stream quite a lot (still skip some content as its not for me)
Mumbo: *tries to excuse his thumb-shifting by pointing out other oddities among the hermits* Other people outside of the affected hermits: *voice their opinions on the weirdness*
I love how some hermitcraft episodes are really roleplay and lore heavy and then there’s stuff like this where it’s just a bunch of regular people playing a video game roasting each other’s weird setups
I feel like Empires 1 & 2 were more lore heavy than Hermitcraft, it doesn't even feel like hermitcraft itself is a server where they roleplay but more just pick a theme and stick with it.
I love how this episode shows that not all the hermits have big fancy set ups with tons of equipment. It makes it all feel more attainable. And makes the hermits feel more personable
Joe using foot pedals reminds me of a reddit story I saw years ago. This guy had a foot pedal for push-to-talk in FPS games. Then he learned to drive. He was stopped at a red light and his passenger said something to him. As he went to reply, his muscle memory kicked in and he slammed on the accelerator to talk... (he crashed the car)
@@tobiasbayer4866holding the brake down is actually wrong, you should apply the handbrake as to not dazzle drivers with your brake lights or hold it with the clutch if you won’t be waiting long and on a small hill
@@Insertnamehere662 How bright are your brake lights? Idk I was taught to do it that way in driving school and everyone I see at a red light has their brake lights, so it cant be that wrong. Also handbrakes are only for inclines but I guess you could also do it additonaly. But yes, putting it in neutral while stopped is obviously the safest.
honestly, joe's setup is golden, 0% weird, i wish i had a foot pedal to sprint it would be so convenient. Impulse and skizz are also not super odd, it just reflects an older age of gaming when they ruled the skies as the chopper bros
@@DragN_H3art him and skizz used to be big into CoD back in the day (on pc i think) and the helicopter controls were inverted and that just carried over to everything else. Its all explained in one of their early podcast episodes
I think having a foot pedal to sprint (like you're accelerating a car) is super clever. It would take some time getting used to, but it would be good for your legs too!
The pedal is the LEAST weird thing here. It’s honestly brilliant and I don’t know why we’re not all on our way to buy computer pedals right now. Cars use pedals, sewing machines use pedals, pianos use pedals, you play parts of an organ with your feet! We should all be adopting computer pedals for gaming and I’ll die on that hill.
Every hermitcraft season must have one episode that is legendary. - Season 6: Civil war - Season 7: Etho's shady e-e's free glass episode - Season 8: Tango's tree prank - Season 9: Grian and Scar destroying Doc's tunnel bore - Season 10: This episode
As someone who didn't have a desk back in the day I used to game on my couch. And due to a finger injury when I was young, I press shift with my thumb. Setting different key binds is not weird and either is left handedness or comfy headsets. All I'm trying to say is, people have different play styles, and there's an Etho.
This is by far one of the funniest Hermitcraft episodes. It has popped up in my feed again so I had to watch it. It's cool to hear behind the scenes stuff like this and the unique set ups everyone has. I'm having a tough time at the moment in my life so this has really brightened my mood.
18:36 frankly the inverted mouse will likely happen with me when I play Minecraft again, since another game I play has the same mechanic to look up and down.
In fairness, audio products that are very good tend to age extremely well, it sounds like they wear out rather quickly(once a year.) Its not like clothes that he might grow out of.
One of the funniest Hermitcraft videos I can remember 😂 15:30 “First of all thank you for the invite to this freak show. I am just left handed.” Floored me 🤣🤣🤣
Mumbo: "I've just embraced the fact that I press shift with my thumb. It's just part of my identity." Mumbo four days later: Makes video in which he goes to great pains, literally, to break himself of his thumb-shifting and other odd keying habits.
I love the insane dichotomy of Etho; the sort of practical man who will go out and build a fence or shingle a roof in the middle of a Canadian winter, but who is also content to use a tissue box as a mic stand for five straight years.
Don't forget that headset mic that he kept on using after the head-parts broke, and the ear pads got replaced with tissues (check Etho's ep526 for pic). Or that mouse he rocked for 8 years!
This episode had me dying laughing, but Keralis coming up and saying "I am left-handed" absolutely got me laughing along with everyone else. It was such perfect comedy
I love how everyone was caught up on Cleo’s soda cans while ignoring that her Mic is on the staircase *behind* her couch. That means that this whole desk set up for her monitor and the couch are arranged where either the desk is sitting in the middle of the room, the entire set up is crammed into a small hallway, or she basically has a boom mic reaching across the room, all three of which are hilarious.
From what little we heard about the mic setup, I'd imagine her couch back is against the side of the staircase, and the mic is strapped to the staircase railing. Probably with some kind of rod thing so that the mic is in front of her mouth and can be rotated out of the way. As for the entire setup, she said she doesn't have a desk. This makes me think that she actually plays on a large TV that's across the room, with possibly another smaller screen somewhere closer. So it doesn't need to be crammed, in the middle of the room, or a boom mic.
I'm still wrapping my brain around the fact that they've been chilling with their different setups and play styles for years and we never knew about it. Like HC is already well known for doing the impossible, but the fact that it extends to real life is golden. Just makes the hermits and this server all the more special imo
There are 2 and half thousand comments, so this will likely be lost, but I'm so glad this episode exists. Mumbo has made HermitCraft history and the details revealed will be quoted for years from now, there'll likely be shorts of just each individual and I think that's why Mumbo is great, he spent probably a long time on the build but 10 mins on the idea to get people together to share their weirdness yet that's the genius part. His natural talent is to bring people together in a very casual yet unselfish way, each hermit got to speak their part, share a laugh and enjoy the content, that he laid the framework for, yet it wasn't glorifying him. Fair play on the great video, I was entertained.
Nah, it makes perfect sense if you have had carpal tunnel. Your arm gets burning pain after using a mouse too much so if you can reduce that discomfort even a little bit it's a life saver
I also coincidentally have my throw item on “-“ because I used to play Hypixel Skyblock and I always accidentally pressed “q” and once I lost a Livid Dagger so I changed it to the other side of my keyboard
@@JesperadooHe literally DIDN'T walk at an angle before. Just cardinal directions from his face direction plus mouse to point his face. None of us (including him) noticed.
6:40 Fun fact the guy who invented wasd was an e sports gamer going by Thresh. originally it was the arrow keys, then, as 3d fps came out more and more, Thresh noticed that the arrow keys were too far from the other controls, so he remapped them and played like that in a super important match, and now 99% of games have that as their default.
That explains why Grian sounds like he swallowed a megaphone from an East German train station when he's in voice chat in other peoples videos. Whatever post-processing he does on his voice in his videos is doing heroic work. Really good job to get some 16 years old headset microphone to sound good in a video.
Hearing the weird quirks of the Hermits is the best thing ever. I knew about Mumbo's thumb and Etho's kleenex box, but all the rest had me in a continous state of disbelief, amazement and uncontrollable laughter.
@@user-xv1cs9mm9dI can comprehend Keralis because my brother is left handed and plays exactly like that. I'm just glad that Keralis actually moved his keyboard to fit his style instead of twisting his spine like my brother does lmao I lowkey envy Joe
This might very well be the funniest Hermitcraft episode I've ever watched. I don't know what else to say; it just radiated so much "chaotic fun" energy while heavily tapping into the social aspect of the server, which has to be one of, if not the most essential element of Hermitcraft (especially when considering how incredible the social dynamic is between everyone).
I really enjoyed it as well. I really really appreciate mumbo just riding through hermit craft not grinding too hard you know? Making sure fun is the top priority is truly the best decision he has made for himself and for us!
This honestly felt like something I would have expected Grian to do rather than Mumbo, he sure has changed from his earlier Hermitcraft days where if you only watched his POV it was like watching a singleplayer world with rare, brief adventures into the shopping area and other central hubs Who knew *Hermit*craft works better when everyone does stuff together instead of being hermits?
