A story that i don't think is brought up enough is from the silver age. Basically, the riddler decided one day to steal something without leaving batman any clues, and he got to the finish line with no caped crusader on his tail. But he wasn't able to take the prize. His body stopped just before because he believed he hadn't earned it. That literally stopped him in his tracks. Not because he didn't want to take it, but because no matter how hard he tried, he wasn't allowed to. So he used hypnotism once he had left to get rid of the mental block, and when he did that, Batman literally could not catch him, no matter what crime he committed. But eventually batman started finding riddles, because Riddler was subconciously creating them, as he still couldn't handle the idea of "cheating"
The problem with the Riddler is that he's not like most other 'mastermind' villains, where writers can just wave away nonsensical things and just say "lol science". Riddler, his riddles and his plans are all meant to be understood by both batman and by the readers. And as a result, the Riddler can only be as intelligent as the writers writing him. Because of this, a lot of writers that have written Riddler recently have been lazy and just made him an idiot that just thinks he's smart, which eliminates just about all of his menace and intrigue.
Yeah, every villain in every comic book ever written is a "tactical genius", but 99% of the time this just means handing them an assortment of plot contrivances and deus ex machinas (sometimes literally).
Sadly, this plot isn't much different. "If I become a mass-murdering monster who seems all-knowing, you'll let me do anything I want OR ELSE!!11 How do I know these things? How am I capable of these feats? YOU CAN'T KNOW BECAUSE I'M 2SMRT5U" It runs into the exact same issue that the Sherlock series ran into- dumb people can't write smart people well because they can't imagine the methodology that makes smart people pull ingenious feats, so instead, dumb people write smart people functionally identical to wizards.
@@PeterDivine Hit the nail on the head, mate. They basically just made Riddler into TDK's Joker. It's never explained how he does all this impossible shit or why there's so many people on board with working with him besides just... plot. It seems like they're less interested in portraying the Joker, or the Riddler in this case, and just want to make "inexplicably invincible bad guy that schools the hero at every turn".
I think the key with Riddler’s vulnerability is that he wants to be seen as smarter than he actually is, whilst still being an absolute genius. It’s his inner shame, insecurity and need to prove himself that ends up being his downfall.
@PeterDivine Thank you for saying that that's exactly what it is. It's just like when TV writers write hackers as being able to dovanything with a computer.
I swear during the boss fight against riddler in his mech suit in Arkham knight he literally goes “riddle me this Batman!” And then fucking right hooks him with his big robot hand
this is not canon for anyone confused how this works, its part of an 8 issue mini series about Batman's villains having their one bad day equivalents, came out a couple years ago
Any of the guards could've just killed him instead of eachother, and what a coincidence that there would be "no witnesses", Nigma just snapped and "killed himself". Worst case scenario a guard or guards would go to jail. The premise is just retarded when it can easily be solved like this. That's why even the idea of Batman with his no killing rule is fucking stupid no matter how some fanboys try to defend it.
@@FerunaLutelou Because they're nepo babys who are too arrogant to do any form of basic research on the subject(interviewing criminal experts etc.) and would rather BS their way through. it wasnt that bad in the past bc they had some passion, *now* they write comics solely to spite their political opponents and they thoroughly hate their fans .
@@foquitajeej2399 Not always. When a villian does something, its assumed that they were the ones to think of it. If that changes randomly in the future then its fair to call that retconning.
I remember when I first read this, I was mixed on it. I love Riddler and him being on top of things and not a joke, but it kind of felt a bit much. Like this was Eddie's own fanfic and the ending was Batman smashing his computer.
also i doubt nigma can do shit to ensure joker doesn't fuck with him. maybe revealing batman's identity? but i feel that the more you prepare for the joker the less you're actually ready for him. now i want to see this riddler trying to deal with the joker lmao
@@jtdevera1189I think the story subtly dealt with that. When the riddler speaks of the joker to Gordon, he talks as if they are old friends, like making jokes with each other. This may be too far, but it may be implied they even respect each other. I'd assume that's why they had each other's contact information Riddler also wasn't going to kill batman or release his identity( anyone he cares about also) to the public. I don't think there's any reason the joker would have a problem as the joker is in it for the game, unlike the riddler in this story.
It's such a dumb fucking story that has pretensions of grandeur. Which I suppose is exactly right -- it's the Riddler writing a Riddler story. Massive glaring holes in the plot that only a self-obsessed egomaniac couldn't see, papered over by layers of self-congratulatory lies. If we get a 'real' Riddler archvillain story, it needs to have someone like Tom 7 coming up with the plot.
Feels like a writer self inserted with this a lot. This has so much "Don't mess with the nice/smart guy or else..." energy. In most cases the smart guy would just get punched a lot. The most realistic end of him would just be your avarage crackhead some mobboss promised drugs. The more i think about it, the more examples i have how stupid it actually is tbh
Riddler locked in. Which caused Batman to lock in; and only one of them knows 1001 ways to kill you up close and personal. God this was an amazing comic.
@@Senselessdogruffruff He basically knew everything about everyone or more specifically where yo hurt everyone. Financially, socially, people's families, their locations, something batman does but on a much more dangerous level as he straight up said he watched Bruce's fucking family as they slept without him even considering the idea of it being a possibility. Mix that with people getting desperate and scared that even fucking BATMAN got spooked by him and literally no one would consider getting close to this man. It really does show that he was truly batman's better in intelligence.
@@Senselessdogruffruffhe pretty much predicted every move before it happened. He knew when people would try. So he already took measures to give ehr message to not even attempt to. The fact he kidnapped the dudes kid a week before should say he knows them very well. The only flaw the riddler has was thinking batman wouldn't change either. Honestly the idea of him going into the Wayne manner various times likely since the very beginning is insane. He would have to be even more stealthy than batman and know where very camera or security measure is. It shows just how scary he really is. The idea of him matching Batman's iq here is just straight up wrong. He succeeded it. He's probably one of the most intelligent people in all of dc in this comic.
Only issue I have with this is how unrealistic it seems. You can't threaten literally everyone with their families. There's just gotta be that one ruthless sniper willing to take him out. That one person without any connections who's willing to die a hero. Sure, you can be smart, but you can't be omniscient, that's not how this works.
i mean its the same issue the joker would have. There are definitely people who would totally kill themselves to take out a mass murderer like the joker or the riddler just to be remembered as a hero or just assuming they are dead no matter what and want to take a shot at them.
Yeah your right but then what about other people? the guards are the perfect example. that one guard was willing to take the risk of pumping the riddler full of lead and hopefully preventing his plans but the other two guards were scared shitless and prevented him from being shot. Its literally a ouroboros you want to kill someone but someone else is preventing you from killing that dude and if you do it anyways that person behind the other dude is going to kill that other dude and it gets very complex very fast.
But first those who are scared protect him most likely and you can be omniscient it's just not common team especially for villains because it would feel extremely desperate and with no hope at the end (something like pet cemetery) and that makes it less likeable
Love how the abusive dad says " my son is an idiot" and batman decides to say "lol so true!" like I feel like you should have come to a different conclusion there bud
the riddler convincing the guards to kill themselves makes no sense. wouldnt they just have killed the riddler if they were so scared for their family well being lol
i thought the exact same thing. Like, even if you get in trouble or whatever for killing him, it’s just as bad if you kill another guard. There’s no reason they didn’t just kill him
I mean yea but the riddler probably has henchman and if not the guards in the heat of the moment would probably think he has a way to do it dead or alive
“Riddle me this Batman” “I spend my days lower than everyone else, constantly under people. And yet I’m never quite the smart fella. What am I?” “A fart smella” “😢”
A soft whisper of a spray can be heard in the background and a sweet smell permeates the air. The Riddler turns around and sees Batman. Batman crouches down and hands the Riddler a can of air freshener. He looks the Riddler in the eyes while giving him the can and says, " Edward, you don't have to keep living this life. You're smart enough not to be a fart smella".
This is very cool but while I can believe the police and heroes would not be able to stop him, I dont believe for a second the crime families or villains wouldnt just kill the riddler super easily. His whole plan relies on batman not killing...
There's a single villain who would fuck with Riddler anyways, the Joker, but I guess he just decided to stand back? Wait, or did Batman kill Joker in Killing Joke and that's why he's absent?
Like, a lot of the villains would not allow Riddler to just take over and a lot of the villains have no loved ones and, also, superpowers. Riddler would be dead day 2.
Plus there are other heroes who are slightly less adverse to killing than Bats. Wonder Woman for instance doesn’t like killing but will do it. Ah, and imagine Eddy pulling the “list off the names and addresses of all your loved ones “ with The Flash.
