One thought about tbe cup, Yeshua had to suffer ALL of the sin for ALL OF THE WORLD on that cross, so imagine the pressure, anxiety, even fear, he must have had? Top that with the Fathers Wrath, , seperation, and feeling all ALONE ? I can see why his sweat ran with blood. Amazing Sacrifice Our Saviour gave for us ❤
No fear. He knew what he came to do. Yeshua was called MarYah in the Aramaic world and scriptures. MarYah means Lord YAH. They knew he was Yahweh Elohim in the flesh, the most high. God is a Canaanite deity of Fortune. Be advised. The adverrsary has decived the whole world.
This is fantastic! Thank you so much. I have always believed that there is no separation of Messianic believers and gentile believers. We are both branches on the same Vine. If we forget our Jewish roots we cheat ourselves.
The Holy Spirit presided over every facet of Jesus birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection. And Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit (Comforter), and He dwells in every True Believer.
SALaM, SHLAMa, SHLOMo, SHALoM, NAMASTe, PEACe. The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism. Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC), Cain Was Indra (3200BC), Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC), Abraham Was Rama (2100BC) Moses Was Krishna (1500BC), Mahamada Was Muhammad, Origins in the Indus Valley. Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism. Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined. Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS]. Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic]. Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic: See God's Pattern: Torah [Old Testament]: Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life]. Gospel [New Testament]: Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon]. Quran [Last Testament]: Blood Money [Compensation]. The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba. The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba. Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca]. They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well. Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple]. The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt. Psalms 84 [Books Of David]: Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj]. As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca], they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God.. Quran [Last Testament]: 95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans." 96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings: 97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures. Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners. Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM, Pure Judaism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM, Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God & Noah The Great Servant Of God. THANX
Catholics don't believe in the blood of Jesus being fully efficacious for salvation. They have been taught that good works are also necessary which is horrendously false as my Saviours blood was totally sufficient to save us all. As long as we fully surrender to Him when the HS woos us.
@@patti3855James 2:17 "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." And Matthew 7:21 "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven." So let me correct your statement: Protestants don't believe in good works, they believe only faith is being fully efficacious for salvation. They have been taught that only faith alone is necessary which is horrendously false as my Saviours words said that faith AND works are sufficient to save us all. As long as we fully surrender to Him in faith and to The Father in works. And don't try to be smart here, Luther added the word allein ("alone" in German) to Romans 3:28 controversially so that it read: "So now we hold, that man is justified without the help of the works of the law, ALONE through faith". The word "alone" does not appear in the Greek manuscripts. So even your Luther changed the words of your "Holy infallible Bible" because he wanted to. Please listen to the Church Fathers, stay away from protestantism because as the name suggests, they only protest against the true church (Which is Roman Catholicism and the Eastern and the Oriental Orthodoxy) and as Jesus said: "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT." If you want to be protestant with sola scriptura, i advise you that you dont listen to Luther about sola fidei, that you may only listen to the bible that points you to the true church of Christ. May the Almighty God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you and show you the way.
A few years ago we had a Messianic Jew perform a Passover in our church. There was so much symbolism in every part of it that pointed to Jesus. I don't understand how the Jews can miss the symbolism. It's very overt and ubiquitous. We're going to have another one this year.
The Jews are blinded by God, this is spiritual blindness and thanks to that the Gentiles can be saved. Partially this blindness is the result of ongoing punishment. This is what happens when the nation sins - the nation can’t return to God or know his true nature. America is on the list as well. Sodomism grows and the gospel is of no effect. Canada will be the next after the law against Christians will be in full effect.
SALaM, SHLAMa, SHLOMo, SHALoM, NAMASTe, PEACe. The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism. Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC), Cain Was Indra (3200BC), Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC), Abraham Was Rama (2100BC) Moses Was Krishna (1500BC), Mahamada Was Muhammad, Origins in the Indus Valley. Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism. Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined. Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS]. Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic]. Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic: See God's Pattern: Torah [Old Testament]: Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life]. Gospel [New Testament]: Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon]. Quran [Last Testament]: Blood Money [Compensation]. The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba. The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba. Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca]. They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well. Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple]. The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt. Psalms 84 [Books Of David]: Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj]. As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca], they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God.. Quran [Last Testament]: 95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans." 96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings: 97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures. Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners. Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM, Pure Judaism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM, Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God & Noah The Great Servant Of God. THANX
@@patricianneryan9299 The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism. Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC), Cain Was Indra (3200BC), Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC), Abraham Was Rama (2100BC) Moses Was Krishna (1500BC), Mahamada Was Muhammad, Origins in the Indus Valley. Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism. Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined. Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS]. Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic]. Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic: See God's Pattern: Torah [Old Testament]: Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life]. Gospel [New Testament]: Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon]. Quran [Last Testament]: Blood Money [Compensation]. The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba. The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba. Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca]. They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well. Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple]. The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt. Psalms 84 [Books Of David]: Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj]. As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca], they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God.. Quran [Last Testament]: 95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans." 96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings: 97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures. Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners. Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM, Pure Judaism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM, Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God & Noah The Great Servant Of God. Ameseginalehu
@@alanvango5677 The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism. Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC), Cain Was Indra (3200BC), Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC), Abraham Was Rama (2100BC) Moses Was Krishna (1500BC), Mahamada Was Muhammad, Origins in the Indus Valley. Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism. Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined. Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS]. Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic]. Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic: See God's Pattern: Torah [Old Testament]: Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life]. Gospel [New Testament]: Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon]. Quran [Last Testament]: Blood Money [Compensation]. The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba. The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba. Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca]. They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well. Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple]. The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt. Psalms 84 [Books Of David]: Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj]. As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca], they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God.. Quran [Last Testament]: 95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans." 96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings: 97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures. Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners. Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM, Pure Judaism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM, Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God & Noah The Great Servant Of God. Ameseginalehu
In the words of an old, beloved English hymn - "We may not know, we cannot tell, what pains He had to bear, but we believe it was for us he hung and suffered there". Has there ever been love like His ? No, and there never will be.- Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
" There is a green hill far away, Without a city wall. Where the dear Lord was crucified ,who died the save us all". ...thats the first verse of the above English Hymn. ( Learned it as a child, have never forgotten it)
I sincerely wish that everyone would remember to love your brother's / sister's, and even enemies!... For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but those powers in high places, and principalities!... We are all from the tribe of Noah and related to one another in one way or another!... The fallen one's are behind the scene in the world calling the shots with mass deceptions!... Yahshua (Jesus Christ) is coming soon!... There is only one kingdom in the end when the true son of righteousness sits on the throne!... His will be done!... So be it!
God bless you for these informative videos. We as Christian’s need to connect with the Jewish heritage of Christianity in order to understand more deeply the work of God our Father! Peace and Shalom!
I learned this in the early 2000's by Zola Levitz!! The Dead Sea Scrolls were being shown in Dallas Texas & Zola Levitz did a live demonstration of the entire Jewish Passover while explaining what's in this video and more...ALL POINTING TO YESHUA👏👏👏👏👏🌷🌷🌷
I am more proud to be a Catholic Christian. What great is that explanation. I did not know that our Jewish brothers broke the unleavened bread at the Passover celebration .....Catholic priest do that; the Host (unleavened bread) is break it in two. The Lord did all with a purpose, because God is the past, present, future. Thank you for that excellent video.
That's the reason why the Eucharist is the most important part of going to Holy Mass. Jesus is the Eucharist... The Last Supper is Jesus's first Eucharist performed by Himself..
I've never seen ilustrations of the temple like this. The temple was such a place of an incredibly MASSIVE number of deaths! It must have been a terrifying place for the animals to approach, because you know they could smell the death. I'm so glad that Yeshua ended the need for it.
This is AMAZING, I love how you explain the texts of the Bible. I'm totally floored, being a Christian I haven't been introduced to the Jewish aspect of these events. But I'm gonna tell ya, listening and watching puts a total intresting spin on the Word.
I am glad it help, it helps me also to visual stuff, thats why I learned how to create 3D models and animation, of course I am an amator, but I will try to improve. Shalom!