I was procrastinating homework with your videos, then I stopped. I told myself I couldn’t watch more until finishing my homework. I finished my homework. This is a rare occasion, thank you mumbo.
This was fun. Here's my list. Ranking normal->weird Gem (sensible keybinds), Joe (sensible keybinds) Grian (tech fears), False (inconvenient keybind), Impulse (inverted, end of the less weird portion), Ren (inconvenient keybind, more likely to press wrong button), Keralis (lefty non-conformist issues), Cleo (comfort over efficiency, doesn't make sense for long sessions), Etho (odd comfort arrangement, stick with old tech, and needs a bigger desk), Mumbo (knows he can shift normally, chooses not to) Overall everyone has reasons for their weirdness except Mumbo...
i think etho mentioned in tango's stream (and forgot to add it here) that his desk is almost level with his shoulders, meaning his arms are almost horizontal to his postion....
Honestly! As an autistic, if I knew something I use and really like is being changed or discontinued, I would definitely buy a whole bunch of it to last me 😭 So I really relate. Doesn’t stop a whole box of headsets from being wired tho lol
I feel like it got glossed over that Impulse also has foot pedals. Everyone was giving Joe flak for using them, but he got the idea from Impulse! (Honestly having the extra buttons that you can push without having to move your hands somewhere new sounds super useful though.)
Impulse’s foot pedals are because he’s a drummer though, right? It doesn’t sound like he actually uses them to game. That said, I agree that foot pedals sound really useful for extra input. Not only is Joe’s not that weird, I’d argue his solution is downright sensible.
@@iout Impulse uses the pedals to control his OBS, so he can trigger a "save last 5 minutes buffer" in case anything happens on the server that he wants to capture that he wasn't already recording for.
I've just tried it out and I have to say, Ren has a very good point about his key configuration. For me: R is drop, TAB is inventory, SHIFT is sprint, CTRL is crouch and Q is zoom. I also play with Auto-Jump on.
Keralis dropped the funniest line of the episode, aided by the long setup and his hilarious eyes: “So, first of all, thank you for the invite to this freak show… I am just left-handed!”
It has been said many times by now, but I can't stop talking about how much I love that this season hermits are actually spending more time with each other and just hanging out, chilling as friends do, finding out things about each other, making jokes and stuff, they feel much real than any other "content" on here would becuase Hermitcraft is not content in any way, it feels real
Watching this now is even funnier having seen Mumbo's video about trying to fix his thumb shifting only to realise he was also just using his index finger to press wasd.
I have q as sprint, mouse button 1 as inventory slot 1, 1, as slot 2, 2 as 3, 3 as 4, 4 as 5, 5 as 6, x as 7, c as 8, v as 9. R as third person, and f as throwing. I also use mouse button 2 for sneaking, (both mouse button 1 and 2 are on the left side of the mouse).
The seamless transition from basically every hermit going: “well, I’m not that weird, I just do X” every hermit going “no, that’s weird” then the original hermit frantically trying to justify it… chefs kiss
when I saw Joe Hills in that lineup I literally thought "he's going to say that he plays with his feet or something lol" I WAS NOT EXPECTING TO BE RIGHT
This is one of my favorite UA-cam videos ever, just learning about the hermits that I’ve known for years and how weird they play the game but you would never question that some play on the couch or with foot pedals
As a tall person who had a similar setup, Ethos ones kinda make sense. You keep your desk higher than normal for your neck not looking downwards. Your chair is higher too, but they still are often too low for you, and keep any armrests unusable too low too for comfort rest. So you use the desk. The mouse is similar. I have big hands, and too small mouses for long while so I started shifting it sideways to comfortably grip it without contorting my hand. Etho if you're reading this: There are desk ellbow pads you can attach to your desk, that make your sitting position wayyy more comfy keeping that long lounging space feel with your ellbows. And it gives you more space free on the desk too! Also get a bigger mouse like an g502 with a wrist pad rest. I've not had to change my mouse position since, and it's been so good for my wrist and I am generally more relaxed at my desk.
In defense of Etho, as someone who primarily uses a laptop, I get it. His mouse is basically where a trackpad would be. So kinda do the same thing so that I can keep my arms straight while operating the trackpad and keyboard at the same time.
I'm a bit small height-wise, but my keyboard is as far back as possible so my arms rest completely on my desk as well. I actually sit straighter like this and it's less taxing on my wrists. I also don't use a mousepad, instead I have a desk-mat which gives me more space to move my mouse wherever I need it. Etho's set up makes a lot of sense to me 😅
Fun fact, this works for short people too. My chair is adjusted all the way to the bottom so my feet can rest on the floor comfortably. But my desk isn't adjustable so its around the level of my chest or so. I work on a laptop so I don't have the rest of Ethos's set up at the moment, but I have used my mouse the way he does in the past and it is rather comfortable.
this! i think because they're content creators and play with (usually, mumbo doesn't count lol) pc's, they don't realize the majority of people who DO play for fun play on laptops :p i've been playing like cleo since i was in elementary - on the couch or in bed, using a book or lapboard for my mouse. i still do! i actually bought a gaming laptop solely so i could move around w it for comfort (:
But most of us don't play as much as they do. It compares more to a work setup so it is really weird. Imagine working 8 hours a day sitting on the couch with your keyboard on your knees and your mouse on a bunch of cans.
Dude, I just realized. My brother's(who is right handed) play style is AN EVEN WEIRDER VERSION OF MUMBO'S PLAY STYLE. He presses shift with his thumb AND PRESSES SPACE WITH HIS INDEX FINGER.
This is how I play too because if I twist my hand around to get my pinky on shift, it feels like Sticking my elbow in my side. It just feels like in very unnatural position
I played this episode randomly and I love how it's just unproductive but so much more fun when they be roasting each other, laughing and doing nothing XDD
I’m just left-handed! 😂
And we still love your face
sorry buddy
that's kinda weird
hey at least you get front row seats to one hell of a show. 😂
@@tociartWas funny
This episode is legendary!
Thank you for being normal and awesome alike!
No wayyyy 3rd :3
Fr! It was so funny!!
I like the idea that someone gives Mumbo a thumbs up and he gets all self-conscious about his thumb-shifting
Mumbo's thumb doesn't know which way is up. It's contorted into such odd positions that there is no up or down. There is just thumb.
That is my head cannon from now on too
His favorite movie characters are definitely thumb thumbs.
@@mitchib1440in the grim dark world that is mumbo's hand, there is only thumb
@@yourshoulderdevil5229 Or it comforts him to know that there are like-minded individuals out there and he's not a lone freak.
Gem: Sprint as Caps lock, F5 as R
False: I as inventory
Grian: Inventory with F, 2008 headsets
Joehill: Footpedals to sprint and controls, drop is -
Keralis: Left handed, shifts with thumb, jumps with pinky
Renthedog: E as forward, x as backwards, a as left, f as right
Impulse: Inverted mouse controls
Mumbo: Shifts with thumb
Zombiecleo: Couch gameplay, dangles mic from staircase
Ethos: Kleenex box as mic stand, keyboard up until elbows, sideways mouse, mousepad as wrist rest
Grian also E switch hand/off-hand
Keralis' thumb shifting and pinky jumping isn't wierd tho, it's just where your fingers land if your keyboard is under your right hand
Gems makes so much sense. I literally did the same thing when I first got Minecraft and I do it with all wasd games. Caps lock is easier to reach for sprint.
@@felixsawatzky4883 I've got caps lock on throttle in planes in war thunder, although that's just cause I naturally rest on shift and wanted countermeasures there.
F5 as R is so real, it’s soooo easy and simple!! :D
"Thank you for the invite to this freak show... I'm just left-handed" is absolutely sending me 😭
Best line of the entire video. Absolutely elite.