@@kiruppert Flash picks him up by the scruff of the neck runs him to 36000000BCE and leaves him with a tent and hunting equipment. He's smart as heck, it's not like he'll die.
I like how despite this comic demonstrating how dangerous the riddler can be it also shows just how dangerous batman can be when pushed far enough. It also on a deeper level acknowledges that when the riddler throws away his riddles Batman has to throw away his code fundamentally robbing both characters of their core traits and changing then into entirely new people.
It's not hard to kill the riddler, so I wouldn't call batman here "dangerous" Batman dies in this story, because batman doesn't kill. Now he's just a man.
@blacklightredlight2945 If it's not hard to kill the riddler, then why didn't anyone do it? Also, Batman killing doesn't take away how dangerous he is. Sure, he becomes the thing he becomes just like his enemies, but he's arguably even more dangerous to his enemies if he isn't binded by his no killing vow. Your point makes 0 sense.
The main reason I think Batman actually killed him is because the panels reference the beginning of the story. When the random guy is killed by the riddler, he is on his phone, then it cuts to four black panels. The same four black panels are there after Batman says “what am I?”
@@Hiayoukenyou really don’t think riddler didint think of that if he died his death would send a domino effect that would leave there families dead and if they killed him the guards would get sent to jail they probably didint want to spend there life in jail and for there families to see them like thet
They didnt know what would happen if they shot the riddler yeah he would be dead but he couldve already ordered the men to kill their families and no one there to call them off it isnt chess anymore its poker
i feel like the guards could have just shot the riddler like if they are gonna kill 2 humans when they could have killed one psychopath who is probably going to kill after this if he’s alive
@@lokensicarius9347 It seems very possible that, if he's pulling this stunt with the guards, he already set everything in motion for their loved ones to suffer, if anything doesn't go according to his whims. When you know that the villain who has come in and out of your "care" a bunch of times and you know they have a bunch of goons at their disposal and ready to strike, who would you deem more important? Random strangers, or the entire list of your loved ones?
Batman might be able to go toe to toe with the riddle but the guards probably know the riddler is smarter than them, if they did anything he didn't want he probably would have predicted it and had something in place. They couldn't guarantee their families wouldn't be killed if they shot him, they could guarantee it if they killed each other like he wanted.
@@stammesbruder would it not be safe to assume a psychopath like Riddler would just allow the plans to go into motion whether or not you complied? At least you can get some form of vengeance.
I love how batman creates a spin on the riddle that the riddler created, but created a genuinely better one, where the answer is presumably "death". Not only proving batman as smarter than the riddler, but also letting the riddler know in his last moments what was gonna happen to him.
Mullet man I just wanna say thank you for providing us with some quality story telling with all of these great comic books! Nothing beats coming home from a 9-10 hour shift and sitting down watching some comic videos while having a nice smoke break.
One Bad Day Riddler is just an amazing story. It shows just how insane he is. He stops playing around, he starts to use his mind to actually hurt instead of hinder. The riddler says it the best. "You want to know why I did it Bruce, you are always beating me because I was playing, I've had a really, really bad day... and I'm done playing. Bruce... or is it batman when the mask is off?" That one line was insane and it shows just the power that Riddle refuses to use most of the time.
unlike the arkham games riddler, who couldnt believe that Batman is Bruce Wayne, Most comic riddlers already know who the FUCKIN BATMAN is. they just dont tell his name to anyone because a riddle that has answer all over the place is not a riddle anymore, which is his way of saying Batman needs to stay as batman to protect his legacy.
@@wrigthtalekenavi2066 The Riddler knows Bruce Wayne is Batman because he found a Lazarus Pit. He doesn't tell anyone because if he did, Ra's would know he has access to one and kill him for it.
This is exactly why the riddler is my favorite comic villain. He is incredibly boring when his whole deal is “solve this riddle or I’ll blow up a bank” but occasionally he gets a story like this which are always some of the best comic books I’ve ever seen
Do you think these stories would have the same impact if we didn’t have his usual shenanigans to contrast them with? Like if this was some new villain I don’t think I’d care much.
It's why him and Arcade are on the same level SURE they can just blow laundered millions on death traps, flashy suits and flashier clues. OR they can get the job done by playing a better game.
@@kangarooMonkee I think a good story is always still good story, but I do agree that the riddler hits much harder in these stories thanks to how he’s usually portrayed.
The Riddler is definitely my favourite villain when he's not being butchered by Jim Carey, and it's moments like this that prove why. Not a fan of him taking credit for Joker's crippling of Barbara Gordon, but other than that it's a great story.
He's like Dr Eggman in the comics. He's fun and messes around. But in truth. If he got serious. He could kill them all without even trying. Instead he cripples himself to win on his terms.
So glad that Matt Reeves' Riddler finally helped put respect on his name - hes a fantastic villain and his character when written right is facinating! Great video m8
2:48 Fucking love that comic, such a good art style and grippy story. Also love the “So much so that if Riddler says he’s gonna break out and kill your family specifically. That is more likely to happen than you waking up in the morning.” tidbit, because it’s true LOL. Also 7:27 is some amazing voice acting, props to you.
I honestly don’t like dark riddler stories. But then the comic that defined riddler for me was the comic “when is a door”. He’s Silver age but likes it that way.
I still don’t understand why 1. Gotham never uses the death penalty. 2. Any of those security guards didn’t put a hole in the head of the man who threatened to kill their family and instead chose to shoot each other. 3. Similar to 2, why no disgruntled security guard or police officer doesn’t off a mega villain when they are in their custody. If someone killed the Joker, I guarantee you they are getting a raise best case scenario or paid suspension worst case. 4. Batman, or any other vigilante, doesn’t paralyze a villain from the neck down. This objectively lets them keep their no kill policy while also preventing any more malicious actions. (I suppose this one can be circumvented by goons but seeing your boss one gram of starch away from becoming a vegetable should definitely degrade the workforce.) Overall, I understand it is comics and that there needs to be a certain level of suspended disbelief to maintain a story, but I would just like to see the logical option being taken sometime.
Regarding paralyzing, that isn't as permanent a solution as you might think. In a world with magic, advanced technology, the Lazarus Pit, etc. What good would paralyzing your opponent do? Plus, these villains would find a way to retaliate. Also, it isn't humane or ethical. In a world where people return from the dead, a guard shooting the Joker may not have any staying power. Who's to say the Joker wouldn't find a way to come back to life? Especially from all the various times he's been 'killed off' or presumed dead before.
@@camerondalton1495 I completely understand where you are coming from. In the DC universe’s perspective, it is not a permanent issue. However, from a realistic and non status quo reaching perspective, these villains would unlikely have a plan in place to get them unparalyzed and would also be unlikely to set those plans in place if paralyzed. Who is going to get a paralyzed maniac the anti paralysis technology/magic or throw them into the Lazarus pit? Another maniac who probably needs to be paralyzed. You are completely correct about the humane and ethical point, but a guy like the Joker or Riddler probably deserves it. Finally returning from the dead. It’s completely up to the writers to find another way to return one from the dead or undo paralysis. In other words, it’s up to plot contrivance which is an entirely different issue.
Regarding why would a guard or someone in similar position not simply kill a villain while they are in their custody it's actually quite simple. Dead man's switch. A simple concept of a procedure or a machine that comes into effect in case a person dies. All a villain has to do is tell them that if they were to try something like this and succeed, a switch would activate. I can absolutely see Riddler setting up an elaborate web of such contingencies that come into effect if someone felt bold - or simply *convince* people those contingencies are there. And even if there was a guard or someone else feeling bold enough to try anyway? There'd be dozen others fearing for their loved ones whod stop him before anything is tried.
This story is great but I have issue with one thing... Wouldn't the panicked, not thinking clearly Arkham guard just shot Riddler? Under duress, wouldn't that be the first solution? Instead of shooting everyone else in the room.
Almost all of the One Bad Day comics have been a great read for me so far, Riddler has been a close favorite. The hardcovers also look nice with great art
I wouldn’t say the Riddler made Batman break his only rule, he made the Batman change, wich way more terrifying because unlike in other stories this time it’s not a exception
the "the end" isnt just the ending of the comic its the answer to the batman's riddle "Though we meet but once you know me thereafter" the answer is death which is often called "thee end"
I was never a massive comic book fan as a kid always preferred manga. But listening to a man who absolutely loves and is passionate about the interesting and entertaining stories of comics is just so enjoyable
That was awesome, Mullet-Man! Thanks for introducing me to this story. I like to believe Batman turned himself in after killing Edward. It just makes sense for his character, and the Family can protect Gotham. Also, normally, I hate it when writers make Batman kill, but this was just such a well-written way of doing it! Plus, it's Black Label, so it gets a pass for being on an alternate Earth lol.