I'm Christian & we have known the general points of the Last Supper for many years. This video however has far more informative details than most Christians have ever considered. I highly recommend this lesson to anyone wanting to learn more about the purpose for life of Christ then, now, & in the future.
Salam, Shalom, Peace. Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath. The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs. Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship. God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
@@omarlittle-hales8237the Bible clearly states He does not sleep nor slumber. Abstaining from work, don't read it literally as your book. The Sabbath is a blessing for humanity and even the Ger participated in it living among Israelites. We worship the Lord of the Sabbath. Islam has no clue of the Biblical narrative.
@@Stardust475 SALaM, SHLAMa, SHLOMo, SHALoM, NAMASTe, PEACe. The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism. Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC), Cain Was Indra (3200BC), Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC), Abraham Was Rama (2100BC) Moses Was Krishna (1500BC), Mahamada Was Muhammad, Origins in the Indus Valley. Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism. Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined. Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS]. Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic]. Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic: See God's Pattern: Torah [Old Testament]: Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life]. Gospel [New Testament]: Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon]. Quran [Last Testament]: Blood Money [Compensation]. The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba. The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba. Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca]. They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well. Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple]. The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt. Psalms 84 [Books Of David]: Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj]. As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca], they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God.. Quran [Last Testament]: 95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans." 96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings: 97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures. Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners. Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM, Pure Judaism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM, Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God & Noah The Great Servant Of God. THANX
The cup in the Garden of Gethsemane is referring to the suffering he was about to take upon himself for all who have and will ever live. He was sore amazed never having performed an atonement before. He truly bled from every pore. This was the most excruciating part of his atoning sacrifice. This is what gave him the power to succor us and know what we go through, because he personally endured for each of us. He drank that bitter cup for you and I so that we might repent, be cleansed through his blood and live with God again.
The cup was the wrath of God. Drinking from the cup in scripture is always a reference to the wrath of God. He was going to bear the sins of his people and the Father would forsake him. God cannot look upon sin so he had to withdraw from His Son. This would be the first time they had ever been separated, they had always been in perfect fellowship. God would pour out his wrath on his son in order to pay for our sin. Jesus had to taste sin and drink the cup of wrath sin deserves. He sweat blood because the holy Son of God was going to have to experience sin and the wrath for sin.
@@TheJpep2424 You are 100%correct in your whole statement. No suffering, torture or pain would be as unbearable as separation from God the Father. This also applies to us in a sense also. With Him we can bare anything, but without Him and His love it's utter despair and hopelessness.
I’m Catholic and heard something similar to this. I recommend watching The fourth cup - Dr. Scott Hahn. It’s on UA-cam and brings more light to this topic.
Salam, Shlama, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace. Quran [Last Testament]: We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture, that indeed you would do mischief on the earth twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant!" "When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes. This would be a warning fulfilled." "Then We gave back to you a return victory over them. We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower." "If you do good, you do good for your selves, and if you do evil (you do it) against yourselves." Then, when the second promise came to pass, (We permitted your enemies) to make your faces sorrowful and to enter the Temple (of Jerusalem) as they had entered it before, and to destroy with utter destruction all that fell in their hands."
The Qur'an was an Aramaic poem describing Yeshua. It was stolen and made into a book for a new religious movement. There is no evidence that any Qur'ans date back to the original book because the originals were burned up. Too bad Muslims are illiterate and lazy to read and find out the truth about their mad-made cult meant to enslave them and create chaos. Even their method of prayer is borrowed from early Christians. They are so uneducated that they don't even know that contemporary historical works back up the Bible as an accurate historical book. We know that they will look to a false Messiah, a good looking person to worship. Meanwhile all who rejects the true gospel of Yeshua will be left behind when Yeshua comes yo meet us in the clouds. Then earth will be cleansed by fire just like Father God cleansed the earth with water. It's so evil, they should really cry out to Yeshua!
Salam, Shalom, Peace. Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath. The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs. Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship. God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
Yes, a solid narration of the Passover meal etc and final hours of Jesus. Most western Christians look at scripture through a lens without understanding Jewish traditions from a culture 2,000 years ago. After I have dug deep into scripture and also have gone through a 20 hour Jewish roots class I’ve gotten a more clear understanding of these events. Good job of giving your viewers a clearer picture.
Most Christians either are ignorant or unwilling to admit that the Bible was written by Jews, Jesus was Jewish and we are grafted in. Without the Jews we have no connection to salvation. It doesn’t matter what they do or don’t do. We are really no better as a body. This is an excellent teaching. We have to get back to our Jewish roots.
What Jesus did for us is beyond words and so humbling. Thank you for your lovely videos which help us to understand the scriptures more. May God bless you.
One of my favorite old time songs... I'm headed for a home built by GOD alone according to HIS perfect plan. Where the only thing that's been made by man, are the scars in the hands of JESUS... This is just a few words but considering we'll all be completely restored, it crushes my heart to know this is true and that JESUS CHRIST will be the only innocent
Thankyou for showing more of the Jewish (biblical) connections about the Lord's life and sacrifice. I wasn't taught this at past church groups. Your videos help me visualise more of the bible text. Grace and peace to you during Passover and Matza feasts.
@@IsraelMyChannel I watch all your videos 😊 and recommend them to others. I look forward to them...even if they are heavy in nature. I will wait a bit with your recent one. It is very heavy 😥
I know it seems different, but the last supper was not Passover, it was a covenant meal, and the last time to eat the leavened bread of the previous harvest. It occurred on the 13-14 in the evening starting the final preparation day before the Passover is eaten the next evening at around 6pm. Yeshua is the Passover, and dies when the final lamb is killed (3pm) on the altar to be eaten later that night . John 19:14 ( before Pilate). Now it was the preparation day of the Passover, at the 6th hour(12noon) , 6 hours before the Passover meal and unleavened bread. Interested in more truth…Living Manna Church LM on UA-cam…
@@whidoineedthis Yes, I've been wondering about that. Ive noticed that a bit through some of my past Christian connections. But many walked away from God. I hope they will search for the Lord again. I do a lot more bible study now.
Only Jesus had the power to give His life for us. No other human being could endure such emotional and physical pain. We not God could. The Son of God. Great lesson
Sir, i am truly grateful to you for sharing with us these powerful Biblical truths, i really appreciate all your efforts and time creating this powerful videos. Thank you so much, God’s richest blessings to you and family.🙏
I am glad it help, it helps me also to visual stuff, thats why I learned how to create 3D models and animation, of course I am an amator, but I will try to improve. Shalom!
Im so grateful for these 3D models. Love the Biblical Sites, everyone can see clearly that God’s word does not lie, i believe in God and His beautiful Creation, these 3D models shows me clearly some of the ruins of God’s beautiful City something that i am always intrested in. Thanks so much once again.
I visited the Garden of Gethsamani and this was my favourite place of the tour of Jerusalem. It is small but still full of the agony of Jesus. It is a very special place.
O’ Children of the Most High, listen to your God. May those with ears hear! May those with eyes see! We are living like those in the days of Noah were. These days are short and it is time to make a decision. Change the way you think and act! Stop worshiping false idols and turn to the true living God before it is too late. Ask Him into your heart. Turn yourself to Him before the door to the ark is sealed by His hand as it was in those days long ago. Ask Him and He will answer you. “I have written my laws upon your heart” said the Most High unto His servant. In the mighty name of Yeshua, I pray that those seeking may find Him. Amen.
Salam, Shalom, Peace. Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath. The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs. Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship. God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
@@IsraelMyChannel Salam, Shalom, Peace. Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath. The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs. Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship. God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
I imagine that whenever Yeshua blessed bread before breaking it to share, He said, "Blessed art Thou, Lord our God, King of the universe, who bringeth forth bread from the earth".