This is my fav moment from the entire episode🤣
15:30 timestamp
His only crime
SAME xD I actually had to stop the video for a bit to calm down and stop laughing so I wouldn't miss anything 😂
Mumbo: "Where does the microphone come from?"
Cleo: "The staircase is-"
Everyone: "Nah, mate, I'm out."
How nonchalant she is about it is so funny 🤣
@@mingrat8866 it's especially funny because I don't think it's even that weird. Everything she described is like, "So the weird thing she does is lounge on a couch, everything else just falls into place in the most convenient way." Like if the staircase is there, why not prop it there. The only extra weird thing is the cans, but in the end it's just a solid object, that is replaceable and was probably the first thing she found that worked.
TL:DR I think Cleo does only like 1 weird thing, and everything else is just fit into place
@@flameduelit's not that "weird" to do something like Cleo's setup when you're sitting down to play casually, but the fact that Cleo is a full time content creator who spends hours behind a screen is using such a haphazard setup is pretty surprising for sure
@@flameduelyeah i can totally see the viewer ranking going the way it did no matter how much information the audience got. their setup is really just lounging
@@shredmaster2000 and what makes it even worse is that she was a teacher for so many years. How on earth did she manage to do all that schoolwork without a desk ???
So to recap,
Mumbo's hand breakdances on his keyboard
Cleo is the comfiest hermit, but her mousepad is technically explosive
Keralis is in denial
Impulse is MLG pro from 2008, which is also where Grian gets his headsets.
Joehills is just a drummer, but he may not realize it
Grian is a headset hoarder
Ren has the largest hands of any human person
False is just a lil quirky, and Gem is just a lil too good at the game.
And Etho is... Etho.
I’d like to argue that Ethos is TOO Etho-
I think Ren is actually onto something. He just moved his middle and index fingers 1 button right and got like 3 additional buttons to use without moving his hand + that's actually more comfortable than WASD. I might switch to that as well.
@@shap_po Yeah, you're right. And knowing Ren's raw skill, this worries me - new server king incoming??? (this is joke 😁)
As a thumbshifter myself, it is *not* break dancing on the keyboard. It is actually quite comfortable. The only problem is crouch jumping.
Love this comment!
I like how it went from " I wanna go first because I don't think I'm that weird" to "So yeah I batch-ordered a pallet of headsets that are old enough to drive from Hong Kong because I never want to run out." Top tier stuff.
...Gem just has small hands and Joe is honestly an innovator. Did NOT expect Cleo coming out of left field with *soda cans*.
I have just now rebinded Q to U as I also sometimes throw my sword away when jump scared!
I have to do the same thing as gem. My pinkie physically cannot reach the ctrl key. It sucks when games don’t allow rebinding
Yeah I don’t blame gem at all, I too have small hands. And Keralis has good reason for his weirdness too because he’s left handed.
@@nicksavage567I do that not only when I’m jump scared, but pretty much all the time. I have lost count on how many times I’ve accidentally thrown away a good sword or pickaxe without noticing and lost it forever. I’m seriously considering doing the same thing now after watching this video.
Some keyboards have a hw switch to swap control and caps lock.
Surprised so many of them didn't know about using a pedal for work/streaming.
You could tell who cared about their setup.
Joe is hilarious,
“How do you not go *car noises* everywhere?”
“That’s what the mute pedal is for.”
I also like the name Foot-Pedal-Joe
@@jonistan9268 It's like the modern day descendant of Cotton-Eyed Joe
I wanna know what pedal he has though!
That sounds SO useful for recording purposes!
@@Shenorai I would imagine any of the electric foot pedals that drummers use for their electronic kits
Secret drummer Joe
Mr. Mumbo "one minute a day on social media" Jumbo returning to Twitter just so he could feel normal about his thumb shift thing is hysterical, Etho's setup really has opened up a can of worms
Well at least Etho has only ONE can, Cleo has a whole BUNCH of 'em
@@huscarlkt2335 yeah, I already had her in the lower 4 for just the "crosslegged on the couch, with the laptop on my knees". The "I use a tray of cans as a mousepad, and my mic was hanging from a staircase banister behind me" are just extra weird.
Honestly, the mic stand isn’t weird.
It’s a very practical setup considering what their station must look like. The banister is a nice, solid, elevated base from which to hang a mic. Better than trying to set up a tripod or c-stand sorta thing for it.
Got nothing for the soda cans though. That’s weird.
@@iout nah, the mic set up is weird. It's functional, inventive, and practical, but it's also weird.
I keep coming back to this video... this might be my favorite hermitcraft episode of all time
Same. I also play this a lot to help sleep after work.
Pretty sure it just IS the best hermitcraft episode of all time
Fr 😂
PSA: You aren't all that weird if you play minecraft on your couch. But if you've been playing for 5+ years, have a recording setup, made it your career, and spent enough money for a vtuber model, the fact that Cleo hasn't upgraded to a desk is absolutely bonkers
Comfort and habit are hard to shift away from, even when you can afford to -- it's like Grian's 20-year-old headphones... I'm sure he can afford the latest and greatest, but he prefers that specific model because he's comfortable with them ^_^
When you find something the works the best for you and it becomes a habit, it's hard to break.
At 14:30 they ask if she has a desk, she said she didn’t used to but she does now, so she eventually did upgrade
@@olencone4005Not only that, but I *totally* get the fear of newer headphone models being downgrades. I feel like a lot of us have that feeling about something. Like, me, I'm very particular about my keyboard and my chair. Not any random gamer-chair will do just because it's made by some cool brand or because it has flashy colors. I've got a backup 'Oversteel' chair that looks super dope, but is as comfortable as a smooth rock, while my old black IKEA desk chair is the comfiest thing I've laid my butt on. And it's really sad when that model you liked gets discontinued. Like, dude, I wish I could order 5 of those IKEA chairs as backup somewhere 'just in case'. 🤣
Cleo also mentioned that she didn’t get a desk until after she moved into her new place. From what she’s said about her old apartment, it did seem like it was a smaller space, and having a desk would take up a ton of space. Also, people point out she has money from minecraft videos and had enough to make a vtuber model, but I feel like that’s very unfair to Cleo to say that. She has mentioned in the past that she was working as a teacher at the same time as being a content creator until somewhat recently. It wasn’t until the last couple of years that she’s gotten her new apartment and got her vtuber model, and has made content creation her only source of income. Just because someone is able to make money from content creation doesn’t mean they’re rich, and often time it’s not enough to live off of. If I’m being honest, I think her set up was actually really smart because it utilized her probably limited space well and was comfortable on top of that.
Etho’s “wait we found another one?!” actually killed me, this is one of the best episodes of Hermitcraft ever
its somewhat due to Etho on a stream with Tango and Scar went around the server finding left handed people.
I love their quest to find the lefties in the server xD
@@saruwatarisa what's the current tally?
@@mel-burnes so far team lefties are: Keralis, Ren and Mumbo... not sure who said it but I believe it was Etho that said there's bound to be two or THREE lefties
I would like to point out, that a few years ago when Impulse first got his foot pedals, he was so exited that he bound all sorts of functions to them. During streams he would then raise his arms above his head, and shout at chat: I DID THAT WITH MY FOOT!!!!
he still does this
They didn't mention this on the video, I think it may have bumped him and Joe at least a spot lower in weirdness
Impulse is so wholesome sometimes
As a game developer, I tell you: inverted mouse controls have to be in the option settings for any kind of FPSish game! Otherwise its pitchforks and torches in the forum on release date..
As someone who is currently working on a small indie game rn…. I-I’ll make sure I add…. Inverted keys on my game, holy how does that even work?
