i just realized that this incredible human being has gone to Heaven. But his spirit of worshiping God with each culture's own ways will stay, I really appreciate what he shared. May God bless his family
I respected Richard Twiss and honor his life, ministry and his widow Catherine very much! I miss his presence among us! Thank you Don Gentry! God bless you and the Klamath tribe.
+Laura Spong I actually don't remember what my train of thought on this was now. Except I thought Richard Twiss and Don Gentry were good friends. Sorry, guess I'm getting and memory fails at times. 😊
+Laura Spong No I'm saying I thought they were yes, very good friends. At the few gatherings I attended that Don Gentry was at, I'm not sure if he ever mentioned Richard directly, but I have always had the impression they were good friends and Christian brothers.
Laura Spong From the times I've heard Don Gentry speak, I know him to be a very good and caring person. I believe he honors his people as he leads them. Blessings to you!
I can see what he is getting at. Many people still have preconceived ideas of what following Christ means. Most of those come from denominational thought. I may go to a Baptist church but I don't share the same opinions on some subjects they do. Men of God like Richard Twiss are closer to the heart of Christ than the rest of us attending church. Christ met him where he was and He still meets people where they are.
@William Oarlock That makes no sense. Quite insane... God made our skin BROWN because He was pleased to do so and it is beautiful in His sight. That is all.
@William Oarlock That is the most unbiblical dark comment ever. Jesus made races of all nations. And He gave us all flesh, bone and blood, heart, and souls. He loved the Canaanite woman, he loved the Samaritan woman,. The BIBLE says there is neither Jew nor Greek, for all are on in Christ. In the book of John, Jesus says, "let them be one Father, as you and I are one". SCRIPTURE goes on about the Love of God for ALL His creation.
There is a term I coined "Baptism of Urgency" If you drive pass a burning house and your the first one on the scene, you will get out your cell phone and out of in·stinct you will call 911 ....we see the situation and automatically we see the Urgency of the matter. We don't even think about making the 911 call, we just do it. If there's a car accident that we witness once again we don't hesitate to call 911, it's automatic, we just do it without giving it much thought. The Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the Kingdom of God, for the wages (payment) of sin is death. (eternally separated from God) but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus the Christ our Lord! I talk to a lot of confessing Christians that have no concern for the salvation of the lost. Many of these same people will tell me it's not there calling to witness or share there faith . . .I am not called to be evangelist , that's your calling not mine. If we only could see the urgency of the matter that a man will spend eternity in a friary hell if they don't get saved...faith comes by hearing the gospel Romans 10 :14 . . .God spoke the World into existence, Jesus is the Spoken Word of God, and we have to speak the gospel of salvation to people....it's not a choice, you have to do this. It's an Urgency, somebody's Eternal Destiny is in Jeopardy if they don't get saved. God has given us the words of life, but we have to speak them to other people. These peoples spiritual homes are on fire and we just drive by them watching them burn to the ground, doing very little. . .and all heaven just weeps. The problem is we are not really saved our self's many of us . . .Jesus said to Go into all the World and do what? Preach the Gospel of Salvation to everyone Mark 1615 . . .this is called the Great Commission. We need to pray to God for a Baptism of Urgency a broken con·trite heart. How can we say we are saved and not care if the world go's into eternity away from God. How can you not see the urgency of a mans eternal soul, repent and make Jesus the LORD of your life. We were bought with a price, we are not our own. The great commission is not the great suggestion. Your saved if you do the Will of the Father...Hodos!
Ah...some of those cringey comments from Tony Campolo, and Richard Twiss deflects them and keeps his calm poise at their ignorance. I wonder why settlers do that when ever and Indigenous Person is being real with them?
And they made war and killed and made a Empire,70% off the world. Kolonisation, genocide, spiritisme, own church,etc.English gentile,s. Agree a 100%.But HE will make everything right, then water will be pure again!
@@janvanblaricum42 The Sad thing to me is Shane and Tony never preaches on sin, repentance and hell. . .their more liberal than not. The gospel isn't just doing good works . . . it's preaching about righteousness living holy and being separated from sin sanctified... It's not social justice, works can't save you...but if you are saved you will do good works, but no matter how many works you do if your not saved, works won't save you... There is no such thing as social justice Christianity. . .their is only Salvation, through Christ alone...you have to repent of your sins, then but your faith in Jesus like you would a parachute if you where going to jump out of an airplane, you can't just look at the parachute you have to put it on, put on the Lord Jesus Christ by faith and you will be saved...