Mrs.g.9816 True, Yeshua would have used a prayer with the wording you suggest, but to bless the LORD, not the bread. Jews do not bless bread or any inanimate objects; they bless God and other people. The Christian practice of blessing food came about because of a misunderstanding, with the translators of the KJV inserting a word which isn't in the Greek. A literal translation of the Greek reads: "Jesus took bread, and he blessed, and he broke, and he gave to his disciples saying ...." It doesn't say what or whom he blessed, broke and gave. Obviously, what he broke and gave to the disciples was the bread, so the translators assumed he also blessed the bread, so they wrote, "Jesus took bread and blessed IT." Only he didn't! Modern translations are more accurate and have, "Jesus took bread and said the blessing (or gave thanks), broke it and gave ..."
@@jennyyates8798I’m almost certain that mrs.g quote is exactly what is said in Jewish Passover ceremonies. It goes as such: Blessed art Thou, Lord our God, King of the Universe…. There are other prayers that begin like that as well.
@@sjam1159 Yes, today Jews say, "Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha'olam, hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz." (Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth.") before any meal which includes bread, not only a Passover Seder. I don't think anyone knows if those are the exact words which were used in 1st century Israel, but if not, it was certainly something very similar. Jesus would have used them not only at the Last Supper, but also before the feeding of the 5,000 etc. And yes, you are correct that many Jewish prayers begin with: "Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe," and then follow with: "who ... etc." At Passover, before sharing the wine, it's: "Blessed ...... who creates the fruit of the vine."
Salam, Shalom, Peace. Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath. The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs. Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship. God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
Thanks so much. This is such a beautiful topic and needed especially for Christians who may know little about the true meanings hidden in the culture and traditions of our Jewish Messiah
HALLELUJAH. Another fabulous video. Can't wait to share this clear, concise, informative, interesting video around the Internet. Shabbat Shalom. from Alberta, CANADA.
Salam, Shlama, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace. Quran [Last Testament]: We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture, that indeed you would do mischief on the earth twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant!" "When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes. This would be a warning fulfilled." "Then We gave back to you a return victory over them. We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower." "If you do good, you do good for your selves, and if you do evil (you do it) against yourselves." Then, when the second promise came to pass, (We permitted your enemies) to make your faces sorrowful and to enter the Temple (of Jerusalem) as they had entered it before, and to destroy with utter destruction all that fell in their hands."
I’ve known this for many years. I learned about the Upper Room and the way they were seated in my study of the Bible. Thank you for teaching much more for my fuller understanding.
“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” The suffering was caused by the Father withdrawing His Spirit from the Son leaving Him to suffer alone.
SALaM, SHLAMa, SHLOMo, SHALoM, NAMASTe, PEACe. The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism. Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC), Cain Was Indra (3200BC), Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC), Abraham Was Rama (2100BC) Moses Was Krishna (1500BC), Mahamada Was Muhammad, Origins in the Indus Valley. Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism. Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined. Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS]. Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth] Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic]. Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic: See God's Pattern: Torah [Old Testament]: Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life]. Gospel [New Testament]: Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon]. Quran [Last Testament]: Blood Money [Compensation]. The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba. The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba. Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca]. They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well. Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple]. The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt. Psalms 84 [Books Of David]: Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj]. As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca], they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools. They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God.. Quran [Last Testament]: 95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans." 96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings: 97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures. Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners. Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM, Pure Judaism Is ISLaM, Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM, Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God & Noah The Great Servant Of God. THANX
Thank you for your continued work in the Word of God - truly, how great is our God! There is so much we have not been taught, and what we have been taught, has been incorrect and perverted......Thank you again for the great work through the Holy Spirit of God. Thank you, cannot be said enough.
Hosea 13:4 Yet I am The Most High your God ever since the land of Egypt; you know no God but Me, for there is no Savior besides Me. Praise The Most High only!!!!!
Israel mychannel thank you for making this video as well as for all of the others. God is doing a wonderful work through you. I cried when I seen the view of where Lord Jesus was in the garden and in the background you could see the front of the temple. God put it on my heart how Lord Jesus was being put in the olive press and His sweat became as drops of blood 🩸 and how He would be the our Door to the Holy of Holies. Seeing this visual in this video seriously hit my heart and as a minister of our Lord Jesus, I plan on using these videos to reach even more people with the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Yeshua. Thank you again Brother and God bless you and help you as you continue on God’s path for your life, Shalom…
Sir, i am truly grateful to you for sharing with us these powerful Biblical truths, i really appreciate all your efforts and time creating this powerful videos. God’s richest blessings to you and family.🙏
Thank you from Wisconsin. I learned so much from the Passover meal video. The animation along with the special historical and traditional meanings has added a wonderful significance to God's Word.
Thank you for this. Makes me think and understand more of the Jewish traditions. Your faith and understanding helps others. Thank you for being obedient to your calling
Salam, Shalom, Peace. Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath. The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs. Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship. God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
This is brilliant. One of the most easy to listen to and informative channels on the jewish context of the Bible. Love being immersed in the Jewishness of it all. It’s the roots I’m grafted into! Thank you so much for your work!
To God be all the honor, and glory, and praise!!! What a glorious day that will be when all people of all nations, and tribes, and tongues will bend their knee and confess that Jesus, The Christ, is King of kings and Lord of lords. What a shameful, and scary day that will be when we all stand in Jesus' presence to be judged. What a delightful day that judgement day will turn into for those that believed in Jesus and followed him, for their sins will be forgotten and they will inherit the kingdom of God. They will be the ones to hear him say well done my good and faithful servant. What a horrific day that same judgment day will turn into for those that rejected Jesus, especially when they hear their sentencing is to spend eternity separated from God in hell. Especially horrible for those that did not reject Jesus, but used his name to acquire wealth, and power, and to prey on the weak and poor. They will then realize that although they wore the title of Christian, Jesus never knew them. Their delusion will quickly be wiped away by reality.
We should daily celebrate the life of our heavenly father as a Passover - as the Firstborn from the dead, Christ Jesus from Nazareth, is about to come with the clouds and fire. 🍷❤️🔥✌️🎃
The third cup is not only because he rose on the third day. It's also the cup whichs symbolizes the wrath of God. This third cup the apostles didn't drink. Jesus drank it. He also mentions this third cup in the garden of Gethsemane, where he asks the lord to let him pass this cup
The Passover celebrations and customs have nothing to do with Jesus. These were all invented hundreds of years after Jesus died. We celebrate the eve of the exodus out of Egypt. Jesus was not even born in that time.
@@DHSplate I assume the you are Jewish, brother? With all love towards you and your people, yeshua is your mashiah first. Than he comes to gentiles like me. Yeshuah loves you, and he ist your highpriest written in the new covenant, which God prophecied through Jeremiah and Isaiah. He is the servant of the lord written about in Isaiah 53, and the one who was pierced in Zachariah 12. May God give you his wisdom and understanding, his love and shalom 🕊️ have a nice pessach brother
G‑d uses four expressions of redemption in describing our Exodus from Egypt and our birth as a nation:1 1. "I will take you out…" 2. "I will save you…" 3. "I will redeem you…" 4. "I will take you as a nation…" Our sages instituted that we should drink a cup of wine, a toast if you will, for each one of these expressions. We recite the Kiddush over the first cup, we read the Exodus story from the Haggadah over the second cup, we recite the Grace after Meals over the third cup, and we sing the "big Hallel" (Psalms and hymns of praises to G‑d) over the fourth cup. During the Seder we can experience these elements of redemption in a spiritual senseThere are a number of explanations as to the significance of the various stages of redemption conveyed through each of these expressions. Here is one: 1. Salvation from harsh labor-this began as soon as the plagues were introduced. 2. Salvation from servitude; or the day the Jews left Egypt geographically and arrived at Ramses. 3. The splitting of the sea, after which the Jews felt completely redeemed, without fear of the Egyptians recapturing them. 4. Becoming a nation at Sinai. During the Seder we can experience these elements of redemption in a spiritual sense, by leaving our "Egypt" and our servitude to our egos.2 There is actually a fifth expression in the above mentioned verses: "And I will bring you to the land which I promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and I will give it to you as an inheritance."3 While the Exodus from Egypt and the birth of the Jewish nation were permanent, we have yet to be brought to Israel on a permanent basis. In honor of this verse we have a fifth cup at the Seder: the Cup of Elijah. This cup is set up for Elijah during the second half of the Seder, but we do not drink it. Elijah will announce the arrival of Moshiach, who will bring all Jews to Israel, for good. Hence, Jesus has nothing to do with it. He wasn’t born at the time of the exodus. So don’t twist, misinterpret, mistranslate, falsify the truth. The only truth is Jewish scripture.