@@carlosemilio385 I mean it's just flipped... I don't understand why people freak out about it so much as if it's violating some sort of natural law of movement. There's plenty of situations in real life where controls r inverted, like driving backwards of piloting a helicopter
i have fummy experience where sonmetime i use inverted and sometimes not on the same game when using gamepad(or when im a maniac using a touchpad)
Mumbo saying "This is what happened when you make a left-hander conform to a right-handed society" as everyone in line stares at him is hilarious.
It's also a little morbid, given how lefties used to literally be beaten and chained for writing with the "wrong" hand.
@@stan8479yeah I’m a lefty and as I was learning how to write, my mom would constantly switch my hands trying to make me right handed
I'm a lefty, and one that my parents gave a semi-hearted attempted at changing. The stark reality is that (barring a load of money for a wide range of unique products) lefties are just required to be somewhat ambidextrous in society. Growing up ('90s), it never even occurred to me that I could be using the mouse with my left hand because you just didn't see that as a possibility. As funny as what Mumbo said was, it's actually kinda accurate.
As a lefty I can confirm that it's true.
Scar was indeed correct😂
"Well that's what the mute pedal is for" 😂😂😂😂 I think I might've been sleeping on joehills. I need to make time to watch his videos too it seems
That completely sent me while editing
Joe is a true delight.
This hahahahahaha
I feel like Mumbos replying more often to comments- nice that he is engaging with the community a bit
A must watch is a video from season 9 right before Christmas during the cross over. When he’s hang out with oli from the empires smp lol.
15:32 Keralis going "I'm just left handed!" was the funniest thing lmao
You will not believe how many people either A: Don't realize we are left handed, or B: forget that we are left handed.
as a left-handed person, I knew i was about to hear something completely normal and the right handers were going to lose their minds
@@Stormfighter715 Doesn't help that a lot of left handed people conform to right-hand norms because stuff is always made with right-handedness in mind. By now I basically only write with my left hand, and even that is uncomfortable with ring-blocks and messy with fountain pens. I was so glad when we were allowed to use ballpoint pens in school.
@@Heresorikr being left handed is just being ambidextrous except writing I can basically do everything with both hands except write. Use a keyboard and mouse normally.
I mean I am left handed but Keyboard and Mouse is extremely ergonomic even as a lefty and what Keralis does is confusing to me
15:40 I love Keralis’ face here. It genuinely looks like he’s so shocked and appalled at how all the other hermits play the game he’s just jaw dropped in awe 😂😂😂
"I've payed for the whole Keyboard, I'm goin to use the whole Keyboard" Ren, apparently
i forget already. ren was esdf instead of wasd, right? that makes so much sense as with wasd (unless i'm the only one that does this) you move your hand 1 space left on the keyboard and then youe ryinf xomwa our ewally qwirs
@@vulcanfelinebig dawg you don't need to do that 😢
@@vulcanfeline Nope, he said AXEF
@@garash2000 my ears have apparently aged as well as my fingers, lol
@@vulcanfelinei can see where Ren comes from, especially if you got big hands.
Grian whining abot his age and then Etho just quietly going "but I'm older than you" killed me.
etho actually said "that's almost older than you" referring to the headset grian's been using, meant as a joke lol bc it's def not
@@moonyy24683 yeah i think he was making fun of gem for being younger than him lol
Grian " how are you not constantly making car noises "
Joe " that's what the mute peddle is for " ❤❤❤
Underrated part of the video lmao
really witty response
i love joe lmao
The cleverness of Joe Hills!!!💖🌟💖
mumbo being left handed suddenly explained so much. I mean, if you use your right hand & try pressing the right shift on the opposite side of the keyboard, it actually works so well. It's comfortable compared to on the left side.
"Where's the mic come from??"
"Well.. the staircase was behind me.."
The fact that new unbelievable details are revealed even 21:30 mins in!!!
I would like this but it's at 69 likes
@@strombreakrnot anymore!
I quoted the exact same thing in a comment just now and found this I laughed so freaking hard at that. It had been building the whole episode and I just lost it at them all eagerly waiting for her hopefully normal explanation and then just starting it with the stairs was the funniest thing I have heard in a long time.
@@oz_jones Thanks broham
I feel like there's even more context missing about Etho's setup.
In the clip with Tango and Scar, he mentions that his desk is *almost level with his shoulders*. He's not just resting his elbows on the desk, he's got his chair at its lowest height setting so he doesn't have to lean down to have his elbows and forearms flat on the desk.
Try it for yourself, see how low you have to go for you to have your entire forearms in contact with the desktop while keeping a straight back. And imagine having your mouse sideways in front of the keyboard, keeping the wrist straight and instead moving your hand from the shoulder and elbow. Then imagine looking up at your monitor from that low perspective and having a tissue box with a microphone partially in the way so you can't even see your keyboard.
He really deserves his own category.
He's tall tho
His new ep included a real life photo
@@ionmeth2031 Yeah I saw, the chair and desk position didn't look very strange there. If anything, it looked like it might be a pretty low desk. Maybe I misunderstood what he meant.
As a short person where the desk height naturally put my elbow and entire forearm straight on the desk, it also naturally put my keyboard and mouse exactly where etho describe his simply because ergonomically it is the most comfortable for my wrist for a prolonged use 😂 so honestly etho isnt that weird to me but mumbo, who sacrifice his thumb sounds weirder
Honestly the more I think about Etho's setup it kinda seems comfy and something I may try out due to my neck pain
Mumbo: Disappears close to 2 weeks. Comes and drops the funniest video of Season 10 with 0 Effort.
HEY! That podium didn't build itself!
No not even close
@@glueguntabletop I'm saying It's funny with out even trying to be this funny, Just like X's Professional Minecrafters
That's just Mumbo for ya
Huge amount of effort behind the scenes to schedule hermits who live in multiple time zones. Plus, he did a Twitter poll or something before the episode.
Grian: what stops you from making car noises
Joe: that's what the mute pedal is for
Grian: "I feel like I'm _not_ that weird."
Everyone: *_(DOUBT)_*
The headset thing just sounds like all my neurodivergent friends with sensory issues. “Yeah I can only wear this specific face mask so I got in contact with the manufacturer in India to buy 1000 of them so I never run out”
@@NumbabuAdditionally, I don't think that it has anything to do with the way he plays Minecraft. It's just his headset, it's a general thing about him. The only thing I'd factor in for Minecraft-weirdness is the keybinds he mentioned and they're not that strange. Also at this point I think it's weird to have drop item on Q and sprint on Ctrl because both are super inconveniently placed. I haven't played Minecraft for quite some time myself but I'd place sprint on CapsLock too I think. The only annoying thing about that it's the CapsLock key and not a key that doesn't do anything. A friend of mine thought this to be a problem too, so he put sneaking on the still unused F (this was before dual-wielding) so he could put sprinting on Shift. I don't know which button he uses to swap hands now, but I do know that his in-game character is left-handed (he isn't in real life), I think his reasoning was that this makes the game easier to see for a right-eye-dominant person. I tried this once too, really weirded me out, turns out I'm left-eye-dominant.
@Numbabu It's also pretty standard for gamers with limited funds to use older, cheaper equipment instead of constantly upgrading. I mean, I still use a pair of the original SkullCandy Hesh wired headphones from nearly 15 years ago that still work fine, while three different replacement models have broken down after just a few months of use -- it really doesn't seem strange to me to be using outmoded equipment when it works fine, and having backups seems reasonable when the items aren't made anymore.
@@NitrinoxusSmart! I used to use cheap skullcandy wireless headphones, but I got marginally more expensive ones after I realized I would need to replace those all the time. The increase in quality is probably still worth it even if the lifespan is the same and I can totally see myself replacing these with an identical pair XD
@Numbabu What's _mad_ is, one of the replacement headphones was the _new_ version of the SC Hesh headset I have, the one they started selling when they discontinued the original Hesh 1.0. Lasted a little over four months before the casing connecting the left earphone to the headband snapped clean through.