His ancestors didn't even know of Christianity until the 1700s. For 10 or 15 thousand or so they lived relatively peacefully in North America without Judeo-Christianity until white Europeans stole their land, killed vast numbers of them and imposed their Christian religion.
socksumi Christian..translates to Christ follower and to be a follower must do righteous intent and peace and care and love all three is taught as main basics of indigenous spirituality..
Yes! This is like celebrating a surviving Jew who recruits post-haulicost Jews to become neo-Nazis and mix in Jewish rituals!!!! Confused celebrity contributing to deeper confusion emanating from drug abuse emmerging with claims of "god-talks," not unlike scammers like Billy Graham & other plate-passing "reverends."
The Sad thing to me is Shane and Tony never preaches on sin, repentance and hell. . .their more liberal than not. The gospel isn't just doing good works . . . it's preaching about righteousness living holy and being separated from sin sanctified... It's not social justice, works can't save you...but if you are saved you will do good works, but no matter how many works you do if your not saved, works won't save you... There is no such thing as social justice Christianity. . .their is only Salvation, through Christ alone...you have to repent of your sins, then but your faith in Jesus like you would a parachute if you where going to jump out of an airplane, you can't just look at the parachute you have to put it on, put on the Lord Jesus Christ by faith and you will be saved...
This is nothing more than elaborate profiteering program that sadly cherry-picks on; 1> The emotions of many Natives looking to justify their devotion to a religion that cursed their own beloved tradith ancesters to burn in hell, and 2> Twist is an acceptable Native who candidly reflects & rejects A.I.M.'s stand AND dismisses some of the spiritual leaders of those times. Hence, along with his cross-packing, he reinforces a historic allie--- "The Good Indian"
Imagine King David and 100 Jews singing, dancing on the psalms, trough the streets off Jerusalem. They would get shot by the Pope himself, if he didn,t know their identity, for sure.Clinking tongues(women), tinkling bracelets, etc
and why is that? If The Israelites were using what is Native to them than why should you change to using a guitar they never used that? just a thought to think of.
Some months ago, R. C. Sproul was asked which doctrine he struggles with most. He replied: “Hell.” It’s comforting to know a theological giant like Sproul still wrestles with something I’ve struggled with my whole Christian life. The doctrine of hell is uncomfortable for most of us. However, our understanding of hell shapes our view of the gospel, God’s holiness, and our depravity. If we don’t accept the reality of hell, we won’t rightly understand the glory of the gospel. Reality of Hell A friend once challenged me to show her where Jesus talks about hell in the Gospels. Even a cursory read-through shows Jesus talked about it plenty. In fact, Jesus talked about hell more than any other person in the Bible. In Luke 16, he describes a great chasm over which “none may cross from there to us.” In Matthew 25, Jesus tells of a time when people will be separated into two groups, one entering into his presence, the other banished to “eternal fire.” Jesus talks about hell more than he talks about heaven, and describes it more vividly. There’s no denying that Jesus knew, believed, and warned against the absolute reality of hell. Jesus doesn’t only reference hell, he describes it in great detail. He says it is a place of eternal torment (Luke 16:23), of unquenchable fire (Mark 9:43), where the worm does not die (Mark 9:48), where people will gnash their teeth in anguish and regret (Matt. 13:42), and from which there is no return, even to warn loved ones (Luke 16:19-31). He calls hell a place of “outer darkness” (Matt. 25:30), comparing it to “Gehenna” (Matt. 10:28), which was a trash dump outside the walls of Jerusalem where rubbish was burned and maggots abounded. Jesus talks about hell more than he talks about heaven, and describes it more vividly. There’s no denying that Jesus knew, believed, and warned against the absolute reality of hell. Reason for Hell Jesus has to talk about hell because it is the fate that awaits all people apart from him. Because of Adam’s sin, we’re all guilty and deserve God’s eternal punishment. Contrary to popular belief, hell is not a place where God sends those who have been especially bad; it’s our default destination. We need a rescuer or we stand condemned. So we’re left with two options: stay in our state of depravity and be eternally punished, or submit to the Savior and accept his gift of redemption. Goodness of God The one truth that allows me to accept the justice of hell is the indisputable certitude of the goodness of God. While the notion of hell is difficult for me to grasp, Jesus (with nail-scarred hands) is worthy of my complete trust. His goodness causes me to look ultimately not to hell, but to the cross. The one truth that allows me to accept the justice of hell is the indisputable certitude of the goodness of God. God is both great and good. His greatness causes us to bow the knee, cry out in awe and wonder, and fear him. We realize we don’t deserve salvation; we deserve punishment. His goodness, on the other hand, causes us to rise up in endless praise, grateful for a Savior. His mercy allows us to enter into his presence boldly and without fear. Because he is good, we can have a relationship with him as a child, dearly loved, snatched from the flames of hell. In his classic Knowing God, J. I. Packer writes of the goodness and severity of God: “The character of God is the guarantee that all wrongs will be righted someday; when the ‘day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed’ (Rom 2:5) arrives, retribution will be exact, and no problems of cosmic unfairness will remain to haunt us. God is the Judge, so justice will be done” (143). One day, all that is wrong will be made right. We’ll see all God’s ways as good, including the demonstration of his eternal justice. For now, we walk in humility and faith, trusting with the apostle Paul: “Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!” (Rom. 11:33).