That's fascinating. The Essenes were the ones who wrote things that were found in the Qumran caves. They lay out a timeline from Enoch to the Great White Throne Judgement. Very very interesting. Their writings agree Scriptures as well.
Blessed me to see and hear this Shalom my friend 🙏 Jesus Christ Be Glorified... Happy Ressurection Day! Looking for the return of Jesus Christ 🙏 resting in His finished work on the cross ✝️
There is only 1 Savior and that is The Most High YaHWeH ELOHIM. My heart only has room for 1 only. YAHshua if He is a different entity would be breaking Torah commandments taking the bride of His Father's.
Salam, Shalom, Peace. Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath. The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs. Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship. God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
@@nunorodrigues8934 Salam, Shlama, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace. Torah [Old Testament]: The Earth Is Held By Four Angels On Each Corner [Flat Earth]. Quran [Last Testament]: We [Royal] Created The Earth, The Shape Of An Ostrich Egg [Sphere]. Ancient Muslim Arabs And Viking Muslims [See Coinage, Found In The Sea], Used To Aid Their Jewish & Christian Sailors, Navigate The Seas. The Vikings And Arabs Founded America 500 Years Before Christopher Columbus, So Did The Chinese. Even Modern Medicine Relies On The Quran's Verses On Medicine, By The Ancient Arabs. Many Arab Scientific Founders, Had Their Inventions Stolen By The British, Claiming It As Their Own.
@@nunorodrigues8934 Salam, Shlama, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace. Quran [Last Testament]: Indeed, We rendered that which is on the earth an adornment for it in order to test them as to who is better in deeds, and We will surely turn what is on it into a barren wasteland. So when the horn is blown a single blast, and the earth and the mountains are lifted and crushed with a single blow; on that Day, the Event will occur. The day when the earth will be replaced with another earth, as well as the heavens, and they are brought forward before God; the One, the All-Conquering
@@nunorodrigues8934 Salam, Shlama, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace. Quran [Last Testament]; A Good Word Is Akin To A Tree, With It's Root's Deeply Planted Into The Ground. Branches Reaching High Into The Sky. A Bad Word Is Akin To A Tree, With It's Root's Uprooted, Decaying And Dead. All God Has Said Is True.
One thought about tbe cup, Yeshua had to suffer ALL of the sin for ALL OF THE WORLD on that cross, so imagine the pressure, anxiety, even fear, he must have had?
Top that with the Fathers Wrath, , seperation, and feeling all ALONE ?
I can see why his sweat ran with blood. Amazing Sacrifice Our Saviour gave for us ❤
Praise Jesus, our Messiah!
And the love and responsibility he felt to do this for all his children.❤
No fear. He knew what he came to do. Yeshua was called MarYah in the Aramaic world and scriptures. MarYah means Lord YAH. They knew he was Yahweh Elohim in the flesh, the most high. God is a Canaanite deity of Fortune. Be advised. The adverrsary has decived the whole world.
@@ijabbs143 no , the naughty brother just copies the "Most High" and yes he will deceive the whole world except for the " Elect " .
This is fantastic! Thank you so much. I have always believed that there is no separation of Messianic believers and gentile believers. We are both branches on the same Vine. If we forget our Jewish roots we cheat ourselves.
The Holy Spirit presided over every facet of Jesus birth, life, ministry, death, and resurrection.
And Jesus sent us the Holy Spirit (Comforter), and He dwells in every True Believer.
The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism.
Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC),
Cain Was Indra (3200BC),
Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC),
Abraham Was Rama (2100BC)
Moses Was Krishna (1500BC),
Mahamada Was Muhammad,
Origins in the Indus Valley.
Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism
Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism.
Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined.
Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS].
Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic].
Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic:
See God's Pattern:
Torah [Old Testament]:
Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life].
Gospel [New Testament]:
Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon].
Quran [Last Testament]:
Blood Money [Compensation].
The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca].
They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well.
Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple].
The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt.
Psalms 84 [Books Of David]:
Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj].
As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca],
they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
They go from strength to strength,
till each appears before God..
Quran [Last Testament]:
95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans."
96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings:
97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures.
Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners.
Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM,
Pure Judaism Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM,
Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God
& Noah The Great Servant Of God.
I am so gratefull for Jesus and the New Testament, New in Christ and not bound by tradition but by His Blood 🙏🕊️
Protestant easy way; but His Blood. Salvation has to be win ....
I wish all the Catholics and protestants and the Evengelicals to hear and understand this wonderful video 😍👍🏼👍🏼
those that are born again understand it.
Catholics don't believe in the blood of Jesus being fully efficacious for salvation. They have been taught that good works are also necessary which is horrendously false as my Saviours blood was totally sufficient to save us all. As long as we fully surrender to Him when the HS woos us.
@@patti3855James 2:17 "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone."
Matthew 7:21 "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."
So let me correct your statement:
Protestants don't believe in good works, they believe only faith is being fully efficacious for salvation. They have been taught that only faith alone is necessary which is horrendously false as my Saviours words said that faith AND works are sufficient to save us all. As long as we fully surrender to Him in faith and to The Father in works.
And don't try to be smart here, Luther added the word allein ("alone" in German) to Romans 3:28 controversially so that it read: "So now we hold, that man is justified without the help of the works of the law, ALONE through faith". The word "alone" does not appear in the Greek manuscripts. So even your Luther changed the words of your "Holy infallible Bible" because he wanted to. Please listen to the Church Fathers, stay away from protestantism because as the name suggests, they only protest against the true church (Which is Roman Catholicism and the Eastern and the Oriental Orthodoxy) and as Jesus said: "And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT."
If you want to be protestant with sola scriptura, i advise you that you dont listen to Luther about sola fidei, that you may only listen to the bible that points you to the true church of Christ.
May the Almighty God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bless you and show you the way.
@@patti3855but they are still our brothers in christ and we should correct them
totally agree. erring brothers and sisters that need to be corrected.
He is RISEN!!!
A few years ago we had a Messianic Jew perform a Passover in our church. There was so much symbolism in every part of it that pointed to Jesus.
I don't understand how the Jews can miss the symbolism. It's very overt and ubiquitous.
We're going to have another one this year.
Their own bible mentions multiple times how stubborn they are.
The Jews are blinded by God, this is spiritual blindness and thanks to that the Gentiles can be saved. Partially this blindness is the result of ongoing punishment. This is what happens when the nation sins - the nation can’t return to God or know his true nature. America is on the list as well. Sodomism grows and the gospel is of no effect. Canada will be the next after the law against Christians will be in full effect.
@@danieljust295 Joe Biden just proclaimed today as National Trans Visibility Day.
On Easter Sunday of all days.
Sodomites everywhere in high places.
Because it doesn't.
I've loved every passover for 30 yrs. When they broke our hearts, we had no place to eat the pesach. We found a spot for this year! Praise Yeshua!
God Bless Israel and I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and all the Jewish people🇮🇱✡️🙏🏻♥️
The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism.
Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC),
Cain Was Indra (3200BC),
Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC),
Abraham Was Rama (2100BC)
Moses Was Krishna (1500BC),
Mahamada Was Muhammad,
Origins in the Indus Valley.
Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism
Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism.
Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined.
Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS].
Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic].
Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic:
See God's Pattern:
Torah [Old Testament]:
Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life].
Gospel [New Testament]:
Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon].
Quran [Last Testament]:
Blood Money [Compensation].
The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca].
They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well.
Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple].
The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt.
Psalms 84 [Books Of David]:
Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj].
As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca],
they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
They go from strength to strength,
till each appears before God..
Quran [Last Testament]:
95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans."
96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings:
97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures.
Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners.
Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM,
Pure Judaism Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM,
Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God
& Noah The Great Servant Of God.
Am Ysrael chai ❤
@@patricianneryan9299 The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism.
Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC),
Cain Was Indra (3200BC),
Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC),
Abraham Was Rama (2100BC)
Moses Was Krishna (1500BC),
Mahamada Was Muhammad,
Origins in the Indus Valley.
Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism
Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism.
Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined.
Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS].
Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic].
Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic:
See God's Pattern:
Torah [Old Testament]:
Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life].
Gospel [New Testament]:
Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon].
Quran [Last Testament]:
Blood Money [Compensation].
The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca].
They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well.
Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple].
The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt.
Psalms 84 [Books Of David]:
Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj].
As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca],
they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
They go from strength to strength,
till each appears before God..
Quran [Last Testament]:
95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans."
96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings:
97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures.
Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners.
Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM,
Pure Judaism Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM,
Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God
& Noah The Great Servant Of God.
@@alanvango5677 The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism.
Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC),
Cain Was Indra (3200BC),
Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC),
Abraham Was Rama (2100BC)
Moses Was Krishna (1500BC),
Mahamada Was Muhammad,
Origins in the Indus Valley.
Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism
Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism.
Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined.
Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS].
Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic].
Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic:
See God's Pattern:
Torah [Old Testament]:
Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life].
Gospel [New Testament]:
Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon].
Quran [Last Testament]:
Blood Money [Compensation].
The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca].
They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well.
Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple].
The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt.
Psalms 84 [Books Of David]:
Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj].
As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca],
they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
They go from strength to strength,
till each appears before God..
Quran [Last Testament]:
95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans."
96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings:
97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures.
Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners.
Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM,
Pure Judaism Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM,
Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God
& Noah The Great Servant Of God.
In the words of an old, beloved English hymn - "We may not know, we cannot tell, what pains He had to bear, but we believe it was for us he hung and suffered there". Has there ever been love like His ? No, and there never will be.- Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
" There is a green hill far away, Without a city wall. Where the dear Lord was crucified ,who died the save us all". ...thats the first verse of the above English Hymn. ( Learned it as a child, have never forgotten it)
I sincerely wish that everyone would remember to love your brother's / sister's, and even enemies!... For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but those powers in high places, and principalities!... We are all from the tribe of Noah and related to one another in one way or another!... The fallen one's are behind the scene in the world calling the shots with mass deceptions!... Yahshua (Jesus Christ) is coming soon!... There is only one kingdom in the end when the true son of righteousness sits on the throne!... His will be done!... So be it!
The bible is meant to be understood from a Hebrew perspective and when it is,it makes sense... haleluYah.
Baruch bashem Yeshua
God bless you for these informative videos. We as Christian’s need to connect with the Jewish heritage of Christianity in order to understand more deeply the work of God our Father! Peace and Shalom!
I learned this in the early 2000's by Zola Levitz!! The Dead Sea Scrolls were being shown in Dallas Texas & Zola Levitz did a live demonstration of the entire Jewish Passover while explaining what's in this video and more...ALL POINTING TO YESHUA👏👏👏👏👏🌷🌷🌷
Yes!! ... I remember that and I miss Zola and his weekly show! ✝🕎🛐
I started listening to Zola Levitt in 1981 when I lived in the Houston, TX area. I learned so much from his shows.
I am more proud to be a Catholic Christian. What great is that explanation. I did not know that our Jewish brothers broke the unleavened bread at the Passover celebration .....Catholic priest do that; the Host (unleavened bread) is break it in two. The Lord did all with a purpose, because God is the past, present, future. Thank you for that excellent video.
That's the reason why the Eucharist is the most important part of going to Holy Mass. Jesus is the Eucharist... The Last Supper is Jesus's first Eucharist performed by Himself..
HIS BODY BLOOD SOUL and DIVINITY...I BELIEVE😌🙏Truley Present ,in Every Tabernacle of the world ! Seek Him ,ask Him, and knock,it will be open to you🙏
I've never seen ilustrations of the temple like this.
The temple was such a place of an incredibly MASSIVE number of deaths! It must have been a terrifying place for the animals to approach, because you know they could smell the death.
I'm so glad that Yeshua ended the need for it.
Very interesting video, thanks for sharing this with the world!!🌎 Much brotherly love in Messiah Yeshua all the way from Florida, USA!!🇺🇸
This is AMAZING, I love how you explain the texts of the Bible. I'm totally floored, being a Christian I haven't been introduced to the Jewish aspect of these events. But I'm gonna tell ya, listening and watching puts a total intresting spin on the Word.
I am glad it help, it helps me also to visual stuff, thats why I learned how to create 3D models and animation, of course I am an amator, but I will try to improve. Shalom!
@@IsraelMyChannel please be encouraged! What you do is wonderful!
It's nonsense. We have our Passover dinners with our families. Whoever wrote that drivel knew very little about us.
What about God… knowing ‘us’ is one thing… knowing God and His ways is something much better.
You took the words right out of my mouth . I am learning so much more and truly enjoy these teachings
I am from India 👍🏼 this is the first time I heard about the real meaning of Lord's supper 👍🏼 and the spiritual importance 👍🏼 thanks 😍😍
May be you'r not roman catholic. Or not going to the church.
I'm Christian & we have known the general points of the Last Supper for many years.
This video however has far more informative details than most Christians have ever considered. I highly recommend this lesson to anyone wanting to learn more about the purpose for life of Christ then, now, & in the future.
Salam, Shalom, Peace.
Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath.
The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs.
Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship.
God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
@@omarlittle-hales8237the Bible clearly states He does not sleep nor slumber. Abstaining from work, don't read it literally as your book. The Sabbath is a blessing for humanity and even the Ger participated in it living among Israelites.
We worship the Lord of the Sabbath.
Islam has no clue of the Biblical narrative.
@@Stardust475 SALaM, SHLAMa, SHLOMo, SHALoM, NAMASTe, PEACe.
The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism.
Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC),
Cain Was Indra (3200BC),
Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC),
Abraham Was Rama (2100BC)
Moses Was Krishna (1500BC),
Mahamada Was Muhammad,
Origins in the Indus Valley.
Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism
Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism.
Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined.
Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS].
Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic].
Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic:
See God's Pattern:
Torah [Old Testament]:
Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life].
Gospel [New Testament]:
Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon].
Quran [Last Testament]:
Blood Money [Compensation].
The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca].
They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well.
Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple].
The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt.
Psalms 84 [Books Of David]:
Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj].
As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca],
they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
They go from strength to strength,
till each appears before God..
Quran [Last Testament]:
95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans."
96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings:
97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures.
Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners.
Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM,
Pure Judaism Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM,
Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God
& Noah The Great Servant Of God.
beautifully done. May Jeshua bless you and your family praying for Israel. happy passover. he lives,
Iam very lucky to see the Mount olive in 1998;2012 with my wife.❤
The cup in the Garden of Gethsemane is referring to the suffering he was about to take upon himself for all who have and will ever live. He was sore amazed never having performed an atonement before. He truly bled from every pore. This was the most excruciating part of his atoning sacrifice. This is what gave him the power to succor us and know what we go through, because he personally endured for each of us. He drank that bitter cup for you and I so that we might repent, be cleansed through his blood and live with God again.
Aj Cooke, you are very correct. God bless you for bringing this understanding to the passion of the Lord Jesus.
The cup was the wrath of God. Drinking from the cup in scripture is always a reference to the wrath of God. He was going to bear the sins of his people and the Father would forsake him. God cannot look upon sin so he had to withdraw from His Son. This would be the first time they had ever been separated, they had always been in perfect fellowship. God would pour out his wrath on his son in order to pay for our sin. Jesus had to taste sin and drink the cup of wrath sin deserves. He sweat blood because the holy Son of God was going to have to experience sin and the wrath for sin.
AJ COOK Exactly. This is indeed what the Christ was referring to.
@@TheJpep2424 You are 100%correct in your whole statement.
No suffering, torture or pain would be as unbearable as separation from God the Father.
This also applies to us in a sense also. With Him we can bare anything, but without Him and His love it's utter despair and hopelessness.
Thank you brother, may you be found written in the book of life. ❤🎉😊
I’m Catholic and heard something similar to this. I recommend watching The fourth cup - Dr. Scott Hahn. It’s on UA-cam and brings more light to this topic.