The other two were pricey, studio-grade wireless ANC headphones, and neither lasted three months -- one cracked open, the other just lost all audio in one side. So either there's a range of newer models that aren't built to the same standards as a decade ago, or the manufacturers _really_ don't expect you to use their products every day.
15:36 Keralis is so effortlessly funny that Etho drops dead on the spot
Real XD
His comedic timing and delivery is brilliant.
Not gem sounding like a seagull 😂
I think that laughing sequence is insanely underrated
I can CONFIRM that if we had gotten all that extra context about Cleo’s setup, I absolutely would’ve rated them higher 😂 (the soda cans are WILD)
where was the video/context for the ranking?
@@whiteclaww4423twitter, I think
@@whiteclaww4423I'd also like to know, somehow completely missed it
@@whiteclaww4423 Mumbo came back to Twitter in order to do this poll but it wasn't advertised anywhere on UA-cam
@@whiteclaww4423 Mumbo hosted a poll on twitter. It didn't mention the cans or the stairs.
18:45 Grian makes a strong valid point, we give grief to Mumbo but the other hermits get nothing
I love how Grian’s headset is possibly older than a sizeable portion of his audience
Edit: I am concerned, please do not let strangers on the internet know your age
it's as old as me and that's scary
@@Barrel550 same here 😭
So true! It's at sweet sixteen
Not older than me. Got that headset by 2 years
Grian: Old headset, F key for inventory
Mumbo: Thumb for normal shifting
Ren: Everything is spaced out
False: I key for inventory
Etho: Tissue box holds the microphone, the keyboard is up the desk for his other arm to just lay on the table and hold the mouse sideways and his mouse pad is used for his elbow not for his mouse
Gem: Sprint is caps lock and F5 is R for easier reach
Joe: Foot pedal sprinting/mute/obs, Minus to throw items
Cleo: Couch, Keyboard on the knees while crosslegged, mouse is on a soft drink can flat, mic is from the staircase behind?!?!?
Keralis: Left handed so the setup is inverted
Impulse: Foul inverted mouse, Sprint with the mouse side button
Edit: fixed some minor mistakes
Correction: gem has sprint on caps lock. Also with cleo I think she was saying her couch is under the staircase and so her mic hangs down from the stairs above her
I'm assuming Cleo has a folding mic arm with a clamp, and has it clamped to the stairs behind her. At least that's how I interpreted that. (I'm almost positive she said, "The staircase is behind me," at 21:48.) It actually makes a lot of sense to have the mic clamped to something you won't shake while playing.
My order:
- Joe: That's just genius. Like, seriously. I think I'm gonna try to get something like a footpedal or streamdeck now. It just sounds so convenient.
- Grian: When he said those words, I died a little inside at the fact I didn't buy myself a whole crate of Roccat Kova mice. I loved that mouse to death and I will never forgive Roccat for discontinuing it. Though I should move on at this point. The accident really wasn't my fault.
- False: I for Inventory is my old MMO bind. It's definitely not an uncommon MMO bind, because you need the space around WASD (or ctrl/shift/alt/zxc if you're a Maplestory player). That space is at a premium and it's hard to break that old habit.
- Gem: In the quest for ergonomics, forgivable. Small hands suck.
- Keralis: Yeah, he really is just left handed. That's still a pretty bad setup, man. He should try using the num pad.
- Impulse: Very specific gamer setup. Forgivable. Would destroy anyone else who tried to play on his PC though.
- Cleo: Just seems like she had a period where she couldn't get a desk/normal PC setup and just never got out of it. Please break the habit.
- Mumbo: Atrocity. Other people exist with big hands and they do it the normal person way.
- Rendog: If his binds were something like RDFG instead of WASD, forgivable. There's some MMO nuts out there who do those binds. What he does, unforgivable.
- Etho: What
Everyone Cleo and below, I can see why they do the things they do. Mumbo and up are the only ones that are properly weird.
@META_mahn I don't even have big hands but thumb shifting is basically the only thing on this list that I do
I do the impulse sprint
Joe's setup is not just normal, but _enviable._
Cleo really is my kindred spirit-I play Minecraft on a couch with keyboard and trackball sitting on a 2x4 which lies across my knees.
Remapping the inventory and throw keys is not just normal but logical.
Even Grian is relatable with his lifetime supply of _The Perfect Headset._
The only weirdos I saw on that poll were Mumbo and Etho.
Joe: same
Cleo: I also currently play from my couch. Laptop on my knees and use my mouse (without a mousepad, and the mouse is an ergonomic one so my hand is basically on it's side) on the arm
Impulse and skizz was strange until I found out it was because they used to play helicopter games or something and got used to those controls
Keralis: makes sense because he's left handed
Ren: kinda weird but also makes sense and if I tried it, I'd probably get used to it
All the other key remapping is fine, I remapped a lot of my keys, including the use and attack which I changed to keys for a while and only recently changed them back to mouse clicks. Oh, and I've swapped sprint and crouch so sprint is shift and crouch is cntl. I would have used caps lock for sprint if I could disable caps lock,
Mumbo: I still don't really get why he started doing that
Etho: I don't know what's going on (although I do appreciate wanting to keep the elbows on the desk. I try to do that when I do use a desk, it is very comfortable)
@@lisahenry20Yeah, inverted controls just makes sense if you come from flight sims. I use the _Do A Barrel Roll_ mod and have pitch inverted.
I also have seen WASD macro pads explicitly for lefties and people with big hands, so literally no judgement there.
You use a TRACKBALL????
Cleo was alright until the mic hanging from the stairs came in the picture :p
@@MaidenOfAirKensington Expert. *Massive* ball. Not only can I do super precise movements, but I can spin the ball to do a 360. Plus: no need to worry about even surfaces, mousepads or anything like that.
Coming back to this video monthly, always crack at Etho's measuring at 8:46. I love how jarring the jump from 2 to 16 inches is, where you might've expected him to say "two.. four.. six" etc.
I swear I am missing something with his measurements. "So because I play with my mouse in front of my keyboard sideways, I only have about 16 inches or so to move it. So I have high sensitivity"
16 inches? SIXTEEN INCHES? I think the most I ever move my mouse from one extreme to the other is like 3 or 4 inches. Either he is describing it wrong or that is just another insane thing to add to the list.
Mumbo: "This server is full of _weirdos!"_
Everyone who's watched Grian lately: " don't know the _half of it."_
What happened?
@@delvinmichaels7987 I could try to explain, but it's probably faster to just watch his videos this season if you want to understand his slide into madness.
@@delvinmichaels7987 two words. "Mending Book"
@@namikkouThat’s not exactly weird. He was trying to get the book through one method only. He was self limiting. This is no different than trying to get every achievement. It’s simply a goal.
@@Bob_Smith19Yeah, but he was so over odds it is insane.
I really respect the comfort of Cleo's lounging and Etho's mousepad cushion
Also no desk. You do what you can.
I use an old hoodie folded up underneath my elbows. So comfortable.
Me too, I play sitting in a big armchair, no desk it's very comfy
Yeah, Cleo's setup sounds pretty comfy -- a friend of mine uses a super-soft LazyBoy recliner as his gaming chair and does something similar. I tried it once, and yeah, I can totally see gaming like that... well, till I fall asleep mid-game cause it's so comfy haha! ^_^
21:47 "where does the mic come in?"
"well the staircase behind me"
I laughed louder than I have in a very long time Cleo You are absolutely a new favorite for me to watch lately thanks for this mumbo!
“Well the staircase behind me” caught me off guard. It was hilarious.