First of all, Jesus was not his name, his name was Jason or Yah Son. The name was changed when Sauls name was changed to Paul, and it was the Romans who caused this change. It was the Native Americans, my ancestors, who spoke the Hebrews and documented everything, then Romans changed everything. Now observe.. Acts 17:7 Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus. I am the one foretold that was coming, now its up to you believe. Now I have more information to share with you. "..only the Father knows the day and hour", now i am showing you, we are the 4th Generation, where the KING returns. Natives do not know who they are because of Christianity. We are Israelites! Exodus 34:7 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear [the guilty]; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth [generation]. Genesis 6:3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. Invasion of Heaven, 1492, the Native Americans (lost tribe of Judah, Sons of Anak num13:28, Sons of God, Gen6:4) & Jesus/Jason (Yah son) Acts 17 was from the Tribe of Judah, therefore Jesus was Native American. The appearing of "The Spirit of God" Returning to the world in the 4th Generation aka 527 years from 1492. Now its a matter of seeing who I am, now. Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Lord GOD [is] upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to [them that are] bound; (1492 - 2019) / 120 = 4.4 Generations, this is the last generation, and.... Matthew 24:34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
Why not preach on sin, Hell and repentance... it's in the Bible... Jesus preached more on hell then he did heaven...a Man or a woman can not get saved if they don't first repent of their sins and put their faith in Jesus like you would a parachute if you where going to jump out of an airplane, you can't just look at the parachute you have to put it on, Put on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved...
Jesus focus was on the HEART. and HEARTS turning to Him. He did it with speaking about repentance yes, but more so he did it by relationship and care for people. Give me a preacher on the street preaching about hell only, and I give you a man who needs to come before Christ and see his true heart on winning people is through stories of : Mary Magdalene, the woman at the well, the raising of Lazarus etc. In the Sermon on the Mount, he didn't just sit there saying hell, sin hell sin. Religion says: Obey to be accepted, Gospel says: I am accepted, therefore I want to obey.
Mr. Twist says preaching worship of Jesus "is not a desire to Christianize Native people"???? A meaningless contradiction insulting honest disclosure---which proceeds to exhibit accelerated confusion. He assumes Native traditions are "sin based" along with Christianity--- ignoring the irrational condemnation of thousands of generations before the 1492 import of Christianity. Mr. Twist candidly appropriates sacred Native ceremonies as congruent with Christianity, a sad attempt to ignore the reality of deep contrast & conflict that fueled "Manifest Destiny" & White supremacy---sad. Hence, this sadly represents continued Christian prostilizing cloaked in traditional Native icons---insulting those who defended the integrity of Native ways without Christianity. Note that Natives attending a Catholic mass and breaking out with a big drum, eagle-bone whistles, flesh offerings, etc., WOULD NOT BE PERMITTED by Catholics, and rightfully so! Of course our true Native traditional values, unlike Mr. Twist's personal Christian passion, do not allow for such disrespec like that. These remarks here are submitted with love of the strength, beauty, and integrity of Native traditions surviving without, and inspite of, centuries of attempted destruction by Christianity, including many failed attempts at false congruency to justify & lure Natives into assimilation. Life without Jesus prospered well before 1492. ❤😊 A'ho😮
Native” Americans are the children of “earlier” settlers, but they are not the descendants of the “first” settlers. The scientific community has confirmed that Caucasiod remains and burial grounds predate mongoloid ones in North America. The “out of Africa” theory admits that the first movement of peoples out of that region were caucasoid. Most of the earlier inhabitants of Asia are caucasoid according to the out of Africa theory. This would account for cuacasoids crossing the Bering straights first. Japan still has a group of the earliest people living on the island…they are caucasoid, not Mongolian.