Christ is King 👑
God IS THE GOD OF DETAILS!! Thank you for sharing some of his BEAUTIFUL DETAILS!!
I was in Israel two weeks ago. We visited the whole Garden of Gethsemane and got to worship there. It is a very beautiful place!
Salam, Shlama, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace.
Quran [Last Testament]:
We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture, that indeed you would do mischief on the earth twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant!"
"When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes.
This would be a warning fulfilled."
"Then We gave back to you a return victory over them. We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower."
"If you do good, you do good for your selves, and if you do evil (you do it) against yourselves."
Then, when the second promise came to pass, (We permitted your enemies) to make your faces sorrowful and to enter the Temple (of Jerusalem) as they had entered it before, and to destroy with utter destruction all that fell in their hands."
The Qur'an was an Aramaic poem describing Yeshua. It was stolen and made into a book for a new religious movement. There is no evidence that any Qur'ans date back to the original book because the originals were burned up. Too bad Muslims are illiterate and lazy to read and find out the truth about their mad-made cult meant to enslave them and create chaos. Even their method of prayer is borrowed from early Christians. They are so uneducated that they don't even know that contemporary historical works back up the Bible as an accurate historical book. We know that they will look to a false Messiah, a good looking person to worship. Meanwhile all who rejects the true gospel of Yeshua will be left behind when Yeshua comes yo meet us in the clouds. Then earth will be cleansed by fire just like Father God cleansed the earth with water. It's so evil, they should really cry out to Yeshua!
Great, looking forward to visit too. May God provide the finances and peace in Israel.
Amen, Amen. Amen, my brother in Christ Jesus. What a blessed video ! Thank you so much !
Thank . God bless you and yours indeed.
Shalom. Good Pesach to you and your family. Your good works are fighting ignorance and Jew hatred.
I try to do my best for God, Shalom!
Salam, Shalom, Peace.
Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath.
The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs.
Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship.
God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
Yes, a solid narration of the Passover meal etc and final hours of Jesus. Most western Christians look at scripture through a lens without understanding Jewish traditions from a culture 2,000 years ago. After I have dug deep into scripture and also have gone through a 20 hour Jewish roots class I’ve gotten a more clear understanding of these events. Good job of giving your viewers a clearer picture.
Most Christians either are ignorant or unwilling to admit that the Bible was written by Jews, Jesus was Jewish and we are grafted in. Without the Jews we have no connection to salvation. It doesn’t matter what they do or don’t do. We are really no better as a body. This is an excellent teaching. We have to get back to our Jewish roots.
Thank you a lot of information I wasn't aware of Makes Our Lord's final hour's more personal
What Jesus did for us is beyond words and so humbling. Thank you for your lovely videos which help us to understand the scriptures more. May God bless you.
One of my favorite old time songs...
I'm headed for a home built by GOD alone according to HIS perfect plan. Where the only thing that's been made by man, are the scars in the hands of JESUS...
This is just a few words but considering we'll all be completely restored, it crushes my heart to know this is true and that JESUS CHRIST will be the only innocent
Thankyou for showing more of the Jewish (biblical) connections about the Lord's life and sacrifice. I wasn't taught this at past church groups. Your videos help me visualise more of the bible text. Grace and peace to you during Passover and Matza feasts.
you welcome Ingrid, good to see you back! Shalom!
@@IsraelMyChannel I watch all your videos 😊 and recommend them to others. I look forward to them...even if they are heavy in nature. I will wait a bit with your recent one. It is very heavy 😥
I know it seems different, but the last supper was not Passover, it was a covenant meal, and the last time to eat the leavened bread of the previous harvest. It occurred on the 13-14 in the evening starting the final preparation day before the Passover is eaten the next evening at around 6pm. Yeshua is the Passover, and dies when the final lamb is killed (3pm) on the altar to be eaten later that night . John 19:14 ( before Pilate). Now it was the preparation day of the Passover, at the 6th hour(12noon) , 6 hours before the Passover meal and unleavened bread. Interested in more truth…Living Manna Church LM on UA-cam…
People are leaving the Catholic/protestant church and all their branches in search of YHWH and Yahshua
@@whidoineedthis Yes, I've been wondering about that. Ive noticed that a bit through some of my past Christian connections. But many walked away from God. I hope they will search for the Lord again. I do a lot more bible study now.
Thanks! I and many others appreciate the work that you do. Shalom!
thank you shalom Yahshua haMoshiach bless you
Only Jesus had the power to give His life for us. No other human being could endure such emotional and physical pain. We not God could. The Son of God.
Great lesson
Shalom. Thank you very much for this video on the Passover and the Mount of Olives. God bless you always.😊
Sir, i am truly grateful to you for sharing with us these powerful Biblical truths, i really appreciate all your efforts and time creating this powerful videos. Thank you so much, God’s richest blessings to you and family.🙏
I am glad it help, it helps me also to visual stuff, thats why I learned how to create 3D models and animation, of course I am an amator, but I will try to improve. Shalom!
Im so grateful for these 3D models. Love the Biblical Sites, everyone can see clearly that God’s word does not lie, i believe in God and His beautiful Creation, these 3D models shows me clearly some of the ruins of God’s beautiful City something that i am always intrested in. Thanks so much once again.
I visited the Garden of Gethsamani and this was my favourite place of the tour of Jerusalem. It is small but still full of the agony of Jesus. It is a very special place.
O’ Children of the Most High, listen to your God. May those with ears hear! May those with eyes see! We are living like those in the days of Noah were. These days are short and it is time to make a decision. Change the way you think and act! Stop worshiping false idols and turn to the true living God before it is too late. Ask Him into your heart. Turn yourself to Him before the door to the ark is sealed by His hand as it was in those days long ago. Ask Him and He will answer you. “I have written my laws upon your heart” said the Most High unto His servant. In the mighty name of Yeshua, I pray that those seeking may find Him. Amen.
Shalom keep your faith, you have a great Elohim, stay strong
Salam, Shalom, Peace.
Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath.
The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs.
Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship.
God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
@@IsraelMyChannel Salam, Shalom, Peace.
Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath.
The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs.
Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship.
God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
Shalom Shalom from Israel 🇮🇱 Baruch HaShem Yisrael
thank you so much! God Bless
God bless you, very useful video, thank you
Jesus was that sacrifice cant be another he is only begotten son all are adopted in Gods true family because of him
I imagine that whenever Yeshua blessed bread before breaking it to share, He said, "Blessed art Thou, Lord our God, King of the universe, who bringeth forth bread from the earth".
Mrs.g.9816 True, Yeshua would have used a prayer with the wording you suggest, but to bless the LORD, not the bread. Jews do not bless bread or any inanimate objects; they bless God and other people. The Christian practice of blessing food came about because of a misunderstanding, with the translators of the KJV inserting a word which isn't in the Greek. A literal translation of the Greek reads: "Jesus took bread, and he blessed, and he broke, and he gave to his disciples saying ...." It doesn't say what or whom he blessed, broke and gave. Obviously, what he broke and gave to the disciples was the bread, so the translators assumed he also blessed the bread, so they wrote, "Jesus took bread and blessed IT." Only he didn't! Modern translations are more accurate and have, "Jesus took bread and said the blessing (or gave thanks), broke it and gave ..."
@@jennyyates8798 Thanks for a well-written explanation! Wishing you God's blessing.🙏❤
@@jennyyates8798I’m almost certain that mrs.g quote is exactly what is said in Jewish Passover ceremonies. It goes as such: Blessed art Thou, Lord our God, King of the Universe…. There are other prayers that begin like that as well.
@@sjam1159 Yes, today Jews say, "Baruch ata Adonai, Eloheinu Melech ha'olam, hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz." (Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who brings forth bread from the earth.") before any meal which includes bread, not only a Passover Seder. I don't think anyone knows if those are the exact words which were used in 1st century Israel, but if not, it was certainly something very similar. Jesus would have used them not only at the Last Supper, but also before the feeding of the 5,000 etc.