I came to hermitcraft on season 8 because I was bored at the time and knew little about it and saw that it was a new season and i gave it a try, now i'm watching more and more hermit (especially while i'm eating) and it leaded me to watch some of theirs other videos too... So I think Mumbo interacting in some weird way with the other is making me want to watch their prospective (or then there are pranks happening to see the reaction) and I tend to linger on their channel a little longer xD (currently behind in Stress' episodes)
So I hope the futur is full of other weird/funny interactions xD
@@DeadsTBD that's kinda how we all fall into the hermitcraft hole. We find one hermit then they interact with someone, we like them so we watch their episodes and series and youllend up watching 27 hermits in no time 😂
@@crunchevo8974 haha that's also how i ended up from watching another youtuber to having a steamer that put the VOD on UA-cam and now having a video playing at all time as they stream quite a lot (still skip some content as its not for me)
Mumbo: *tries to excuse his thumb-shifting by pointing out other oddities among the hermits*
Other people outside of the affected hermits: *voice their opinions on the weirdness*
I love how some hermitcraft episodes are really roleplay and lore heavy and then there’s stuff like this where it’s just a bunch of regular people playing a video game roasting each other’s weird setups
I feel like Empires 1 & 2 were more lore heavy than Hermitcraft, it doesn't even feel like hermitcraft itself is a server where they roleplay but more just pick a theme and stick with it.
@@Thai8521Exactly! I love the empires peeps but i just dont like heavy roleplay smps thats why hermitcraft fits perfectly on my preference
It's more like joking around with some mates than roleplay.
rp-lite FTW
and mind you, this reality presented in this video is even weirder than all the lore they have created
I love how this episode shows that not all the hermits have big fancy set ups with tons of equipment. It makes it all feel more attainable. And makes the hermits feel more personable
The "I am just left handed" was the funniest thing ever
the building in the background at 2:02 is absolutely sick
Joe using foot pedals reminds me of a reddit story I saw years ago. This guy had a foot pedal for push-to-talk in FPS games. Then he learned to drive. He was stopped at a red light and his passenger said something to him. As he went to reply, his muscle memory kicked in and he slammed on the accelerator to talk... (he crashed the car)
lowkey funny
How is that possible? Wasnt he taught to hold the brake down while stopping at a light?
Thought that was normal.
@@tobiasbayer4866holding the brake down is actually wrong, you should apply the handbrake as to not dazzle drivers with your brake lights or hold it with the clutch if you won’t be waiting long and on a small hill
How bright are your brake lights?
Idk I was taught to do it that way in driving school and everyone I see at a red light has their brake lights, so it cant be that wrong.
Also handbrakes are only for inclines but I guess you could also do it additonaly.
But yes, putting it in neutral while stopped is obviously the safest.
@@tobiasbayer4866 But 99% of people are driving automatics nowadays, which do put you in neutral when you're stopped anyways.
honestly, joe's setup is golden, 0% weird, i wish i had a foot pedal to sprint it would be so convenient. Impulse and skizz are also not super odd, it just reflects an older age of gaming when they ruled the skies as the chopper bros
100% weird
the only weird thing about impulse is that it carries over to mouse controls, I have inverted controls only for controllers
@@DragN_H3art him and skizz used to be big into CoD back in the day (on pc i think) and the helicopter controls were inverted and that just carried over to everything else. Its all explained in one of their early podcast episodes
I think having a foot pedal to sprint (like you're accelerating a car) is super clever. It would take some time getting used to, but it would be good for your legs too!
I unironically wish we would start incorporating feet into our setups. It kind of feels like Joe is just 10-20 years too early.
The pedal is the LEAST weird thing here. It’s honestly brilliant and I don’t know why we’re not all on our way to buy computer pedals right now. Cars use pedals, sewing machines use pedals, pianos use pedals, you play parts of an organ with your feet! We should all be adopting computer pedals for gaming and I’ll die on that hill.
There's a story of someone using a left pedal to push to talk, going to talk to someone whilst driving and axcellerating and crashing their car.
Still weirder than just being left handed.
Honestly Joe has the right idea here, especially using foot pedals for OBS controls, it makes sense
@@andrewwebb917 the right thing to do is just never, ever use your computer pedals on the right foot. Ideally 😂
So you're saying you'll die on Joe's Hill
This was one of the most entertaining episodes I've ever seen XD Excellent job, and thank you for the video!
"Thank you for inviting me to the freakshow, i am just left handed" - that was sooo good :D
This was the line of the season so far.
that and "thats what the mute pedal is for"
Every hermitcraft season must have one episode that is legendary.
- Season 6: Civil war
- Season 7: Etho's shady e-e's free glass episode
- Season 8: Tango's tree prank
- Season 9: Grian and Scar destroying Doc's tunnel bore
- Season 10: This episode
Season 4: Logfellas (Xisuma & Rendog) Court Trial
Covering Doc's hole (or Doc's reaction) has a good argument
What even happened before season 6 besides 15 new members coming and going per season because they never posted a video? Lol.
@@mattyiceeThat really only applies to season 1 and 2
As someone who didn't have a desk back in the day I used to game on my couch. And due to a finger injury when I was young, I press shift with my thumb. Setting different key binds is not weird and either is left handedness or comfy headsets. All I'm trying to say is, people have different play styles, and there's an Etho.
I do both of those things, my thumb is just generally the most comfortable thing to press shift
Impulses result surprised me, almost all games have an "invert mouse" setting.
If it's built in the game and a click away it's not weird.
@@ImDepressedLol Muscle memory takes over a lot. I can switch between controls fairly easily but after a while its extremely difficult lol
@@Sawyernilsson it's comfy for me too
If your shifting with your thumb is because of an injury that formed a habit then that makes sense
This is by far one of the funniest Hermitcraft episodes. It has popped up in my feed again so I had to watch it. It's cool to hear behind the scenes stuff like this and the unique set ups everyone has. I'm having a tough time at the moment in my life so this has really brightened my mood.
Keralis' deadpan, ALMOST HUMORLESS, "well thank you for the invitation to this freakshow" made me CACKLE at work
I kinda understood grian on the headset thing, once youve got the perfect one, you dont look back on anything else till its all gone
genuinely yeah, as an autistic person with sensory issues i understand completely
Its crazy cause even his headset's older than alot of Grian's viewers haha
As an autistic person, I completely get his viewpoint. If I wasn’t forced to change stuff I would never change anything good.
i need a pic of that, just to get an idea.
@@_darcc im a 09 and its older than me so ig ur right
The Hermits explaining their set ups
Grian 3:35
Mumbo 5:09
Ren 6:16
False 7:32
Etho 8:10
Gem 11:40
Joe 12:05
Cleo 13:50 (and 21:35)
Keralis 15:31
Impulse 17:50
doing the lords work!
thank you time stamp andy
18:36 frankly the inverted mouse will likely happen with me when I play Minecraft again, since another game I play has the same mechanic to look up and down.
I play on controller and play with invert look because of accidentals in halo 3 which I can't turn off ever now.
"I'm not that weird"
"I batch ordered a ton of these discontinued headphones so I never run out."
In fairness, audio products that are very good tend to age extremely well, it sounds like they wear out rather quickly(once a year.) Its not like clothes that he might grow out of.
in all fairness, the weirdest thing is justifiable. comfort
I see nothing weird with that tbh, if they're comfy why order anything else? It's like Tom Scott's batch of red t-shirts he orders
One of the funniest Hermitcraft videos I can remember 😂
“First of all thank you for the invite to this freak show.
I am just left handed.”
Floored me 🤣🤣🤣
Nah i get it, for the longest time, i use to play using the arrow-keys instead of WASD. I an also left handed, i never understood
Yeah I seldom laugh out loud on UA-cam vids but gosh darnit they got me 🤣
17:15 I love how Etho is happy to know Mumbo is third left-handed hermit on Hermitcraft!
context from tangos streams: they were
persecuting the left handed hermits; he’s not happy for him, he’s actually mocking him. 😭
15:32 “thank you for the invite to this freak show” followed by “I’m just left handed” is just absolutely hilarious
Mumbo: "I've just embraced the fact that I press shift with my thumb. It's just part of my identity."
