Thank You 13 grandmothers for your colletive showing of the strength of ones heart , The bonds the tie our people together and let us see and respect each other are of vital importance in our world today on many levels. I have deep respect for the work you have all done.
Radiant Blessings to You Minouche for your tender vision of the 'Grandmothers.' I weep openly for its beauty...and feel the vibration of the Grandmothers Sacred Energies pouring out of your art and the beautiful voice of Christine. May you be richly blessed! May the Grandmother's Vision be richly blessed! May Christine be richly blessed! I'm going to do my best to purchase this so I can hear it every day. Mitakuye Oyasin Akasa
Thank You 13 grandmothers for your colletive showing of the strength of ones heart ,
The bonds the tie our people together and let us see and respect each other are of
vital importance in our world today on many levels. I have deep respect for the work
you have all done.
Radiant Blessings to You Minouche for your tender vision of the 'Grandmothers.'
I weep openly for its beauty...and feel the vibration of the Grandmothers Sacred
Energies pouring out of your art and the beautiful voice of Christine. May you
be richly blessed! May the Grandmother's Vision be richly blessed! May Christine
be richly blessed!
I'm going to do my best to purchase this so I can hear it every day.
Mitakuye Oyasin
Thank you 13 Grandmothers,I Love you💗🌹😄