This has horrible plot holes. It contradicts so many riddler stories but I can forgive that. The writer wanted a different, non-canon version of the riddler. The problem is the writer is not a genius so the riddlers plans would never work. Those guards would have killed him, not each other. He could be imprisoned in a cell in the astroid belt. Any number of snipers could have killed, police, mafia , military, vengeful wife. He could have been imprisoned in the phantom zone (that might not exist in this elsewhere story). The government would have killed him. He is as arrogant as ever. Easy to kill. Intelligence does not stop a bullet if your dumb enough to always be in a predictable spot looking out windows. I think it would have been a better ending if the wife had killed him, that would have been ironic.
16:00. So they were fine killing eachother to protect there family’s but none of them thought of just killing him? I know that he may have had people on the out side that could have killed them even if riddler couldn’t do it himself but one of them should have atleast tried.
Normally I'm frustrated by any intro to a topic that isn't two minutes or less, but with double that time you managed to make an enjoyable intro that didn't have me skipping ahead to find the actual beginning. Good job
This reminds me of when I was a kid and I’d play games with my action figures and make the villains so impossibly powerful. Like one time Lex Luthor sold kryptonite jewellery for cheap, and he made enough money from this to expand selling kryptonite goods until he was making entire buildings out of it and Superman had to leave Metropolis. How did Lex do any of that? Idk, seemed cool to kid me though, and it feels like the writer had this same thought process.
Riddle threatening Cassandra Cain or the Robins broke this story for me. Riddler's pretty much a villain sue in this story. There was nothing physically stopping Batman from detaining him the moment he revealed how he'd escape from Arkham. Swap guard rotations, make them wear masks and use voice modifiers. Place him in a concrete solitary cell. It isn't difficult to physically detain him, he's only a man.
I dunno, man. I think if batman just slowly broke serious bones every time Riddler did some shit, I think riddler would cave. Personal, physical pain is strong.
not once have I ever read or seen anything about superhero’s/comics apart from mainstream movies, until I saw your channel you’ve genuinely made me sooo interested in all the stories there are out there, I was so unaware about all the cool stories out there & i appreciate you basically explaining them to me + u r cool , thank u for dis content bro
It's clearly a story where the writer wanted to make riddler a threat that batman most break his rule to stop. Then fails as if the security guards weren't written to kill each other they would have killed riddler, ending the story. The real problem in gathum is that the courts don't put mass murders down and just put them into a mental hospital that they easily break out of, and then everyone, including a lot of readers blame batman like he is responsible for everything that happens after the criminal breaks out of the place a judge put them in as if batman puts them there.
Story’s cool cuz the riddler on top is something you don’t really see, but bro…him just walking around with nobody being able to stop him, and he can just walk into banks and the government has to give him what he wants is just dumb plot armor for the villain. Like are we not in Gotham, riddler would have been shot dead. And the guards not shooting him instead shooting themselves?
So here's the biggest misunderstanding most everyone has of Batman's one rule. Most people say that his one rule is no killing. But Batman has killed. Others will say it's never use a gun. But he's used guns plenty of times. However what Batman has never done, is shot and killed anyone. He's not a murderer and he disdains guns, but he's also pragmatic and utilitarian. His one rule is rooted in the murder of his parents. Batman won't kill with a gun.
If the Riddler was JUST a criminal mastermind, he wouldn't be all that interesting. We've seen hundreds of those. It's specifically that endless need to PROVE he's the smartest that makes him compelling. If the Riddler just wanted money or fame, a mind like his could acquire such things legally in a heartbeat. Alas, all the man wants is to feel superior to everyone else. Like many of the best Batman villains, he probably could be redeemed with just some intensive therapy.
29:10 Yeah. Nice reminder that humans who no longer have anything left to lose are the most dangerous beings there is. Why Yautja consider humans the most dangerous hunts. Why Jack Sparrow says you can never trust a good person. Understand I am talking about the actions of both Edward and Bruce here.
Crazy how 5 guards, when threatened by an unarmed riddler, would rather kill their coworkers than the riddler himself. Like either way you're committing a murder, why not the person threatening you who doesn't have a gun? Did they cut a part where the riddler says if he dies he has henchmen to do it for them?
This story has a major plot hole. The Arkham Guards would have just shot 'HIM' instead of each other, to save their families at that point. Only one of them would end up at most going to prison, and maybe even only getting fired. Makes no sense what they did. Also once he kills those guys' wives later in the story, what's stopping them? They have nothing left to lose! Also makes no sense... This isn't good writing. How wasn't that blatantly obvious what would have actually happened?
I think that could have been done to show the terror that he is able to instill when he wants to, like enough to make the guards lose there rationality because they are so terrified of him.
Those parts with the idealistic teacher seeing "failing" as part of "learning", then it pans to how devastated young Riddler is... comics have gotten really good.
In the TV Show Sherlock, they had a villian similar to this version of the Riddler. He could just look at a man and know everything about them, especially their weaknesses and any secrets they'd want to keep buried. As soon as Sherlock knew that he wasn't getting his info from any one outside source, he shot him in the head. Very much against both of their natures, but I think it's interesting that Batman and Sherlock both came to the same conclusion. People like this are just too dangerous to be left alive. They have way too much control over others, and they're never going to use that control for anything but their own self-interests.
So...I"m not sure when it didn't go through any of those cops minds "I can just shoot the Riddler right now and then he can't kill my family" and be done with it? Also...the Riddler tormented every member of the Bat family? Including Jason "I have no problems with killing now" Todd? That would have been the perfect ending. Red Hood coming out of the shadows behind the RIddler. Game over.
So a bunch of cops' families get threatened by an unarmed dude in front of them, and then they shoot... each other? Like if you're gonna go down for M-1 or risk a bullet yourself, might as well get... you know, the guy doing the threat? then batman just lets him walk away. Like... there's an option other than "killing him there" and "letting him go." "because the plot needs it to happen" is strong with this one.
Riddler: Let's enraged the armed guards by threateing their families, that should go smoothl- *BAM* Story could have ended so much quicker of those guards we're smart
Frankly, the story would make more sense if the Riddler was a telepath, so unbelievable is his ostensible intellect. It is very contrived and unconvincing as a story. The Riddler is a genius, but even prodigies do not have the time to find out who everyone is and how they live and where they live and how to blackmail them. The writers might as well have said, "It's magic!"
This comics feels like a mix of all the things The Riddler IS NOT. Here are the reasons why: *The original and most current Riddler is NOT a psychopath who kill people only for fun or pleasure. He only kills people when doing an specific riddle trap for Batman or any other superhero. He sometimes kills but when his schemes fail or are spoiled somehow. *Even the most lunatic villains of Gotham didn't want to go against Riddler. While that is kind of good as it evidences The Riddler is a real threat and force to be recogn with, it makes no sense at some points. So not even a murderous psychopath like The Joker or a powered enraged Bane would go against Riddler? And lets be clear, those villains have also brought Gotham to their knees on several times. *He was the one who told to The Joker to shot Barbara and kidnap Comissioner Gordon? What the f*ck? Last time I remembered The Killing Joke scheme was orchestrated ONLY by The Joker himself in order to prove that it only takes one bad day to send a man into total madness just like him. Where the hell The Riddler is part of that? Conclusion: A bad Riddler story with a terrible redcon that makes no sense. Zero Year is by far the greatest Riddler portrayal of the most recent comics (the New 52 and DC Rebirth to be precise). If you want to read GOOD Riddler stories, check out this top 10 of the greatest Riddler stories: ua-cam.com/video/2F66A8Se7jg/v-deo.html
someone's doesn't get the whole one-off story idea like my man the story is in its own cannon,and you're mad about it It's like reading the soviet superman story and being mad at why the characters aren't the same
I personally really just want an arch where the Riddler keeps asking how to fix serious public issues with no clear answer. Like, "Riddle me this batman! How do you make meaningful policy changes to address concerns over global warm while keeping the economy robust?!" and batman has to come up with a strong plan to deal with these issues on the spot or he'll kill some dude in a bank heist or whatever.
I like this story but I do think it sort of forces itself into its conclusion. I understand that Ed with his intelligence is this seemingly all powerful super genius, but like what is stopping Batman from paralyzing Ed, crippling him so he can no longer be self reliant. What is stopping Batman from turning him into a vegetative state and keeping him locked up forever. It’s not something Batman would do but that’s the point of the comic ultimately, to show Batman justifying something he wouldn’t do, and in this case I can see him justifying paralyzing Riddler far more than killing Riddler.