Mumbo four days later: Makes video in which he goes to great pains, literally, to break himself of his thumb-shifting and other odd keying habits.
I love the insane dichotomy of Etho; the sort of practical man who will go out and build a fence or shingle a roof in the middle of a Canadian winter, but who is also content to use a tissue box as a mic stand for five straight years.
Don't forget that headset mic that he kept on using after the head-parts broke, and the ear pads got replaced with tissues (check Etho's ep526 for pic). Or that mouse he rocked for 8 years!
And one audio track for recording
@@wyw876I had a g600 last for 8 years so not too unusual on the mouse lasting that long.
I feel like it’s more practicality honestly like why go out and buy a new mic thing when the Kleenex box works just fine
This episode had me dying laughing, but Keralis coming up and saying "I am left-handed" absolutely got me laughing along with everyone else. It was such perfect comedy
The part before that where he stepped up and was like "first off thank you for inviting me to this freak show" had me dying 😂
@@darknesswave100 The whole thing is comedy 😂
I love how etho took a jab at gem for being young then gem took a jab at etho for being old
etho: angles everything perfectly
gem: reasonable changes
You are breaking the car Samir, we will not finish.
@@arianheight750 Shaddap. Don't tell me how to drive.
I love how everyone was caught up on Cleo’s soda cans while ignoring that her Mic is on the staircase *behind* her couch. That means that this whole desk set up for her monitor and the couch are arranged where either the desk is sitting in the middle of the room, the entire set up is crammed into a small hallway, or she basically has a boom mic reaching across the room, all three of which are hilarious.
From what little we heard about the mic setup, I'd imagine her couch back is against the side of the staircase, and the mic is strapped to the staircase railing. Probably with some kind of rod thing so that the mic is in front of her mouth and can be rotated out of the way.
As for the entire setup, she said she doesn't have a desk. This makes me think that she actually plays on a large TV that's across the room, with possibly another smaller screen somewhere closer. So it doesn't need to be crammed, in the middle of the room, or a boom mic.
I'm still wrapping my brain around the fact that they've been chilling with their different setups and play styles for years and we never knew about it. Like HC is already well known for doing the impossible, but the fact that it extends to real life is golden. Just makes the hermits and this server all the more special imo
Idk, I think having all these weird setups is actually pretty common, the fact that they have them too just makes them more relatable
@@7he4040 absolutely. Summed it up very well in one word
4:05 grians headset is probably older than most people watching this video 😂
Fr lol
There are 2 and half thousand comments, so this will likely be lost, but I'm so glad this episode exists. Mumbo has made HermitCraft history and the details revealed will be quoted for years from now, there'll likely be shorts of just each individual and I think that's why Mumbo is great, he spent probably a long time on the build but 10 mins on the idea to get people together to share their weirdness yet that's the genius part. His natural talent is to bring people together in a very casual yet unselfish way, each hermit got to speak their part, share a laugh and enjoy the content, that he laid the framework for, yet it wasn't glorifying him. Fair play on the great video, I was entertained.
This is the third comment for me! So don't worry, it isn't getting lost!
Mumbo Jumbo casually dropping the biggest lore bomb hermitcraft has ever seen:
You have not been lost yet, you are above X for me in my comments
Had a ton of fun watching this episode. I see your comment!
I was laughing the whole episode and it was delightful. Couldn't have agreed more.
Keralis saying "i'm just left handed" after the abominable stories of all the other hermits got me real good
Etho’s setup is making me question his sanity
I do the same thing it’s good
Well he’s a hermit… hermit are not that sain…😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
He is a redstoner. What sanity 😂
Nah, it makes perfect sense if you have had carpal tunnel. Your arm gets burning pain after using a mouse too much so if you can reduce that discomfort even a little bit it's a life saver
He plays Minecraft, of course he isn’t sane 💀
I also coincidentally have my throw item on “-“ because I used to play Hypixel Skyblock and I always accidentally pressed “q” and once I lost a Livid Dagger so I changed it to the other side of my keyboard
Don’t forget the new realization that Mumbo uses ONLY his pointer finger to control WASD
Man i play the same as mumbo and i thought it was normal and it seems normal even now
Honestly so do i, but thats cuz im missing my midle finger, sooooooo....yeah :)
@@rahilpathan485you must have never played an fps game if that works
That is just insane. How does he walk at an angle? He can only do one direction at a time.
@@JesperadooHe literally DIDN'T walk at an angle before. Just cardinal directions from his face direction plus mouse to point his face. None of us (including him) noticed.
Fun fact the guy who invented wasd was an e sports gamer going by Thresh. originally it was the arrow keys, then, as 3d fps came out more and more, Thresh noticed that the arrow keys were too far from the other controls, so he remapped them and played like that in a super important match, and now 99% of games have that as their default.
The ESDF format is also not uncommon in an MMO setting where you may need more room for keybinds. It makes sense somewhere, just not here.
Ok I did not expect this comment to get so many likes
“As I sprinted over here I used my foot petal”
As someone that doesn’t watch Joe, that made me laugh WAY too hard 😂😂
Honestly not having to use your hand at all to sprint is clever.
It feels perfectly natural for him though imo.
as someone who also has their microphone sitting in a tissue box I STAND WITH YOU ETHO ✊
That explains why Grian sounds like he swallowed a megaphone from an East German train station when he's in voice chat in other peoples videos. Whatever post-processing he does on his voice in his videos is doing heroic work. Really good job to get some 16 years old headset microphone to sound good in a video.
"Like he swallowed a megaphone from an East German train station" is perhaps the best metaphor I've ever heard
I don't think he uses the mic on his headset when recording. And if he does, that's even weirder. Cause external mics are really useful.
I'd have thought he would have had a separate mic like on a boom stand, he just has old headphones for comfort reasons
@@sugeypopplanetI think he does, going by the amount of times we've heard him move away from the mic while laughing
@@sugeypopplanet when Grian finally fished up his first mending book, he did sound like he was able to hop away from his mic without taking it off
Hearing the weird quirks of the Hermits is the best thing ever. I knew about Mumbo's thumb and Etho's kleenex box, but all the rest had me in a continous state of disbelief, amazement and uncontrollable laughter.
Cleo's really threw me, and i cant even comprehend Keralis. Joe's honestly sounds the coolest.
@@user-xv1cs9mm9dI can comprehend Keralis because my brother is left handed and plays exactly like that. I'm just glad that Keralis actually moved his keyboard to fit his style instead of twisting his spine like my brother does lmao
I lowkey envy Joe
This might very well be the funniest Hermitcraft episode I've ever watched. I don't know what else to say; it just radiated so much "chaotic fun" energy while heavily tapping into the social aspect of the server, which has to be one of, if not the most essential element of Hermitcraft (especially when considering how incredible the social dynamic is between everyone).
I really enjoyed it as well. I really really appreciate mumbo just riding through hermit craft not grinding too hard you know? Making sure fun is the top priority is truly the best decision he has made for himself and for us!
This honestly felt like something I would have expected Grian to do rather than Mumbo, he sure has changed from his earlier Hermitcraft days where if you only watched his POV it was like watching a singleplayer world with rare, brief adventures into the shopping area and other central hubs
Who knew *Hermit*craft works better when everyone does stuff together instead of being hermits?
It's all in the way Keralis came in with "I'm just left-handed!"
This was amazing 😂😂
I was procrastinating homework with your videos, then I stopped. I told myself I couldn’t watch more until finishing my homework. I finished my homework. This is a rare occasion, thank you mumbo.
