Kuia / Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere: Maori Tohuna

  • Опубліковано 17 жов 2024
  • This is a series of video clips & photos and words from & about.. Kuia (Grandmother) Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere.. an esteemed Maori Tohuna, Leader, Doctor Of Orator, C.B.E.; C.M (and much more), with her knowledge of the the Maori People, Life & Spiriituality. Grandmother Rose also does some beautiful singing, on all three of these recently made, Maori videos.
    He Atua! He Tangata
    I am both Celestial and Terrestial, we all are..
    and we resonate in a way..
    that is appropriate for each one of us
    Grandmother Rose
    On the 25th July, 1872.., the great Maori prophet Te Kooti..
    predicted that a very special wisdom keeper or Tohuna
    would be born. This person was Grandmother/Dr. Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere.
    Grandmother / Dr. Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere..
    is an International Educationalist who travels globally,
    and knows about education from Preschool through to
    the Tertiary Level. She can come in from both a traditional Māori perspective ..and that of the Western world.
    This “great-grandmother’, who works extensively in education.., health.., conservation.. and social welfare.., ..bases her teaching on Te Wheke.., ..a traditional Māori model of learning and teaching
    ..that is still relevant today.
    She has represented Aotearoa New Zealand internationally..
    ..as an educationalist..; written a monograph called.. AKO: Concepts and Learning in The Māori Tradition..;..held a Visiting Teacher Fellowship at the University of Waikato, ..Hamilton New Zealand.., in 1982..; ..taught from preschool to tertiary levels..
    ..and researched ancient teachings.. ..in the Americas.., ..the Mediterranean.., the Middle East.., Great Britain.., ..East Asia..
    and the South Pacific.
    Grandmother Rose is a holder of the New Zealand 1990 Commemoration Medal and was honoured as a Commander
    of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire 1996.
    Also, in 1996.., she attained a Doctorate of Literature..
    ..at Victoria University Wellington, New Zealand..
    She has her own consultancy.. ..which focuses on “global learning”.
    She is also a Director of the Four Winds Foundation..,..an international body.., ..that works with Indigenous and non-Indigenous People.
    I thank Grandmother Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere..
    (and all of her relations)..; The Maori People..; The Parliament Of The World's Religions..; GlobalOnenessProject.Org..;
    Micheal Lynch..; Faye4AcevedoVlog..; United Nations Development Program..; MAORI DANCE GROUP "Haka Dance"..; Maisey Rika..;
    Horomono Horo.. ..and to all the other brothers and sisters who have saved some great photos and video clips....
    ..of Grandmother Rose.. and her loved ones....
    I claim no ownership of any of the clips, video, music and words expressed in this video...and employ my borrowing of them with ..much respect and thanks.. Credits are given at the end of the video.., also.. Please let me know, if I have missed anyone..
    No personal monetization is being done with this video, by me..., nor am I receiving any other benefits from any of my videos.. They are meant for all.., to heal, teach, discuss, inspire and inform...
    ..and to share... (please feel free to copy and paste the LINK..,
    as I am not on any other social media).
    Fair use policy applies for all material used in this video.
    ..! Chi Miigwetch..! / Many Blessings & Thanks..
    *Set your You-Tube video viewer to 960 X 540p, for best viewing..
    (480p - UA-cam?)