i just realized that this incredible human being has gone to Heaven. But his spirit of worshiping God with each culture's own ways will stay, I really appreciate what he shared. May God bless his family
I respected Richard Twiss and honor his life, ministry and his widow Catherine very much! I miss his presence among us! Thank you Don Gentry! God bless you and the Klamath tribe.
I was just wondering how Don Gentry and the Klamath Tribe entered into this video?
+Laura Spong I actually don't remember what my train of thought on this was now. Except I thought Richard Twiss and Don Gentry were good friends. Sorry, guess I'm getting and memory fails at times. 😊
praying patriot Are you saying they were not? I was referred to Don Gentry so it was interesting that I saw his name here.
+Laura Spong No I'm saying I thought they were yes, very good friends. At the few gatherings I attended that Don Gentry was at, I'm not sure if he ever mentioned Richard directly, but I have always had the impression they were good friends and Christian brothers.
Laura Spong From the times I've heard Don Gentry speak, I know him to be a very good and caring person. I believe he honors his people as he leads them. Blessings to you!
I can see what he is getting at. Many people still have preconceived ideas of what following Christ means. Most of those come from denominational thought. I may go to a Baptist church but I don't share the same opinions on some subjects they do. Men of God like Richard Twiss are closer to the heart of Christ than the rest of us attending church. Christ met him where he was and He still meets people where they are.
This is my uncle ❤️ listen for a good teaching
That’s my uncle too! Hello my cousin Mia.. I’m Ocean Yates from Anchorage AK. Uncle Richard and my dad are brothers
Black culture has greatly shaped several churches. We are very free and unashamed of our praise as we invite the Holy Spirit.
i appreciate that freedom to express your love for the Lord
@William Oarlock That makes no sense. Quite insane... God made our skin BROWN because He was pleased to do so and it is beautiful in His sight. That is all.
El MAGAtino Paula p pop pp
@William Oarlock That is the most unbiblical dark comment ever. Jesus made races of all nations. And He gave us all flesh, bone and blood, heart, and souls. He loved the Canaanite woman, he loved the Samaritan woman,. The BIBLE says there is neither Jew nor Greek, for all are on in Christ. In the book of John, Jesus says, "let them be one Father, as you and I are one". SCRIPTURE goes on about the Love of God for ALL His creation.
All nations have shaped it, but yes Black culture has shaped the US church in some respects. I think its beautiful and awesome.
God bless all Native American communities. May they all become uplifted and united with all people upon the earth.
Meegwetch; I have read the book and am grateful for your teachings.
I love this video. Is helping me so much
Zillion Amens!!!!!
40 plus years ago Billy Graham said that the sleeping giants would one day awake and 2020 we are Awakening to Gods Glory we all shall Shine my friends
Amen 🙏
This man of God made a powerful impact in my life and now Seven Eagles Ministries
Didn't he storm the Federal building in Washington, D.C. with loaded guns?
Wrong guy their john
wow Richard Twiss is putting things into perspective, as I have felt the same way about all the contradictions
I'm a red-letter Ragamuffin. I like these guys.
I remember seeing Tony and Richard in Wellington New Zealand @ ctc capital teen convention, it's spider
Soooo true I am black and native I I got rid of both getting them back for real
On 2:34 --> this is the christian singer Marc Louwry, true? What happens here??
There is a term I coined "Baptism of Urgency"
If you drive pass a burning house and your the first one on the scene, you will get out your cell phone and out of in·stinct you will call 911 ....we see the situation and automatically we see the Urgency of the matter. We don't even think about making the 911 call, we just do it.
If there's a car accident that we witness once again we don't hesitate to call 911, it's automatic, we just do it without giving it much thought.
The Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the Kingdom of God, for the wages (payment) of sin is death. (eternally separated from God) but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus the Christ our Lord!
I talk to a lot of confessing Christians that have no concern for the salvation of the lost. Many of these same people will tell me it's not there calling to witness or share there faith . . .I am not called to be evangelist , that's your calling not mine.