I'd reckon that, if you already cross the line, you might as well commit to it. Being paralyzed would not stop the riddler from equipping someone else to become the next riddler, or at least to pull off one last evil masterplan. One of the most foolish and yet admirable qualities of Batman is his borderline endless faith in everyone to be redeemable. He wants to stop evil, but refuses to destroy the flicker of goodness presumed to be inside of them. Once he gets disillusioned, and there is no goodness to be saved, why would he spare them?
If you think that Batman needs to justify anything at this point, then you missed the point of the comic. It's not a story about excuses or justifications, it's a story about supposedly unchanging people changing who they are. And not for the better. The Riddler changed, and Batman did too.
@@Seoul_Soldier Yes, but that also kinda defeats the point of Batman. It's not fun to see a hero do this, especially when there are a million options to avoid it that still put The Riddler out of commission forever. Options that are easy to think of and break this story completely. For instance; - Have Superman put him in the Phantom Zone. - literally shoot him into space on a one way rocket to keep him isolated with enough food and supplies for the rest of his life. - Break his neck and paralyze him from the neck down, then put him in a room where he can't escape without moving, alone. - Bludgeon him hard enough that you damage his brain badly. Just because a story is 'about' something doesn't mean that it doesn't have to make internal logical sense. Batman is clearly smart enough to think of these alternatives before killing. There's no reason why Batman would kill the riddler, even under these circumstances. As for Batman's riddle -- a lot of people will assume it means "Death"... but if you die, you know nothing thereafter. The answer is "Consequence". You know consequences forevermore, after the first time you truly meet them. The comic is deliberately ambiguous while suggesting murder, it's a mirror to The Killing Joke, literally references it with Nygma's dialogue. The Joker didn't die in Killing Joke (as we learn from continuity) so I see no reason to assume that Nygma dies here. Also, let's be clear here -- if the Arkham guards were going to kill anyone there to save their families, they'd have just pincushioned The Riddler rather than shoot each other. The book's full of plot holes and bad characterization, but it's still a fun read, I suppose.
Batman: This man is highly dangerous, he will find out how to escape if you give him any chance. Close him with maximum security 1 hour later... Batman: Comissioner, what happened here? Gordon: Not good, they gave the riddler a sheet of paper 2 guys injured and one casuality.
No fucking way the guards who have to listen to the ramblings of the Joker on the daily would be that easy to sway into shooting eachother Like just shoot the green stick figure
This, THIS is riddler, a man who is a genius who has gone of the deep end, if I ever write a Batman cartoon, or movie, or game, or anything, I’m gonna try my best to write riddler like this
Man I’ve been watching all your videos in a binge and I got to say the way the stylization of your videos and editing has improved is something you should be proud of, this one was done REMARKABLY well
So, you're telling me. They got five guys around this guy He threatens their family And they'd rather kill themselves then just put a bullet in his head I know suspension of disbelief is a thing but there's a limit realistically the guards would have just killed him and faced the legal consequences.
A story that i don't think is brought up enough is from the silver age. Basically, the riddler decided one day to steal something without leaving batman any clues, and he got to the finish line with no caped crusader on his tail. But he wasn't able to take the prize. His body stopped just before because he believed he hadn't earned it. That literally stopped him in his tracks. Not because he didn't want to take it, but because no matter how hard he tried, he wasn't allowed to.
So he used hypnotism once he had left to get rid of the mental block, and when he did that, Batman literally could not catch him, no matter what crime he committed. But eventually batman started finding riddles, because Riddler was subconciously creating them, as he still couldn't handle the idea of "cheating"
Bros inner riddler got him tweakin
Jesus. That is some deep shit.
THAT Riddler was interesting.
I find that ironic, since leaving clues in the first place could be considered throwing the game.
@@donjezza10 Wouldn't the clues be integral to the game itself? The game isn't just the sneaking, the game is sneaking with a few trails behind you.
The problem with the Riddler is that he's not like most other 'mastermind' villains, where writers can just wave away nonsensical things and just say "lol science". Riddler, his riddles and his plans are all meant to be understood by both batman and by the readers. And as a result, the Riddler can only be as intelligent as the writers writing him.
Because of this, a lot of writers that have written Riddler recently have been lazy and just made him an idiot that just thinks he's smart, which eliminates just about all of his menace and intrigue.
Yeah, every villain in every comic book ever written is a "tactical genius", but 99% of the time this just means handing them an assortment of plot contrivances and deus ex machinas (sometimes literally).
Sadly, this plot isn't much different.
"If I become a mass-murdering monster who seems all-knowing, you'll let me do anything I want OR ELSE!!11 How do I know these things? How am I capable of these feats? YOU CAN'T KNOW BECAUSE I'M 2SMRT5U"
It runs into the exact same issue that the Sherlock series ran into- dumb people can't write smart people well because they can't imagine the methodology that makes smart people pull ingenious feats, so instead, dumb people write smart people functionally identical to wizards.
@@PeterDivine Hit the nail on the head, mate. They basically just made Riddler into TDK's Joker. It's never explained how he does all this impossible shit or why there's so many people on board with working with him besides just... plot.
It seems like they're less interested in portraying the Joker, or the Riddler in this case, and just want to make "inexplicably invincible bad guy that schools the hero at every turn".
I think the key with Riddler’s vulnerability is that he wants to be seen as smarter than he actually is, whilst still being an absolute genius.
It’s his inner shame, insecurity and need to prove himself that ends up being his downfall.
@PeterDivine Thank you for saying that that's exactly what it is. It's just like when TV writers write hackers as being able to dovanything with a computer.
"Riddle me this batman! Drive your car through some racetracks"
his best riddle yet
"How is that a riddle?"
"You have to do it twice!"
@@LAVATORRWell 3 times plus a geuss key
I swear during the boss fight against riddler in his mech suit in Arkham knight he literally goes “riddle me this Batman!” And then fucking right hooks him with his big robot hand
@@AVeryConvincingDisguise RIDDLE ME *THUNK*
this is not canon for anyone confused how this works, its part of an 8 issue mini series about Batman's villains having their one bad day equivalents, came out a couple years ago
whos all part of the 8? because canon or not turning batman villins up to 11 so he has to kill them is a set or storys im down to read
@@bricecass2208 I believe it goes riddler, two face, penguin, Mr freeze, bane, Catwoman, clayface, and Ras al ghul
@@MoojinBoi Nice, I was hoping there was one for catwoman
@@MoojinBoicatwoman seems interesting. i wonder what they would do for her series
@@MoojinBoiyes! Clayface. Definitely a favorite.
Riddler as a Moriarty-esque mastermind is an under used angle. He has the panache to pull it off
Legitimately. He has that "The Man in Black" type of persona.
I'm a big sherlock fan and i thought that too as i was watching this!
its because everyone wants the J-man to be his moriarty
Bro when people take Batman villains and go full “yeah if they stop fucking around we’re cooked” its so great
Any of the guards could've just killed him instead of eachother, and what a coincidence that there would be "no witnesses", Nigma just snapped and "killed himself". Worst case scenario a guard or guards would go to jail.
The premise is just retarded when it can easily be solved like this. That's why even the idea of Batman with his no killing rule is fucking stupid no matter how some fanboys try to defend it.
@@FerunaLutelouI don't wanna be that guy but, it's a comic dude. It's where you can escape from whatever you are doing and enjoy the comic
@@FerunaLutelou bro said the r-word in 2024 there aint no way
@@DanielGray123 go read about suspension of disbelief
@@FerunaLutelou Because they're nepo babys who are too arrogant to do any form of basic research on the subject(interviewing criminal experts etc.) and would rather BS their way through.
it wasnt that bad in the past bc they had some passion, *now* they write comics solely to spite their political opponents and they thoroughly hate their fans .
I'm glad someone else finally bought up that The Riddler was the one who gave Joker the idea to do The Killing Joke.
That's ALWAYS glossed over.
Is that a retcon?
@@camerondalton1495 wouldnt say retcon so much as "revealed a bit later".
@@zigfaust that's what a retcon is lol
A retcon would be changing something already known into something different
This is not the case
@@foquitajeej2399 Not always. When a villian does something, its assumed that they were the ones to think of it. If that changes randomly in the future then its fair to call that retconning.
I remember when I first read this, I was mixed on it. I love Riddler and him being on top of things and not a joke, but it kind of felt a bit much. Like this was Eddie's own fanfic and the ending was Batman smashing his computer.
also i doubt nigma can do shit to ensure joker doesn't fuck with him. maybe revealing batman's identity? but i feel that the more you prepare for the joker the less you're actually ready for him. now i want to see this riddler trying to deal with the joker lmao
@@jtdevera1189I think the story subtly dealt with that.
