Let's see, smoking was much more available publicly and in stores and restaurants. You could speak your mind without a pack of snowflakes, and woke people getting butt hurt.
The only thing we have now that I'd miss if I time traveled into the 70s or 80s is the internet. Other than that it was better back then and far more free. As another poster said, no snowflakes and people that get their feelings hurt if you don't use the proper pronoun. And a whole lot of other bad social changes like lack of manners.
getting whacked on Quaaludes or peyote cactus...or drinking under 21 (in certain states)
Let's see, smoking was much more available publicly and in stores and restaurants. You could speak your mind without a pack of snowflakes, and woke people getting butt hurt.
The only thing we have now that I'd miss if I time traveled into the 70s or 80s is the internet. Other than that it was better back then and far more free. As another poster said, no snowflakes and people that get their feelings hurt if you don't use the proper pronoun. And a whole lot of other bad social changes like lack of manners.