And yes, you are correct that many Jewish prayers begin with: "Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe," and then follow with: "who ... etc." At Passover, before sharing the wine, it's: "Blessed ...... who creates the fruit of the vine."
@@jennyyates8798 Thank you, I need to change the prayer before meals. Losses in translation lead to so many errors. God bless you.
I love this channel. Thank you. Jesus Christ is Lord😊
I've been Celebrating Passover for seven years. It is beautiful. Thank you for explaining it so well.
Christ is our passover. I celebrate him everyday.
We are to keep Passover every year, forever, for every generation…
@@miryamnae2164 Miss, can you tell me when it is, please? I know the months on the Jewish calendar are different, so I'm not sure.
@@markkean4506 it is easily looked up but passover is 14 days after the new moon after the vernal equinox.
Salam, Shalom, Peace.
Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath.
The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs.
Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship.
God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
Thanks so much. This is such a beautiful topic and needed especially for Christians who may know little about the true meanings hidden in the culture and traditions of our Jewish Messiah
HALLELUJAH. Another fabulous video. Can't wait to share this clear, concise, informative, interesting video around the Internet. Shabbat Shalom. from Alberta, CANADA.
hello to Alberta in Canada, Shalom!
Thank You Brother for all your hard work to share THE TRUTH that THE MOST HIGH has given.
John 8:32/John14:6
God Bless you, Shalom!
@@IsraelMyChannel buhhb
@@IsraelMyChannel can I ask what your religious beliefs are if any?
Salam, Shlama, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace.
Quran [Last Testament]:
We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture, that indeed you would do mischief on the earth twice and you will become tyrants and extremely arrogant!"
"When the first of the two warnings would come to pass, We would send against you some of Our servants of great might, who would ravage your homes.
This would be a warning fulfilled."
"Then We gave back to you a return victory over them. We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower."
"If you do good, you do good for your selves, and if you do evil (you do it) against yourselves."
Then, when the second promise came to pass, (We permitted your enemies) to make your faces sorrowful and to enter the Temple (of Jerusalem) as they had entered it before, and to destroy with utter destruction all that fell in their hands."
I’ve known this for many years. I learned about the Upper Room and the way they were seated in my study of the Bible. Thank you for teaching much more for my fuller understanding.
Thank you and may God Bless. 🙏🇮🇱
God works through His People!!
“Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” The suffering was caused by the Father withdrawing His Spirit from the Son leaving Him to suffer alone.
Thank you for giving us information about ancient jewish culture
The Star of David, Crucifix & The Crescent, Are Found In Hinduism.
Vedas [Hindu Bible] Mentions Adam, Abraham, Moses, Noah & Muhammad, Within Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism.
Adam Was Swayambhu Manu (4000BC),
Cain Was Indra (3200BC),
Noah Was Vaivaswat Manu (3000BC),
Abraham Was Rama (2100BC)
Moses Was Krishna (1500BC),
Mahamada Was Muhammad,
Origins in the Indus Valley.
Hinduism Vedas = Monotheism
Guru Books = Trinity & Polytheism.
Hinduism Was The Largest Monotheistic Religion In Ancient Times, But When They Added The Trinity And Polytheism, The Religion Declined.
Whenever A Scripture Becomes Corrupted, Then God Almighty Sends A Update [Similar To Windows Or Apple IOS].
Vedas [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Avesta [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Cannon [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Book Of Enoch [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Psalms [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Torah [Corrupted - Mixed Falsehood With Truth]
Quran [Final Update - Gods Sealed With White Magic].
Any Verse Within The Above Scriptures Before The Quran, Have Some Authentic Verses And Some Corrupted, Apply Logic:
See God's Pattern:
Torah [Old Testament]:
Eye For An Eye, Tooth For A Tooth [A Life For A Life].
Gospel [New Testament]:
Turn The Other Cheek [Full Pardon].
Quran [Last Testament]:
Blood Money [Compensation].
The Jewish Tefillin [Prayer Leather Box] With The Seven Straps Around The Arms, Relates To The Seven Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
The Word Tefillin Derives From Tawaf, Circumambulation Around The Kaaba.
Adam & Eve Were Sent Down Separately, They Both Meet Up In The Valley Of Becca [Now Mecca].
They Witnessed The First Human Period Rain, Which Becomes The Zam Zam [Named By Hagar In Egyptian - Stop Flowing] Well.
Then God Sends An Asteroid From The Heavens, Which Lands, Which Is Later Placed On The Corner Of The Kaaba [First Temple].
The Kaaba Akin To King Solomon's Temple, As Been Destroyed And Rebuilt.
Psalms 84 [Books Of David]:
Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
who have set their hearts on pilgrimage [Hajj].
As they pass through the Valley of Baca [Now Mecca],
they make it a place of springs;
the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
They go from strength to strength,
till each appears before God..
Quran [Last Testament]:
95. Say: "(God) speaketh the Truth: follow the religion of Abraham, the same in faith; he was not of the Pagans."
96. The first House (of worship) appointed for men was that at Bakka: Full of blessing and of guidance for all kinds of beings:
97. In it are Signs Manifest; (for example), the Station of Abraham; whoever enters it attains security; Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God,- those who can afford the journey; but if any deny faith, God stands not in need of any of His creatures.
Let The World Open Their Eyes, From Adam & Eve To All The Scriptures Sent By God Almighty Alone, The Jealous God With No Partners, Unite Mankind We Are One With The Same One God, Without The Any Form Of Trinity, Kinship Or Partners.
Pure Monotheistic Hinduism Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Zoroastrian Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Buddhism Is ISLaM,
Pure Judaism Is ISLaM,
Pure Monotheistic Christianity Is ISLaM,
Pure ISLaM Is The Path Of Abraham The Friend Of God
& Noah The Great Servant Of God.
Great video indeed. Help me JESUS to love you with my head heart and soul.
Thank you for your continued work in the Word of God - truly, how great is our God! There is so much we have not been taught, and what we have been taught, has been incorrect and perverted......Thank you again for the great work through the Holy Spirit of God. Thank you, cannot be said enough.
glad it helps!
God Almighty Bless your Ministry.
Hosea 13:4
Yet I am The Most High your God ever since the land of Egypt; you know no God but Me, for there is no Savior besides Me.
Praise The Most High only!!!!!
Thank you for sharing this with us. Shalom Shalom
This is really good! Thank you so much! God bless you!
Appreciate the factual non religiously biased historical and biblical look into this account. Keep up the good work!
Jesus is king✝️
Israel mychannel thank you for making this video as well as for all of the others. God is doing a wonderful work through you. I cried when I seen the view of where Lord Jesus was in the garden and in the background you could see the front of the temple. God put it on my heart how Lord Jesus was being put in the olive press and His sweat became as drops of blood 🩸 and how He would be the our Door to the Holy of Holies. Seeing this visual in this video seriously hit my heart and as a minister of our Lord Jesus, I plan on using these videos to reach even more people with the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Yeshua. Thank you again Brother and God bless you and help you as you continue on God’s path for your life, Shalom…
Sir, i am truly grateful to you for sharing with us these powerful Biblical truths, i really appreciate all your efforts and time creating this powerful videos. God’s richest blessings to you and family.🙏
Thank you from Wisconsin. I learned so much from the Passover meal video. The animation along with the special historical and traditional meanings has added a wonderful significance to God's Word.
It will be so beautiful when the two become ONE!
Looking forward to this video .
I so enjoyed your historical / biblical view of Judas burial .
thank you, you are very kind, shalom!
♡God bless you! ♡God bless you!♡
♡And thank you!♡
Thank you so much, such a blessing brother
God Bless you, Shalom!
Thank you for the powerful word of God JAh love peace strength to you a me love Canada
Thank you for this. Makes me think and understand more of the Jewish traditions. Your faith and understanding helps others. Thank you for being obedient to your calling
God Bless you, Shalom!
Salam, Shalom, Peace.
Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath.
The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs.
Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship.
God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
This is brilliant. One of the most easy to listen to and informative channels on the jewish context of the Bible. Love being immersed in the Jewishness of it all. It’s the roots I’m grafted into! Thank you so much for your work!