When the riddler speaks of the joker to Gordon, he talks as if they are old friends, like making jokes with each other.
This may be too far, but it may be implied they even respect each other. I'd assume that's why they had each other's contact information
Riddler also wasn't going to kill batman or release his identity( anyone he cares about also) to the public. I don't think there's any reason the joker would have a problem as the joker is in it for the game, unlike the riddler in this story.
It's such a dumb fucking story that has pretensions of grandeur. Which I suppose is exactly right -- it's the Riddler writing a Riddler story. Massive glaring holes in the plot that only a self-obsessed egomaniac couldn't see, papered over by layers of self-congratulatory lies.
If we get a 'real' Riddler archvillain story, it needs to have someone like Tom 7 coming up with the plot.
@@noneuklidTHANK YOU. I get it he is smart. But here they use it as a deus ex machina to do whatever he wants. He is a genius not a wizard.
Feels like a writer self inserted with this a lot. This has so much "Don't mess with the nice/smart guy or else..." energy.
In most cases the smart guy would just get punched a lot. The most realistic end of him would just be your avarage crackhead some mobboss promised drugs.
The more i think about it, the more examples i have how stupid it actually is tbh
Riddler locked in.
Which caused Batman to lock in; and only one of them knows 1001 ways to kill you up close and personal.
God this was an amazing comic.
What did he do to control the city? All heard was you touch me and you family dies
@@Senselessdogruffruff He basically knew everything about everyone or more specifically where yo hurt everyone. Financially, socially, people's families, their locations, something batman does but on a much more dangerous level as he straight up said he watched Bruce's fucking family as they slept without him even considering the idea of it being a possibility. Mix that with people getting desperate and scared that even fucking BATMAN got spooked by him and literally no one would consider getting close to this man. It really does show that he was truly batman's better in intelligence.
@@Erven777 yet he made the same mistake Batman did: he thought he'd never change
@@Erven777 this was almost a Nemesis story with Riddler
@@Senselessdogruffruffhe pretty much predicted every move before it happened. He knew when people would try. So he already took measures to give ehr message to not even attempt to. The fact he kidnapped the dudes kid a week before should say he knows them very well. The only flaw the riddler has was thinking batman wouldn't change either. Honestly the idea of him going into the Wayne manner various times likely since the very beginning is insane. He would have to be even more stealthy than batman and know where very camera or security measure is. It shows just how scary he really is. The idea of him matching Batman's iq here is just straight up wrong. He succeeded it. He's probably one of the most intelligent people in all of dc in this comic.
Only issue I have with this is how unrealistic it seems.
You can't threaten literally everyone with their families. There's just gotta be that one ruthless sniper willing to take him out. That one person without any connections who's willing to die a hero. Sure, you can be smart, but you can't be omniscient, that's not how this works.
i mean its the same issue the joker would have. There are definitely people who would totally kill themselves to take out a mass murderer like the joker or the riddler just to be remembered as a hero or just assuming they are dead no matter what and want to take a shot at them.
Yeah your right but then what about other people? the guards are the perfect example. that one guard was willing to take the risk of pumping the riddler full of lead and hopefully preventing his plans but the other two guards were scared shitless and prevented him from being shot.
Its literally a ouroboros you want to kill someone but someone else is preventing you from killing that dude and if you do it anyways that person behind the other dude is going to kill that other dude and it gets very complex very fast.
But first those who are scared protect him most likely and you can be omniscient it's just not common team especially for villains because it would feel extremely desperate and with no hope at the end (something like pet cemetery) and that makes it less likeable
Why do you think he's only threatening with violence to families? Because of this video?
Y’all are saying this like we don’t have current real life examples of untouchable humans
Love how the abusive dad says " my son is an idiot" and batman decides to say "lol so true!" like I feel like you should have come to a different conclusion there bud
That’s bc his son is one
I think hes just taunting him by saying his fathers words
he killed 37 people im pretty sure its way past the point where you can say its his dads fault its his fault he's doing this now
He's right
Hes intentionally playing on his trauma. Something batman uses all the time. Weaponizing the villain's trauma to win is his favorite tactic.
the riddler convincing the guards to kill themselves makes no sense. wouldnt they just have killed the riddler if they were so scared for their family well being lol
Exactly what I was thinking lmao
i thought the exact same thing. Like, even if you get in trouble or whatever for killing him, it’s just as bad if you kill another guard. There’s no reason they didn’t just kill him
90% of gotham problems could be instantly solved if they just killed riddler and joker lmao
I mean yea but the riddler probably has henchman and if not the guards in the heat of the moment would probably think he has a way to do it dead or alive
“Riddle me this Batman”
“I spend my days lower than everyone else, constantly under people. And yet I’m never quite the smart fella. What am I?”
“A fart smella”
A soft whisper of a spray can be heard in the background and a sweet smell permeates the air. The Riddler turns around and sees Batman. Batman crouches down and hands the Riddler a can of air freshener. He looks the Riddler in the eyes while giving him the can and says, " Edward, you don't have to keep living this life. You're smart enough not to be a fart smella".
This should not have made me burst out laughing
"What? How?? You wouldn't say THAT, how did you get it??"
@@JaceAce22 "Because, that's what you are, Riddler. You aren't "rizzler". You're just.. "Riddler"."
Dammit Meg!
This is very cool but while I can believe the police and heroes would not be able to stop him, I dont believe for a second the crime families or villains wouldnt just kill the riddler super easily. His whole plan relies on batman not killing...
There's a single villain who would fuck with Riddler anyways, the Joker, but I guess he just decided to stand back? Wait, or did Batman kill Joker in Killing Joke and that's why he's absent?
Like, a lot of the villains would not allow Riddler to just take over and a lot of the villains have no loved ones and, also, superpowers. Riddler would be dead day 2.
Shoot even Jason Todd would kill ed way before it got to that point
Plus there are other heroes who are slightly less adverse to killing than Bats. Wonder Woman for instance doesn’t like killing but will do it. Ah, and imagine Eddy pulling the “list off the names and addresses of all your loved ones “ with The Flash.
@@kiruppert Flash picks him up by the scruff of the neck runs him to 36000000BCE and leaves him with a tent and hunting equipment. He's smart as heck, it's not like he'll die.
I love the trope of "Jokey character is holding themselves back for the bit. Take their bit away and you can see what they're truly capable of."
Nah, this one is just pure fanfic, glazing tf of a silly villain. This is just edgy for the sake of being edgy.
@@mr.kuso868 hater
@mr.kuso868 what makes the riddler any sillier than Batman, or Calendar Man, or Condiment King?
@@zacharybosley1935 exactly. What type of batman show was bro watching? Batwheels?
I like how despite this comic demonstrating how dangerous the riddler can be it also shows just how dangerous batman can be when pushed far enough. It also on a deeper level acknowledges that when the riddler throws away his riddles Batman has to throw away his code fundamentally robbing both characters of their core traits and changing then into entirely new people.
It's not hard to kill the riddler, so I wouldn't call batman here "dangerous"
Batman dies in this story, because batman doesn't kill. Now he's just a man.
@blacklightredlight2945 If it's not hard to kill the riddler, then why didn't anyone do it? Also, Batman killing doesn't take away how dangerous he is. Sure, he becomes the thing he becomes just like his enemies, but he's arguably even more dangerous to his enemies if he isn't binded by his no killing vow. Your point makes 0 sense.
My head canon is Batman paralyzed him at the end and came to his hospital room and hit him with the “don’t do it again”
He gave him the Joker special.
no he definitely killed him batman has killed times before
@@CarpetClosererm nuh uh (don’t take this comment seriously or I will remove your knee caps)
@@luxsolis95 erm my mom said so and she’s always right 🤓👆🏽
The main reason I think Batman actually killed him is because the panels reference the beginning of the story. When the random guy is killed by the riddler, he is on his phone, then it cuts to four black panels. The same four black panels are there after Batman says “what am I?”
Crazy how they kill each other in stead of killing the riddler 😭 😭 😭
Edit: there is a war in the comments😂😂😂
Because if they do the riddler would kill their families
How he gonna do that if he dead
@@Hiayoukenfor all we know he probably hired henchmen to find em and kill ‘em all if he died
@@Hiayoukenyou really don’t think riddler didint think of that if he died his death would send a domino effect that would leave there families dead and if they killed him the guards would get sent to jail they probably didint want to spend there life in jail and for there families to see them like thet
He’s not wearing his Matt Murdock glasses anymore please bring them back 😭😭😭😭😭
Nah fr I need those back.
I hated those things.