If we only could see the urgency of the matter that a man will spend eternity in a friary hell if they don't get saved...faith comes by hearing the gospel Romans 10 :14 . . .God spoke the World into existence, Jesus is the Spoken Word of God, and we have to speak the gospel of salvation to people....it's not a choice, you have to do this. It's an Urgency, somebody's Eternal Destiny is in Jeopardy if they don't get saved. God has given us the words of life, but we have to speak them to other people. These peoples spiritual homes are on fire and we just drive by them watching them burn to the ground, doing very little. . .and all heaven just weeps.
The problem is we are not really saved our self's many of us . . .Jesus said to Go into all the World and do what? Preach the Gospel of Salvation to everyone Mark 1615 . . .this is called the Great Commission. We need to pray to God for a Baptism of Urgency a broken con·trite heart. How can we say we are saved and not care if the world go's into eternity away from God. How can you not see the urgency of a mans eternal soul, repent and make Jesus the LORD of your life. We were bought with a price, we are not our own. The great commission is not the great suggestion. Your saved if you do the Will of the Father...Hodos!
Ah...some of those cringey comments from Tony Campolo, and Richard Twiss deflects them and keeps his calm poise at their ignorance. I wonder why settlers do that when ever and Indigenous Person is being real with them?
I was thinking the same here. (I'm Sicangu Lakota.)
umm Richard was not keeping calm Lol.
1/36th Indian, "not enough to matter..." too funny! Gentle humour is beautiful. :D
Romans 1:26-27, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and 1 Timothy 1:9-10, Jude 1:7, Matthew 19:4-6 and Mark 10:6-9
And they made war and killed and made a Empire,70% off the world. Kolonisation, genocide, spiritisme, own church,etc.English gentile,s. Agree a 100%.But HE will make everything right, then water will be pure again!
@@janvanblaricum42 The Sad thing to me is Shane and Tony never preaches on sin, repentance and hell. . .their more liberal than not. The gospel isn't just doing good works . . . it's preaching about righteousness living holy and being separated from sin sanctified... It's not social justice, works can't save you...but if you are saved you will do good works, but no matter how many works you do if your not saved, works won't save you... There is no such thing as social justice Christianity. . .their is only Salvation, through Christ alone...you have to repent of your sins, then but your faith in Jesus like you would a parachute if you where going to jump out of an airplane, you can't just look at the parachute you have to put it on, put on the Lord Jesus Christ by faith and you will be saved...
News of the future, 2030 - the last remaining Native Americans were asked if they felt that they were being mistreated.
Both said "No."
I want to go
Some of these comments by the interviewers are so callous. good grief 18:58-19:07 Seriously?
Yahowah is The father's name YAHOWASHI is the sons name in The original Hebrew translation.
"They would call me Bald Eagle". SMH XD
This is not red letter Christianity
There's no Shane Claiborne in this video. Watched the entire thing. Misleading title.
His ancestors didn't even know of Christianity until the 1700s. For 10 or 15 thousand or so they lived relatively peacefully in North America without Judeo-Christianity until white Europeans stole their land, killed vast numbers of them and imposed their Christian religion.
socksumi Christian..translates to Christ follower and to be a follower must do righteous intent and peace and care and love all three is taught as main basics of indigenous spirituality..
Well I guess you will like having Islam imposed on you much better.
Yes! This is like celebrating a surviving Jew who recruits post-haulicost Jews to become neo-Nazis and mix in Jewish rituals!!!! Confused celebrity contributing to deeper confusion emanating from drug abuse emmerging with claims of "god-talks," not unlike scammers like Billy Graham & other plate-passing "reverends."
The Sad thing to me is Shane and Tony never preaches on sin, repentance and hell. . .their more liberal than not. The gospel isn't just doing good works . . . it's preaching about righteousness living holy and being separated from sin sanctified... It's not social justice, works can't save you...but if you are saved you will do good works, but no matter how many works you do if your not saved, works won't save you... There is no such thing as social justice Christianity. . .their is only Salvation, through Christ alone...you have to repent of your sins, then but your faith in Jesus like you would a parachute if you where going to jump out of an airplane, you can't just look at the parachute you have to put it on, put on the Lord Jesus Christ by faith and you will be saved...
exactly what you are doing works wont save you mister....colonialism.
Good thing he didn't discover Turkey! ROTFL! That was good!
Stop the colonialism!