Great content and I really appreciate the historical information in the graphics. It adds a lot.
God Bless you, Shalom!
This is so so so so amazing! please keep up this good work. God bless you!
Shabbat Shalom! These are beautiful presentations. Hal’luYah! Hodu attah Yahushua!!!
To God be all the honor, and glory, and praise!!!
What a glorious day that will be when all people of all nations, and tribes, and tongues will bend their knee and confess that Jesus, The Christ, is King of kings and Lord of lords.
What a shameful, and scary day that will be when we all stand in Jesus' presence to be judged.
What a delightful day that judgement day will turn into for those that believed in Jesus and followed him, for their sins will be forgotten and they will inherit the kingdom of God. They will be the ones to hear him say well done my good and faithful servant.
What a horrific day that same judgment day will turn into for those that rejected Jesus, especially when they hear their sentencing is to spend eternity separated from God in hell.
Especially horrible for those that did not reject Jesus, but used his name to acquire wealth, and power, and to prey on the weak and poor. They will then realize that although they wore the title of Christian, Jesus never knew them.
Their delusion will quickly be wiped away by reality.
thank you for explaining so much, it is important we know and understand it all. Shalom
Shalom Pat!
Wonderful work in your ministry to share your videos!!! God Bless You!
Thank you this is excellent, I love it, it gives me shivers to walk through the garden of Gethsame
AMEN praised God bless you
Thank you ! 🙏🏻Be blessed ! 🕎🔥✝️
Amen and Amen.... Jesus is Lord
Brother, what wonderful hard work you have done, just excellent. Your English is fantastic :) May Yeshua bless you and your family.
We should daily celebrate the life of our heavenly father as a Passover - as the Firstborn from the dead, Christ Jesus from Nazareth, is about to come with the clouds and fire. 🍷❤️🔥✌️🎃
The third cup is not only because he rose on the third day. It's also the cup whichs symbolizes the wrath of God. This third cup the apostles didn't drink. Jesus drank it. He also mentions this third cup in the garden of Gethsemane, where he asks the lord to let him pass this cup
The Passover celebrations and customs have nothing to do with Jesus. These were all invented hundreds of years after Jesus died.
We celebrate the eve of the exodus out of Egypt. Jesus was not even born in that time.
@@DHSplate and Jesus and his disciples being Jews celebrated Pesach, commemorating 40 years in the wilderness of paran
@@DHSplate it's also Prophetic.
@@DHSplate I assume the you are Jewish, brother?
With all love towards you and your people, yeshua is your mashiah first. Than he comes to gentiles like me. Yeshuah loves you, and he ist your highpriest written in the new covenant, which God prophecied through Jeremiah and Isaiah. He is the servant of the lord written about in Isaiah 53, and the one who was pierced in Zachariah 12. May God give you his wisdom and understanding, his love and shalom 🕊️ have a nice pessach brother
G‑d uses four expressions of redemption in describing our Exodus from Egypt and our birth as a nation:1
1. "I will take you out…"
2. "I will save you…"
3. "I will redeem you…"
4. "I will take you as a nation…"
Our sages instituted that we should drink a cup of wine, a toast if you will, for each one of these expressions. We recite the Kiddush over the first cup, we read the Exodus story from the Haggadah over the second cup, we recite the Grace after Meals over the third cup, and we sing the "big Hallel" (Psalms and hymns of praises to G‑d) over the fourth cup.
During the Seder we can experience these elements of redemption in a spiritual senseThere are a number of explanations as to the significance of the various stages of redemption conveyed through each of these expressions. Here is one:
1. Salvation from harsh labor-this began as soon as the plagues were introduced.
2. Salvation from servitude; or the day the Jews left Egypt geographically and arrived at Ramses.
3. The splitting of the sea, after which the Jews felt completely redeemed, without fear of the Egyptians recapturing them.
4. Becoming a nation at Sinai.
During the Seder we can experience these elements of redemption in a spiritual sense, by leaving our "Egypt" and our servitude to our egos.2
There is actually a fifth expression in the above mentioned verses: "And I will bring you to the land which I promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and I will give it to you as an inheritance."3
While the Exodus from Egypt and the birth of the Jewish nation were permanent, we have yet to be brought to Israel on a permanent basis.
In honor of this verse we have a fifth cup at the Seder: the Cup of Elijah. This cup is set up for Elijah during the second half of the Seder, but we do not drink it. Elijah will announce the arrival of Moshiach, who will bring all Jews to Israel, for good.
Hence, Jesus has nothing to do with it. He wasn’t born at the time of the exodus. So don’t twist, misinterpret, mistranslate, falsify the truth. The only truth is Jewish scripture.
Brilliant upload 👏
Thanks for sharing.
God bless 🙌
Thank you very much, this is really helpful. God Bless 🙏🏻🕊️🌿🎶💖💖
This was so eye opening to learn about the Passover and has really deepened my understanding. Thank-you
That's fascinating. The Essenes were the ones who wrote things that were found in the Qumran caves. They lay out a timeline from Enoch to the Great White Throne Judgement. Very very interesting. Their writings agree Scriptures as well.
God Bless you, Shalom!
@@IsraelMyChannel God bless you too brother. Shalom. Glory to our King ❤️.
Blessed me to see and hear this Shalom my friend 🙏 Jesus Christ Be Glorified... Happy Ressurection Day! Looking for the return of Jesus Christ 🙏 resting in His finished work on the cross ✝️
If Jesus is resurrected, where is he now?
@@IsraelMyChannel with the Father and in us by His Holy Spirit. The body of Christ is every believer.
There is only 1 Savior and that is The Most High YaHWeH ELOHIM. My heart only has room for 1 only.
YAHshua if He is a different entity would be breaking Torah commandments taking the bride of His Father's.
@@hugoramirez7510 Isaiah 9:6
Thank you, God bless.
The cup of Wrath is the next cup Christ will pour out on unbelivers.
So much new & useful information. I really learned a lot.
Thank you Father God for blessing this Believer in Christ! May he continue to Glorify you in this ministry--In Yeshua's Name (Jesus)! Amen
Salam, Shalom, Peace.
Also Torah & Gospel Blaspheme, They State God Almighty Took A Rest On The Sabbath.
The Quran Says God Is Supernatural With No Desires Or Needs.
Thus He Needs No Slumber, Partners Or Kinship.
God Cannot Be A Father, He Is Above Everything He Creates.
@@omarlittle-hales8237 Allah and Muhammad will be judged accordingly...
@@nunorodrigues8934 Salam, Shlama, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace.
Torah [Old Testament]:
The Earth Is Held By Four Angels On Each Corner [Flat Earth].
Quran [Last Testament]:
We [Royal] Created The Earth, The Shape Of An Ostrich Egg [Sphere].
Ancient Muslim Arabs And Viking Muslims [See Coinage, Found In The Sea], Used To Aid Their Jewish & Christian Sailors, Navigate The Seas.
The Vikings And Arabs Founded America 500 Years Before Christopher Columbus, So Did The Chinese.
Even Modern Medicine Relies On The Quran's Verses On Medicine, By The Ancient Arabs.
Many Arab Scientific Founders, Had Their Inventions Stolen By The British, Claiming It As Their Own.
@@nunorodrigues8934 Salam, Shlama, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace.
Quran [Last Testament]:
Indeed, We rendered that which is on the earth an adornment for it in order to test them as to who is better in deeds, and We will surely turn what is on it into a barren wasteland.
So when the horn is blown a single blast, and the earth and the mountains are lifted and crushed with a single blow; on that Day, the Event will occur.
The day when the earth will be replaced with another earth, as well as the heavens, and they are brought forward before God; the One, the All-Conquering
@@nunorodrigues8934 Salam, Shlama, Shlomo, Shalom, Peace.
Quran [Last Testament];
A Good Word Is Akin To A Tree, With It's Root's Deeply Planted Into The Ground.
Branches Reaching High Into The Sky.
A Bad Word Is Akin To A Tree, With It's Root's Uprooted, Decaying And Dead.
All God Has Said Is True.
Glory be to the Lord Jesus
Thank you for this teaching, Shalom