Yeah but not the playboy ones
The Mullet Man stops playing games.
Don't worry I superior iron manned him and gave him his sight back
Riddle me this Batman! Collect 458 Riddler Trophies!
Plot twist - Batman didn't kill him, he got so surprised about Batman just being there he slipped and hit his head on the way down.
The answer to batman's riddle is death basically saying how the influence of the event "death" will be impactful
Also, if that does happen that's the goofiest death a character could have
@@Bruno-le4lo I think this comment is meant to be a joke ☺️
All the prison guards shooting each other instead of the Riddler. Like, seriously?
They didnt know what would happen if they shot the riddler yeah he would be dead but he couldve already ordered the men to kill their families and no one there to call them off it isnt chess anymore its poker
Yeah, I really don’t like it either.
He’s not luthor, he’s a pencil neck.
Welcome to comics, 🤦
My dude, it's Gotham.
They know if the Riddler says your family name... he being alive or not changes nothing
The fact that he already knew their names and their family means he probably has it were they’ll die if they tried anything
i feel like the guards could have just shot the riddler like if they are gonna kill 2 humans when they could have killed one psychopath who is probably going to kill after this if he’s alive
So true, funny how DC universe, especially Gotham that just putting a bullet in the villains head is so obvious yet somehow a impossible feat.
@@lokensicarius9347 It seems very possible that, if he's pulling this stunt with the guards, he already set everything in motion for their loved ones to suffer, if anything doesn't go according to his whims.
When you know that the villain who has come in and out of your "care" a bunch of times and you know they have a bunch of goons at their disposal and ready to strike, who would you deem more important? Random strangers, or the entire list of your loved ones?
Batman might be able to go toe to toe with the riddle but the guards probably know the riddler is smarter than them, if they did anything he didn't want he probably would have predicted it and had something in place.
They couldn't guarantee their families wouldn't be killed if they shot him, they could guarantee it if they killed each other like he wanted.
@@stammesbruderNah the stunt is simply not possible with the severity of the situation
@@stammesbruder would it not be safe to assume a psychopath like Riddler would just allow the plans to go into motion whether or not you complied? At least you can get some form of vengeance.
I love how batman creates a spin on the riddle that the riddler created, but created a genuinely better one, where the answer is presumably "death". Not only proving batman as smarter than the riddler, but also letting the riddler know in his last moments what was gonna happen to him.
Riddler is so underrated, and he's best when he's used as a serious threat. Loving the longer videos by the way
Bro he was only serious in this comic
@@Bruno-le4loHe was serious in the one where he’s doing some magic ritual with the ghost of Gotham
The guy who drew the Riddler's dad TOTALLY used the dad from Dead Poets Society as a character model.
Yeah and Jon Hamm for Batman and Michael Stipe from REM for the Riddler.
Yup and definitely used Robert Sean Leonard is inspiration for young Riddler
And young Eddie looked just like Ethan hawke from the same movie
I was thinking Red from the 70s show with a mustache.
Bro decided to lock in
I hate myself
@@griffinv8382 as you should
Who riddler?
Don't worrie , I hate you too.
“Riddle me this Batman! I’ve placed 400 explosives in Gotham, except this time I’m not giving you clues for shit bc I feel like winning today!”
Mullet man I just wanna say thank you for providing us with some quality story telling with all of these great comic books! Nothing beats coming home from a 9-10 hour shift and sitting down watching some comic videos while having a nice smoke break.
nah to the smokin but same to the comics bein good
@@bloodassasslnI just smoke weed but I do agree that any kind of smoke can be bad for your lungs in general
The riddler thought he was fighting with his hands tied behind his back, but batmans no kill rule is him literally not even playing on the same board.
One Bad Day Riddler is just an amazing story. It shows just how insane he is. He stops playing around, he starts to use his mind to actually hurt instead of hinder.
The riddler says it the best.
"You want to know why I did it Bruce, you are always beating me because I was playing, I've had a really, really bad day... and I'm done playing. Bruce... or is it batman when the mask is off?"
That one line was insane and it shows just the power that Riddle refuses to use most of the time.
unlike the arkham games riddler, who couldnt believe that Batman is Bruce Wayne, Most comic riddlers already know who the FUCKIN BATMAN is. they just dont tell his name to anyone because a riddle that has answer all over the place is not a riddle anymore, which is his way of saying Batman needs to stay as batman to protect his legacy.
@wrigthtalekenavi2066 truer words could'tve been said.
@@wrigthtalekenavi2066 The Riddler knows Bruce Wayne is Batman because he found a Lazarus Pit. He doesn't tell anyone because if he did, Ra's would know he has access to one and kill him for it.
This is exactly why the riddler is my favorite comic villain. He is incredibly boring when his whole deal is “solve this riddle or I’ll blow up a bank” but occasionally he gets a story like this which are always some of the best comic books I’ve ever seen
Do you think these stories would have the same impact if we didn’t have his usual shenanigans to contrast them with?
Like if this was some new villain I don’t think I’d care much.
It's why him and Arcade are on the same level SURE they can just blow laundered millions on death traps, flashy suits and flashier clues. OR they can get the job done by playing a better game.
@@kangarooMonkee I think a good story is always still good story, but I do agree that the riddler hits much harder in these stories thanks to how he’s usually portrayed.
The Riddler is definitely my favourite villain when he's not being butchered by Jim Carey, and it's moments like this that prove why. Not a fan of him taking credit for Joker's crippling of Barbara Gordon, but other than that it's a great story.
He's like Dr Eggman in the comics.
He's fun and messes around. But in truth. If he got serious. He could kill them all without even trying.
Instead he cripples himself to win on his terms.
What went trough Riddlers mind when Batman surprised him?
A bullet...
I just imagined Bruce snapping his neck
pretty sure the implication is he ninja'd him bare handed
Now riddle me this, Riddler. What walks on four legs in the morning, on two legs during the day and is very, very dead in the evening?
Human living through life@@Furzkampfbomber
@@attaelhusen7134 although said human has a premature death
Wait wait wait... every guard was willing to die to protect their loved ones, but not a single one thought to just shoot the Riddler?
@@DarkStuds No recognition for things outside of themselves.
@@hamburglerhelper326 Plot kai
Maybe they were worried about a “deadman’s switch” situation
That last riddle Batman gives enigma is so good.😺
So glad that Matt Reeves' Riddler finally helped put respect on his name - hes a fantastic villain and his character when written right is facinating! Great video m8
2:48 Fucking love that comic, such a good art style and grippy story. Also love the “So much so that if Riddler says he’s gonna break out and kill your family specifically. That is more likely to happen than you waking up in the morning.” tidbit, because it’s true LOL.
Also 7:27 is some amazing voice acting, props to you.
what is this comic?
Arkham Asylum comic, full title “Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth”
@@qrzt2000one bad day: riddler, part of an 8 issue mini series
@@Waffles..other reply
Really liked how green was the dominant color of most pages. Really showing that riddler has the power over everything.
That intro tho 🤣🤣
The intro really do be like that
The GOATS both releasing batman villain vids today it seems
@@SuperRONDALE truly a miracle
Bruh I thought I was the only one who saw that lol
Ayyyyye rob here too!
I honestly don’t like dark riddler stories.
But then the comic that defined riddler for me was the comic “when is a door”. He’s Silver age but likes it that way.
I still don’t understand why
1. Gotham never uses the death penalty.
2. Any of those security guards didn’t put a hole in the head of the man who threatened to kill their family and instead chose to shoot each other.
3. Similar to 2, why no disgruntled security guard or police officer doesn’t off a mega villain when they are in their custody. If someone killed the Joker, I guarantee you they are getting a raise best case scenario or paid suspension worst case.
4. Batman, or any other vigilante, doesn’t paralyze a villain from the neck down. This objectively lets them keep their no kill policy while also preventing any more malicious actions. (I suppose this one can be circumvented by goons but seeing your boss one gram of starch away from becoming a vegetable should definitely degrade the workforce.)
Overall, I understand it is comics and that there needs to be a certain level of suspended disbelief to maintain a story, but I would just like to see the logical option being taken sometime.
Regarding paralyzing, that isn't as permanent a solution as you might think. In a world with magic, advanced technology, the Lazarus Pit, etc. What good would paralyzing your opponent do? Plus, these villains would find a way to retaliate. Also, it isn't humane or ethical. In a world where people return from the dead, a guard shooting the Joker may not have any staying power. Who's to say the Joker wouldn't find a way to come back to life? Especially from all the various times he's been 'killed off' or presumed dead before.