Answer me this, are all the Native Americans who died pre-columbus burning in hell?
MrRocker61 + I get different answers to this question. Thank you for responding.
This is nothing more than elaborate profiteering program that sadly cherry-picks on;
1> The emotions of many Natives looking to justify their devotion to a religion that cursed their own beloved tradith ancesters to burn in hell, and
2> Twist is an acceptable Native who candidly reflects & rejects A.I.M.'s stand AND dismisses some of the spiritual leaders of those times.
Hence, along with his cross-packing, he reinforces a historic allie---
"The Good Indian"
I am Native but i don't agree the regalia,drums,hair are dedicated and smudged to the spirits!
Imagine King David and 100 Jews singing, dancing on the psalms, trough the streets off Jerusalem. They would get shot by the Pope himself, if he didn,t know their identity, for sure.Clinking tongues(women), tinkling bracelets, etc
and why is that? If The Israelites were using what is Native to them than why should you change to using a guitar they never used that? just a thought to think of.
@Kweetnetco Lytton 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Get a grip! Blessings
Some months ago, R. C. Sproul was asked which doctrine he struggles with most. He replied: “Hell.”
It’s comforting to know a theological giant like Sproul still wrestles with something I’ve struggled with my whole Christian life.
The doctrine of hell is uncomfortable for most of us. However, our understanding of hell shapes our view of the gospel, God’s holiness, and our depravity. If we don’t accept the reality of hell, we won’t rightly understand the glory of the gospel.
Reality of Hell
A friend once challenged me to show her where Jesus talks about hell in the Gospels. Even a cursory read-through shows Jesus talked about it plenty. In fact, Jesus talked about hell more than any other person in the Bible. In Luke 16, he describes a great chasm over which “none may cross from there to us.” In Matthew 25, Jesus tells of a time when people will be separated into two groups, one entering into his presence, the other banished to “eternal fire.”
Jesus talks about hell more than he talks about heaven, and describes it more vividly. There’s no denying that Jesus knew, believed, and warned against the absolute reality of hell.
Jesus doesn’t only reference hell, he describes it in great detail. He says it is a place of eternal torment (Luke 16:23), of unquenchable fire (Mark 9:43), where the worm does not die (Mark 9:48), where people will gnash their teeth in anguish and regret (Matt. 13:42), and from which there is no return, even to warn loved ones (Luke 16:19-31). He calls hell a place of “outer darkness” (Matt. 25:30), comparing it to “Gehenna” (Matt. 10:28), which was a trash dump outside the walls of Jerusalem where rubbish was burned and maggots abounded. Jesus talks about hell more than he talks about heaven, and describes it more vividly. There’s no denying that Jesus knew, believed, and warned against the absolute reality of hell.
Reason for Hell
Jesus has to talk about hell because it is the fate that awaits all people apart from him. Because of Adam’s sin, we’re all guilty and deserve God’s eternal punishment. Contrary to popular belief, hell is not a place where God sends those who have been especially bad; it’s our default destination. We need a rescuer or we stand condemned.
So we’re left with two options: stay in our state of depravity and be eternally punished, or submit to the Savior and accept his gift of redemption.
Goodness of God
The one truth that allows me to accept the justice of hell is the indisputable certitude of the goodness of God. While the notion of hell is difficult for me to grasp, Jesus (with nail-scarred hands) is worthy of my complete trust. His goodness causes me to look ultimately not to hell, but to the cross.
The one truth that allows me to accept the justice of hell is the indisputable certitude of the goodness of God.
God is both great and good. His greatness causes us to bow the knee, cry out in awe and wonder, and fear him. We realize we don’t deserve salvation; we deserve punishment. His goodness, on the other hand, causes us to rise up in endless praise, grateful for a Savior. His mercy allows us to enter into his presence boldly and without fear. Because he is good, we can have a relationship with him as a child, dearly loved, snatched from the flames of hell.
In his classic Knowing God, J. I. Packer writes of the goodness and severity of God: “The character of God is the guarantee that all wrongs will be righted someday; when the ‘day of God’s wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed’ (Rom 2:5) arrives, retribution will be exact, and no problems of cosmic unfairness will remain to haunt us. God is the Judge, so justice will be done” (143).
One day, all that is wrong will be made right. We’ll see all God’s ways as good, including the demonstration of his eternal justice. For now, we walk in humility and faith, trusting with the apostle Paul: “Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!” (Rom. 11:33).