This was fun. Here's my list. Ranking normal->weird
Gem (sensible keybinds), Joe (sensible keybinds) Grian (tech fears), False (inconvenient keybind), Impulse (inverted, end of the less weird portion), Ren (inconvenient keybind, more likely to press wrong button), Keralis (lefty non-conformist issues), Cleo (comfort over efficiency, doesn't make sense for long sessions), Etho (odd comfort arrangement, stick with old tech, and needs a bigger desk), Mumbo (knows he can shift normally, chooses not to)
Overall everyone has reasons for their weirdness except Mumbo...
i think etho mentioned in tango's stream (and forgot to add it here) that his desk is almost level with his shoulders, meaning his arms are almost horizontal to his postion....
I think Etho has got to be the weirdest. He has his mic in a 5 year old tissue box!
@@nicoliedolpot7213Yeah. That made my hands spasm when I heard him say that. My arms would go numb SO fast.
bro have you ever tried inverted 💀
@@CharmChampion the whole setup felt like etho has his desk REAL close to him because the elbow thing doesn't make sense otherwise.
Grian's box of headsets makes perfect sense to me. Considering the way companies change/discontinue perfectly good items.
Honestly! As an autistic, if I knew something I use and really like is being changed or discontinued, I would definitely buy a whole bunch of it to last me 😭
So I really relate. Doesn’t stop a whole box of headsets from being wired tho lol
I feel like it got glossed over that Impulse also has foot pedals. Everyone was giving Joe flak for using them, but he got the idea from Impulse! (Honestly having the extra buttons that you can push without having to move your hands somewhere new sounds super useful though.)
Way better ergonomically too
Impulse’s foot pedals are because he’s a drummer though, right?
It doesn’t sound like he actually uses them to game.
That said, I agree that foot pedals sound really useful for extra input. Not only is Joe’s not that weird, I’d argue his solution is downright sensible.
@@iout Impulse uses the pedals to control his OBS, so he can trigger a "save last 5 minutes buffer" in case anything happens on the server that he wants to capture that he wasn't already recording for.
Ah. Okay then.
Still sounds very sensible though.
@@MrDameius True, but the reason he has them in the first place is most likely because he is a drummer
I've just tried it out and I have to say, Ren has a very good point about his key configuration.
For me: R is drop, TAB is inventory, SHIFT is sprint, CTRL is crouch and Q is zoom. I also play with Auto-Jump on.
Grian makes perfect sense. If i had the funds, I would have ordered 20 headsets before mine was discontinued.
indeed. I got a pair of headsets that are out of production and boy its hard to get one as confy as those
@@pedrojusticeTry autistic school headphones, godly sound quality dampening and super tight and squishy. And cost like $6 dollars.
Yeah I am about to order a few of my trackball mice to make sure I never run out.
It’s like alcoholics anonymous but you shame the person.
While also thinking that you've done nothing wrong yourself
@@jakko_ exactly, it really makes you look inwards.
Keralis dropped the funniest line of the episode, aided by the long setup and his hilarious eyes:
“So, first of all, thank you for the invite to this freak show…
I am just left-handed!”
this episode made me realise how NOT NORMAL it is to shift with my thumb 😭 I never thought about it until now
It has been said many times by now, but I can't stop talking about how much I love that this season hermits are actually spending more time with each other and just hanging out, chilling as friends do, finding out things about each other, making jokes and stuff, they feel much real than any other "content" on here would becuase Hermitcraft is not content in any way, it feels real
7:43 Etho- old school palyer , Gem- You just called old by etho🤣 …. Gem is really savage for this one
Watching this now is even funnier having seen Mumbo's video about trying to fix his thumb shifting only to realise he was also just using his index finger to press wasd.
I have q as sprint, mouse button 1 as inventory slot 1, 1, as slot 2, 2 as 3, 3 as 4, 4 as 5, 5 as 6, x as 7, c as 8, v as 9. R as third person, and f as throwing. I also use mouse button 2 for sneaking, (both mouse button 1 and 2 are on the left side of the mouse).
Naaah getting called old by etho is lethal 😂 he's the reason everyone else on that podium is playing the game 😂
The seamless transition from basically every hermit going: “well, I’m not that weird, I just do X” every hermit going “no, that’s weird” then the original hermit frantically trying to justify it… chefs kiss
when I saw Joe Hills in that lineup I literally thought "he's going to say that he plays with his feet or something lol" I WAS NOT EXPECTING TO BE RIGHT
Never underestimate joe ❤
This is one of my favorite UA-cam videos ever, just learning about the hermits that I’ve known for years and how weird they play the game but you would never question that some play on the couch or with foot pedals
As a tall person who had a similar setup, Ethos ones kinda make sense.
You keep your desk higher than normal for your neck not looking downwards. Your chair is higher too, but they still are often too low for you, and keep any armrests unusable too low too for comfort rest. So you use the desk.
The mouse is similar. I have big hands, and too small mouses for long while so I started shifting it sideways to comfortably grip it without contorting my hand.
Etho if you're reading this: There are desk ellbow pads you can attach to your desk, that make your sitting position wayyy more comfy keeping that long lounging space feel with your ellbows. And it gives you more space free on the desk too!
Also get a bigger mouse like an g502 with a wrist pad rest. I've not had to change my mouse position since, and it's been so good for my wrist and I am generally more relaxed at my desk.
g502 is such a great mouse for gaming and programming
In defense of Etho, as someone who primarily uses a laptop, I get it. His mouse is basically where a trackpad would be. So kinda do the same thing so that I can keep my arms straight while operating the trackpad and keyboard at the same time.
I'm a bit small height-wise, but my keyboard is as far back as possible so my arms rest completely on my desk as well. I actually sit straighter like this and it's less taxing on my wrists. I also don't use a mousepad, instead I have a desk-mat which gives me more space to move my mouse wherever I need it. Etho's set up makes a lot of sense to me 😅
@@everynameistakenyet I'll have to look into that, thanks. I have a problem where I only seem to get buy mice but need a larger one due to my grip.
Fun fact, this works for short people too. My chair is adjusted all the way to the bottom so my feet can rest on the floor comfortably. But my desk isn't adjustable so its around the level of my chest or so. I work on a laptop so I don't have the rest of Ethos's set up at the moment, but I have used my mouse the way he does in the past and it is rather comfortable.
The reason the fans put cleo lower is because a good chunk of us can't afford a desk and that is how WE play, so we know what its like lol
Exactly 😭😭😭
this! i think because they're content creators and play with (usually, mumbo doesn't count lol) pc's, they don't realize the majority of people who DO play for fun play on laptops :p
i've been playing like cleo since i was in elementary - on the couch or in bed, using a book or lapboard for my mouse. i still do! i actually bought a gaming laptop solely so i could move around w it for comfort (:
But most of us don't play as much as they do. It compares more to a work setup so it is really weird. Imagine working 8 hours a day sitting on the couch with your keyboard on your knees and your mouse on a bunch of cans.
I think most people missed the part where she sits cross-legged with the keyboard on top.
Not to like shame yall but, isn’t a desk like maybe 50 dollars? And it’s good for your back and stuff
Dude, I just realized. My brother's(who is right handed) play style is AN EVEN WEIRDER VERSION OF MUMBO'S PLAY STYLE. He presses shift with his thumb AND PRESSES SPACE WITH HIS INDEX FINGER.
So, whilst pressing shift and space, he uses his pinky, ring, and middle finger for WASD?
Is he trying to elbow the screen?
haha quick question is your brother in a mental hospital yet?
This is how I play too because if I twist my hand around to get my pinky on shift, it feels like Sticking my elbow in my side. It just feels like in very unnatural position
I played this episode randomly and I love how it's just unproductive but so much more fun when they be roasting each other, laughing and doing nothing XDD