@@camerondalton1495 I completely understand where you are coming from. In the DC universe’s perspective, it is not a permanent issue. However, from a realistic and non status quo reaching perspective, these villains would unlikely have a plan in place to get them unparalyzed and would also be unlikely to set those plans in place if paralyzed. Who is going to get a paralyzed maniac the anti paralysis technology/magic or throw them into the Lazarus pit? Another maniac who probably needs to be paralyzed.
You are completely correct about the humane and ethical point, but a guy like the Joker or Riddler probably deserves it.
Finally returning from the dead. It’s completely up to the writers to find another way to return one from the dead or undo paralysis. In other words, it’s up to plot contrivance which is an entirely different issue.
@@camerondalton1495 How would the guards be aware of that though ?
@@JeRefuseDeBienPrononcerBaleine They live in the DC universe. How would they not?
Regarding why would a guard or someone in similar position not simply kill a villain while they are in their custody it's actually quite simple.
Dead man's switch. A simple concept of a procedure or a machine that comes into effect in case a person dies. All a villain has to do is tell them that if they were to try something like this and succeed, a switch would activate. I can absolutely see Riddler setting up an elaborate web of such contingencies that come into effect if someone felt bold - or simply *convince* people those contingencies are there. And even if there was a guard or someone else feeling bold enough to try anyway?
There'd be dozen others fearing for their loved ones whod stop him before anything is tried.
This story is great but I have issue with one thing... Wouldn't the panicked, not thinking clearly Arkham guard just shot Riddler? Under duress, wouldn't that be the first solution? Instead of shooting everyone else in the room.
0:01 Bruce has seen better days. You managed to put a prize in a YT video. Well done.
Almost all of the One Bad Day comics have been a great read for me so far, Riddler has been a close favorite. The hardcovers also look nice with great art
I wouldn’t say the Riddler made Batman break his only rule, he made the Batman change, wich way more terrifying because unlike in other stories this time it’s not a exception
Holy shit. I never realized that
You’re telling me in a safe full of hundreds of thousands of dollars there were singles
'Light spending money.' Probably a couple quarter rolls as well.
He could have left some money of his own in there, maybe he took a five and left four dollars or something.
I always liked The Riddlers look, Huggabees read along of the Pick Your Own Adventure style comic made me appreciate The Riddler.
1:17 "the redditor" what a fear inducing hellish adversary
It makes sense, the makeup done to imitate the Joker’s scars do change the shape of his face. It’s not just Ledger with a white face
Batmans last word to edward was one of the hardest lines i heard that sent shivers down my spine.
15:39 so instead of just killing the ridller, they kill them selves. Guess none of the guards were catholic.
i swear riddler is just an edgy self insert in this comic
the riddler has people on the outside too, they could kill they’re families that’s why they killed eachother
@@mr.g8075ahh ya ok. Makes sense
its so fucking stupid lol
the "the end" isnt just the ending of the comic its the answer to the batman's riddle "Though we meet but once you know me thereafter" the answer is death which is often called "thee end"
I was never a massive comic book fan as a kid always preferred manga. But listening to a man who absolutely loves and is passionate about the interesting and entertaining stories of comics is just so enjoyable
That was awesome, Mullet-Man! Thanks for introducing me to this story. I like to believe Batman turned himself in after killing Edward. It just makes sense for his character, and the Family can protect Gotham. Also, normally, I hate it when writers make Batman kill, but this was just such a well-written way of doing it! Plus, it's Black Label, so it gets a pass for being on an alternate Earth lol.
This has horrible plot holes. It contradicts so many riddler stories but I can forgive that. The writer wanted a different, non-canon version of the riddler. The problem is the writer is not a genius so the riddlers plans would never work. Those guards would have killed him, not each other. He could be imprisoned in a cell in the astroid belt. Any number of snipers could have killed, police, mafia , military, vengeful wife. He could have been imprisoned in the phantom zone (that might not exist in this elsewhere story). The government would have killed him. He is as arrogant as ever. Easy to kill. Intelligence does not stop a bullet if your dumb enough to always be in a predictable spot looking out windows. I think it would have been a better ending if the wife had killed him, that would have been ironic.
He’s the Riddler with massively intricate plans and is done fucking around, you think he hasn’t planned for his death?
@@KingNerdius Judging by this story's ending, no, I don't think he did.
@@schorltourmaline4521 I think it’s more accurate to say, he didn’t plan for Batman to kill him
16:00. So they were fine killing eachother to protect there family’s but none of them thought of just killing him? I know that he may have had people on the out side that could have killed them even if riddler couldn’t do it himself but one of them should have atleast tried.
Normally I'm frustrated by any intro to a topic that isn't two minutes or less, but with double that time you managed to make an enjoyable intro that didn't have me skipping ahead to find the actual beginning. Good job
Damn, when the Riddler drops the Riddles, Batman, in turn, Drops the Hero
This reminds me of when I was a kid and I’d play games with my action figures and make the villains so impossibly powerful. Like one time Lex Luthor sold kryptonite jewellery for cheap, and he made enough money from this to expand selling kryptonite goods until he was making entire buildings out of it and Superman had to leave Metropolis.
How did Lex do any of that? Idk, seemed cool to kid me though, and it feels like the writer had this same thought process.
Riddle threatening Cassandra Cain or the Robins broke this story for me. Riddler's pretty much a villain sue in this story. There was nothing physically stopping Batman from detaining him the moment he revealed how he'd escape from Arkham. Swap guard rotations, make them wear masks and use voice modifiers. Place him in a concrete solitary cell. It isn't difficult to physically detain him, he's only a man.
I dunno, man. I think if batman just slowly broke serious bones every time Riddler did some shit, I think riddler would cave. Personal, physical pain is strong.
Lmao Gordon roasting riddler with the "So is that a no on yhe girlfriend" after riddler answers his own riddle lol
not once have I ever read or seen anything about superhero’s/comics apart from mainstream movies, until I saw your channel you’ve genuinely made me sooo interested in all the stories there are out there, I was so unaware about all the cool stories out there & i appreciate you basically explaining them to me + u r cool , thank u for dis content bro
The best Riddle in Batman history was still "What sits in a tree and is very dangerous?"
The riddler glaze in this comic goes crazy
True. But after that damn film.
He kinda needs it lol
I love how it's starts with the POV of someone before they die and ends the same way. That's such a cool detail
The problem with Riddler is that you need writers that are smart enough to show that Riddler is smart. That doesn't happen a lot.
It's clearly a story where the writer wanted to make riddler a threat that batman most break his rule to stop. Then fails as if the security guards weren't written to kill each other they would have killed riddler, ending the story. The real problem in gathum is that the courts don't put mass murders down and just put them into a mental hospital that they easily break out of, and then everyone, including a lot of readers blame batman like he is responsible for everything that happens after the criminal breaks out of the place a judge put them in as if batman puts them there.
Story’s cool cuz the riddler on top is something you don’t really see, but bro…him just walking around with nobody being able to stop him, and he can just walk into banks and the government has to give him what he wants is just dumb plot armor for the villain. Like are we not in Gotham, riddler would have been shot dead. And the guards not shooting him instead shooting themselves?
Why would the guards kill each other instead of just shooting the riddler. Are they stupid?
So here's the biggest misunderstanding most everyone has of Batman's one rule. Most people say that his one rule is no killing. But Batman has killed. Others will say it's never use a gun. But he's used guns plenty of times. However what Batman has never done, is shot and killed anyone. He's not a murderer and he disdains guns, but he's also pragmatic and utilitarian. His one rule is rooted in the murder of his parents. Batman won't kill with a gun.
HOLY SHI. NO WAY, a one bad day comic!?! being covered by someone of any importance?!?!
If the Riddler was JUST a criminal mastermind, he wouldn't be all that interesting. We've seen hundreds of those.
It's specifically that endless need to PROVE he's the smartest that makes him compelling. If the Riddler just wanted money or fame, a mind like his could acquire such things legally in a heartbeat. Alas, all the man wants is to feel superior to everyone else. Like many of the best Batman villains, he probably could be redeemed with just some intensive therapy.
29:10 Yeah. Nice reminder that humans who no longer have anything left to lose are the most dangerous beings there is. Why Yautja consider humans the most dangerous hunts. Why Jack Sparrow says you can never trust a good person. Understand I am talking about the actions of both Edward and Bruce here.
Crazy how 5 guards, when threatened by an unarmed riddler, would rather kill their coworkers than the riddler himself.
Like either way you're committing a murder, why not the person threatening you who doesn't have a gun? Did they cut a part where the riddler says if he dies he has henchmen to do it for them?
