I'd like to share my story about how I developed a passion for watercolor painting when I was 17

  • Опубліковано 22 вер 2024
  • I first encountered watercolor paints in my high school art class. At the time, I was simply taking the class to fulfill a graduation requirement, but I was quickly captivated by the transparent and soft colors of watercolor. The moment when I saw the colors spread across the paper with a single brushstroke was unforgettable.
    I've always loved nature, and I found peace in observing the colors of mountains, seas, and skies. I thought watercolor was the perfect medium to express these natural colors. The process of mixing colors and creating blends with water felt like witnessing the transformation of colors in nature. Expressing these natural colors was a great joy for me.
    Watercolor painting allows for more freedom and spontaneity compared to other painting techniques. Every time I saw unpredictable results depending on the amount of water and the movement of the brush, I felt like discovering a new world. This spontaneity gave me a new challenge and excitement every time I painted. It stimulated my creativity and motivated me to create better works.
    During my high school years, I was under a lot of stress due to academics and college entrance exams. Whenever I felt stressed, I would take out my watercolors and paint. The gradual change of colors as the water dried on the paper was a great comfort to me. Watercolor painting gave me psychological stability and helped me relieve stress.
    After developing an interest in watercolor, I started painting on weekends. I started by copying simple landscapes, but gradually I tried to find my own style. I learned watercolor techniques from the internet and libraries, analyzed the works of various artists, and applied them to my own paintings. Even now that I'm a college student, I still paint watercolors and express my emotions and thoughts. Watercolor has become an important part of my life. I hope to continue sharing beauty with the world through watercolor painting.
    I'm glad I could share my story about how I became passionate about watercolor painting with you. Expressing oneself through art is truly wonderful. I hope you find your own artistic journey.
    Here are some tips that may help you with your watercolor painting:
    Use good quality materials: Use watercolor paper, good brushes, and high-quality paints for better results.
    Work from light to dark colors: Since it's difficult to add light colors over dark ones in watercolor, it's best to start with light colors.
    Control the amount of water: The amount of water affects the intensity and effect of the color. Experiment with different amounts of water.
    Use layering techniques: Instead of trying to finish in one go, gradually add depth and complexity by layering multiple layers.
    Utilize white space: Leaving white spaces can add light and airiness to your painting.
    Try different techniques: Experiment with various techniques such as wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry.
    Be patient: Wait for each layer to dry completely before moving on to the next step.
    Practice mixing colors: Experiment with mixing colors on your palette to see what results you get.
    Sketch lightly: When sketching with a pencil, do it lightly so it's easy to erase later.
    Don't be afraid to experiment: Try different tools, techniques, and materials to find your own style.
    Be patient as the paint dries: Hasty corrections can ruin your painting.
    Practice regularly: Regular practice will improve your skills and boost your confidence."