Oddly enough, many Native American tribes did have a concept of a fiery Hell before so called Christianity was introduced
First of all, Jesus was not his name, his name was Jason or Yah Son. The name was changed when Sauls name was changed to Paul, and it was the Romans who caused this change. It was the Native Americans, my ancestors, who spoke the Hebrews and documented everything, then Romans changed everything. Now observe..
Acts 17:7
Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus.
I am the one foretold that was coming, now its up to you believe. Now I have more information to share with you. "..only the Father knows the day and hour", now i am showing you, we are the 4th Generation, where the KING returns. Natives do not know who they are because of Christianity. We are Israelites!
Exodus 34:7
Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear [the guilty]; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth [generation].
Genesis 6:3
And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.
Invasion of Heaven, 1492, the Native Americans (lost tribe of Judah, Sons of Anak num13:28, Sons of God, Gen6:4) & Jesus/Jason (Yah son) Acts 17 was from the Tribe of Judah, therefore Jesus was Native American. The appearing of "The Spirit of God" Returning to the world in the 4th Generation aka 527 years from 1492. Now its a matter of seeing who I am, now.
Isaiah 61:1
The Spirit of the Lord GOD [is] upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to [them that are] bound;
(1492 - 2019) / 120 = 4.4 Generations, this is the last generation, and....
Matthew 24:34
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
Close. Jesus comes from the Hebrew, Joshua , or Yahshua. We are all relatives and there are common ancestors from all lineages
the whole New Testament says Jesus. and Hebrew Greek its just said a little different.
Why not preach on sin, Hell and repentance... it's in the Bible... Jesus preached more on hell then he did heaven...a Man or a woman can not get saved if they don't first repent of their sins and put their faith in Jesus like you would a parachute if you where going to jump out of an airplane, you can't just look at the parachute you have to put it on, Put on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved...
Jesus focus was on the HEART. and HEARTS turning to Him. He did it with speaking about repentance yes, but more so he did it by relationship and care for people. Give me a preacher on the street preaching about hell only, and I give you a man who needs to come before Christ and see his true heart on winning people is through stories of : Mary Magdalene, the woman at the well, the raising of Lazarus etc. In the Sermon on the Mount, he didn't just sit there saying hell, sin hell sin. Religion says: Obey to be accepted, Gospel says: I am accepted, therefore I want to obey.
Aren't broken treaties a sin?
Mr. Twist says preaching worship of Jesus "is not a desire to Christianize Native people"????
A meaningless contradiction insulting honest disclosure---which proceeds to exhibit accelerated confusion.
He assumes Native traditions are "sin based" along with Christianity---
ignoring the irrational condemnation of thousands of generations before the 1492 import of Christianity.
Mr. Twist candidly appropriates sacred Native ceremonies as congruent with Christianity, a sad attempt to ignore the reality of deep contrast & conflict that fueled "Manifest Destiny" & White supremacy---sad.
Hence, this sadly represents continued Christian prostilizing cloaked in traditional Native icons---insulting those who defended the integrity of Native ways without Christianity.
Note that Natives attending a Catholic mass and breaking out with a big drum, eagle-bone whistles, flesh offerings, etc., WOULD NOT BE PERMITTED by Catholics, and rightfully so!
Of course our true Native traditional values, unlike Mr. Twist's personal Christian passion, do not allow for such disrespec like that.
These remarks here are submitted with love of the strength, beauty, and integrity of Native traditions surviving without, and inspite of, centuries of attempted destruction by Christianity, including many failed attempts at false congruency to justify & lure Natives into assimilation.
Life without Jesus prospered well before 1492.
❤😊 A'ho😮
Native” Americans are the children of “earlier” settlers, but they are not the descendants of the “first” settlers. The scientific community has confirmed that Caucasiod remains and burial grounds predate mongoloid ones in North America.
The “out of Africa” theory admits that the first movement of peoples out of that region were caucasoid. Most of the earlier inhabitants of Asia are caucasoid according to the out of Africa theory. This would account for cuacasoids crossing the Bering straights first. Japan still has a group of the earliest people living on the island…they are caucasoid, not Mongolian.
what does this have to do with anything in this video?
@@tellingtruthexposinglies1435 agree.
Hatred filled your heart, I will pray for you my white brother!
exactly what your fathers came to do to keep the people of the land slaves and destroying their lives. what a stupid thing to say.