Q evolve doesn't increase the damage it does IIRC. While it does reduce CD on isolated targets it quickly loses its value as the game goes on, it's only good in 1v1 duels that you probably would've won with a R evolve anyways, or taking objectives which you have teammates for especially at higher elo. Q evolve only really feels worth it imo at level 6, which is just outpaced by R evolve. W evolve is great for skirmishes which level 11 is perfect for, and E evolve is better usually at 16 cuz late game carry. Just my two cents. Q evolve isn't bad tho, just usually outpaced by one of the other three at each evolving level.
while everything talu said is true, you should test out what works the best for you, playstyle > optimal build, but if anything w evolve is incredible in beefy comps while q tend to be better in full squishy comps
N1 mate really goooooood job,i'm low helo i can ask u why no evolve Q ?
Q evolve doesn't increase the damage it does IIRC. While it does reduce CD on isolated targets it quickly loses its value as the game goes on, it's only good in 1v1 duels that you probably would've won with a R evolve anyways, or taking objectives which you have teammates for especially at higher elo. Q evolve only really feels worth it imo at level 6, which is just outpaced by R evolve. W evolve is great for skirmishes which level 11 is perfect for, and E evolve is better usually at 16 cuz late game carry. Just my two cents.
Q evolve isn't bad tho, just usually outpaced by one of the other three at each evolving level.
while everything talu said is true, you should test out what works the best for you, playstyle > optimal build, but if anything w evolve is incredible in beefy comps while q tend to be better in full squishy comps