This story has a major plot hole. The Arkham Guards would have just shot 'HIM' instead of each other, to save their families at that point. Only one of them would end up at most going to prison, and maybe even only getting fired. Makes no sense what they did. Also once he kills those guys' wives later in the story, what's stopping them? They have nothing left to lose! Also makes no sense... This isn't good writing. How wasn't that blatantly obvious what would have actually happened?
i guess if you are a mobster finding a new wife isn't a big deal. The guards however, I cant say. I was wondering why they reacted like that too
I think that could have been done to show the terror that he is able to instill when he wants to, like enough to make the guards lose there rationality because they are so terrified of him.
Those parts with the idealistic teacher seeing "failing" as part of "learning", then it pans to how devastated young Riddler is... comics have gotten really good.
Guards shooting each other instead of Riddler... lmao
How tf did a the riddler just hold down a full grown man as like scrawny 16 year old
Mullet-Man's Batman voice is immaculate😂
it's notably batman without being over gravelly a+
In the TV Show Sherlock, they had a villian similar to this version of the Riddler. He could just look at a man and know everything about them, especially their weaknesses and any secrets they'd want to keep buried. As soon as Sherlock knew that he wasn't getting his info from any one outside source, he shot him in the head. Very much against both of their natures, but I think it's interesting that Batman and Sherlock both came to the same conclusion. People like this are just too dangerous to be left alive. They have way too much control over others, and they're never going to use that control for anything but their own self-interests.
So...I"m not sure when it didn't go through any of those cops minds "I can just shoot the Riddler right now and then he can't kill my family" and be done with it? Also...the Riddler tormented every member of the Bat family? Including Jason "I have no problems with killing now" Todd? That would have been the perfect ending. Red Hood coming out of the shadows behind the RIddler. Game over.
If the guards had just said, "Bet." and killed the Riddler, this chapter would have been a lot shorter.
I'm loving the artwork if only comics would stick with 1 artist.
Damn riddler is reaching Thawn's level of creepiness he's stalking the Batfamily.
So a bunch of cops' families get threatened by an unarmed dude in front of them, and then they shoot... each other? Like if you're gonna go down for M-1 or risk a bullet yourself, might as well get... you know, the guy doing the threat?
then batman just lets him walk away. Like... there's an option other than "killing him there" and "letting him go."
"because the plot needs it to happen" is strong with this one.
Riddler: Let's enraged the armed guards by threateing their families, that should go smoothl- *BAM*
Story could have ended so much quicker of those guards we're smart
Honestly, it will be not even considered smart...
Frankly, the story would make more sense if the Riddler was a telepath, so unbelievable is his ostensible intellect. It is very contrived and unconvincing as a story. The Riddler is a genius, but even prodigies do not have the time to find out who everyone is and how they live and where they live and how to blackmail them. The writers might as well have said, "It's magic!"
The Headmaster getting mad at a 92 is insane lmao. No wonder this Riddler turned into a villain.
I love how the Riddler threatened to kill the guard's families, and instead of any of them killing *him* out of fear they all kill each other
Actually I hate that part....it's stupid
This comics feels like a mix of all the things The Riddler IS NOT. Here are the reasons why:
*The original and most current Riddler is NOT a psychopath who kill people only for fun or pleasure. He only kills people when doing an specific riddle trap for Batman or any other superhero. He sometimes kills but when his schemes fail or are spoiled somehow.
*Even the most lunatic villains of Gotham didn't want to go against Riddler. While that is kind of good as it evidences The Riddler is a real threat and force to be recogn with, it makes no sense at some points. So not even a murderous psychopath like The Joker or a powered enraged Bane would go against Riddler? And lets be clear, those villains have also brought Gotham to their knees on several times.
*He was the one who told to The Joker to shot Barbara and kidnap Comissioner Gordon? What the f*ck? Last time I remembered The Killing Joke scheme was orchestrated ONLY by The Joker himself in order to prove that it only takes one bad day to send a man into total madness just like him. Where the hell The Riddler is part of that?
Conclusion: A bad Riddler story with a terrible redcon that makes no sense. Zero Year is by far the greatest Riddler portrayal of the most recent comics (the New 52 and DC Rebirth to be precise). If you want to read GOOD Riddler stories, check out this top 10 of the greatest Riddler stories: ua-cam.com/video/2F66A8Se7jg/v-deo.html
Did you like the Riddler year one?
@@WoodChuuck Yes I did. Great story.
Someone's not a fan of elseworlds, huh...
someone's doesn't get the whole one-off story idea
like my man the story is in its own cannon,and you're mad about it
It's like reading the soviet superman story and being mad at why the characters aren't the same
I personally really just want an arch where the Riddler keeps asking how to fix serious public issues with no clear answer. Like, "Riddle me this batman! How do you make meaningful policy changes to address concerns over global warm while keeping the economy robust?!" and batman has to come up with a strong plan to deal with these issues on the spot or he'll kill some dude in a bank heist or whatever.
I like this story but I do think it sort of forces itself into its conclusion. I understand that Ed with his intelligence is this seemingly all powerful super genius, but like what is stopping Batman from paralyzing Ed, crippling him so he can no longer be self reliant. What is stopping Batman from turning him into a vegetative state and keeping him locked up forever. It’s not something Batman would do but that’s the point of the comic ultimately, to show Batman justifying something he wouldn’t do, and in this case I can see him justifying paralyzing Riddler far more than killing Riddler.
I'd reckon that, if you already cross the line, you might as well commit to it. Being paralyzed would not stop the riddler from equipping someone else to become the next riddler, or at least to pull off one last evil masterplan.
One of the most foolish and yet admirable qualities of Batman is his borderline endless faith in everyone to be redeemable. He wants to stop evil, but refuses to destroy the flicker of goodness presumed to be inside of them. Once he gets disillusioned, and there is no goodness to be saved, why would he spare them?
If you think that Batman needs to justify anything at this point, then you missed the point of the comic. It's not a story about excuses or justifications, it's a story about supposedly unchanging people changing who they are. And not for the better. The Riddler changed, and Batman did too.
@@Seoul_Soldier Yes, but that also kinda defeats the point of Batman. It's not fun to see a hero do this, especially when there are a million options to avoid it that still put The Riddler out of commission forever. Options that are easy to think of and break this story completely.
For instance;
- Have Superman put him in the Phantom Zone.
- literally shoot him into space on a one way rocket to keep him isolated with enough food and supplies for the rest of his life.
- Break his neck and paralyze him from the neck down, then put him in a room where he can't escape without moving, alone.
- Bludgeon him hard enough that you damage his brain badly.
Just because a story is 'about' something doesn't mean that it doesn't have to make internal logical sense. Batman is clearly smart enough to think of these alternatives before killing. There's no reason why Batman would kill the riddler, even under these circumstances.
As for Batman's riddle -- a lot of people will assume it means "Death"... but if you die, you know nothing thereafter.
The answer is "Consequence". You know consequences forevermore, after the first time you truly meet them.
The comic is deliberately ambiguous while suggesting murder, it's a mirror to The Killing Joke, literally references it with Nygma's dialogue.
The Joker didn't die in Killing Joke (as we learn from continuity) so I see no reason to assume that Nygma dies here.
Also, let's be clear here -- if the Arkham guards were going to kill anyone there to save their families, they'd have just pincushioned The Riddler rather than shoot each other.
The book's full of plot holes and bad characterization, but it's still a fun read, I suppose.
@@NorthernWind0Well, that's what elseworld stories are for, to challenge the characters and see them go in a different direction.
@@illseeyaonthedarksideofthemoon That is indeed the point, but that doesn't excuse the holes in the logic of the story, regardless.
this logic can be used for every villian. if they didnt have a gimmick theyd probably win.
Man i got chills a couple of times from this, and can i just say you always manage to choose the comics with the best one liners ever😭🖤
Batman: This man is highly dangerous, he will find out how to escape if you give him any chance. Close him with maximum security
1 hour later...
Batman: Comissioner, what happened here?
Gordon: Not good, they gave the riddler a sheet of paper 2 guys injured and one casuality.
"Any other questions?"
No fucking way the guards who have to listen to the ramblings of the Joker on the daily would be that easy to sway into shooting eachother
Like just shoot the green stick figure
This, THIS is riddler, a man who is a genius who has gone of the deep end, if I ever write a Batman cartoon, or movie, or game, or anything, I’m gonna try my best to write riddler like this
Man I’ve been watching all your videos in a binge and I got to say the way the stylization of your videos and editing has improved is something you should be proud of, this one was done REMARKABLY well
So, you're telling me.
They got five guys around this guy
He threatens their family
And they'd rather kill themselves then just put a bullet in his head
I know suspension of disbelief is a thing but there's a limit
realistically the guards would have just killed him and faced the legal consequences.